A woman's pregnancy lasts. Prolongation of pregnancy: maximum terms, causes and consequences

Despite all the ailments and poor health, almost every woman, remembering her pregnancy, calls this time the happiest period in her life.

However, every expectant mother cannot wait for the moment of childbirth, and, of course, she strives to calculate this day as accurately as possible. But, not everyone knows that there are subtleties in calculating the gestational age.

Duration of pregnancy

How long does pregnancy last for women? Unfortunately, it is impossible to know exactly the date of birth. The date given by doctors is EDD - estimated date of birth.

There are cases when the actual date of birth coincides with the estimated one. But all these cases are nothing but mere coincidences.

Even if a woman knows exactly the day of conception and the date of ovulation, it is impossible to determine the speed of the sperm, how many days the egg travels through the fallopian tubes, when it is accurately implanted, how long the fetus needs to fully mature, and when the baby is ready to be born.

Since everything Since our bodies are individual, in each case these processes proceed differently.. Physicians use the average standard, which is customary to focus on.

So how many weeks does a woman's normal pregnancy last? Scientists have calculated that in 80% of cases, from the moment of fertilization to the onset of childbirth, 266 days, respectively, this equals 38 weeks.

But the difficulty in this calculation is that, as a rule, expectant mothers do not know the exact day of conception.

The date of the last menstruation is more accurately remembered, therefore this date is taken as the basis for the calculation. Thus, it turns out that 40 weeks pass from the day the menstruation begins to the birth. Therefore, to the question: how many weeks the pregnancy lasts, obstetricians answer - 40 weeks (280 days).

However, there was no real pregnancy on the first day of the onset of menstruation, so the period calculated in this way is approximate. It is called menstrual or gestational period.

In fact, the age of the fetus is about two weeks less. This term is more accurate. It is called ovulation or fertilization. To more accurately determine the date of their birth, expectant mothers should calculate the date of their ovulation.

How to calculate the date of ovulation?

It's very hard to believe, but there is only one day in each month, when is it possible to get pregnant. In very rare cases, during the month this day comes twice.

There is a simple formula that can be used without auxiliary devices. Scientists have found that absolutely every woman ovulates 14 days before the start of menstruation.

If the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, then it turns out that ovulation will occur on the 14th day after the last day of ovulation.

Agree, this calculation is very simple. However, it has one catch - this method is only suitable for women who have a regular cycle. In addition, it is possible to calculate the day of ovulation only if there is an exact schedule of cycles for at least six months.

Moreover, in individual cases, ovulation may occur a little earlier, or a little later. But, if we take exactly the estimated date as the starting point, then it turns out that the pregnancy just lasts 266 days (280-14=266).

That is why doctors call a normal full-term pregnancy that lasts from 266 to 294 days or from 38 to 42 weeks.

When calculating, it is easy to see that 280 days (40 weeks) are precisely 9 months.

However, obstetricians have their own calculation of months. According to their calculations pregnancy lasts 10 months. The fact is that the so-called lunar months, which consist of 28 days, are taken into account. It is this period that the cycle continues for most women.

Factors affecting the duration of pregnancy

First of all, the state of health affects the duration of gestation. future mother And other factors. For example:

  • heredity;
  • psychological condition;
  • fetal development;
  • intrauterine state.

In case of prematurity, as well as the due date, there are additional threats of adverse birth which can affect the health of the fetus and mother.

These phenomena may be due to neuroendocrine disorders, previous diseases and previous abortions. According to statistics, those women who have been treated for are more likely to overbear the fetus. A post-term pregnancy is considered to be one whose term has crossed the line 42 weeks.

In no case should these appointments be abandoned, because the consequences of a delayed pregnancy can be deplorable.


In 40% of cases, during late labor occurs placental dysfunction. Thus, she is not able to provide the child with the necessary amount nutrients and oxygen.

Often during a post-term pregnancy, the fetus gains excess weight, which, of course, complicates the process of childbirth.

Also, in 20% of post-term children there is a so-called "overripe syndrome" in which the skin is changed.

There is too little subcutaneous fat in the child's body, which delays its growth. In addition, during childbirth, which began after 42 weeks, the rate of birth injuries received is higher.

Most often this is expressed in Erb's palsy, fractures of the limbs and collarbones, as well as in hip dysplasia.

In this case, the woman in labor is also exposed to an additional risk, which is in the following moments:

  • high probability;
  • risk of damage to the uterus;
  • protracted childbirth;
  • occurrence in the postpartum period.

This state is often called pathology of pregnancy. Therefore, to avoid such unpleasant consequences, you should consult a doctor.

However, one should not forget about the conventionality of calculating the duration of pregnancy. As it was said before plus and minus are allowed in the duration of two weeks. Do not worry in vain until 42 weeks.

