Ukrainian cuisine, baking recipes. Ukrainian food

Ukrainian food– this is one of the richest national cuisines in the whole world, which can even be called culinary art Ukrainian people. The uniqueness of Ukrainian cuisine lies in two simple facts: firstly, Ukrainian cuisine has retained its originality and authenticity for centuries, despite any influences; secondly, traditional old Ukrainian dishes are known far beyond the borders of Ukraine itself - in any case, Ukrainian borscht is known in all corners of the globe.

Ukrainian traditional cuisine can truly be called art, since Ukrainians have been very careful and responsible when it comes to cooking since ancient times. It just seems that traditional Ukrainian cuisine is easy to prepare. In fact, the technologies for preparing local dishes can be very complex, requiring a lot of time and effort. For example, preparing real Ukrainian borscht requires two days, two dozen ingredients and several types of cooking!

However, Ukrainians love and revere their dishes, despite their complexity. And it is noteworthy that traditional Ukrainian dishes are prepared not only in national restaurants, but also in all families without exception - to the point that the phrase “cook borscht” has become synonymous with the phrase “cook food.”

The secret of Ukrainian cuisine is simple - it lies in the skillful combination of simple and affordable products. Recipes for Ukrainian dishes are based on the use of popular vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as meat, poultry, mushrooms and grain crops. The most widespread type of meat is pork - it is included in most first and second courses in one form or another. Fish, especially river fish, has also been popular since time immemorial.

The flagship of Ukrainian cuisine, without a doubt, is borscht. To be more precise, borscht is not a specific dish, but a category of dishes, since Ukrainian cuisine knows a great many varieties and variations of borscht. Borscht has enjoyed and continues to enjoy phenomenal popularity: for centuries, Ukrainians ate borscht every day - both on weekdays and on holidays; and in Soviet time borscht has spread throughout Soviet Union and became the number one hot soup. However, Ukrainians do not live by borscht alone - such dishes of Ukrainian national cuisine as dumplings, dumplings, sausages, livers, pampushki, jellies, pancakes, compotes, infusions are also well known.

Ukrainian cuisine, of course, cannot be called dietary. Many features of Ukrainian cuisine are due to the lifestyle of the local people, who have always been involved in hard grain-growing work. People went out into the fields early in the morning and worked until late in the evening, so they needed high-calorie food that could saturate the body with the necessary calories for the day ahead. Therefore, to this day in Ukraine it is customary to have a hearty breakfast.

An important moment in the history of Ukrainian cuisine is the eighteenth century, when potatoes spread across the territory of modern Ukraine. They immediately began to use it for preparing first and second courses and side dishes, and today Ukrainians call this vegetable nothing more than their “second bread.”

Ukraine - big country, and therefore each region of the country has its own cooking characteristics. Thus, in the northern regions of Ukraine, the cuisine is very similar to Belarusian; here potatoes are especially actively used as food, which are grown here on a huge scale. The cuisine of Western Ukraine has borrowed a lot from Polish, Slovak, and Hungarian cuisines. Eastern Ukrainian cuisine is closest to Russian, in southwestern regions countries prepare many dishes typical of Romanian and Moldavian cuisines.

The main features of Ukrainian cuisine are the widespread use of wheat products, complex heat treatment of products in cooking, slicing vegetables without mixing them, daily consumption of hot first courses, as well as the widespread use of pork, lard, eggs and beets. Well, the main advantage of Ukrainian cuisine is its vitality - even today, when supermarkets in big cities are overflowing with a wide variety of products, Ukrainians will prefer a plate of good Ukrainian borscht to any foreign dish.

After getting acquainted with the work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol and reading his amazingly poetic “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, “Mirgorod”, “Evenings on the Eve of Ivan Kupala”, “Dead Souls”, “The Night Before Christmas”, “Sorochinskaya Fair”, “May Night, or drowned woman”, etc., it is impossible not to become interested in Little Russian cuisine!

sources of inspiration

Ukrainian national dishes are mentioned in them so often that one involuntarily has a desire to get to know them better. Dumplings, dumplings, pampushki, kokurki, pryentsy, etc. are described in such appetizing detail that you definitely want to try them all. We have selected some recipes for Ukrainian national dishes from the immortal works of the Russian classic from various sources and are pleased to present them to your attention.

Little Russian cuisine is very close to Great and Belarusian cuisine, but it also has its own characteristics. The Magyar tradition of using eggplants for food came to us precisely from the west of Ukraine - from Galicia, whose inhabitants had very close relations with the border lands that once belonged to the Austro-Hungarian kingdom.


Ukrainian national dishes in Gogol’s works are more similar to Old Slavonic than to Magyar. Take, for example, the spinning rods that Korobochka treated Chichikov to. These are Volga pryazhentsy, that is, yeast pancakes fried in oil. Pryagly, like pryentsy, can be made with meat, vegetables, mushrooms, cottage cheese, fruit or berries filling. Pyagly with baked goods are very tasty.

They are done as follows. A fairly liquid road dough is mixed. While it is rising, the filling is being prepared, that is, baking. This could be fried fish, mashed potatoes with or without mushrooms, stewed cabbage with cracklings and fried onions, buckwheat or eggplant with garlic, etc. Refined vegetable oil is poured into a frying pan and heated. The filling is placed in it and the dough is poured on top. As soon as the spindles are browned on the bottom, they need to be turned over and fried on the other side.


Another national Ukrainian dish is kokurki. It is also mentioned in connection with Korobochka, who was very inventive in the matter of preparing a variety of intricate dishes, although it is hardly possible in principle to surpass Pulcheria Ivanovna Tovstogubikha from “Old World Landowners”. A separate cookbook could be dedicated to this person and her gastronomic delights.

Kokurki are a type of biscuits, or unleavened shortbread cookies, which are baked in the oven without oil.

For the test you need:

Half a kilogram of rye flour;

100 grams of corn starch;

1 cup granulated sugar;

1 glass of milk;

150 grams of butter;

Cinnamon and nutmeg to taste;

Soda, slaked with vinegar, half a teaspoon.

Mix sugar and milk and simmer over low heat until yellowish color, cool, add sifted flour, starch, spices and softened butter. Knead it into a fairly stiff mixture and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. After the specified time has passed, the dough should be rolled out into a layer 1 cm thick, small cookies should be cut out with a mold and placed in a hot oven for half an hour. Ready-made cookies can be decorated with icing or sprinkled with powdered sugar. Instead of cinnamon and nutmeg, you can add lemon zest or ginger to the dough.


The national Ukrainian dish nanny, mentioned in Sobakevich’s meal from “Dead Souls,” is described in detail in N. Osipov’s book “Ancient Russian Housewife, Housekeeper and Cook,” published in 1790 in St. Petersburg.

To prepare it, you will need rennet (mutton stomach), lamb head and legs, as well as buckwheat, onion, spices and seasonings. The nanny takes a long time to prepare. - it’s a labor-intensive task. It is first soaked for several hours, and only then cleaned. and the legs should be boiled. This takes several hours, as the meat needs to be easily separated from the bones.

To fill the rennet, boil the crumbly buckwheat porridge. The meat and brains separated from the bones should be chopped, mixed with buckwheat and chopped onions, salt, pepper and stuff well-washed raw rennet with this yummy, sew up the hole, place the nanny in a spacious pot (a thick-walled pan like a cast-iron casserole dish) with a tight-fitting lid for baking. At the bottom of the pot you need to pour a little broth in which the legs and head were cooked.

