What is the name of corn porridge in another way. Corn grits - the benefits and harms

Bright yellow corn cob with juicy and sweet grains is perceived as a delicacy by both children and adults. This unique culture used in cooking in the form of corn grits or fresh grains and brings nostalgic notes of childhood to it.

A bit of history

Corn was known to the Aztec tribes. In gratitude to the gods for this generous gift, the Indians even made human sacrifices. Residents of South America did not suspect the existence of diseases such as heart attack and thrombosis. The main food they ate was corn, which is a source of B vitamins. The most ancient dish made from this product was called tamales by the Indians. It was with him that they met the conquistadors, showing hospitality and hoping for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. The recipe for its preparation has been preserved to our times. Corn porridge made from finely crushed corn, mixed with pork fat, minced meat, milk, sugar and wrapped in rolls in pre-cooked corn leaves. All this was prepared for a couple.

Columbus gave Europe not only potatoes, but also corn, where they began to grow it throughout the Mediterranean. In Russia, they learned about corn in the 17th century. Initially, it was grown only in the Caucasus, southern Ukraine and the Crimea. But a few decades later, after the issuance of a decree encouraging the cultivation of this culture, it took root throughout the territory. The popularity of corn was so high that it was sold on the streets, boiled directly in cast-iron boilers. At the beginning of the last century, finely crushed corn grits began to be produced, from which cakes were baked.

Corn porridge

Corn is the most nutritious of all vegetable crops. Also, its value lies in the content of a large amount of salts of potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. In the process of heat treatment, useful substances and vitamins are preserved better than in other legumes.

In cooking, this culture is used as an ingredient for salads and soups. It is served as a side dish, fried or baked. From specially bred "airy" varieties, the famous popcorn delicacy is prepared. And boiled cobs of young corn are a delicacy everywhere.

But among this, corn porridge stands out, which in each country is prepared according to its traditionally established recipes and has its own name. In Georgian cuisine - gomi, in Italian - polenta. The most common is hominy, which is considered the national dish of Moldovan, Georgian and Western Ukrainian cuisine. Cereals and cornmeal are boiled in a thick-bottomed bowl, stirring constantly until completely empty. Hominy is served, cut into pieces, with butter, sour cream and cheese.

The secret of the popularity of corn grits is due to the excellent taste characteristics, high nutritional value and benefits for the body.

Corn belongs to annual tall plants of the Cereal family, which is considered to be the birthplace of South America.

Main product varieties

Corn groats are included in the category of demanded products, which are obtained during the processing of corn grains. The product ideally retains the sunny yellow color of the corn, has no foreign inclusions and has a slightly noticeable nutty aroma.

Depending on the processing method and the size of the grains, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Large. The product is obtained by crushing the kernels, and is used in the preparation of puffed corn flakes and grains;
  2. Small. This method is similar to the previous one. The grains are cleaned, crushed and further crushed so that products such as cereals can be produced. fast food, corn sticks, confectionery and other semi-finished products;
  3. Sanded. The manufacturing method consists in separating corn germs and fruit shells, which are crushed and, as a result, polished kernel particles with rounded edges are obtained. This species differ in particle size, depending on which it is numbered in categories from one to five.

Calorie content and nutritional value of the product

Corn groats contain a lot of carbohydrates and proteins. Its calorie content is 328 kcal per 100 g of product. The presence of vitamins, minerals, important amino acids in cereals make this product ideal for a balanced diet. Also, cereals are not able to cause excess fullness, so it is recommended for older people and people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, as well as those who practice a diet for weight loss.

Energy value in 100 grams:

Beneficial features product are due to the rich chemical composition, increased nutritional and biological activity, rapid digestibility, which is important for the body. Adding a product to the menu will speed up metabolic processes, which will have a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being, his immunity, energy level, positive attitude and working potential.

The product is capable of doing the following:

  • stabilizes the functioning of the immune system;
  • breaks down cholesterol that has accumulated on the walls of blood vessels, and will not allow new plaques to appear;
  • helps prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • strengthens nervous system, prevents the development of depression;
  • normalizes the activity of the stomach and intestines;
  • reduces the processes of fermentation in the intestine;
  • removes toxins, radionuclides, which are strong carcinogens;
  • considered a safe product for people with allergies and diabetes;
  • have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nail plate;
  • protects the health of teeth and gums;
  • slows down the aging process.

An indispensable component in cosmetology

Groats are a treasure trove of valuable substances, so products made from it have a whole range of actions in cosmetology, namely:

  • peelings deeply cleanse and nourish the skin;
  • scrubs soften the rough skin of the heels, elbows, knees, and also enrich it useful substances, soften and intensely moisturize;
  • wellness masks relieve puffiness, remove black spots and smooth wrinkles;
  • is effective way in the fight against cellulite.

