Infection from raw eggs. How to identify salmonellosis in eggs and methods of treatment

What do we know about salmonellosis? Basically what is dangerous infection, which can be contracted by eating raw eggs, as well as poorly cooked or fried chicken. But quail eggs, according to some people, can be eaten raw, because salmonella does not live in them.

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However, most of these opinions are recognized by medical scientists as a frank delusion. What are the most common myths about salmonellosis? Told about it chief freelance infectious disease specialist in Kyiv Tatiana Egorova.

Myth one. Eggs are the source of infection.

Chickens are the source of infection. There is no salmonella in fresh eggs. However, particles of chicken manure containing bacteria can get on the shell. After some time (from 4 hours to 5 days), the bacteria penetrate the shell into the egg and infect it. Therefore, eggs must be thoroughly washed with soap and water before use.

Myth two. The source of infection is only poultry

It's a delusion. In addition to chickens, cattle, sheep, goats and even pigs carry salmonellosis. Also, the reservoir of infection are rodents, wild birds (sparrows, pigeons, gulls, bullfinches), oysters, snails, caterpillars, cockroaches, flies, bees, frogs, turtles, fish, snakes.

Myth three. Salmonella dies in the freezer

Salmonella bacteria are very hardy. In water, they can survive 5-6 months, in meat and sausage - 3-4 months, in the freezer they can last about six months, and in frozen bird carcasses - even more than a year (very low temperatures, on the contrary, preserves salmonella, leaving them viable) .

Myth four. Fried eggs can be eaten without fear of infection

Indeed, as a result of heat treatment, the pathogen dies. But scrambled eggs can be safely eaten only if they are fried on both sides. But fried eggs remain as dangerous as fresh eggs.

Myth five. Quail eggs do not contain salmonella

scrambled eggs can be safely eaten only if they are fried on both sides

In fact, birds become infected due to poor-quality feeding and improper care. In most cases main source infection - compound feed, which includes processed animal raw materials (mainly cattle and small cattle, pigs). Therefore, if such food is given to quails and if they are kept in a poultry house where the microclimate is disturbed (very hot), then salmonella can also appear in quail eggs.

Myth six. Knife, after they cut raw meat, it is enough to wash cold water

Thus (through kitchen equipment) it is very easy to get infected with salmonellosis. After all, raw meat can contain bacteria. Therefore, it will not be sufficient if the knife and cutting board are washed with cold water. To neutralize the pathogen, kitchen utensils must be doused with boiling water. But it is better to allocate a separate knife and a separate kitchen board for meat.

Mythseventh. You can recover from salmonellosis on your own, just take antibiotics

Salmonellosis is a serious infectious disease that, if not properly treated, can become chronic. Therefore, it is imperative to undergo a full course of inpatient treatment. In no case should you self-medicate and take antibiotics - most of the pathogens that cause intestinal infections are resistant to them. Therefore, as a result of improper treatment, a person can turn into a latent carrier of infection and infect others. Therefore, if there are signs of the disease, be sure to consult a doctor.

Salmonellosis symptoms

The symptoms of salmonellosis are similar to those of most other acute intestinal infections. The incubation period averages 12-24 hours (but sometimes it lasts up to 2-3 days).

The disease begins acutely: high temperature (up to 38-39 degrees), chills, general weakness, malaise, headache, cramping abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. The chair in most cases is liquid, watery, frothy, greenish in color, with a frequency of 5 to 10 times a day. On the 2nd-3rd day of illness, mucus and blood impurities can be found in the stool. The disease lasts from 3 days to 2 weeks.

Infection of eggs with pathogenic microorganisms also occurs exogenously and endogenously.

Of particular danger are waterfowl eggs, which are often infected with salmonella. Salmonella entering the egg develop freely in it, since lysozyme does not act on them. The most dangerous among Salmonella are: S. enteritidis, S. cholerae suis, S. typhimurium, S. newport, S. dublin, S. anatum, etc. In this regard, sell duck and goose eggs in grocery stores, markets and sell their raw form through the catering network is prohibited.

