How long to express breast milk. When to Express

Among young mothers, there is an opinion that in order to improve lactation, a woman needs to constantly express milk from her breast. Instead of devoting more time to the newborn, such women are forced to express their breasts after each feeding. However, lactation consultants believe that this is not necessary at all, since the process of lactation is best regulated by the child himself. But excessive pumping can lead to hyperlactation, which can cause a lot of inconvenience and problems. Let's try to figure out whether it is necessary to express milk, in what cases and how it should be done.

When should you express milk?

It is believed that the child, sucking a certain amount of milk from the mother's breast during feeding, gives female body a kind of signal about how much it should be produced in the future. If the baby begins to eat worse, then the amount of milk produced also decreases. Thus, the wise nature provided for the natural regulation of the lactation process.

With normally established lactation, when the baby is fed on demand and he sucks milk well, grabs the nipple correctly, the mother and baby are healthy and feel good, additional pumping is not required.

However, there are situations in which it is necessary to drain milk from the glands. Let's consider the main ones.

  • During the formation of lactation, milk should be expressed after feeding to regulate its production. After the birth of a child, milk arrives quite intensively, and if the child does not have time to completely suck it out, then by the next feeding it will be produced in a smaller amount. Therefore, you should express the remaining milk, otherwise it may burn out over time. And when the appetite of the newborn improves, there will be nothing to feed him. The main thing in this case is not to overdo it and not cause hyperlactation, so the milk should not be squeezed out completely, but only until the breast becomes soft. Otherwise, you can come to vicious circle when more and more milk will be produced with each feeding, and it will be necessary to express the breast longer and harder. It is believed that normal lactation should be established within a week after childbirth, and during this period you can strain 2-3 times a day.
  • In the case of lactostasis, when the milk ducts are clogged and lumps form in the mammary gland, which then become very painful and can cause a fever, milk should be manually expressed from such areas. It may take several days to break down such lumps, but if this is not done, then mastitis will begin - inflammation of the mammary gland. After restoration of patency of the ducts, pumping can be stopped. In the future, you should ensure that the child sucks each breast well, and if this does not happen, strain it yourself.
  • During the period of illness of a woman in labor, when she needs to take antibiotics or other medications that can harm the newborn, the baby is not applied to the breast, and milk is manually expressed to maintain lactation. Doctors recommend pumping 6-10 times during the day, with an interval of 3-4 hours during the day and 6-7 hours at night. You can continue to breastfeed your baby after you stop taking the medication.
  • If the baby is born prematurely or with any pathology in which stress is contraindicated for him (and the sucking process is physical labor for the baby), then he is fed from a bottle with expressed mother's milk. If, for some reason, the newborn is not breastfed immediately after birth, then pumping should begin within 6 hours after birth. At first, it will be possible to extract only a few drops of colostrum, but this will give a signal to the body that it is necessary to activate milk production.
  • Sometimes, due to the overflow of the gland with milk, it becomes very hard and the child cannot properly latch on to the nipple. In this case, you can eliminate the swelling of the gland by expressing a little milk before feeding, and then applying the child to it.

Birth control pills and contraception breastfeeding

How to express properly?

Milk can be expressed manually or with the help of breast pumps, which, in turn, are mechanical and electric. When using a breast pump, it is necessary to carefully monitor its cleanliness and sterilize it before each use in order to eliminate the risk of pathogenic bacteria on its surface. The use of breast pumps by women with cracked nipples is prohibited.

When using a breast pump, make sure that the nipple is located exactly in the center of the funnel, and its edges fit snugly against the skin of the breast. Breast pumps are more effective when the breasts are full, and work worse if the breasts are soft. In this case, women combine pumping: first they use a suction device, and then they manually strain.

Before manual pumping, a small breast massage should be performed.

This will cause the pituitary gland to produce oxytocin, which will expand the mammary ducts of the glands and facilitate the movement of milk.

In the process of decanting, no effort should be made, all movements should be smooth and light so as not to damage the milk alveoli. You need to express milk for about 20-30 minutes. If a woman does not have the experience of self-expression, she should seek help from a midwife or nurse in the hospital, who will show what movements to massage the glands while expressing milk.

The phenomenon when the mother's body produces more milk than the baby needs is called hyperlactation. To eliminate it, you should reduce the number of pumping. However, this should be done gradually so as not to provoke lactostasis.

