Soup with dumplings step by step recipe. Best dumpling recipes for soup

Soup with dumplings is one of those dishes, the addiction to which does not come immediately. It is difficult to find a child who prefers such a dinner, and indeed loving first dishes. Perhaps this is why only a few moms know how to make dumplings for soup. Meatballs, meatballs, dumplings - easily, but dumplings - alas ... Although this recipe is known all over the world and there are analogues in almost all national cuisines. But they are, as they say, an amateur. And if you or someone close to you turned out to be just such a fan, you need to learn how to cook dumplings for soup and, of course, soup with these dumplings by all means.

In fairness, we note that dumplings are prepared not only for soup. By varying their composition and size, you can make dumplings an independent dish, side dish and even dessert. It all depends on the components of the dough and flavoring additives, sauces and gravies. But in any case, dumplings will always remain pieces of dough, giving the meal satiety and nutritional value. This is just a godsend for all housewives, young and experienced. And this is already an occasion to learn how to cook dumplings for soup, main course or dessert.

What are dumplings? Features and varieties of dumplings
Dumplings are the easiest dough product to make that you can imagine. They are kneaded in no time, formed and cooked together with the soup, organically fitting into its recipe. At the same time, any, meat or vegetable, soup becomes more rich, thick and satisfying. This brilliant idea came to the mind of the chefs who stood at the culinary origins of different cultures, otherwise how to explain such a variety and popularity of dumplings in different parts of the world:

  • Dumplings in Ukraine;
  • Knedli in the Czech Republic;
  • Gnocchi in Italy;
  • Salma in Tatarstan;
  • Kama in Estonia;
  • Spaetzle in Germany;
  • Bakerbze in Switzerland and Austria.
As well as Lithuanian potato dumplings, Polish garlic dumplings, Finnish cheese dumplings and many other variations on the same theme. Actually, dumplings are a recipe for Russian cuisine. Basic and affordable, but far from the only one. Therefore, we strongly advise you to master the preparation of dumplings for soup from different doughs, and then choose the one you like best.

How to cook soup with dumplings?
Let's start with a simple, that is, a universal recipe for potato soup with dumplings, which will appeal to the vast majority of our compatriots. Surely it will remind you of your childhood, and who knows, maybe now you will like it much more:
Soup with dumplings is desirable to eat on the first, maximum on the second day after cooking. Otherwise, the pieces of dough swell too much, stick together and lose their charm. Therefore, it is better to cook a small amount of soup with dumplings. But next time you can experiment and make dumplings for soup according to a different recipe.

How to cook semolina dumplings for soup?
Dumplings, or dumplings based on semolina, can be prepared both for soup and as an independent dish. Due to their nutritional value, they are great for breakfast or as a side dish for the second:

  1. For 250 ml of milk or water, 200 grams of semolina, 2 tablespoons of butter, half a pinch of salt and sugar to taste are enough (depending on the desire to cook sweet or unleavened dumplings).
  2. Boil thick semolina porridge in milk or water, salt and add sugar during cooking.
  3. Dip pieces of dough of the same size into boiling soup or water. It is convenient to do this with two teaspoons or tablespoons. You can use a special round-shaped spoon, which is usually formed into balls of ice cream.
  4. Try to make dumplings small size so that they boil evenly and do not fall apart in the liquid.
  5. After 5-6 minutes, when the dumplings are ready, remove the pot of soup from the heat and serve dinner.
As a serving option, you can remove the dumplings from the pan, put in a colander to drain the water. Then transfer to a plate and serve with sour cream or other thick sauce.

How to cook potato dumplings for soup?
Potato dumplings are just as good in soup as they are on their own. It makes no sense to cook them in potato soup, but soup with cereals, especially with buckwheat or pearl barley, as well as all types of red meat (beef, lamb, etc.) will acquire a special aroma and taste with them:

  1. For dumplings, about 300 grams is enough for a medium-sized soup pot raw potatoes, 1 egg, half a cup of small breadcrumbs, 2 tablespoons of flour, a pinch of salt and nutmeg.
  2. Boil potatoes whole, peeled or in their skins. Mash the boiled potatoes into a puree, salt, season with nutmeg, beat in the egg and mix thoroughly.
  3. Gradually add the breadcrumbs while kneading the potato dough. Add flour if the dough is not elastic enough.
  4. With wet hands or two spoons, form the same pieces of dough and dip them into a boiling, almost ready soup. After 5 minutes, when the dumplings float to the top, remove the pan from the heat.
Potato dumplings can be made even tastier if you knead the dough with chopped fried mushrooms. More difficult option- put mushrooms inside each dumpling, forming it with your hands. A simpler option is to use other spices and / or finely chopped greens instead of or together with nutmeg.

