Katya from the group of arrows in let them talk. Famous singer defends her criminal husband who started a family on the side

The girls from the British group Spice Girls blew up dance floors all over the world in the second half of the 90s. The influence of their work was very significant, including on our stage. It was in their image and likeness that the group was created "Arrows" which we want to talk about.

We invite you to learn a little more about how the fate of the girls developed, to the songs of which 20 years ago they danced at all discos and parties of best friends.

When the seven of the first composition of the team had already been selected, they could not come up with a name for a long time. They offered many options: "Alyonushki", "Nuns", "Snow White", "Lu-lu-toys" and others. But when the choreographer suggested calling the group Strelka, everyone agreed.

The first songs of the group were not very popular. Only in 1998, a year after its creation, did the above-cited "At the Party" come out. This composition for a long time sunk into the soul of many fans, and away we go ...

Then there were other songs: "Handsome", "First Teacher", "You abandoned me" ... The girls became recognizable, and each of their compositions was doomed to success.

During the existence of the team, its composition has changed several times. Let's find out what happened to the most famous members of Strelok.

Julia Beretta - Yu-Yu

When she performed at Strelka, she was known by the surname Glebova. After completing the performances in the team, the girl began to promote her solo project and took such a weapon alias.

Today Julia is 39 years old. She did not return to Strelka even after the reunion of the “golden squad” of the team in 2015. What for? The girl acts in films and plays in the theater, she also performs solo, performing, among other things (with the permission of the producers), some of the songs "Shooter". She is married and has a son Volodya.

Maria Solovieva - Mouse

Not much is known about the fate of this girl. She left the group third in a row. It is known that she gave birth to two children from the writer and businessman Dmitry Lipskerov, with whom she lived in a civil marriage, but then they broke up.

Leah Bykova

She was a member of the team for about a year, she didn’t even get a nickname. Then she was still a student. Perhaps, studies outweighed, or maybe the realities of show business were not satisfied, but Leah did not stay. In 2000, she left to study in Australia, where she still lives. Raising a child...

Svetlana Bobkina - Hera

She left the band in 2003 and created the duet "Bridge". The project did not justify itself. After that, Hera tried herself in the cinema: she starred in about 10 films. Now Svetlana is 43 years old, she returned to Strelka.

Maria Korneeva - Margo

The second half of the duet "Bridge". Then the girl rarely appeared in public and was active social life did not lead. It is known that she got married, gave birth to a son and was engaged in her brand of jewelry. She also became a member of the new-old Strelok.

Anastasia Rodina - Stasia

The reason for leaving Strelok was marriage. The girl went to Holland, where she gave birth to a child's wife. Now she practices yoga and teaches it to other people.

Ekaterina Kravtsova - Radio Operator Kat

The girl was fired from the team, considering her image no longer relevant. After leaving, Katya organized her own business, and also gave birth to two sons. Now she has returned to Strelki again.

How defenders cash in on someone else's grief

How defenders cash in on someone else's grief

Singer from the Strelka group Katya KRAVTSOVA-LUBOMSKAYA is suing lawyer Yevgeny TONKIY for 900 thousand. The artist believes that the lawyer who represented the interests of her ex-spouse Sergei LYUBOMSKY during the criminal process, misled her. About how not to become a victim of your own lawyer, Kravtsova told our publication.

Soloist of the popular group "Strelki" Katerina Kravtsova-Lubomskaya met with a lawyer Evgeny Tonkiy in 2015 on the set of the talk show “Let them talk”, where she came to tell the country about her grief. Father of her two sons, businessman Sergei Lyubomsky, beat up his mistress Ksenia Timoshchenko, a criminal case was opened against him under Article 30, Part 1, Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Attempted murder”.

I myself called the program because I was in despair, - explains Katerina Kravtsova - Lyubomskaya. - At that moment I was not allowed to see Sergei in the pre-trial detention center for a date, since I was not officially married to him. The criminal case against Sergey was initiated under the article “Intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm”, and later seized by the prosecutor and transferred to the investigator of the Dorogomilovsky Interdistrict Investigation Department of the Investigation Department for the Western Administrative District of the Main Investigative Directorate of the ICR RF, Lieutenant of Justice E.I. Gorshkova, who reclassified Sergey’s actions in Attempted Murder. I didn't get on very well a good relationship with the editors of the program "Let them talk." I was on their blacklist, because somehow I ripped off the airwaves for them. But Malakhov's ratings are, of course, impressive, so I chose this particular show.