The signal to the body about excessively produced milk is received within 24 hours. Therefore, you must first refuse to express after night feeding, and during the day, express the milk completely so that the breast is soft. After three days, it will be possible to refuse one more pumping and so gradually increase their number to 1-2 per day. In this way, it will be possible to get rid of excessive production of breast milk in 1-1.5 weeks.

Adnexitis during breastfeeding: etiology, diagnosis, treatment

How to store milk

Expressed milk should be stored properly. Of course, you need to collect it in a thoroughly washed and preferably sterilized container. And if necessary, save it long time- milk should be stored in the refrigerator.

Unlike artificial mixtures women's milk contains in its composition a large number of protective antibodies that inhibit the development of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, it can be safely left out of the refrigerator for 2-3 hours until the next feeding, without fear for its quality. If you plan to store milk for a longer time, you need to put it in the refrigerator. And the milk, which is planned to be stored for more than two days, should be frozen in the freezer.

Every woman should master the techniques of manual pumping as early as possible, as sooner or later she will need it in the process of breastfeeding a child. In order to learn how to do this correctly, it is advisable to seek help from a medical professional or a more experienced mother. By carefully monitoring the condition of the breast and the process of milk production, you can significantly extend the duration of breastfeeding, which will bring great benefits to both the newborn baby and his mother.

Breastfeeding is a complex and painstaking process by which the child not only receives a source of nutrition, but also establishes a psycho-emotional relationship with his mother. When pumping, a similar procedure for emptying the breast occurs, but there is no question of any relationship and comfort for the woman and her baby. So why do breastfeeding mothers express themselves and is there a need for this? This question can be answered by considering the situations individually.

Pumping while breastfeeding

Before breastfeeding or after

The balance of breast milk allows the child not only to use it as food, but also to make up for the lack of liquid. Physiology stipulates that first the foremilk is released from the breast, which has a liquid consistency and allows the child to drink. After that, the production of a fatter and more nutritious portion of milk begins.

If you pump before feeding for no reason, you can upset this balance, which will lead to disruption of the child's digestive tract. Pumping after breastfeeding leads to an increase in the amount of baby food.

Stagnation of breast milk with lactostasis

Cases where pumping is required

In a number of situations, expressing breast milk is encouraged:

  • baby was born ahead of time and forced to be bottle-fed;
  • a woman has a lot of milk, which leads to blockage of the milk ducts and prevents the baby from suckling;
  • (this should be confirmed by underweight, increased anxiety and a decrease in the number of wet diapers during the day);
  • mother needs treatment with potent drugs or a long separation from the baby.

If you have any doubts about the need to empty your breasts, you should consult your doctor. The specialist will assess the circumstances and give the woman individual recommendations.

Video of hand expressing milk

There are situations when you really need to express breast milk. However, they occur infrequently. In most situations, women resort to this method without justified reasons. You should not listen to friends who recommend or equal the experience of grandmothers who emptied their breasts to the last drop. Nature conceived the natural establishment of lactation without any pumping.

Breastfeeding is recognized as a key condition for the healthy and harmonious development of the child. Breast milk contains everything your baby needs nutrients And vitamin complexes. Mother's milk contains all the main immune substances. Once in the child's body, they protect the newborn from infections and form his immune system.

Though World Association health advises against expressing breast milk, in some cases it is necessary to carry out the procedure. Therefore, the mother must know how to express properly. Proper pumping will not only provide the baby with enough food, but also strengthen the health of the woman. In addition, the procedure is extremely simple and does not require financial costs.

Why breast pump

First of all, you need to determine the cases when pumping is necessary, and when a woman can do without it.

Cases where pumping is not necessary

Conventional wisdom says that breast milk expression (also known as artificial breast stimulation) should be used in such cases (although some experts have a different opinion on breast milk expression):

  1. For the development and stimulation of the mammary glands in the postpartum period. The opinion of experts in this case is divided. When the baby is healthy, breastfeeds well and eats in sufficient quantities for him, and the mother does not take hormonal or potentially dangerous medications for the baby's health, has no specific contraindications (including illnesses) to breastfeeding, the baby independently stimulates sufficient secretion of breast milk .
  2. Insufficient or excessive milk production. When milk is produced in sufficient quantities, pumping leads to an excess of its secretion and the breast becomes overfilled with milk. In this case, you will have to express very often and for a long time. When the secret mammary glands enough for normal feeding of the baby, there is no need for pumping. If there is too little milk, it is better to replace pumping with more frequent attachment of the baby to the breast. You also need to monitor the sucking process itself. With the right feeding technique, the baby gets more food. Pumping should be resorted to only when the above recommendations do not help.
  3. At the time when the practice of hourly (regime) feeding of babies was adopted, there was a point in additional stimulation of the mammary glands. But this practice increased the risk of premature disappearance of milk. Over time, the approach to breastfeeding has changed dramatically in the direction of optimal feeding from a physiological point of view.

