Domain registrars. How to register a domain name at the lowest price or your own registrar

Recently, many interesting domain zones have appeared, some of them existed before. Most registrars have big discounts for such zones and at some point you can believe that cheap and affordable zones for all users for any needs were created, but in fact this is not close to the case. Next, we will talk about classic .ru / .com zones and not quite ordinary .xyz, .club, .today, .life, .world, .online, .tech, .store, as well as registrars that lure with low prices and As a result, users end up with a lot of money to renew these zones.


  • international registrar, one of the largest, if not the largest
  • there is a Russian interface, but there is no technical support in Russian
  • shows two prices (first year and renewal)

Unfortunately, when I wrote the article, I could not remember the site where I used to look at the statistics on the number of domains for each registrar and could only remember the address of this site only now Because of this, I undeservedly forgot to add to all surveys of major registrars such as r01 , naunet and mastername .

number of .ru domains per registrar 359766 236402 163026 74695 69021 28525 11912 9956 9520 3847 2746 2660 2293 2284 2042

number of .ru domains per hoster 200928 175755 167650 132957 125811 119095 72549 58044 51587 51025 47086 41219 39077 38381 37082 35143 35038 34033 29224 27927 25634 21905 17071 16863 16845 15008 12520 10978 9558 9483 9482 8989 8699 8682 8204 7699 7689 7280 7116 7023 6887 6549 6494 6384 6064 5768 4739 4447 4024 3882 3741 3664 3574 3359 3354 3258 3166 3055 3016 2951 2743 2674 2482 2426 2340 2283 2184 2178 2057 2047 2034 1974 1940 1849 1835 1761 1735 1697 1651 1645 1611 1611 1584 1582 1511 1492 1479 1426 1421 1337 1333 1329 1317 1316 1212 1131 1085 1000 1000 986

"Theft of domains", or rather, unauthorized changes of NS-servers, incorrect registrations by resellers, just registration errors - continue. The topic is not new, but, as practice shows, year after year it does not lose its relevance.
I tried to collect in one place all the tips for the correct registration of domains. At the same time - I remembered a few myths about domains.
Even if you know more about domains than I do, please take a look at the article - let's do together "Most complete guide”, the article is aimed at beginners.
Where and how to register domains? What to do if the domain is already registered, but there are doubts about the correctness of its registration?
For specifics - prices and conditions refer to the zone.RU.

Domain registrars

You can register a domain with accredited registrars, or with their partners - domain resellers.
There are 24 accredited registrars in the .RU zone, 18 in the .RF zone. The list is published on the official website of the Coordination Center for the national Internet domain
The largest registrar in this market is Ru-Center (
Domain name resellers are partners with one or more accredited registrars. These are hosting providers, design studios and specialized domain resellers. Moreover, it can be both individuals and official companies. Resellers earn on the difference between partner prices and prices for the consumer and can only accept payments and change settings - they cannot change the owner themselves. Those. in fact, the domain is also registered through an accredited registrar.
Myth - you can not register domains "for 100 rubles"
The official recommended price is 500 rubles. But partner prices can be 90 rubles or less, and therefore, you can find offers for registering domains for about 100 rubles. This doesn't mean that 100+ domains are worse than 600+ domains. These are the same domains. But when buying through a private reseller, you may encounter a lack of support, you will not receive accounting documents, there will be no one to file a claim - and other nuances of cheapness. But these costs may not be.

How to check the decency of the site?

To check the decency of the service, look at the reviews on the Internet, if payment via WebMoney is offered - you can check the reviews on the official website by WMID or on the site.

It is worth making sure that you are paying to the owner of the site, and not to a wallet belonging to an unknown person. You can do this by checking the WMID specified by the service.

When paying with Yandex.Money, you can check that the Seller's Store is registered in the Domains or Hosting section.

You can simply look for reviews on the Internet about this site.

TIC and PR of the site - to some extent will give an idea of ​​the seriousness of the company (you can check it with any service, for example:

Look at the domain registrar's whois - there you can see the owner of the domain, the date of registration of the domain.

Of course, you should pay attention to the presence of an SSL certificate, a legal entity, a postal address, phone numbers on the site, an offer agreement - and other optional signs of a serious service.

