Breast milk chemical composition. Breast milk

Breast milk is truly unique. There is no mixture in the world that would exactly repeat chemical composition breast milk. Nature, having thought through everything to the smallest detail, has made this product indispensable for a growing and developing organism. Milk contains over 500 useful substances, most of which have not yet been synthesized.

A woman's body prudently begins to produce milk long before the baby is born. In the body of the expectant mother, the hormone prolactin is produced, under the influence of which the mammary glands produce milk. Its formation is facilitated by blood and lymph, with the help of which the body receives particles that turn into nutritious milk.
The composition of mother's milk is unique, as a result of which it is not possible to find women with the same proportions of certain substances, despite the identity of its components.


Water accounts for an average of 87% of the mass fraction of milk. Biologically active, it is quickly absorbed by a fragile body and fully satisfies its need for fluid intake. So, give extra water to babies for breastfeeding no need.


Fats, which are about 4% in breast milk, are the source of vitality of the crumbs and contribute to the development of his brain. Myelin is an important component of the sheaths of nerve fibers. And one of its components is fatty acids. They are so important that if there is not enough fatty acids in the mother’s body, the mammary glands begin to produce them on their own. And exactly in the amount that the child needs.


There are about 1% of them in milk, the main purpose is to participate in the growth of the child. Human milk contains several proteins:

  • casein. It curdles milk for better absorption.
  • whey protein. Promotes rapid digestion and assimilation of curdled milk.
  • taurine. It helps develop the brain and nervous system.
  • lactoferrin. Transfers iron from milk to baby's blood. Suppresses the activity of harmful bacteria.
  • lysosomes. Natural antibiotics, destroy harmful bacteria.
  • nucleotides. Participate in the formation of tissues, make them more durable.


About 7% are carbohydrates that contribute to the development of the central nervous system, assimilation of micro and macro elements. Bifidobacteria improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, minimize the risk of fungal and bacterial infections.

Breast milk contains a high content of lactose (about 6.5%) and about 1% of other oligosaccharides that promote the development of bifidobacteria in the intestinal tract of the baby. Calcium, necessary for the formation of a strong bone skeleton, is absorbed precisely with the help of lactose. Once lactose is broken down into glucose and galactose, it provides energy to the growing baby's brain.

Oligosaccharides block antigens, thus performing a protective function. One of the oligosaccharides is the bifidus factor, which stimulates the growth of bifidobacteria in the intestinal tract of a child.


The body of the baby is not yet able to produce enzymes on its own, so they are produced by the mother's mammary gland. Enzymes - lipase, amylase, protease, etc. are necessary for the baby to absorb fats. Enzymes break down fats into fatty acids, which also have a strong antiviral effect.

immune factors

Breast milk is rich in immunological protection factors. Immunoglobulins protect the baby's mucous membranes - the first barrier to infection. Immunoglobulins in mother's milk are specific to the pathogens of her child. This is because every time a mother comes into contact with her baby, she inhales or ingests bacteria and pathogens from the baby's skin. In response to this, the mammary gland produces antibodies that enter the child's body with each application, forming his immunity.

age of breast milk

Already three weeks after the birth of the baby, mother's milk becomes quite fatty, watery. There is very little protein in mature milk, but acids - linolenic, linoleic - begin to play the leading role. These organic compounds responsible for the functioning and development of the brain. mammary glands A healthy woman produces daily up to 1.5 liters of milk.

In turn, mature milk is divided into two varieties:. The first one is produced on initial stage feeding. They are thinner than the rear, contains large quantity salts, water and carbohydrates. With such milk, the child quenches thirst rather than hunger.
Back milk is much thicker, has a yellowish tint. Such a product satisfies hunger well.

But the composition of breast milk can be influenced not only by the period of feeding, but also by many third-party factors. Yes, at high temperatures on the street, the milk is somewhat thinner. The volume of vital components is also affected by the health of a nursing mother: taking antibiotics and other medicines significantly change both the composition and quality of milk.

What are the benefits of breast milk

Breastfeeding the crumbs from the first days of his life is the key to the good functioning of the digestive tract, mental development, salvation from pneumonia and allergic reactions, infectious diseases.

The process of feeding can be considered an antidepressant for both mom and baby. A nursing mother is happy because she can truly consider herself the most valuable and beloved person for a baby. In turn, milk for a newborn is not just food, but also a way to fall asleep faster, to forget about some kind of fear or experience. The proteins contained in milk act on the nervous system of the crumbs in this way.

Breastfeeding has been proven to reduce the risk of developing cancer. Alpha-lactalbumin, which is found in milk, actively fights against four dozen types of skin cancer.
Natural milk also strengthens the baby's immunity, reduces the risk of developing infectious and allergic manifestations. Also, milk is saturated with antibodies that can protect against possible diseases mothers.

Milk is also an antibacterial agent, which is often used, for example, as a treatment for the common cold. In addition, mothers themselves can use it to heal cracked nipples.

If we touch on the financial side of this issue, then at least breastfeeding is beneficial. Food for the crumbs is always there: it does not need to be boiled or heated. Milk, unlike store mixes, is completely free, which is important for the family budget.

Let's summarize. Mother's milk is a complex product. It contains everything nutrients And exactly in the amount that the baby needs. And as the child grows, the composition of milk changes according to his needs. No formula can completely replace breast milk.

Breast milk is a unique product for infant feeding. There is not a single analogue that would replace it by 100%, because nature itself took care of its composition. It fully satisfies infant nutritional needs. The composition of milk includes about 500 different substances, most of which cannot be reproduced artificially.