As a journalist, I myself have visited such shows more than once, so I know the inner kitchen well. The hero of the show, in order to lure him, will be promised a free lawyer, a psychologist. With experts, the situation is different. Some do not pay anything, because they tell a story, make a rating of the program. In this case, on the contrary, the editors allocate the amount to them depending on the information. It can vary from 10 to 500 thousand rubles. But there are those who come to such shows for the sake of PR, or to find a big client. As a rule, these are lawyers and psychologists. These representatives, of course, behind the scenes, themselves bring in a certain amount, which was recently told to a journalist of our newspaper by a human rights activist and a guest of such shows, a public figure Denis Merkulov.

The program was prepared within three days, - says Katya Kravtsova-Lubomskaya. - I understood that it would be, perhaps, the most difficult TV broadcast in life. She knew that the victim of domestic disassembly herself would come - Ksenia Timoshchenko and her cohabitant at that time, and also part-time expert of this program Pyatnitsky. We filmed the broadcast, the editor of the program strongly recommended to me the lawyer Yevgeny Tonky, who was present at the program as an expert, telling me how good and wonderful he is, and only he will be able to win the case. I contacted him. He got acquainted with the case and said: “Katya, don’t worry! "Article 111" - grievous bodily harm - the maximum that shines for him. I asked him: “Zhenya, I give you my and Sergey’s life into your hands, will you pull it out?” It is clear that not a single lawyer will give written guarantees, but in words Tonky assured me that the case was winning. Joy knew no bounds.

I'd give a million

Yevgeny Tonky suggested that Katya sign an agreement for 650 thousand rubles for the period of work before the investigation.

If at that moment he had asked to bring a million, I would have done it, - says Katya. - The investigation went on for a month and a half. We had a medical examination on our hands, which said that Xenia suffered minor bodily harm - a broken nose and cut wounds of two fingers of her left hand. In addition, I find out that in Xenia's medical record, according to her words, it is written that what happened was a domestic fight. Lawyer Thin, on my arguments, replied: "I have my own position."

Before entering the trial, Yevgeny Tonkiy asked for money for work during the meetings.

He asked for another 900 thousand rubles, says Katya. - I, continuing to believe him, signed the agreement. And after some time, it dawned on me - Thin and Pavel Pyatnitsky are sitting in experts on the same programs. But even then I still could not imagine that it was possible to earn money on someone else's grief. Everything somehow fell on my shoulders in one moment. Threatening texts started coming to my phone. I assume that from Pyatnitsky, who defended Xenia. In the same period, I started having problems with the apartment, which the scammers sold under a false power of attorney. In general, I realized that I could not pay 900 thousand for the trial to the lawyer Tonky. I called him and said: “There is no need to go to the trial, I cannot pay for your services.” In addition, I sent a written notice in the mail about the withdrawal from the agreement. Only Thin did not let up: “Katya, I understand everything. I am ready to defend your husband for 450 thousand rubles. Give me the money when you get it." I agreed. At one of the last court hearings, he says: “Kat, give me a receipt that you borrowed 450 thousand from me.” I wrote. And at the next, key meeting - the interrogation of Sergei, the lawyer Tonky no longer came.

Money bag

Katya Kravtsova did not expect that the judge would sentence Sergei Lyubomsky to seven years in a strict regime colony.

Thin after the verdict came up and said: “Katya, we need to sign an agreement. Are we going to appeal?" I explained in tears that I no longer needed his services. And after a couple of months, he writes me a message: “Katya, when will you pay back the debt, 450 thousand rubles?” I reminded him of the conversation, that he promised that only “Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation” would be imputed to Sergei, but Thin did not want to hear anything, he set a deadline - until June 2016 he must pay. In July, a lawsuit comes to the Krasnogorsk city court for 450 thousand rubles, and even with interest. He explains to the court that he handed over the money before the court session, near the building of the Dorogomilovsky court. Walking in fact, he did not give or transmit anything. I attached a protocol to the case, which indicated at what time the court session began in the Dorogomilovsky court, my mother, as a witness, explained that I went into the court building alone, and not with him. I managed to get a billing of my phone number, which showed that at 2:30 p.m. it was “tied” to a cellular network station located 27 km from the Dorogomilovsky court building, and at 2:58 p.m. my conversation with Tonkiy was recorded. The judge of the Krasnogorsk court attached all these documents to the case, but ruled in his favor.

