Graphite plaster: main advantages. Highly decorative artistic finishing sgraffito for interior and facade Decorative plaster graffito grace

We imitate stone, wood and stucco using plastic material

The graphito technology was named after one of the manufacturers of the material. This technology allows, using a plastic composite mixture, to imitate various materials on any surface - from natural stone to tree bark. “Plasticine” plaster is not afraid of rain and temperature changes; it can be used for interior and outdoor decoration.

The graphite mixture consists of white cement, sand, plasticizers and a dozen other elements. It is produced by several companies, and the exact composition is kept secret. But FORUMHOUSE users persistently try to unravel it, simultaneously offering their developments for finishing facades.

If anything indoors can be sculpted from plaster mixtures, then decorating the exterior has always been a problem. Of course, brick facades, a natural stone and even wood was made before the advent new technology. Most often, artificial stone, a self-made cement-sand mixture with plasticizers, or packaged mixtures for printed or press concrete technology were used for these purposes. Therefore, “graphito” is compared to everything at once.


– I worked with graphite. This is a really interesting thing that allows you to do a lot of things, starting from simple finishing of building facades and walls in interiors with imitation various surfaces, before the production of architectural forms.

Forum member GRAFITchik I became acquainted with the technology in 2006. One of his first works was finishing the basement and facade. Graphite was molded onto a plaster mesh.

Advantages and disadvantages

User FORUMHOUSE Flex notes that the technology has advantages compared to other, even natural, materials:

– Artificial stone, like natural stone, has a high density, which leads to large linear deformations in summer and winter period. As a result, the stones fall off. The stone looks great and behaves well only indoors, where there are no temperature changes. With graphite there is nothing to fall off the surface, since it is a monolithic coating.

In addition, it is practically impossible to cover any curved surfaces with artificial or natural stone, but the graphito technology makes it possible.

The declared density of the decorative coating for the graphite technology is about 1300 kg per 1 cubic meter. m, which is comparable to lightweight concrete (for a conventional DSP - about 1800). Vapor permeability is at the level of cement plasters.

“If you do it by hand, with regular DSP, it will probably be stronger and more durable than with the original mixtures. But the vapor permeability is lower and the weight is greater, which is not good for facades. Slopes, frieze, pylon, capital - in this case, the mixture is perhaps preferable, concludes Anatoly-60, demonstrating “stones” from a cement-sand mixture.

User Pop1872, who worked with different materials, assures that compared to sand concrete (polymer cement), graphite is easier to apply, and the texture of the mixture itself is more pliable and realistic. But some things still look better from sand concrete. “If I made Stonehenge, it would be from sand concrete, and the ornaments and rock paintings would be from graphite!” – the forum member summarizes.

The main disadvantage of mixtures based on DSP and press concrete is weight: the material turns out to be too heavy to, for example, line walls with insulation. In addition, there are also complaints about their plasticity. This gives a chance to plastic plasters that can easily accept and preserve the stamp relief.

The mixture is sculpted and shaped up to an hour and a half after application, and within 6 hours it can be easily cut.

Forum member Josic became interested in this technology precisely because it was necessary to decorate the facade insulated with foam plastic with stone (or to look like stone). But he was afraid to hang natural or artificial stone on the PPS. Therefore, I decided to use graphite: on the bay window, the columns made of asbestos-cement pipes are insulated with foam plastic and finished with wood-like plaster. The balcony ceiling (monolith) is also finished with wood-like plaster. Elements of false fencing are polystyrene foam, finished with the same material.

Please note that when performing work on insulation materials, their water absorption must be taken into account. A sudden loss of moisture when working with any finishing materials, be it plaster or facing stone, will lead to the appearance of cracks.

Flex used simple dense foam in their work. On a flat fence, all columns and turrets made of foam plastic are finished with graphite. The facility is already in its third year.

Officially, decorative plasters of the “graphito” type (Graphito, Flex-C-Ment, Flex-Beton) are designed to give internal and external surfaces a three-dimensional appearance of natural stone and brickwork. A layer of solution is applied to the prepared surface, and then a drawing is made using polyurethane forms. However, this technology is used not only for finishing facades and interior walls, but also for fences, stoves, paths, stairs, columns, for restoration of stucco, etc.

