Top model Yulia Lobova appeared on the catwalk three months after the birth of her daughter. Yulia Lobova: the way to Paris What was your chance

The career of 23-year-old model Yulia Lobova can be called rapid. In 2008, she won the Ford Supermodel Russia competition. She was immediately offered a contract with an agency in Paris. In 2009, she was invited to the Chanel show. After that there were fashion weeks in Paris, Milan, New York. In 2010, shuttler Yulia Lobova, according to the French magazine Vogue, entered the top ten best models peace. In 2011, she received an exclusive contract with the Women agency in New York, Milan and Paris. She is called the favorite model of Christophe Lumer, designer of the Hermes brand. Recently, she is not only a highly paid top model, but also a stylist. And also Chief Editor international website about the modeling business. And she, like no one else, knows the ins and outs of this business. Where no one guarantees anyone either money or fame.

- Julia, it turns out that this is not an area where you can plan a career?

There are thousands of professional models. They are all beautiful, hardworking, responsible. And success requires luck. The chance may only be given for one day, and you must grab it.

- What was your chance?

Chanel show. This is what set me apart from thousands of aspiring models, thanks to which I was noticed and remembered.

And when aspiring models are used as interior decor at some presentations, parties, or simply as extras, so that there are beautiful faces among the guests - is this the policy of individual modeling agencies or a common practice in the modeling business? Where do all these scandalous stories about expensive parties where wealthy men come with the goal of “picking up a model” come from?

Working at parties, exhibitions and other social events is called “event”. It’s not very pleasant to talk about this, but this exists in all countries and they mainly supply models who have just arrived abroad and do not yet know the job. On the one hand, the agency gives the girl the opportunity to make quick money, because many come without a penny of money at all. In “event” work itself, there is no such thing as men harassing women or models. This is not the level of the event and the wrong audience for someone to be forced to accept an indecent proposal.

It all depends on the girl herself, on what she is looking for in such a job. There is no professional growth for a model in such a job. The chance of making the necessary acquaintance with a casting director or designer at such social events is small, but you may lose the opportunity to get a really good contract. After all, in the morning you need to be cheerful and in shape to pass 6-7 castings. Tired, no one needs you there.

Have you ever worked like this?

I was lucky that I was not involved in such presentations. The most I did was castings and working with the designer, when we worked together on some images and did a photo shoot. It was immediately indicated to me that “events” are for those whose professional maximum is to come 1-2 times in order to quickly earn a few thousand dollars and go home. Although it happens that girls consciously choose this lifestyle. Some people like to have fun, while others don't have the patience to wait for their chance.
After all, you can run around all the casting directors every day for months, but they won’t hire you anywhere. I had a record of 21 castings in one day. When the agency gives you addresses, no one cares how convenient they are in terms of time and location. If you want, you will find a way to be on time, even without knowing the city or speaking the language. If you don’t want to or couldn’t, there is someone to choose from. I had to wait for my chance for almost a year.

- And your colleagues, if you believe the rumors, are always ready to make a “pig”?

Neither at first nor now have I encountered anyone trying to “file off my heels.” Very often, the agency places aspiring models together, and they live quite amicably. And so everyone gets tired, and if you also get on each other’s nerves... If someone has problems, then their colleagues will support them, financially too. If a girl, for example, gets sick and there is no money at all. But at the casting, it’s every man for himself.

- The modeling business is often accused of using child labor.

This is a common phenomenon when 14-15 year old girls are hired. That is why in some countries there is an age limit. In France - 16 years. But many agencies work around these restrictions. 14-year-old girls are sent to work in Asia and by the age of 16 they are already returning to Europe as experienced models.

It is bad for a model to become a hostage to some image. Much more in demand are girls who can easily transform from one image to another. This is the key to a model’s professional longevity, because fashion for one type or another changes quickly. But this is where problems await those same 14-year-old girls who dropped out of school to earn money as models.