When pumping is really necessary

There are really few cases when there are direct indications for pumping. But every nursing woman needs to know them. Expression shown:

  • With prematurity. Premature babies have little or no sucking reflex. At the same time, the digestive tract of such children is sufficiently developed to absorb food. The optimal food for premature newborns is mother's milk. Therefore, pumping is the best way to feed in such conditions;
  • Pathologies of the central or peripheral nervous system. According to statistics, the pathology of the central nervous system prevails. The child in such cases is not able to breastfeed on his own. Feeding expressed milk with a spoon, pipette or through a stomach tube can help. The use of a bottle is undesirable, as the child may choke or suffocate when sucking;
  • Insufficient milk synthesis. Breastfeeding is the main factor that stimulates the formation of milk. In some cases, breastfeeding is not enough, so pumping is the best way to enhance its formation;
  • At initial stage lactation. When too much milk is produced and the child does not suck it out, it is indicated to release the mammary gland. This will not only soften it, but will optimize secretory processes;
  • Stagnation of the secret (lactostasis) leads to the development of lactational mastitis. The disease develops with insufficient emptying of the mammary gland or its improper capture by the child. Proper pumping helps prevent mastitis;
  • Breastfeeding is contraindicated if the mother is taking certain medications or has specific medical conditions. In this case, breast pumping will help to maintain lactation;
  • With a flat nipple. Pumping can change the shape of the nipple. The child cannot change the configuration of the nipple, because it captures the areola, not the nipple;
  • If necessary, the procurement of milk in case of impossibility of breastfeeding on demand.

Which pumping method to choose

There are three ways to express breast milk:

  • manual;
  • with the help of a breast pump;
  • using the warm bottle method.

Manual pumping is less traumatic and does not require special devices and financial expenses. Hand pumping techniques are taught in the maternity hospital or in courses for expectant mothers. Below is a hand-pumping technique.

The use of a breast pump is indicated for mothers with abundant secretion of milk and women with sensitive breasts. The process is painless and can be carried out in almost any conditions.

The warm bottle method is extremely simple. It is suitable for women with large breasts or those who have abundant lactation.

The choice of pumping method depends only on the preference of the mother and the specific situation. A doctor can help you choose the best method.

Where to express breast milk

In one-off cases, you can express milk into a baby bottle for feeding. It is convenient and food will always be at hand.

The breast pumps are supplied with special containers-bottles. They are great for short-term storage of milk. You can feed your baby directly from them. It is enough to put on a pacifier.

Long-term storage (from 2 days) will require special containers. On sale there are special sterile containers. They are sterile and hypoallergenic. Filled containers can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer.

A budget option is to store milk in baby food jars (not suitable for formula containers). It is best to use glass containers. The key condition is their thorough sterilization (including lids). Storage of glass containers in the freezer is not shown.

It is convenient to use special bags for storing chilled or frozen foods. An important feature The use of such containers is the possibility of fixing the date of pumping and storage temperature.

It is best to express directly into the milk storage container. It is not advisable to pour it.

Breast preparation

  • apply a warm towel to your chest or take a warm shower before pumping;
  • drink a warm soft drink (coffee is not recommended);
  • perform a smooth light massage of the mammary gland: starting from the upper part of the gland, move the fingers in a circular motion on a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest, then the procedure is performed on the next area. I move my fingers in a spiral from the upper area to the areola, after which the chest is stroked from top to bottom;
  • lean down or hang down the chest.

Doing this will help you relax nervous system and improve milk flow.

Attention!Improving the passage of the secret allows pumping the free breast while feeding the baby with the other breast.

Before pumping, the breasts must be thoroughly washed with soap and dried from water.

How to express breasts with your hands

Proper execution of the technique ensures optimal secretion passage and prevention of congestion.

Pre-prepare a clean container for storing milk and wash your hands. Before each use, it is thoroughly washed and boiled.

