Corn flakes recipe. How to eat cornflakes while losing weight

Corn flakes are not only tasty and satisfying, but also provide enormous health benefits, so you need to cook corn porridge regularly for weight loss. This dish provides the body with complex carbohydrates, while providing a feeling of fullness. There is no better combination for breakfast than green tea and corn porridge for weight loss, but it is recommended to first consult with a nutritionist.

What is corn porridge

This is a healthy product that contains maximum amount vitamins, amino acids and microelements to restore digestion and maintain the functionality of the body. This is the optimal ratio of BJU, which retains its concentration when cooked without milk, salt, or sugar. It is advisable to prepare corn porridge in the first half of the day, and for dinner replace it with a portion of low-fat kefir. The glycemic index of the product is 70 units, and during heat treatment it increases to 85 units. Therefore the portions corn porridge must be small.


This dietary product useful for losing weight, but it doesn’t hurt to first consult with a nutritionist to discuss the method of preparation and daily doses. In order to get rid of extra pounds, it is recommended to cook corn porridge in water, but be sure to reduce the amount of salt and eliminate sugar. In addition to the minimum amount of calories, doctors highlight the following beneficial properties in the body:

  • quick saturation with minimal portions;
  • cleansing the intestines of toxins and waste due to the presence of plant fiber;
  • preventing rotting and fermentation of food in the stomach;
  • stimulation of intestinal motility;
  • strengthening the body's metabolic processes, metabolism;
  • charging a losing body with valuable energy;
  • enrichment of the immune system with vitamins during weight loss;
  • strengthening constantly bleeding gums;
  • healing of the whole body;
  • effective weight loss with complex carbohydrates.

What is it made from?

To reduce the calorie content of corn porridge, you first need to soak the cereal in water. It is not recommended to use milk for cooking, otherwise the glycemic index will only increase and contribute to weight gain. The amount of salt and sugar is minimal, and adding butter to the dish is generally prohibited. This is an excellent remedy for weight loss, but it has its own contraindications - it is forbidden to be used in the daily diet by patients with diabetes mellitus. For others, it would be a good idea to additionally consult with your doctor or nutritionist.

Benefits and harms for losing weight

Many women ask the nutritionist the same question: is it possible to eat corn porridge while losing weight, and how such a dish will affect a problematic figure. To lose weight unnoticed, you need to regularly prepare cereal for breakfast, and it is also possible to eat it for lunch. But in the evening it is better to avoid extra calories and a high glycemic index, otherwise the desired result will not be achieved. The calorie content of the product is 325 kcal.

Corn porridge for weight loss provides a multifaceted effect in the body, for example, with small portions it provides a feeling of fullness, reduces the overall number of meals, and the energy entering the body is enough for the whole day even for a trained athlete. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to exclude the presence of allergies in the body losing weight.

How to cook delicious corn porridge

This dish is more for everyone, however, having found out that corn porridge helps well with weight loss, almost everyone who wants to productively get rid of extra pounds begins to love it. If you prepare this carbohydrate product correctly, you can quietly get rid of 5-7 extra pounds in just a week. Here's what people who have chosen the main food ingredient - corn porridge - need to know to lose weight. So:

  1. Corn grits must be pre-soaked overnight, using settled cold water.
  2. Before cooking, be sure to rinse it to get rid of residual starch, make it less high in calories and valuable for weight loss.
  3. After standing overnight in water, corn grits double in size and swell. Therefore, it can be prepared faster than dry grains.
  4. If you are wondering how much cereal to put in, you need to watch your appetite. The best option is half a glass of cereal, which is boiled in 1.5 glasses of water without salt.
  5. Be sure to cook the dish over low heat, and wait until the water has completely boiled away.

On the water

A glass of corn grits needs to be soaked overnight in cold water, and in the morning drain and thoroughly rinse the grains. Then you need to refill with 3 glasses of water and put on low heat. Cook until the liquid disappears completely, then cover with a lid and leave until cool. This process takes 15-20 minutes, and cooking dry cereal takes up to 50 minutes.

