Fasting day on wheat cereal. Diet - fasting days

You can’t constantly eat heavy food, because then our body simply won’t “unload.” Fatty meat, lard, fried, salted and smoked - we immediately remove it, because the body already gets plenty of it. You need complex carbohydrates. For reference: complex (slow) carbohydrates are carbohydrates that take a long time to “dissolve” in the stomach, thereby releasing their energy value gradually and saturating the body for a long time. This includes porridge, durum wheat pasta and some other products.

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Let's focus on porridge. Which one to choose? Among all, oatmeal and. They are similar in their effect - they are easy on the stomach and perfectly restore it. Much has already been said about oatmeal, but it seems that everyone has forgotten millet oatmeal, and for good reason! In addition to the fact that it is inexpensive, the advantages include a large selection of dishes to prepare. We must not forget about the rich and varied taste!

Other cereals are not quite suitable for us. Rice, for example, is somewhat heavier and is not able to remove waste and toxins. Yes, you all know about rice, as well as about buckwheat and barley, but millet is stubbornly ignored.

Millet porridge is useful in that it improves the condition of the body by cleansing the gastrointestinal tract of toxins, improves skin and figure, and has a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, in particular a high content of vitamin B.

Porridge has the property lipotropics are supplements that increase the rate of metabolic processes during which fats are broken down.

Eating millet porridge significantly improves your figure, the condition of your intestines and stomach, which is exactly what we are trying to achieve.

But this does not mean that millet porridge can be eaten in kilograms! You need to eat little and often. Typical - 4 meals of 150 - 200 grams per day of the finished product. In no case should you immediately, after 6 days of excessive food consumption, start eating only porridge. It's harmful and tasteless too.

For a cheat meal to be productive and effective, you need to prepare for it in advance. Let's say you work in an office. You don’t have the time, opportunity or desire to eat millet porridge at work. It’s no wonder, you want to “catch” something fatty and quick. Then we postpone the unloading for the weekend. If you have a five-day work week, then Sunday is best.

On Saturday, you prepare your body for cleansing - you eat less than usual, 500 calories. You reduce the amount of fatty and spicy foods, thereby “hardening” yourself to stress. Being a little prepared, the stomach will not suffer so much from an unusual diet. It is advisable to eat a little less on Friday, but this is already optional.

So let's start with Monday. Let's say you are a man weighing 80 kg. Calories are calculated as follows: 30 kcal per kilogram of weight. We get 80*30=2400 kcal. This figure is caloric intake, which does not affect you at all. On this day we eat as usual, but we fit into this figure.

On Tuesday we eat 100 kcal less calories. And so every day, until Saturday, we reduce it by 50-100 kcal.

Examples of diets

On Sunday we unload the body, adhering to the following menu:

  • Breakfast: 150 grams of porridge with milk (preferably not fat). Add salt and sugar to taste. For the first time, it is allowed to add nuts or berries;
  • Second breakfast: 150 grams of porridge with milk, but without nuts;
  • Lunch: 150 grams of porridge with water. As you understand, breakfast is the heartiest of all. It should saturate and invigorate you as much as possible in the morning;
  • Dinner: 100 grams of water, dinner should be light, but it is quite acceptable to add a few berries so as not to go to bed with an empty stomach.

At least three but no more than four hours should pass between all meals. When you get used to this regime, and this is about a month or a month and a half, we switch to the hard regime. Everything is the same, but we completely remove the nuts and berries, and leave the milk only for breakfast. And we also have an excellent nutrition program for people who can count calories and monitor their nutrition.
And here’s the situation: You work not in an office, but in a factory or any other handmade. You don’t have time to calculate all these grams, meals and the like. There is an option for you too. It is not so good, it is easy, but since you work hard work, then you are not afraid of difficulties.

On a free day, before eating, you need to drink 500 grams of water. This is generally quite useful and a good idea to take into account. After this, eat 200 grams of oatmeal with milk and honey. And so on throughout the day, removing 50-25 grams of porridge each meal. What is the complexity and fundamental difference of this method? It is higher in calories and uses the cascade principle. The calorie content allows you to keep your mind sober and not die of hunger, since honey is high in calories, and the cascade principle allows you to cleanse and surprise the stomach.

