Celery and what can be prepared from it. Useful properties of celery

In chapter Celery recipes, celery beneficial properties After describing the beneficial properties, the use of celery for weight loss, for men, for diseases, contraindications, recipes for dishes made from celery are presented.

Celery beneficial properties:

Leaves, petioles, thickened roots, celery seeds, due to their strong aroma and sweetish spicy taste, are used as a seasoning in fresh and dried form in cooking and canning.

Celery is used to make salads, vegetable soups, sauces, meat, pates, mushrooms.

Essential oil, which contains all parts of the plant, improves digestion.

Celery has a diuretic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, astringent, choleretic, carminative, laxative, antiallergic, sedative, antimalarial effect. Celery also improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, blood formation, and stimulates appetite.

Celery is useful for increasing physical and mental performance, as well as in old age to combat old age.

Celery for men:

Celery increases the functions of the male gonads, improves blood supply to the genitals, and has a general tonic effect.

Juice from a fresh plant and a decoction of celery root are taken to stimulate sexual function in men. To enhance sexual desire and stimulate the sex glands, as well as to improve erection, in folk medicine it is recommended to regularly eat root vegetables and celery leaves as a seasoning for dishes and salads and as an independent dish.

Celery fruits have been used for a long time as an aphrodisiac. Celery in combination with other herbs is used in folk medicine for impotence, hyposexuality, and male infertility.

Celery for weight loss:

Due to the presence of mineral salts of potassium, magnesium, and iron, celery promotes better absorption of protein foods, maintaining acid-base balance in the body, and has a beneficial effect on endocrine and nervous system, regulates metabolism. Celery is used in dietetics to treat obesity.

Fresh celery juice has a strong diuretic effect, laxative, improves digestion and colon activity, stimulates appetite, reduces thirst, which makes it especially useful for diabetes.

Externally, celery has a wound-healing, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, and emollient effect.

Externally, celery is used in the form of lotions from fresh juice or a decoction of the roots for tumors of an inflammatory and non-inflammatory nature, as well as for bruises, urticaria, and lichen.

Celery recipes:

Celery is used in dietetics for cardiovascular diseases, obesity, neuroses, anemia. The use of celery in the diet of elderly and obese people is recommended.

In folk medicine celery has long been used as a food and medicinal plant for kidney diseases: nephritis, urolithiasis, cystitis, prostatitis, liver diseases, painful menstruation, gout, for malaria (increases appetite), for low acidity of gastric juice (stimulates the activity of the gastric glands, which leads to increased secretion of hydrochloric acid).

Celery juice is used for rheumatism, gout, allergic urticaria, scurvy, and edematous conditions.

Use of celery in nutrition:

All 3 varieties of celery are healthy and nutritious. However, leaf and petiole celery are the richest in vitamins and potassium.

Celery is used to prepare independent dishes, as well as together with meat products and vegetables.

Fresh and dried leaves are used as a seasoning to improve the taste of dishes and increase the content of mineral salts and vitamins.

Raw petioles are used to prepare salads, and stewed petioles are used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.

Celery roots are used for food in raw, boiled, stewed form, as well as dried root vegetables.

Celery contraindications:

In large doses, celery is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Everyone knows about the benefits of vegetables, but not everyone is ready to make their diet mainly from them. And in vain, because in addition to the high content of vitamins, edible plants can also boast the lowest calorie content among food products, and this is especially true for all representatives fair half humanity on the eve of the beach season. And it also wouldn’t hurt for the stronger sex to gather their courage and show willpower, at least for a while giving up such tasty, but too high-calorie hamburgers and pizza in favor of juicy and fresh vegetables. And this task can be made easier if you diversify the menu with new products that have not become boring and boring. For example, deliciously crispy celery, which, due to an unfortunate misunderstanding, until recently was almost unknown to our compatriots. But upon closer acquaintance, it turns out that from its stems you can prepare such a variety of healthy dishes, snacks and even desserts that it’s simply amazing how we ever managed without such universal greens! Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take an interest and take on board some tips on how to cook celery stalks.

Celery: composition, properties and benefits
In fact, such an unpretentious and versatile vegetable crop as celery has been known for a very long time - but, unfortunately, not in our area, but in Western countries. Even the ancient Greeks loved and often used celery, however, as usual, not only and not so much for food, but for making triumphal wreaths for the winners of wars and sports competitions. Which, however, only once again proves the multifaceted capabilities of this wonderful plant. Celery can be used, as they say, from head to toe: roots, stems, and leaves are used. But our compatriots appreciated this relatively recently, while in the USA, in the state of Colorado, the entire city of Arvada proudly bears the unofficial title of the celery capital of the world. And there is something to be proud of. Such a useful root vegetable, which is cultivated celery (another name is fragrant celery), still needs to be looked for. What is its use?