Much more useful in last days pregnancy psychologically and physically tune in to childbirth. During this period, expectant mothers need better rest.

Childbirth is a difficult process for the body of any woman, so you should devote enough time to sleep. Many women attend specialized courses where experts tell them how best and safer to survive childbirth.

Moreover, now on the Internet you can find a lot of supporting information that will make a woman more confident and eliminate unnecessary fear.

The main thing to remember is that after giving birth, there will be a meeting with your most beloved and closest person!

Carrying a baby - special time in the life of a woman who is waiting for a miracle. It is very important to navigate the periods of pregnancy in order to know how the baby develops by weeks and months, what are the terms for its formation internal organs. Each stage of the child's growth takes place in a limited time period - the sequence of all processes is rarely violated.

What is pregnancy

In the reproductive organs of a woman preparing to become a mother, the future baby grows and develops. First, the embryo is called the embryo, then the fetus. The baby receives nutrition through the umbilical cord - a tube with veins and arteries that connects it to the placenta, the vascular sac. From the mother, the fetus receives blood saturated with oxygen and nutrients, and back - with carbon dioxide and metabolic products.

How does

Pregnancy occurs after a successful conception. This process is possible during the period of ovulation, when a woman's egg (oocyte) matures in one of the ovaries and begins its journey to the uterus. Spermatozoa in the male seminal fluid, entering the woman's vagina during intercourse, tend to reach the egg. Male cells “loosen” the surface of the oocyte, and the spermatozoon, the first to reach the inner shell, merges - fertilization of the egg occurs.

There is an opinion that if two spermatozoa penetrated into the oocyte, a multiple pregnancy will occur, but such an embryo is doomed to death. A fertilized egg becomes a zygote with only one sperm implanted. The future embryo does not stop, but continues to move down the fallopian tube in order to attach to the wall of the uterus, after which pregnancy occurs.

How long does it take

If the countdown starts from the moment of conception, the period of intrauterine life of the fetus will be 38 weeks. However, the period of pregnancy is usually counted from the first day of the last menstruation. Then the pregnancy lasts 40 weeks or 10 obstetric months. This practice of counting is a consequence of the fact that it is not always possible to accurately determine the day of conception.

The course of pregnancy by week

Each stage of childbearing has its own characteristics about which a woman should know. Obstetricians divide pregnancy into trimesters of equal length. In addition, there is a practice of breaking down into periods of pregnancy due to one or another stage of fetal maturation: these are the pre-implantation, implantation periods, organogenesis and the fetal stage.

Pre-implantation period

From the moment of conception and the actual onset of the first stage of pregnancy, 6-7 days pass. The zygote, in which cell fragmentation occurs, moves along the fallopian tube. At this point, the embryo is a ball of 200 cells called a blastocyst. Having reached the uterus, the blastocyst is fixed on one of its walls. This period is called pre-implantation.

Implantation period

The inner surface of the uterus is covered with a special tissue - the endometrium, which thickens during implantation. Blastocyst cells are attached to the endometrium by special processes. At this moment, the future placenta secretes a special hormone - chorionic gonadotropin, which, when it enters the ovaries, prevents the onset of menstruation. The presence of this substance in the body helps to determine pregnancy using a test.

Organogenesis and placentation

After the successful introduction of the ovum, the embryo enters the process of organ formation, which is called organogenesis. The so-called axial complex is formed: neural tube, chord, intestine. In parallel with the laying of organs, tissues are formed - nervous, epithelial, connective, muscle. The latter serves as the basis for the heart, kidneys, genitals, blood. Organogenesis is completed by the end of the fourth month.

In parallel with these processes, from the end of the second month, the formation of the placenta occurs. Up to this point, the embryo is determined by the chorion, which serves as the outer shell. With the development of the fetal egg, villi appear in the chorion, which are gradually pierced by vessels. Further, the chorion grows together with the cells of the endometrium, and at 12-14 weeks a placenta is formed in the uterine cavity.

fertile period

Starting from the 12th week and ending with childbirth, the embryo is no longer considered an embryo, it is called a fetus. Obstetricians talk about the fetal or fetal period, in which, if there is a threat of miscarriage, they try to save the fetus. There are other critical periods of pregnancy, but the first danger is over. By this time, the crumbs have already formed all the main organs and systems, it is growing rapidly, gaining weight and acquiring human features.

child development

A baby in the womb develops according to a schedule. Each trimester, week, is characterized by new achievements of the crumbs:

Trimester/weeks Period name Development
1 (1-12) Embryonic The size of the fetal egg increases from microscopic to 50-60 mm. The heart, brain and other organs are formed. At 9 weeks, an ultrasound can already determine the sex of the baby. The first motor reflexes appear.
2 (13-27) Fetal (fetal) From 16-20 weeks, the first movements of the fetus are possible. The length of the child by the end of the trimester can reach 35 cm, and weight - about a kilogram.
3 (28-40) The baby is actively gaining weight, it forms subcutaneous fatty tissue. He moves less often, because there is no longer enough space in the uterus for activity. Before childbirth, the growth of the baby approaches 50 cm, and the weight is 3-4 kg.