Of the salmonellosis in chickens, pullorosis is most often noted. The main source of infection in pullorosis are bacterial carriers, from which eggs infected with S. pullorum and S. gallinarum are obtained. Chickens sick with pullorosis are hatched from such eggs, which release the pathogen into the external environment. Previously, these salmonella were considered safe. Eating eggs infected with S. pullorum and S. gallinarum is now known to be one of the causes of foodborne illness in humans. The most favorable environment for the development of Salmonella is the yolk.

In addition to salmonella, Vibrio cholerae and other pathogenic microorganisms, including tuberculosis pathogens, can enter the egg through the pores of the shell. Most often, M. avium is found in chicken eggs. Eggs obtained from tuberculosis patients and chickens suspicious of this disease are used for food purposes only at industrial food industry enterprises after preliminary heat treatment. The sale of such eggs through the trading network and public catering establishments is prohibited.

The causative agent of mycoplasmosis (Mycoplasma galhsepticum) is transmitted mainly by the transovarial route. Endogenous infection of eggs is also noted by pathogens of plague, cholera, etc. Endogenous infection of food eggs with viruses can also be observed when birds are immunized with live virus vaccines used in industrial poultry farming.

In addition, endogenous infection of eggs is possible in diseases of the ovaries and oviducts of various etiologies. In this case, eggs can be infected with staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Proteus bacillus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, fluorescent bacilli and other microorganisms.

According to statistics, salmonellosis occupies a leading place in the number of deaths caused by food poisoning.

The bacterium is especially terrible for children, people in old age and people with weak immunity. And it becomes more difficult to cure strong people every year - salmonella have lost their sensitivity to a number of antibiotics. Therefore, you need to remember the danger when you want to eat a chicken egg.

Where is the pathogen located?

Salmonella is a resident of the intestinal tract of domestic birds - chickens, ducks, geese. But since geese and ducks are rarely eaten, the infection occurs to a greater extent due to crested laying hens.

Among poultry, about a quarter of chickens and 70 percent of geese and ducks are infected with salmonella. The birds themselves do not get sick - they are carriers of the microbe.

Salmonella can be found in eggs and poultry meat. From above, the egg is covered with a porous calcareous shell. It, due to the fact that the egg passes through the bird's cloaca, is contaminated with a huge number of microorganisms, including salmonella.

Eggs become infected not only outside, but also inside. Salmonella penetrates the shell and, getting into the protein, begins to multiply actively.

How is the infection transmitted?

In the summer, raw foods are always dangerous. But eggs with salmonella can be dangerous not only in summer, but also in the most severe winter.

No matter how much the product is cooled, the bacterium will not die - it can live and multiply in the refrigerator for up to 12 months. ate raw product By preparing a cream for a cake based on protein, a person risks getting pathogenic salmonella.

Salmonella penetrates human cells so rapidly that scientists suggest using it in the fight against viruses - the microbe can become a kind of delivery vehicle medicines diseased organs.

Today, salmonella is the most dangerous bacterium from which you can die, and which is almost impossible to detect by any signs on the product - infected meat or eggs may not smell and change.

The main danger is that salmonella infects food adjacent to harmful eggs and the walls of the refrigerator.

A person can become infected with salmonellosis in catering places where the rules are not always observed. sanitary norms and eggs are bought cheaper from unscrupulous suppliers.

Eggs may be broken and not sanitized. All kinds of desserts, dishes, pastries are prepared from them, and people risk catching salmonella just by eating a serving of ice cream on a hot day.

Fans of eggnog-mogul, fried eggs or creams should prefer quail eggs.

They are more useful than chicken ones, containing three times more trace elements and vitamins. Quail eggs are recommended for small children due to hypoallergenicity.