How to cook cheese dumplings for soup?
Cheese dumplings can be prepared for any soup, or for a clear broth - the taste of the dumplings is rich enough to do without other ingredients:

  1. Take 1 egg, 60-70 grams of hard cheese and 3 tablespoons of flour, as well as a pinch of salt and a little ground pepper. If the cheese is salty, then the amount of salt can be reduced, if fresh - increase.
  2. Lightly beat the egg with salt. Add pepper and beat again.
  3. Grate the cheese on a fine grater (the finer the better) and add to the beaten egg.
  4. Mix the cheese mass and add flour, kneading a thick dough.
  5. The dough is sticky, so carefully lower the dumplings into the soup or broth, wetting your hands or spoons well with ice water.
Unlike ordinary dumplings, cheese dumplings have a pleasant creamy yellow hue. It can be enhanced by adding a little curry powder and/or ground red pepper to the cheese dough.

As you can see, there are many recipes for soup dumplings and dumpling soups, for all tastes and possibilities. Even the simplest dumplings can be transformed by replacing wheat flour with corn, buckwheat or oatmeal. But there are also chicken (from dough based on finely chopped minced chicken), garlic, cottage cheese dumplings - and each of these recipes allows you to add variety to the usual and slightly bored soups and broths. And in order to make soup dumplings even more interesting, call them dumplings, dumplings or gnocchi - and dinner in your family will become the most exciting, beloved and long-awaited ritual. Inspiration and bon appetit!

Among the recipes from the hostess, you can certainly find the first courses, which are served with dumplings, dumplings or lazy dumplings. Which are great as a component of the soup. This is a very simple, but tasty flour dish, especially with broth, which came to us from Europe and became a favorite of the household. Dumplings are often confused with dumplings or lazy dumplings, but in principle, if we take into account the fact that every housewife cooks dumplings, dumplings, lazy dumplings in her own way, then the difference between these three dishes is only in one thing - the name . Soup with dumplings, dumplings according to this recipe, with pleasure gobble up the children.

Dumplings- this is a cool boiled dough, in broth, soup, which can be served as an addition, a separate second course or as part of the first. Dumplings are a mixture of flour and eggs, possibly with the addition of water or milk. They can be served with desserts. Dumplings are not prepared with filling, they always consist of dough. True, some cuisines of the peoples of the world cook dumplings even with mashed potatoes. But Russian dumplings are a simple pastry.

dumplingsUkrainian food. This dish also consists of dough, but not as steep as dumplings. This is what distinguishes them, although many housewives and dumplings are made from dense dough. Composition of dumplings, basic: flour, water, egg, salt or without it. Dumplings can be boiled in water or broth, served as a separate dish or in soup.

lazy dumplings- these are dumplings without filling (Wikipedia). That is, for their preparation, you need the usual unleavened dough, like dumplings. But, of course, there are many different recipes.

We will cook soup with the most simple recipe dumplings (dumplings or lazy dumplings) call it whatever you want.


Flour- 1-1.5 cups

Water- 0.5 cups

Chicken egg-1 piece

Meat on the bone(pork, beef) -0.5 kg

Potato- 3-4 pieces of medium size

Carrot- 1 piece of medium size

Bulb onions- 1 medium size head

Vegetable oil- for frying

Spices: salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf, herbs, garlic (optional).

How to cook soup with dumplings, dumplings or lazy dumplings

1. Let's boil the broth. To do this, we wash the meat on the bones under running water, put it in a saucepan and pour cold water. We put on medium heat and cook for about 1 hour (depending on what kind of meat for the broth you use). You can cook soup with dumplings and chicken and just vegetable broth. The meat should come to readiness, easily separated from the bone.

Don't forget to skim the dirty foam from the surface of the soup.

When the meat is boiled, it must be removed from the broth. When it cools down a little, separate the meat from the bone, chop and put in the soup.

Strain the broth so that small bones do not come across in the soup with dumplings. This is not just unpleasant, because you can break a tooth and choke. So don't be lazy.