The mother's body produces milk even before the baby is born. Even then, the mammary glands are working to create a food product for someone who is about to be born. Where does breast milk come from, how does it differ from analogues and what is its benefit for the baby and mother?

Breast milk is?

Women have a special hormone in their breasts called prolactin, thanks to which they form mother's milk. Prolactin promotes the release/secretion of milk by the cells of the mammary glands. The basis of milk is lymph and blood, into which molecules of substances modified in the process come from the woman's body (along with food).


Every woman's mother's milk is unique. In the world it is impossible to find even 2 women with an identical composition, but the components in the composition of milk are the same.

Water (~88%)

The main substance in the composition of milk is biologically active water. It is perfectly absorbed by the baby's body, fully satisfying his fluid needs. Children on GW do not need supplementation.

Carbohydrates (~7%)

Lactose (milk sugar) contributes to the development of the central nervous system and the brain of the baby, helps to absorb iron and calcium, and the bifidum factor contributes to the normal functioning of the intestinal microflora, preventing the growth of fungi and bacteria.

Fats (~4%)

Child's source of strength. Thanks to fats, the central nervous system is formed and the protective properties of a small organism increase. The composition of breast milk fats contains cholesterol, which produces vitamin D, the main hormones and bile. The ratio of fats and carbohydrates is ideally balanced for the growing body of the child.

Proteins (~1%)

They are the basis of growth for a fragile fast-growing baby. Breast milk protein contains:

  • whey protein (globulins and albumins);
  • taurine (promotes the development of the nervous system and brain);
  • lactoferrin (supplies iron and helps reduce the growth of fungi and bacteria in the baby's intestines);
  • nucleotides, which are the building blocks of DNA;
  • lactase - an enzyme that breaks down lactose;
  • lipase is an enzyme that helps digest fats.

Other components (~0.2%)

  • immunological protective substances that contribute to the destruction of infections (antibodies, leukocytes);
  • iron, minerals, vitamins and probiotics;
  • hormones (more than 15 varieties), growth factors and stimulants.

View composition

"Age of milk - foremilk and hindmilk"

  • Colostrum. The very first milk (1-4 days), it is also called colostrum (thick yellowish liquid), appears in the mother in small quantities, and its composition is as concentrated as possible. In colostrum, the composition is close to the protein serum of the baby's blood. It contains an increased amount of proteins, vitamins, leukocytes, immunoglobulins and salts. This is necessary for the quick adaptation of a still weak baby to a new way of eating (It is important to give the baby a breast in the first hours after birth);
  • transitional breast milk. From 4-5 days to 2-3 weeks, a nursing mother has transitional milk. It becomes more nutritious and less protein, adapting to the demanding growing body and new products, supplying it with the necessary enzymes;
  • mature breast milk. From 3 weeks milk is saturated with fats and becomes mature breast milk. It is more watery. The protein content of milk is low older child, the less protein is produced in milk). Milk is dominated by linoleic and linolenic fatty acids, which are responsible for brain development. (A healthy woman, on average, produces from 1 to 1.5 liters of mature milk per day). Mature milk may be front and rear:
    • foremilk . It is allocated at the beginning of feeding the child. It looks bluish, more liquid (than the back), contains more carbohydrates, water and salts - the child quenches thirst with this milk (the front milk replaces water);
    • hind milk . Thicker than the anterior, with a yellowish tint. The child satisfies hunger with this milk.

Interesting to know

The composition and quality of mother's milk may vary depending on the influence of certain factors.

Air temperature. If the weather is hot, the milk is thinner, winter time- vice versa.

Mom's health. During periods when a woman's immunity is weakened or she takes any medications, the composition and quality of milk can change significantly.

Times of Day. During the day, the milk is thicker, at night it is liquid.

Baby. The wateriness of milk depends on the intensity of sucking, at first it is liquid (acts as a drink), then thicker, after which it becomes very thick and fatty.

The composition and amount of breast milk largely depends on the state of health of the nursing mother (does the mother take medication), depends on the nutrition of the woman during the period of breastfeeding, on bad habits breastfeeding mothers (and, worse than drugs). Therefore, it is very important to monitor your health, eat the right products, try not to overwork and rest more.

The benefits of breast milk

The uniqueness of breast milk lies not only in its qualitative composition, but also in its amazing properties.

  • Mother's milk for a baby is: good digestion, stimulation of mental development, disease prevention, protection of the baby from diarrhea, pneumonia, allergies and other most common childhood ailments and diseases;
  • Breast milk is an excellent antidepressant for a breastfeeding woman/baby. Speaking about the benefits for the mother, we are not talking about milk itself, as a product, but about the process of its excretion and feeding the baby. These moments have a special impact on women's sensitivity, tenderness and maternal instinct. The fact that milk is coming speaks of the baby's desire to eat, and reminds the mother of how great her fate is in the life of the baby. The process of feeding is a moment incomparable to anything, this unity of the child with the mother can be called a miracle. A breastfeeding woman is happy because she can become the most valuable person for her child for a while. For a child, mother's milk is not only food, but also a great way to calm down / fall asleep, get rid of fears and pain. This is due to the protein content in it;
  • Mother's milk can kill cancer cells. Scientists from Sweden have proven the fact that the substance (human alpha-lactalbumin), which is part of breast milk, can fight 40 types of cancer;
  • It forms the baby's immunity, protects against allergic / infectious diseases, which is possible due to the content of stem cells in it, which perform a protective and regenerating function. Breast milk is a source of antibodies resistant to maternal disease;
  • It has antibacterial properties. They can be used against the common cold by dripping the baby's nose. It can be used as a healing agent for cracked nipples.
  • Breastfeeding is beneficial economically and domestically. Always the milk you need for your baby "at hand", it does not need to be diluted, heated, or cooled. It is always ready to use and never spoils. Breast milk is free, which means it saves the family budget. (Artificial mixtures are not cheap nowadays, so even for the first six months of a child's life, parents have to spend quite a lot of money.