Myth - You can't get domains for free with promotions
Can. But carefully read the terms of the promotion, read reviews about the company. The domain should be registered specifically for you, and not for a hosting provider or a design studio. Otherwise, you will later find out that the domain was received "under temporary partial control." There is no such concept in nature - or your domain - or not.

How to check a registered domain?

whois. There are many services, for example:

The domain must be registered for the data that you specified during registration - i.e. in your name or your company. In another case, demand that the information be corrected immediately. If they refuse to help you, contact an accredited registrar (if you purchased through a reseller) or the Coordination Center (

Myth - documents on the domain
Registrars often provide different form"Documents for the domain", confirming the owner. Only now these documents do not have legal force and do not protect from anything - from the point of view of the rules for registering domains, the administrator (owner) of the domain determines not a paper document, but whois data. With official companies, you can conclude a paper contract.
But if you are so calm - then please.
Myth - to place a domain on a hosting, you must confirm that you are the owner of the domain
It's useless - the services are completely different. Hoster does not care - who owns the domain.
Moreover, the account owner ( personal account) - and the owner of the domain can be different people or organizations. Those. no matter who pays for the renewal and registration of the domain - the owner is still the one to whom the domain is registered.

What should I do if the registration data is incorrect?

Write to the registrar. Actions are highly dependent on the accredited registrar. The issue is solvable.
Myth - I'm not happy with everything in the registrar, but I can't do anything!
You can always change the registrar. All registrars provide information - how to do it, only often this information is hidden away. The difficulty is that you need to provide a notarized original of the application or come in person with documents and powers of attorney.
However, if you are moving from one reseller to another, or transferring control directly to an accredited registrar without changing registrars, things are much easier. For example, Ru-Center allows you to do this online, and Webnames (Ragtime LLC) - using a simple scan of a letter with an application, you do not need to notarize it.
Reseller consent is not required. You can always conclude a direct contract with the registrar.
The "wait for the registration period to expire and buy the same domain elsewhere" option is strongly discouraged. Your domain may be intercepted by a cybersquatter or end up in a registrar's auction (however, this is almost the same thing).

How to identify a registrar?

Use whois. In the registrar field, see the entry *-REG-RIPN
It can be used to identify the registrar by comparing it with the nic-handle field in the official list of registrars.
Myth - I'm transferring the site to another hoster - I need to transfer the domain as well
Not necessary. You can simply pay for a domain and hosting services either in one place or in different ones.
Myth - I was sold a domain - I was given a password to the profile
When selling a domain, you need to create your own profile with the registrar (if not), and send the seller a notarized application following the registrar's model for transferring the domain to another administrator (owner). Only after the domain appears in your profile and whois with your data is displayed - it is yours. Yes, it is not so easy, but stealing a domain is also problematic.
If you are afraid, use auctions or the "Directed Domain Transfer" service, many registrars now offer this, for example:
When transferring/selling a domain, you can either leave the domain with the same registrar or transfer it to another.

You can change the administrator (owner) of a domain only 90 days after the domain registration. and this is done only on an official statement certified by a notary (there are no problems with this, since notaries certify not a document, but only your signature).