Imagine Katya Kravtsova's surprise when she received another lawsuit, but now under the very agreement under which she must pay for the services of Tonky's lawyer, for 900 thousand.

Now we are suing for this money, - says Katya. “I wrote a complaint to the Chamber of Lawyers, but there was no response,” says the artist. - Finding yourself in a situation where you become a money bag, I realized what our fellow citizens have to do. The only plus is that I do not have signed certificates of work performed from Evgeny Tonky. It is difficult to prove that lawyers go to programs where they meet star clients who have money and catch the victim. I asked to remove Thin from the broadcasts of "Let them talk", but the editor did not do this. Question: why? I think the lawyers have an agreement with the editors: a percentage of the fee for a rich client.


Without leaving her beloved in trouble, Katya Kravtsova married him in a pre-trial detention center in 2015.

In 2016, I received a summons that Sergey filed for divorce, - says the artist. Someday I'll know why. Maybe from his point of view, I did not fight for him to the end. Everything changed when he was transferred to the zone in Mordovia. I think because I refused to go on a long date. She said: “Come on, I’ll calmly wait for you here. You will come back and prove that you are worth me.” As a woman, I wanted to see real steps, that he understood important things. Sergey corresponds with children. I don't interfere with their relationship. The boys miss their dad. When the children wanted to go on a date with their dad, I took this step too ... For me, Sergey's act is understandable: he left our family, even though we were not registered at that time, bought a house for 15 million and registered it for Ksenia Timoshchenko. She bore him a son, and he proposed to her. Ksenia fell in love with another - Pavel Pyatnitsky. Sergei came to talk and put all the dots "over the I", and there was a household scandal with assault. About this story, I wrote the song "It's too late to love me." What is broken can hardly be glued together. But as the mother of Sergei's children and the person who lived with him for years, I will not leave him in trouble.

The mother of the murdered model Loshagina sold the house

The mother of the murdered model from Yekaterinburg Julia Loshagina whose story shocked the whole country, Svetlana Ryabova, also suffered financially from a Moscow lawyer Evgenia Chernousova. The woman turned to the Russia-1 channel program “Live with Boris Korchevnikov” at the moment when the photographer accused of killing her husband’s daughter Dmitry Loshagin, justified.

Svetlana participated on the air, hoping that they would help her, - the journalist said on the channel Marina. - Lawyer Yevgeny Chernousov, who came to us on the air as an expert, entered into her confidence and promised to resolve all issues. They hoped that he would provide her with qualified legal assistance. As a result, Chernousov asked for such a fee in order to help that Svetlana Ryabova had to sell the house in the village. He received the money, but did not come to the process. When Svetlana turned to us, we had to help out. Indirectly, we were involved in this. It’s good that lawyer Sergei Zhorin helped, whom we asked and he participated in the process for free and ensured that the maniac Loshagin was found guilty and sent to a colony. And we don’t invite lawyer Chernousov to programs anymore.

Svetlana Ryabova confirmed that she had transferred money to lawyer Chernousov.

I transferred several large sums, - says Svetlana Ryabova. - But Chernousov wanted more and more. The last time he asked for 600 thousand rubles. Only then I turned to the channel, and was indignant: “Whom did you advise me?”

How not to become a victim of your own lawyer

Turning to a legal organization, one must understand that interest in the client will be lost as soon as he transferred the money, - says former employee MIA Mikhail Ignatov. - Since we live today in the world of capital, many lawyers are engaged in "double-dealing": having concluded an agreement with one side, they work for the other. Try to find a lawyer on the recommendation of your trusted close friends. If you come to an unfamiliar lawyer, ask on the forum what reviews his former clients leave. Ask for statistics on his won and lost cases. If the lawyer promises something specific, forget about it right away. No professional defender will say: "I will do it." Immediately be interested in the fee for preliminary and judicial investigations and draw up a preliminary contract for both processes. Request a progress report. If you are dissatisfied with the work of the lawyer, send him a notice of termination of the agreement and be sure to save the mail notice stub, because in the future there may be claims of a material nature for unpaid fees under an agreement that you terminated in advance.

Although starting lineup The Strelka group consisted of 7 girls, all of them performed wonderfully and at one time were very popular with listeners.