Important to remember: The more often you put your newborn to the breast, the more breast milk will be produced, or rather exactly as much as your baby needs. You need to put the baby to the breast on demand!

Taste and color

As already mentioned above, the color of milk depends on whether it is foremilk or hindmilk, i.e. from fatness. The foremilk is bluish (more liquid), the hindmilk is yellowish or white (more fatty).

The taste depends on the mother's nutrition (salty, spicy, smoked can affect the taste of milk), on bad habits (alcohol and cigarettes), health (medicines taken by the mother). The emotional and physical state of a woman can also directly affect the taste of breast milk.


Consultation with nutritionist Petra Fricke:

Another lactation consultant Vicki Scott shares tips and talks about the benefits of breast milk:

So, as you can see, the properties and composition of breast milk are of undoubted benefit to the little man and mother. Breast milk is a universal product that is always with you, never sour and always ready to drink (warm and tasty).

In conclusion, I would like to quote: "there is no woman more beautiful in the world than a woman with a child in her arms." From myself I would like to add that a nursing mother is even more beautiful.

More on the topic (posts from this category)

It is probably difficult to find a person now who would doubt the value of breast milk. However, in conversations with pregnant women and even breastfeeding mothers, I was repeatedly convinced that their knowledge about this wonderful product sometimes consists of several well-known facts. For example, many people know that human milk contains a sufficient amount of nutrients and a certain amount of antibodies. When you start asking questions, it turns out that few of them realize how truly unique its composition is. The lack of this knowledge sometimes misleads a woman and she may underestimate the importance and significance of the breastfeeding period for her baby. Let's try to fill this gap and figure out what is so unique in breast milk.

To begin with, mature breast milk contains hundreds of well-known components and differs in composition not only in different mothers, but even in one woman in different mammary glands. The composition of milk varies from feeding to feeding, and even during one feeding, not to mention the entire lactation period. All these changes are not accidental, but are directly related to the individual needs of the children who feed on them. For example, the milk produced by a woman who has given birth to a premature baby, during the first 2 weeks of lactation, approaches colostrum in its composition. Women breastfeeding twins who have a pronounced preference for one breast sometimes notice that their mammary glands produce milk of different composition. As lactation subsides and the mammary glands involute, the milk produced in the last stages resembles colostrum in its high level immunoglobulin, which protects both the weaned child and the mammary gland itself. It turns out that at any particular moment in time, the mammary gland produces milk of precisely the composition that this moment necessary and vital for a growing baby. In order to at least try to provide such a quick change in the composition of nutrition artificially, mom would have to buy not one, but several dozen types of milk formulas, and even a diagnostic laboratory with a powerful computer to boot!

At the same time, milk is an extremely complex liquid and all changes in its composition are subject to certain patterns. So, what does this life-giving elixir consist of?

Water, water, all around water

Most of breast milk is ordinary water, it contains about 87%. T a a large number of water fully meets the needs for fluid intake for an infant. Moreover, mother needs to know that this water biologically active, so it is best absorbed by the child.

When the International Dairy League ( public organization, which promotes breastfeeding) was just starting its work, an experiment that was stunning in its visibility was carried out. European children were taken to Africa, in 50 degree heat and lived there for a month with their mothers. Among them were artificial children, children fed on mother's milk and supplemented with water at the same time, and children who ate exclusively mother's milk. The group included a mobile laboratory and several children's doctors. Doctors examined the children and regularly took blood and urine samples from them. It turned out that even in this hot and dry climate, children fed exclusively on breast milk suffered the least from the heat. None of these children suffered from dehydration, unlike children from the other two groups. Moreover, the tests of infants were much better than those of children who, in addition to breasts, also received water. That is, liquid from breast milk is absorbed better than any other liquid and fully meets the baby's needs for water!

That is why no heat is an excuse for feeding a baby with water, except for diseases in which dehydration is observed. With breast milk, the baby gets drunk perfectly and suffers from thirst!

milky sweetness

The next most important component of milk is carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates make up about 7% of the total composition of milk. Moreover, almost all of these percentages are lactose, milk sugar, although it also contains small amounts of galactose, fructose and other oligosaccharides. Lactose is a specific food in infancy, and human milk contains more of it than in the milk of other mammals.

The role of lactose in the growth and development of the child is very large. It promotes the absorption of calcium and iron. Due to lactose, substances necessary for the development of the central nervous system are formed. In addition, breast milk lactose stimulates the formation of intestinal colonies of Lactobacillus bifidus, a beneficial microflora that inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Unlike the milk of other mammals, human milk contains not only the carbohydrate lactose itself, but also a special enzyme for its processing - lactase. True, this enzyme is located mainly in the back of milk, rich in fats, therefore only those babies who breastfeed in accordance with the natural scheme receive it. Namely: the child correctly captures the breast, receives it on demand and has the possibility of prolonged sucking during sleep. Prolonged suckling of the breast to obtain hindmilk also occurs when the baby is repeatedly attached to the same breast. Thus, in order to take full advantage of the invaluable carbohydrate lactose, a new mother must learn the rules of feeding.