From cereal

This is corn porridge instant cooking, which also promotes productive weight loss. A glass of flakes needs to be washed and poured with 2 cups of boiling water, cover tightly with a lid and leave. It is advisable to consume limited portions in the first half of the day, while it is important to control daily fluid intake - no more than 2-2.5 liters clean water.


You can prepare hominy porridge, the calorie content of which is 55 kcal per 100 g of this natural product. For 200 g of corn flour you need 1 liter of settled water, cook dietary dish It is recommended using the classical method until the consistency of medium fat sour cream is formed. It is better to eat porridge for breakfast; it is not recommended to serve such a hearty and healthy dish for dinner.

Are there real benefits and harms of corn flakes for children and adults, or is it all a matter of marketing? We will help you understand the meaning of the American breakfast and its effects on the body. Perhaps the causes of illnesses lie in dry fast food products?

What are the benefits of corn flakes?

This type of breakfast is popular among residents of the USA and in European countries. But what are the benefits of corn flakes as a constant and regular meal:

  1. They contain vitamins PP and H;
  2. The pectin contained in the composition protects against tumors;
  3. The starch present in some cereals helps strengthen a weakened immune system;
  4. Fiber helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. Amino acids contribute to the production of the “happiness” hormone;
  6. Antioxidants and glutamic acid help improve brain function.

But it should be remembered that any product may have negative impact on the body, like a medicine - side effects. These include:

  • Cause of excess weight when combined with honey;
  • Syrups add calories as well as flavor;
  • Promote insulin production due to high sugar content.

However, it's best to stick healthy eating and alternate taking cereal.

How are corn flakes made?

If you are interested in learning how corn flakes are made, we will tell you the step-by-step process of their production below.

  1. The usefulness of a product depends not on the product itself, but on the production technology. Therefore, it is important to know how to distinguish healthy cereals by their final appearance and determine whether they were prepared correctly.
  2. Proper and safe processing will show you the conveyor technology for preparing flakes.
  3. First the corn is harvested. The grains are separated from the cobs.
  4. The kernels and husks are removed from the grains, leaving a thin shell. The process is done manually. Then the grains are washed and sent to the conveyor.
  5. On the production line, the purified grains are ground into cereal.
  6. Next, sugar and malt syrups are added to the raw materials. Mix everything with salt and water.
  7. In a large bowl, mix all ingredients with a mixer. The homogeneous mass is sent to the cooker.
  8. Next comes steam treatment. All the resulting grains stick together and become golden in color.
  9. The resulting flakes are then passed along a conveyor belt. They are broken into pieces so that the grains do not have dried lumps. The future form is given.
  10. Next, dry all the flakes and cool to room temperature.
  11. Conditioning is the next step to make the product relatively durable.
  12. Next, the particles are crushed and flattened into their final shape.
  13. The last step is oven roasting at 330 degrees.

Modern technology allows you to create flakes in different shapes, but the process is much simpler. The new equipment performs the function of extrusion, when crushed flour is immediately passed through the unit. Processes take place there, starting from point 5.

If previously the flakes were sold without additives, now they contain both vitamins and glaze. This does not mean dangerous ingredients, on the contrary, the benefits of additional minerals. However, some products should be distinguished - they contain a lot of sugar and flavorings, which contribute to weight gain.

Do cornflakes have gluten?

As a rule, corn flakes without additives should not contain gluten and milk powder, as well as palm oil. But some manufacturers add it to replace animal fats and carbohydrates with cheaper ones - vegetable ones, only through an artificial method of production. Remember that buckwheat flakes do not contain such additives at all, and whether corn flakes contain gluten, it is better to ask the manufacturer. Additives may include syrups and glazes, but without oils they are of no value.

Since the cereal itself inexpensive product, it may contain similar “cheap” analogues of expensive oils. Be careful and study the ingredients.

How to eat cornflakes while losing weight?

To understand how to eat corn flakes while losing weight, you need to be aware that it is sucrose and glucose that accumulates. Accordingly, the product can only be combined with dietary liquids - kefir and milk. Better first, otherwise the percentage of fat will increase. In addition, you should build proper diet- more active walks after breakfast if you ate cereal.