4. Cooking dumplings. In a bowl, beat the egg, add a pinch of salt and water, mix. Then add flour until the dough is firm but pliable. Many housewives recommend adding 1 tsp to the dough for dumplings vegetable oil. We roll out thin flagella, cut them across into circles and lightly crush in the center (although here, as they say, “who cares what”). You can see other, more complex recipes for dumplings, dumplings and lazy dumplings below.

We clean the potatoes, cut them into cubes and send them to a boiling broth.

As soon as the water boils, put the dumplings into the soup. We add spices. Cook soup over low to medium heat, stirring occasionally. If the potatoes are young, then first put the dough in the soup, otherwise the potatoes will boil.

. Peel and chop carrots with onions in any way convenient for you. Carrots can be chopped or grated. Onion cut into small cubes. Fry in vegetable oil and add to soup with dumplings. Boil 5 minutes. Add greens (parsley, dill, green onion - at your discretion). Turn off the heat and cover the pot with a lid.

Delicious soup with dumplings (dumplings) is ready

Bon appetit!

What is the difference between dumplings and dumplings

  • Dough. The dough for dumplings is steep, for dumplings it is soft. Dumplings are made from egg and flour, just like homemade noodles. But the dumplings are made softer, the dough breathes, you can add water, milk or melted butter to it for tenderness.
  • Additional ingredients. This is the main difference between these two dishes. In dumplings, they can put the filling, any, meat and up to vegetables. There is also such a variety of dumplings as lazy dumplings, in the base dough we simply put grated cottage cheese and boil in water, serve with sour cream.
  • Form. Dumplings are usually made round, and dumplings like this: they roll the dough into a sausage and cut it into small pieces, and boil it.

But in fact, dumplings and dumplings are one and the same, just in different countries they have their own characteristics of preparation, serving. Every cuisine in the world has its own dumplings and dumplings - dough, with the addition of any ingredients often used in traditional cuisine, boiled in water or broth, or even in milk.

You can serve both dumplings and dumplings with soups that are completely different: chicken, buckwheat, potato, rice. You can also cook them separately in broth, and serve with meat, bacon, onion frying, minced meat, boiled meat and poultry. With sour cream, condensed milk, jam.

Recipes - dumplings

Recipe: Flour dumplings

  • Milk - half a glass.
  • Mook - 6 tablespoons.
  • Onion - 1 piece.
  • Butter - 40 grams.
  • Eggs - 2 pieces.
  • Salt and pepper.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Mix the yolks with butter, pour in the milk. Stir and pour flour in a thin stream, salt and add seasonings, then add egg whites, mix again. Now we leave the dough for 10 minutes, put water to boil, it takes about 7 minutes to cook the dumplings, since the dough in this recipe is more liquid. We fill the dumplings with a frying of finely chopped onion and sunflower oil.

Recipe: Dumplings with potatoes

  • Potatoes - 5 pieces.
  • Flour - half a glass.
  • Butter - 40 grams.
  • Salt and pepper.
  • Eggs - 2 pieces.
  • Onion - 1 piece.

We prepare mashed potatoes: peel the potatoes, cut them, boil them, mash them and add butter, if there is, you can add a few tablespoons of milk. Salt and pepper. Peel and finely chop the onion, fry in a pan and mix with mashed potatoes.

Add eggs to the puree, flour, which we will pour in a small stream, mix well, pepper and salt. Then put the water to boil and boil the dumplings, about 10 minutes, we will serve with fried onions and butter.

Recipes - dumplings

Dumplings "according to the Poltava recipe"

  • Flour - half a kilogram.
  • Kefir - half a liter.
  • Egg - 1 piece.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon.
  • Soda - 1 teaspoon.
  • Dressing: lard - 1 teaspoon.
  • Bulb - 1 piece.
  • Carrots - 1 piece.
  • Pork, minced meat - 300 grams.
  • Garlic - 6 teeth.
  • Broth - for cooking.
  • Seasonings and spices.

Very satisfying and unusual dumplings, men will like it. You can cook them in 20 minutes. Let's start with the dough: Add flour (250 grams), egg and salt to kefir, mix, add slaked soda. Mix everything, and add the remaining flour a little, knead the dough and leave it for 15 minutes. We cut the dumplings the way you are used to, you can just pinch off a piece of dough. Boil the dough for about 10-15 minutes in the broth.

Dressing for dumplings is prepared as follows: melt the lard in a pan, fry the minced meat, with onions and carrots, season and add spices, spread on dumplings.