Feelings during pregnancy by week

A pregnant woman must understand what is happening with her body and how the child develops week by week in order to better interpret her feelings. Bearing a child is not only a gradual growth of the abdomen, but also a host of other manifestations. During conception, until the embryo is fixed on the wall of the uterus, the woman does not have any sensations. The first sign of pregnancy is the moment of implantation of the ovum, which sometimes causes bleeding.

First trimester

For 1-3 months of pregnancy, the following sensations are characteristic:

  • Toxicosis of pregnant women. The body does not immediately accept foreign body, which the embryo considers, and begins to produce antibodies. Possible manifestation of intoxication - nausea, vomiting. There are other hypotheses that explain toxicosis, but experts do not have an exact answer why it occurs.
  • The production of progesterone increases, which sometimes affects well-being.
  • The mammary glands swell and hurt.
  • Food preferences change, sometimes favorite dishes cause rejection.

Second trimester

By the beginning of the second trimester of the pregnancy period, in most women, the manifestations of toxicosis disappear. Obstetricians call this time the most comfortable. Unpleasant sensations pass, and the volume of the abdomen does not yet become an obstacle to normal movements - it does not interfere with bending over to put on shoes, and the child's movements are still too easy and painless.

In nulliparous women, the belly grows more slowly, and by the end of the second trimester, a pregnant woman may think about changing her wardrobe for the first time. In the second and subsequent pregnancies, the tummy increases faster, but this also depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Some pregnant women report heartburn. This is due to the growing uterus, which compresses the internal organs and prevents the pancreas from fully working.

third trimester

Starting from the 6-7th month of the pregnancy period, the stomach grows faster, this causes some discomfort. From time to time, a woman has training contractions that begin with pulling pain in the waist. In addition, the pelvic bones, preparing for delivery, begin to diverge - there may be pain in the perineum, which increases during movement.

During this period, the number of fetal movements should be monitored, noting each movement in the pregnancy calendar. It is believed that a baby should remind himself at least 10 times a day. A smaller number of movements may indicate pathologies. It is also important to monitor the discharge - bloody may indicate the exit of the mucous "plug" from the cervix, which occurs shortly before childbirth.

Critical periods of pregnancy

A woman carrying a child should listen to her body for the entire period, monitor her well-being, avoid stress and excessive stress. However, there are periods of pregnancy when the threat of miscarriage increases. Obstetricians note several critical points:

  • The most dangerous weeks of pregnancy in the first trimester are from 2 to the beginning of 4. During this period, implantation of the embryo may be impaired due to weak endometrium, fibroids, a scar after cesarean, physical activity and stress.
  • Dangerous terms during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester - 8-12 weeks. At this time, the placenta is actively developing, hormonal disruptions are critical, which lead to the risk of miscarriage. These are ovarian dysfunctions that do not produce enough of the hormone progesterone.
  • 18-22 are extremely dangerous weeks during pregnancy. Chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, herpes under certain conditions can cause disruption of the functioning of the placenta, infection of the fetus and miscarriage. The danger of a late miscarriage is also the low location of the placenta.
  • There are also critical weeks of pregnancy at the end of the term - from 28 to 32. Pathologies such as late preeclampsia, insufficiency or placental abruption are possible, which can cause premature birth.


When a woman's due date arrives and signs of readiness female body to childbirth, as it was not, and not, many are wondering what is the maximum gestational age is possible.

Also very important is the question of how to determine the true overgrowth, what consequences of late birth can be for the mother and fetus. And here statements like: “There is no chronic pregnancy, give birth - where will you go?” are absolutely unacceptable.

Postponement is a pathological phenomenon in which labor activity appears late or does not appear at all at the end of the gestational age. In the event of a belated labor activity its various anomalies (for example, weakness and discoordination) and violations of the contractile readiness of the uterus are often stated.

This phenomenon is a rather serious problem in obstetrics and occurs in 4% of cases. Due to the high probability of violations of the process of childbirth with delayed labor, the number of surgical interventions increases. The risk of complications in a woman in labor during childbirth and after them increases. The risk of violation of intrauterine development of the child and even his death increases.

