What are the benefits of stewed cabbage in water? Stewed cabbage - benefits and harms

Experts decided to find out what methods of cooking vegetables preserve beneficial vitamins and antioxidants in products. The researchers tested 6 methods. They fried vegetables on vegetable oil and without it, cooked, cooked in microwave oven, baked in the oven and cooked under pressure.

It is known that vegetables and fruits are the main suppliers of antioxidants to the human body. Experts recommend consuming several servings of vegetables and fruits daily. But tests have shown that the benefits of vegetables largely depend on how they are prepared. Vegetables cooked in the microwave and when fried on a flat metal surface or grilled without adding oil retained more antioxidants.

Cabbage lost the largest amount of antioxidants when boiled and microwaved. Boiled and fried zucchini has become an almost useless product. Green peas, beets and garlic retained the majority useful substances for all cooking methods. Acelery, carrots and green pea after heat treatment they became even more useful.

Scientists have found that it is best to cook in a microwave oven, since with this method of cooking, many vegetables retained most of their beneficial substances. Boiled and pressed vegetables contain practically no vitamins and antioxidants.

Source: "Moskovsky Komsomolets - Polar Region"

For the functioning of our body, maintaining the normal functioning of all organs, in order to have beautiful skin and hair even while following weight loss diets, it is necessary that the food we eat retains a maximum of vitamins and other useful substances during storage and cooking.

To save nutrients and vitamins contained in vegetables, when preparing vegetable dishes the following rules must be observed.


Vegetables are best stored in a cool, dry place. When stored in light, the vitamins in them are partially destroyed.

On hot summer days, wrap leafy vegetables in a cloth soaked in vinegar to keep them fresh.

Vegetables need to be peeled and cut with a stainless steel knife.

If leafy vegetables are heavily soiled, they should be left for a short time in cold water and then rinse well.


If possible, cook vegetables in a double boiler: this method destroys less vitamins. When treated with hot steam, the cellular structure of tissues is not disturbed, and the taste and aroma of vegetables does not change.

For example, steamed broccoli contains 40% more vitamins than boiled broccoli.

The larger the vegetables are cut, the less vitamins they lose during cooking.

If you cook vegetables in a container with peeling enamel, vitamin C is destroyed when it comes into contact with iron and copper.

When cooking, do not add more water than necessary. Throw the vegetables into the already boiling water.


Do not leave boiled vegetables in water, they will become watery and tasteless.

Serve boiled or stewed vegetables immediately. Freshly cooked vegetables contain more vitamin C than standing vegetables.

If a vegetable dish needs to be prepared for several days, then only the portion intended for serving should be heated.

White cabbage is a vegetable rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, as well as minerals and fiber, and thanks to its long shelf life, cabbage can be consumed throughout the year. Also no less healthy is stewed cabbage containing a large number of useful substances.

Photo by Shutterstock

Stewed cabbage is a low-calorie dish that is rich in vitamin B2, which can normalize energy metabolism, which has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane and skin condition, as well as vitamin PP, which strengthens vascular walls and also has a vasodilating effect. 200 grams of stewed cabbage contains the daily requirement of vitamin C, which has pronounced antioxidant properties, promotes cholesterol metabolism and strengthens blood vessels. Stewed cabbage also contains fiber, which enhances the efficiency of the intestines and, as a result, eliminates constipation, and also properly lowers cholesterol levels in the blood.

100 grams of the finished product contains approximately 20 kilocalories

Stewed cabbage is a very healthy dish for older people, as it has anti-sclerotic properties, and this, thanks to antioxidants (E, A and C), can prevent the development of atherosclerosis. White cabbage is a vegetable of the cruciferous family, which contains indole-tri-carbinol, which has an anticarcinogenic effect, in particular, on the development of estrogen-dependent tumors. That is why it reduces the risk of breast cancer.

It is better to stew cabbage with carrots and onions, and season with unrefined sunflower oil, so the dish will be tastier, more aromatic and healthier.

And finally, stewed cabbage is a source of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, as well as many useful vitamins.

For example, to provide the body with a daily dose of vitamin C, it is enough to consume 200 grams of the product

Stew is a real lifesaver for the modern housewife. After all, with its help you can quickly and effortlessly prepare a delicious, satisfying dish. In addition, the stew goes well with any traditional side dish, and in addition, it can be added to meat salads. So this is a truly universal product, but before using it, it doesn’t hurt to learn more about the benefits and harms of beef stew.