Babysitter Ingredients:

1 lamb stomach;

1 lamb's head;

4 legs of lamb (lower parts);

2 cups buckwheat;

4 medium sized onions;

Salt, pepper and other seasonings to taste.

The broth left over from cooking lamb can be used to make borscht.


The first dishes of Ukrainian national cuisine are holodnik, kapustnyak, yushka and, of course, borscht.

Cook rich pork, lamb or chicken. The broth should be salted and seasoned with black peppercorns.

Strain the broth, remove the bones, and return the meat to the pot with the broth.

Peel beets, potatoes, carrots and onions. Shred the cabbage, peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes.

Place the cabbage and potatoes in a saucepan with the broth and cook.

Cut the beets into thin long strips and lightly fry in sunflower oil. Add carrots and onions cut into small cubes. Next, sauté together. When they become soft, add flour to the pan, as well as chopped and peeled tomatoes. Stir well to avoid lumps and pour one cup of broth into the pan. Cover with a lid and simmer until the cabbage and potatoes are half cooked. At this moment, pour the roasted vegetables into the pan with borscht, add bay leaf and sugar.

Chop the bell pepper and herbs as finely as possible. Chop the garlic and rub it with salt and soft old lard. As soon as the borscht boils, place them in a saucepan and pour in the vinegar. Let it boil again and turn it off immediately.

The borscht should steep for 20-30 minutes.


Meat with bones, 700 g;

Fresh cabbage, half a fork;

Potatoes, 5-6 pcs.;

Beetroot, 1 pc. medium size;

Carrots, 1 pc.;

Onion, 1 head;

Garlic, 2-3 cloves;

Bell pepper, half;

Natural fruit vinegar, 2 tbsp. l.;

Salt, sugar, peppercorns.

Boiled in meat broth, fragrant bell pepper and garlic, generously sprinkled with dill and parsley, seasoned with rich homemade sour cream - it is always the king in the kitchen. It can be eaten by everyone - both adults and children. For babies up to one year old, vegetables from borscht are rubbed through a sieve, and they gobble it up with great appetite. What else distinguishes Ukrainian borscht? The national dish of the South Slavs is supposed to be eaten with pampushki.

It is interesting that borscht is never mentioned in any of Gogol’s works. The fact is that beets entered the Ukrainian diet only in the nineteenth century.

Garlic donuts

The national Ukrainian dish pampushki are small breads that come in both sweet and non-sweet, with or without fillings. Garlic dumplings go well with borscht.

To prepare them, you need to sift the wheat flour, take one fourth of it, dilute it with yeast and warm water. This is a dough. It should be placed in a warm place. When it doubles in volume, add the remaining flour, add butter, salt and sugar dissolved in a small amount of water, stir well and return to a warm place for another two hours. After this, divide the dough into pieces weighing approximately 30 grams, form them into balls and place them on a baking sheet. The distance between the donuts should be no less than the buns themselves. Now you need to place the baking sheet in a warm place again for proofing for 15-20 minutes. Once the donuts have arrived, that is, they have increased in volume, they can be sent to the oven, that is, to a hot oven. In 7-8 minutes they will be ready. They should be greased with a paste of garlic, grated with salt and oil, and served with borscht.

Dessert donuts

Sweet donuts with filling are made from the same dough, but they are not spread. The dough is rolled out into a layer 1 cm thick and cut into circles. The jam berries are placed in the middle of half the circles. The other half of the circles is placed on top, the edges must be firmly connected. Dumplings are fried in fat in a saucepan with high sides. Ready-made donuts are eaten with milk.

Lard as a source of national pride

In humorous conversations, various ways Ukrainians prepare lard are often mentioned. This includes salting, smoking, heating, etc. These are, they say, the main, main and almost the only Ukrainian national dishes. Such statements are unfair, or rather, not entirely fair.

Pork lard in Ukrainian dishes from Gogol's time was used only for frying. Dumplings or buckwheat with onions fried in lard are very tasty and satisfying. The pig in Ukraine is such a common animal in household only because of the not very extensive areas with hunting grounds. They did not eat beef, because oxen plowed the land, and cows provided milk. During the predatory raids of Muslim aggressors, only pigs were preserved from the entire farm, which the faithful were forbidden to touch. Little Russia, rich in fertile black soil, has always been a tasty morsel for invaders. In the city of Lutsk, located in western Ukraine, the townspeople erected a monument to a pig, apparently out of reverence or respect for the animal, which is even mentioned in the Bible.

This is how the history of Ukrainian cuisine developed. Ukraine cannot be said to be particularly rich in fish, at least in some of its regions, and until the 19th century meat was eaten only on holidays, so it is not surprising that the dishes of Ukrainian national cuisine are mostly flour, cereals, vegetables and fruits.


Greater Russia constantly updated the list of its main national dishes due to active interaction between the residents of its territories and foreign countries. The outskirts, being distant from the vibrant life of the center, are much more patriarchal in matters of accepting new things into the way of life. This also applies to Ukraine. It is for this reason, and also thanks to the genius of Gogol, that we have the opportunity to get acquainted with food from Slavic antiquity. Ukrainian national dishes, the list of which is drawn from his writings, would be incomplete without mentioning dumplings.

Dumplings with cottage cheese, potatoes, cherries or berries are eaten as an independent dish. Unleavened dough is made from wheat flour and rolled into a layer 2 mm thick. Circles are cut out with a cup or glass. The filling is placed in the middle. The edges are tightly pinched in the shape of a crescent. Dumplings are placed in boiling water and cooked for about five minutes. They are considered ready as soon as they all float to the surface. Dumplings are eaten with butter or sour cream.


Grechaniki, potato pancakes and cheesecakes are delicious dishes of Ukrainian national cuisine. These are all varieties of pancakes, pancakes and cutlets. Grechaniki are made using buckwheat - cereals or flour, potato pancakes - potato pancakes, syrniki - cottage cheese pancakes. Due to lack of opportunity, it is impossible to describe all the recipes in one article. I would like to focus special attention on one interesting dish. These are dumplings.

The national Ukrainian dish dumplings is made not only from wheat, but also from unleavened dough from flour, water, salt and eggs, rolled into a layer 0.5 cm thick and cut into rectangles. These rectangles, that is, dumplings, are lowered into salted boiling water and boiled until they float to the surface. Finely chopped onions are fried in lard in a saucepan, boiled dumplings are placed there, mixed well, browned and served.

Necessary warning

National Ukrainian dishes with photographs, which are presented in this article, are distinguished by their high energy value, for this reason, people who care about maintaining a slim figure should not get too carried away with them.

Ukrainian food stands out among others: here is the use of a variety of products, and the preparation of many different dishes from them in a multitude of ways (the ingredients are subjected to several types of heat treatment at once). Boiling, frying, stewing, baking - all these methods of food processing are used together, or one can be selected.

A popular product is lard. It can be boiled, stewed, baked, salted, fried. Fried lard and served with vegetables and bread is a favorite Ukrainian dish.

Vegetables occupy a very important place among the products used by Ukrainians. Beetroot predominates, which is placed in the first courses, in the second, and complements side dishes and snacks with it. Most often, beets are boiled, but they are also cooked pickled vegetable or even use fresh beets during the cooking process.