Over time, when you eat in this mode for quite a long time, the effect of lightness and airiness will disappear. The body adapts to stress (stress in a good sense) and ignores manipulations with it. Then you need to surprise him.

After three months, when you have already gotten used to it, you need to load up on the day you unloaded. Eat what you get the least of. A little sweet, eggs, meat (you can even fatty meat, but not much) and butter. You need to live in this mode for two weeks, maybe three. After this, the lightness effect will appear again.

This is very interesting. IN modern world, the stomach is the most suffering organ of all and most do not pay attention to its cries for help. This lifestyle leads to extremely unpleasant consequences and large bills from doctors. Take care of yourself and your health.

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Many of them are complex long-term diets that involve strict restrictions and therefore, as a rule, do not give good results. Therefore, many resort to so-called fasting days, which are quite easy to maintain and help maintain shape. There are many variations for fasting, so in any case you need to choose the most effective fasting day for losing weight in your case, and strictly adhere to it.

The best fasting days for weight loss: what are they and how are they useful?

Effective fasting days involve eating only a certain set of foods. Usually daily menu consists of one or two components that are easy for the body. They are not fasting, since only a complete absence of food can be considered fasting. The best unloading days for losing weight are useful for the following:

  • Helps fight excess weight, especially during periods known as "plateau" when, at a certain period, the weight stops at a certain number and stops decreasing.
  • Contribute to cleansing the body, derivation from it.
  • Give to the body rest from the need to constantly digest many different foods.
  • Provides training opportunity willpower, but despite this it is quite easy to withstand them.

When is the best time to unload?

In order for the result of a fasting day to be as positive as possible, you need to prepare for it. In many ways psychological attitude is important, since with various diets the restrictions themselves are usually not as difficult as the fear of them.

The best time for a fasting day should be planned in advance. It is advisable that on this day you do not expose yourself to strong psychological and physical activity. The day should be relatively calm. Therefore, it is worth arranging unloading on the weekend or, for example, during vacation.

Try not to cook anything for your family on this day, as you may be tempted to try the food.

The best fasting day for weight loss: what to choose?

In the question of which fasting day is the most effective, a lot is determined personal preferences of a person, since the options are approximately the same in efficiency. However, they can vary significantly in how easy they are to endure. So, it is usually difficult to last a whole day purely on liquids or low-calorie vegetables. But protein days or days on porridge can be simpler.

Experts often insist that the best fasting day should combine two groups of foods of the same type. As for the most popular ingredients for fasting days, these are kefir, cottage cheese, apples, lean meat, and cereals. There are many options, but we will consider the most popular, and, accordingly, the best fasting days in terms of efficiency, including kefir, apple and protein unloading.

Fasting day on kefir

Many people believe that the most effective fasting day is a day on kefir. This option receives numerous good feedback, since kefir unloading is effective and safe. Plus, it helps not only to lose steam extra pounds, but also cleanse the body thoroughly. Advantage this method the fact that it allows the body to tune in to shedding pounds without severe stress.

The reason that many people believe that kefir day is the best fasting day for weight loss is because of the benefits of the product. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, it acts like a broom, eliminating all waste and toxins, as well as relieving the intestines of heaviness that appears due to regular consumption of heavy foods. You can resort to such a one-day fasting once every 2-3 weeks. This will be enough for the body to get rid of extra pounds and always be in shape and tone.

Such a fasting day will help you get rid of 1-2 kg.

Reviews often confirm that kefir is the most effective fasting day for weight loss. Unloading with the use of this product can be different: it is combined with other fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables, cereals, and so on. But we will consider the classic version, based only on kefir.


Having decided which fasting day is the most effective for weight loss, and having settled on kefir, purchase about one and a half liters of product.

Experts advise preparing the body for unloading in advance by having dinner as lightly as possible the night before.

You can use different versions of kefir, both a low-fat pure drink and kefir, equipped with fruit filling. Can be combined different types kefir - this will make unloading easier for you. The fasting day scheme itself suggests the following approximate menu:

  • Around 9 am, drink a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • At 12 noon, drink a glass of bio-kefir.
  • 15:00 – Treat yourself to a glass of fruit kefir.
  • 18.00 – try a glass of biokefir.
  • 21.00 – let your dinner be a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Before going to bed, you can also drink a glass of kefir of any kind.