When they grow out of the teenage type, they suddenly realize that they have become uninteresting. Because any designer wants his clothes to be presented the way he sees it. And for the demonstration we need girls who will immediately grasp the essence of what the author wanted to show. For example, he was inspired by the Renaissance era, he instructs the casting director to select girls who not only externally match the image, but can also “play” it. How will a girl who has no idea what she's talking about do this?

Now some fashion houses are initiating the fight against “underweight” among models. They say that clothes are made for adult women, but on the catwalk there are only “anorexics.”

There is such a thing. But clothes look better on thin people. Modern requirements modeling business is less than “90-60-90”. Therefore, out of 50 models who are involved in the show, they can only take one with “non-standard sizes”.

Do agencies generally treat models like serfs? You can't get better, get married, or have a baby...

This is not uncommon in Moscow agency contracts. But abroad everything is not so tough. If the girl has recovered, then she is given leave to bring herself back to normal. And it is generally not practiced to prohibit someone from getting married or having children abroad.

- But you have to give up something yourself?

Yes. After two courses at the Faculty of Law at KSU, I had to quit my studies. I think it's a big sacrifice. Another victim is children. I am mentally and financially ready to give birth. I want this. But at the same time, I understand that right now I can’t afford it. I'm 23 years old and at the peak of my career.

Okay, the life of a model is not an eternal holiday, but hard work. But there should be bonuses, right? Can you call yourself a wealthy woman?

By Russian standards, yes, I am a “bride” with a good dowry. It’s not a problem for me to buy a car or an apartment, but if we talk about good real estate abroad, then I still need to save up.

- Does working as a model increase the chance of a successful marriage?

And how! Many girls get married after 1-2 years and leave the business. There are plenty of men around the modeling industry who look good, are well-mannered, educated, and wealthy. I met my fiancé Omar Arfouch at a show in Paris. It was the Vivienne Westwood show, where he was the guest of honor. He saw me on the podium and, as he says, immediately fell in love. We've been together for 5 years. We got engaged last November.

"Our information: Omar Harfouch is a 39-year-old billionaire, French of Lebanese origin. He has dual citizenship of Lebanon and France. In France he is known as the former owner of one of the most prestigious modeling agencies, Elite. Socialite, frequent character in gossip columns, eminent fashionista. In Ukraine he is better known as a composer and founder of the Paparazzi magazine. In 1993 he graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Music College named after. Glinka. Co-author of the scandalous book “Sex, Murder, Million” in 2005, which was based on the story of the Arfush brothers from their “Ukrainian” period of life. Part of the book is devoted to the underbelly of the modeling business, celebrities and their relationships with famous models. Then the actor Robert de Niro, through the court, obtained a ban on the publication of the chapter about him.”

- Do you already have any ideas about what you will do “after the podium”? When do models “retire”?

Usually around 27-28 years old. I already want to use my knowledge in a different way - at the same time I work as a stylist, as well as the editor-in-chief and casting director of an international modeling website. It was created specifically for people involved in the modeling business. I am sure that I will continue my education, most likely in France.

There are not many people in the world you should look up to. We were lucky and we talked with an incredible person in every sense of the word. The star of world catwalks, top model Yulia Lobova kindly answered the following questions for us.

You as a child

As a child, I was a hardworking, diligent child, without any special visible talents. From an early age I knew everything about myself and those around me. I was the type of child who grows up early, understanding how to live and what is good and what is bad. I loved being the center of attention, although I didn't always succeed. WITH early childhood I felt that I was no different from other children, and in order to stand out, I sought praise through work and knowledge. It was then that a core of sanity was born in me, which I still use to this day. When I was little, I dreamed of becoming a ballroom dancing teacher. I still love this graceful sport. I danced from the age of seven to fifteen, and thanks to this, my figure became athletic and slim, suitable in all respects for working in the modeling business.