We control fat content

like anyone nutritional product, human milk contains a sufficient amount fat. They make up 4%. This amount is quite enough to provide the children's body with additional energy, because the fats in milk are perfectly balanced. From 30 to 50% of the daily energy norm, the baby receives from this fat. The optimal combination of fats and carbohydrates provides the energy needs of a child in the first year of life by 100%, and in the second and third years of life by 50%.

In women's milk, fats are in the form of microscopic balls smaller in size than in cow's milk. This makes them easier to digest. The mechanisms of absorption of fats in an infant are still immature, therefore, breast milk, in addition to the fats themselves, also contains a special enzyme, lipase. Most mammals do not have these enzymes in their milk. Lipase helps the baby break down fat.

The ideal balance of fats in human milk is associated with an optimal ratio between saturated and long-chain unsaturated fatty acids. In breast milk more unsaturated fatty acids than saturated ones. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential for brain development. Of particular importance among them are linoleic and arachidonic. The content of these two fatty acids in women's milk is almost four times higher than in cow's milk; Prostaglandins, the synthesis of which depends on the presence of these two essential fatty acids, affect many physiological functions that activate digestion and promote the maturation of intestinal cells.

Fats are the most variable component of all milk constituents. The level of fat fluctuates not only during the day, but even during the same feeding. In some women, the concentration of fats in milk at the end of feeding is 4-5 times higher than at the beginning. This increase in fat content towards the end of feeding acts as a kind of satiety regulator. The last fatty droplets usually do not flow from the chest in a continuous stream. The baby receives them through prolonged sucking, often during sleep. Having received a signal that he has enough fat, the child usually finishes feeding himself. It turns out that the most high-calorie part of the milk comes to the child only at the end of feeding, so the time of any feeding should not be arbitrarily limited! Only unlimited feeding at the request of the child will provide him with enough fat, and therefore calories.

Better less is better

Well, where is the main building component for the growth and development of nervous tissue, what then remains on squirrels? It turns out that women's milk contains much less protein than fat - about 1%. Mature human milk has the lowest protein content of any other mammal's milk. Moreover, its level gradually decreases as the child grows and develops. This is due to the fact that the needs of a newborn and a one-year-old child for protein differ by more than 3 times, therefore, as they grow older, the baby should receive less and less protein. Excess dietary protein intake causes increased workload on the kidneys, metabolic stress, increases the risk of obesity and diabetes. Therefore, nature has taken care that our milk contains exactly as much protein as the child needs, and this amount varies depending on his age.

The main protein in human milk is alpha lactalbumin, simultaneously acts both as a source of nutrition and as an important agent in the synthesis of lactose.

Some of the proteins are enzymes already familiar to us, such as lipase and lactase that break down the main ingredients of breast milk. In fact, only a human and a gorilla among mammals provide their cubs with both food and substrate at the same time, i.e. breast milk helps the child digest itself!

Among other protein components, it is worth noting essential amino acids such as cystine, methionine, and taurine. Taurine is essential for the binding of bile salts (and therefore fat absorption) and also serves as a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator in central nervous system development;

About 30% of all milk proteins are proteins that serve no nutritional purpose. They perform completely different functions - they form protective mechanisms that allow the baby to fight infections. First of all, these proteins include lactoferrin, which binds iron and prevents the growth of some of the harmful bacteria that feed on it. In addition, there are special anti-infective proteins that secretory immunoglobulin and lysozyme. Other immunoglobulins should also be attributed to protein molecules - antibodies many common infections that protect a child from disease until his immune system is able to produce its own antibodies. If an infection enters the mother's body, special antibodies soon appear in breast milk, protecting the child from this infection.

Thus, with any illness of the child, including during diarrhea, breast milk gives him additional protective factors that help to cope with the disease. That is why during the baby's malaise, breastfeeding should not be stopped. The action of breast milk protects against diseases and helps children to recover even in the second and third years of life.

And what is left?

Less than 1% remains, but it includes a lot of microelements, vitamins and mineral salts, as well as many bioactive substances. These are the same substances that affect the body, being in minimal quantities.

Some of them, no one will ever add to milk formulas because of the great danger of overdose. For example, human milk contains more than 15 types hormones. Some of them are in a concentration greater than in the blood of the mother, others are less. In any case, an artificially synthesized hormone is a medicine, so even the smallest dose of the hormone will not be put into the milk formula.

Other bioactive substances are simply very difficult to synthesize, for example, numerous growth factors. According to recent data, it is precisely because of hormones and growth factors that breast milk is able to control a child's metabolism to some extent, from the intricacies of cell division to his behavior.

cannot be obtained artificially living cells of mother's milk, some of which help the baby fight infections, and the other is unique information transmitted directly from this mother to this child.

The same substances that can be synthesized are found in breast milk in the most easily digestible form. For example, human milk contains enough gland. There is not very much of it in breast milk, but it is well absorbed from the intestines of the child - up to 70%, compared with 30% in cow's milk, and only 10% in breast milk substitutes. That's why breastfed babies do not develop iron deficiency anemia.

All necessary for the child vitamins and microelements it can receive from breast milk, and women's milk provides the child's needs for them not only in the first, but also in the second and third years of life. That's why a child who is breastfed does not need additional doses of vitamins.

