Culinary recipes of Ukrainian cuisine with step-by-step photographs. Ukrainian food

After getting acquainted with the work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol and reading his amazingly poetic “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, “Mirgorod”, “Evenings on the Eve of Ivan Kupala”, “Dead Souls”, “The Night Before Christmas”, “Sorochinskaya Fair”, “May Night, or drowned woman”, etc., it is impossible not to become interested in Little Russian cuisine!

sources of inspiration

Ukrainian national dishes are mentioned in them so often that one involuntarily has a desire to get to know them better. Dumplings, dumplings, pampushki, kokurki, pryentsy, etc. are described in such appetizing detail that you definitely want to try them all. We have selected some recipes for Ukrainian national dishes from the immortal works of the Russian classic from various sources and are pleased to present them to your attention.

Little Russian cuisine is very close to Great and Belarusian cuisine, but it also has its own characteristics. The Magyar tradition of using eggplants for food came to us precisely from the west of Ukraine - from Galicia, whose inhabitants had very close relations with the border lands that once belonged to the Austro-Hungarian kingdom.


Ukrainian national dishes in Gogol’s works are more similar to Old Slavonic than to Magyar. Take, for example, the spinning rods that Korobochka treated Chichikov to. These are Volga pryazhentsy, that is, yeast pancakes fried in oil. Pryagly, like pryentsy, can be made with meat, vegetables, mushrooms, cottage cheese, fruit or berries filling. Pyagly with baked goods are very tasty.

They are done as follows. A fairly liquid road dough is mixed. While it is rising, the filling is being prepared, that is, baking. It could be fried fish mashed potatoes with or without mushrooms, stewed cabbage with cracklings and fried onions, buckwheat or eggplant with garlic, etc. Refined vegetable oil is poured into a frying pan and heated. The filling is placed in it and the dough is poured on top. As soon as the spindles are browned on the bottom, they need to be turned over and fried on the other side.


Another national Ukrainian dish is kokurki. It is also mentioned in connection with Korobochka, who was very inventive in the matter of preparing a variety of intricate dishes, although it is hardly possible in principle to surpass Pulcheria Ivanovna Tovstogubikha from “Old World Landowners.” A separate cookbook could be dedicated to this person and her gastronomic delights.

Kokurki - a type of biscuit, or unleavened shortbread, which is baked in the oven without oil.

For the test you need:

Half a kilogram of rye flour;

100 grams of corn starch;

1 cup granulated sugar;

1 glass of milk;

150 grams of butter;

Cinnamon and nutmeg to taste;

Soda, slaked with vinegar, half a teaspoon.

Mix sugar and milk and simmer over low heat until yellowish color, cool, add sifted flour, starch, spices and softened butter. Knead it into a fairly stiff mixture and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. After the specified time has passed, the dough should be rolled out into a layer 1 cm thick, small cookies should be cut out with a mold and placed in a hot oven for half an hour. Ready-made cookies can be decorated with icing or sprinkled with powdered sugar. Instead of cinnamon and nutmeg, you can add lemon zest or ginger to the dough.


The national Ukrainian dish nanny, mentioned in Sobakevich’s meal from “Dead Souls,” is described in detail in N. Osipov’s book “Ancient Russian Housewife, Housekeeper and Cook,” published in 1790 in St. Petersburg.

To prepare it, you will need rennet (mutton stomach), lamb head and legs, as well as buckwheat, onion, spices and seasonings. The nanny takes a long time to prepare. - it’s a labor-intensive task. It is first soaked for several hours, and only then cleaned. and the legs should be boiled. This takes several hours, as the meat needs to be easily separated from the bones.

To fill the rennet, boil the crumbly buckwheat porridge. The meat and brains separated from the bones should be chopped, mixed with buckwheat and chopped onions, salt, pepper and stuff well-washed raw rennet with this yummy, sew up the hole, place the nanny in a spacious pot (a thick-walled pan like a cast-iron casserole dish) with a tight-fitting lid for baking. At the bottom of the pot you need to pour a little broth in which the legs and head were cooked.

Babysitter Ingredients:

1 lamb stomach;

1 lamb's head;

4 legs of lamb (lower parts);

2 cups buckwheat;

4 medium sized onions;

Salt, pepper and other seasonings to taste.