Are you in adolescence

During adolescence, the desire to be noticed intensified. I tried to do everything to stand out and present good example to their peers. I did charity work, organized organ music evenings, took part in dramatic school plays and wrote poetry, but nowhere did I find my true place, my calling! It was very important for me to find myself. When I was about 15 years old, I saw the Fashion TV channel for the first time. Then I realized that I, too, could walk beautifully on the catwalk, showing off my long evening dresses couture, and that my external data is not inferior to the models from this channel. Two years later, I won the regional beauty contest Ford Super Models, where I was noticed by foreign scouts - managers from agencies who are looking for new models. A few months later I signed contracts with global modeling agencies in Milan, Paris and New York.

Your credo

I don't have a credo for every day. Life is very multifaceted, and we cannot use the same expression in different situations. But still I have one popular expression which I like more than the others. This is the expression of the medieval bishop Francis de Sales, “Rien par force, tout par amour.” Literal translation from French: “nothing through force, everything through love.”

Your idol as a child

There were no idols and there cannot be. I never wanted to be like anyone. There were never posters with stars on the walls in my room; I lived in a different world, where I wanted to be myself and work on my achievements. Although now, as I get older, I understand that I have someone to look up to, someone to follow as an example. This is my husband - Omar Arfush. He taught me a lot, and it was with him that I built the model of life that I imagined as a child.

Your wish to readers

Wishes to readers will not be abstract. I advise you to find a business that inspires you! Find a cause that you will be dedicated to. There is no need to rush headlong after school to become lawyers, economists, psychologists, etc., if you do not feel a calling. Even if it is prestigious, even if your parents insist or you just had good grades in exams in related subjects. Listen to yourself, find out own interests, needs, talents and after that make a decision about who to be in this life, then work will not become a routine, but will only bring pleasure.

I sincerely believe that every woman can meet her love, create harmonious and happy relationships, and a strong family. And at the same time remain yourself. It doesn’t matter how old she is, what experience she has in relationships with men!

You just need to believe in yourself and never give up!

I advise on:

  • How to “refresh” a relationship and see admiration in the eyes of your loved one again;
  • How to become a goddess for yourself and your loved one;
  • Why he doesn’t want to get married and what to do about it;
  • How to recover from divorce and start living happily again;
  • How to survive betrayal.


  • Institute of Management, Business and Law. Specialty: psychologist-educator. Qualification: psychology of entrepreneurship 2000-2005.

Completed courses:

  • Alexander Savkin Institute of Coaching (organizational and personal coaching, training of business trainers);
  • Moscow Business School (corporate university);
  • Psychoanalytic group;
  • System of achieving goals by Philip Mikhailovich Spitirual Option (Spiritual choice).

Copied from the site ""

Charming, fragile Yulia Lobova is femininity incarnate. Creative work, sincerity and honesty - this is what Julia is guided by when developing her business. Her appearance and way of thinking completely destroy the stereotype that a businesswoman should be cold and tough. Yulia answered in detail questions from the online magazine “Persona” about her business, her friendly team of like-minded people, her dreams and plans.

Yulia, how did you come to private business?

Before starting my own business, I worked for 10 years as an employee in a large retail company. Of these, the last 4 years have been in the position of top manager. During this time, I gained enormous practical experience and acquired a serious amount of knowledge, which is very helpful today. At that moment, when the question arose of finding a further path of implementation, I found myself in a dilemma: to continue to develop in another large company or try something of your own. The family supported the idea of ​​starting their own furniture manufacturing company. The ideological inspirer and active organizer technological process became my brother, with whom today we are developing the “Academy of Comfort” and other areas of business.

What obstacles did you have to overcome? initial stages work?

The first year was the hardest. After all, when you start a business from scratch, you are faced with the fact that you know nothing about production technology, equipment, principles of company organization, and requirements for specialists. But, despite everything, we gradually moved forward.