Dumplings or lazy dumplings "sweet with poppy seeds"

  • Grated cottage cheese - 300 grams.
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons, but it is better to try.
  • Vanilla sugar - half a packet.
  • Flour - 200 grams.
  • Egg - 1 piece.
  • Poppy - 3 tablespoons.

Mix cottage cheese with vanilla and sugar. If the cottage cheese is too dry, add mills or milk to it. Beat the egg and put the poppy seeds, stir again. Now gradually add flour and mix until the dough is of a homogeneous consistency and stops sticking to your hands.

Roll out the sausages and cut them into small pieces. We put water to boil, and cook lazy dumplings for about 5 minutes. When the dumplings float, remove and serve with sour cream or butter, jam.

Tired of the same type of soups with potatoes or rice? Diversify the menu and cook a delicious soup with dumplings. A minimum of time, affordable products and a hearty first hot dish decorates the dining table. TOP-4 recipes and video recipes.
Recipe content:

Dumplings are small flour balls that have different names in different countries. In Ukraine - these are dumplings, Belarus - jackdaws, Germany - dumplings, Italy - gnocchi, Czech Republic - dumplings. Today every housewife knows how to cook them. However, many make the main mistake - they make them from a dense dough, which consists of the main ingredients: eggs and flour. Although the technology of their preparation is not limited to such a meager set of products. Let's figure out how these little "koloboks" are prepared.

How to cook dumplings for soup: secrets and subtleties

The technology for making dumplings is very primitive: eggs, butter, milk or cream, salt and flour. That's the whole meager set of products for making airy and soft dumplings. However, in order for them to be tender, some subtleties must be observed.
  • To make dumplings soft and fluffy, you need to add butter, milk or cream to the dough.
  • Add melted butter. It is desirable to always introduce it into the dough, even if the recipe is silent about it.
  • Refrigerate eggs before using.
  • It is advisable to sift the flour so that it is enriched with oxygen. Then the products will have a porous structure.
  • Dumplings will be softer if part of the flour is replaced with semolina.
  • You can add a refined taste to products by adding finely chopped herbs, spices, seasonings, garlic passed through a press, etc.
  • The dough should be made immediately before preparing the soup.
  • The dumplings are dipped into the soup a few minutes before the dish is ready, because. they cook very quickly.
  • Their willingness to understand is very easy. If they float to the surface of the pan, they are cooked.
  • The size of the dumplings should be small. Ideally, if the dough takes half a teaspoon, because. in the process of cooking, the "pillows" will boil and increase in volume by 2-3 times.
It should be noted that dumplings are not only a delicious ingredient for a nutritious and fragrant soup. Many people like to use them separately, first boiled, and then fried with an onion in a pan.

How to make dumplings for soup: a classic recipe

Dumplings sound attractive, have a delicate taste, and cook quickly. How to make them so that the first dish is tender and fragrant? Follow the simple process described below, and then the "dumplings" will be soft and will please with their result.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 51.8 kcal.
  • Servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 15 minutes


  • Flour - 4 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 2 tbsp.
  • Milk - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt - a pinch

Step by step cooking dumplings for soup:

  1. Separate the eggs into whites and yolks.
  2. Send the first to the refrigerator, and pour milk into the yolks and beat with a whisk.
  3. Melt the butter in a water bath without boiling and stir.
  4. Combine the protein with salt, beat with a mixer and add to the dough. Stir gently so that the whites do not fall off.
  5. Pour the flour into the liquid base and knead the dough.
  6. Take the dough with a teaspoon and form "pillows". Dip them in boiling broth or water and cook for about 2 minutes.

For healthy and proper nutrition doctors recommend that you always consume the first hot liquid meals daily. One of many such options is chicken soup with dumplings, which any novice housewife can cook.


  • Chicken legs - 0.5 kg
  • Water - 2 l
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 100 g
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt - 1 tsp or to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying onions
  • Greens - to taste

Step by step cooking chicken soup with dumplings:

  1. Dip the washed legs in boiling water and cook for 1.5 hours over low heat. Salt for 15 minutes before cooking.
  2. Strain the finished broth through a fine sieve.
  3. Add peeled and chopped potatoes, grated carrots and onions sautéed in vegetable oil to the broth.
  4. While the cooking process is in progress, proceed to the dumplings. Beat the egg with a whisk and pour in the milk. Mix and add sifted flour. Knead the dough to a homogeneous consistency.
  5. Form dumplings with a teaspoon and drop them into the boiling soup when the vegetables are already soft.
  6. Boil them for 5 minutes and turn off the heat.
  7. Add chopped herbs, salt and pepper.
  8. In each serving, put a chicken leg, a small portion of vegetables with dumplings and pour in the broth.