If you're in a hurry to get to work, or don't have time to exercise in the morning, eat cereal at 5 pm if possible (even if you're at work). Study in the evening physical activity. Understand that flakes are quickly absorbed, and if they are not used for sports or walking or gymnastics with a child, then there will be no benefit. These are not marshmallows, something like chewing on them, but a complete product with a rich list of fats.

If you can't make time for exercise, don't eat cereal, or replace snacks with plain dry cereal. They will work just right at work - they will satisfy your hunger (for a short time) and activate your brain.

Corn Flakes Calories and Nutrition Facts

If we talk about a simple composition, then the calories in corn flakes without additives will be about 300-450 kcal per 100 g. If there are fillers and additives for taste, icing/chocolate, then add 30 kcal per 100 g of product for each component.

BZHU corn flakes

Regardless of kcal per 100 g of product, the nutritional value cereal is determined by the presence of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

  • Proteins in “pure” flakes take up 7 g;
  • Fats have 2.5 g;
  • Carbohydrates take up all 83.5 g.

Sometimes, when sugars are added, the BJU of corn flakes can change - and the more fat, the higher the percentage of carbohydrates.

At what age can you have corn flakes?

When we were kids, our parents gave us corn sticks, in a box, so sweet and crunchy. Now we give our kids cereal, because it’s also corn. But is the composition of the current raw material processing technology really safe? At what age can babies eat corn flakes?

Many people think that children aged 1-2 can be given cereal to try. However, this opinion is not always correct - not all children are healthy, not all have no allergic reactions, and not everyone likes this product. Some people might just vomit. Parents are already consulting here. But, according to WHO, it is better to postpone such products, which belong to the type of quick breakfast (cooking), dry food, until 3 years. By this age, the baby has a fully formed gastrointestinal tract, circulatory and central nervous system.

Can I eat corn flakes for breakfast?

For breakfast, you can eat corn flakes in the form of porridge. They are filled with milk or yogurt. They are not suitable as a daily meal unless you eat enough carbohydrates throughout the day. They are fine as a snack, but you should be aware of the consequences that may occur:

  1. On an empty stomach, it is recommended to consume the cereal after drinking a sip of warm tea or a glass of water. So they do not irritate the intestines and do not harm the mucous membrane.
  2. You can give them to children for breakfast - they coat the stomach and saturate the body with a charge of energy. In dry form, they are undesirable, as they can cause inflammation of the stomach walls. In the worst case, the body rejects such an unprocessed product, and a gag reflex occurs.
  3. For adults, it is better to choose cereal for breakfast than dense porridge with milk. You can diversify your food with berries, fruits and additional additives.

The more ingredients in the plate, the better the cereal is digested after eating. You can wash them down with any drink that does not contain gases - an increased level of gases can lead to poor processing of the product. And since they enter the stomach earlier, gastric juice does not completely, but only partially, break them down.

It is also useful to dilute the cereal with kefir - a very healthy and light breakfast. Nourishing and tasty, and this combination of products is appropriate to serve before bed without harming your figure. But it is worth remembering that some chocolate flakes contain too much sugar - this contributes to the production of insulin. This leads to a feeling of hunger, even if the person is full.

Corn flakes for pregnant women

Is it possible to treat pregnant women to corn flakes? Why not - if you have any concerns, you can put them on the back burner. The pregnant body, let's call it that, has a need for vitamins, acids, and minerals. During this period, a woman can eat strawberries with herring, potato-flavored chips, etc. Cereals will be like “oh, something new” for her, as her taste buds have become unaccustomed to the usual foods. In addition, there is an opportunity to correct stomach problems, and everyone has them in the second trimester.

In the latter stages, they don’t do any work, rarely go anywhere at 7 am, and practically don’t run around at home. There is no sports. From 36 weeks, cereal should be eliminated. They will give the woman fats, the child will receive them, and from the 37th week he will gain 30 g per day only in mass, there is nowhere else - he has formed. In 3 weeks, a woman threatens to give birth to a fetus weighing not 3-3.4 kg, but 500-700 grams more. Do you want to try to set a record and push a watermelon through yourself?

It is better not to demonstrate skills, and limit food to a minimum - only steamed and unsalted food. It will be much easier to give birth, and the baby will gain 1.5 kg in the first month.