At first, I had to fill the bumps. I feel a deep sense of gratitude to the first clients who trusted me not as a professional in the furniture industry, but as a person. I remember and appreciate their support and faith in me and my business. We still maintain warm relations with many of them.

Why did you decide to make furniture?

The point is that I wanted to try something new. Use your knowledge and management experience in a fundamentally different area. There was a desire to figure everything out on my own, understand the principles of operation and bring the quality of the products to a decent level.

Just at that moment, my husband and I bought a new apartment, and it was necessary to furnish it. I unwittingly had to study the market. As a buyer, choosing furniture from various suppliers and manufacturers, I understood the needs of clients. I formed my own idea of ​​a product that would satisfy the aesthetic and practical requirements of a certain circle of people. This is how the idea of ​​creating furniture based on individual projects was born.

Julia, highlight significant moments in the history of your business that marked the positive dynamics of its development?

One of the most important stages is opening an office, where the designer works with clients and introduces them to samples. The office forms the buyer's opinion about the company. Our first premises were located in an ordinary multi-storey business center. But having settled there, I immediately decided that as soon as the transition period was over and the opportunity arose, we would move to a presentable salon. And so it happened. The next stage was the opening of a furniture showroom at st. Tukhachevsky 47, where we work today and where we are not ashamed to invite customers.

Another milestone in our journey is the creation of a website. We worked on it for a long time and got what we wanted. Proper representation of a company on the global network is very important point. Today many clients come to us from the Internet. People have limited time resources, but choosing furniture on the website is convenient. The Academy of Comfort website provides the most complete information about our activities and products.

Significant stages were the expansion of production areas. As the company grows, this becomes inevitable. We went through three moves. Now the production is located in the premises that will allow the planned volume of work to be carried out in the next few years.

What advantages does production have over intermediary trade?

The value of production lies in the fact that you organize the process of creating something new that did not exist before. The final product is created from disparate materials through the efforts of an entire team. A few days ago there was nothing, and now in front of you, for example, is one of a kind kitchen set. And all thanks to the creative work of your colleagues. This is an indescribable feeling! In production, the importance of people cannot be underestimated. The selection of specialists, good professionals, is very important. After all, the company is responsible to the customer for the entire process, from start to finish.

Yulia, what is the principle behind the work of your designers, how do they find a common language with customers?

There are several operating principles that I voice to my employees. One of them: it is very important to hear the client’s wishes! Although not all customers, when coming to the Academy of Comfort, know what they want. Or, even if they know, they cannot express it in words. And here the designer’s task is not to insist on his own, but to understand the client’s visual and practical preferences, find out all the nuances, become imbued with them, and then create sketches. It is necessary to find out in what environment a person feels comfortable. The designer should not impose his taste. And now our team employs just such specialists. I am especially happy when the result of our work exceeds the customer's expectations. This means that the goal has been achieved!

In earlier times, furniture making was considered an art. Only kings could afford the work of some masters. Today, a lot of high-quality, beautiful furniture is also produced, but people do not feel such awe of it and, at any opportunity, strive to replace it with a more modern, fashionable one. How do you feel about this?

Of course, now furniture, which is family value, restored, passed down from generation to generation, less common. I am inclined to believe that there is furniture that you want to admire as a piece of art. And there is, for example, a kitchen, which I approach from a functional standpoint. It definitely fits into the interior design, it is comfortable, practical and of high quality, but it is not an artistic masterpiece. Both should be present in our lives. But one piece of furniture should make life easier, make it more comfortable. And the other is to be passed on from children to grandchildren. This analogy can be made with dishes or books. This is not because the value of the craftsmen's work is devalued. You just need different furniture.

Julia, what are the plans of the “Academy of Comfort” for the near future?

This year our company turned 5 years old. For business, this is a stage of stability. Now I would like to start honing technologies, improving product quality, working on price optimization issues, professional competence employees.