The new technology has a number of important advantages over DSP and stamped concrete. In particular, the possibility of applying a layer from 0.5 to 7 cm and the low specific gravity of the solution - no more than 20 kg per square meter with a thickness of 2 cm. The base can be concrete, ceramics , drywall, foam plastic, wood, iron, plastic and other surfaces (each has its own technology). The main thing is that it is whole and motionless.

The specific gravity of the coating depends on the thickness of the applied mixture, and it, in turn, depends on the texture of the facade - the pattern.

For example, the weight of 1 square meter, finished using graphite technology, 1 cm thick, in a dried state is approximately 2-13 kg, says the Kenigsberg forum resident. Therefore, such a mixture can be safely used for insulation - provided that it is securely fastened. The master notes that he would not risk hanging a large thickness on a facade with insulation, only individual elements - framing window openings, etc. And if without insulation - on a block or brick, then 10 cm is possible. But the cost of such a facade will be decent - half the cost of the building, if not more. In general, if you have certain skills, you can even show the texture of the stone by 0.5 cm.

Application technology

Most often, graphite is used to imitate more expensive, finicky and heavy natural stone. Not every foundation will support it, especially a curved one, not to mention ceilings. And light plaster is easy. The downside of graffito is that plastic plasters are more expensive compared to their concrete counterparts.

The most important stage of working with the mixture is preparing the base surface. It needs to be thoroughly cleaned, obvious cracks repaired, and primed. For better adhesion of the mixture, there should be no dirt, paint, or dust left on the walls. As a rule, the surface is treated with the well-proven Primer 100 primer, but you can choose another one. The same goes for crack sealers - each brand has its own recommendations, but there are plenty to choose from on the market.

Manufacturers of mixtures claim that their material will adhere perfectly without the use of reinforcing mesh, but many forum users prefer to play it safe.

Usually the mixture is applied in two layers: the first, reinforcing (1-2 cm) - after priming the surface, the second, molding - after the first and another primer have dried. Classic scheme - primer, metal mesh, base layer, primer, decorative layer, molding, painting with acrylic color, coating with polyurethane varnish.

Smooth materials are reinforced with a mesh or a “comb” layer, and then a finishing layer is applied to the rough surface. Starik80 advises taking a comb not 8-10 mm, but 5 mm - the consumption will be less and it will be more convenient to work. He applied a thin layer and roughened the surface with a garden rake or a stiff brush. Then I applied plaster up to 5 cm, nothing crawled.

Before applying the second layer (from 0.5 mm - depending on the depth of the relief you have chosen), you need to remove sagging and unevenness from the surface. This is done with a regular spatula. There is no need to wait for the primer to dry completely; the optimal stage is the middle stage: half dry and sticks to your fingers. As for the mixture, it holds and shapes best if applied within half an hour after mixing.

As the experienced one assures GRAFITchik, about 80% of the work is carried out with a layer thickness of 1 cm. As an example, a forum member demonstrates a “brick” with a thickness of 0.7-0.8 mm:

Important! To prevent the coating from crumbling, strictly follow the instructions for the mixture. Strength problems are often associated with changes in the water-cement ratio or rapid evaporation of water from cement mortars. In other words, the mixture “burns.”

The mixture is applied using a spatula, trowel or special sprayer. The less movement you apply at this stage, the stronger the surface will be. Then the finishing layer is leveled with a trowel. The texture on the dried layer of plaster is done using various forms (like brick, stones, wood) or manually, with chisels. If you want beautiful facial seams, use also piping.

To prevent the molds from sticking to the mixture, they need to be moistened from the inside with white spirit. It wouldn’t hurt to treat the wall itself with it. If something doesn’t work out, don’t worry - after the mixture dries, the defects can be eliminated with a repair mixture.

– Stones without shapes are also a theme! Creative... That's what we do. – shows photo Pop1872.

Painting of the formed relief begins only after the mixture has completely dried. It may take a lot of time - depending on the thickness of the layer, climate humidity and outside temperature.