Universal remedy in folk medicine

Corn groats occupy a special place in non-traditional methods of treating many diseases, as it is considered:

  • in a well-known way from hypertension;
  • prophylactic and therapeutic agent for problems with the kidneys and liver;
  • an effective method of treating intestinal diseases, as it helps a lot with fermentation in the intestines;
  • an assistant in the treatment of infertility, painful menstruation, menopause and a decrease in sexual activity.

The main component of dry food for animals and poultry

The use of corn grits in animal husbandry and poultry farming will provide a good result, namely, vitality will increase significantly and healthy, tasty, dietary meat will be obtained in the future.

Corn grits in cooking

The versatility of cereals is due to its ability to combine perfectly with different vegetables and other food products. In many regions enjoys incredible success in the field of cooking. From it you can cook any dish - from the original main to an incredibly mouth-watering dessert.

Corn grits are used in cooking:

  • to prepare the most popular dish - delicious porridge, the Italians call this product polenta, the Moldavians - hominy, and the Hutsuls - banosh;
  • for the manufacture of flour of the highest grade, which is used for baking pancakes, flat cakes, pies, bread;
  • for dressing soups, stew;
  • is an ideal side dish for second courses, as it harmonizes with meat products, fish, vegetables, emphasizes their taste and gives their own aroma;
  • for the sweet home baking, which comes out tender and crumbly and has a pleasant warm aroma.

Regular use of corn grits in a variety of dishes will allow you to stay in good shape and high spirits. And corn porridge is an excellent choice for breakfast, as it plays the role of an energy base for a productive start to the day.

Croup, like other products, has contraindications and can be harmful to health if it is incorrectly added to the diet.

  1. It is necessary to limit the intake of corn grits to people suffering from peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines, especially at the time of exacerbation, since the fiber in the grits irritates the walls of the internal organs;
  2. It is worth excluding this product from the diet for people who are underweight and have poor appetite, as it is low-calorie, and with such symptoms it is necessary to eat only high-calorie foods;
  3. It is not recommended to abuse the product with increased blood clotting and a predisposition to thrombophlebitis;
  4. Individual intolerance to the product.

The risk of eating corn grits is minimal, but if you still have doubts about its use, then it would be better to consult your doctor before taking it.

Corn is a familiar cereal to all people. Nevertheless, not everyone knows what curiosities have been waiting for her throughout human evolution to this day and how different peoples use it now. What is interesting is croup in its history.

  1. True name for corn. The crop that we know as corn is called maize in all regions of the world;
  2. Historical fact. For the first time about corn was heard in Mexico, about six thousand years ago. It was also cultivated by the ancient Mayan and Inca tribes. They used the cobs of the plant for cooking. They even had their own cult of worship of the god of corn - Chinteotl;
  3. Ancient drink Chicha. In the traditional version, it is made by women by chewing dry cereal grains. After that, the mass that turned out is poured clean water and set to wander to the necessary fortress;
  4. Queen of the fields. In the 20th century, Nikita Khrushchev, being general secretary The Central Committee of the CPSU tried to expand the growing area and increase the sown area of ​​raw materials for corn grits, but to no avail. Since the elite varieties, due to the cold climate, turned into fodder varieties, which as a result were not suitable for consumption;
  5. A kind of antidepressant. Porridge made from corn grits can relieve muscle tension and cope with neurological problems;
  6. Storehouse of valuable substances. The product can saturate a person with almost all nutrients, so many can add only corn grits to their diet and they will feel good;
  7. Gold in groats. There is an opinion that corn grits contain a record amount of gold compared to other products, which is very valuable for the human body, especially for the digestive system.

Tasty and nutritious corn grits are very healthy and have few contraindications. And dishes based on it retain a significant part of the medicinal qualities, since the product does not lose its useful elements during the heat treatment. And potentially hazardous substances are almost completely digested.

Corn grits obtained during the processing of corn kernels. Groats are classified as products with an easy degree of assimilation. Cooked corn porridge is able to inhibit decay in the intestines, this is possible due to the content of dietary fiber.

In countries where corn dishes are widely used, such as hominy in Romania and Moldova, people have almost no heart problems.

According to many historians, the Indians in Central and South America were the first to process corn. And it came to Europe already in the twentieth century. Now corn is grown in more than sixty countries. In particular, it is sown in China, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Argentina.