What is the maximum gestational age in days and weeks

The gestational age, and with it the date of birth, is calculated in several ways. It can be counted by the first day of the last menstruation, by the date of conception, by the size of the uterus at the first visit to the doctor and at the first ultrasound, by the date of the first stirring of the crumbs.

The most reliable way to calculate the date of birth is to calculate the first day of the last "critical days". From their first day count three months ago and add 7 days. This will be the estimated date of the baby's birth with a normal duration of bearing a child of 280 days.

Despite the fact that during the menstruation itself, there can be no talk of any fertilization, the calculations are carried out so that the pregnancy lasts 280 days and plus or minus two weeks. Thus, it turns out that the pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, and childbirth at 38 weeks cannot be called premature, just like childbirth at 42 weeks is late.

In obstetrics, two concepts of overwearing are distinguished - true and imaginary overwearing.

The first option is confirmed when the pregnancy continues for more than 14 days after the calculated date of the birth of the baby (that is, the duration of the pregnancy is 294 days or more) and when the baby is born with signs of overmaturity.

In this case, the development of pathological disorders in the structure of the placenta necessarily takes place (fatty degeneration, multiple petrifications - deposits of calcium salts in the placenta).

The final conclusion can be given after examining the newborn and examining the placenta.

Another option is an imaginary overwearing. It is also called prolonged pregnancy. In this case, pregnancy is characterized by an extended period of its course for the physiological maturation of the child. Such a pregnancy ends at 294 days or later with the birth of a mature baby without any complications.

In the process of examining a pregnant woman with suspected overmaturity, it is important to exclude chronological overbearing (incorrectly calculated duration of pregnancy and childbirth).


Here we rather have to talk about risk factors for the development of delayed labor.

Consider these risks from the side of the mother's body and from the side of the baby.

Maternal risk factors:

  • disorders in the state of reproductive health of the pregnant woman. Such disorders can be inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, leading to endocrine disorders and changes in the neuromuscular system of the uterus, a history of abortion, maternal infantilism, irregular menstruation;
  • the age of a woman preparing for motherhood for the first time is over 35;
  • maternal pathologies associated with pregnancy. These can be metabolic diseases, endocrine pathology, pathology of internal organs, gestosis and toxicosis, mental shocks;
  • sedentary lifestyle during pregnancy, especially in its final stages;
  • hereditary predisposition. Often there is a regularity of repeated cases of recurrent pregnancy in a family where the next of kin already had a late birth.

Possible fetal causes:

  • often the reasons that caused the slow development of the fetus lead to a lengthening of the gestational age. In this case, such a phenomenon as prolongation of pregnancy can be considered an adaptive mechanism that contributes to the maturation of the fetus;
  • a large fetus weighing over 4000 g. A large baby often cannot descend to the entrance to the small pelvis. This interferes with proper disclosure and preparation of the uterine os for childbirth;
  • for the same reason - the inability to descend into the small pelvis - the transverse or pelvic presentation of the child also contributes to an increase in the duration of pregnancy;
  • immature immune system of the baby due to lack of nutrients.

Tests that can confirm that the pregnancy has been exceeded

Diagnosis of post-term pregnancy is difficult, since the clinical manifestations of this pathology are erased.

First, the gestational age is recalculated again and the estimated date of the baby's birth is checked. The risk factors for overwearing are determined. Then a more thorough obstetric examination is performed.

About the methods of determining the dates and dates have already been discussed above. Let's move on to the obstetric examination.

Examination data that speak in favor of a post-term pregnancy:

  • weight loss of the expectant mother by 800-1000 g per week (sometimes more) after 41 weeks, together with the appearance of signs of a decrease in skin elasticity;
  • reduction in the size of the abdominal circumference by 5-10 cm after the 290th day of pregnancy;
  • the height of the fundus of the uterus stops growing or decreases;
  • fetal mobility decreases due to oligohydramnios. A woman feels movements less often. Moreover, these movements are not intense, but sluggish, “lazy”;

Vaginal examination allows you to determine that:

  • the cervix is ​​not prepared for childbirth (the cervix is ​​long, not elastic, the cervical canal is tightly closed);
  • the bones of the baby's head are dense, it is impossible to feel the bone sutures and fontanelles.

Obstetrician-gynecologists regularly listen to the baby's heart sounds with an obstetric stethoscope. When overwearing, the nature of the heart sounds of the crumbs changes - their sonority, heart rate, rhythm change. However, these changes are not specific for overwearing, but to a greater extent indicate oxygen starvation of the crumbs.

The gynecologist observing the pregnancy, after conducting the above examination at forty weeks of pregnancy, recommends hospitalization in the maternity hospital. The purpose of hospitalization is to clarify the obstetric status of the future mother and the condition of the baby. A specialized hospital has more opportunities for a detailed, in-depth examination of expectant mothers, so you should not be afraid and avoid hospitalization.