Myth - if the registrar closes, you will lose the domain
ICANN periodically announces the termination of accreditation (Russian registrars are not found there). In this case, domains are transferred en masse to other accredited registrars on a competitive basis.
In the case of resellers, it is even simpler - domains remain with an accredited registrar.
Myth - I can pay for a domain registration for 100 years
In the RU zone - only for a year. The way out is to keep funds on the balance sheet and enable auto-renewal of the domain (if available from the registrar).
But here, for example, the domain TO (http://to.) - please: 100 years for US$2500. Maximum term payment depends on the zone.
Myth - I can register a domain for any data
This is not the case in RU and RF zones. It is recommended to specify real data, since domains with a status (see the state field in the whois service) UNVERIFIED can be removed from delegation and registration terminated.
To confirm the registration data, simple scans of documents are enough, but even if you are fluent in Photoshop, take your time. Registering with your data allows you to restore domain control “in case of emergency”.
Myth - domain name starts with www
A domain name (or second-level domain) consists of the name itself and the zone. For example - "example in the ru zone". is already a third-level domain, you don't need to register it. Such an address can be made later (and this is not a question for the registrar - but for the hoster), and the "with www" domain can point to the site (be an alternative domain name), but this tradition is not a hard and fast rule.
Myth - I bought a domain - it doesn't work
If the DNS servers for the domain are configured correctly and the domain is added to the DNS servers (their names must be reported by the hoster, or external DNS servers can be used), the zone should be updated from 6 hours to several days. It does not depend on the registrar, not on the hoster, but on Internet providers. That is why the site can work from home, but be unavailable from the office - different Internet providers.
Myth - my site is Russian and will be hosted in Russia - you need a RU domain
Of course not. You can register a domain in dozens of zones. Of course, the zones have "career guidance":
EN - Russia
NET - networks
ORG - organizations (non-profit)
com- commercial organizations and so on.
But these are conditional restrictions. By the way, a few interesting areas:
na, to, bo, at, me, in, pro, jobs.
You can fantasize about domains: beat English meaning me and in or emphasize professionalism (although in the pro zone it is not so easy). Well, the prices in some "interesting" areas are high - how do you like from €3000 for NA? But maybe worth it?
Myth - there is a hiding of owner data in all zones
In RU, RF zones there is a Private Person option (when registering as a private person or individual entrepreneur). Enabled in the domain control panel. But in the zones COM NET TV CC WS INFO BIZ ORG MOBI ASIA (etc.) - there is no such possibility, and registrars offer a paid service "Registration data protection". At the same time, "the data of the trusted legal entity of the domain registrar will be displayed in WHOIS." For example, this is what webnames does.
Myth -,.com,.net,.org
Almost forgot about this myth. There are officially no such domains and never have been. That, however, does not prevent selling this "air" to some registrars.
Of course, you can register such a domain, and it will even work. But it will only work for you and those of your friends who have installed plugins for their browsers, in accordance with the instructions.
Search engines "do not use" these plugins, so search engines with this domain name will also have to be forgotten.

IDN - Internationalized Domain Name

In several zones, such as COM, NET, SU and others, it is possible to register domains in national alphabets, for example, in Cyrillic. The domain name must be in one language, so phishing (due to the mixing of characters from different alphabets) will not work. And the site will open in most modern browsers. There is little joy from such a domain - it is inconvenient to enter - but there are lovers.
It even happens: a domain is registered you can register in case a potential visitor forgets to switch the layout (some browsers add the com zone automatically).
In the zone of the Russian Federation, you can register only in Cyrillic.
  • Choose a registrar you can trust.
  • Register only to the actual owner of the domain.
  • If you are registering for a promotion, carefully read the terms of the promotion.
  • Be sure to send scanned documents (RU, RF), even if the domain was registered a long time ago.
  • A few hours after registration, check whois - your data and VERIFIED status should be there (after checking documents, usually from 1 day to a month).
  • After renewing the domain (within 3 days) - make sure in whois that the domain registration period has changed (paid-till field: YYYY.MM.DD).
  • You must get a username and password to manage your domain. In the case of buying a domain from a reseller, you must be given a login and password from the domain control panel of an accredited registrar.
  • Use caution when registering an address Email, received from free mail services - they can be disabled for inactivity and take control.
  • Use strong and complex passwords to access the panel and mail. Do not store passwords in mailboxes, do not save them in browsers and email programs.
  • Do not forget to renew your domain registration - in the RU zone this is done once a year.
  • To hide your data - use Private Person and specify individual contact details for the domain (only for individuals). In this case, you will avoid fraud using public whois data - as information will be published:
    person: Private person
    And not the address and phone number that you indicated when registering the domain, but contact details specially designed for general access.
  • If the Internet is a serious business for you, register domains on entity. Take care of your heirs, there is no inheritance of domains by individuals: .
  • If a startup is meant to be super profitable, register domains in multiple zones and with different spellings. Do not give too much freedom to create phishing sites and make money on "sealed" visitors.
  • If you plan to register a dozen domains - become a partner of an accredited registrar. Many offer very favorable prices already starting from 1000 rubles of general expenses or special conditions for mass registration. There is also a minus - most likely you will have to draw up a paper contract.
  • Read the Rules for registering domain names in the RU and RF domains - so that the terms of division and other conditions are not a surprise for you. Please note that some domain zones have special conditions.
  • If you have a "potentially vulnerable" site and you are afraid to arouse the interest of the relevant authorities - use the common domain zones: COM, NET, ORG. It will be problematic to separate your domain or remove it from registration. Of course, the laws must be observed, we all understand this.

I believe that every habrauser knows all this himself, but novice domain owners also read habr - good luck to them!