Corn flakes while breastfeeding

Corn flakes at breastfeeding are not contraindicated, on the contrary, they are useful for the functioning of the intestines of a nursing mother. They can lower blood cholesterol levels and normalize the functioning of the heart muscle. The composition contains minerals and organic acids that have a positive effect on digestive functions. Besides, corn flour contained in the product can reduce blood pressure and cleanse the walls of blood vessels. It does not cause allergic reactions and is not an accumulated allergen.

Together with milk, the baby will already learn the healthy taste of foods, and it will be easier for him to accept the taste of complementary foods made from corn porridge. As a rule, beneficial components of substances are transmitted to the baby through mother’s milk, and they are absorbed through a lactation enzyme. In other words, corn traces of the product can be broken down even by the imperfect gastrointestinal tract of newborns.

Important! The flakes must be free of glucose gluten and its traces. Then the product is considered pure from a production point of view, and can be consumed by the mother.

Is it possible to have corn flakes for pancreatitis?

Let's figure out what there is in cereal that should not be given to the pancreas? After processing, pure carbohydrate remains in them, then sugar and sometimes icing are added there. As a result, we have 8-10 tablespoons of sugar, a little fat. In fact, according to BJU, there are the least amount of fat components, and there is a little protein present due to the corn itself. Is it possible to have corn flakes for pancreatitis - no, it is not recommended.

In the case of a chronic illness, it is better to exclude them, and in the case of an acute relapse, to forget them altogether.

Corn flakes for diabetes - isn't it dangerous?

Corn flakes are not prohibited for type 1 and type 2 diabetes if they do not have additional components. Otherwise, they are very useful because they produce insulin. If the cereal has glaze, there will be a lot of sugar in the blood, but insulin will handle it. Although, it depends on how much you ate. It’s better not to take risks, and sometimes snack on tea or kefir with cereal. For type 2 diabetics, this is truly a godsend, since the product itself increases sugar, but helps the organ cope with the excess.

Corn flakes for gastritis

Many people praise the composition of the flakes, saying that they are very helpful for gastrointestinal diseases. They are compared to crackers, supposedly just as safe and with virtually no additives. However. Corn flakes for gastritis can cause a relapse, and with delivery to the hospital. Look at the packaging, where it says - may contain traces of gluten. These are not traces, not pieces of raw materials that were accidentally introduced, and the manufacturer protected himself by reporting his assumption.

This is an intentional addition of an ingredient. It is needed for taste, smell and preservation of appearance after standing on the shelves for another year. Gastritis “loves” fatty and dry breakfasts, especially with sour yogurt or enveloping honey. As a result, the person rests in the hospital, forgetting about work. On the other hand, this is dangerous, since gastritis can develop into a complication - stomach cancer. This is his next stage.

Choose the right breakfast cereals and combine them only with healthy products, even if you are on a diet. Under no circumstances make breakfast rituals out of corn flakes - have a list of diets that can be used to diversify such a product.

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As already mentioned in previous articles, a gainer is a protein-carbohydrate mixture. Its role in an athlete’s diet is multi-tasking: increase the amount of protein, increase daily calorie intake and improve the body’s recovery during periods of stress. But few people know that a gainer can be prepared at home, using protein or even ordinary products in your refrigerator as a basis.

Homemade gainer recipe

The main components of a proper gainer are proteins and carbohydrates. For the first, protein (or any other type), cottage cheese, egg white or milk powder is suitable. The ideal option, of course, is protein (preferably isolate), because conventional products have a number of disadvantages:

  • egg white is poorly digestible in its raw form and has a characteristic taste;
  • Powdered milk is contraindicated for people with lactose intolerance and also contains a large number of fats;
  • Cottage cheese takes a long time to digest and is more suitable for an evening gainer than as a light snack between lunch and training.

The second important component of a gainer is carbohydrates. And here truly broad opportunities open up before us. You can use sugar, fruit, drinking yogurt (it has a lot of simple sugars), maltodextrin (if you buy it separately) and much more as carbohydrates. But we need the right carbohydrates, right? Therefore, for gainer we take corn or cereals(preferably rolled oats, ground in a coffee maker).

What do you need to prepare gainer at home?