Liquid dyes are usually used to give a surface a specific color. Concentrated paints are diluted with special products and water (see manufacturers' recommendations) - depending on the effect you want to achieve. The proportions of the dye and other components also depend on how you apply the paint - with a sponge, roller or spray.

The background color on large surfaces is usually applied with a spray, excess water is collected with a sponge. Next, using a brush (sponge) and pigments, a realistic drawing is formed.

There are several painting technologies. Most often, the color is diluted with water to the desired tone, then the stones are painted and secured with a water repellent. Sometimes paint is added to a primer or varnish. The main background can also be obtained by painting concrete in bulk by adding pigment to the mixture. However, when adding dry dyes to a solution, they should not exceed 2% of the composition, otherwise the solution will “relax”.

Realistic stone imitation - real painting. It doesn’t hurt to get your hands on something here before you start painting a fence or cottage wall.

And tireless GRAFITchik suggests imitating a tree: “People throw away money every year to maintain a tree!”

Universal tips: colors are applied in a circular motion; to highlight a certain area, you need to gently rub it with a dry sponge. Do this only after the paint has dried. The seams and “depressions” are painted over with a brush. The darker the cavity, the greater the visual depth of the relief.

The painted surface should be secured with a layer of protector. Vertical areas are coated with water-based varnish, horizontal areas are coated with polyurethane. This is done after the paint has dried. The color has become distorted, cracks have appeared - again, don’t worry, the decorative coating can be renewed using a special repair mixture, diluted with water. And in general, this technology allows you to repaint stones in any color if you are tired of the old one.

Laying decorative coverings on the floor is almost no different from working on walls, but mixtures and means for sealing holes and cracks are unique here. In addition, modifiers are used. Reinforcing mesh for floors is required. The main coating layer is 1-2 cm. You need to start molding when the mixture has set so much that it will not cut through to the ground. Don't forget to wet the surface and mold with white spirit. The dye is often added directly to the mixture, and the floor is sprinkled with a stabilizer dye on top. The final painting is done on the dried coating, after 6-12 hours.

However, for a “patterned” street surface, it may make sense to choose cheaper and more durable mixtures for stamped concrete. They, of course, have a high specific gravity, but for horizontal coatings this is not a hindrance.

How to reduce the cost of finishing?

A significant disadvantage of original graphito-type mixtures is their high cost. Therefore, members of the forum are actively looking for an alternative to plastic plaster. To decorate facades, they suggest using various materials - pressed concrete, travertine, decorative glass cement, glass fiber reinforced concrete and their own mixtures.


– As for me, tree bark in printed concrete is no different from natural one. The base is a concrete column, the “bark” itself is very strong. The knots still need to be completed.

Anatoly-60 I used DSP as a plasticizer. For the forum member, the speed of setting was important, so he took anti-frost ones. But for manual molding, on the contrary, the longer it takes to set, the more convenient it is to work. Anatoly does not recommend using gypsum - it does not work well with cement. For acceleration, liquid glass is better, but cracking is possible.

ufzyf offers its own recipe for a plastic mixture: high-quality frost-resistant glue, cellulose fibers and a film preservative.

com-trans came up with the following formula: 1 part cement, 3 parts sand, 2% D5, 1% Fairy dishwashing detergent. He immediately dilutes the cellulose with water by eye, and then mixes the solution with this composition. “Fairy” adds it only after trying it simply with the addition of D5 - the solution turned out to be plastic, but hard. And the detergent corrected this deficiency.

Forum member Pavelm draws attention to the fact that the weight of such concrete will be too large for facade work, which means that an air-entraining additive must be present in the mixture:

– The density of branded plaster is less than that of regular plaster. This can be achieved only by “fluffing” the solution. Approximate proportions for 1 cubic meter of sand are 320 kg of white cement M600, plus an air-entraining additive and a hyperplasticizer. Cellulose of the Armocel type can be used as fiber, which works both as reinforcement and as a water-retaining additive.

GRAFITchik also makes some recommendations. He advises choosing fiber (polyamine) not 45 mm, but 5-15 - convenient for kneading and using a gun. Use an air-entraining c-plasticizer, it selects dry. Cement BEFORE (without additives) – 400-500 is better. The composition of perlite concrete needs to be lightened a little. Each region has its own lightweight aggregates - instead of sand (sand gives the mixture fluidity, and this is ideal only for vibration casting). Lightweight – up to 1400 kg per cubic meter. m - cement concrete, if all standards are observed, gives a good product.