Thanks in advance for the addition of the article and advice.

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"Theft of domains", or rather, unauthorized changes of NS-servers, incorrect registrations by resellers, just registration errors - continue. The topic is not new, but, as practice shows, year after year it does not lose its relevance.
I tried to collect in one place all the tips for the correct registration of domains. At the same time - I remembered a few myths about domains.
Even if you know more about domains than I do, please take a look at the article - let's do together "The Most Complete Guide", the article is aimed at beginners.
Where and how to register domains? What to do if the domain is already registered, but there are doubts about the correctness of its registration?
For specifics - prices and conditions refer to the zone.RU.

Domain registrars

You can register a domain with accredited registrars, or with their partners - domain resellers.
There are 24 accredited registrars in the .RU zone, 18 in the .RF zone. The list is published on the official website of the Coordination Center for the national Internet domain
The largest registrar in this market is Ru-Center (
Domain name resellers are partners with one or more accredited registrars. These are hosting providers, design studios and specialized domain resellers. Moreover, it can be both individuals and official companies. Resellers earn on the difference between partner prices and prices for the consumer and can only accept payments and change settings - they cannot change the owner themselves. Those. in fact, the domain is also registered through an accredited registrar.
Myth - you can not register domains "for 100 rubles"
The official recommended price is 500 rubles. But partner prices can be 90 rubles or less, and therefore, you can find offers for registering domains for about 100 rubles. This doesn't mean that 100+ domains are worse than 600+ domains. These are the same domains. But when buying through a private reseller, you may encounter a lack of support, you will not receive accounting documents, there will be no one to file a claim - and other nuances of cheapness. But these costs may not be.

How to check the decency of the site?

To check the decency of the service, look at the reviews on the Internet, if payment via WebMoney is offered - you can check the reviews on the official website by WMID or on the site.

It is worth making sure that you are paying to the owner of the site, and not to a wallet belonging to an unknown person. You can do this by checking the WMID specified by the service.

When paying with Yandex.Money, you can check that the Seller's Store is registered in the Domains or Hosting section.

You can simply look for reviews on the Internet about this site.

TIC and PR of the site - to some extent will give an idea of ​​the seriousness of the company (you can check it with any service, for example:

Look at the domain registrar's whois - there you can see the owner of the domain, the date of registration of the domain.

Of course, you should pay attention to the presence of an SSL certificate, a legal entity, a postal address, phone numbers on the site, an offer agreement - and other optional signs of a serious service.

Myth - You can't get domains for free with promotions
Can. But carefully read the terms of the promotion, read reviews about the company. The domain should be registered specifically for you, and not for a hosting provider or a design studio. Otherwise, you will later find out that the domain was received "under temporary partial control." There is no such concept in nature - or your domain - or not.

How to check a registered domain?

whois. There are many services, for example:

The domain must be registered for the data that you specified during registration - i.e. in your name or your company. In another case, demand that the information be corrected immediately. If they refuse to help you, contact an accredited registrar (if you purchased through a reseller) or the Coordination Center (

Myth - documents on the domain
Registrars often provide various forms of "domain documents" that confirm the owner. Only now these documents do not have legal force and do not protect from anything - from the point of view of the rules for registering domains, the administrator (owner) of the domain determines not a paper document, but whois data. With official companies, you can conclude a paper contract.
But if you are so calm - then please.
Myth - to place a domain on a hosting, you must confirm that you are the owner of the domain
It's useless - the services are completely different. Hoster does not care - who owns the domain.
Moreover, the owner of the account (personal account) - and the owner of the domain can be different people or organizations. Those. no matter who pays for the renewal and registration of the domain - the owner is still the one to whom the domain is registered.

What should I do if the registration data is incorrect?

Write to the registrar. Actions are highly dependent on the accredited registrar. The issue is solvable.
Myth - I'm not happy with everything in the registrar, but I can't do anything!
You can always change the registrar. All registrars provide information - how to do it, only often this information is hidden away. The difficulty is that you need to provide a notarized original of the application or come in person with documents and powers of attorney.
However, if you are moving from one reseller to another, or transferring control directly to an accredited registrar without changing registrars, things are much easier. For example, Ru-Center allows you to do this online, and Webnames (Ragtime LLC) - using a simple scan of a letter with an application, you do not need to notarize it.
Reseller consent is not required. You can always conclude a direct contract with the registrar.
The "wait for the registration period to expire and buy the same domain elsewhere" option is strongly discouraged. Your domain may be intercepted by a cybersquatter or end up in a registrar's auction (however, this is almost the same thing).