Pumping technique:

  1. The woman chooses a comfortable position. The container is held at chest level. The back is straight. It is not necessary to tilt the body - it will only tire the woman,
  2. The gland is held from below with one hand, the second is stroking the chest towards the nipple.
  3. The thumb is held on the edge of the areola, the index finger is opposite. The rest of the fingers hold the iron.
  4. The thumb and forefinger squeeze the gland, then bring them together with a ring, while pressing on the areola.
  5. The described movements are rhythmically repeated until the chest is empty.
  6. Gradually move the fingers along the perimeter of the areola.

The appearance of a pain syndrome indicates a violation of the pumping technique (in the case of the first pumping, the appearance of minor pain is normal, the pain will pass with time).

A sign of proper pumping is milk flowing out in even streams.

How to express breast milk with a breast pump

Typically, the manufacturer indicates the rules for using the breast pump on the product packaging.

Before using the device, it must be sterilized and the chest washed.

How to use the breast pump:

  • the funnel of the apparatus is applied to the chest;
  • the nipple should be exactly in the center;
  • the gland is as close as possible to the funnel;
  • the electric device is turned on after pressing the corresponding button, the mechanical device is started by pressing the piston or by squeezing the pump (squeezing should be rhythmic).

The signs of proper pumping are the same as with the manual method.

The warm bottle method

The method is similar to the use of medical jars.

A washed bottle or jar with a wide neck and a volume of at least a liter is filled hot water. The container must cool for a certain time, after which the water is poured out, and the neck is quickly cooled. Immediately after this, the container is hermetically applied to the areola.

As the vessel cools, the nipple will be drawn into it and the process of milk secretion will begin. After weakening the flow of milk, the procedure is repeated until the gland is completely released.

How to express breast milk when congested

The rules for preparing the breast for pumping with lactostasis are identical to the standard rules.

Pumping technique:

  1. The second or fourth fingers of the hand are placed above the chest. The thumb and forefinger are brought as close as possible to the edge of the areola. Pumping begins gradually, adhering to a clear rhythm.
  2. The fingers should move from the top of the breast to the nipple. A key feature is the need for a priority impact on the pathologically altered components of the gland.
  3. It is necessary to constantly change the position of the fingers near the areola. Milk should be secreted from all areas of the gland.
  4. If the secretion of milk has stopped, but the compacted areas in the gland remain and hurt, pumping should be stopped for a minute, perform a breast massage and repeat the pumping.
  5. Express the breast until it is emptied.

Attention!Stagnation in the mammary gland are indications for treatment for medical care V as soon as possible. A progressive process can lead to health and life-threatening consequences.

How much milk to express and how often to do it

It all depends on the specific situation.

  1. When feeding a premature baby. It is recommended to pump breasts 6-10 times a day. The procedure takes about 15 minutes for each breast. It is optimal to carry out the procedure twice during the morning. Subsequent decantations are carried out in such a way as to evenly distribute the multiplicity during the day. The last procedure should be around midnight.
  2. When the mother is sick. It is desirable to carry out the pumping procedure at intervals of 3-3.5 hours during the day. The duration of the procedure itself should not exceed 15 minutes for each gland.
  3. For the purpose of becoming milk secretion. The mammary glands are decanted at intervals of 3-3.5 hours. The duration of pumping is the same as in the previous cases. In the case when normal secretion could not be achieved, it is shown to add two or three additional procedures.
  4. To prevent lactostasis, the procedure is carried out as the glands are filled with milk.
  5. When a mother is not able to breastfeed her baby, it is necessary to prepare milk in advance.

When not to express

There are contraindications on the part of the child and on the part of the mother.

Child contraindications

  • lactose intolerance;
  • leucinosis ("maple syrup disease");
  • phenylketonuria;
  • anomalies in the development of the gastrointestinal tract.

Maternal contraindications

Absolute (breastfeeding is strictly prohibited):

  • HIV infection;
  • AIDS;
  • parenteral hepatitis.

Relative (breastfeeding is interrupted until the root cause is eliminated):

  • serious illnesses that do not allow caring for a child;
  • herpes virus disease;
  • the use of psychotropic drugs;
  • treatment with radioactive drugs;
  • application a large number iodine-containing preparations;
  • treatment of tumors by the method of chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Breastfeeding should be taken with extreme caution when:

  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the mammary gland;
  • mother's illness for tuberculosis;
  • mother's drug use.

In such cases, the decision on the need for breastfeeding is made by the medical commission.

How often should you pump

How and how long can expressed breast milk be stored

Milk can be stored at room temperature for no more than 3-4 hours. Milk can be stored in a refrigerator for up to 4 days, and in a freezer (temperature not more than -18 ° C) - up to six months.