Forum members are actively experimenting and sharing their successes.

GritsenkoSN75 I made pebbles from DSP using this technology.

GRAFITchik advised me to make their top frame using a log, a stiff brush and a metal brush. I scraped it, left it to dry, and scraped it with a soft brush - the wood imitates it with a bang: “Stone and aged wood are classics of the genre.”

As a result of various experiments and heated debates, FORUMHOUSE users came to the conclusion that not in every case graphite is more appropriate than other decorative finishing technologies. But if you need to do it quickly, a lot and on an insulated facade, this is a good option.

Josic I tried tile adhesive and plaster mixtures, everything was wrong. The mixture, with a thickness of 1.5 - 2 cm, must be plastic (like glue), hold its shape (not slide) off the wall and not harden too quickly so that it can be stamped well. The glue is flexible, but the thick layer slides off the wall. The plaster holds, but hardens quickly.


– Graphite technology is applicable on facades (using insulation) due to the high vapor permeability of the mixture and the low weight of the finish. But I want to warn beginners against it. Start with regular sand concrete. No forms or stamps. Within 24 hours after being applied to the finishing surface, concrete can easily be molded in various ways. And you can get a product that is not inferior in most respects. And without being tied to the supplier of the miracle mixture.

Although, forum users agree, graphite can make decorative elements much more interesting.

Read more about graphite technology in. Here you can find recipes for plastic concrete mixtures from forum members and look at photographs of the work. A colorist talks about decorative painting of walls in this video. Everything you need to know about decorative paints and plasters is.

Among all types of wall coverings, plaster mixtures stand out especially. With their help, you can not only decorate a room, but also give any surface a special look, imitating various natural materials - stone, marble or others. It is for such work that “Grafito” is intended, which allows you to create an imitation of stone or brickwork, and examples of such design can be seen in the photo in this article.


The main difference between this type of decorative plasters is its components. This is a combination of white cement and polypropylene fiber - a special filler treated with a special chemical composition, giving it good ductility when applied and sufficient strength after drying. At the same time, such plaster has other useful qualities:

  • Resistance to cold - the solution is mainly used for repairing the external parts of buildings.
  • Durability – you won’t have to worry about the condition of the coating for many years.
  • Excellent adhesion to the surface - the composition fits well on any previously cleaned and primed surface.
  • Beautiful texture that allows you to imitate natural stone with high realism.
  • Possibility to add dyes to obtain the solution of the desired shade.
  • Easy to apply to a plane - even a person without such experience can cope with the repair.
  • With the help of this finishing, you can hide even very serious surface flaws, since the thickness of the applied layer can be even 15 centimeters.
  • Light weight compared to natural stone.
  • Ecological cleanliness.

At the same time, the cost of such compositions is low, which makes it possible to process fairly large spaces without significant financial costs.


Despite the fact that the “Graphito” type plaster mixture itself is already one of the types of coatings decorating walls and other parts of the house, it can be different types, intended for the design of planes of various purposes. There are three main types of such solutions:

  • Mixture for application to walls. It does not form drips during operation and retains its relief after molding.
  • Solutions for application to horizontal structures subject to high mechanical loads. This variety is great for creating garden paths or sidewalks.
  • Mixture for decorating tabletops. It differs from the others in its finer filler structure.

Scope of application

Most often, graphite plaster is used to decorate the facades of buildings or other surfaces located outside the living space. Simply put, it is used to decorate the area adjacent to the house or the outside of the house itself. With its help you can create garden paths, frame decorative flower beds or imitate stonework on the external walls of buildings.

At the same time, the cost of repairs and the solution required for this will be significantly lower than that of real natural materials. Considering that such coatings can be painted in various shades, the scope of their use will be very wide. If desired, you can even recreate the structure of the tree and all its shades with high accuracy.

The coating fits perfectly on wood, concrete, drywall and other materials. If you need to create an imitation of stonework on the fireplace, decorative graphite plaster will help here too - with its help it is easy to “sculpt” stones of different shapes and sizes. Besides, she's not afraid high temperatures, which will also be a very useful property.