In terms of popularity among vegetables, beets are not inferior to legumes - beans, peas. In national recipes, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, and corn are widely used for cooking. Vegetables are often served as a side dish for main courses; in particular, potatoes, which absorb fat so well, are the most common addition to meat dishes.

Ukrainian cuisine is characterized by an abundance of baked goods, other flour products, as well as cereals. Ukrainian cuisine will delight you with its national verguns, dumplings, grechaniky, and korzhi. Most often, wheat flour is used as the basis, and among cereals the leading positions are occupied by millet and rice.

Spices and spices in Ukrainian cuisine are also not last place. Traditional dishes are supplemented with caraway seeds, mint, garlic, onions, and red pepper. Vinegar and vegetable oil are used as dressings. The second product is also used for frying.

There are national fruits and berries in Ukraine. The country is rich in apples, pears, cherries, plums, raspberries and currants. They can be dried, smoked, dried, soaked, but are often served and eaten fresh.

So, Ukrainian cuisine can surprise you with a variety of dishes from all kinds of products that are prepared in original ways. These dishes are definitely worth trying. To achieve this goal, it is not necessary to go to cafes and restaurants to enjoy excellent taste. The step-by-step recipes with photos offered on our website will help you with this. The best of its kind! In the meantime, we will continue our journey through interesting Ukrainian cuisine.

Recipes with step-by-step photos of preparing Ukrainian dishes

  • Borscht in the oven
  • Borscht with nettles
  • Borscht with meatballs
  • Borsch Diet
  • Vegetarian borscht
  • Borsch for children
  • New potatoes with garlic
  • Donbass style cutlets
  • Mashkhurda
  • Chicken jellied meat with gelatin
  • Borscht with pork
  • Jellied rooster
  • Cabbage soup with sauerkraut
  • Rich kutia with poppy seeds and nuts
  • Borsch with tops
  • Dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms
  • Potato roll with mushrooms
  • Lazy dumplings with semolina
  • Stewed potatoes with ribs
  • Dough for dumplings with milk
  • Lazy cabbage rolls in a pan
  • Nalistniki with cottage cheese
  • Fried sauerkraut
  • Homemade liver sausage
  • Ukrainian borscht with pampushki
  • Stewed rabbit
  • Fresh cabbage borscht
  • Borscht with Chinese cabbage
  • Pork belly baked in foil
  • Steamed dumplings with cherries
  • Chicken balls
  • Dumplings with strawberries
  • Crispy sauerkraut
  • Cracklings
  • Crucian carp in sour cream in the oven
  • Lazy dumplings with potatoes
  • Chicken wings in a frying pan
  • Salted eggplants with carrots and garlic
  • Jellied meat in a pressure cooker
  • Saltison from pork head
  • Lard through a meat grinder
  • Canned Peaches Pie
  • Jellied chicken feet
  • Dumplings with Adyghe cheese
  • Lard in brine
  • Lard pate
  • Miner's salad
  • Jellied pork feet and chicken
  • Jellied pork feet and beef
  • Lard with garlic
  • Salting lard in brine
  • Beef jellied meat with gelatin
  • Soup with zucchini and potatoes
  • Salad with smoked sausage and beans
  • Lard boiled in onion skins
  • Stewed potatoes with chicken
  • Silver carp baked in the oven
  • Chicken jellied meat in a slow cooker
  • Hot smoked lard
  • Jellied pork knuckle
  • Mackerel baked with onions and carrots
  • Homemade eggplant caviar
  • Dumplings with cottage cheese and onions
  • Vegetable stew with mushrooms
  • Ukrainian dumplings
  • Classic beetroot botvinya
  • Dumplings with potatoes and cabbage
  • Pork liver fried with onions
  • Homemade lard
  • Minced meatloaf
  • Sweet dumplings with cottage cheese
  • Jellied fish
  • Liver pancakes
  • Poltava dumplings
  • Homemade sausage in the oven
  • Dumplings with cherries on kefir
  • Vegetable borscht
  • Cheesecakes in a slow cooker
  • Boiled lard in onion skins
  • Buckwheat soup in a slow cooker
  • Noodles in Ukrainian
  • Hot beetroot soup with meat
  • Wedding loaf
  • Banosh
  • Millet kulesh
  • Dumplings with cabbage and lard
  • Cheesecakes with carrots
  • Shish kebab from legs
  • Borscht without meat
  • Homemade dumplings with potatoes
  • Turkey jellied meat
  • Salo in Ukrainian
  • Borscht with tomatoes
  • Salad with oyster mushrooms and chicken
  • Choux pastry for dumplings
  • Chicken liver with apples
  • Mushroom pie
  • Dried lard
  • Soup from chicken stomachs
  • Cottage cheese dumplings
  • Eggplant with cheese and garlic
  • Lviv cheesecake
  • Chicken hearts in tomato sauce in a slow cooker
  • Pork head jellied meat

Characteristics of the national cuisine of Ukraine

The characteristics of the national cuisine of Ukraine are quite interesting: by combining heat treatment methods from the simplest set of products, a huge number of dishes are prepared here, the uniqueness of which lies in the fact that, along with the main ingredient, a lot of others are added that complement and highlight the taste.

Ukrainian cuisine is regional: South part The country is famous for its fish dishes (goby balls, fish soup), in the north (deruny, pies, roast, borscht with kvass) and east (meat rolls, grechaniky, borscht) the satiety and nutritional value of dishes from vegetables and meat are valued, the west combines culinary traditions of the indigenous inhabitants and close neighbors - Poles, Hungarians, Romanians, Moldovans, famous for mushroom soup, feta cheese, banush, bograch, vivants, verguns, kartoplyaniks and many other delicious unique dishes. Central Ukraine is a storehouse of dishes that are prepared according to traditional recipes of Ukrainian chefs and are considered truly national, world famous and those that glorify the country. We are talking here about garlic borscht and pampushki, dumplings, krucheniki, dumplings and much more. We will talk about the features and culinary traditions of the country as a whole, without dividing it into regions, since today the borders have been erased and, for example, Western dishes have become famous in the south or east and vice versa.

Modern Ukrainian cuisine has similarities with other Slavic ones - Russian, Belarusian, but still the differences between them are significant. Nevertheless, the cooking of Ukraine differs from others by certain features that are unique to it and make it truly original, unlike others. Let's look at this in more detail. Many Ukrainian dishes are prepared from pork, lard, wheat flour, beets, and are subjected to in various ways heat treatment. For example, some foods are first boiled, then fried and then baked.

The main distinctive feature of Ukrainian cuisine is the widespread use of lard. Many dishes are made from it, it is used as an independent dish, as a snack, and it is also added to other dishes. Often products are fried on it, for example, for borscht. An example of a separate dish made from lard is cracklings - fried pieces of pork, which are served at the table along with vegetables and bread. Other peoples also use lard to prepare their national dishes: in Hungary, Belarus, and other Slavic countries, the use of pork product is not as widespread as in Ukraine. As we have already noted, lard is fried, boiled, salted, smoked, fried vegetables and seasonings are prepared on its basis, and other meat products that do not contain lard are stuffed with it. And that's not all that can be done with lard. What’s unique is that even sweet delicacies are prepared with this ingredient, because the combination of pork with molasses and sugar is really good, albeit very peculiar. A wonderful example would be such a confectionery delicacy as verguns. This dish is scalded in lard in a frying pan or other container convenient for the cook.