Russian "Spice Girl"

Women's "Arrows" has been quite popular for almost 20 years. The team was created in Moscow, when in October 1997 producers Igor Siliverstov and Leonid Velichkovsky organized a competition, the composition of the Strelka group became as follows: Svetlana Bobkina, Masha Korneeva, Ekaterina Kravtsova, Anastasia Rodina, Liya Bykova, Maria Solovyova, Yulia Glebova. The most famous hit of the group can be considered the song "You left me", with which the girls performed on all stages of the country for a long time. The girl group was popularly called "Russian Spice Girl".

After the start of a creative career, the girls began to gain popularity very rapidly and receive high awards for their work. Despite its huge popularity, the composition of the team has changed many times. On several occasions, there were even rumors that the band had ended their singing career. However, despite all the speculation, the girls continue to delight their fans with beautiful songs about love and relationships.

Collective biography

Until today, it is not known exactly how the Strelki group appeared. Some fans suggest that the group was created as a commercial project of wealthy people. Others believe that each participant, before getting into the team, won a big and difficult competition. However, the official version of the appearance of the group is the one offered by the RICE-LisS corporation.

According to this version, in the summer of 1997, three producer friends were vacationing in Turkey and drew attention to a karaoke bar where girls sang. Three girls won in the first round, and four more in the next. All the girls sang quite beautifully and cleanly, so they were invited to perform the common song of the Primadonna together. At that very moment, the producers realized that they were witnessing the birth of a new singing group. Then the friends decided to meet the girls and offer them cooperation. Thus, the Strelka group was created, the composition, the names of the participants of which after that quite often began to change.

The beginning of a singing career

Upon returning to the capital, the girls received a proposal for cooperation and, as a result, the first composition "Passion" was recorded. After the first success, the girls received some money and recorded a few more songs. But after the formation of the group, the production company decided that the themes, composition and creative developments of the girls were not interesting to them. However, at the same moment, Gala Records began to take an interest in the Strelka group, which signed a contract with the girls to record three discs.

The composition of the Strelki group is unique, because each girl has a certain timbre and voice height, which together create a unique sound. Also, a rather significant advantage of the soloists is the presence of higher education.

Another version

In the spring of 1997, the Soyuz studio decided to organize a girl group and entrusted the creation of the project to Igor Seliverstov. He, with the help of two of his friends, held a large-scale casting in Ramenki. More than 4,000 girls wanted to sing in the team, but only 7 made it to the final. From that moment, the first composition of the Strelka group became known:

  • Julia "Yu-Yu" Glebova;
  • Svetlana "Hera" Bobkina;
  • Maria "Margo" Korneeva;
  • Maria "Mouse" Solovyova;
  • Anastasia "Stasya" Rodina;
  • Leah Bykova.

Among the band's proposed names were options:

  • "Alyonushki";
  • "Snow Whites";
  • "Nuns";
  • "Seliverstov and seven girls";
  • "Lu-lu-toys".

However, the group's choreographer suggested naming the Strelka team, which was chosen as official. Over the long years of a creative career, the composition of the group has often changed and adjusted, but today the team has reunited in its golden line-up and continues to delight its fans. To date, the following composition of the Strelka group is presented: the names and surnames of the girls are known to everyone:

  • Ekaterina "Radio operator Kat" Kravtsova;
  • Salome "Tori" Rosiver;
  • Svetlana "Hera" Bobkina;
  • Maria "Margo" Bibilova.

The golden composition of the team

The golden line-up of the team included two of the most talented and brightest participants: Svetlana Gera and Yulia Beretta. Many fans note that these girls are not only beautiful and singing, but also quite able-bodied and purposeful. It was thanks to Svetlana and Yulia that each performance of the band was filled with expression and professionalism. Despite the renewing composition of the Strelka group, the names of these two girls have always been heard and delighted fans.

Peak of popularity

The most productive and productive years for girls were the years of the late XX - early XXI century. It was during this period that the team released several albums, shot many videos and participated in a large number of television projects. For the first few years of the group's existence, the girls worked quite a lot and fruitfully, gaining not only experience, but also significant musical baggage. It is also quite significant that at that time the composition of the Strelka group changed several times, which only attracted and interested the fans of the group.

Group achievements and awards

During their creative career, the girls have received many awards. They were received not only for the performance of songs, but also for shooting high-quality clips. Almost every year, the composition of the Strelka group could be seen at the awards of such significant awards as the Golden Gramophone, the 100-pood Hit and many others. In addition, the group's compositions quite often occupied the top positions in the ranking of popular songs on many radio stations not only in Russia.