In order to understand how unique this mixture is and to see what masterpieces can be created with its help, below are several photos of examples of decorating house facades and other surfaces with such mixtures. They will help you understand all its advantages and appreciate appearance designs after design.

The next stage in construction country house When the box is at home, finishing work is carried out. Finishing work is divided into external and internal. External Finishing work mainly related to the decoration of the facade of the building. Today there are the following most popular facade finishing methods country houses; brick cladding, plastering, siding, plastic panels, artificial and natural stone. Each of the listed technologies has certain advantages inherent only to this specific type of finish. But there is another finishing technology that actually has all the advantages of all the listed technologies for finishing house facades. This is a unique Graphite finishing technology. The Grafito finishing technology came to us from Europe and the USA. The main and most important advantage of Grafito is its versatility, due to which it has a wide range of applications in finishing works.

Unique Graphite finishing technology

The originality of this technology lies primarily in the fact that, depending on the properties of the surface to be covered, it is possible not only to select the optimal surface pattern, but also to create a mixture that will best suit the finishing surface. Prepared solutions using Graphite technology can be used to finish concrete, brick, foam concrete, aerated concrete, polystyrene foam and wooden surfaces, as well as structures made of chipboard and plasterboard.

Graphite plaster - systematic approach and high quality

The main component of Graphite decorative plaster is the so-called white cement. Decorative plaster prepared on its basis has increased viscosity and plasticity. In addition, it can be used to give any surface being finished a three-dimensional appearance. As a result, with the help of decorative plaster Grafito you can get surfaces that imitate porcelain stoneware, tiles, laminate boards, silicate and facing bricks, textures of natural or artificial stone, tree bark, structural plaster. In fact, with the help of Grafito decorative plaster, you can realize any fantasy of the customer or owner of a country house. Another undeniable advantage of the technology for carrying out work using the Grafito system is the ability to apply the plaster solution in its raw form to any surface that does not require additional special preparation. The special filler present in the structure of Graphite decorative plaster allows it to be applied even to plastic surfaces. With such a high degree of adhesion Graphite plaster applied to a vertical surface retains the required shape and size. The merit of this is the special polymer particles included in the filler. They work as follows. They first penetrate into the smallest cracks in the structure of the material being processed and then harden, providing an effect similar to cold welding. The Graphite mixture is applied in a wet state to the surface to be covered in a layer of 0.5 to 15 cm, and the smudges characteristic of other types of plaster do not form.
Structurally, the top layer of the Grafito plaster mixture is a cellular fiber that resembles a kind of “antennae”. When the solution hardens, they are firmly bonded to each other.
All of the above properties ultimately allow us to characterize the surface finishing system Graphito as a material with unique characteristics and performance properties:
- high frost resistance,
- heat and moisture insulation properties,
- resistance to external influences,
- wear resistance.

Graphite - the widest range of applications

Plaster mixtures of the Grafito system find their application in many areas of construction. Graphite can be used when finishing the facades of not only low-rise buildings, but also high-rise ones, with big amount floors. In addition to the walls of the house, you can, by varying the pattern and structure of the Graphite mixture, decorate the base, fence, columns, both for the exterior and interior decoration of the house and other outbuildings on your suburban area. Having high strength characteristics, Graphite mixtures can also be used for finishing horizontal surfaces - sidewalks, paths, attics, verandas, parking lots. Stoves, chimneys, wall and floor elements finished using Graphite technology add special beauty and charm to the interior of a country house.