The culinary style of Ukrainians is also characterized by the use of chicken, duck, quail eggs. Of course, they are used to make independent dishes for breakfast or dinner, such as scrambled eggs or omelettes, but no less often they are used as an additive when preparing flour, egg and fruit dishes. Ukraine is famous for such dishes, because not many countries can boast of such an abundance of dough products. The dishes are prepared mainly from unleavened dough - regular, choux, semi-stretched, butter dough (with soda as a leavening agent). Confectionery products in Ukraine are often prepared from shortcrust pastry.

Traditionally, cooking takes place using simple yeast-free dough: Ukrainian chefs can be proud of national dumplings, korzhi, lemishki, dumplings, shuliki, grechanyky, stavbitsy, verguny. Bread products are prepared using yeast dough - pampushki, polyanitsa, kalinnik, bagels. Wheat flour is only competed by buckwheat flour. Products can also be mixed.

In addition to flour dishes, the Ukrainian diet includes vegetables. They occupy a very important place and are served as an independent dish with lard or as a side dish for fatty meat dishes. The leader among other vegetables, of course, is beets - a national Ukrainian product. Whether it’s fresh or fermented, it can be used in many recipes, because Ukrainians are masters of preparing something unusual and tasty from beets. Legumes are also popular - dozens of dishes are made from beans, peas, and lentils, however, they are often used as an additional ingredient to other vegetable crops.

Ukrainians also prefer to prepare dishes from potatoes, pumpkin, tomatoes, carrots, and corn. The latter, like beans, acts as an auxiliary ingredient and complements the base of the dish. Turning to history, it should be noted that the emergence of dishes with corn dates back to the 18th century, and the founders of the preparation of such dishes were the inhabitants of the South and South-West of Ukraine. At the same time, potato dishes begin to spread. However, this vegetable is not served as an independent dish, as, for example, in Belarus, but acts as an additional component, seasoning, that is, a side dish for meat or other main dishes. Mashed potatoes are supplemented with other ingredients transformed into pulp - apples, cottage cheese, poppy seeds, carrots, beans. In addition, potatoes perfectly absorb fat from lard, and therefore they are served along with meat dishes. Starch is also obtained from this vegetable, which is necessary for preparing sweet treats, in particular confectionery and drinks - jelly from fruits and berries.

Despite the fact that the historical formation of Ukrainian cuisine was practically completed in the 18th century, some products entered the culinary scene and took their important positions in the national menu only a century later. We are talking here about tomatoes and sunflower oil, without which it is now simply impossible to imagine the cooking of Ukraine. There are quite a few types of vegetable oil and they have long been used in Ukrainian cuisine as widely as pork fat, that is, lard. Today, most dishes are seasoned with sunflower oil. Other types of vegetable oil are inferior in popularity to sunflower oil. There is a product of hot and cold press. The first has a pleasant, rich aroma of roasted seeds, which the people of Ukraine adore so much. The second did not gain fame within the country. Hot pressed oil is used to season vinaigrettes, salads and other cold dishes. For frying and spinning, that is, cooking hot dishes, cold pressed oil is used.

In the style of Ukrainian chefs, using moderate amounts of spices and seasonings in recipes. The dishes are supplemented with mint, cumin, anise, onion, garlic, savory, red pepper, angelica and lovage. They are also seasoned with imported spices and herbs - cinnamon, black peppercorns, bay leaves. Cooking meat, vegetables and cold dishes is not complete without vinegar. However, there is one drawback - sometimes vinegar is overused.

Ukraine can please lovers of fruits and berries, because it has such sweet wealth as raspberries, apples, pears, cherries, plums, watermelon, and currants. They are eaten fresh, or can be soaked, smoked or dried. Ukrainian cuisine is characterized by the use of sugar and molasses in large quantities. Jam, marmalade, uzvar and other sweet delicacies are prepared with these ingredients.

There are peculiarities in the technology of cooking in Ukraine, which are manifested in the use of several types of heat treatment at once. That is, first of all, the plant or animal product is fried, then quickly sautéed and again sent for processing - further cooking, frying, stewing, baking.

Previously, dishes were prepared in special dishes - cauldrons for cooking, cups, glaciers, bowls and makitras. Modern kitchens now prefer more traditional containers - pots and pans.

So, Ukrainian cuisine, with its distinctive traditions and unique features, can safely be called one of the most popular and original in the world. We will tell you about unique national dishes further.


There are many appetizers in Ukraine: these dishes are served before the main courses, and therefore are simple and light. Ukrainian cuisine includes pates, porridges, vegetable salads, fish and meat jellied meats among snack foods.

One of the most popular dishes is mezhivo - a beetroot appetizer with sweet peppers or eggplants. In accordance with the classic recipe, cooking begins with pickling vegetables, and then the products go through the stage of stewing along with spices. Pre-fried onions and sour cream are also added to the dish. As a result of the combined heat treatment, vegetables acquire juiciness and softness, and thanks to the large number of herbs, spices and aromatic herbs, the taste of the dish becomes quite piquant, unique and simply amazing.

The famous snack dish is Potaptsi. This is a so-called sandwich, which includes flavored bread and lard. Pieces are fried in a frying pan rye bread, cut into thin slices. Then sliced ​​lard or ham is placed on top, and additionally sprinkled with garlic or ground pepper.

Ukrainians also serve ham as an appetizer on the table before the main course. As for the history of the origin of this product, there is no detailed information about the time and place of origin of ham, but it is traditionally believed that it is a Ukrainian delicacy. For cooking, they take pork, or more precisely, meat from the back shoulder of a pig. First of all, the product is salted, then smoked and dried. The result is a magnificent meat delicacy with a pinkish tint and a brown crust.

Lard with garlic is no less popular among snack dishes on the Ukrainian table. It is mainly served salted or smoked on holidays. Ukrainians are proud of this national dish, because it is not only tasty, but also very healthy for the human body. It contains vitamins, amino acids that strengthen bones, normalize kidney function and of cardio-vascular system.

Appetizer recipes in Ukraine are presented in a wide range, followed by unsurpassed first and second courses. About everything gradually.

Main dishes

The main dishes, which are an integral part of Ukrainian cuisine, will surprise you with their variety and originality: there are all kinds of soups, borscht, meat and fish dishes that will please every native resident and tourist visiting the country.

First meal

Among such dishes, borscht is the most popular. There are many recipes for its preparation, but the main and obligatory ingredient of the national dish is beets. Thanks to the presence of this vegetable in borscht, the color of the dish is very rich - raspberry or burgundy, and the taste is truly amazing and special. In order for the food to turn out with excellent taste, it is very important to prepare the right broth - the basis of the dish. For this purpose, several types of meat products are taken - chicken, pork, beef or goose meat. Quite often, borscht, especially by housewives when cooking at home, is prepared with bone or meat-and-bone broth. The chefs pay special attention to preparing vegetables for borscht. The uniqueness lies in the fact that these products undergo heat treatment separately, and are added to the first course in a clear sequence: first of all, chopped potatoes are put into the borscht, after a while chopped beets and cabbage, and even later - onions, carrots and greens. Follow this procedure for adding vegetables, and the borscht will be rich and thick.