How to identify a registrar?

Use whois. In the registrar field, see the entry *-REG-RIPN
It can be used to identify the registrar by comparing it with the nic-handle field in the official list of registrars.
Myth - I'm transferring the site to another hoster - I need to transfer the domain as well
Not necessary. You can simply pay for a domain and hosting services either in one place or in different ones.
Myth - I was sold a domain - I was given a password to the profile
When selling a domain, you need to create your own profile with the registrar (if not), and send the seller a notarized application following the registrar's model for transferring the domain to another administrator (owner). Only after the domain appears in your profile and whois with your data is displayed - it is yours. Yes, it is not so easy, but stealing a domain is also problematic.
If you are afraid, use auctions or the "Directed Domain Transfer" service, many registrars now offer this, for example:
When transferring/selling a domain, you can either leave the domain with the same registrar or transfer it to another.

You can change the administrator (owner) of a domain only 90 days after the domain registration. and this is done only on an official statement certified by a notary (there are no problems with this, since notaries certify not a document, but only your signature).

Myth - if the registrar closes, you will lose the domain
ICANN periodically announces the termination of accreditation (Russian registrars are not found there). In this case, domains are transferred en masse to other accredited registrars on a competitive basis.
In the case of resellers, it is even simpler - domains remain with an accredited registrar.
Myth - I can pay for a domain registration for 100 years
In the RU zone - only for a year. The way out is to keep funds on the balance sheet and enable auto-renewal of the domain (if available from the registrar).
But here, for example, the domain TO (http://to.) - please: 100 years for US$2500. The maximum payment period depends on the zone.
Myth - I can register a domain for any data
This is not the case in RU and RF zones. It is recommended to specify real data, since domains with a status (see the state field in the whois service) UNVERIFIED can be removed from delegation and registration terminated.
To confirm the registration data, simple scans of documents are enough, but even if you are fluent in Photoshop, take your time. Registering with your data allows you to restore domain control “in case of emergency”.
Myth - domain name starts with www
A domain name (or second-level domain) consists of the name itself and the zone. For example - "example in the ru zone". is already a third-level domain, you don't need to register it. Such an address can be made later (and this is not a question for the registrar - but for the hoster), and the "with www" domain can point to the site (be an alternative domain name), but this tradition is not a hard and fast rule.
Myth - I bought a domain - it doesn't work
If the DNS servers for the domain are configured correctly and the domain is added to the DNS servers (their names must be reported by the hoster, or external DNS servers can be used), the zone should be updated from 6 hours to several days. It does not depend on the registrar, not on the hoster, but on Internet providers. That is why the site can work from home, but be unavailable from the office - different Internet providers.
Myth - my site is Russian and will be hosted in Russia - you need a RU domain
Of course not. You can register a domain in dozens of zones. Of course, the zones have "career guidance":
EN - Russia
NET - networks
ORG - organizations (non-profit)
COM - commercial organizations, etc.
But these are conditional restrictions. By the way, a few interesting areas:
na, to, bo, at, me, in, pro, jobs.
You can fantasize about domains: Beat the English meaning of me and in or emphasize professionalism (although in the pro zone this is not so easy). Well, the prices in some "interesting" areas are high - how do you like from €3000 for NA? But maybe worth it?
Myth - there is a hiding of owner data in all zones
In RU, RF zones there is a Private Person option (when registering as a private person or individual entrepreneur). Enabled in the domain control panel. But in the zones COM NET TV CC WS INFO BIZ ORG MOBI ASIA (etc.) - there is no such possibility, and registrars offer a paid service "Registration data protection". At the same time, "the data of the trusted legal entity of the domain registrar will be displayed in WHOIS." For example, this is what webnames does.
Myth -,.com,.net,.org
Almost forgot about this myth. There are officially no such domains and never have been. That, however, does not prevent selling this "air" to some registrars.
Of course, you can register such a domain, and it will even work. But it will only work for you and those of your friends who have installed plugins for their browsers, in accordance with the instructions.
Search engines "do not use" these plugins, so search engines with this domain name will also have to be forgotten.