The broth left over from cooking lamb can be used to make borscht.


The first dishes of Ukrainian national cuisine are holodnik, kapustnyak, yushka and, of course, borscht.

Cook rich pork, lamb or chicken. The broth should be salted and seasoned with black peppercorns.

Strain the broth, remove the bones, and return the meat to the pot with the broth.

Peel beets, potatoes, carrots and onions. Shred the cabbage, peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes.

Place the cabbage and potatoes in a saucepan with the broth and cook.

Cut the beets into thin long strips and lightly fry in sunflower oil. Add carrots and onions cut into small cubes. Next, sauté together. When they become soft, add flour to the pan, as well as chopped and peeled tomatoes. Stir well to avoid lumps and pour one cup of broth into the pan. Cover with a lid and simmer until the cabbage and potatoes are half cooked. At this moment, pour the roasted vegetables into the pan with borscht, add bay leaf and sugar.

Chop the bell pepper and herbs as finely as possible. Chop the garlic and rub it with salt and soft old lard. As soon as the borscht boils, place them in a saucepan and pour in the vinegar. Let it boil again and turn it off immediately.

The borscht should steep for 20-30 minutes.


Meat with bones, 700 g;

Fresh cabbage, half a fork;

Potatoes, 5-6 pcs.;

Beetroot, 1 pc. medium size;

Carrots, 1 pc.;

Onion, 1 head;

Garlic, 2-3 cloves;

Bell pepper, half;

Natural fruit vinegar, 2 tbsp. l.;

Salt, sugar, peppercorns.

Boiled in meat broth, fragrant bell pepper and garlic, generously sprinkled with dill and parsley, seasoned with rich homemade sour cream - it is always the king in the kitchen. It can be eaten by everyone - both adults and children. For babies up to one year old, vegetables from borscht are rubbed through a sieve, and they gobble it up with great appetite. What else distinguishes Ukrainian borscht? The national dish of the South Slavs is supposed to be eaten with pampushki.

It is interesting that borscht is never mentioned in any of Gogol’s works. The fact is that beets entered the Ukrainian diet only in the nineteenth century.

Garlic donuts

The national Ukrainian dish pampushki are small breads that come in both sweet and non-sweet, with or without fillings. Garlic dumplings go well with borscht.

To prepare them, you need to sift the wheat flour, take one fourth of it, dilute it with yeast and warm water. This is a dough. It should be placed in a warm place. When it doubles in volume, add the remaining flour, add butter, salt and sugar dissolved in a small amount of water, stir well and return to a warm place for another two hours. After this, divide the dough into pieces weighing approximately 30 grams, form them into balls and place them on a baking sheet. The distance between the donuts should be no less than the buns themselves. Now you need to place the baking sheet in a warm place again for proofing for 15-20 minutes. Once the donuts have arrived, that is, they have increased in volume, they can be sent to the oven, that is, to a hot oven. In 7-8 minutes they will be ready. They should be greased with a paste of garlic, grated with salt and oil, and served with borscht.

Dessert donuts

Sweet donuts with filling are made from the same dough, but they are not spread. The dough is rolled out into a layer 1 cm thick and cut into circles. The jam berries are placed in the middle of half the circles. The other half of the circles is placed on top, the edges must be firmly connected. Dumplings are fried in fat in a saucepan with high sides. Ready-made donuts are eaten with milk.

Lard as a source of national pride

In humorous conversations they often mention various ways Ukrainians preparing lard. This includes salting, smoking, heating, etc. These are, they say, the main, main and almost the only Ukrainian national dishes. Such statements are unfair, or rather, not entirely fair.

Pork lard in Ukrainian dishes from Gogol's time was used only for frying. Dumplings or buckwheat with onions fried in lard are very tasty and satisfying. The pig in Ukraine is such a common animal in household only because of the not very extensive areas with hunting grounds. They did not eat beef, because oxen plowed the land, and cows provided milk. During the predatory raids of Muslim aggressors, only pigs were preserved from the entire farm, which the faithful were forbidden to touch. Little Russia, rich in fertile black soil, has always been a tasty morsel for invaders. In the city of Lutsk, located in western Ukraine, the townspeople erected a monument to a pig, apparently out of reverence or respect for the animal, which is even mentioned in the Bible.