Ingredients of beef stew

The positive or negative impact of any food product on the human body is determined by the microelements it contains. Therefore, consideration of the benefits and harms of beef stew should begin with studying its composition. From this point of view, canned beef stew is a unique food.

First of all, it should be noted that There are no carbohydrates in the stew, which, subject to certain conditions, allows the use of this product as a dietary supplement. various diseases. At the same time, The protein content in stew reaches 15%, which is a pretty good indicator. However, do not forget about fats, of which the stew consists of almost 17%. However, most animal fats fall into the saturated category. For this reason, stewed meat is characterized by a high calorie content - 214 kcal per 100 g.

If we talk about the vitamin composition, then the entire B group is present here, with the exception of B12. In addition, the stew contains substances that are important for the full development of a person, such as vitamins E and PP. The mineral composition is also very rich, but special attention should be paid to the high concentrations of potassium, sodium, iodine, phosphorus and chromium. All these microelements are necessary for our body to function normally, and their deficiency can cause the development of serious diseases.

Beneficial features

So, stew is a high-calorie dish, which is due to the large amount of animal protein and fat. For this reason, regular use of this product promotes rapid growth muscle mass, and during intense physical labor, stew helps to quickly restore the strength spent during the working day. Another important point in this regard is that with increased physical activity, the body consumes a large amount of sodium. As a result, over time, you may encounter a deficiency of this microelement, which is present in large quantities in the stew.

However, the benefits and harms of beef stew in this case go side by side, since if you abuse such food and at the same time do not give the body the necessary physical exercise, then the result can be obesity with all the ensuing problems. Besides, great importance from this point of view, the quality of the product acquires - It is recommended to include stewed meat in the diet of athletes, in which the fat and jelly content does not exceed 20%.

With the proper combination of a moderate amount of stewed meat with traditional side dishes, it can be used when organizing meals for patients. In particular, experts recommend including such dishes in the menu of people suffering from mild diabetes mellitus, as well as diseases of cardio-vascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

The harm of beef stew

Despite the fact that high-quality stew is quite easily absorbed by our body, experts still do not recommend including it in the diet of young children, and even students primary classes It is better to limit the consumption of this product. The fact is that the child’s stomach is still weak enough to fully digest such food. Therefore, abuse can lead to digestive problems.

In addition, the stew is characterized by high fat content. For this reason It is better to avoid it for people with atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus with a form of severity above average. You should also refrain from using too often if you have chronic problems with the kidneys, liver and pancreas. In this case, the load on digestive system turns out to be excessively high.

In conclusion, we note that the benefits and harms of beef stew are largely determined by the quality of the product. At the same time, it is far from a secret that a significant part of the modern assortment does not meet the requirements that apply to products of this kind. Therefore, you need to be especially careful when choosing stewed meat in the store. It is better to give preference to glass containers, which allow you to visually assess the condition of the stew. If the choice fell on tin can, then you need to carefully study the composition and pay attention to whether the stewed beef meets special standards - GOSTs.

Be sure to read:

Stewed cabbage is one of the simplest and useful options dishes made from this vegetable. Making it at home is easy and cheap. This universal dish is suitable even for people who for some reason cannot eat raw product. Stewed cabbage is deservedly included in the menu proper nutrition. What are the benefits, harms and contraindications of eating vegetables?

Composition and benefits of the product

Stewed cabbage is not only a tasty delicacy, but also a real storehouse of nutrients. Despite the fact that during cooking the amount of some vitamins decreases, the main part of the microelements still retains its biological value.

Stewed cabbage is a very healthy dish that many will enjoy

As a rule, cabbage is stewed with onions and carrots. These vegetables enhance the beneficial effects of the dish on the body. A small amount of vegetable oil and spices are also added. Many people prefer to stew cabbage with tomatoes or tomato paste. By the way, you can cook fresh, sauerkraut and salted cabbage in this way. By the way, stewed cabbage is indispensable for proper nutrition.

If you put it out sauerkraut, you will get a very unusual dish

The table of the chemical composition of 100 grams of stewed cabbage, prepared using tomato paste, onions, carrots, vinegar, sugar and spices, is as follows.