As we have already noted, there are a huge number of recipes for preparing borscht, but it is important to mention that the differences are often based on whether the first dish belongs to a particular region, as well as on the set of products and methods of heat treatment. Here we can distinguish Kiev, Chernigov and Poltava.

  1. Kiev borscht differs from others in that it is based on beef broth and uses not fresh beets, but kvass from this dark red vegetable. Thanks to the second, the taste of the first dish turns out to be somewhat sour, which, in fact, is attractive. To season the dish, lard, cut into small pieces, passed through a press or grated garlic is used, and chopped aromatic herbs are added to decorate the dish before serving. That is, the uniqueness of the Kyiv version is in the addition of beet kvass.
  2. Chernigov first course It is cooked in a broth made from bones and meat, and no lard dressing is added during the cooking process. A set of products according to the classic recipe consists of potatoes, carrots and onions, along with which other ingredients are added that make this version of borscht very original and unique. The dish is supplemented with small pieces of zucchini and slices or slices of apples. Due to the addition of apples almost before turning off the heat, the borscht acquires a sour taste. The richness of the dish is achieved by dressing from a set of spices, herbs and herbs. A spoonful of homemade sour cream in the borscht - the dish is ready to be served.
  3. Poltava borscht also has its own features, the main one among which is the addition of dumplings to the dish along with the standard vegetable set. Most often used during cooking chicken bouillon. The result is borscht, which will surprise you with its lightness and at the same time satiety, excellent aroma, attracting every lover of the national cuisine of Ukraine.

There is another interesting variety borscht called "Kholodnik". This first course is mainly prepared in warm weather when, on summer days, you want to eat and quench your thirst. The basis of the dish is kefir or beet broth. Fresh vegetables are added to them: the dish is complemented with cucumbers, onions, pickled beets, parsley and dill. The food is served to the table exclusively cold, as is implied by the name of the dish. Boil potatoes and chicken eggs and serve with the first course as a side dish. The decoration for this first dish is a spoonful of sour cream and a sprig of fresh herbs on top.

Attention should be paid to the equally famous dish called “Kapustnyak”. The uniqueness and main difference of the dish is that it is prepared with sauerkraut. This dish is often found on the Christmas table of every Ukrainian family. Russian cuisine also boasts a similar dish, which is their analogue of cabbage soup - national cabbage soup. The taste of Ukrainian food is light, has a sourish tint due to the presence of sauerkraut. The consistency of the dish is quite thick, as it is supplemented with millet. Almost every region can boast of cooking options for cabbage. Some use fish broth as a basis, while others add mushrooms for variety. It is not difficult to prepare such a dish at home, because the recipe is elementary, and its taste and level of popularity can outshine even borscht.

Ukrainian cuisine cannot do without soups. They are light, filling, and have an incomparable aroma; they come in green, milky varieties and will perfectly decorate any table. Vegetable-based dishes are popular. They add potatoes, tomatoes, beans, peas, red peppers, and savoy cabbage to soups. In the western part of Ukraine the lungs are famous potato soups with an original ingredient - dumplings. Regardless of which cooking option the cook followed, the soup is served with fried bread, toast or croutons. Before presentation, traditionally, the first dish is decorated with chopped herbs.

Second courses

Second courses, which are traditionally prepared from meat and fish, also form the basis of the Ukrainian diet. Among meat products, pork occupies a leading position. The peculiarity of the preparation of such dishes is characterized by an unusual technology for processing the main components. Products are chopped and “flogged”, as a result of which there are many stuffed dishes in Ukrainian cuisine. Ukraine also has a rich selection of minced meat dishes: the country will surprise you with its recipes - meat rolls, sicheniki, cutlets, homemade sausages.

To prepare second courses, products also go through several stages of heat treatment: initially, vegetables and meat are fried, then sautéed and then stewed over low heat. Thanks to this technology, products acquire a magnificent aroma and juiciness. Vegetables with the most tender meat, sprinkled with a variety of herbs and spices, which simmer for several hours, have wonderful taste.

One of the most famous dishes served as a second course is roast or, as it sounds in the original, “liver”. Analogs of such dishes can be found in Russian and some other Slavic cuisines. With its range of ingredients and consistency, Ukrainian roast is reminiscent of the famous Hungarian goulash. The basis of the dish is pork meat. First of all, the meat product is fried, then vegetables (tomatoes, potatoes, carrots) are added to the dish and the whole composition is simmered over low heat. After such heat treatment over a long period, the juiciness and softness of the meat is ensured. The dish is served in special dishes - ceramic pots, into which the broth is poured and the herbs are laid out. Today, there are many regional recipes for cooking roasts, which are typical for a particular area of ​​the country. For example, in the Sumy region, without deviating from the classics, pork is taken as the basis, however, the dish is supplemented with liver. Meat products are mixed with vegetables, seasoned with a mixture of chopped cheese and sour cream, and the whole composition is simmered on the stove over low heat. In the Western recipe, along with the main ingredients, beans and mushrooms are also used. Despite the fact that the composition of the roast varies, in any case the taste is simply amazing, the food is nourishing, appetizing and incredibly aromatic.

The culinary traditions of Ukraine were also formed under the influence of other countries, including neighboring ones. Polish, Czech, Hungarian, and German cuisines influenced Ukrainian cuisine, and therefore you can find dishes in it that are not originally national. They are analogues and at the same time, due to the peculiarities of cooking, they acquired their own unique qualities, becoming traditional Ukrainian dishes.

Here we cannot fail to mention Sicheniki. The shape and composition of the main ingredients are similar to simple cutlets. The basis is fish or minced meat, from which flat cakes are formed. Sicheniki are rolled in breadcrumbs and fried in lard or vegetable oil. The result is a wonderful second course with a golden crispy crust. To serve this dish, cream sauce or sour cream is used.

Ukrainian cuisine has also learned something from European cuisines, for example, French. The famous “Medallions” are prepared in the Ukrainian style as follows: they take minced meat, give it the required shape (usually oval or round) and fry it, and serve it with sauce and side dish. Also, according to existing opinion, the popular Kiev cutlet is also a variant of the French dish. According to history, at the end of the 19th century, one chef of a Kyiv restaurant decided to experiment a little with French delicacies and left a small bone on one edge, which made it possible to eat cutlets with hands. This turned out to be very useful, because the size of the meat delicacy is rather large. Since that time, the menu of Ukrainian restaurants has been replenished with another dish, now known throughout the world as “Kiev cutlet”. During the cooking process they use chicken fillet, and the cutlets are stuffed with mushrooms, grated cheese and herbs. Kiev meat dishes are rolled in breadcrumbs and deep-fried in butter. Golden crispy crust, juicy taste and wonderful aroma - all this is about Kiev cutlet.

A wide range of meat roll recipes, where zrazy is the most common. The basis for preparing the dish is beef tenderloin. Vegetables are mixed with boiled eggs and mushrooms - this is the finished filling for the dish. Everything is seasoned with herbs and spices and sent to bake in the oven. This dish is considered an independent, full-fledged second dish, served as a side dish with mashed potatoes. In the western part of the country, there is a similar dish called “zavyvantsy” - the filling is laid out in whole thin sheets of meat and the dish is baked in the oven.