First of all, celery is valued for its ease of cultivation and use. Being a close relative of such popular crops as carrots, parsley, parsnips, fennel, coriander, caraway and anise, celery is very unpretentious to the conditions environment and easily grows and ripens even during frosts down to -5°C. ethnoscience celery has long been respected as a diuretic, and therefore an anti-inflammatory agent, also effective for kidney diseases, Bladder and genitals. An extract from any part of celery, from roots to leaves, is valued in homeopathy as a general tonic, and especially as a powerful aphrodisiac. Regular consumption of celery and the use of preparations based on it can strengthen the heart muscle, increase vascular tone and cleanse the blood. Such effects are achieved due to chemical composition roots and stalks of celery, rich in biological active substances. Their list is quite worthy of a separate article, but we will try to briefly outline the overall picture.

And it will look like this: celery is a juicy vegetable, so the bulk of its mass is water, but the concentration of vitamins in the dry matter is so high that it more than covers the weight of the entire root vegetable. Judge for yourself: it is easily digestible protein, fruit sugars and dietary fiber. Both stems and roots of celery are rich in essential oils, carotene, organic acids, among which oxalic acid plays the most significant role. Among the vitamins, the primacy rightfully belongs to vitamin C (about 110 mg per 100 g in leaves and stem), followed by vitamins B, A, E, PP and K. Mineral salts of iron, sodium, magnesium, as well as potassium, calcium and phosphorus also play an important role in the composition and properties of celery. And flavonoids (pigments) and furanocoumarins (substances that increase sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation) can be named among the rare but important components for metabolic processes. Special attention should be paid to glutamic acid, because this powerful natural neurotransmitter is present in high concentrations in all parts of the plant, underground and aboveground. And nature fits all this richness of composition into just 16 kcal per 100 g of celery! Truly a unique product that combines nutritional and dietary properties.

And yet, celery should be consumed with caution by those who suffer from high stomach acidity and related diseases. digestive system(gastritis, duodenal ulcers, etc.). Due to its high salt content and diuretic effect, celery is not recommended for exacerbation of urinary tract diseases, exacerbations of cystitis and pyelonephritis, and kidney stones. Celery has been observed to cause bloating and gas in pregnant and breastfeeding women, and this effect has been passed on to the baby. But for everyone else, celery helps get rid of constipation and other digestive disorders. And the above-ground parts of celery normalize the amount of sugar in the blood, lower cholesterol levels and cleanse blood vessels. The leaves and stem have a wound-healing and analgesic effect, and at the same time a noticeable anti-aging cosmetic effect. Simply put, like any natural remedy, celery can bring to the human body both invaluable benefits and tangible harm. It all depends on the method, quantity and method of application. But in general, this vegetable can truly be rightly considered a valuable gift from nature to its beloved but naughty child - humanity.

Celery recipes
As mentioned above, celery began to become popular in our country recently, literally a few years ago, with its appearance at farmers' markets and vegetable departments of supermarkets. And even after this, if our compatriots figured out the roots and leaves quickly enough, many still avoid the fleshy and long, bright green stalks of celery, preferring more familiar and “understandable” products. And in vain! After all, celery stalks can be used to prepare an almost limitless amount of the most different dishes: soups, salads, casseroles, side dishes for meat and fish, as well as desserts and drinks. In order not to be unfounded, we suggest you verify this from your own experience by preparing one or more of the proposed dishes using a celery stalk:

  1. Celery stalk and cucumber salad. Take 2 fresh stalks of celery, 2 cucumbers, 300 grams of white cabbage, a large green apple, a small onion, a little olive oil (for dressing) and the juice of half a lemon. Finely chop the cabbage, put it in a salad bowl and lightly crush it with your hands so that it becomes softer and releases its juice. Cut the cucumbers into circles, the onion into half rings, and the celery into arbitrary pieces. Core the apple and cut into thin slices. Mix all ingredients, season the salad with olive oil and lemon juice. This light diet salad can be made more nutritious by adding avocado to the salad bowl, boiled egg and/or pine nuts.
  2. Celery stalk puree soup. Take 2 large stalks of celery, 2 white (starchy) potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 parsley root, 2 yolks, 15 grams butter, a pinch of salt, 2 liters of water. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, put oil and put on fire. Cut the vegetables into pieces of arbitrary shape of the same size and place in a saucepan, boil until soft. Then scoop some vegetable broth from the pan and stir the yolks into it. Remove the vegetables from the broth and mash them into a smooth puree using a mortar or blender. Return the vegetable puree to the pan and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and pour the broth with the dissolved yolks into the pan in a thin stream, stirring continuously. Wait until it boils, cover with a lid and remove from heat. In portioned bowls, season the puree soup with sour cream to taste and/or sprinkle with chopped fresh herbs.
  3. Pearl barley pickle with celery stalk. Take 1.5 liters of broth (chicken or vegetable), two stalks of celery, 100 grams of pearl barley, 1 young zucchini, red onion, 2 eggs, a bunch of green onions, 2 bay leaves, 6 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 50 grams of sour cream, a pinch of salt and ground pepper. Rinse the cereal under running water and cook porridge from it. Cut the celery, zucchini and onion into equal-sized cubes and lightly fry in vegetable oil. Then put the vegetables and pearl barley into the pan, add broth and cook for about 7-10 minutes. Add salt, bay leaf and pepper, bring to a boil, cover with a lid and remove from heat. While the pickle is steeping and cooling, boil the eggs hard and cut into quarters. Finely chop the onion. Place onion, equal parts of eggs, sour cream into serving bowls and pour in pickle sauce.
  4. Stewed chicken with celery stalk. Take a chicken carcass or two chicken legs, two stalks of celery, a bunch of fresh lettuce leaves, a few cherry tomatoes. Peel the skin from the chicken and separate the meat from the bones. Fry on all sides in a frying pan without oil, add a little water and simmer until almost done. Meanwhile, cut the celery into arbitrary, but fairly large pieces, add to the meat and simmer, covered, over low heat until the chicken is cooked. Place lettuce leaves on a plate, place chicken and celery on them and garnish with tomatoes. With this composition, this dish turns out to be dietary and suitable even for a light dinner. It can become more nutritious if you fry the chicken in a small amount of vegetable oil and simmer with the addition of sour cream or yogurt. No salt or sauce is needed, but you can add it to your taste if desired.
  5. Stuffed celery stalks. Take two large and strong stalks of celery, chicken breast(two fillet halves), 100 grams of parmesan, soy sauce, juice of one lemon, a pinch of ground pepper, a little olive oil. Cut the chicken into cubes approximately 2 cm wide and rub with pepper, then pour in lemon juice and leave to marinate for half an hour. Meanwhile, cut the celery stalks crosswise into fragments about 10 cm in length, then divide each of them lengthwise to obtain peculiar “boats”. Dilute soy sauce with drinking water in a 1:1 ratio and add celery to it. After half an hour, fry the chicken until cooked through, then place the meat in celery stalks and place on a baking sheet coated with olive oil. Sprinkle with finely grated Parmesan cheese and bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes until golden brown.
  6. Celery stalk cocktail. Take one large stalk of celery, 3 ripe kiwi small size, half a lime or lemon, a few mint leaves, 2 teaspoons honey, 125 ml water, 4 ice cubes. Peel the kiwi, cut the lime into slices, and celery into arbitrary pieces. Place lime, celery, kiwi and mint in a blender bowl and puree until smooth. Then add honey and water and blend again in the blender. The amount of water can be increased depending on the desired consistency of the cocktail. Break the ice into crumbs. Place it at the bottom of the glass, into which you then pour the finished drink from the blender. The cocktail can be garnished with a slice of lemon and/or a sprig of mint.
Secrets of choosing and storing celery
Like any other fresh product, celery is best used immediately after purchase. But if you plan to store it at home for at least a couple of days, then pay special attention to your choice: take only bright green stems with a pleasant smell and a smooth, slightly glossy surface. A soft and faded stem is a sign of an unripe or, conversely, overripe vegetable. To keep it fresh and healthy for some time, at home, place the celery in a bowl of cool water, cover with foil or a bag and put the whole structure in the refrigerator. In this form, there is a chance to preserve fresh, high-quality stems for up to 4-6 days. But it’s better not to put off cooking for too long, because only fresh vegetables retain their natural composition and benefits; over time, under the influence of the environment, vitamins and microelements in the pulp are destroyed. Therefore, buy exactly as much celery as you can use at one time, and the next trip to the store or market for it will definitely lift your spirits and enrich your menu with delicious and varied dishes.

Celery is a favorite product among nutritionists, it should be noted, and deservedly so. This wonderful vegetable has a full pantry of vitamins, useful substances, fiber, and very low calorie content. It doesn’t matter what recipes you use, whether you cook it or eat it raw: chewing a piece of celery will burn more calories than you take in.