IDN - Internationalized Domain Name

In several zones, such as COM, NET, SU and others, it is possible to register domains in national alphabets, for example, in Cyrillic. The domain name must be in one language, so phishing (due to the mixing of characters from different alphabets) will not work. And the site will open in most modern browsers. There is little joy from such a domain - it is inconvenient to enter - but there are lovers.
It even happens: a domain is registered you can register in case a potential visitor forgets to switch the layout (some browsers add the com zone automatically).
In the zone of the Russian Federation, you can register only in Cyrillic.
  • Choose a registrar you can trust.
  • Register only to the actual owner of the domain.
  • If you are registering for a promotion, carefully read the terms of the promotion.
  • Be sure to send scanned documents (RU, RF), even if the domain was registered a long time ago.
  • A few hours after registration, check whois - your data and VERIFIED status should be there (after checking documents, usually from 1 day to a month).
  • After renewing the domain (within 3 days) - make sure in whois that the domain registration period has changed (paid-till field: YYYY.MM.DD).
  • You must get a username and password to manage your domain. In the case of buying a domain from a reseller, you must be given a login and password from the domain control panel of an accredited registrar.
  • When registering, be careful when using email addresses obtained from free mail services - they can be disabled for inactivity and take control.
  • Use strong and complex passwords to access the panel and mail. Do not store passwords in mailboxes, do not save them in browsers and email programs.
  • Do not forget to renew your domain registration - in the RU zone this is done once a year.
  • To hide your data - use Private Person and specify individual contact details for the domain (only for individuals). In this case, you will avoid fraud using public whois data - as information will be published:
    person: Private person
    And not the address and phone number that you indicated when registering the domain, but contact details specially designed for general access.
  • If the Internet is a serious business for you - register domains for a legal entity. Take care of your heirs, there is no inheritance of domains by individuals: .
  • If a startup is meant to be super profitable, register domains in multiple zones and with different spellings. Do not give too much freedom to create phishing sites and make money on "sealed" visitors.
  • If you plan to register a dozen domains - become a partner of an accredited registrar. Many offer very favorable prices already starting from 1000 rubles of general expenses or special conditions for mass registration. There is also a minus - most likely you will have to draw up a paper contract.
  • Read the Rules for registering domain names in the RU and RF domains - so that the terms of division and other conditions are not a surprise for you. Please note that some domain zones have special conditions.
  • If you have a "potentially vulnerable" site and you are afraid to arouse the interest of the relevant authorities - use the common domain zones: COM, NET, ORG. It will be problematic to separate your domain or remove it from registration. Of course, the laws must be observed, we all understand this.

I believe that every habrauser knows all this himself, but novice domain owners also read habr - good luck to them!

Thanks in advance for the addition of the article and advice.


  • domain
  • domain registration
  • registrars
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Global Domain Name Regulation is in charge of international organization ICANN. It does not register names for end customers and does not deal with national domain zones. ICANN transfers the rights to regulate domain zones to local coordinators and accredits registrars in the .com, .net, .org, .info and some other zones (full list at ).

All runet coordinator

In Russia, for .RU and .РФ domains, the coordinator is ANO "Coordination Center for the National Internet Domain". This non-profit organization is constantly improving the rules for registering domain names (with the participation of the registrar committee) and the regulation on accreditation of registrars, and is also actively involved in the life of the Runet and developing the Cyrillic domain.RF. The RuNet Chief Coordinator accredits registrars, handles customer complaints, resolves complex issues related to domain names, and negotiates new first-level domains (including Cyrillic ones) with ICANN. This organization also does not sell domain names to end customers. Users often confuse "Ru-Center" (now "Hosting Community") with the coordinator of .RU and .RF zones. In fact, this company is just one of the registrars.

Registrars in Runet

In Russia, at the time of this writing, there are 44 accredited registrars dealing with .RU and .РФ domains. Accreditation can only be obtained by a Russian legal entity that meets the strict requirements of the coordinator. The current list of accredited registrars can be viewed at.

Foreign registrars

ICANN accredits registrars for .aero, .asia, .biz, .cat, .com, .coop, .info, .jobs, .mobi, .museum, .name, .net, .org, .pro, . tel, .travel and .xxx. Full list accredited foreign companies is available at .

Who are resellers?