Table: chemical composition of stewed cabbage

NameContent per 100 gDaily value for a healthy personPercentage of daily value in 100 g of stewed cabbage
Calorie content88–110 kcal1684 kcal5,9%
Squirrels2.6 g76 g3,4%
Fats5.8 g60 g9,7%
Carbohydrates9.8 g211 g4,6%
Organic acids0.5 g- -
Alimentary fiber2.9 g20 g14,5%
Water130.6 g2 400 g5,4%
Ash1.3 g- -
A, RE400 mcg900 mcg44,7%
Retinol0.4 mg- -
B1, thiamine0.05 mg1.5 mg3,3%
B2, riboflavin0.06 mg1.8 mg3,3%
B4, choline0.6 mg500 mg0,1%
B5, pantothenic0.2 mg5 mg4%
B6, pyridoxine0.1 mg2 mg5%
B9, folate10.2 mcg400 mcg2,6%
C, ascorbic acid22.1 mg90 mg24,8%
E, alpha tocopherol0.1 mg15 mg0,7%
N, biotin0.2 mcg50 mcg0,4%
RR, NE1.3316 mg20 mg6,7%
Niacin0.9 mg- -
Potassium419.8 mg2,500 mg16,9%
Calcium61.5 mg1,000 mg6,2%
Silicon0.05 mg30 mg0,2%
Magnesium25.4 mg400 mg6,4%
Sodium17.6 mg1 300 mg1,4%
Sulfur46.5 mg1,000 mg4,7%
Phosphorus49.5 mg800 mg6,2%
Chlorine45.1 mg2300 mg2%
Aluminum674.3 mcg- -
Bor242 mcg- -
Vanadium5.6 mcg- -
Iron1 mg18 mg5,6%
Iodine3.7 mcg150 mcg2,5%
Cobalt3.8 mcg10 mcg3,3%
Lithium0.3 mcg- -
Manganese0.2184 mcg2 mg10,9%
Copper92.8 mcg1,000 mcg9,3%
Molybdenum11.8 mcg70 mcg16,9%
Nickel16.7 mcg- -
Tin0.06 mcg- -
Rubidium41.5 mcg- -
Selenium0.07 mcg55 mcg0,1%
Titanium0.1 mcg- -
Fluorine16.2 mcg4,000 mcg0,4%
Chromium5.7 mcg50 mcg11,5%
Zinc0.5304 mg1 mg4,4%
Digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins1 g- -
Mono- and disaccharides5.8 gmaximum - 100 g-

The chemical composition of stewed cabbage is superior to many pharmacy multivitamins.

Just 200 grams of the product contain the daily norm of vitamin A and half the norm of ascorbic acid.

Depending on the set of ingredients and method of preparation energy value stewed cabbage can vary from 88 to 110 kcal.

Adding mushrooms, meat and sausages to a dish will increase its calorie content. This is important to consider if you are watching your figure. For example, stewed cabbage with mushrooms contains 132 kcal, and with chicken - 171 kcal.

Useful properties of the product

  1. Regular consumption of stewed cabbage helps improve metabolism and strengthen the immune system. This is due to the high content of nicotinic acid, vitamin C, selenium and zinc in the product.
  2. Stewed cabbage normalizes the gastrointestinal tract because it contains dietary fiber. These substances improve motor function and prevent constipation. Dietary fiber helps fight dysbiosis, absorbs toxins, radionuclides, heavy metals and carcinogens.
  3. Stewed cabbage contains methylmethionine, which protects the intestinal walls from damage. Thanks to this, when eating the dish, the likelihood of developing putrefactive processes in the gastrointestinal tract sharply decreases. This, in turn, is the main condition for reducing the risk of cancer.
  4. Stewed cabbage has a beneficial effect on liver function and reduces the risk of gallstones.
  5. Eating stewed cabbage helps stabilize the cardiovascular system. Vitamin PP contained in the product reduces the fragility of the walls of blood vessels. Potassium and magnesium lead to normalization of heart rate. Vitamin E improves blood circulation, and copper helps improve its quality. Thanks to this, cholesterol levels are reduced and the risk of developing arrhythmia, sclerosis, tachycardia, atherosclerotic plaques, coronary heart disease and heart attack is reduced.
  6. The presence of stewed cabbage in the diet helps improve vision and protect the retina from negative impact UV rays.
  7. The product normalizes the activity of the endocrine system.
  8. The dietary fiber contained in cabbage slows down the absorption of fats and carbohydrates, which leads to slow saturation of the blood with glucose. This is especially important for patients with diabetes.
  9. Eating stewed cabbage helps improve the condition of the skin due to the presence of vitamin B2 and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  10. The product reduces the risk of breast cancer due to the content of indole-tri-carbinol, which is a natural anticarcinogen.
  11. Regular consumption of the dish helps to stop anxiety and depression due to the presence of manganese.
  12. Stewed cabbage helps normalize weight, because it is quite filling and at the same time low-calorie product.