Prepare dumplings for pea soup won't be too difficult. For this recipe, you will need a standard set for small dumplings and peas. The latter can be fresh, canned, frozen or dried. Most often, crushed dried is used, so we will cook soup with it.


  • Dry peas - 100 g
  • Potato - 1 pc.
  • Chicken drumstick - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 100 g
  • Butter - 3 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Salt - 1 tsp or to taste
  • Black ground pepper - a pinch

Step by step preparation of pea soup with dumplings:

  1. Pour peas with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and leave to swell for 2 hours.
  2. Wash the chicken leg, cover with water and put on the stove. Boil, add the onion, salt and cook under a closed lid for one hour.
  3. Then add the soaked and washed peas and continue cooking.
  4. After 15 minutes, put the peeled and chopped potatoes with carrots.
  5. Prepare the dumplings. Whisk eggs with salt and melted butter. Add flour, a pinch of salt and knead the dough.
  6. When the peas and vegetables are ready, drop the formed dumplings with a teaspoon and cook them for 5 minutes.
  7. At the end of cooking, season the soup with ground pepper and chopped herbs.

The recipe for making milk soup with dumplings has been familiar to many since childhood. It has certain advantages, such as lightness and simplicity, nutritional value and availability of products.


  • Milk - 500 ml
  • Butter - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 80 g
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp or to taste
  • Eggs - 1 pc.

Step by step cooking milk soup with dumplings:

  1. Combine eggs with flour and a pinch of salt. Pound the mass so that there are no lumps.
  2. Boil the milk and reduce the heat.
  3. Immerse the dough in boiling milk with a teaspoon. Stir the dumplings occasionally so they don't stick to the bottom.
  4. Add sugar, a little salt and cook the soup for 10 minutes.
  5. Add butter and stir to melt.
  6. Serve soup immediately after cooking. Usually cooked in one sitting.

The step by step recipe vegetable soup on chicken broth with tender dumplings will tell you how to cook the first course using a slow cooker. This valuable culinary assistant will help you quickly cook delicious food.


  • Chicken breast - 1 pc.
  • Potato - 0.5 kg
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 2-3 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 tsp or to taste
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch
  • Greens (any) - to taste

Step by step cooking soup with dumplings in a slow cooker:

  1. Cut the chicken breast into pieces, pour 3.5 liters of water, add the peeled onion and turn on the slow cooker to the “normal cooking” mode. Close the bowl with a lid. Boil the contents, salt and cook for half an hour. With intense boiling of the liquid, switch the multicooker to the "soup" mode.
  2. After 20 minutes, put the peeled and diced potatoes into the broth.
  3. Then add peeled and grated carrots.
  4. Simmer the vegetables until almost tender, about 15 minutes.
  5. For dumplings, mix an egg with 1 tbsp. water. Salt and pepper. Pour flour and knead the dough to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  6. Drop the dumplings into the boiling soup with a teaspoon. The dough should easily move away from the cutlery.
  7. After boiling, boil the dumplings for 2 minutes.
  8. Add finely chopped greens. Adjust the taste with salt and pepper. Turn off the slow cooker and leave the soup to infuse for 10 minutes.

Soup with dumplings in chicken broth is a great soup for the whole family, especially kids will like it, but adults will also like it. This soup is very easy to prepare, so if you are still looking for a delicious dumpling soup recipe, then you have already found it!

Soup with dumplings: a step by step recipe with a photo with chicken

- chicken breast (or any other part of the chicken, with the breast the soup is light);

- 1 onion;

- 3-4 potatoes;

- vegetable oil;

- bay leaf, salt and spices.

- flour (a couple of tablespoons);

- a couple of tablespoons of boiled water;

- salt, spices.

How to cook soup with dumplings: a step by step recipe with photos

1. I cook all soups on the second broth and I advise you to do the same. We wash the breast, put it in a saucepan, fill it with cold water and set to boil.

2. While the chicken is cooking, peel the onion, chop it finely.

3. We clean, wash the carrots, rub them on a coarse grater.

4. Pour vegetable oil into a hot frying pan and begin to brown our vegetables (carrots and onions). You can also add frozen stock for soups and main courses here.