Corn grits, main varieties

The appearance of cereals largely depends on the grinding process and size, corn grits is of the following types:

  1. Grinded groats - contains small particles of corn of various shapes, which were obtained in the process of separating the shell from the germ and at the same time was still polished. It is divided into five rooms, it all depends on the size.
  2. Large cereals - used for making cereal. It turns out in the same way as polished.
  3. Small grits - used to make corn sticks. It is obtained in the same way as above.

Corn grits contain a lot of nutrients and vitamins.

Corn grits serves as a good nutritional product. It has many vitamins: A, B, E, PP, silicon, iron. Silicon is able to increase immunity, and iron has a beneficial effect on teeth. It contains almost all the vitamins of the B series, these are thiamine and riboflavin, pantothenic and folic acid, there is also pyridoxine - vitamin B6.

Porridge contains a lot of titanium, aluminum and boron, potassium, sulfur and sodium. The mineral range contains the following: cobalt, tin, molybdenum and nickel. At the same time, each of the elements makes the product more and more useful and valuable.

Porridge contains about eighty percent of carbohydrates and carotenes, so it should be eaten by old people and those who move little. It contains a lot of fiber, and essential acids - lysine and tryptophan, which allows you to effectively remove toxins and pesticides from the body. Qualitatively cleanses the intestines.

Despite the fact that porridge is high in calories, it does not add weight. All this happens because the body does not absorb the proteins in it well.

By their own nutritional properties corn grits largely inferior to other cereals, not paying attention to the fact that it is widely distributed among many countries and other peoples.

Corn grits, useful properties

In addition to good taste and nutrition, corn grits has many useful properties, enrolling her in the staff of assistants, capable of fighting all kinds of diseases.

Due to its cleansing property, porridge is able to carry out high-quality cleansing of the intestines and stomach.

If you eat porridge at least twice a week, you can improve your immunity well. It has a good effect on the heart and is able to remove cholesterol. Thanks to this, the vessels are cleaned and do not form plaques, they become more elastic, and the patency through them improves. Therefore, it is recommended to use this dish for people with hypertension.

Corn product is good for kids. This type of porridge does not cause allergies in babies. In addition, porridge is very nutritious and well digestible.

Through the use of porridge, you can improve appearance your skin, strengthen your hair and nails. Porridge has an unusual tool that allows the figure to always be in shape. It is very useful to use it even for those who are on diets. This dish will provide the body with all the necessary components.

Corn grits, the main contraindications for use

Along with its useful properties, corn grits It also has some caveats and recommendations:

  1. To enjoy this dish, to please your body with pleasant taste, you need to pay attention to the expiration date and quality of the cereal. When choosing a product, it is necessary to check it so that it is fresh and it must be stored only in dry places.
  2. It is not recommended to abuse this dish, because it can cause heaviness of the stomach. And this, in turn, causes redness on the face. Overeating can still affect the figure.
  3. How to cook porridge, you also need to know. To begin with, the cereal is washed and poured into boiling milk or water. After that, salt or sugar is added to the porridge, as you like. After the porridge has boiled, it is necessary to give it another ten minutes to boil. To achieve an even more delicious effect, the porridge is then steamed.
  4. Milk or butter can be added to the cooked porridge, if desired. Fruits with berries, dried apricots, raisins and dried fruits are also well suited here. Instead of sugar, you can add honey here.

With extreme caution, it is necessary to use porridge during all kinds of exacerbations of the gastric and intestinal tract.

Porridge can harm people with poor appetite, because its value is too small, and people who have problems with this need to eat more nutritious food that contains high energy value. For the same reason, people with low weight are not recommended to eat porridge.

Corn grits, application and proper storage

Can be made from cereals delicious porridge, hominy, soups, salads, casseroles, unusual pie fillings. In a word, porridge is universal.

This product finds great application in the food industry. Made from coarse grinding cornflakes, and small ones are more often used for corn sticks.

At home, various unusual dishes are made from cereals. Corn porridge is still the most popular.

In order for the porridge to be soft and pleasant to the taste, it needs to be cooked for about an hour. And in order for the dish to be more appetizing, it is necessary to observe the storage conditions of the product. which are affected by humidity and temperature. It is recommended to store it at a temperature of plus five to minus five degrees, the humidity should be seventy percent.

A special storage mode cannot be created at home, so it is necessary to store cereals for only a month, because various pests can start there. It is advisable to store cereals in a glass container with a closed plastic lid. If you keep it in bags, it can acquire an unpleasant odor and a bitter taste.

If, nevertheless, there were pests in the cereal, then the cabinet where it was stored must be thoroughly washed. hot water, dry well and then ventilate, and the cereal itself must be thrown away.