  1. Ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.
  2. Gastritis.
  3. Pancreatitis.
  4. Cholecystitis.
  5. Enterocolitis.
  6. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large and small intestines.
  7. Increased stomach acidity.
  8. Diarrhea.
  9. Kidney diseases requiring a salt-free diet.
  10. The recovery period after surgery in the abdominal cavity and chest.
  11. Individual intolerance. In this case, eating cabbage causes allergic reaction and increased gas formation.

Daily values ​​for healthy people

If you have no contraindications, you can eat stewed cabbage daily. To saturate the body with useful substances, a serving of 200 grams is enough. If you really love this dish, then you can eat up to 500 grams per day, but try not to replace main meals with cabbage.

In order for the dish to bring maximum benefits, it is better to prepare it from pickled vegetables.

To preserve nutrients, it is necessary to reduce heat treatment time to a minimum. This can be done by finely chopping the vegetable.

Regular overeating can lead not only to bloating, but also to the formation of diverticula in the large intestine. That is why you constantly eat stewed cabbage in large quantities not worth it.

The product places a significant burden on the gastrointestinal tract, so it is necessary to observe the correct drinking regime. Healthy people You should limit your fluid intake half an hour before and after eating stewed cabbage. If you wash down your meal, do it with green tea or juice, not water.

Nuances of use

There are certain nuances of using stewed cabbage in different situations.

During pregnancy

If a pregnant woman does not have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or intolerance to the ingredients of stewed cabbage, then eating the dish is acceptable throughout the entire period of waiting for the baby. Thanks to this, you can cope with a common problem for expectant mothers - constipation. To combat this disease, two tablespoons of stewed cabbage per day is enough. If desired, the serving size can be 200 grams.

During pregnancy, it is very useful to eat stewed cabbage.

When breastfeeding

Many women have a negative attitude towards eating stewed cabbage when breastfeeding, because they believe that the product will cause colic in the baby. Such problems often arise when eating raw cabbage. When stewing, this risk is reduced, so introducing the dish into the diet is allowed from the third or fourth week after birth.

During lactation, a woman can eat stewed cabbage

The main thing is not to overuse spices and fats. It is better to try the product for the first time in the morning in a small volume (two teaspoons), and carefully monitor the child’s condition throughout the day. In the absence of flatulence, diarrhea and colic, the dose can be increased to 150 grams per day. If the baby’s condition is alarming, then the introduction of stewed cabbage into the diet should be postponed for a month.

For complementary feeding

You can start introducing your baby to stewed cabbage at the age of seven months. In this case, the vegetable should be cooked in water with milk to soften it. At first, cabbage should be added to vegetable purees, and not used as an independent dish.

During complementary feeding, your baby can be given stewed cabbage in the form of puree.

A one-year-old child can be given stewed cabbage as a side dish for meat. Serving size: 70–100 grams.

For gastrointestinal diseases

The acute phase of gastrointestinal diseases is a direct contraindication to the consumption of both raw and stewed vegetables. Including cabbage in the diet can be beneficial only in the stage of remission and in the chronic course of the disease without exacerbations. It is better for the vegetable to be part of other dishes: pureed purees, stews, casseroles, etc. In this case, you should choose young cabbage for cooking.

Considering that the presence of gastrointestinal diseases complicates the digestive processes, it is necessary to strictly observe the drinking regime. You need to drink liquid half an hour before eating stewed cabbage, and no earlier than two hours after.

For gastritis and stomach ulcers

For gastritis and stomach ulcers, eating stewed vegetables is allowed only if the disease is accompanied by normal or low acidity. The maximum serving is 100–120 grams.

For dysbacteriosis

The possibility of consuming the dish depends on the course of the disease. If it is accompanied mainly by constipation, then you must eat stewed cabbage. If diarrhea is a constant companion of dysbacteriosis, it is better to avoid eating the vegetable.

For cholecystitis

For cholecystitis, cabbage is good to combine with zucchini, herbs and carrots. This dish will have a beneficial effect on gallbladder. The daily dose is no more than 100 grams.

For diabetes

Cabbage is recommended for consumption by patients with type 2 diabetes. Stewed vegetables are no exception, as it helps slow down the absorption of glucose and allows you to reduce the amount of insulin-containing drugs used.