To create a gainer at home you will need:

  1. shaker or blender
  2. the ingredients themselves

Examples of gainers that can be prepared.

Option 1, post-training

  • cottage cheese (150-200 grams)
  • milk – 300-400 ml
  • oat or corn flakes or ground rolled oats - 75 grams (dry!)
  • sugar (or better yet, honey) - to taste.

Option 2, “nothing extra”

  • 2 servings protein isolate
  • 150 grams of oatmeal, ground in a coffee grinder (or ready-made oatmeal, can be found in large stores)
  • milk – 400 ml

This recipe is good for its simplicity and the absence of fast and simple carbohydrates - protein will add the necessary sweetness to the drink, ground oatmeal has a neutral taste. This option is a complete gainer, prepared at home and has the following characteristics: 70-80 grams of protein, 120 grams of slow carbohydrates. If desired, this portion can be divided into 2 and taken before and after training. For those who are concerned about the presence of unprocessed oatmeal in the recipe and think that it may harm the stomach, we recommend replacing regular oatmeal with instant oatmeal. However, neither the author of the article nor his friends experienced any discomfort when taking ground oatmeal as a gainer.

Option 3, extreme (for those who do not accept sports supplements)

  • milk (or better yet yogurt, it will remove the taste) – 350 ml;
  • 4 egg whites
  • banana
  • jam or syrup to taste

This option is suitable for those who still consider protein a chemical, but by all means do not want to lag behind their friends in the gym and want to increase their daily calorie intake.

An acute lack of time is the main problem that residents of megacities face today. Naturally, they have neither the opportunity nor the special desire to spend several hours in the kitchen at the stove, preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner. Therefore, inventive entrepreneurs hastened to offer an alternative - dishes that take only five to ten minutes to prepare, but which are also nutritious and tasty.

We are talking about cereal breakfast cereals:, and, of course,. Corn flakes, which do not require any cooking, and can simply be poured or juiced, are actively advertised as an alternative to regular cereals. High vitamin and nutritional value, pleasant taste that can be diversified with the help of various additives, obvious sympathy that even those children who cannot be persuaded to eat even a spoonful of regular porridge feel for this product - has the ideal breakfast product been found?

To answer this question, you need to understand what corn flakes actually are and whether they are really as safe and healthy as advertised.

Historical reference

The story surrounding the appearance of corn flakes could form the basis of a novel. In the American state of Michigan in the nineteenth century, there was the Battle Creek Sanitarium, owned by the extremely pious brothers John Harvey Kellogg and Will Keith Kellogg.

The Kellogg brothers were Seventh-day Adventists and believed that diet should play a leading role in restoring the health of their patients - and not an ordinary one, but one that would help sanatorium guests renounce everything earthly, completely suppress libido and tune in to divine grace. Therefore, the most common dish on the sanatorium menu was porridge.

Naturally, patients soon began to grumble, demanding a diversified diet. The brothers began experimenting with cereals, trying to develop some new dish. It was supposed to be a flatbread made from, prepared in a special way: boiled wheat was passed through special rollers, and the resulting mass was baked.

Once wheat was replaced with corn. The layer formed after the grains were passed through rollers, crushed, fried and served for breakfast with milk.

The guests of the sanatorium appreciated the new dish, moreover, they told their relatives and friends about it. Brothers began to receive orders for the unusual product from all over the United States. Will Keith Kellogg turned out to be a born entrepreneur.

To make the product even more attractive to customers, he took the initiative to add .

However, his brother John Harvey was against it, saying that sugary cereals would not have any beneficial effect on moral character. The brothers quarreled, after which Will Keith founded his own company and began experimenting with the composition and coming up with new advertising moves.

In particular, he is the initiator of the famous advertising slogan “Wink to the seller.” Those who fulfilled this requirement received the opportunity to try the new product for free.

In addition, Will Keith found that sugar not only has a positive effect on taste qualities cereals, but also helps them not to soak longer in water or milk - and it’s the seductive crunch of the new product that has won so many hearts! As a result, the cereal was patented in its sweet version.