It’s worth talking separately about the main main courses of Western Ukraine, because it is there that there is a real treasury of original and truly unique dishes. Local culinary traditions were formed under the influence of other peoples with whom Ukraine borders in the west - Lemkos, Hungarians, Poles. In this part of the state you can enjoy the incomparable taste of Transcarpathian borgach, chinakh, mazurik, and aromatic banush. We will tell you about some dishes in more detail.

Let's start with the famous banush. This is the name for corn porridge, which is cooked over an open fire and in addition to which mushrooms, cracklings, and feta cheese are added. Traditionally, the preparation of Transcarpathian banush is trusted only strong half population. To serve the dish, fried slices of bacon and sour cream are used. At first glance, it seems that the dish is very simple and there is nothing special about it. In fact, this is not true. This dish is definitely worth trying and making sure that its taste is not inferior to the most exquisite delicacies.

An equally popular dish in Western Ukraine is “Machanka”. The main component is pork meat, fried and stewed in cream sauce or sour cream. The final result is a delicious dish of tender, juicy meat. “Machanka” is used to decorate the festive table and is also prepared in Everyday life to pamper yourself with a unique dish. The side dish for this second course is fried potatoes or homemade noodles.

The historical homeland of the well-known “Masurians” is Volyn. This is the name for sausages made from turkey meat mixed with chopped cheese and butter to add flavor and juiciness. Another sausage product that attracts attention is “Vederey”. This is a Khmelnytsky dish. Their shape is oblong, elongated, and the filling is not minced meat, but grated potatoes and cheese. The appearance of the dish is quite simple, but at the same time appetizing.

“Kulesh” also belongs to Ukrainian cuisine. This dish has a long history and is both the first and second course. This is the name given to thick wheat porridge seasoned with lard. There is an opinion that the Cossacks of the Zaporozhye Sich ate such a dish during military campaigns. And even though many years have passed, “Kulesh” is still being prepared, because the taste of the dish is very good.

The Transcarpathian “Shpundra” is also popular in the West. But unlike the ancient “Kulesh”, which has not lost its popularity and widespread use, “Shpundra” is found on the tables of residents of Western Ukraine much less often. Nevertheless, the dish deserves attention, because fried pork, which is then simmered together with vegetables, spices and aromatic herbs, has an excellent taste. The food is light and therefore quickly absorbed by the body.

So, the assortment of recipes for the main Ukrainian national dishes will please you with abundance. Here everyone, regardless of their taste preferences, will find something for themselves.

Baked goods and other baked goods

Baking and all other flour dishes are considered the “heart and soul” of Ukrainian cuisine: Without sweet and salty dumplings with various fillings, potato pancakes, pancakes, benderiki, donuts, it’s difficult to imagine the country’s national cuisine.

For dumplings, unleavened or yeast dough is used, with absolutely any filling of the chef’s choice. It can be mushroom, cheese, potato, meat, cabbage. If you are preparing sweet flour creations, use cottage cheese and fruits and berries. Most often, the filling of dumplings is cherry, a little less often - raspberry, pear, apple. Creamy sauce or sour cream are mandatory components with which flour dishes are served. In addition, according to traditional recipe in addition to dumplings stuffed mashed potatoes, there are cracklings and fried onions.

Lazy dumplings with curd filling are easy to prepare, and most importantly, they take very little time to cook. This dish is a quick meal and at the same time satisfies the feeling of hunger, having a wonderful sweet taste. Lazy dumplings do not need to be sculpted, giving them a beautiful shape. Knead the dough, grease it with curd filling, roll it out to make a thin roll. All that remains is to cut the dough into medium-sized pieces and throw them into boiling water for a while. A little patience and you can enjoy lazy dumplings with cottage cheese, filling them with sour cream. Similar to them are dumplings - these are boiled slices of dough, not stuffed with anything. Despite the fact that the dumplings are cooked empty, they are very tasty if they are served immediately after the dish is ready, that is, hot.

National Ukrainian cuisine is also rich in such delicious flour dishes as pampushki. Such pastries ideally complement borscht, soups, and other first courses, and also go well with main dishes. Pampushki are simple buns made from yeast dough. They are fluffy, light and literally melt in your mouth. Garlic buns are also common and ideally complement Ukrainian borscht.

Another national delicacy of Ukraine is pancakes. Regarding the history of their origin, it is important to note that such a flour dish is ancient, and for the first time in the territory Kievan Rus It began to be prepared back in the 9th century. Since that time, this dish has been an integral part of the cuisines of the Slavic peoples. Sometimes empty pancakes are prepared, and sometimes a variety of fillings from meat, vegetables, fish, mushrooms, and cheese are added. To end up with a wonderful dessert, add condensed milk, chocolate, cottage cheese, berries, fruits, honey, jam, jam. If the dish is stuffed with additional ingredients, in Ukraine it is usually called nalistniki.

Potato pancakes called draniki are considered one of the best national Ukrainian dishes. In accordance with the classic recipe: knead the dough from flour, grated potatoes, salt, chicken eggs. Draniki fried in a frying pan turn out simply delicious. Before presentation, the food is topped with homemade sour cream and served. A similar dish is “Fuchki” (“Fuchiki”). The originality is that sauerkraut is added to the dough with milk, the whole composition is mixed, sprinkled with spices and fried in a frying pan in vegetable oil.

There are enough flour dishes in Ukraine. Thanks to its diversity and taste qualities, the food leaves no one indifferent, they receive exclusively positive reviews from everyone who tries them - Italians, French, Germans and residents of other countries.

Desserts and drinks

Ukrainian national cuisine will delight every gourmet with desserts and drinks: shortbreads, verguns, cakes, pies, cookies, pies, bagels, cheesecakes, jelly - the cuisine of Ukraine is rich in all this. Most often, residents of the country use it for baking. shortbread dough, and the delicacies are filled with poppy seeds, honey, jam, and cinnamon or powdered sugar are best suited for sprinkling.

Quite easy to prepare and at the same time very tasty curd pancakes, which Ukrainians call syrniki. It takes very little time to prepare, and the final result pleases everyone. Flour is mixed with freshly squeezed cottage cheese and egg white, pancakes are formed and fried in a frying pan. They can be bland or, for a change, sweet. Most often, of course, cheesecakes act as a dessert, and are served at the table along with condensed milk, sour cream, and jelly made from fruits and berries.

Verguns give lovers of sweets no less taste pleasure. Flour, butter, eggs, sugar - and the food is ready. The verguns are fried in boiling oil, after which, when ready, the tender-tasting, fluffy delicacy with a pleasant golden-colored crust sprinkled with powdered sugar and cinnamon is served.

Pancakes are used to make an incredible pie, which is a wonderful sweet dessert. This delicacy is called “Maltic.” The pancakes are laid out in layers, and between these layers the filling of honey, nuts, berries, fruits, chocolate is laid out and the pie goes into the oven. This delicacy is definitely worth trying or making at home.

Ukraine will also undoubtedly delight you with bagels, puffen cakes and other national sweets made from choux-free yeast dough. For their proper preparation you need to strictly follow the recipes so that the dough turns out exactly the way it should be. This is the key to success. Ukrainian housewives have mastered the skill of cooking them “Excellent”. Lightness and fluffiness are ensured for bagels and puffers. The delicacy is served hot and with the addition of jam and honey. “Paloshnik” is also prepared from choux pastry, eggs and sugar. The result is a delicacy with the most delicate texture and excellent aroma.