Corn porridge got its name due to the fact that it is made from cornmeal or cereals. This dish has gained its popularity in all countries. Previously, porridge could replace bread.

To date, this dish is prepared from cereals of different grinding. And the quality of the result largely depends on the raw materials used and the cooking time. Coarsely ground porridge should be cooked for about an hour, during which time the cereal swells strongly, the volume increases significantly. This dish will be harsh and have an unusual taste. Small grains are boiled in milk. To do this, you need to take three hundred grams of milk and put on fire, boil. Then add a little salt and sugar, then add four tablespoons of cereal, put on a small fire and boil, while stirring the porridge all the time.

Then remove from heat, put aside and cover with a lid, leave for fifteen minutes. To give the porridge more taste, you can put sweet additives to your taste.

If during the cooking process the porridge turned out to be very thick, it can be diluted with either milk, or yogurt or fruit puree. For small children, it is advisable to add a lot of fruits and berries to the porridge.

If porridge is an everyday dish for the whole family, then the following will be the best dressing for it: onions, tomatoes, peppers and lightly salted cheese are taken, all this is fried and added to the porridge at the end of its cooking. You can season the porridge right before serving the dish with a piece of butter, feta cheese and cream. It turns out very tasty porridge with the addition of pumpkin.

To cook hominy, you need to take one hundred grams of cereal, preferably small, two glasses of water and a little salt. Put all the ingredients in a pot and put on fire for an hour, stirring each time. The composition should end up thick. After we take it out, put it on a flat surface, after which we make a sausage out of it, cut it and the dish is ready. It is good to serve vegetables, eggs, herbs or cheese with this dish.

Ukraine also has its own traditional dish from this cereal, called banush. It is prepared as follows - corn flour is boiled in sour cream, five minutes before it is ready, finely chopped cheese, cracklings are thrown there and the dish is ready. It is recommended to use it only hot. In Italy, this porridge is called "polenta" in appearance, it is less thick than hominy.

An interesting fact is that before corn porridge appeared, wheat porridge was cooked according to a similar scheme, but that's just palatability it was very different from corn.

Corn grits, the beneficial properties of which we will describe below, are very often used in cooking. In terms of its nutritional value, it is in no way inferior to other types of similar products.

Today we will tell you about what properties this ingredient has, what can be prepared from it, and so on.

Historical reference

What is corn grits? The beneficial properties of this product are known to many. But not everyone will be able to tell about where such a fruit as corn originates.

American researchers organized many expeditions, as a result of which they explored all of South America. But this did not give any knowledge of who is the wild progenitor of the presented product. And only in 1948, during a long study of caves and laborious excavations in southern Mexico, scientists still managed to find prehistoric cobs. It is noteworthy that they practically did not differ from modern species corn.

Corn grits: useful properties

Before telling you about what can be prepared from the presented ingredient, you should tell what properties it generally has.

Corn grits are very valuable and nutritional product. It contains vitamins B2, B1 and PP, up to 75% carbohydrates, as well as provitamin A and carotene. That is why this ingredient is very often recommended for use by the elderly, as well as those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

The special properties of corn grits allow you to use it at least every day. After all, the presented product is easily digestible.

Product calorie content

Cooking corn grits does not take much time. However, it should be noted that many of the fair sex are afraid to eat dishes containing this ingredient. What is it connected with? The fact is that 100 g of corn grits contains about 325 kilocalories. But, despite the high energy value, this product is still unable to negatively affect your ideal forms. After all, the carbohydrates contained in it are complex. That is why your body needs a lot of energy to digest them.

It is impossible not to say that with the regular use of corn porridge, you are able to cleanse your body of toxins and pesticides.

Composition of cereals

Corn groats, the beneficial properties of which are undeniable, contain a lot of trace elements. Among them, I would like to highlight silicon, which has a positive effect on hair growth and tooth strength.

Porridge from such cereals is able to suppress all putrefactive processes occurring in the intestines. This fact is explained by the fact that this dish contains a large number of dietary fiber.

As you know, corn grits includes 8.3% proteins. However, they are incomplete and poorly digested. And this means that a person who regularly uses the product we are considering will never get better and will not get fat.

As mentioned above, corn grits contain a lot of trace elements and vitamins. That is why in those countries where dishes from this ingredient are quite common, people suffer the least from cardiovascular diseases.

Corn grits: harm to the product

Like any food rich in trace elements and vitamins, corn grits also has its contraindications. It can harm a person if it is used during an exacerbation of an ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, as well as with individual intolerance.