The “Academy of Comfort” brand is officially registered. There is a desire to actively strengthen our image. So that sustainable positive characteristics are associated with the brand. The client must understand that by contacting us, he will receive a high-quality product, the work will be completed on time, and he will not regret the investment.

We are currently developing the production of artificial stone products. And, if we talk about plans for the future, we will continue to work in this direction.

The Academy of Comfort also purchased equipment for making furniture facades. We are mastering it, testing it and will launch production in the near future. This will allow us to control the timing of orders, raise the quality level and reduce the cost of our products.

Let's move on to your new area of ​​activity - the Clean House company.

Last spring, we decided to start supplying home robotics. This product is of interest to our target audience- active, working people who want to keep their home clean. We carefully analyzed the characteristics of the equipment, studied the opinions of consumers and specialists.

“Clean House” offers customers robotic vacuum cleaners from reliable brands “iRobot” (made in the USA) and “iClebo” (made in South Korea). We are also currently introducing into the market home robots that independently wash tiles, windows, mirrors, as well as robotic lawn mowers that are relevant for the summer season. This is a technique that helps make life more comfortable and use time efficiently.

As for warranty service, how is it carried out?

Since we are official representatives of manufacturers, we provide service in Kemerovo. And only in case of complex breakdowns that require testing on special equipment, we send the equipment to Moscow or St. Petersburg. All consumables can be purchased from us.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we trade at minimum prices, declared on Russian market. With us you can consult on any questions, receive qualified assistance, and watch robots in action. Working with a reliable company reduces risks and provides guarantees to our customers. (

Julia, you assign the main role in the successful operation of your business to the team. How do you build relationships with subordinates and colleagues?

I am convinced that the success and opportunity for development of a company rests on people. On specific personalities and on company principles that are shared by all team members. Today we have formed the team that I always dreamed of. I feel comfortable creating with them, and the good climate in the team is reinforced by the desire to grow and develop with the company.

Julia, what principles are you talking about?

The main qualities that must be present in our employees are responsibility and commitment to agreements. And it doesn’t matter whether they are oral or documented.

In addition, I teach team members to be selfless towards each other and clients. To be able to be useful, and not to strive at all costs to obtain moral or material benefits.

We must help people and resolve issues in a way that makes the customer happy, even if this means additional costs for the company. I ask my employees to treat clients sincerely, to offer not what is profitable to sell, but the materials that they would use to make furniture for their loved ones. I have been convinced many times that this principle works very well. People appreciate it when they are not forced to buy what is more expensive, but rather choose the best option based on their needs and capabilities. As an employer, I fulfill my obligations. I try to approach the personal situations of my employees in a humane manner.

Julia, how do you spend your free time? What is your hobby?

I really value human interaction. In this sense own business has a huge plus - the ability to create a pleasant environment.

In the work process, I am not focused only on profit. The present moment is important to me. I enjoy the work itself. I live for bright emotions, communication, development.

Entrepreneurial activity has given me the opportunity to meet a wide range of truly interesting people - successful businessmen at trainings, seminars, conferences; business and creative women from the Fashion Tuesday community; participants of the intellectual game “60 seconds”. This makes it possible to recharge your batteries and switch attention from everyday activities to exciting communication and exchange of experiences. I love my business partners for new ideas, joint projects, and opportunities for development. All this allows you to grow internally.

I also like morning meetings with friends in gym and conversations over a large cup of latte. They give a powerful positive charge, a feeling of drive and satisfaction.

But I especially value the time spent with family and close friends. We go to Sheregesh together, sometimes we go to a hockey match or just have dinner in a pleasant atmosphere. Thanks to close people, I have the opportunity to realize myself and be myself. Love them!

- Julia, tell us what you wanted to become as a child?

Ballroom dance teacher. I still love this graceful sport. I studied dancing at school No. 34 from the age of seven to fifteen, and thanks to this, my figure became athletic and slim, suitable in all respects for working in the modeling business.