Between the top and the spine

Celery can be found on sale in three forms: greens (leaves), roots and stems - all these are parts of the same plant. The leaves are usually used in pickles - without celery, the usual taste of pickles is simply unthinkable. Celery root is fried, stewed, and can be used to make soups and purees. Most recipes with the “celery” component imply that it is the root that needs to be consumed, and for some reason the stems are ignored. It’s unfair, because petioles are so healthy and tasty! Today we will talk about what can be cooked from celery stalks. And we will offer recipes that, if they don’t make you a lover of this vegetable, will at least teach you how to cook it well.

Celery stalk salad

Juicy, fleshy celery stalks just beg to be added to a salad! That’s right, lovers of crunchy vegetables most often prefer to eat the stems raw and prepare salads and starters from them. The piquant but delicate taste of stalk celery goes well with most common salad ingredients, producing sometimes unexpected, but always great, flavor variations. It’s always interesting to cook and experiment with it, salad recipes with fresh celery always good.

Lovers of creative salads will be interested in preparing this recipe.


  • 100 grams of stems;
  • 100 grams of sweet and sour apple;
  • 150 grams of fried chicken meat;
  • 15–20 grams of peeled sunflower seeds;
  • Juice from half a lemon;
  • A handful of white seedless grapes;
  • 1 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil.


  1. Scald the stems, peel them from the outer film, slice them thinly across, pour in lemon juice and stir.
  2. Cut the grapes into halves.
  3. Fry the seeds without oil - just 5 minutes, stirring.
  4. Finely chop the meat from two fried chicken drumsticks (without skin).
  5. Peel the apple and grate it on a coarse grater.
  6. Combine all the products in a salad bowl, fields vegetable oil, stir.

Preparing this salad is a pleasure; only a few recipes make it so easy and quick to prepare this amazing yummy dish.

Vegetarians and vegans with a calm heart can exclude chicken from the list of ingredients and not eat it at all - the absence of meat will not spoil the composition.

Celery with leeks and mushrooms

It doesn’t matter what you call this dish - you can make an excellent side dish from celery, suitable for meat, poultry, fish, and even a vegetarian soy minced roll. Recipes with petiole celery are designed not only for those who eat raw vegetables.


  • One plump leek (white part);
  • Fresh champignons – at least 250 g;
  • Fleshy celery stalks – 6 pcs;
  • Fresh rosemary and sage - 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped greens;
  • Fresh parsley - 2 tbsp. l;
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp;
  • Freshly ground pepper and salt;
  • A third of a glass chicken broth or water;
  • Olive oil for cooking (not salad oil) – 2 or 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the celery stalks with water and scald them with boiling water in a colander (this will make it easier to remove the film from the stalks). Then peel them and cut them diagonally into 1 cm pieces - you get diamonds. In the same way - diagonally - cut the leek. Rinse the mushrooms, dry and cut into quarters.
  2. Pour 1 tbsp into the pan. oil and add mushrooms. Cook, stirring, until the juice released by the mushrooms evaporates and the mushrooms become slightly golden in color.
  3. Throw leeks into the pan. Add another spoonful of oil and fry the onions along with the mushrooms.
  4. Add celery diamonds, salt, add another spoonful of butter if necessary. Cook for 8 minutes until the celery softens. Then pour in lemon juice, add all the fresh herbs, pepper and salt. Simmer all together for about 5 minutes.

Using a slotted spoon, remove the vegetables from the pan and place on a serving plate. Leave the juice in the pan, add broth to it and keep on fire until half of the liquid has evaporated. Pour the resulting sauce over the vegetables and serve.

Vitamin cocktail with celery and ginger

Everything is great, but what should those who like the specific taste of celery do much less than they would like? It’s very simple – just make a vitamin cocktail! Someone will definitely find drinking a cocktail more enjoyable than chewing stems. But for those who love the spicy aroma of celery and are not too lazy to chew, the cocktail recipe will still be very useful. All cocktail recipes with celery juice speed up metabolism, and this one also helps strengthen the immune system.


  • Juice from half a grapefruit;
  • Juice from half a large orange;
  • Apple juice - how much will go;
  • Juice from 3 fleshy celery stalks;
  • Juice or puree a piece of fresh ginger (1 cm).

How to cook:

  1. It will be most convenient for you to prepare a mixture of juices - orange, grapefruit and celery - in a measuring glass.
  2. It is better to add ginger little by little, stirring and tasting, because ginger has a pungent taste.
  3. When you adjust the spiciness of the drink, add apple juice to the cocktail so that you get 350 ml in total.

This cocktail is great for breakfast; it will provide an energetic start to the morning and a supply of vitamins for the whole day.