Preventive measures against infection

The bacterium is killed by boiling and roasting at temperatures above 70 degrees. At 100 degrees, it dies within 3 minutes. Therefore, you should not take risks and regale yourself with eggs “in a bag”, or fried eggs.

For eggs, heat treatment should be at least 10-15 minutes after boiling water. When cooking scrambled eggs, you can not try an unfried dish, lick the spatula.

The onset of salmonellosis is very similar in symptoms to the flu. There is a high temperature, aching bones, headache. At the first signs of malaise, it is necessary to call a doctor, and then your disease, diagnosed in time, will not result in unpleasant complications.

The temperature of death of salmonella in eggs depends on the level of heating. When boiling - instantly. You have entered the site correctly: depending on the source, they write that salmonella dies at a temperature ... but the figure is changed. It is not possible to understand how to cook as the values ​​change.

The causative agent was first discovered during outbreaks of typhus. In 1880, Ebert saw it in a spleen removed from a dead body. Typhoid belongs to the genus Salmonella appearance The causative agent and etiology of the disease are not very different. Salmonella is more resistant to external environment than typhoid bacillus. Otherwise, it would be more difficult for humanity to survive.

Salmonella Survival

The bacterium is not afraid of frost - it stops multiplying, goes into hibernation. As it thaws, it will again begin the struggle for existence. The confusion with the temperature limits was the reason for the difficulty of finding information. People misunderstand the meanings of reproduction and existence.

Salmonella multiplies in the range from 10 to 40 degrees, but does not die when it goes beyond. Growth is possible in the range from 7 to 48 degrees Celsius. Below 10, the speed of the process is greatly reduced. Experts talk about the existence of strains that grow at a temperature of 4 degrees.

Readers understand why the refrigerator maintains a temperature of +5 degrees Celsius. The latest models have a Freshness Zone for vegetables and fruits, where conditions are maintained close to zero. Here the growth of bacteria is blocked completely.

Death conditions (according to Wikipedia):

  1. At 55 degrees - for an hour and a half.
  2. At 60 degrees - in 12 minutes.
  3. At 70 degrees - within 60 seconds.

On this principle, the principle of pasteurization was created - heating the product to 63 degrees for half an hour (pathogenic microflora dies, with the exception of causative agents of botulism). Products save maximum useful properties. Pasteurized milk is safe.

The situation is much more complicated with meat. Inside, Salmonella exhibits increased resistance. Dies in 10 minutes at a temperature of 75 degrees. Exception: the Senftenberg strain is dozens of times resistant. The efficiency of heat treatment decreases as the percentage of fat in products increases.

pH factor

It makes no sense to find out the temperature of Salmonella reproduction on products - more effective measures for destruction are known. Pickling in vinegar - acid greatly lowers the pH of the medium, bacteria are destroyed. Botulism is eliminated, which is problematic to take by boiling.

Salmonellosis is stable within the pH range of 3.7 to 9.5. Feels better in the range from 6.5 to 7.5 (alkaline). Trying to kill him with caustic soda is not a good idea. Acid works better. Her mistresses add during canning.

In the stomach, the acidity of the medium (hydrochloric) reaches unity. Most salmonella die. The stomach is an obstacle in the path of pathogenic microflora. In the intestine, the contents of the chyme acquire an alkaline reaction.

Don't guess how long the egg will boil - just add vinegar to the recipe. The latter occurs in the case of mayonnaise. The acidity is not low enough. The measure reduces the ability of the microbe to reproduce. In a jar of cucumbers, rolled up for the winter, the microbe probably dies.


Salmonella does not grow in a dry environment. You need moisture. Do not wait for the microbe to die from thirst. Storage will drag on for years (chocolate). The shelf life of salmonella greatly prolongs the elevated fat content.

How to cook

The microbe is difficult to kill when frying fried eggs. In Israel, eatery owners put up ads stating that the patron is taking the risk. Fried eggs will be served, but safety will not be guaranteed. Boiling instantly kills microbes.