Paving paths using Grafito technology

It is especially recommended to paving horizontal surfaces with high operational loads with a Graphite mixture. Specially designed for these purposes Graphito mixture It is easily applied to the subfloor without forming air bubbles or smudges. It contains additional ingredients that ensure adhesion even under extreme conditions. temperature conditions. As a decoration, Graphite printed concrete can be used for tiling floors in various rooms (dining room, hall, bathhouse), as well as for designing paths, sidewalks, courtyards, swimming pool platforms and decorative waterfalls.
How most advanced technology in the field of finishing and decoration of surfaces, Graphito system has a number of significant advantages over other finishing materials:
- wide scope of application,
- formation of any interior,
- exclusivity and individualism,
- durability and strength,
- low cost ( see table)

Table. Comparative analysis cost of finishing in the most popular technologies *

Finishing methods Cost, rub. **
material surface preparation works total
Natural wallpaper, bamboo, jute
Limitations on performance characteristics, careful care. It is difficult to align the joints.
600 300 700 1600
A natural stone
Laying large-format stone of non-valuable species.
800 200 1100 2100
Cork coverings
600 500 900 2000
Textile wallpaper on fabric basis
Ideal surface preparation.
600 500 1000 2100
Designer decorative plasters 800 300 800 1900
Water-dispersion paints
Ideal surface preparation, limited performance characteristics, gentle care.
70 300 900 1270
Natural veneer panels coated with acrylic varnish
Taking into account the cost of the profile, the warranty is 1 year.
3500 50 400 3950
Graphite finish 86 0 300 386
* The average retail cost of decorative coatings was calculated.
** Average cost of construction work and materials.


Uniqueness of technology

Decorative plaster Graffito is a type of finishing material that is gaining popularity in Russia. The unique material is widely used in the USA and Europe. Graffito has long been successfully used as an original decoration for country houses, retail and residential premises, offices and entertainment centers, cafes and restaurants, swimming pools and fences - the area of ​​application of graffito is very extensive.

Graffito coating is a white cement-based mortar used to give interior and exterior walls a 3-dimensional finish.

The unique Graffito system is the ability to imitate:

    tiled floor and facing tiles of any texture,

size and color;

    porcelain stoneware;

    laminate board;

    silicate and facing bricks;

    any texture of stone, both natural and artificial;

    tree bark;

    structural plaster.

The basis for Graffito can be any surface - concrete, foam concrete blocks, brickwork, polystyrene foam, chipboard, plasterboard, wood, glass, metal, plastic and others.

The Graffito mixture is applied wet to any surface that does not require special preparation beforehand in a layer of 0.5 cm to 15 cm, without forming smudges.

A high degree of adhesion is characterized special type a filler that prevents the wet mixture from flowing off inclined and vertical surfaces - this allows you to give the mixture the desired shape immediately after application to a given surface, for example: a floor or a wall.

The filler contains polymer particles designed in such a way that upon certain exposure they soften and acquire the ability to penetrate cracks and then harden, like cold welding. Polymer particles at the molecular level ensure the interaction of the mixture even with the smallest surface protrusions.

The top layer of the mixture is a cellular fiber that resembles a kind of “antennae”. When the solution hardens, the “tendrils” are attached to each other. This gives graffito unique characteristics and performance properties, such as: high frost resistance, heat and moisture insulation properties, resistance to external influences, wear resistance.

Facade finishing

Graffito technology allows us to offer finishing of facades and ground floors from multi-storey buildings to private cottages. The widest selection of finishing options for plaster, tile, brickwork, any stone texture.

Wall decoration

Carrying out work on finishing the internal and external walls of buildings. The ability to implement the most daring design solutions and interior decoration projects. Finishing complex geometries without additional time and financial costs.

Floor finishing

Possibility of finishing floors inside and outside commercial and residential buildings. Increased strength characteristics allow the floor to be used in shopping centers and places with heavy traffic. A wide variety of finishing options for tiles, laminate boards and natural stone. Works ideally with underfloor heating systems.

A special mixture developed for flooring is easy to apply without forming air bubbles or smudges. The composition includes additional ingredients that ensure setting even at extreme temperatures. As a decoration, printed graffito concrete can be used for tiling floors in various rooms (dining room, hall, bathhouse), as well as for designing paths, sidewalks, courtyards, swimming pool platforms and decorative waterfalls.The graffito mixture used as a floor covering gives the surfaces unsurpassed plasticity, which helps slow down the formation of cracks. But one of the main advantages of using graffito decorative finishing material is its low cost compared to other materials.

Graffito finishing of bathrooms, showers, swimming pool platforms and decorative waterfalls.