As a child, Yulia Lobova dreamed of becoming a ballroom dancing teacher.

- When did you first think about becoming a model, and how did you get into the modeling business?

When I was about 15 years old, I saw the Fashion TV channel for the first time. Then I realized that I could do it too It’s beautiful to walk down the catwalk, showing off long couture evening dresses, and that my appearance is not inferior to the models from this channel. Two years later, I won the regional beauty contest Ford Super Models, where I was noticed by foreign scouts - managers from agencies who are looking for new models. A few months later I signed contracts with global modeling agencies in Milan, Paris and New York.

Remember the day you decided to enter the Ford Super Models competition that changed your life so dramatically?

It was in the summer of 2008, I then completed the session with honors at the Faculty of Law of KSU in Naberezhnye Chelny. A classmate persuaded me to go to a casting for aspiring models. The competition was organized by the Russian Style agency. I took part in the qualifying round only out of interest; I had no personal ambitions to become a model, and besides, I didn’t even believe that I could win. Everyone around said that everything was bought and paid for, but to my great surprise, I realized that these days the modeling business is the most honest and clean.

- How did you feel when you received your first contract?

The first contract that every model signs is an employment contract between the model and the agency for a period of three years. For me, a seventeen-year-old girl, it only evoked a sense of duty and fear, since many points spoke about the obligation to pay taxes to the agency, income taxes to the country in which you work. In America, for example, income tax for models is 30% of each output, in Italy up to 60%, in France 73%.

I remember my first significant job very well. This was before I met my future husband. I took part in the show of the famous fashion house Chanel at Paris Fashion Week. This show featured only famous top models and a few new faces, chosen by Karl Lagerfeld himself. At the casting, he said about me that he had never seen such white natural curls before, and that an image consisting of a classic cropped jacket and a beige tweed pencil skirt would be ideal for me. More than 150 unknown models took part in the casting, competing for five places in the show.

This job changed my status as an aspiring model and influenced my successful career development. The first cover for the Italian magazine ELLE, which I shot for a few months earlier in New York, came in handy, and people began to recognize me. Offers and contracts from the biggest brands poured in like a cornucopia, and the agency increased my fee. I worked in such fashion houses as Kenzo, Lacost, Celine, Givenchy, Ungaro, Roberto Cavalli, Diesel, Jil Sander, Alexander Mcqueen, and also received a two-year contract with the Hermes brand and the right to open the show in 2011 at Paris Fashion Week. After that, Vogue Paris named me one of the most successful Russian models. A year ago I signed a contract with the Louis Vuitton brand, where I currently work.

Yulia Lobova is a favorite of the world's best designers

Many people think that working as a model is easy. Tell us about the behind-the-scenes life of a top model. What is the most difficult thing in your work? How did you get involved in the fast-paced everyday life of the modeling business after a calm and measured life in Naberezhnye Chelny?

The first two months abroad passed in a blur. My family has never traveled outside of Russia. Fear new country, lack of knowledge of the language, loneliness, minimal experience in the modeling field, endless exhausting ten-hour work in the form of winter filming outdoors in summer dresses- all this undermined my desire to be a model. I even thought about quitting this “easy glamorous job.” My seventeen-year-old psyche was not ready for adult life.

Now I know that it was this time that gave me the strength to believe in myself, become a successful person and remain human in all situations.

- You had the opportunity to work in the most different countries Oh. Which one do you feel most comfortable in?

I'm having a hard time getting used to a new place. I lived in New York for a year and eight months, but when I met my future husband in Paris, I realized that this city was my new home.

How often do you manage to visit Naberezhnye Chelny and see your family? Do you miss hometown, and what moments of life, associated with Chelny, youremember most often?

Of course, I miss my family, I come to Chelny 2-3 times a year, but I try more to let my parents and brother see the world. They have already visited Spain, France, Ukraine and the USA.