Thus, the daily menu will include about 1.5 liters of kefir. Please note that it is necessary to strictly endure this day exclusively on a fermented milk drink, avoiding the temptation to snack. Therefore, it is better to choose a day for unloading that will not be very stressful emotionally and physically. Despite the fact that the fasting will be drinking, you will still feel thirsty, so you can drink pure water in unlimited quantities. It should be without gas and without additives.

Not everyone can adhere to such an unloading. Among contraindications intolerance to dairy products, gastritis, ulcers, pregnancy and lactation.

Fasting day on apples

Also effective fasting days for weight loss are days on apples. Apple is one of the healthiest fruits. Regular use of it helps to increase the number of bacteria in the intestines, which prevent rotting processes and improve the process of digestion of food. This is already considered beautiful prevention of excess weight, therefore, when asked what is the best way to do a fasting day, many people prefer an apple.

This wonderful fruit contains antioxidants, as well as almost all the vitamins and minerals that a person needs. Eating apples is a wonderful prevention of numerous health problems.

Apples help strengthen the immune system, relieve digestive problems, normalize cholesterol levels, and have an antitumor effect. In addition, it is a prevention of hypertension, atherosclerosis, and a way to improve metabolism. This option is especially useful because it suffers from chronic problems with the heart, liver, kidneys, muscles and joints.

A fasting day on apples will help you lose up to one and a half kilograms.


Apples for a fasting day can be supplemented with other components. But in the classic version, the daily menu will include only these fruits up to two kilograms, as well as water and green tea. It is better to choose unsweetened apples and divide them into six parts, which should be consumed throughout the day. approximately three hours apart. You can diversify your detox by eating some baked apples - this dessert is very tasty and healthy.

Worth caution for stomach ulcers or gastritis with high acidity. In this case, you will have to forget about sour apple varieties. Such fasting days are also contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the product, kidney disease, liver disease in acute stages.

Even in the absence of contraindications, experts do not recommend resorting to such a detox more often than once a week. The optimal frequency is once every 10 days. During pregnancy and lactation, experimenting with weight loss is also undesirable.

Protein fasting days for weight loss

When choosing which fasting day is best suited in your case, you can pay attention to protein options. Proteins have the ability to saturate well and allow for a long time forget about feeling hungry. At the same time, the body spends a lot of energy on their digestion, due to which weight loss occurs. This unloading helps the body speed up metabolism. Protein products are also saturated with useful microelements. In addition, protein itself is a necessary substance, and in particular for those who are losing weight, since it allows you to save muscle mass and burn fat, not muscle.


The most popular components used better days fasting day on proteins - this is cottage cheese or boiled chicken.

  • If we are talking about cottage cheese fasting day, you need to take half a kilo of low-fat cottage cheese and divide it into five meals. You are allowed to drink cottage cheese with unsweetened tea. You can't add sugar or honey. There is also an unloading option, where it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir with each intake of cottage cheese.
  • Fasting day on boiled chicken- Very useful option, since it refers to those products that go exclusively into the muscles. Needs to be boiled 350 grams of meat and divide it into four parts. It is allowed to eat meat with a small amount of greens.

Weight loss on a protein fasting day can reach one and a half kilograms.

Please also consider the available contraindications. Such fasting days are not recommended for those who suffer from diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver and kidneys. Pregnant and lactating women should also not cleanse the body using this method.

Having decided which option is best for a fasting day, you must remember elementary rules, which will help you get only benefit from unloading, and not harm. These tips apply to any fasting day:

  • Do not have fasting days more than once a week, otherwise the body may suffer from a lack of nutritional components.
  • On the chosen day, try to avoid active exercise.
  • The amount of food will be determined by the specific option, but generally the amount of food consumed per day should not exceed two kilograms.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Having finished unloading, do not rush to immediately overeat a huge amount of heavy food. Otherwise, it will be too much of a shock for the body.

Be sure to take into account existing contraindications. In any case, a preliminary consultation with a specialist will not be superfluous.