Instrumental examination methods pregnant women in a hospital are used to determine the functional state of the fetoplacental system, to determine further tactics for managing a pregnant woman and to choose a method of delivery in this particular case.

Fetal cardiotocography

Fetal cardiotocography (CTG) allows you to detect changes in the condition of cardio-vascular system fetus. Mainly, this method allows you to determine the presence of oxygen starvation of the baby (hypoxia). Indicators such as the lack of reactivity of the baby’s cardiovascular system to its movements (non-stress test) or uterine contractions (stress test), although they are not specific for a prolonged pregnancy, but indicate that the fetus is not all right.

They are manifested by the monotony of the heart rhythm, an increase in heart rate of more than 150 beats per minute or a decrease in their frequency of less than 110 beats per minute. When such changes are detected, expectant tactics are not applied, urgent actions must be taken to save the child.


Amnioscopy is a procedure for examining the lower pole of the fetal egg, which is carried out only in a hospital. This examination will help with overwearing:

  • determine oligohydramnios (decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid);
  • find impurities of meconium (original feces) in the amniotic fluid. When overcarried, the amniotic fluid is stained with meconium impurities. green color. Green amniotic fluid is one of the main signs of baby hypoxia;
  • determine the absence of a suspension of flakes of original lubricant in the amniotic fluid.


Ultrasound allows you to determine the volume of amniotic fluid, including in dynamics. It has been scientifically proven that maximum amount amniotic waters are observed at a period of 38 weeks. In the future, their volume decreases rapidly. The literature gives average figures for a decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid by 145-150 ml per week. As a result, by the 43rd week, the reduction is 244 ml.

A decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid is considered as a natural process of dysfunction of the placenta due to its aging during postmaturity.

Also, when postponing, ultrasound reveals the so-called echo-positive changes in amniotic waters due to the content of meconium and fetal epithelium in them. Echo-positive signs indicate that the waters are no longer transparent.

At the same time, ultrasound can show a decrease in the thickness of the placenta, reveal its structural changes (heterogeneity, cysts, degeneration, petrifications).

Ultrasound data speak in favor of exceeding the deadlines, that the size of the baby is large, but there is no increase in dynamics, the bones of the skull thicken, their density increases.

Doppler ultrasound

Doppler ultrasound allows you to examine the state of blood flow in the uterine arteries, which makes it possible to draw a conclusion about the state of blood circulation in the uteroplacental pool.

For dopplerometry, umbilical arteries are more accessible, and the assessment of the state of blood flow in them is most indicative. The state of the peripheral channel is also assessed - the vascular network of the fetal part of the placenta.

With prolonged pregnancy, the blood flow in the microvessels of the villi is disturbed and their vascularization (blood supply) decreases, which leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the child. As a result, there is a lack of oxygen supply, that is, oxygen starvation (hypoxia) of the fetus.

Biochemical studies of hormone levels

Biochemical studies of hormone levels during postmaturity show a decrease in estrogen levels. According to the indicators of the fraction of estriol in the blood and the level of its excretion with urine, one can judge the functional state of the mother-placenta-fetus system. Only the doctor analyzes these results, and the task of the mother is to listen carefully and follow his instructions.

To confirm a post-term pregnancy, it is necessary to monitor laboratory parameters and data from instrumental research methods with an interval of 24-48 hours.

Signs of a premature newborn

  • dry flaky skin;
  • no original lubrication;
  • maceration of the skin - increased striation of the skin of the palms and footsteps of the baby ("bath" feet and hands);
  • dense bones of the skull, narrow sutures, small large fontanel. The cranial bones lose the ability to change location in the process of passing through the birth canal (weakly expressed configuration);
  • poorly expressed subcutaneous fat;
  • large size of the fetus (less often malnutrition - weight loss due to eating disorders);
  • multiple folds on the skin due to a decrease in its elasticity (“senile” appearance of the child);
  • long nails on the fingers of the baby;
  • meconium staining of the skin of the crumbs, umbilical cord, fetal membranes (dirty green or gray).

The combination of three or more of the above signs in a newborn baby confirms the overripeness of the fetus.

Consequences for mother and child

Almost all the consequences of overgestation are associated with dysfunction of the placenta due to its aging. Thus, the fetus receives insufficient nutrients and oxygen. Considering that in the later stages the needs of the body, and especially the baby's brain, for intensive nutrition and blood supply increase, this discrepancy between what is necessary and what is received can have serious consequences.

The development of the fetus is slowed down. After birth, these children often experience disorders in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Babies sitting in the mother's womb often get meconium amniotic fluid into the lungs. This leads to inflammatory processes in the lung tissue, which manifests itself immediately after birth with respiratory disorders.