It is impossible not to say that doctors strongly discourage the use of dishes made on the basis of corn or corn grits for people with a small body weight. This is primarily due to the fact that this product has a direct effect on appetite, significantly lowering it.

medical research

Dishes from corn grits, the recipes of which we will consider later, do not lose the properties described above even after heat treatment. That is why this product is recommended for those who want to cleanse their intestines and the body as a whole from radionuclides and toxins.

It should also be noted that ethnoscience advises to include corn grits in your diet every day with various diseases reproductive system, in the treatment of infertility, painful menstruation, decreased libido and menopause.

By the way, cereals, the recipes of which, as you will see for yourself, do not include many expensive ingredients, can reduce the harmful effects of fried fatty foods and alcohol on the human body.

We make hominy

The presented dish is very popular in Moldova, Romania and Western Ukraine. Moreover, it is regularly boiled in the Caucasus.

Porridge from or cereals is very healthy and nutritious. With all this, her recipe is incredibly simple.

So, we need:

  • corn grits - a full glass;
  • filtered drinking water - 3 cups (you can use milk);
  • iodized salt, sand-sugar - use at your discretion.

Cooking principle

Usually it turns out quite hard and thick, with a specific taste and aroma. This product is boiled for about half an hour, increasing in volume by 3 or 4 times.

Recipe creation this dish surprisingly simple. After boiling water or milk, sand-sugar, sea salt and corn grits are placed in the same container. After boiling again, the fire is reduced to a minimum. Cook such a dish until the corn grains are completely softened. In this case, the porridge needs to be stirred regularly. In conclusion, the container must be tightly closed, wrapped in a blanket and left in this form for ¼ hours. After the specified time, the porridge should be flavored butter and serve while still warm.

By the way, such a dish with the addition of pumpkin and dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots) is very tasty and nutritious.

What else is made from corn?

Now you know how groats. It should be noted that the presented product is the result of careful processing of corn cobs. However, one cannot help but recall that other products are also made from such a fruit (for example, puffed corn and corn flakes). These products are very palatable and digestible much better than coarse corn grits. They are ideal for seasoning various soups. In addition, they can be easily served with tea, milk and other drinks. And, most importantly, before using them, you do not need to further process them.

Storage conditions

As you can see, making porridge from corn grits is not so difficult. But in order for such a dish to turn out really tasty, it is extremely important to properly store the main ingredient. How exactly? We will talk about this right now.

The main storage conditions for corn grits are proper humidity and temperature regime. In the room where this product is kept, the air humidity should be about 60-70%, and the temperature should be about +5...-5°C.

This storage mode is quite difficult to create at home. That is why it is recommended to stock up on such cereals for no more than one month. Otherwise, mites or insect larvae can easily get into the product.

We have dealt with the premises. But what about the container where the cereal will be placed? Store corn grits in glass jars, which are closed with plastic lids.

It must also be said that if the humidity in the room is too high, then the product may become rancid, acquire a musty smell and even mold. In this case, the porridge you cooked will not have the proper taste and aroma.

If the pests in the product still wound up, then the cabinet where it was stored should be washed well with hot water, and then dried and ventilated. As for the affected cereal, it must be thrown away.

Corn grits is another type of grits used in cooking. In terms of nutritional value and culinary properties, it is lower than other types of cereals. Proteins of corn grits are defective and poorly digested. This cereal does not cause excessive fullness and is recommended for the elderly and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Porridge from corn grits turns out to be tough, with a specific taste. The groats are cooked for about an hour, increasing in volume by 3-4 times.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of corn grits

Corn grits are a valuable nutritious product. It contains up to 75% carbohydrates, vitamins, B2, PP, carotene, provitamin A, so it is especially recommended for the elderly and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Corn groats belong to easily digestible products. Corn is a low-calorie porridge that can remove fat from the body. Corn porridge is the best way to remove pesticides from the body.

Corn grits contain many trace elements, especially silicon, which has a positive effect on teeth. Corn is low-calorie, removes fat from the body. In those countries where corn grits are common, such as hominy in Moldova and Romania, people suffer from cardiovascular diseases less.

The culinary recipe for making corn porridge is very simple - milk boils, sugar and salt are put in it, cereals are poured (about 4 tablespoons with a top are needed for 300 g of cereal milk), boiled over low heat, with stirring, for 5-6 minutes, then covered cover and after 15 minutes - the porridge is ready.

Very tasty corn porridge is obtained with pumpkin.

Corn porridge has the peculiarity of suppressing putrefactive processes in the intestines due to the content of dietary fiber in it.

Dangerous properties of corn grits

Corn grits, like corn, is contraindicated during an exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as in case of individual intolerance.