The low calorie content and high nutritional value of the dish makes it possible to fight the main companion of the disease - obesity. Permissible consumption rate of stewed cabbage for diabetes mellitus- 200 grams per day, 2–3 times a week.

For pancreatitis

In the acute stage of pancreatitis, eating cabbage in any form is strictly prohibited. You can eat during remission stewed vegetable in an amount of no more than 150 grams per day.


The low calorie content of stewed cabbage is a godsend for people who are overweight. The rich nutritional composition of the dish allows you to provide the body with the necessary nutrients, and the quick saturation of the product will relieve the feeling of hunger and weakness.

Regular consumption of stewed cabbage can help you lose weight by several sizes.

Exists special diet, the main product of which is stewed vegetables. The essence of the technique is to replace lunch and dinner with a 250 gram portion of cabbage. The dish can be prepared using mushrooms, other vegetables and legumes. In this case, dinner, which should be no later than three hours before bedtime, can be supplemented with 150 grams of boiled chicken meat. At lunch, stewed cabbage can be washed down with rosehip decoction. It is recommended to eat porridge for breakfast, boiled egg or low-fat cottage cheese in a volume of no more than 250 grams. If necessary, you can make a lunch consisting of yogurt, apple or kiwi. For an afternoon snack, you are allowed to drink 300 grams of kefir or fermented baked milk. The duration of the diet is 5–7 days.

Stewed cabbage can be included in the diet of any weight loss method where vegetables are allowed.

Health Recipes

There are several healthy recipes with stewed cabbage.

For weight loss


  • 1 kg of fresh cabbage;
  • 2 large carrots;
  • 2 onions;
  • 3 tomatoes or 1 tbsp. tomato paste;
  • 3 tbsp. soy sauce.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the cabbage and place in a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  2. Add a glass of water and a spoonful of vegetable oil to the pan.
  3. Simmer for ten minutes and add the remaining finely chopped vegetables and soy sauce.
  4. Simmer for another 15–20 minutes until done.

Stewed cabbage is allowed on almost all diets

Video: preparing low-calorie stewed cabbage

Cabbage curry for diabetes


  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tsp turmeric;
  • 2 tsp curry powder;
  • 1 cup chicken broth;
  • 1.5 kg finely shredded cabbage;
  • 1/4 cup rice vinegar;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the garlic and cut the onion into half rings.
  2. Fry garlic and onion in a frying pan in vegetable oil.
  3. Add turmeric, curry powder and chicken broth to the pan.
  4. After 5 minutes, add cabbage and rice vinegar to the dish.
  5. Simmer vegetables for 15 minutes.
  6. Salt the dish and leave it to steep for 20 minutes under the lid.

Braised cabbage curry is recommended for diabetics

Stewed sauerkraut for diabetes


  • 100 g dried white mushrooms;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp. tomato paste;
  • 0.5 kg of sauerkraut.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the mushrooms for one and a half hours with the addition of bay leaf.
  2. Finely chop the onion and carrots.
  3. Sauté chopped vegetables in vegetable oil for 5 minutes.
  4. Add sauerkraut, previously soaked in plain water for two hours (to get rid of excess salt).
  5. Simmer the dish for 20 minutes.
  6. Add mushrooms and tomato paste.
  7. Simmer the dish for another 5 minutes under the lid.
  8. Let the cabbage sit for at least half an hour.

Cabbage goes well with mushrooms, so the dish turns out very tasty.

Stewed cabbage with vegetables and yogurt for constipation


  • 0.5 kg finely chopped cabbage;
  • 0.5 kg finely chopped zucchini;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 2 tbsp. tomato paste;
  • a bunch of greenery;
  • 50 ml unsweetened yogurt.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the vegetables in a thick-walled pan and add 100 ml of water to them.
  2. Simmer the dish for 10 minutes over low heat.
  3. Place the mixture in a pot, add yogurt and tomato paste, add salt and place in an oven preheated to 200ºC.
  4. Cook the dish for 15–20 minutes.
  5. Decorate the finished cabbage with herbs.

Stewed cabbage goes well with almost all types of vegetables

Recipe for ulcers and gastritis with low acidity


  • 300 g finely shredded cabbage;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • 100 g onion;
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Sprinkle cabbage with lemon juice.
  2. Place the cabbage in a saucepan and add 100 ml of water.
  3. Simmer the vegetable over low heat for 10 minutes.
  4. Fry the onion in vegetable oil for 5 minutes.
  5. Mix the vegetables, add salt and simmer for at least twenty minutes over low heat.