Rules for fasting days in an educational video

Any body periodically requires unloading. And it doesn’t matter what kind of figure you have, whether you need to lose a couple of extra pounds, or whether you have an ideal figure and excellent health - cleansing the body will benefit everyone. Fasting days on cereals have worked well in this regard. They need to be done regularly once a week.

With regular fasting days, their benefits are quickly noticeable:

Gently, without strict restrictions, waste and toxins are removed from the body;
the stomach and intestines receive the rest they deserve and need;
0.5-1 kg is completely unnoticed;
developing the right approach to organizing your nutrition,
fasting days discipline, teach you to treat your diet thoughtfully;
fasting days are an excellent prevention of gastrointestinal diseases.

Most fasting menus are thought out by professional nutritionists, and no matter how strange “extreme” fat or carbohydrate fasting may seem, they are based on a scientific approach. But ordinary people do not remain aloof from creating fasting options, showing miracles of ingenuity in their quest to lose weight. There are many options for fasting, among which fasting days on porridge occupy a special place. In addition to their main purpose, such fasting improves digestion and can be used as a therapeutic food.

Unloading on oatmeal

For a fasting day, cook thin oatmeal in water, more like jelly. You need to eat 700 g of oatmeal during the day, divided into 5 meals. Drink 1 - 1.5 liters of liquid. Separate eating and drinking; you should drink half an hour after eating. Oatmeal not only cleanses the body well, but is also a wonderful dietary product and a balm for a tired stomach. Porridge should be cooked without oil and without salt.

Buckwheat is an ideal porridge for unloading

And buckwheat porridge not only allows you to get rid of an extra 2-3 kg, but also improves immunity and the condition of your facial skin. For a fasting day, you need to know how to cook buckwheat correctly: you need to boil a glass of buckwheat in a liter of water, do not add oil and salt, divide into portions, eat in 5-6 portions. To enhance the effect, you can drink 1 liter of low-fat kefir during the day. You need to drink about 1.5 liters of liquid per day - green tea, compote, mineral water. It is better to cook porridge the day before unloading, in the evening.

Fasting day on rice

Fasting days on rice are often used in treatment various diseases, for intoxication, dyspepsia, food poisoning. To restore the potassium balance on days of rice fasting, you need to eat foods rich in potassium: dried apricots, raisins, figs. Rice porridge or rice broth is divided into 5 doses; you can use dried fruit compote, raisin broth, and mineral water as a drink. Just like rice, millet porridge is also consumed.

Among all the problems of modern humanity, the problem of excess weight has found its place. There are more and more people suffering from this disease, and the reasons for this are obvious - poor nutrition. How to normalize your weight without consequences and maintain the desired result? Here nature has already taken care of us and given us a huge amount of unique, healthy cereals, semi-cereals, legumes... They will help you get rid of excess weight, cleanse and strengthen the body.

Porridge - universal tool for weight loss. What miraculous properties determine its benefits?

  1. Satisfaction. Cereals contain complex carbohydrates, which long time provide our body with work. A lot of time and effort is spent on their assimilation, which is why the feeling of fullness lasts for a long time.
  2. Nutritional value. Each cereal is rich in vitamins and microelements that are so necessary for our body. Cereals can provide us with almost a daily dose useful substances. And this is the best prevention of the so-called gluttony. Often our body, not receiving enough useful components, gives us a signal about their shortcomings and demands to compensate for it. Then the “zhor” attacks; the person begins to eat a lot and everything, but often necessary vitamins never gets it, but it’s easy to gain extra pounds.
  3. Low fat content. Cereals consist of large quantity carbohydrates and proteins, but the fat content in them is insignificant. This means that porridge is a low-calorie dish.
  4. Detox product. Porridges have an excellent cleansing effect. Removes toxins and wastes stagnant in the intestines from the body. Gently and carefully cleanses the gastrointestinal tract.

List beneficial features You can go on for a long time, but even after getting acquainted with the main ones, it already becomes clear that consuming cereals is simply necessary.