Overripe children are usually large, their skull bones are dense and poorly configured (change their position when passing through the birth canal). Therefore, with a post-term pregnancy, the risk of maternal and infant trauma during childbirth is very high. In babies, when moving along the birth canal, cephalohematomas can form and even a hemorrhage in the brain occurs, there is a high probability of fracture of the clavicles or dislocations in the joints.

For a mother, the birth of such children in a natural way can threaten to rupture the birth canal (vagina, cervix, perineum) and extensive blood loss. Also, due to poor contractile activity of the uterus, such women often experience uterine bleeding after childbirth, especially in the early postpartum period.

Based on all of the above, it can be said with certainty that if a woman is confirmed to have overgrowth, it is normal for her to give birth in a natural way - there is little chance. Therefore, the usual tactic of most doctors in such cases is the delivery of such women by caesarean section.

Of course, the question of the method of delivery is decided individually, taking into account many factors, such as:

  • maturity of the uterus
  • readiness of the birth canal,
  • woman's pelvis dimensions
  • fetal position,
  • linear dimensions and weight of the child,
  • data on oxygen starvation of the baby,
  • effectiveness of cervical preparation,
  • concomitant pathology of the expectant mother and so on.

In summary, I will say that the most important thing for a woman in late pregnancy is not to let everything take its course, but to continue to be observed and examined. After all, you don’t want the most cherished and joyful event in the life of every woman to be overshadowed by health problems for a mother or baby.

Pregnancy: weight gain

Women always watch their weight. But there comes a time when doctors begin to observe this indicator. And the aesthetic side of the issue does not bother them.

Until the 28th week of pregnancy, if everything goes well, the doctor examines the patient once a month, and then 2 times a month. Weighing becomes a mandatory procedure for every visit to the gynecologist and part of the " homework". It is better to perform it in the morning, on an empty stomach and in the same clothes, so that the results can be compared later.

Weight gain during pregnancy

In the first 2 months of pregnancy, while the baby and mother are only adapting to mutual coexistence, a woman usually does not gain weight. In addition, at this time, she may be disturbed by toxicosis, which often leads to weight loss. So, in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, there is no intensive increase, the expectant mother usually gains 1-2 kg. The main events occur later, because the body weight of the expectant mother increases mainly in the 2nd half of pregnancy, when the weekly weight gain averages 250-300 g. If the process goes faster, this may mean the appearance of a problem - hidden, and then obvious edema (dropsy of pregnancy).

let's consider general rules, which are accepted among doctors to calculate the possible weight gain during pregnancy. So, for all 9 months of pregnancy, the expectant mother should gain 10-12 kg. It is believed that starting from 30 weeks of pregnancy, a woman's weight increases by about 50 g per day, by 300-400 g per week and no more than 2 kg per month.

To more accurately determine the allowable weight gain and take into account all additional circumstances, the doctor can use the table (see below). In addition, the doctor has at his disposal a scale of average physiological weight gain in the last 3 months of pregnancy. The calculation is as follows: weekly weight gain should not exceed 22 g for every 10 cm of growth. This means that with a height of 150 cm, a woman can add 330 g per week, with a height of 160 cm - 352 g, and with a height of 180 cm - 400 g.

How many kilograms the expectant mother will recover during pregnancy depends on many reasons.

The first of them - age. The older the woman, the greater the tendency to be overweight.

Initial body weight(that is, before pregnancy). It is curious that the greater the weight deficit, the more kilograms the expectant mother has the right to add.

Weight loss due to early toxicosis. The fact is that, having survived the events of toxicosis, the body will try to compensate for the loss of kilograms.

features of the constitution. In this case, it is important whether a woman has a tendency to be overweight or thin.

Child size. If the patient is expected to have a large baby (more than 4000 g), then the placenta will probably be larger than average. Therefore, a woman during pregnancy has the right to gain more weight than if she expected the birth of a small child.

Increased appetite. It happens that during pregnancy, the expectant mother has an unbridled desire to eat and, if she cannot restrain it. There are problems with being overweight.

And now let's see what those same 10-12 kilograms of weight acquired by the expectant mother "leave" for. Indeed, if she recovered during pregnancy, as recommended, by 12 kg, she had a baby weighing 3 kg 300 g, then where are all the others? They are distributed like this:

  • child - 3300g;
  • uterus - 900 g;
  • afterbirth - 400 g;
  • amniotic fluid - 900 g;
  • increase in the volume of circulating blood - 1200 g;
  • mammary glands - 500 g;
  • adipose tissue - 2200 g;
  • tissue fluid - 2700 g.
Total: 12,100

And due to what can there be a "bust"? Our calculation shows that excessive weight gain depends on various circumstances: the weight of the child (large fetus), the amount of adipose tissue (weight gain with its initial deficiency), amniotic fluid (in case of polyhydramnios) and tissue fluid (if fluid is retained in the body) . If the first two circumstances are normal phenomena, then the last two are deviations from the norm, they require the attention of a doctor.