This is how the history of Ukrainian cuisine developed. Ukraine cannot say that it is particularly rich in fish, at least in some of its regions, and until the 19th century meat was eaten only on holidays, so it is not surprising that the dishes of Ukrainian national cuisine are mostly flour, cereals, vegetables and fruits.


Greater Russia constantly updated the list of its main national dishes due to active interaction between the residents of its territories and foreign countries. The outskirts, being distant from the vibrant life of the center, are much more patriarchal in matters of accepting new things into the way of life. This also applies to Ukraine. It is for this reason, and also thanks to the genius of Gogol, that we have the opportunity to get acquainted with food from Slavic antiquity. Ukrainian national dishes, the list of which is drawn from his writings, would be incomplete without mentioning dumplings.

Dumplings with cottage cheese, potatoes, cherries or berries are eaten as an independent dish. Unleavened dough is made from wheat flour and rolled into a layer 2 mm thick. Circles are cut out with a cup or glass. The filling is placed in the middle. The edges are tightly pinched in the shape of a crescent. Dumplings are placed in boiling water and cooked for about five minutes. They are considered ready as soon as they all float to the surface. Dumplings are eaten with butter or sour cream.


Grechaniki, potato pancakes and cheesecakes are delicious dishes of Ukrainian national cuisine. These are all varieties of pancakes, pancakes and cutlets. Grechaniki are made using buckwheat - cereals or flour, potato pancakes - potato pancakes, syrniki - cottage cheese pancakes. Due to lack of opportunity, it is impossible to describe all the recipes in one article. I would like to focus special attention on one interesting dish. These are dumplings.

The national Ukrainian dish dumplings is made not only from wheat, but also from unleavened dough from flour, water, salt and eggs, rolled into a layer 0.5 cm thick and cut into rectangles. These rectangles, that is, dumplings, are lowered into salted boiling water and boiled until they float to the surface. Finely chopped onions are fried in lard in a saucepan, boiled dumplings are placed there, mixed well, browned and served.

Necessary warning

National Ukrainian dishes with photographs presented in this article are distinguished by their high energy value, for this reason, people who care about maintaining a slim figure should not get too carried away with them.

Ukraine can rightfully be proud that it will satisfy the taste of even the most pretentious gourmet. Ukrainian feasts are described by Gogol in his “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” - needless to say, our people know a lot about food and are distinguished by their hospitality.

Ukrainian cuisine has traditional dishes that make it recognizable. And if you delve deeper into culinary traditions, you will find names and recipes that will pleasantly surprise you. will tell you about the best national dishes of Ukraine. Cook it yourself or travel around the country to try it. original dishes in the areas where they were invented. And, as the Ukrainians say during a feast, “so that you can eat and drink and want and be able to”!


What is a Ukrainian without borscht? Foreigners are sure to be treated to this traditional first course. In cookbooks we will find more than 50 recipes for borscht, because in each region it is prepared differently. Rich meat, seasoned with lard... Or lean with beans or mushrooms - this is cooked during fasting, and vegetarians will also be happy. Instead of meat, you can put fish. In addition to the traditional beets, potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage and tomatoes, whatever is added to borscht for piquancy! Some recipes even include apples, dried fruits, and prunes! Dumplings with garlic are often served with borscht.

Borscht festivals are held in the village of Borshchev of the same name in the Ternopil region, as well as in other regions of Ukraine. In October, such a festival took place in Kharkov for the third year in a row. By the way, choose .

Salo is our everything!

No wonder they say: lard is a Ukrainian drug. We are simply nowhere without him. And how many jokes about lard and Ukrainians! One godfather says to another: “Have you heard that sclerosis develops from lard?” And he answered: “But I’m thinking about how I’ll eat a piece of lard in the morning, but the whole day I don’t remember what I want to eat!” There are many recipes for salting lard. The simplest one: chop the garlic, mix with pepper, grate the mixture on the undergar or lard and keep in the refrigerator for three days. You can add aromatic spices.

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The lard festival has already become traditional in Petrikovka in the Dnepropetrovsk region. And in Lviv there is an amazing place where they hold fat parties and serve unique candies “Lard in Chocolate” and lard sushi.