These are the celery recipes we offered you. These green stems are very healthy, so be sure to include them in your diet.

If you can be considered a fan of celery, then try to implement the recipes for preparing petiole celery, which we will describe below.

Salad with petiole celery - recipe

Celery stalks are incredibly tasty fresh, especially when combined with green apples. We decided to use this classic combination once again in this salad.


  • lemon juice – 35 ml;
  • – 35 g;
  • honey – 35 ml;
  • olive oil– 115 ml;
  • a bunch of celery stalks;
  • green apples – 2 pcs.;
  • walnuts – 85 g.


Prepare the salad dressing by first whisking the first three ingredients together, then begin pouring in the olive oil while whisking vigorously. Chop the celery and apple, dress the salad with mustard sauce and sprinkle with nuts before serving.

Preparing petiole celery for the winter - recipe


  • a bunch of stalked celery;
  • peppercorns – 3 pcs.;
  • salt – 30 g;
  • lemon juice – 15 ml.


Divide the washed celery stalks into pieces that can be conveniently placed in a jar. Blanch the celery in salted boiling water for a couple of minutes. Prepare the brine by adding salt, lemon juice and peppercorns to boiling water. Pour hot brine into the contents of the prepared jars and pasteurize for 20 minutes before rolling.

Fried stalked celery


  • corn oil – 25 ml;
  • hot peppers- taste;
  • – 35 ml;
  • celery stalks - a bunch.


After heating the oil, fry the hot peppers in it, and then add the celery stalks cut into strips. Stir-fry the stems in hot oil for 3 minutes, then add soy sauce and wait another minute. Serve the finished stems warm.

What to cook from petiole celery?



To prepare this soup with a subtle, refined taste, chop the onion and celery, sauté them until soft, add the chopped potatoes and garlic, and after half a minute pour the broth over everything. Boil the soup until the potatoes soften, then blend it with a blender and season with lemon juice before serving.

For many decades, people have been using celery to prepare a wide variety of dishes. Despite the fact that absolutely all parts of this plant are suitable for consumption, it is its petioles that are most often used. Thanks to its high fiber content, pleasant aroma and refreshing taste, as well as the presence of various vitamins in its composition, it has earned the respect of not only housewives, but also doctors, and especially nutritionists. Today you can prepare a huge number of dishes, from soups to exotic snacks. Moreover, almost all of them are prepared very quickly, and the result is always excellent.

Chowder with celery and seafood

To prepare this stew you will need:

  • petiole celery - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • seafood mixture - 0.5 kg;
  • milk - 1 l;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • flour - 2 spoons;
  • vegetable oil - 1 spoon;
  • and salt to taste.

First of all, you need to chop all the vegetables into small cubes, add water and cook for 20 minutes. At this time, cut the onion into thin quarter rings and sauté until soft. After that, put it in the pan with the rest of the vegetables. Add cleaned seafood there and pour in the milk, in which you must first dilute the flour. After boiling, add spices, boil the chowder for a couple of minutes and serve immediately. This stew, made from stalked celery, is sure to please even the most fastidious gourmets. As you can see in this case, preparing petiole celery does not take much time and effort, which is important for modern housewives.

Salad "Celery and company"

  • fresh tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumbers - 5 pcs.;
  • red onion - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice - 1 spoon;
  • greens and salt - to taste.

Cut all components into strips, and celery into thin half rings. Season the vegetables with lemon juice and oil, add salt to taste if desired, and garnish the finished salad with any herbs. In winter, you can use canned cucumbers, beans or corn, and the dressing of butter and lemon juice can be successfully replaced with regular sour cream.

But don’t think that you can only cook everyday dishes from stalked celery. In fact, there are a huge number of snacks that are ideal for the holiday table. Here is one of them.

“Rolls” from petiole celery


  • ham - 6 slices;
  • petiole celery - 2 stalks;
  • mozzarella cheese - 100 g;
  • chopped parsley - 3 tablespoons;
  • natural yogurt - 200 g;
  • lemon slices - for decoration.

It is necessary to chop and mix celery, cheese and herbs very finely. Apply the resulting paste in a fairly thick layer onto the slices of ham and roll them into rolls. Place the resulting rolls on a plate, pour yogurt on top and garnish with lemon slices. It is best served chilled.

In fact, you can prepare a lot of different dishes from petiole celery. The main thing to remember is that this plant has a very powerful taste, and therefore it should be added in small quantities, otherwise it will drown out the taste of the other ingredients. In addition, it is better to give preference only to freshly picked petioles, since they contain greatest number useful substances.