Companies that offer domain name registration services but are not accredited are resellers. They register domains under partnership agreements with accredited registrars. Reseller prices are usually lower and marketing is more aggressive. At the same time, their area of ​​responsibility is limited: some issues (for example, transferring a domain to another registrar/administrator) can only be resolved through the registrar itself. The reseller does not run the risk of losing accreditation, there is no work regulation for him - there is only an agreement with the registrar. When working with such an organization, the end client is primarily deprived of guarantees, since the work of the reseller is not regulated in any way. However, even if the reseller ceases to exist, the client can contact the final registrar, where they will create an account with their domain names. The work of the domain names themselves will not be disrupted in this case.

What to look for when registering a domain?

Some resellers register domain names for themselves and rent out the domain. Legally, the domain belongs to the one to whom it is registered, so if you want to transfer it to another hosting or sell it, the current owner will have the opportunity to earn extra money for you. You should also carefully monitor when the registration period ends and renew it in time. The registrar's automation may fail and not renew the domain name even if the "auto-renewal" service is enabled and there is a sufficient amount on the account. We advise you to check on your own whether the domain name has been renewed! If you miss the moment when the domain is released, cybersquatters can buy up the vacant name and try to sell it for an order of magnitude more expensive. If you don't have a trademark associated with your domain, no court can help you.


Cyrillic domains

On May 12, 2010, an entry about the Cyrillic domain.RF appeared in the registries of global domain addressing servers. Trademark owners, media and organizations were the first to have the opportunity to register a domain. From November 11, 2010, everyone could register domains. At the time of writing, 790,000 domain names were registered in the .RF zone. The prospects for the development of the zone.RF are still somewhat vague. Cyrillic names are certainly more convenient to dictate, but many email programs and web services, even after three years, do not understand Cyrillic. So far, buying domain names in the .RF zone only makes sense as an investment for the future.

Domain name cost

.RU and .РФ domains for an accredited registrar cost 70 rubles without VAT (that is, 82 rubles 60 kopecks with VAT) - he pays this amount to the coordinator. The end client can pay from 90 to 590 rubles - depending on the registrar and the volume of the purchase. The profit of registrars in this business is not very high, so they often offer related services, such as hosting, server rental, SSL certificates. In addition, the client has the opportunity to choose a free domain: usually the third level, for example, There are many more free domains here, but it is better for serious organizations to fork out for a paid address. On the Internet, organizations that host sites on third-level domains are not very respected - besides, such an address is longer and more difficult to remember. Many hosting companies also offer to get . If at the same time the domain is registered to you, you do not risk anything.

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A domain registrar is an organization that can register new domain names, renew existing ones.

A girl was born in the Korovin family. Her parents gave her a name - Snezhanna. In the registry office, the child was issued a birth certificate for Korovina Snezhanna Erikivna. Unlike a domain name, there may be more than one girl with this name in the world (which is unlikely, but there is such a chance). And if you register a domain, then its name will be in one singular. And not a single web resource will meet you with the same name.

Domain registrars and their role

If you register a domain, you are renting a domain name. Usually for one year. At the end of the lease, it must be renewed. Otherwise, someone else will take over the domain.

Registrar companies are entrusted with the function of control over the registration and renewal of domain names. Control over all registrars is carried out by the Coordination Centers of country code domains (for the Russian domain zones RU and RF, this is the CCTLD center).

There are also resellers. Sometimes they can sell the right to a domain name cheaper. But read the reviews carefully before using their services. Such organizations may not always be able to provide support.

How domain registrars work

  • Services are provided for a fee.
  • (the person or company in whose name the name is registered) undertakes not to violate the laws of the Russian Federation and the rules for placing sites on the Web.
  • Domains are registered to a real person or organization.
  • Login and password are provided to the domain management system.
  • Each name is registered for a specific period.
  • Any domain name can be put up for sale by the administrator.
  • The registrar ensures the legitimacy of the work of the name shop and is the guarantor of the transaction.
  • 2 months before the end of the reservation, the registrar warns the administrator that the name needs to be renewed.
  • If the web name is not renewed before the deadline, then the administrator has another month to complete the renewal.
  • If after the end of the second term the administrator does not pay for the reservation, the domain can be registered by any other person.
  • Any unrenewed domain name of value may be put up for auction by the registrar.
  • At any time, the administrator can change the registrar or give the domain under the control of another person (company).