5. While the vegetables are sautéed, clean, wash and cut the potatoes. Remove the sautéed vegetables from the heat.

6. When our breast is cooked, we take it out on a plate, pour out the broth from the pan, wash the pan (or take another clean one) and fill it with water again. We put the pan on the stove, add water.

7. Cut our breast into the desired pieces.

8. When the water in the pan boils, pour the potatoes and chopped chicken breast, do not forget about the bay leaf.

9. Making dumplings.

Soup dumplings: recipe

10. Dumplings are very easy to prepare: break an egg, add a little salt, black pepper and a couple of tablespoons of flour, as well as a couple of tablespoons of boiled water, mix everything thoroughly with a blender or whisk.

The dough for dumplings should be the consistency of thick sour cream. Add flour as needed to reach desired consistency.

If you want the dumplings to be denser and tougher, then add more flour. If softer and more tender - then less flour.

  1. When the potatoes are half done. Pour our browned vegetables into a saucepan. We cook a little.
  2. Dumplings increase very much in size, so we take the dough for dumplings with a small spoon (I have a dessert one) as shown in the photo. First, dip the spoon into our hot soup, and then take the dough with a spoon and put all the dumplings into the soup.
  3. When the dumplings float and increase in size, cook for another 3-5 minutes and turn off the stove.
  4. If desired, add dried or fresh herbs and serve. Bon appetit!

Don't forget to watch the video of making this easy dumpling soup!

Everyone in my family loves chicken broth soups. I cook chicken broth often and try to diversify the ingredients for soups on such a light and tasty broth. Today I will offer you a variant of a very light chicken broth soup with dumplings. Soup is prepared in minutes: if chicken bouillon you already have, then it will take you about 15 minutes to cook the soup - that's how much it will take to cook the potatoes.

Dumplings are small pieces of dough that are cooked in broth, water or milk. The main ingredients for dumplings are egg, flour, water. In many European countries, soups with dumplings are prepared, only they have different names: in Germany and Austria - "dumplings", in Ukraine - "dumplings", in the Baltic states - "kama".

I cook dumplings a little in my own way, I ate such dumplings from a neighbor with Russian roots, it is from her that I have a recipe. So, she added greens, a little vegetable oil and chicken broth instead of water to the dough for dumplings. You can also add garlic, but I don’t really like it with garlic, chicken broth is very aromatic and rich in itself and does not need an additional flavor enhancer such as garlic.

To prepare chicken soup with dumplings, we will prepare the products according to the list.

Let's make chicken broth. To do this, place the chicken leg in a pot of water, put on fire and let the water boil. As soon as foam begins to appear, the fire should be reduced to medium, very carefully remove all the foam from the surface of the broth with a slotted spoon. After that, add a bay leaf, a couple of peas of allspice, half a carrot, cut into circles, and half an onion to the pan. Salt the broth to taste and cook until fully prepared chicken thigh.

Cut the potatoes into medium sized cubes, onion and bell pepper cut into small cubes, and grate the carrots on a medium grater.

Add potatoes to the finished broth and continue to cook the soup. The meat can be removed from the pot and used for another dish or for serving soup with dumplings.

While the potatoes are cooking, make the soup fry. To do this, fry onions, carrots and bell peppers in vegetable oil, leaving a couple of drops of oil for dumplings. Saute vegetables for 7 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Now let's prepare the dumplings. To do this, beat an egg into a bowl, add parsley and dill, a couple of drops of vegetable oil, salt, pepper, a little flour. Mix everything well and add 2-3 tablespoons of boiling broth, mix the dough very well, as if brewing it.

Gradually add the remaining flour until a dough is obtained, as for thick pancakes.

Put the dumplings into the boiling broth with two teaspoons. We collect the dough in one spoon, and with the help of another spoon we clean the dough from the spoon so that it falls into the broth. The dumplings will immediately sink to the bottom, but as they cook they will float to the top.

Add to the soup prepared earlier frying.

Sprinkle soup with dill and parsley. Let the soup boil again and remove from heat.

Pour the finished chicken soup with dumplings into portioned plates and serve. For this soup, you do not need to serve bread, dumplings will replace it. Dumplings in consistency are not dense and not soft, they keep their shape well. If you are serving the soup with the chicken that you used to make the broth, then it's time to distribute the meat among the plates.

Bon appetit!