Further fate of girls

Since the Strelka group, whose composition has changed many times, has a large number of ex-members, many fans are interested further destinies girls. Among the most famous representatives of the team are the following girls:

  • Svetlana Bobkina, who is currently engaged in solo career. After participating in the group, she managed to work in two more women's teams.
  • Maria Korneeva, who, after leaving the group, sang in another group, starred in several videos. To date, the girl is married and has two children.
  • Ekaterina Kravtsova, who, after leaving the group, wanted to commit suicide, but she was saved. Over time, she begins to pursue a solo career, simultaneously acting in videos. Today she has a husband and two sons.
  • Anastasia Rodina, who married a foreigner and went to Holland. She is currently practicing yoga and is her teacher.
  • Liya Bykova, who got married and started working as a translator. She took part in the first casting, when the Strelka group was just being created, the old composition of which created many excellent solo performers;
  • which has been a member of the "Brilliant" team for 9 years.

End of career speculation

Many fans of the team are at a loss as to whether the group exists today. According to some sources, it can be judged that the Strelki group existed only from 1997 to 2006. Other data claim that the team lasted another 2 years less. There is also a version that the group performed until 2009, but there is also such evidence that the team still exists today.

The misunderstanding was the reason that for quite a long time the group performed with their secondary team. The composition of the Strelka group with photographs of the participants is presented in the article, but it changed so often that it was no longer so easy to distinguish the main team from the secondary one. Throughout the existence of the group, Igor Seliverstov and Leonid Velichkovsky remained its non-replaceable producers.

To date, the women's team consists of 5 performers, while the latter is somewhat different from what the composition of the Strelka group was in 1998. Among the most famous and popular songs of the creative team is the song "You left me", which even today is not forgotten by fans.

A little more than six months ago, a frank interview was published on our portal by Ekaterina Kravtsova, better known as Radio Operator Kat from the Strelka group, in which she told a love story with her husband Sergei Lyubomsky. Her husband was imprisoned for seven years for making an attempt on the life and health of his mistress. In the same conversation, Kravtsova told us that she regularly visits the courts not only to acquit her husband, but also to return her apartment, which fraudsters deceived her about two years ago. Details litigation Ekaterina told in a conversation with our portal.

For about two years, Ekaterina Kravtsova has been trying to return her property through the courts. A few years ago, the soloist of the Strelka group acquired a three-room apartment in Moscow worth 60 million rubles, after which she decided to rent it out and found a tenant through a realtor.

Once, by a lucky chance, Kravtsova found out that the property no longer belonged to her.

“Imagine: as soon as we had a trial with Sergei, where he was sentenced, how in a few months I find out that my apartment, it turns out, is no longer mine. I found out about this on May 25, 2017. As it turned out later, the apartment was resold twice, and then also mortgaged to the bank. It's a tricky scheme. On July 7 of the same year, a criminal case was initiated, I was recognized as a victim. At the same time, we started a civil process in order to return my property,” Ekaterina said in an interview with us.

Kravtsova rented an apartment to a certain Bella Moiseeva. As it turned out later, the woman acquired a passport in the name of Elena Kravtsova and introduced herself as the sister of the singer (whom Ekaterina does not have). Then, with the help of the notary Irina Agafonova, the deceiver received the right to sell the apartment, allegedly signed by Ekaterina Kravtsova herself.

Ekaterina won the first hearing in the civil process, but her opponents filed an appeal. The appellate court overturned the previous decision, this moment proceedings moved to Supreme Court. A hearing date has yet to be set, but Kravtsova hopes the situation will be resolved within the next year.

“As for the criminal case, everything is going sluggishly there. All of this is very hard for me. The most difficult thing is to prove the guilt of the notary. She claims that I myself signed the notarial journal on the transfer of the right to sell, when an examination was carried out, during which it was proved that the signature was not mine. But the notary continues to assert the opposite. The fact of negligence is obvious, it seems to me. But, alas, so far it seems only to me. But nothing, we will fight,” shared the singer.

In addition to all of the above legal proceedings, Kravtsova is involved in one more. In 2015, a program was released on NTV in which the case of Kravtsova's apartment was discussed, where, of course, the names of the tenant and the notary were mentioned. After this release, the notary filed an application with the court for the protection of honor and dignity. Court Agafonova, alas, lost, but did not give up and filed an appeal.

Another instance - the Moscow Regional Court - "miraculously canceled the decision" and satisfied the notary's claim. Kravtsova, in turn, wrote a complaint in which she pointed out the shortcomings of the trial. A hearing has been scheduled for June 26th.