I remember when I was in my first year at university, I interned as a weather presenter on local television, and I did pretty well. Probably, if it weren’t for my modeling career, I would have stayed to work on television in our city.

The top model with her brother Danil in France. year 2012. Mom Elena Lobova, dad - Eduard Lobov and husband - Omar Arfush

How did you meet your future spouse? It is said that Omar proposed to you in a romantic setting on the island of St. Barths. Tell us how it was.

Omar saw me on the podium famous brand Vivienne Weswood in Paris, he was invited to the show as a VIP guest. After the show he came backstage to meet me. I didn’t know who he was, but the fact that a foreigner spoke to me in Russian flattered me, and he also had excellent style, which couldn’t be ignored.

It’s true about the marriage proposal! It happened on a picturesque beach on an island in the Caribbean. This was a big step for Omar, as he had never been married. And for me it was a very touching and long-awaited moment, because we lived in a civil marriage for 4 years. People in swimsuits, frozen in surprise, applauded when it was said in French: “Be my wife.” We both burst into tears. We signed a year later modestly and quietly, in the presence of two witnesses, at the city hall of Paris. This year we have been together for 6 years and love each other very much.

- Who do you consider yourself to be now – Russian or French?

Russian 100%, but a French passport is just around the corner.

Yulia Lobova with her husband Omar Arfush at a fashion show in Paris, January 2015

- Do you consider yourself a good housewife? Do you cook your own food?

I create comfort, peace, order and a favorable atmosphere at home. We always want to return to our home - this is what my husband appreciates. Marriage is not about feeding each other more delicious food...

- Is it true that your husband introduced you to the current President of France, Francois Hollande?

Yes, really, and Bill Clinton. The meeting took place at a private charity dinner supported by OOH in Paris in 2014.

With French President Francois Hollande. year 2014

- Tell us, what is the daily routine of a top model and the wife of a wealthy man?

I study and work. From 9 to 13:00 I have work at the Louis Vuitton fashion house, then a quick lunch in the canteen. Then I go to study at the ESMODE Institute at 14:00. I am almost always late, and the management of the institute made an exception for me because I am the only working student on the course. I finish my studies at 19:00, I often have to go back to work for 2-3 hours, but if I’m lucky, I return home. Every evening I have dinner with my husband, then we watch movies together. On Saturday I allow myself to sleep, go for a massage, and see friends. Often on weekends we go to the Paris flea market, where we have lunch at our favorite restaurant, Ma Cocotte, and stay to stroll through the antique shops. On Sunday we often go to the opera. Omar has a classical musical education, he graduated from the Conservatory. Tchaikovsky in Moscow. My husband is a pianist, few people know about this. It happens that weekend plans are ruined because the designer is under contract home Louis Vuitton has the right to call me to work on a day off.

- Has your husband been to Naberezhnye Chelny? If so, how does he like our city?

Omar flew to Naberezhnye Chelny in 2011 to meet my family.

Once, in an interview with a major foreign publication, my husband was asked a question about the place on the planet , where he would dream of visiting, he answered with a smile: Naberezhnie Chelny. No one understood what he said, and the presenter asked to clarify where this heavenly place is (laughs).

Yulia and Omar on Red Square in Moscow. 2011

- Not every model at the peak of her career decides to have a child. Was this decision easy for you? Have you ever had a choice between career and family? (Julia is there - editor's note)

For 7 years I put off this event, because my career came first for me. Now I can afford it and don’t want to put it off, I’ve always dreamed of a big family.

- When do you plan to return to work??

The agency did not terminate the contract with me, they were even very supportive, sending flowers and a congratulations card. I think I’ll be on the podium again next year if I get back into good shape.

- Would you like your daughter to become a model?

Definitely yes! This is a beautiful and worthy job, I will only be proud if my daughter follows in my footsteps, but we will not be upset in any way if she chooses something else. Omar dreams of giving children a classical music education. Parents should always support their children in any endeavor. This is what my mother says, and I completely agree with her.