Finding accommodation in Lviv will not be difficult: on our website you will find.

Zaporozhye kapustnyak

If you come to Khortitsa, to the region of the Cossack freemen, on holidays or a festival, you will definitely be offered Zaporozhye kapustnyak. Traditionally, it was prepared richly - with pork and bacon, sauerkraut and millet. If you cook it over a smoky fire, the aroma and taste are amazing. .

There are also plenty of cabbage recipes, and a festival dedicated to it is held in Zbarazh in the Ternopil region.

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Homemade sausages

“A breast of porridge, a ring of sausage” - remember the line from the Ukrainian carol? The Ukrainian Christmas table is not complete without homemade sausages.

The most delicious sausages are prepared in Transcarpathia - you can hope that they will offer you a “natural product”, baked not in a gas oven, but in a rural oven, with a completely different smell and a piquant taste! Come to Transcarpathia: they are waiting for you. And you can find it on our website.

In Volyn they also know how to cook sausages: in 2015, the longest sausage was made in Lutsk - 5 meters - and the achievement was recorded in the Ukrainian Book of Records.

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Not all foreigners will “understand” our jellied meat - a jellied appetizer made from different types meat. But the Hungarians will definitely appreciate it: their jellied meat is also a national dish, they even hold jellied festivals there.

Ukrainians traditionally serve jellied meat with horseradish and mustard.

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Varya Hutsul

The name already intrigues with its originality. Varya Hutsul is a salad originally from Bukovina. It is good for Lent - both filling and tasty. Take boiled beets, beans and prunes, season sunflower oil. If you go to Bukovyna, be sure to visit its heart - Chernivtsi, and the accommodation option is available.

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Meat torsioners

Now let's move on to the meat masterpieces. The meat for krucheniki (usually beef or pork) is beaten, and then the filling is wrapped in it, and the roll is tied with thread. You can fry and then simmer. In the regions of Ukraine, krucheniki are prepared with different fillings: rice with onions, eggs, dried apricots, prunes... Minced mushrooms are often used. The scope for experimentation is huge. For example, for hearty Volyn-style krucheniki, first stew the meat until half cooked, then put a piece of lard on it, covering it on top stewed cabbage, and wrap it up.

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This dish is from the “tasty and simple” series. The whole secret is in a piece of good pork or beef tenderloin. It was marinated in kvass, rolled in flour, fried in butter- and then baked in the oven until done. Polyadvitsa was ceremoniously prepared for Christmas and Easter. Modern housewives use lemon instead of kvass: they rub it on a piece of meat, and it’s convenient to bake it in the sleeve.

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Deruny Zhytomyr

Ukrainian Polesie is famous for its potato harvests and dishes made from it. It was even installed in Korosten in the Zhytomyr region! A festival dedicated to this dish is held here every year. And what kind of potato pancakes you will try: with meat, and with cheese, and with mushrooms, and with cottage cheese. Where to stay in Zhitomir? Perhaps it will do.

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White mushrooms in Hutsul style

The recipe for their preparation is very simple: boil, fry on vegetable oil, simmer in sour cream or cream, add green onions and parsley. But it's all about the mushrooms themselves! You should definitely go to Bukovina for them, because boletus mushrooms are a real treasure of the local forests.

Mushroom tours in Transcarpathia are popular. But even if you go in winter, you can buy dried or pickled porcini mushrooms. Choose and enjoy the wonderful cuisine and wonderful nature of the region! Many travelers believe that the food here is the best delicious dishes Ukrainian cuisine.

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Roast with mushrooms

Roast potatoes with mushrooms in pots are usually served in all Ukrainian restaurants; it is easy to prepare it at home. But you should definitely try this dish in Western Ukraine, where you will be served it with porcini mushrooms, and not some store-bought champignons! Hutsul-style roast is original in that potato pancakes, meat and mushrooms are laid out in layers in a pot. And all this with sour cream!

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Another dish from Hutsul cuisine is banosh (or banush). It would seem that it might surprise corn porridge? The whole secret is what it is seasoned with: during cooking, sour cream or cream is added, and fried cracklings and feta cheese are placed on top.