Minerals in human milk are distributed in such a way that the child receives the required amount salts, calcium And phosphates. Breast milk calcium is absorbed more efficiently due to the optimal ratio of calcium to phosphorus (2: 1), which is not observed either in cow's milk or in artificial mixtures.

It turns out that each component of breast milk is unique in itself. It is either contained only in this type of milk, or its quantities are different, or its ratio with other components is very different. Some components of human milk are presented in it in unusual form, that is, they form complex bioactive structures, for example, the same water. And if you put all these components together, you get a truly priceless liquid! And most importantly, for this you do not need to go to the store, stand in line, pay money or write prescriptions. This miracle of nature can be produced by any woman, and for free!

Do you doubt, do you think breast milk is the lot of only a few lucky women, and the rest are doomed to the mixture for life? not true, p With good psychological support and adherence to a number of simple rules 97% of women are able to breastfeed. Moreover, elderly women and even nulliparous women are capable of lactation, no matter how paradoxical it may look. If you don’t believe me, contact a lactation consultant and they will definitely help you!

The period of breastfeeding is a special stage in the development of the baby. In addition to the fact that the child receives food, he also feels the mother's love, hears the rhythm of her heart and how she speaks or sings to him. Only in the composition of mother's milk there are all the necessary elements in the right quantities, receiving which, the baby will develop harmoniously. It will be useful for any woman to know what substances are contained in mother's milk at different stages of the feeding process, why its composition changes, how long the breastfeeding period lasts, and whether human milk substitutes can be used.

The composition of human breast milk

The composition of breast milk includes a large amount of nutrients, the proportional content of which changes in the process of lactation.

Table: components that make up breast milk (content per 100 g)

Composition of colostrum

Colostrum is the first food that a newborn receives after birth. It begins to be produced in the expectant mother during pregnancy, during the last three months, and the first three days after birth. Colostrum is a viscous liquid of a yellowish tint, which is excreted in droplets. Its calorie content is twice as high as that of transitional and mature milk - this allows the newborn, when eating a small amount of it for food (10-30 ml per day in total, is allocated) to get all the most important elements and energy for further development.

The main features of colostrum:

  • high protein concentration. Primary milk protein contains a large amount immune cells, which contributes to the formation of a healthy, strong and disease-resistant immunity;
  • a large amount of salt. Sodium and potassium salts start the processes of regulating the water-mineral balance in a small organism. Due to this, colostrum tastes salty;
  • the content of antibodies that form the immune system. In the first days after birth, beneficial microflora is formed in the baby's body. To prevent harmful microbes from settling in the body, immunity is created from them with the help of a kind of “colostrum vaccination”;
  • high content of immunoglobulin. Immunoglobulin is a protein whose main function is to form a protective layer on the surface of the intestines and mucous membranes of the throat and lungs to protect them from various kinds of viruses and bacteria. Its content in colostrum is very high - for comparison, an adult with impaired immune system is prescribed a daily dose of immunoglobulin 50 times less than a newborn receives through colostrum per day;
  • vitamins and antioxidants. They stabilize the outer shell of cells, protect against toxins and the formation of free radicals, promote the development of nervous tissue and muscles, the retina of the eyes, and allow the body to adapt to conditions. external environment;
  • hormones. They determine the speed of development of the baby, stimulate the process of formation of DNA and the gastrointestinal tract.

Elements that are minimally contained in colostrum:

  • water. In the first days after the birth, the child's kidneys are still poorly formed, so the consumption of a large amount of water can harm him - the body already contains the right amount of it;
  • fat. The body of a newborn is not yet able to absorb a lot of fat, so it is practically not contained in milk for several days.

Colostrum is different yellowish color thanks to the content of more fat and beta-carotene

In the first days after the birth of a child, it is necessary to feed as much as he asks (usually up to 12 times a day), even if it seems to the mother that there is no discharge from the chest. Frequent feeding contributes to the further harmonious process and the flow of milk due to the natural stimulation of the mammary glands.

Composition of transitional milk

Usually on the third day after giving birth, a woman's colostrum is converted into transitional milk. This is facilitated by both the action of hormones and the correct attachment of the child: with sufficient feeding, it also stimulates the breast.

During this period, milk changes its composition: the baby has already received the necessary amount of protein, salts and elements that strengthen the immune system, and his body is already able to process fat, carbohydrates and vitamins. In addition, the amount of milk consumed increases greatly, the child asks for breasts more and more often - it comes to once every half an hour.

It is important to feed your baby as often as he asks, especially since this helps the development of the mammary glands, which will provide more and more best quality milk for the rest of the feeding time.

By the end of the transition period, there is a relative stabilization of the amount of milk produced by the mother - if at the initial stage it was based on the work of hormones, now it adjusts to the volume that the average child consumes. This type of regulation is called autocrine.

At 2-3 weeks of feeding, we can say that milk has passed into the mature stage of formation. The peculiarity of its chemical composition is that, with a relatively stable content of many components (mostly they correlate with the needs of the child, his age and state of immunity), there is a gradual decrease in the protein content while increasing the carbohydrate content.

Over time, the baby begins to breastfeed less often, and at the age of about 2 years and 5 months, the lactation period ends. The composition of milk again begins to approach colostrum, and a large number of anti-infective agents appear in it, such as immunoglobulin, leukocytes, phagocytes and others.

The role of lactose in breast milk

Lactose is a carbohydrate that is part of the milk of all mammals, it is also called milk sugar. Women's milk contains more of it than anywhere else, and since this element is very important for the development of the baby, it is highly undesirable to replace natural mother's milk with mixtures.