How to lose weight with cereals

In order to normalize your weight, you don’t have to torture yourself with strict diets. In this case, it is much more advisable to use cereals. There are several options for using them. The simplest, but perhaps not the most effective, is to simply replace potatoes, pasta, morning sandwiches healthy cereals. This method is for those who want to get rid of 1-2 extra pounds per month, strengthen and heal the body.

The second option is a cereal diet. Suitable for those who are committed to more radical weight loss. It involves eating exclusively cereals, in combination with vegetables, herbs and fruits. Unlike the previous option, the cereal diet is designed for a specific period from 3 to 5 days to two weeks.

The third option is a fasting day. This option will also bear fruit, but subject to regularity. The essence of this method is to give your body a rest 1 day a week and direct its energy towards cleansing. On this day you can eat only a certain porridge and nothing else. This option can also be used with normal body weight, simply as a general health procedure.

How to spend fasting days

To get rid of accumulated kilograms, it is important that the gastrointestinal tract works smoothly. cleanse and improve the digestive system. It is most effective to unload on cereals, because cereals contain a lot of fiber, which serves as a “broom” for our intestines.

General rules for fasting days

To make the most of your day, avoid heavy food for dinner, before fasting, and for breakfast after it. At this time, exclude fatty foods, fried foods, and alcohol. Drink a lot of water, it will help. On a fasting day, consume the suggested foods often, 5-6 times a day, in small portions.

What cereals are suitable for unloading

By and large, any grains can be used for unloading, except, perhaps, polished rice, since white rice is cleared of the cut part and has little benefit. The leadership among cereals for unloading is divided into two: buckwheat and oatmeal.

Buckwheat is rich in iron and is easily digestible. Oatmeal contains vitamin E and B vitamins, and is also rich in fiber.

Also, these cereals have a pleasant taste, they are easy to eat without adding spices and oil, which is important when losing weight.

If you want a strict fasting day, then you can’t add anything to the finished dish (salt, sugar, butter), but if at first it’s hard for you to eat such food, add a little salt, preferably sea salt, and just a little vegetable oil, it is better to use olive or flaxseed.

If you are using oatmeal, then be sure to take the one that requires cooking, flakes instant cooking, contains less fiber. Cook 300 gr. oatmeal and divide it into 5-6 equal portions, consume throughout the day.

For a fasting day, you don’t need to cook buckwheat at all; it would be better to soak it overnight. In the evening, pour 300 grams of buckwheat clean water, wrap it up and leave it until the morning. It will swell and become soft. Also divide it into 5-6 equal portions and enjoy.

When carried out correctly fasting days you can lose up to 2 kg per month. If you find it easy to unload, you can spend such days 2 times a week.

Cooking rules

There are several general rules, in order to properly cook the cereal:

  1. Cook porridge in water. Those cooked with milk are not suitable for weight loss; they are high in fat.
  2. It is important not to overcook. Boiled cereal will not be beneficial, since the fiber and vitamins in it are destroyed. It’s better not to cook the cereal a little. You don’t have to boil it at all, bring it to a boil and leave it to steep under the lid.
  3. Add oil. Be sure to add a few drops of vegetable oil to the finished dish; it will not cause harm, but will help the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
  4. Less salt, more benefits. The best option, is to cook porridge without salt, this promotes weight loss by removing excess fluid from the body.
  5. In order to cook cereals, first soak them in clean cold water for 2-3 hours, then send it to the stove.

The weight loss process will become more effective if you do not just introduce cereal dishes into your diet, but exclude them from it bakery products, sugar, fatty meats, and starchy vegetables.

Replace these stop products with fresh vegetables, fruits, and add more greens to your menu.

What grains are used for weight loss

In addition to the above-mentioned buckwheat and oatmeal, other cereals are also effective for weight loss:

  1. Wheat groats. Wheat is perhaps the lowest calorie grain. It removes fat from the body well, reduces cholesterol levels, normalizes blood flow in the body, promoting weight loss. It is better to eat wheat porridge in the first half of the day, as it contains a lot of coarse fibers. As a nice bonus, when you consume wheat, you will get healthy and strong hair and nails. You need to cook it in a ratio of 1/3 with water for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Barley. Excellent breakfast - barley porridge. This is a whole storehouse of vitamins and microelements. Contains potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Barley groats speed up metabolism, reducing weight. It is better to eat it for breakfast, as it will keep you full for a long time. Barley porridge lowers blood sugar levels and gently solves digestive problems such as constipation or diarrhea.
  3. Millet. According to its characteristics, millet groats are similar to wheat. Normalizes fat levels, rich in vitamins B, E and PP, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Millet is used for. If you use only it, then for short term you can lose up to 5 kg. If you dilute your diet with other foods, you will lose weight over a longer period of time.
  4. Corn grits. Another miracle cereal that promotes weight loss. In addition to a large amount of fiber and nutrients, corn porridge binds and removes free radicals from the body, promoting rejuvenation. Corn grits gently reduce weight. You need to cook it carefully, because it often burns, and cook longer than others, 15-20 minutes. Corn porridge is also great for breakfast.
  5. Pearl barley. It is also effective for those losing weight; in one day of the pearl barley diet you can lose 1 kg, and in a week up to 4 kg. Barley is not inferior in fiber content, it lowers cholesterol and promotes gentle bowel movements. Keep in mind that when cooked, pearl barley porridge greatly increases in volume, 4-5 times. You need to cook it for about an hour.

Pearl barley is a grain that is suitable for a late dinner and will cleanse your body overnight.
In addition to pearl barley, buckwheat is good for dinner; it is easily digestible and satisfies the appetite.

It should be remembered that semolina is the least suitable for diets, it has little coarse fiber, it is quickly absorbed and does not give satiety. It is more often used in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cereal diets

All cereal diets can be divided into 3 types:

  • Mono-diet on cereals.
  • Classic.
  • Combined cereal.

Mono-diet involves eating only one type of porridge. You can observe it for no more than three days, otherwise a deficiency of certain substances may occur. In 3 days you can lose 4 - 5 extra pounds.

The most popular mono-diets are based on corn, buckwheat and oatmeal.

The menu is simple. Soak 1 glass of cereal in the evening, put it in a thermos for second courses in the morning, pour boiling water over it, do not add salt, and leave to infuse. In an hour the dish is ready. Divide into 4-5 servings and eat throughout the day.

Classic diet. There are a lot of variations here. This is the method where porridges are supplemented with other products. This diet can be strict or not strict.

Most Popular:

  1. Buckwheat diet.(Strict). For 10-14 days, only buckwheat is eaten 4 times a day. You can also drink up to 1 liter of 1% kefir. In two weeks of eating this way you can lose 6-8 kg.
  2. Oatmeal. This diet is less strict. Oatmeal is combined with fruit here. Sample menu for the day:
    • Breakfast: A serving of oatmeal.
    • Second breakfast: 100 grams of any fruit or berries, except banana and grapes.
    • Lunch: = breakfast.
    • Afternoon snack: Any fruit.
    • Dinner: 12 morning servings of oatmeal.
    • Second dinner (no later than 3 hours before bedtime): low-fat kefir.
  3. ). This option is the most loyal. This diet will improve and strengthen the digestive and immune systems. It is designed for 7 days, during which you will lose up to 3 extra pounds. Approximate menu for the day:
    • Breakfast: barley porridge cooked in water, low-fat kefir, or 1 banana.
    • Lunch: Porridge, plate vegetarian soup, and a salad of fresh, seasonal vegetables.
    • Afternoon snack: any fruit (except banana).
    • Dinner: = breakfast, but without banana.

Combined cereal diets. Several types of cereals are combined here. This diet is selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the body. Here is one example.

Diet - seven days. Throughout the week, each day has its own cereal: wheat, millet, oatmeal, rice, barley, pearl barley. Throughout the day, you can only eat appropriate porridge and drink unlimited amounts of water. The last day is the exit, prepare a dish from a mixture of all cereals in equal parts, and eat it during the day. This diet is quite strict, but it brings the expected results. Weight loss up to 7 kg.

How to save your results

There is an opinion that losing weight is not difficult, but it is difficult not to gain back the lost kilograms after a diet. And it is true.