If we take production, in the manufacture of egg powder, protein and yolk are pasteurized. There is no possibility of transmitting the microbe further by including the product in confectionery. Cake often causes infection.

Oysters are popular in the west - coastline states is relatively large. Mollusks are sources of infection.

Doctors do not recommend buying from retailers. There is no guarantee that the product will pass the proper control in the laboratory. At large enterprises, they are trying to reduce the number of sick animals and birds. Cooking with fried eggs is not recommended.

Salmonella Senftenberg

The serovar is resistant to heat. Under laboratory conditions, scientists decided to investigate measures sufficient to destroy the microbe. The strain was placed in conditions with a temperature range from 54 to 65 degrees Celsius. The goal is to forward the pasteurization technique, to evaluate its applicability to the pathogen. Subject demonstrated results at 60 degrees.

Salmonella disease is an infection that is transmitted through certain foods contaminated with Salmonella. More common in children and adolescents. It begins violently with an increase in body temperature. Emergency medical intervention is required to prevent toxic shock and electrolyte and fluid imbalances. We offer material that tells about salmonellosis in humans.

It is believed that the healthiest and safest foodstuffs can only be obtained in the village. Allegedly, there can be no infection in raw milk from one's own cow and in eggs from domestic chickens. But in fact, there is a danger - salmonellosis.

Salmonellosis is an infection caused by salmonella, a rod-shaped bacteria. In total there are more than 2000 species. These microbes infect not only people, but also animals (cattle and medium cattle, various rodents), leading to their death. Recently, birds, mainly waterfowl, are becoming increasingly ill with salmonellosis.

Salmonellosis infection

Bacteria enter our body when eating poorly thermally processed meat, milk, sour cream, eggs from infected birds. Infection with salmonellosis can occur when personal hygiene is violated.

How is salmonellosis transmitted?

There is only one way how salmonellosis is transmitted. This is penetration into the human digestive tract. Theoretically, the easiest way to get infected is from duck eggs. According to veterinarians, every second duck in our country is infected with salmonella.

But most often, patients pick up salmonellosis from chickens. Among these birds, the incidence is not as high as among ducks, however chicken eggs And we eat meat much more often.

salmonellosis in eggs

Is salmonellosis present in chicken, quail and duck eggs? Yes, and in fried eggs too! In general, if the albumen and yolk are liquid, the bacteria in them can survive.

According to statistics, most often patients become infected with salmonellosis precisely when eating undercooked or undercooked eggs. Of course, the easiest way to get sick is if you drink them raw. But, fortunately, now such cases are becoming less.

Is it better to exclude scrambled eggs from the diet altogether? Eggs are a valuable food product, but they must be cooked very carefully: so that they boil in water for at least 10 minutes. Only then do all salmonella die.

Are chicken products safe? As soon as a disease breaks out at one end of the chicken coop, almost the entire farm becomes ill. Among villagers, chickens live more isolated, but there is no guarantee that they will not become infected with salmonellosis.

Does the infection spread through water? Much less often, since moisture for salmonella is not a very favorable environment. To become infected, a person must drink raw water, into which pathogens have recently entered and in in large numbers. In addition, you can catch salmonellosis if hygiene is not observed, if you eat unwashed vegetables and fruits.

Can salmonella be transmitted from person to person? It is impossible to get infected by airborne droplets. The patient can infect others if he cooks food or uses common hygiene items without washing his hands after using the toilet. In this case, a person may not even suspect that he is dangerous. Since undertreated patients or patients with latent carriage of bacteria can be contagious.

At what time of the year is the disease most dangerous? This ailment can be caught all year round, for example, by regularly eating eggs and meat. However, in spring-summer period salmonellosis is more common than usual. At this time, people begin to travel to villages, dachas, take care of gardens and orchards, drink raw milk and buy food from their hands. Stalls with poorly fried grilled chickens appear on the streets. Moreover, in summer heat microbes multiply much faster.