The main purpose of lactose is to help in the absorption of iron and calcium, which is important for strengthening bones and the motor system, and to influence the formation of components, without which the harmonious development of the central nervous system is impossible.

Reasons for changing the composition of milk

Breast milk is a unique product that is capable of actively modifying its composition and the content of various components, depending on both environmental factors and the state of the child himself and the changes taking place in his body.

The main reasons for the change in the composition:

  • changing baby needs. If the baby was born prematurely, then colostrum is produced for about two weeks so that his body can develop. When both mother and child become ill, antibodies are formed in the milk that protect against infection and help to recover. And during the growth spurt, milk is saturated with fat, which is needed at that moment;
  • changes during one feeding. At the beginning of feeding, the consistency of milk is more liquid, lactose and vitamins predominate in it. Gradually, it becomes more and more thick and saturated with fat;
  • changes during the day. Milk reaches its maximum fat content half an hour after feeding is completed. But the time of feeding does not affect the level of formation of carbohydrates and protein;
  • mom's food. Maternal nutrition during lactation affects the amount of water-soluble vitamins, selenium, iodine and other trace elements, so it is important that a woman eat a balanced diet.

The change in the composition of breast milk is mainly affected by the child's need for certain substances at a particular moment of development, as well as the mother's diet - getting all the vitamins she needs for herself, she will provide them for her baby.

Benefits of breastfeeding for baby

Mother's milk is the only product that a baby consumes for the first few months of his life, and, naturally, it has a strong influence on the formation of all systems of his body. Only recently, scientists were able to prove the invaluable benefits and importance of natural breastfeeding.

First of all, milk contains immune-forming components that create the first protective shells of the body and form immunity. Substances such as calcium and lactose contribute to the formation of the bone and central nervous system.

Remember that there are no analogues to breast milk in the whole world.

The main feature of the production of mother's milk is its complete adaptation to the needs of the child. Depending on what components it now needs for development, the content of these substances in milk increases. If a child becomes ill, it is supplied with antibodies through the mother's breast to prevent the disease. And the mammary glands produce exactly the amount that is optimal for saturating the baby.

Difference from cow's milk

Some women think that they can replace breast milk with natural cow's milk, but this is a mistake. Only mother's milk is able to give the baby in the first year of life all the necessary nutrients for the harmonious growth and development of his body systems. This is due to centuries of evolutionary processes and, as a result, the difference in composition:

  • The type of protein found in breast milk is albumin and its derived components. Unlike casein, cow's milk protein, it does not lead to the development of allergies and is better absorbed.
  • Cow's milk contains 3 times more amino acids, but this is the case when more is not better. Amino acids in women's milk are combined in the optimal ratio and provide the baby with the need for them in the first year of life to the fullest.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids are not synthesized internally human body but play an important role in protein digestion. Women's milk contains much more of them, therefore, a lower amount of protein will be enough for the baby. There are much fewer acids in cow's milk of this type.
  • Fat, which is part of cow's milk, increases the risk of formation of cholesterol plaques in the blood, reduces the processes of inhibition in the central nervous system and increases excitability.
  • Lactose is found in both types of milk, but there is a significant difference - cow's milk contains alpha-lactose, and women's breast milk contains beta-lactose. The latter is absorbed more slowly and allows you to create a positive intestinal microflora.
  • Women's milk contains less salt, which does not allow overloading the still weak children's kidneys, which can lead to the development of hypertension in adults.
  • Calcium from human milk is absorbed three times better than from cow's milk, which has a positive effect on the formation of the skeletal system. Human milk contains more vitamin D, fat-soluble vitamins, iron, zinc and copper.

The composition of breast and cow's milk is very different.

The Need for Antibodies

The body of a baby up to a year is defenseless against various kinds of infections, since its immunity has not yet had time to form. An important role in its formation is played by the process of breastfeeding, since with milk the child receives the necessary antibodies from the outside.

Antibodies are special compounds present in breast milk that stop the process of bacterial reproduction and negate the effects of substances that poison the body. Antibodies corresponding to the infection entering the body of a nursing mother penetrate into breast milk from the blood, which helps the child not to become infected.

Until what age is it good to breastfeed a baby?

Young mothers often and correctly wonder how long to continue breastfeeding. Opinions still differ greatly - someone believes that breast milk is useful only in the first year of life, and then it becomes empty and does not affect the further formation of the body. Others proceed from practical considerations: the decree is over, which means that the period of breastfeeding, too. But such women do not take into account the developmental features of their baby and can even harm his mental health.

Long-term breastfeeding promotes harmonious psychological development baby

WHO currently recommends breastfeeding up to two years of age or beyond, although it should be noted that breastfeeding frequency varies at different ages. In the first six months of life, the baby consumes only mother's milk and draws all the biological elements for development from there. Then the baby begins to feed, as milk is no longer able to meet the needs of a rapidly growing organism. In the second year of life, nutrition approaches the diet of an adult, but breastfeeding is still necessary, since accelerated development body and psyche continues, and most often feeding occurs in evening time or at night.

Benefits of continuous breastfeeding:

  • replenishment of all nutrients important for development;
  • baby's production own immunity based on antibodies obtained from the mother;
  • reducing the risk of developing food allergies (in combination with hypoallergenic nutrition);
  • lack of violations in speech;
  • age-appropriate physical development;
  • painless adaptation in society;
  • prevention of diabetes mellitus and thyroid disease in adulthood.

It should be remembered that you should not stop breastfeeding your baby if he is sick, since it is mother's milk that will be the best medicine for him. No need to finish feeding at summer time, as it is possible to develop an intestinal infection.