It happens that the expectant mother decides to follow a strict diet in order to ... not get better. Someone is afraid to spoil the figure, and someone (mostly women with a narrow pelvis) believe that food restrictions will lead to the birth of a small child. Both in the first and in the second case, these arguments are erroneous. If a woman gains 10-12 kg during pregnancy, then with the help of a reasonable diet and gymnastics, she will definitely regain her former size. Think, because, for example, ballerinas quickly return to shape after childbirth, although they usually add up to 18-20 kg during pregnancy!

You can calculate the allowable weight gain yourself. To do this, you need to know your height and initial weight, which then turns into a BMI (body mass index). Calculate your BMI: BMI = weight (kg) / [height (m2)]. Results:

BMI< 19,8 - slim women

BMI = 19.8 - 26.0- women of average build;

BMI > 26 obese women.

Height - 1.60 cm, weight - 60 kg, BMI = 60/ (1.60)2 = 23.4

It turns out that a woman has an average physique, which means that at a period of 30 weeks the optimal weight gain for her will be 9.1 kg, and at a period of 40 weeks - 13.6 kg.

The period of bearing a baby is a time of trembling expectation of the birth of a baby, filled with joy, hopes and excitement. The fears of the future mother are natural, because the greatest desire of a woman is to endure and give birth to a healthy man and on time.

And so, conception happened. The egg meets the sperm that fertilizes it, and the tiny new life settled in the uterus. From this moment in the life of a woman begins a new stage called pregnancy. Many expectant mothers immediately become interested in how soon the meeting with the baby will happen and how many days the pregnancy lasts? Let's clarify the common information about 9 months of pregnancy.

ovulation period

This concept characterizes the true age of the fetus. In each month, a woman has only a few days in which conception is possible. This is the actual day of ovulation, 2 days preceding it and 1 day after it. Of course, it is impossible to know for sure when fertilization occurred. But knowledge of the day of ovulation allows you to significantly narrow the range of possible dates. To determine it during the cycle, a woman can use special tests or refer to the basal temperature chart. You can also calculate the approximate time for the release of a mature egg after a delay in menstruation. Normally, the length of the second phase ranges from 10-16 days (average 14 days). Therefore, with a cycle of 28 days, a mature egg is released approximately on day 14. So, the time of fertilization with a small error, but known. In order to form from just a few cells new person able to live outside the mother's womb needs 266 days or 38 weeks. This is the duration of the ovulation period of pregnancy.

gestational age

When a woman “in position” contacts a gynecologist upon the fact of pregnancy, doctors do not calculate the day of fertilization. Why? Because the individuality of each organism does not allow us to draw unambiguous conclusions on this topic. Even in the same woman, ovulation in two adjacent cycles can occur in different days, no one knows the exact time of the meeting of the sperm and the egg, as well as the subsequent implantation of the fetal egg. That is why doctors determine the gestational age from the day the last menstruation began. This period is called gestational or menstrual. How many weeks does pregnancy last according to gestational periods? Again, the classic 28-day cycle is taken as the basis. If the 14th day of the cycle is taken on the day of the release of the egg ready for fertilization, then the normal gestational period for bearing the crumbs is 266 + 14 = 280 days or 38 + 2 = 40 weeks. It is this period of pregnancy that is considered “traditional”.

Lunar months

But what about the usual "9 months"? How many months does it take for a new life to come into being? 40 weeks of waiting for a baby really corresponds to 9 months. To determine the gestational age of a woman, obstetricians conduct their own calculation based on the duration lunar month(28 days). Therefore, pregnancy of 280 days corresponds to 10 lunar months.

The size of the abdomen and uterus: soon the birth?

In addition to indicative calculations and dry numbers, the female body also gives clues. Starting from the 2nd trimester, each visit of a woman to a gynecologist is supplemented by another manipulation - measuring the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the uterine fundus. Tables have been developed that determine the normal indicators of these quantities, as well as their permissible deviations. For each waiting period for the crumbs, the data on the size of the abdomen and the height of the uterine fundus are different. Based on the information obtained by measurements, the doctor can also guess the date of delivery. Of course, this statement is true for pregnant women who have stepped into the 3rd trimester. Despite the fact that women have different constitutions, the volume of amniotic fluid, when the baby is ready to come into the world, the girth of the abdomen in mothers of average build in most cases ranges from 100-105 cm. Together with the second parameter (the height of the fundus of the uterus), an experienced doctor can make fairly accurate predictions.