Service delivery process

  • Registration is carried out automatically.
  • Checking the name for employment, suggesting alternative names and other zones until the moment of registration.
  • Receipt of payment from the future administrator.
  • Verification of administrator documents in individual cases.
  • Name booking.
  • Registration.
  • Notification of the administrator about the end of the reservation period.

What are zones and levels

Each domain is registered in one of the domain zones. Domain zone - a set of all domain names of the same level.

For example, - a web resource has the name “site” in the RU zone. - the name of one web resource in the ORG zone, etc.

The domain registrar can only “book” for you accordingly. The first level is ORG, RU, etc.
He also reserves names in the - this is the third level.

Let's look at a simple example..

Alternative zones are offered by the registrar if the desired name in the selected zone is occupied.

How to choose a zone

First of all, focus on your web project. If it is aimed at the Russian audience, then it is more correct to work with the RU-zone, Kazakhstan - KZ, etc. ORG and COM - suitable for commerce, INFO - for news and catalogs, etc. But do not forget that the RU Internet zone, which is familiar to Russians, and many of your customers will be mistaken - instead of site.ORG they will enter site.RU in the browser line.

Separately, it should be said about web projects in the geo-zone of the Russian Federation. This is the name of the web project in Cyrillic, which, on the one hand, is convenient and easy to remember. But on the other hand, you, as an administrator, will face constant difficulties. For example, you cannot register a mailbox with the name.rf, or when working on a promotion, you will have to set links to a web resource through the punycode converter (for site.rf, this will be the code xn--80aswg.xn--p1ai).

How to choose the right domain name

  • The site name should be short and clear.
  • The domain should be easy to remember, its sound should be similar to its spelling.
  • The name must indicate the field of activity or contain the name of the company.
  • You can use a georeferenced location or a region number (for example, orenburg or the number 56).
  • The presence of hyphens in the name - no more than one.
  • It is advisable not to use dubious transliteration in the web name, as well as replacing one Russian letter with two or three Latin ones. For example, voronej, voronezh, voroneg, etc.

Registrar companies in the Russian Federation

Below are the most famous Russian registrar companies:

  • Ru-Center (;
  • Reg Ru (;
  • Reggae (;
  • R01 (;
  • Mastername (;
  • 2domains (, Reghouse ( - resellers from Reg Ru and R01, and others.

How to choose a registrar company

The name can also be reserved from companies that offer hosting services. As a rule, they are resellers.

  • Price for booking and renewal.
  • The domain name must be registered to you, not the reseller.
  • Additional services: forwarding, DNS, hosting, CMS pre-installation, etc.
  • Convenient web name administration system.

If the administrator contains a web resource of dubious content, then he is interested in ensuring that no one can turn off his domain. There is a certain concept of "abuse" - the requirements of the authorized bodies to the registrar, according to which he is obliged to disable the specified domain.

What is a bulletproof recorder

This is a company that keeps servers in countries that do not submit to pressure from outside. For example, there are national geo-zones (RU - Russia, DE - Germany, etc.) and general ones (.com, biz, .org, etc.).

National geo-zones operate under the auspices of the legislation of their country. For example, domain1. ru can be blocked by the police of the Russian Federation or the court by sending an appropriate instruction to the registrar company.

Shared Web Zones are under the control of ICANN, which may disable a domain if it deems it necessary. If you register a web domain with a company that can be pressured from outside, then you are using the services of a non-bulletproof registrar.

Illegal topics often use the bulletproof web zone CC (Mainland Australia, Cocos Islands) or China, Canada, USA. Of course, the law must be followed. But if you are afraid of the interest of the relevant organizations, it is better to pay attention to the geo-zones of another country and foreign registrars. Some bulletproof companies: Iinternetbs, Regway, Ahnames, etc.

How to change registrar

If you want to change your domain support company for any reason, you can legally do so easily. The web name must be reserved for you and must not expire any time soon. To change a domain registrar, you must provide a list required documents at his request in person or by mail. For individuals, notarization of papers is required.

How to find a registrar

Sometimes it is necessary to find out which company provided the booking services. For example, you want to buy a website, or a web resource comes from a third party under your support. To do this, in any whois service, you can find out all the information about the domain.

In the proposed example, the registrar is Ru-Center. You can directly contact the registrar company at the specified address. In addition, this service shows who is the administrator, on which hosting the web resource is located, and when the name registration expires.

Choose the right domain name and book it with an accredited registrar.