Relationship between maternal nutrition and lactation

It's no secret that the mother's nutrition during breastfeeding directly affects the content of certain components in the composition of milk and, therefore, can affect the health of the baby. Therefore, it is important to know how quickly different groups of substances penetrate into the composition of milk:

  • sugar. Belongs to the group of rapidly soluble substances, and is absorbed into the blood within ten minutes after consumption. It mainly affects only the sweetness of milk, but the baby cannot digest too much carbohydrates, and hence the first skin problems and bloating appear;
  • alcohol. It enters the bloodstream almost instantly, within five minutes, and is completely eliminated from the body for quite a long time, up to two to three weeks. Therefore, it is strongly not recommended to drink alcohol during the period of feeding the baby;
  • vitamins. It is important to remember that vitamins, especially water-soluble ones, are not able to accumulate in the body, so mom needs to include foods rich in them in her diet every day. Water-soluble vitamins include: ascorbic and nicotinic acids, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine;
  • fats. The fat content of breast milk is determined by genetics and does not depend on changes in the amount of fat consumed, contained in butter, cheese and other products;
  • calcium. The amount of calcium is also initially sufficient for complete baby food, but eating foods rich in it is still necessary, since a deficiency of this mineral can begin in the mother;
  • iron. Another food-independent element. Breast milk contains enough of it, but if the baby does not absorb it well, anemia develops - in this case, you should consult a doctor - he will advise additional complementary foods and a vitamin course.

Mothers should be especially careful about products containing allergens and harmful E-additives, which can cause rashes on the body of the baby. They enter the milk an hour after eating.

Information about how long what is eaten by the mother will come out of breast milk and it will be cleared varies quite a lot. Someone says that it is enough to express milk once and then you can safely feed the baby. But still, it is better to be more attentive to your diet during this period, so as not to provoke allergy manifestations in the baby. After eating common unwanted foods, at least two days must pass for the milk to clear. But it is better to give up alcohol completely, since it completely leaves the blood and, therefore, from milk, within three weeks or longer.

Photo gallery: nursing mother's menu

The menu of a nursing mother should contain the necessary amount of protein that can be obtained from meat Cheese is a source of calcium
Green apples are hypoallergenic and allowed from the first days after childbirth You need to include grains in your diet Bananas are a hypoallergenic fruit

Why breast milk can change its taste

It is known that the taste of milk for each mother is individual: it can be sweet, salty, bitter. In addition to the fact that, in general, the taste of milk is genetically determined, there are certain groups of factors that can also affect the taste properties of the product. These include:

  • nutrition. This is the most obvious factor. The way a mother eats is related to the taste of milk, since when eating different foods, the corresponding components enter the bloodstream, which is reflected in the composition of breast milk. If possible, you should avoid spicy and bitter foods (onion, garlic, radish, pepper) and limit the amount of sugar, as it can provoke an allergy in the baby;
  • stress. The physical and psychological state of the mother also affects the taste of her milk. It has been observed that if a woman is going to breastfeed her child in an anxious state, then the baby may refuse to breastfeed;
  • taking medication. Many drugs act directly through the blood, so their components can also be found in milk. You should carefully study the instructions and find in it the period of withdrawal of the drug from the body;
  • sports. Going to the gym or other exercise stress contribute to the production of lactic acid in the muscles, and with its excess, milk can be a little bitter. Only moderate loads will bring benefits;
  • smoking. For the entire period of breastfeeding, it is better to give up smoking - it inhibits the lactation process, shortens its period and reduces the amount of vitamins, milk becomes bitter.

Is donor milk healthy?

The attitude towards donor milk today is still ambiguous - many people believe that only mother's milk will help the child develop harmoniously. However, there are situations when, for example, mother's milk is not enough for feeding, or the mother needs to go to the hospital for a long time, or the baby was taken from a shelter, and there is nowhere for the mother to get her own milk. That's when it's worth thinking about what donor breast milk is.

Donor milk is the milk of another nursing mother, which she, most often free of charge, is ready to give to needy parents. It has been proven by WHO that such complementary foods are not capable of harming the baby, despite receiving nutrition not from the mother. Any natural milk is many times more useful than the newest mixtures, which are still not able to replace natural complementary foods. To be sure that someone else's milk does not contain harmful microbes, it can be pasteurized - most of the beneficial substances are preserved.

Three-quarters of mothers surveyed prefer to use natural donor milk when it is impossible to self-feed

It is absolutely safe to use donor milk when feeding, and it is much more beneficial for the baby than the use of artificial mixtures that are unable to provide it with the necessary elements for proper development. Even if the age of the babies of the mother and the donor is different, this will not bring any harm - only benefit. So if there were doubts about the choice until this time, they should be discarded and preference should be given to natural women's milk, instead of artificial mixtures.

Mother's breast milk is an indispensable natural product for the baby. Adjusting over time to the needs of the child, it is the main source of components necessary for the formation of all systems of a small organism and its immunity. Long-term breastfeeding (at least two years) helps to establish close emotional contact between mother and baby, which is important for his further social adaptation. sticking to the rules healthy eating, a woman can be sure that she provides the child with only useful substances.

Breast milk is a unique baby food product. Today, not a single analogue has yet been invented that fully corresponds to it, because its composition was approved by nature itself. Only this food satisfies the needs of infants by 100%. The composition of the natural product includes up to 500 substances necessary for the baby, many of them cannot be created artificially. The mother's body begins to work on the creation of a food product even before the arrival of a new person in this world.