  1. The right way out. It is very important to exit the diet correctly. Don't load up on food. Introduce familiar foods gradually into your diet. For at least a week after the diet, you should refrain from fried, fatty, flour, and sweet foods, and it is better to avoid these foods in the future.
  2. Regular cleansing of the body. Even though the diet is over, you still need to periodically carry out fasting days.
  3. Drink more water. Water will speed up your metabolism and allow you to maintain the results of your efforts.
  4. Love yourself and smile more. Remember that a positive attitude and self-confidence will increase the effect of any diet. Change, improve, and know that you are always beautiful!
  1. Before deciding to go on a long-term cereal diet, consult a specialist doctor.
  2. Start the weight loss process with a thorough cleansing of the body (do it, or fast for 1-2 days).
  3. Don't deny yourself small pleasures. If you feel that you are having a hard time and you might break down, supplement your diet with your favorite fruits. Even if this slows down your weight loss process, it will help you avoid relapses.
  4. Motivate yourself. Losing excess weight will be much easier if you motivate yourself correctly. Buy a beautiful thing that is too small for you. Isn't this an incentive?
  5. Love yourself, no matter what shape you are in. Only from adequate self-love is the desire for change born.

In the article you will find answers to all questions about fasting days: rules and frequency of them, benefits and harms, results and reviews, options for fasting days.

Thoughts about fasting days most often arise after severe overeating. Usually this is a festive feast, where it is impossible not to try all sorts of delicacies. Periodic practice of fasting days will help solve many problems of the body, keep weight in place and even lose a few extra pounds.

The benefits of fasting days

During a holiday meal, a person eats more than he needs, thereby overloading the gastrointestinal tract. Eating too much food causes toxins and waste to accumulate in the body, which in turn clog the cells and prevent the body from functioning normally. It is because of toxins and waste, as well as problems with the digestive system, that many people cannot lose weight.

Fasting days are a powerful tool for cleansing the body. After a gala dinner, they help not to gain excess fat and remove the breakdown products of the food eaten from the body. And if you practice such days regularly, you can get rid of a couple of extra pounds. Unloading the body returns work to normal digestive system, which is an important factor for further weight loss.

IMPORTANT: During fasting days, the body does not break down fat. Weight loss occurs due to the release of stagnant fluid, slag accumulations and other debris.

Rules for fasting days

  • Organize cleansing days no more than 1-2 times a week. Long-term adherence to their meager diet will negatively affect metabolism, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and, as a result, will only lead to excess weight gain
  • A fasting day is not a fasting day. Eat small, frequent meals to avoid feeling hungry
  • Drink 1.5-3 liters of regular drinking water per day
  • Put less physical strain on yourself. Postpone training and hard physical work until the days when energy value your menu will be higher
  • Before the fasting day and immediately after it, eat moderately, lightly stomached food. Vegetable cream soups and liquid porridges with water are suitable
  • Spend the fasting day in a calm time, devoid of stressful situations
  • If you feel uncontrollably hungry, first drink 200 ml of water at room temperature in small sips. If that doesn't solve the problem, eat a raw fruit or vegetable.
  • Get a good night's sleep. Chronic lack of sleep entails the production of a special hormone melatonin, which forces a person to pounce on food in an uncontrolled manner upon awakening.

IMPORTANT: Psychological attitude is the most important rule unloading Set yourself up for a normal day that will be enough for you tasty food, and don’t think about painful restrictions.

Calendar of fasting days

There is a scheme “from 2 to 2”. If it is psychologically difficult for you to deny yourself treats all day, start fasting with lunch, for example, 14 hours. Breakfast should be as hearty as usual.

Start your fasting day with lunch and end it with lunch tomorrow. Dinner should be your usual dishes. Thus, not a single day will be completely fasting. Another trick is that a significant portion of your weight loss will be done at night.

Calorie content of fasting day.

Since low-calorie foods are chosen for unloading, the energy value of the fasting menu is significantly reduced compared to the usual one. For women, experts recommend targeting 900-1100 calories. Despite being so low in calories, you won't go hungry if you plan your meal plan correctly.

IMPORTANT: Be careful when choosing the type of cleansing day. On the Internet you can find recommendations to reduce calorie intake to 400 calories, but such a step will be dangerous for your health.