The storage container must first be sterilized, and after filling with milk, close tightly.

To prevent the growth of bacteria, milk should be protected from direct sunlight.

Freezing breast milk

Proper freezing of milk allows you to save food for a child for a long time.

Freezing rules:

  1. Before freezing, milk is pre-cooled in the refrigerator.
  2. The container in which milk will be stored must first be sterilized.
  3. Refrigerate and freeze milk in the same container.
  4. For milk, a separate shelf is allocated in the refrigerator or freezer. It should not come into contact with other products, since such a neighborhood threatens to contaminate milk with infectious agents found on other food products.
  5. Do not store milk in the refrigerator door. Remember, only a separate shelf.
  6. The freezer is set to freeze mode only after milk has been placed in it.
  7. On containers with milk, the date and time of freezing must be indicated. Milk that is in the chamber for more than six months can lead to serious disorders in the functioning of the intestines and other organs.

How to tell if milk has gone bad

The spoilage of milk is evidenced by:

  • unnatural color;
  • an unpleasant or unnatural smell (similar to the smell of sour cow's milk);
  • change in consistency (like sour cow's milk);
  • unpleasant taste of milk (reminiscent of sour cow's milk);
  • curdling (formation of lumps) during boiling.

The same rules apply here as for milk of animal origin.

Attention!If there is the slightest doubt about the quality of breast milk, it is forbidden to feed a child with it. In addition to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of such milk can lead to serious complications from other organs and systems.

Rules for defrosting and heating milk

Breast milk needs to be thawed naturally It should defrost on its own in the refrigerator. In this case, the same rules for storing milk apply as for normal storage in the refrigerator (separate shelf, etc.). It is forbidden to open a container with milk, because this increases the likelihood of its contamination with pathogens. Milk is thawed until it acquires a standard liquid state.

Before feeding the baby with expressed milk from the refrigerator, it must be warmed up using a bottle warmer. In its absence, you can use a water bath. The easiest way to warm breast milk is to hold it under running hot water.

Do not use boiling water to heat milk. This method leads to a violation of the structure and organoleptic properties of milk. In addition, all immune complexes and most of the vitamin and other substances necessary for the normal growth and development of the child are destroyed. This makes breast milk just a collection of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

For the same reason, it is forbidden to heat milk in microwave oven. Also, heating in it can lead to the melting of the nipple on the container or to the formation of a crack in the glassware or its rupture due to temperature differences.

Heating with boiling water or a microwave oven increases the likelihood of the transition of substances that are part of the storage container itself or the nipple, which negatively affects the health of the child.

Reusable use of heated milk is prohibited. Even if it was stored in ideal conditions, it is better to throw away the remains of the product.

During storage separate fractions of milk are formed. To make it whole, shake the milk container well before feeding.

Mother's milk is the main component of the nutrition of an infant (especially in the first months). Due to the influence of heat treatment on it, products prepared on its basis are an additional component of nutrition. In addition, thermally processed protein is less absorbed by the child's body than protein in its natural configuration.


Expressing breast milk allows you to provide the baby with the necessary food in cases where breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Compliance with the rules for collecting and storing milk guarantees the good health of mother and child.

Is it necessary to express breast milk or not? This question probably torments almost every young mother. Someone adheres to the advice of experts, someone has his own point of view. But, one way or another, the question of pumping has remained open for many decades. After all, all women know that expressing breast milk can increase the strength of lactation and prevent congestion in the breast. But everyone also knows that this process is quite painful. Not every woman can force herself to pump, as it is quite difficult and sometimes painful. Having tried to do this once, a woman after that can once and for all abandon this undertaking. So is it necessary to express milk or not, and how to do it right?

When not to pump

In fact, daily pumping is not necessary if:

  1. You do not leave the baby for a long time without a breast.
  2. If the baby eats on demand, eats as much as he wants and when he wants.
  3. If you are not planning to wean for any reason.

When pumping is necessary

Expression of breast milk may be required if:

  1. The child does not take the breast well.
  2. Breast milk is produced in such quantity that the baby is not able to take the full breast.
  3. You have a blocked milk duct.
  4. The child eats by the hour, and the amount of milk is not enough to feed him.
  5. You leave the baby without a breast for a long time and are forced to.

Many mothers believe that it is possible to achieve an increase in lactation during breastfeeding only through pumping. However, an on-demand baby is able to increase his milk supply by himself, he will simply increase the frequency of feeding. To understand how pumping affects a woman's milk supply and health, we need to understand how milk is produced and what mechanisms trigger this production.