Who is most likely to get salmonellosis? It depends on the body's defenses and the number of bacteria that have entered it. Sometimes it happens that the whole family ate the same dish, but some became infected, while others did not. If the patient has a weak immune system, then he is more likely to get sick.

But if a person has good health he can carry salmonellosis in a mild form. For example, he will decide that he has been poisoned by something stale (this symptom is characteristic of many diseases), lie down at home for one day and recover. True, in this case, he can become a carrier of the infection.

Signs of salmonellosis

Salmonella enter the small intestine and multiply there. Bacteria produce toxins that poison the human body. There are signs of salmonellosis

Salmonellosis symptoms

The disease begins acutely 12-24 hours after infection. The patient's temperature rises (sometimes up to 40 ° C), intoxication develops, pains in the abdomen, head, nausea, vomiting, weakness appear, appetite disappears, the skin becomes very pale. The chair becomes frequent, liquid, fetid, frothy, often green. The most important symptoms of salmonellosis are severe dehydration.

What happens if the patient does not see a doctor? Salmonellosis is dangerous due to severe dehydration and intoxication. At the same time, the patient develops a sharp weakness, pressure and body temperature decrease, the pulse quickens, shortness of breath appears, the patient cannot move.

A high temperature means that the immune system is fighting the infection, but a low temperature indicates that the patient’s body has “surrendered” and the person is between life and death. That is why, even at the very beginning of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What complications can remain after the disease? With timely treatment and proper diet complications will not develop. But if the patient does not follow the recommendations of the doctor, gastritis and gastroduodenitis may remain “in memory” of salmonellosis.

Consequences and complications of salmonellosis

May appear Negative consequences salmonellosis. If salmonellosis is not treated for a long time, it can turn into a very severe generalized form. With it, bacteria go beyond the intestines, enter the bloodstream, spread throughout the body and settle simultaneously in various organs (lungs, stomach).

Complications of salmonellosis develop, with an increase in the liver and spleen often observed, and on the seventh day a roseolous rash appears on the abdomen and sides (non-protruding, non-pruritic, small, with clear boundaries). If doctors do not intervene at this stage, the disease will turn into a generalized septic form, in which salmonella form purulent foci in the body. The bacteria primarily infect the liver, lungs, heart, and kidneys. This threatens with very deplorable consequences, even death.

Prevention of salmonellosis

Specific prevention of salmonellosis by vaccination is not possible. There are no such vaccines. After the disease, immunity is not only not formed, but quite the opposite - the patient becomes more susceptible to various intestinal infections. And it becomes even easier for him to catch salmonellosis a second time.

How can you protect yourself from this disease? Cook food carefully, store food properly, wash your hands regularly, buy meat only in large stores, do not take chicken from private individuals on the street.

Symptoms of salmonellosis in children

In children incubation period salmonellosis is approximately 3-4 days. How pronounced the symptoms and signs of the disease in a young patient will be, depends on his age. Salmonellosis is most severe in infants and toddlers under 1 year of age. In infants, symptoms of salmonellosis may take several hours to appear.

In the early days of salmonellosis, children develop severe intoxication. It is manifested by weakness, loss of appetite, fever (up to 39 ° C). On the 3-4th day, patients develop diarrhea. The urge to go to the toilet becomes very frequent, sometimes even more than 10 times a day. The stool in children with salmonellosis is watery, with a greenish tinge. On the 7th day of the disease, streaks of blood appear in the feces. These are typical symptoms of salmonellosis in children.

If young children do not receive professional medical attention for salmonellosis on time, this can be fatal. When the first symptoms appear, it is urgent to take the baby to the hospital.

Before the doctors arrive, it is important to make sure that the child drinks a lot. It is desirable that these were special saline solutions. If they are not available, the baby can be given tea, fruit juice. In addition, a young patient with suspected salmonellosis should be isolated from other children. Remember that salmonellosis in children is dangerous.