Production technology

Today, only white and flint varieties of corn are used for the production of corn flakes, the ripe grains of which are flat and slightly elongated. The process of producing the world's favorite breakfast cereal is quite labor-intensive.

First, the shell and germs are removed from the grains. Then they are crushed into cereal, water and two types of syrup from malt and sugar are added. Next, the mixture is treated with steam and driven through a special device, after which it is cooled and conditioned so that the moisture in the raw material is distributed as evenly as possible. At the final stage, the grain is flattened and fried until crisp. The finished flakes can be coated with icing or sugar crumbs.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Corn flakes are a fairly high-calorie product. 100 g of breakfast cereal contains 363 calories. Compound nutrients looks like this: 6.9 g, 2.5 g and 83.6 g.

At the same time, in my own way chemical composition the flakes are practically not inferior to the original raw material - corn. So, they contain the whole range (- 19 mcg; and - 0.3 mg each; - 0.07 mg; - 0.1 mg), which help improve metabolism and help stabilize the functioning of the immune system and nervous systems. The product also contains properties (200 mcg), (2.7 mg) and (1.1 mg), which effectively stimulate the body’s resistance and help it recover faster from illnesses.

Nutritionists especially emphasize the fact that the product contains a fairly high content of natural dietary fiber, in other words, 0.8 g per 100 g of product.

Fiber works as a natural scrub for the intestines, stimulating its activity, binding and removing toxins and toxic substances and helping to cleanse the body naturally.

At the same time, the undeniable advantage of corn flakes is that all useful material enter the body in a digestible form that is optimal for the gastrointestinal tract.

Beneficial features

ABOUT beneficial properties corn flakes, nutritionists started talking immediately after the appearance of this product. Of course, we are not talking about the product’s impact on moral character, which its creators the Kellogg brothers were so concerned about, but about much more “mundane” things - physical health. Thus, it is undeniable that breakfast cereals based on the “queen of the fields”, due to their vitamin composition and those present in them, have a beneficial effect on the human body.

First of all, corn flakes help normalize a person’s emotional state. The thing is that this product contains an amino acid, which, when it enters the body, turns into serotonin - the same “hormone of joy” that helps to even out the emotional background.

Glutamic acid has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in brain cells, sharpening a person’s intellectual abilities and improving memory, and has a strengthening effect on nerve cells and is involved in the formation of muscle fibers.

Breakfast cereal is an indispensable product in the fight against intestinal sluggishness. Nutritionists often recommend adding cereal to the menu if you are prone to constipation, as well as for those who have been diagnosed with colitis and gastroenteritis.

In this case, it is better to eat them “live” - this is how their effect is fully manifested.

Present in breakfast cereals, they are known for their ability to suppress the development of tumors and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Corn flakes are a great snack option for people who suffer from appetite disorders. The thing is that this dish gives the effect of quick satiety, which, however, is quickly replaced by hunger. As a result, cereal helps to “wake up” the appetite and provoke the desire to snack on something more substantial.

Contraindications and harm

Meanwhile, although corn flakes were initially viewed as a uniquely healthy product, now nutritionists are far from unanimous in their opinion.

First of all, due to the high sugar content, breakfast cereals should not be consumed by people suffering from tooth decay. For the same reason, regular consumption of this product increases the risk of developing diabetes.

Nutritionists also note that for many children, corn flakes cause some kind of psychological addiction, and therefore the kids begin to be capricious and categorically refuse any other breakfast. Moreover, given the high content of the product, its constant presence in the diet can lead to obesity.

Separately, it is worth mentioning cereals artificially enriched with vitamins. According to some reports, synthetic vitamins that are added to breakfast cereals are harmful and can cause serious harm to the body. In particular, oncologists are sounding the alarm - they insist that in people with a genetic predisposition to cancer, regular consumption of breakfast cereals artificially fortified with vitamins increases the risk of developing cancer.

It was already noted above that corn-based breakfasts are very easy to digest. However, the problem is that they do not give you a boost of energy for the whole day, and soon after such a breakfast you will want to eat again. Therefore, if you go to the office all day, where there will be no opportunity to have a snack, it is better to choose something more substantial for your morning meal.

The results of recent studies indicate that a rather harmful substance called acrylamide appears in corn flakes during frying. It is known for its carcinogenic properties and can cause the development of cancer.