Hungry fasting day

  • A fasting fasting day is a day on which you cannot eat either solid or liquid food. The entire diet consists of water only. Such periodic fasting is very beneficial for the body and is called therapeutic.
  • When you have more experience in this method of unloading, you can increase the fast from 24 to 36 hours, and then to 2 or more days. The most experienced fasters are able to withstand several weeks without food.
  • Throughout the day, drink only clean drinking water without gas in a volume of at least 2.5 liters. If you do not have kidney problems, you are allowed to drink up to 4 liters of liquid. Divide this amount into portions and drink at regular intervals
  • It is not easy to go a whole day without food. Try to distract yourself from thoughts about food. Experts recommend walking more in the fresh air, avoiding places where there is a smell of food or food, and not exercising yourself physically. It is optimal to carry out therapeutic fasting on the weekend, when you do not need to strain yourself with work.

IMPORTANT: Before practicing a fasting day, try your hand at other types of fasting days: fruit, vegetable, buckwheat, etc.

Easy fasting day

How easy a fasting day will be for you depends on your eating preferences. It’s not easy to go a whole day without your favorite treats, while eating buckwheat that is disgusting to you. To make unloading easy, choose only those products that you really like.

Fasting day on porridges: oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, rice

IMPORTANT: Cook any porridge only in water and without using salt, oil or other additives.

For a fasting day on cereals, you will need 700 g of porridge, boiled in water to medium thickness. Divide this volume into 5-6 equal portions and eat during the day, simultaneously drinking 1.5-2 liters of plain water.

Vegetable fasting days: cucumber, cabbage, potatoes, sauerkraut, carrots, beets, pumpkin, tomato

Vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber, which is essential for normal digestion. Vegetable fasting days are one of the simplest, since you can eat one type of vegetable or several in one day. The only exceptions are starchy potatoes and beets, which are not suitable for cleansing days.

The cucumber fasting day is deservedly considered the most effective. It cleanses the body not only due to fiber, but also a large amount of liquid. In one such day you can lose up to 3 kg of weight.

Make up your daily menu from 1-1.5 kg of any vegetables, which should be divided into 5-6 meals.

Fruit fasting day: oranges, watermelon, bananas, grapefruit, apples, lemon, tangerines, dried fruits

For a fruit day, you can choose one favorite fruit in a volume of up to 2 kg and eat it in equal portions all day. Such a sweet menu is easily tolerated psychologically.

Dried fruits are higher in calories than fruits, so you will need only 500 g of them per day. This can be one type of dried product or a mixture. Dried fruits should be soaked in water the night before the fasting day.

Fasting day on bread

For a cleansing day you will only need bread made from rye flour. In addition to this, also buy 1 liter of fresh natural kefir. You will need half a kilogram of bread. Divide all foods into equal parts and consume throughout the day. You can eat bread and kefir separately, or you can combine them in one meal.

Fasting day on soup

This fasting day is suitable for true soup lovers. However, some experts are against such unloading, as they consider the ingredients of many soups to be incompatible, and cooking is a process that deprives vegetables of the lion's share of their beneficial properties.

All soups on a fasting day are cooked only from vegetables and with a minimum of salt. Meat should absolutely not be used. You can use ready-made recipes or experiment with your favorite products.

Fasting day on liquids: water, green tea, mineral water, juice, tea with milk

A fasting day on liquids is similar to the one-day therapeutic fasting discussed above. This is a rather complex session, during which all day long you only need to drink water, tea, juice and other liquids in a volume of 1.5-4 liters. Before you practice such an unloading, be sure to try yourself in other types of cleansing days.

Sweet fasting day: honey, chocolate

For the most desperate sweet tooth, who cannot live without sweets even a day, special sweet fasting days have been developed.

Contraindications for fasting days

Fasting days are completely contraindicated for:

  • diabetes mellitus
  • exhaustion from a long illness
  • gastrointestinal diseases

For any chronic and acute ailments, it is better to consult a doctor before a fasting day.

The harm of fasting days, the disadvantages of fasting days

The harm of fasting days lies in the imbalance of the diet. As a rule, unloading is a mono-diet - eating one product. If you observe cleansing days more than 1-2 times a week, you can seriously undermine your health.