Julia, at social events you can often be seen surrounded by stars. Which celebrities do you maintain friendly relations with?

We are close friends with the seven-time Tour de France cycling champion Richard Virang, with the member of the French Parliament Thierry Mariani, as well as with the political legend of France - former minister Foreign Affairs, President of the Constitutional Court and personal lawyer of the Picasso family - Roland Dumas. Mister Dumas was my witness at the wedding, and Mister Mariani was my husband's witness. (In France, the bride's witness can be a man).

With Lady Gaga backstage at the Thierry Mugler show in Paris

- Do you think that a model must certainly be beautiful?

Absolutely not! According to statistics, in high fashion models stay longer with facial features unusual for the average person and ideal parameters of 80-60-88 and above 174 cm in height. Most often these are very thin and “long” girls; people would not call them beauties.

Is it true that there is very tough and sometimes unfair competition in the modeling business? You can often hear stories of models having their dresses torn or their heels broken before going on the catwalk. Have you ever encountered such situations? How did you deal with them?

Of course, competition at castings is fierce, up to 150 people for one or two jobs, but models always help each other morally and even financially. I remember in Milan one model fell ill with pneumonia and she did not have money to pay the doctor. There were five of us girls from different countries, we collected money and paid for her doctor’s appointment and treatment. So all this is nonsense about sawed heels and broken glass in shoes.

- What do you plan to do after finishing your modeling career?

I sincerely fell in love with the world of fashion, I want to work in this field all my life, which is why I try myself as a stylist and study full-time to become a fashion designer and stylist at Esmode University in Paris. The Louis Vuitton fashion house supports me in every possible way, since it was on the recommendation of the designer that I entered it.

Yulia Lobova's best friend Alisa Osipova:

I met Yulia at school, in the third grade, but we started being friends in the 8th-9th grade. She has always been an active, purposeful and sociable girl. At school she studied ballroom dancing, always went to competitions, and often took prizes. At home they had a wall on which awards hung. At school I ran for the nursery city ​​council, participated in performances. At the university I wrote poems and read them at a reading competition, by the way, also successfully.

I couldn’t imagine that Yulia would become a model, because she had never been involved in the modeling business. But what in the future she will become successful person, I had no doubt.

After the Ford Super Models competition, I think it was difficult for her to go abroad alone for the first time, without anyone's help to solve problems and make decisions.

Julia is a positive and purposeful person. She always tried to make friends with everyone, make a good impression and never be capricious. It’s not enough to be beautiful, you need to be able to communicate.

After Yulia became a professional model, she did not change, perhaps her character became a little stronger. But she is still just as cheerful, enthusiastic, sociable, and honors family traditions.

Julia is the life of the party, once I was with her on the set, the film crew doted on her, although they worked together for the first time. She talked to everyone and fed everyone nuts. In general, by the end of the shooting day everyone left in a good mood and almost best friends.

With childhood friend Alisa Osipova. South of Italy 2014

Rezeda Khairutdinova, director of the Russian Style modeling agency:

Julia first came to us for the “Prom Queen” competition, I told her then: “You better come to Ford Super Models.” Because her type was just right for this competition. I knew that she would have a modeling career.

After she took first place in Chelny in Ford Super Models, she and I went to Moscow. The brunette won there. Julia has too cold an appearance, she is very fair, so she was given second place. But despite this, we signed a contract with the agency. So, Yulia went abroad with tears and fear.

Within two months of working in France, she entered the top ten best beginning models. If Yulia had stayed in Moscow, she would not have had what she has achieved now.

Julia has a very different appearance from others. She is thin, light, I would even say homely. But thanks to her face, they took her, even though she was two centimeters short in height. Her type is suitable specifically for France, and not for America, and not for Russia. Our viewer could not fall in love with her, as he is European.