This dish is contraindicated if you have an individual intolerance to corn. There are also known cases of allergic reaction Therefore, this product is strictly not recommended for nursing mothers.

And, of course, under no circumstances should corn flakes be consumed dry. This can lead to bloating, nausea and pain.

Corn flakes for weight loss

Corn flakes, despite their rather high calorie content, are a product that is present on the menu of a number of weight loss systems. Indeed, those who are on a diet trying to lose weight can consume corn-based breakfast cereals, but several nuances should be taken into account.

First of all, in your case, “breakfast cereal” should not be breakfast at all, but a snack during the day. Mix the cereal with Greek yogurt - the protein will help lower the glycemic index of the cereal.

And of course, those who are trying to lose weight should only eat cereal without sugar or glaze. You can add a little to diversify the taste.

Use in cooking

Of course, the main way to use corn flakes is as a so-called “breakfast cereal”. You can add milk, yogurt, juice to the product, and berries, pieces, nuts or honey will help diversify the taste.

However, this product can also be added to:

  • salads;
  • Dessert.

For example, skilled chefs prepare pastries and cookies, as well as cakes, from candy flakes.

In addition, this product can help you out if you are going to cook breaded cutlets, chops, meat or fish, but forgot to buy it. Simply grind the corn flakes into crumbs - and as a result, your dish will have a golden and crispy crust.

How to choose a quality product

To ensure that the quality of corn flakes purchased at the supermarket does not disappoint you, there are several factors to consider.

First of all, remember: those cereals that contain only three ingredients can be considered ideal. This is salt and oil. Everything else, as they say, is “from the evil one.”

Do not try to purchase a product whose packaging contains an impressive list of vitamins and minerals with which the cereal is “enriched”. We have already noted above that such additives are absorbed much worse than natural ones and can cause health problems.

It is better to purchase cereals without glaze and with minimal sugar content. When served, their taste can be enhanced with honey, chocolate or berries.

Finally, carefully study the expiration date and the cardboard box itself in which the breakfast cereal is packaged. It should not be wrinkled or damp.

How to prepare the product at home

To be one hundred percent sure that the cornflakes you are going to serve for breakfast are not only tasty, but also healthy, you can prepare them yourself. The process is quite labor-intensive, but the result is worth it. You will need salt to taste, as well as sugar and water, which should be taken in equal proportions.

First of all, take equal amounts of water and sugar, heat, stirring constantly, so that a homogeneous, rather thick syrup is formed. Add cereal to the syrup and simmer for two hours. As a result, you should get a thick, fairly dense mass.

Remove it from the pan, let it cool, and then roll it out with a rolling pin into a sheet of dough. Cut it into small pieces with a knife. Roast them in a 300 degree oven until they are golden brown.

Making cornflakes cookies

To make delicious cookies you will need: one glass of corn flakes, four tablespoons of sugar, one egg, a handful, a drop of vanilla essence, salt to taste and to grease a baking sheet.

Separate from . Beat the egg whites until stiff, then add sugar and. Beat again. Add cereal and cranberries to the beaten egg white. Add some salt and stir. Spoon the prepared mixture onto a baking sheet greased with oil and heated in the oven, forming flat cakes. Bake until done at 180 degrees.

Cooking cherry pie

To prepare a fragrant and very tasty pie you will need the following ingredients: 200 g 20% ​​fat, 300 g flour, 10 g baking powder, 300 g sugar, three eggs, a pinch of salt, 150 g butter, canned in juice, 50 ml milk, 100 g corn flakes.

Whip the cream until foamy. Add half the sugar, salt and eggs, then mix thoroughly. Slowly begin adding flour and baking powder while continuing to mix. Pour the finished dough into a greased form.

Place the cherries in an even layer, after draining the syrup and making sure that there are no seeds in the berries. After this, place the form in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for a quarter of an hour.

Combine the remaining sugar with milk and butter and bring to a boil. Mix with cereal. Remove the pan from the oven and spoon the mixture on top. Flatten lightly by pressing onto the base dough. Place in the oven for another quarter of an hour. The finished pie can be served with whipped cream.