How many weeks pregnancy lasts in women - norm or pathology

Are all babies born at exactly 40 weeks? Of course not. Moreover, the exact coincidence of the estimated date of birth (DA) and the actual date of the baby's birth is more a coincidence and an exception than a pattern. Focusing on the fact that ovulation can occur not in the middle of the month, but at the beginning or vice versa - at the end, the boundaries of the normal gestation period for the baby is the period of 38 - 42 weeks. A pregnancy is considered full-term if the gestational age is 37 weeks.

Birth before term

Unfortunately, in some cases, the onset of childbirth occurs earlier than the time laid down by nature. About delivery of pregnancy of what term in this case we are talking about? If the baby was born in:

  • 28 obstetric weeks or earlier - extremely premature birth.
  • 28 - 32 obstetric weeks - significantly premature.
  • 32 - 36 obstetric weeks - moderately (slightly) premature.

Prolongation of pregnancy

But if the 43rd week is coming, and the baby is in no hurry to meet with his mother, then they talk about overwearing. In this case, strict medical monitoring of the condition of the mother and child is necessary, since this condition can be both a physiological feature and be accompanied by pathological processes. The latter can cause significant harm to the health of a woman and her baby.

The reasons for overdose are often:

  • Pathology of the uterus.
  • Late maturation of the neck.
  • Hormonal and endocrine disorders.
  • Gynecological diseases.
  • Heredity.

How many weeks pregnancy lasts in women - what affects the gestation period of the crumbs

There are a number of factors that can make adjustments in the waiting time for the appearance of the baby. These include:

  • Heredity.
  • The state of the female body, intrauterine state. Diseases and other pathologies on the part of the body of the expectant mother can negatively affect the bearing of the child.
  • Psycho-emotional background of a woman. Stress and constant nervous overexcitation can cause the onset of labor ahead of time.
  • Fetal development.

How many weeks does pregnancy last in women - periods of pregnancy

The 9-month-long relay race is a serious test for a future mother. Each month of pregnancy brings her closer to meeting with the baby and, at the same time, is an important milestone passed. During obstetric 40 weeks, several especially crucial periods are distinguished, which doctors call "critical".

  • The origin of life - 2-3 weeks.
    First important point occurs at a time when a woman is not yet aware of her pregnancy. It is connected with the fact that even a fertilized egg does not always become the beginning of a new life. In most cases, this is due to organ pathology reproductive system and hormonal disorders.
  • 8 - 12 weeks.
    The second serious milestone falls on the period from the 8th to the 12th week. It is deviations in the production of hormones necessary for the development and bearing of pregnancy that are the most common cause disruption and stop the development of pregnancy in these weeks. Timely identified deviations will allow you to start the necessary therapy and safely step over into the 2nd trimester.
  • 18 - 24 weeks.
    A rapid increase in the size of the uterus, associated with the active growth of the baby, in the presence of isthmic-cervical insufficiency (there is a shortening and opening of the uterine cervix) often causes the onset of labor. If the pathology was detected in a timely manner, the imposition of an obstetric pessary allows you to bring the baby to the prescribed 40 weeks. In addition, a low position or placenta previa also poses a threat to preterm delivery.
  • 28 - 32 weeks.
    This is the most dangerous period in terms of the onset of childbirth earlier than the time laid down by nature. The reason for this may be placental abruption or its insufficient functioning, ICI, late toxicosis. Multiple pregnancies due to overstretching of the uterus also often end during this period. Children born during this period are weak, but viable.

State and pregnant

Support for the expectant mother is also carried out at the state level. As part of caring for women during the period when they are unable to work due to being on sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, the state guarantees them to receive appropriate benefits. 70 days before the birth and 70 days after the birth of a child (in the case of the appearance of one child and delivery without complications) is paid from the allowance for women during pregnancy and childbirth. If the birth was pathological (caesarean section), the duration of the vacation is increased to 156 days (70 days before birth, 86 days after). If a mother has 2 or more babies, the duration of the vacation is 194 days. The average amount is used to calculate the payout amount. wages pregnant.

Pleasant chores

Many expectant mothers try to capture as many magical moments of expecting a child as possible, because 9 months fly by very quickly. Professional photo shoots or self-made photos at home or in nature will help you stop time for a moment and plunge into serene happiness again. If you look at photos of women during pregnancy, you will see one thing in common - expectant mothers are beautiful. Motherhood reveals in a woman her natural grace and charm. In addition, photographs taken at different waiting times for the little one will allow you to see how mommy and her tummy have changed over the course of 9 months.

Pregnancy of any woman is a precious gift that requires careful attention and care. Love your babies and let the crumbs appear on time and healthy!