Among desserts, along with pastries, jelly is also popular. This is the name of a jelly-like dish consisting of berries, grains and starch. Thanks to the presence of the last ingredient, the jelly has a thick consistency. Once you try the jelly, you will feel full almost immediately. The food is often prepared from strawberries, cherries, cranberries, blueberries, fresh and dried fruits - apricots, plums, apples. Among the classic varieties of jelly, milk can be distinguished. Its preparation is no different from fruit. The only difference is the milky taste and the snow-white color of the jelly. Both desserts taste great.

Ukraine is famous for its national drinks - kvass, varenukha, uzvar, liqueurs and tinctures.

Uzvar is a classic Ukrainian drink that is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Basically, fresh berries or dried fruits are used for its preparation - dried apples, plums, apricots, pears.

In the summer, on the hottest days, you simply cannot find a better drink to quench your thirst than kvass. Its preparation is based on flour, rye or barley malt, which results in a drink with a sharp sour taste. Today, there are more varieties of kvass than at the time the drink originated. Modern kitchen boasts milk, berry, fruit, bread, and honey kvass. In addition to its excellent taste, this drink contains a large number of vitamins, microelements and other substances that benefit the human body - the functioning of the cardiovascular system returns to normal, metabolism improves, and a charge of strength and energy comes.

Ukrainian cuisine is fraught with many recipes for sweet desserts and wonderful drinks, the taste of which you should definitely get acquainted with, because you will definitely be delighted with them.

List of popular traditional Ukrainian dishes

We offer you a list of the names of popular traditional Ukrainian dishes with their brief descriptions in the table so that you can get acquainted with the country’s cuisine, go on a tasting of national dishes, or decide to try cooking the dish at home according to step by step recipes with photographs offered on our website.



First meal

National Ukrainian first dish, the peculiarity of which is the addition of beets. A required ingredient is cabbage. The dish is supplemented with potatoes, carrots, onions, and tomatoes. Depending on the region, you can find zucchini, beans, apples in the first course, it is complemented with sweet bell peppers and turnips.

Green borscht

This is a dish that got its name because of its green color. It has this shade due to the addition of greens to the dish - most often sorrel, but sometimes spinach is also added. The set of other products is standard - potatoes, carrots, onions.


This is the name for a soup consisting of basic vegetable ingredients and sauerkraut. Sour cream, parsley and dill for sprinkling on top are what you need for serving.

Soup with dumplings

Potato soup with onions and carrots, differing from others by the addition of dumplings - pieces of dough without filling.

Pea soup

A dish whose peculiarity is the presence of peas in its composition. Can be used fresh, dried or canned. Traditionally it is made from potatoes, onions and carrots.

Soup with buckwheat porridge

The originality of the recipe for this first dish is that buckwheat is added to the meat and bone or meat broth along with the same ingredients.

Bean borscht

This is an ordinary Ukrainian borscht, to which beans are added.


A type of borscht served cold. Its main difference is the kefir base. For variety, add pickles, onions, pickled beets, parsley, and dill.

Second courses

A stew that includes a base of cabbage (white or pickled) and fried meat (pork, beef, game) and additional ingredients - prunes, mushrooms, tomatoes, red wine and herbs.


A boiled flour dish consisting of unleavened dough and fillings - meat, vegetable, fish, cheese, mushroom.

A meat dish when cabbage or grape leaves are stuffed with a mixture of vegetable, minced meat and boiled rice or buckwheat porridge.

Potato potato pancakes

A dish known to everyone as potato pancakes. According to the traditional recipe, they are made directly from potatoes, onions, and eggs. Fried in vegetable oil.

Fried dish of pork meat and vegetables - potatoes, onions, carrots.

Meatloaf stuffed with various vegetables, mushrooms and eggs.


These are a kind of cutlets made from potatoes, flour and eggs.

Chicken Kiev

Meat dish made from fillet of meat with cheese, mushroom filling and herbs.

A second course consisting of any meat product, millet cereals and lard.

A meat dish made from fried and then stewed pork. Served with a side dish - mashed potatoes.


Fried flatbreads made from minced meat or fish or vegetables.

A dish whose composition is a frozen jelly-like meat broth with pieces of pork, chicken, beef or other product.

Flour and baked goods


These are meat pancakes, shaped like a triangle.

A dish in the form of thin flatbreads, which is prepared from liquid dough.

A flour product made from yeast-free dough (flour, eggs, sugar, butter), which, in accordance with the classic recipe, is fried in boiling oil.


This is the name of ordinary pancakes, which are prepared from buckwheat flour.


Pancakes with any filling - sweet and savory.

Fried flatbreads made from dough in milk or water with the addition of eggs and flour.


Buns made from yeast dough.

Flatbreads consisting of cottage cheese and flour, which are fried until crusty.

So, our journey through the best recipes for dishes from the cuisine of the Ukrainian people has come to an end. Now you know a lot about the peculiarities and traditions of Ukrainian cuisine, what dishes you must try if you visit the country as a tourist, or what dishes you should treat yourself to at home. The picture below will make you literally fall in love with Ukrainian cuisine and immediately start cooking national delicacies, both traditional and modern.

Traditional Ukrainian cuisine mainly includes quite simple dishes, the preparation of which does not take much time. Housewives used cereals and vegetables.

But today the editors of the site have collected for you 15 dishes of Ukrainian cuisine, which are undeservedly becoming less and less popular. They have almost been forgotten, but in vain - they are tasty and healthy!


Straw resembles porridge. Solomakha was prepared from buckwheat flour: a batter was kneaded and brewed by pouring it into boiling water. Served with butter, lard and garlic.


Barley was used to prepare the dish. Prongs were a favorite delicacy for children because the dish had a sweetish taste.


The housewife added all the cereals available in her house to the dish and cooked it in water. Seasoned with lard, onions and carrots, as well as herbs.


To prepare the dish, take buckwheat (rye) flour, pour boiling water over it and leave it overnight. In the morning they simmered in the oven. Kvasha looked like jelly. Consumed with seasonal berries or dried fruits.


Dushenina was prepared from meat with the addition of vegetables and spices. The meat and other ingredients were stewed in a pot and served with potatoes or porridge.

Grouse (grouse)

They made it from millet, added buckwheat flour, and cooked it in water or any broth. Seasoned with oil or fried onions.


This is the name of a dessert in the form of flatbreads based on wheat flour. The flatbreads were covered with a glaze of poppy seeds and honey.


Knishes are flatbreads with fried lard and onions. For cooking we used rye flour.


Butsiki were prepared from dough based on wheat flour. Butsiki were boiled in water and browned in oil. They were eaten with sour cream, honey or fried onions.


Varenukha is a drink infused with herbs with the addition of dry pear or plum, as well as spices (cinnamon, cloves). If they wanted to make Varenukha alcoholic, then they insisted on vodka.


Kholodnik resembles okroshka. Traditionally it was prepared with beetroot broth. Cucumber, egg, and onion were added to the refrigerator.


Pork ribs were fried in flour until an appetizing crust formed and stewed with beets in beet kvass.


This is the name given to fish cutlets that were boiled in water. The finished cutlets were topped with fried onions.


Taratuta is a beetroot soup. Boil the beets, add pickled cucumber and onion. We cooked this soup using beet broth, adding sunflower oil and cucumber pickle.