Do you want to taste a real banosh? Then plan a trip to Transcarpathia in May: here in the village of Kostylevka, Rakhiv district, the festival “Berlibash Banosh” takes place. Rakhiv is a picturesque place for tourists.

Photo source: sergej_pozhar - LiveJournal.

Poltava dumplings

Residents of the region of the same name are often called “Poltava dumplings” - their regional dish has become so recognizable. Dumplings come both without filling and with meat, liver, and mushrooms.

Poltava annually hosts a festival dedicated to dumplings, and even established one.

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Plyatski Lviv

Galicia is famous for its wonderful dessert - dancing. A tall whole pie is baked with fillings (they can be different) and then cut into cakes. Glaze is usually poured on top. And just try to say “cakes” in Lviv dances - you might get offended.

There is a nice place in Lviv where you can enjoy this wonderful dessert with a cup of aromatic coffee.

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We hope it's a mouth-watering review. best dishes Ukrainian cuisine will inspire you to cook one of them or go on a gastronomic tour around the country.

In the meantime, you can add to the list of your favorite Ukrainian dishes below in the comments.

Traditional Ukrainian cuisine will appeal to all those who love a hearty and tasty meal. Folk and proven recipes have evolved over the centuries, creating their own, unique flavor. Ukrainian dishes can be easily divided into first, second and third.

We have compiled for you a small list of national dishes of Ukraine, which we strongly recommend trying. They are, of course, not at all for those who prefer vegetarian cuisine or are on a diet. But if you don’t overdo it, then the same borscht will be not only tasty, but also healthy.

The best traditional dishes of Ukrainian cuisine

So, among the country's favorite first dishes

A dish beloved by all residents of Ukraine, widely known abroad. Of course, borscht is well known in near abroad, there are many recipes for preparing it, and each housewife has her own. But first of all this vegetable soup with beets at the base of the dish, optional meat filling and, of course, sour cream as the perfect seasoning.

Kapustnyak is another vegetable soup, and as the name suggests, it is based on cabbage. It can be fresh or fermented, the sourness in the taste of the dish depends on this.

Rassolnik- for this dish, you usually use pickled cucumbers, which give the soup a special sourish piquancy.

Among the second dishes of Ukraine, the following are known and appreciated:

Vareniki- the meaning of this dish does not need to be explained, it is known everywhere, but it is especially loved in Ukraine. Dumplings with cherries, potatoes, mushrooms, cabbage, and meat can be found on the recipe list of any housewife and in most restaurants serving national cuisine.

Galushki- these are just pieces of specially boiled dough. A hearty dish is served with sour cream, and soup is made from it.

A whole piece of meat, usually pork, baked with sauce or butter. It is served as an appetizer or even a separate hearty dish, usually with bread.

Cracklings- finely chopped and fried pieces of lard or fatty meat. It’s hard to call this dish purely Ukrainian, but you can’t do without it when preparing many dishes.

Zrazy- another traditional one of Eastern Europe, and, nevertheless, quite a Ukrainian dish. And again, every housewife has her own zraz recipes, but usually these are cutlets or meatloaf with filling.

Among the third courses, or, as they say, for sweets in Ukraine they are happy to serve:

Nalistniki- simply, these are pancakes with filling, cheese or meat, served with sour cream or jam.

Small pancakes with plenty of cottage cheese added to the dough. They are usually sweet.

Deruny- a savory dish, which, nevertheless, is served more often as a third dish. These are grated potato pancakes, deliciously seasoned with sour cream.

Good drinks are also valued in Ukraine. Among ancient drinks, those obtained through fermentation are especially popular. This is honey, beer, kvass. They love both uzvar and compotes here.

Vodka emerged as a kind of national drink only in the 14th century, but already a huge number of tinctures are made on its basis. Vodka is infused with berries, fruits, even dried fruits.

Varenukha- vodka, heated, but not brought to a boil, with the addition of honey and spices.

In Ukraine, it is produced in two regions, in the south of the country, including the Kherson region, and in Transcarpathia, where the unique warm climate allows for the cultivation of sweet grapes.

Ukrainian food– this is one of the richest national cuisines in the whole world, which can even be called culinary art Ukrainian people. The uniqueness of Ukrainian cuisine lies in two simple facts: firstly, Ukrainian cuisine has retained its originality and authenticity for centuries, despite any influences; secondly, traditional old Ukrainian dishes are known far beyond the borders of Ukraine itself - in any case, Ukrainian borscht is known in all corners of the globe.