Treatment of salmonellosis

Self-treatment for salmonellosis is unacceptable. First signs intestinal infection- a reason to seek medical help. How is salmonellosis treated? What can and can not be done after recovery? What diet is prescribed.

Diagnosis of salmonellosis

Diagnosis of salmonellosis begins with the fact that the patient is washed with water for analysis on the flora. They also examine urine and do a double bacterial culture of feces.

Doctors must conduct a survey of the patient (this is called anamnesis): what he ate and drank the day before, where he was, whether he was ill with something similar before, sample menu in the coming days relatives how they feel.

They also palpate the abdomen: with salmonellosis, pain appears in the upper half of the abdomen. After that, the patient donates blood for the determination of antibodies to salmonella. If a generalized form of the disease is suspected, the bacteria themselves are looked for in the blood.

How to treat salmonellosis

The scheme of how to treat salmonellosis is chosen by the doctor depending on the patient's condition. If the disease is mild, the patient can stay at home. Assigned to the gastrointestinal tract diet, bed rest. To eliminate intoxication and dehydration, absorbents and saline solutions (enterodes, rehydron, hydrovit) are prescribed.

In moderate and especially severe cases of the disease, it is necessary to be treated in a hospital. There, the patient is constantly under the supervision of medical staff, which prevents the possibility of complications of the disease. In addition, more intensive treatment and examinations are carried out there. The patient's stomach is washed, intravenous solutions against dehydration (chlosol, acesol) are prescribed. Complex treatment is carried out, including antibiotic therapy (currently fluoroquinolone preparations), detoxification, antispasmodic, symptomatic therapy.

Also, the patient is given enzyme preparations to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Previously, salmonellosis was treated with tetracycline and chloramphenicol. Now these drugs are no longer used. In addition, 20 years ago there were no strong antibiotics and saline solutions. And now they can be easily obtained in almost any pharmacy.

Usually they stay in the hospital for no more than 2 weeks. Sometimes it happens that at the end of the prescribed period of treatment, the patient must be discharged from the hospital, but he still continues to shed bacteria or even show symptoms of the disease. Then the patient is sent home, but the sick leave is not closed and they continue to be observed in the clinic.

Diet after salmonellosis

The convalescent should continue to take antispasmodics, enzymes and replacement drugs. He will also benefit from B vitamins.

But the main thing is to follow a diet after salmonellosis: coarse foods and foods rich in fiber (salads, raw vegetables and fruits, cabbage juice) are excluded, as they put too much stress on the gastrointestinal tract.

At first, it is better to give up coffee, natural juices, dairy products and soda.

The diet should include vegetable and cereal soups, cereals, boiled vegetables, baked fruits. You can include fish and meat in the diet, but only in boiled form. Kissels, compotes, tea are allowed. Diet (table number 4) must be observed for at least 2 weeks.

Restrictions on physical activity No. After discharge from the hospital, the patient can immediately go to work - he no longer needs the supervision of a general practitioner or infectious disease specialist.

For your information

Salmonella is very resistant to various influences: at room temperature, bacteria persist on household items for up to 3 months, in dry animal feces - up to 4 years, in water - up to 5 months, in meat and dairy products - up to 6 months, on eggshells - up to 24 days;

Salmonella are killed almost instantly at 100°C and within 30 minutes at 70°C. When pathogens are in meat products, they become much more resistant to high temperatures. For example, 400 g of meat 19 cm thick must be boiled for 2.5 hours;

Bacteria withstand very low temperatures, down to -80 ° C; salmonella are resistant to ultraviolet radiation; when treated with disinfectants, pathogens die within 20 minutes.

Diet for salmonellosis

Diet for salmonellosis - table number 4, which is prescribed for acute diseases and sharp exacerbations of chronic intestinal ailments with severe diarrhea.

They write that they use 4 times a day, at the same hours. The menu should include liquid and semi-liquid dishes, pureed, boiled in water and steamed. Salt food sparingly.