Stewed cabbage is useful for gastritis and ulcers with low acidity

Stewed cabbage for kidney health


  • 500 g finely shredded cabbage;
  • 250 ml milk;
  • 3 tsp butter;
  • 3 tsp flour.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine 250 ml milk and 250 ml water.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture over the cabbage and simmer until soft.
  3. Add butter and flour.
  4. Simmer the dish for another 7 minutes.

Cabbage goes well with butter, thanks to which the dish acquires a delicate taste

Stewed cabbage is available to everyone. The product contains a huge amount of substances beneficial to the body. The main thing is not to overuse the use of various additives that increase the calorie content of the dish. It should also be remembered that if you have any diseases, especially those related to the gastrointestinal tract, you should visit your doctor before including stewed cabbage in your diet.

White cabbage, despite its availability, is one of the most healthy vegetables. Also in old times cabbage was valued because it could be eaten not only raw, but also fermented, salted and stewed, and also used in preparing the most different dishes- from pie filling to stewed meat.

Useful properties of stewed cabbage

Stewed cabbage has almost the same beneficial composition as fresh cabbage. Its cabbage leaves contain quite a lot of useful substances: fiber, carbohydrates, as well as minerals and vitamins. In addition, white cabbage tolerates long-term storage well, and this does not affect useful composition too critical.

Nutrients in stewed cabbage

  • Vitamins A, C, E;
  • Vitamin PP;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Calcium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Potassium.

Stewed cabbage leaves contain vitamin PP, which is beneficial for circulatory system, as it promotes the dilation of blood vessels and improves their condition.
In addition, cabbage dishes contain a fairly significant source of vitamin C. Only 200 grams provide the daily dose.

Vitamin B2, which is also sufficient in stewed cabbage, helps normalize energy metabolism and improves the condition of the mucous membrane, skin and hair.

The combination of vitamins and microelements represents an excellent strong antioxidant complex.

The benefits of stewed cabbage for weight loss

Stewed cabbage - great as dietary dishes for weight loss. Due to its saturation with fiber, it speeds up metabolism and activates intestinal motility. Stewed cabbage copes well with constipation; passing through the digestive tract, it removes waste and toxins from the body and destroys fat deposits.

And another pleasant bonus of the benefits of stewed cabbage for weight loss is its low calorie content. 200 grams of this dish contain only 30.4 kcal. Of course, if you cook it in vegetable oil.

The benefits of stewed cabbage for diseases

Cabbage stewed in vegetable oil is often included in the diet of older people, as well as during the recovery period after complex and abdominal operations.
It quickly restores intestinal function and, due to its vitamin composition, is useful for restoring strength and speeding up wound healing. Reduces the risk of complications by strengthening the immune system.

For whom is stewed cabbage harmful?

Due to the ability to increase the production of gastric juice, consumption should be limited to:

  • with enterocolitis;
  • increased acidity;
  • during an exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease;
  • with intestinal spasms.

How much stewed cabbage can you eat?

As already mentioned, this dish provokes the production of gastric juice, so you should limit yourself to 200-250 grams per day.

How to cook stewed cabbage to preserve its beneficial properties

  1. Separate the leaves and rinse under running water.
  2. Cut into cubes or shred.
  3. Quickly fry in vegetable oil, add salt, then add a little water and simmer, covered, over low heat until cooked.

Cooking time depends on the type of cabbage, so check readiness every 5 minutes.

Recipes for healthy stewed cabbage dishes

Cabbage is good because it goes well with most vegetables, mushrooms, meat and dough. By adding herbs and spices to it, you can create a new original dish every time.

Cabbage stewed with mushrooms

Peel the mushrooms, cut them and fry them in vegetable oil. Add finely chopped onion, salt and spices.
Chop the cabbage and add to the mushrooms. Add water, add a couple of bay leaves, a crushed clove of garlic and simmer covered over low heat until tender.

Pasta with stewed cabbage in Hungarian style

Finely chop the onion, fry until golden brown. then add chopped medium cabbage to the same frying pan, add salt, sweet paprika and a little red hot pepper, add some water and simmer under the lid. While the cabbage is stewing, boil the pasta (bows or other large pasta will do).

When all the ingredients are ready, combine them, pour tomato sauce, sprinkle fresh herbs on top.