Finishing of fireplace, stove, barbecue

One of the most practical solutions is to use decorative graffito plaster to decorate the fireplace. Decorative graffito plaster makes it possible not only to quickly and beautifully decorate a fireplace, garden stove, barbecue, but also to create a very beautiful and original product at minimal cost.

Using a huge collection of polyurethane molds and graffito stamps, you can finish a fireplace or stove to match various stone textures and wood trim elements. Using graffito technology, you can decorate not only new fireplaces, barbecues or stoves, but also restore old ones, transforming their old, unsightly appearance.

In this work, with the help of graffito, a stone cave was built, inside of which there is a fireplace, and a stump on the roof is a chimney.

Distinctive properties of Graffito decorative plaster:

    voluminous material that gives products a three-dimensional appearance;

    very easy and quick to apply, has high performance properties (fire resistance, strength, ductility);

    has excellent adhesion - can be applied to any type of surface without any problems, providing the maximum degree of adhesion.

Decorative graffito plaster combines the most best qualities other finishing materials, but at the same time has a competitive price.

Decorative graffito plaster, a universal finishing material that is ideal for creating exclusive interiors and exteriors. Today, many designers and finishers use decorative graffito plaster in their work. And there is a simple explanation for this. Decorative graffito plaster is not only a beautiful finishing material, but also with its help you can as soon as possible carry out a set of works on finishing the walls and facade of the task. Decorative graffito plaster is suitable for application to different kinds surfaces for external and internal work. Another important factor is the speed of work.

Have you dreamed of an attractive facade decoration - here you go! You really want to decorate your living room in the spirit of an ancient castle - there’s nothing complicated! Decorative graffito plaster is ready to make your most cherished desires come true! Coatings finished with decorative plaster will serve you faithfully for many years.

Decorative plaster Grafito is one of the most interesting finishing materials of the new generation, with which it is possible to recreate the effect of masonry or even original designs. This plaster is perfectly compatible with any substrate, such as: concrete, glass, porcelain stoneware, board, foam concrete, chipboard, plasterboard and others. It helps to decorate not only walls, but also fireplaces, facades, paths and floors. This material is used not only for interior decoration, but also for exterior decoration, for example, finishing facades, concrete walls and fences, and at the same time finishing any rough textures. At a relatively low cost, Graffito plaster is in no way inferior in appearance to artificial and even natural stone. Every day it increases its own demand, because it is great for realizing various design fantasies. Advantages of decorative graphite plaster: 1. unique convex texture; 2. quick and easy application of the material; 3. likelihood of application on virtually any surface; 4. reliability, long term services; 5. low cost.

Decorative graphite plaster: One of the most popular types of Graphite is Country plaster. It looks unusual in the interior and adds an original and stylish look to it. It seems that you see in front of you a natural stone, with its rough texture, very beautiful to look at. This plaster is applied using a spray gun and will be much cheaper than natural or artificial stone. But neither in appearance nor in terms of environmental criteria is it inferior to them. Composition of the plaster mixture Grafito is not an ordinary decorative plaster; it is more correct to call it a sculptural mass due to its ability to simulate various textures. A plaster mixture is made based on white cement with the addition of polypropylene fiber treated with olefins. This filler gives the surface frost resistance, water resistance, fire resistance, heat resistance, strength, antibacterial properties and good vapor permeability. Grafito gained its fame for its inherent simplicity and softness of lines, as well as its imitation of stonework. The imitation of a rustic style works especially well, which is quite in demand among those who want to decorate their homes.

Graphite application technology and finishing. Decorative plaster is applied to the surface to be treated with a thickness of 5 - 15 centimeters. It is worth installing special beacons on the wall in advance. The plane should be smooth after leveling. The polymer particles included in the contents of the filler penetrate into all the smallest pores of the surface and harden. Then, by pressing using silicone molds, we approach the creation of texture. Depending on the chosen shapes, there is a chance to copy different structures, and painting methods allow you to diversify the surface, adding final touches to it. After the texture has been created and the plaster itself has completely dried, you can begin to paint the surface. Additional care is often not required. The plaster resists mechanical damage well and is not afraid of rain. We can say with confidence that the decor will always be unique both in texture and color. Even a professional is not able to repeat exactly the same texture again.