The cookies were prepared using unleavened dough. Fry in oil until a nice crust forms.

Which of these dishes do you like best? Write in the comments.

Ukraine can rightfully be proud that it will satisfy the taste of even the most pretentious gourmet. Ukrainian feasts are described by Gogol in his “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” - needless to say, our people know a lot about food and are distinguished by their hospitality.

Ukrainian cuisine has traditional dishes that make it recognizable. And if you delve deeper into culinary traditions, you will find names and recipes that will pleasantly surprise you. will tell you about the best national dishes of Ukraine. Cook your own or travel around the country to try original dishes in the areas where they were invented. And, as the Ukrainians say during a feast, “so that you can eat and drink and want and be able to”!


What is a Ukrainian without borscht? Foreigners are sure to be treated to this traditional first course. In cookbooks we will find more than 50 recipes for borscht, because in each region it is prepared differently. Rich meat, seasoned with lard... Or lean with beans or mushrooms - this is cooked during fasting, and vegetarians will also be happy. Instead of meat, you can put fish. In addition to the traditional beets, potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage and tomatoes, whatever is added to borscht for piquancy! Some recipes even include apples, dried fruits, and prunes! Dumplings with garlic are often served with borscht.

Borscht festivals are held in the village of Borshchev of the same name in the Ternopil region, as well as in other regions of Ukraine. In October, such a festival took place in Kharkov for the third year in a row. By the way, choose .

Salo is our everything!

No wonder they say: lard is a Ukrainian drug. We are simply nowhere without him. And how many jokes about lard and Ukrainians! One godfather says to another: “Have you heard that sclerosis develops from lard?” And he answered: “But I’m thinking about how I’ll eat a piece of lard in the morning, but the whole day I don’t remember what I want to eat!” There are many recipes for salting lard. The simplest one: chop the garlic, mix with pepper, grate the mixture on the undergar or lard and keep in the refrigerator for three days. You can add aromatic spices.

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The lard festival has already become traditional in Petrikovka in the Dnepropetrovsk region. And in Lviv there is an amazing place where they hold fat parties and serve unique candies “Lard in Chocolate” and lard sushi.

Finding accommodation in Lviv will not be difficult: on our website you will find.

Zaporozhye kapustnyak

If you come to Khortitsa, to the region of the Cossack freemen, on holidays or a festival, you will definitely be offered Zaporozhye kapustnyak. Traditionally, it was prepared richly - with pork and bacon, sauerkraut and millet. If you cook it over a smoky fire, the aroma and taste are amazing. .

There are also plenty of cabbage recipes, and a festival dedicated to it is held in Zbarazh in the Ternopil region.

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Homemade sausages

“A breast of porridge, a ring of sausage” - remember the line from the Ukrainian carol? The Ukrainian Christmas table is not complete without homemade sausages.

The most delicious sausages are prepared in Transcarpathia - you can hope that they will offer you a “natural product”, baked not in a gas oven, but in a rural oven, with a completely different smell and a piquant taste! Come to Transcarpathia: they are waiting for you. And you can find it on our website.

In Volyn they also know how to cook sausages: in 2015, the longest sausage was made in Lutsk - 5 meters - and the achievement was recorded in the Ukrainian Book of Records.

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Not all foreigners will “understand” our jellied meat - a jellied appetizer made from different types meat. But the Hungarians will definitely appreciate it: their jellied meat is also a national dish, they even hold jellied festivals there.

Ukrainians traditionally serve jellied meat with horseradish and mustard.

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Varya Hutsul

The name already intrigues with its originality. Varya Hutsul is a salad originally from Bukovina. It is good for Lent - both filling and tasty. Boiled beets, beans and prunes are taken and seasoned with sunflower oil. If you go to Bukovyna, be sure to visit its heart - Chernivtsi, and the accommodation option is available.

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Meat torsioners

Now let's move on to the meat masterpieces. The meat for krucheniki (usually beef or pork) is beaten, and then the filling is wrapped in it, and the roll is tied with thread. You can fry and then simmer. In the regions of Ukraine, krucheniki are prepared with different fillings: rice with onions, eggs, dried apricots, prunes... Minced mushrooms are often used. The scope for experimentation is huge. For example, for hearty Volyn-style krucheniki, first stew the meat until half cooked, then put a piece of lard on it, covering it on top stewed cabbage, and wrap it up.

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This dish is from the “tasty and simple” series. The whole secret is in a piece of good pork or beef tenderloin. It was marinated in kvass, rolled in flour, fried in butter - and then baked in the oven until cooked. Polyadvitsa was ceremoniously prepared for Christmas and Easter. Modern housewives use lemon instead of kvass: they rub it on a piece of meat, and it’s convenient to bake it in the sleeve.

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Deruny Zhytomyr

Ukrainian Polesie is famous for its potato harvests and dishes made from it. It was even installed in Korosten in the Zhytomyr region! A festival dedicated to this dish is held here every year. And what kind of potato pancakes you will try: with meat, and with cheese, and with mushrooms, and with cottage cheese. Where to stay in Zhitomir? Perhaps it will do.

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White mushrooms in Hutsul style

The recipe for their preparation is very simple: boil, fry in vegetable oil, simmer in sour cream or cream, add green onions and parsley. But it's all about the mushrooms themselves! You should definitely go to Bukovina for them, because boletus mushrooms are a real treasure of the local forests.

Mushroom tours in Transcarpathia are popular. But even if you go in winter, you can buy dried or pickled porcini mushrooms. Choose and enjoy the wonderful cuisine and wonderful nature of the region! Many travelers believe that the most delicious Ukrainian dishes are prepared here.

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Roast with mushrooms

Roast potatoes with mushrooms in pots are usually served in all Ukrainian restaurants; it is easy to prepare it at home. But you should definitely try this dish in Western Ukraine, where you will be served it with porcini mushrooms, and not some store-bought champignons! Hutsul-style roast is original in that potato pancakes, meat and mushrooms are laid out in layers in a pot. And all this with sour cream!

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Another dish from Hutsul cuisine is banosh (or banush). It would seem that it might surprise corn porridge? The whole secret is what it is seasoned with: during cooking, sour cream or cream is added, and fried cracklings and feta cheese are placed on top.

Do you want to taste a real banosh? Then plan a trip to Transcarpathia in May: here in the village of Kostylevka, Rakhiv district, the festival “Berlibash Banosh” takes place. Rakhiv is a picturesque place for tourists.

Photo source: sergej_pozhar - LiveJournal.

Poltava dumplings

Residents of the region of the same name are often called “Poltava dumplings” - their regional dish has become so recognizable. Dumplings come both without filling and with meat, liver, and mushrooms.

Poltava annually hosts a festival dedicated to dumplings, and even established one.

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Plyatski Lviv

Galicia is famous for its wonderful dessert - dancing. A tall whole pie is baked with fillings (they can be different) and then cut into cakes. Glaze is usually poured on top. And just try to say “cakes” in Lviv dances - you might get offended.

There is a nice place in Lviv where you can enjoy this wonderful dessert with a cup of aromatic coffee.

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We hope it's a mouth-watering review. best dishes Ukrainian cuisine will inspire you to cook one of them or go on a gastronomic tour around the country.

In the meantime, you can add to the list of your favorite Ukrainian dishes below in the comments.