Allowed products:

Beverages- tea without milk, cocoa on the water with a small amount of milk.

bread products - wheat bread white and gray of yesterday's pastries, lean varieties of bakery products and cookies, white croutons from a roll.

Snacks- mild cheese, low-fat herring, homemade meat pate.

Milk and dairy products- low-fat freshly prepared cottage cheese, steam soufflé, three-day kefir, acidophilus milk, sour cream in a small amount (add to dishes).

Fats- fresh butter 5 g per dish, ghee and olive oil.

Eggs and egg dishes- 1 soft-boiled egg per day, scrambled eggs, the egg can be added to different dishes.

Soups- cooked on low-fat low-fat meat and fish broth with the addition of mucous decoctions of cereals (semolina, rice), boiled and mashed meat, steamed dumplings and meatballs, as well as egg flakes, homemade noodles, vermicelli.

Meat and fish dishes- various products from low-fat and minced beef, veal and fish. It is better to cook for a couple, when frying the products do not crumble in breadcrumbs. Boiled meat soufflé, minced meat are recommended.

Cereals and pasta- pureed cereals on water or low-fat broth - rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, from cereal flour, in the form of baked puddings and cutlets from cereals without a rough crust; boiled pasta and vermicelli.

Vegetables and greens- puree from various vegetables, puddings, vegetable cutlets, baked or fried without a rough crust. Boiled cauliflower with butter, stewed early zucchini and pumpkin are useful. Chopped early raw greens, dill and parsley are recommended to be added to various dishes.

Fruits and berries- puree, kissels, jelly, mousses, jams, prepared from fresh and dry fruits and berries. Sugar, candy.

Juices- in a limited amount, use fruit, berry and vegetable raw juices, in a warm form and half diluted with water or tea. Useful decoction of rose hips and wheat bran.

Prohibited Products:

  • Products from sweet and warm dough.
  • Fatty meats and fish; pickles, smoking, marinades; meat, fish and other canned snacks; sausages.
  • Millet, barley, barley groats.
  • Cold and carbonated drinks, coffee with milk; ice cream, chocolate, cream products.
  • Vegetables and fruits in their natural form; mustard, horseradish, pepper, legumes; mushrooms.

Sample menu for diarrhea

Option number 1

First breakfast: mashed oatmeal on the water; cottage cheese freshly mashed; tea.

Lunch: decoction of dried blueberries.

Dinner: meat broth with semolina; steam meatballs; mashed rice porridge on the water; jelly.

Afternoon snack: warm unsweetened rosehip broth.

Dinner: steam omelet; rubbed buckwheat on the water; tea.

For the night: kissel

Option number 2

First breakfast: 300 g rice porridge on water with the addition of a third of milk and 5 g butter; 100 g of unleavened fresh cottage cheese with 10-15 g of sour cream and 5 g of sugar; a glass of tea.

Lunch: boiled chicken with rice; protein omelet; tea; bread.

Dinner: soup on meat broth with vermicelli; 125 g of steam meat cutlets; 150 g carrot puree; a glass of apple cider.

Dinner: 85 g of boiled fish; 150 g mashed potatoes; inedible bun; 25 g of Russian cheese; a glass of tea.

For the night: a glass of non-acidic kefir with white bread or a glass of tea with dry cookies (biscuits, dried biscuit).

All day: 400 g of white bread; 50 g of sugar (part of the sugar can be replaced with jam, sweets).

Prevention of salmonellosis

Specialists are obliged to conduct veterinary and sanitary supervision over the slaughter of livestock and the processing of carcasses, to check whether various food companies, factories, catering establishments, grocery stores comply with sanitary rules: whether food products are prepared, stored and sold correctly. Doctors are required to examine people who get jobs in such places.

Citizens should remember that fresh milk and raw eggs should not be eaten. You also need to properly handle toys and baby care items (especially nipples). And the best prevention of salmonellosis is regular hand washing.

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