Milk flows heavily from the breast

There are a lot of alveoli (milk sacs) in the breast, in which breast milk is stored. From these sacs, milk ducts depart, which merge near the nipple. Directly in front of the nipple are dilated ducts that narrow as they enter the nipple. When the baby takes the breast, he compresses the dilated ducts with his mouth, and milk begins to flow into the nipple and into the baby's mouth.

To continue this process, the oxytocin reflex must turn on. It is he who affects how much milk will be produced. It comes into action at the moment when the baby stimulates the nipple or when the mother worries about the baby and hears his crying. At this point, the hormone oxytocin begins to be released, which "pushes" breast milk out of the storage bags. A woman, feeling the production of a hormone, explains this with a rush of milk. At the time of the tide, milk from the woman’s breast begins to flow on its own, without the participation of the crumbs. And at this time, the child may refuse to take the breast, which supplies milk under pressure. Then the mother will need to express a small amount of milk and only then breastfeed the baby.

What to do if milk comes poorly and is almost gone

To start the process of producing oxytocin, it is often enough to stimulate the chest a little. But there are a few tricks that can also help you get a rush of milk during a feed. So, if you do not have enough milk, you need to do the following:

  1. Relax and imagine how milk comes out of a million storage bags, flows through the milk ducts and enters the baby's mouth.
  2. Some time before feeding, drink warm liquids. It does not matter what you drink, and most importantly - how much.
  3. Have a family member give you a back and neck massage.
  4. Just chat with your own baby, pet him and cuddle him. sometimes the amount of milk depends entirely on how much time you spend with the baby.
  5. Take a warm shower or put a cloth dampened with warm water on your chest.

There are many other methods that will help to establish lactation without expressing milk. Each of them must be selected individually. The murmur of water helps someone “cause” milk, but stimulation of the nipples helps someone. Therefore, each woman herself must look for the right option, since there is no one recommendation for everyone.

Pumping by hand

If you need to make a supply of milk or you decide to increase lactation by pumping, then you need to know how to do it correctly. Many young mothers after childbirth do not know how to do this, how much time is needed for this procedure, how much milk is needed and how much can be expressed. Therefore, they often make a number of mistakes. To prevent this from happening, you just need to listen to the recommendations on how to properly express milk.

Milk, most likely, will not flow immediately, but only after a few clicks. If you feel pain, then you are using the wrong pumping technique. If there is no pain, then the procedure is carried out correctly.

How not to express:

  1. You can't squeeze your nipples. No matter how much you put pressure on them, milk will not go.
  2. Do not let your hands slide over your chest. Wipe your breasts with a tissue if milk gets on them.
  3. You can't trust your husband or girlfriend to pump. They can harm the mammary glands.
  4. Do not look into a glass of pumped milk. According to studies, this helps to pump more milk.

In the early days, pumping can take about half an hour. During this time, you will be able to properly express all the milk. After pumping, feel the breast, if there are no seals in it, then pumping can be completed.

Expression with a breast pump

Some women find it more convenient to pump with a breast pump. Usually it is used together with the manual method, decanting the breast first with the hand, and then with this device. It is only worth noting that the breast pump does not always take soft and crowded breasts.

The modern market offers many options for breast pumps. However, they must also be selected individually. Since the electric option may be too rough for some, and for some, a manual breast pump is a pain.

How often and how much to express milk

The frequency and amount of pumping directly depends on a number of factors.

  1. So, to maintain lactation, pumping every three hours will be enough. If you want to increase the amount of milk, then you need to express your breasts every hour or even more often. But after the process is established, pumping may become less regular. And after six months it can be stopped completely.
  2. To establish lactation, if the baby is not yet able to breastfeed, it is necessary to start pumping already in the first 6 hours after birth. And then do it regularly - once an hour. After the baby gets stronger, you can reduce the number of pumping.
  3. In order to make a supply of milk, you need to express it as often as possible, every one to two hours. And at the time of your absence, it is also necessary to express so that the milk does not “burn out”, and lactation is preserved.

To express or not, how often it needs to be done and how, it is up to each woman to decide for herself. It is only worth remembering that the main factor on which the quantity and quality of milk depends is feeding on demand, and not every 3 hours. Therefore, if you have no contraindications to feeding, and your baby is able to take the breast, then you can forget about pumping. Nature has thought of everything for us, the child will provide himself with milk. Mom can only adhere to the daily routine, relax and receive positive emotions.