The appearance of milk in the mammary glands of a woman is due to the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for its secretion. The basis of breast milk is lymph and blood, where nutrients, modified during digestion, enter from the body.

Composition of breast milk

Each woman's milk is unique, like herself, but the set of components of this product is the same for all nursing mothers. Composition of breast milk:

  • biologically active water (88%) - the main component, perfectly absorbed by the baby. If the baby is fully breastfed, then it is not necessary to give him additional water;
  • Carbohydrates (7%) presented in the form of lactose (milk sugar), which accelerates the development of the brain and nervous system, promotes the full absorption of iron and calcium and the bifidum factor with an antifungal and antibacterial effect that normalizes bowel function;
  • Fats (4%) - the source of the baby's strength: thanks to them, immunity is strengthened and a full-fledged central nervous system is formed. Fats contain cholesterol (for the production of vitamin D), bile and major hormones. The balance of fats and carbohydrates in breast milk is ideal for a growing baby;
  • Squirrels (1%) - the basis of the growth of the baby, rapidly gaining weight. They contain whey protein, taurine (for the development of the central nervous system and the brain), lactoferrin (a source of iron), nucleotides (building material for DNA), lactase (for the breakdown of lactose), lipase (for the complete absorption of fats);
  • Remaining Components (0,2%) - iron, vitamins, minerals, 20 types of hormones (growth factors), antibodies, leukocytes (protection of the immune system).

The quality of breast milk in a nursing mother is not constant, its composition can change under the influence of many factors:

  1. The time of day is thicker during the day than at night.
  2. Weather - in the heat the milk is liquid, in the cold it thickens.
  3. Mom's health - with weakened immunity, taking medications, the composition of the product is different.
  4. The activity of the baby - at first the milk is liquid (instead of water), with intensive sucking it thickens and becomes fat.

A mother who is breastfeeding twins may have different milk formulas, because it must be adapted to the needs of each baby. The volume and quality of milk largely depends on the health of the nursing mother, good nutrition, sleep and rest, medication, bad habits (nicotine, alcohol).

It is important to know: the more often you put the baby to the breast, the more invaluable product it produces. It will be exactly as much as the baby needs, so you need to feed him on demand! Read more about how to feed — .

Types of milk by age

  • Colostrum - a thick, sticky, yellowish liquid is produced in small quantities in the first 4 days. Its composition is close to the blood serum of an infant - a significant amount of proteins, leukocytes, vitamins, immunoglobulin, salts. Contributes to the rapid adaptation of the newborn to a new way of eating. Therefore, it is so important to put the baby to the breast in the first hours after childbirth. If the baby was born prematurely, mother's milk for 2 weeks is close in composition to colostrum, since it is precisely such food that the baby needs during this period. On this topic: ;
  • transitional milk produced in the first 2-3 weeks. In composition, it is more nutritious and less protein, adapted to a growing organism and new products;
  • mature milk appears from the third week. It is more oily and watery. Protein is produced less and less with age, in the composition of mature milk - mainly fatty acids, which are responsible for the normal functioning of the brain. Normally, a woman produces mature breast milk up to 1.5 liters per day. Distinguish between anterior and hind milk:
    • Front - bluish and liquid - is released in the first minutes of feeding, it contains carbohydrates, salts and water, serves to quench thirst.
    • rear- yellowish and thick - a complete baby food.

The benefits of breast milk

Breast milk is unique not only in its composition, but also in its properties. For the baby, nutrition from the mother's breast is an active mental development, normal digestion, strengthening immunity, prevention of pneumonia, diabetes, obesity, allergies, atherosclerosis, diarrhea and many other dangerous diseases.

Moms take note!

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Mother's milk is an excellent antidepressant for the nurse herself. Here we are not talking about a food product, but about the benefits of the processes of its formation and feeding, which develop the maternal instinct and tender feelings for the child.

According to Swedish scientists, alpha-lactalbumin in breast milk can successfully fight 40 types of cancer.

Breastfeeding can increase the immune response to vaccinations.

Milk forms the baby's defenses, protecting against allergies and infections. The presence of stem cells in it provides regeneration and protection, as a source of antibodies, resistant even to diseases that the baby could get from the mother.

The antibacterial properties of milk can be used to treat, instill eye drops for conjunctivitis, or heal cracked nipples in a nursing mother.

For a baby, breast milk is not just food, the very ritual of communication with his mother is important for him: the opportunity to calm down, get rid of ailments, fears, and fall asleep sweetly.

There are also economic benefits to breastfeeding: mother's milk is always usable, it doesn't have to be cooked, and it doesn't have an expiration date. Priceless milk is free, for the family budget of a young family, savings on mixtures are significant.

NUK Consultant Dietitian Petra Frikke: Why is mother's milk the best food for my baby in the first months of life?

Perfect color and taste

Many new mothers are concerned about the color and taste of their milk. The color, as already mentioned, depends on the fat content and feeding time: the front (liquid) is bluish, the back (thick and fat) is white or yellow.

The taste of milk will change depending on the mother's diet. It is especially affected by salty, spicy, smoked foods, the use of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs. A certain taste appears depending on the emotional and physical condition nursing woman.

According to the observations of scientists, babies who are breastfed from the first days of life grow strong, sociable, kind. As they get older, they develop resilience. From the first days expectant mother it is necessary to tune in to the fact that she must certainly breastfeed her child. Then the baby will always be full and healthy, and the mother will be calm and happy.


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