Ukrainian traditional cuisine can truly be called art, since Ukrainians have been very careful and responsible when it comes to cooking since ancient times. It just seems that traditional Ukrainian cuisine is easy to prepare. In fact, the technologies for preparing local dishes can be very complex, requiring a lot of time and effort. For example, preparing real Ukrainian borscht requires two days, two dozen ingredients and several types of cooking!

However, Ukrainians love and revere their dishes, despite their complexity. And it is noteworthy that traditional Ukrainian dishes are prepared not only in national restaurants, but also in all families without exception - to the point that the phrase “cook borscht” has become synonymous with the phrase “cook food.”

The secret of Ukrainian cuisine is simple - it lies in the skillful combination of simple and affordable products. Recipes for Ukrainian dishes are based on the use of popular vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as meat, poultry, mushrooms and grain crops. The most widespread type of meat is pork - it is included in most first and second courses in one form or another. Fish, especially river fish, has also been popular since time immemorial.

The flagship of Ukrainian cuisine, without a doubt, is borscht. To be more precise, borscht is not a specific dish, but a category of dishes, since Ukrainian cuisine knows a great many varieties and variations of borscht. Borscht has enjoyed and continues to enjoy phenomenal popularity: for centuries, Ukrainians ate borscht every day - both on weekdays and on holidays; and in Soviet time borscht has spread throughout Soviet Union and became the number one hot soup. However, Ukrainians do not live by borscht alone - such dishes of Ukrainian national cuisine as dumplings, dumplings, sausages, livers, pampushki, jellies, pancakes, compotes, infusions are also well known.

Ukrainian cuisine, of course, cannot be called dietary. Many features of Ukrainian cuisine are due to the lifestyle of the local people, who have always been involved in hard grain-growing work. People went out into the fields early in the morning and worked until late in the evening, so they needed high-calorie food that could saturate the body with the necessary calories for the day ahead. Therefore, to this day in Ukraine it is customary to have a hearty breakfast.

An important moment in the history of Ukrainian cuisine is the eighteenth century, when potatoes spread across the territory of modern Ukraine. They immediately began to use it for preparing first and second courses and side dishes, and today Ukrainians call this vegetable nothing more than their “second bread.”

Ukraine - big country, and therefore each region of the country has its own cooking characteristics. Thus, in the northern regions of Ukraine, the cuisine is very similar to Belarusian; here potatoes are especially actively used as food, which are grown here on a huge scale. The cuisine of Western Ukraine has borrowed a lot from Polish, Slovak, and Hungarian cuisines. Eastern Ukrainian cuisine is closest to Russian, in southwestern regions countries prepare many dishes typical of Romanian and Moldavian cuisines.

The main features of Ukrainian cuisine are the widespread use of wheat products, complex heat treatment of products in cooking, slicing vegetables without mixing them, daily consumption of hot first courses, as well as the widespread use of pork, lard, eggs and beets. Well, the main advantage of Ukrainian cuisine is its vitality - even today, when supermarkets in big cities are overflowing with a wide variety of products, Ukrainians will prefer a plate of good Ukrainian borscht to any foreign dish.

The recipes of Ukrainian cuisine are distinguished by the richness and rich taste of each dish; it cannot be confused with any other cuisine in the world. Ukrainian culinary specialists add garlic to almost all dishes. It serves as a universal seasoning for borscht and jellied meat; it is used to add lard and rub onto meat before baking. Ukrainians respect vegetables; tables always include mashed potatoes or boiled whole tubers, stewed beets with nuts, fried zucchini and eggplant with spicy dressing.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

For the first course it is customary to serve the already mentioned red borscht with garlic dumplings, soup with millet dumplings, fish soup river fish. For the second course they always bring dumplings with various fillings, krucheniki, shpundra, lezheni, and homemade sausages. Unusual names hide delicious "stravas". A feast is not complete without sweets. Housewives prepare poppy cakes, cheesecakes, brushwood, cheesecakes, jelly, fruit compotes and foam. Try to plunge into the colorful atmosphere of Ukraine and cook national dishes for your family.
