Which fruit is the healthiest and why. The most beneficial fruits for health

For comparative analysis fruits and berries a point system will be used. The points represent a percentage breakdown of the main vitamins and microelements, in terms of the norm for a person per day (for example, 100g of kiwi contains 300mg of potassium, and with an average norm for a person of 3500mg this will be 300/(3500/100) = 9 points) . The number of points will reflect the biological value of a particular fruit (berry). The more points, the more beneficial this fruit is for a person.


POINTS Name Vit A Vit C vit E Ca K Mg Fe Kcal
1017 Rose hip 434 650 1.7 28 23 8 1.3 109
393 Sea ​​buckthorn 250 200 5 22 193 30 1.4 82
334 Black currant 17 200 0.7 36 350 31 1.3 44
305 Red rowan 1500 70 1.4 42 230 33 2 50
294 Kiwi 15 180 0.3 40 300 25 0.8 47
121 Strawberries 5 60 0.5 40 161 18 1.2 41
111 Orange 8 60 0.2 34 197 13 0.3 43
105 Persimmon 200 15 0.5 127 200 56 2.5 67
102 Cloudberry 150 29 1.5 15 180 29 0.7 40
92 Quince 167 23 0.4 23 144 14 3 48
89 Grapefruit 3 45 0.3 23 184 10 0.5 35
84 Rowan chokeberry 200 15 1.5 28 158 14 1.1 55
83 White currant 7 40 0.3 36 270 9 0.5 42
82 Lemon 2 40 0.2 40 163 12 0.6 34
80 Apricot 267 10 1.1 28 305 8 0.7 44
78 Raspberries 33 25 0.6 40 224 22 1.2 46
77 Mandarin 7 38 0.1 35 155 11 0.1 38
74 Gooseberry 33 30 0.5 22 260 9 0.8 45
73 Red currants 33 25 0.5 36 275 17 0.9 43
67 Blackberry 17 15 1.2 30 208 29 1 34
66 Peach 83 10 1.1 20 363 16 0.6 45
65 Avocado 7 10 0.5 12 485 29 0.5 160
61 Cherries 25 15 0.3 33 233 24 1.8 52
59 Melon 67 20 0.1 16 118 13 1 35
57 Cherry plum 27 13 0.3 27 188 21 1.9 34
57 Blueberry 0 20 1.4 16 51 7 0.8 39
56 Banana 20 10 0.4 8 348 42 0.6 96
55 Cherry 17 15 0.3 37 256 26 0.5 52
55 A pineapple 7 20 0.1 16 321 11 0.3 52
49 Apples 5 10 0.2 16 278 9 2.2 47
48 Cranberry 0 15 1 14 119 15 0.6 28
46 Cowberry 8 15 1 25 90 7 0.4 46
45 Plum 17 10 0.6 20 214 9 0.5 49
42 Pear 2 5 0.4 19 155 12 2.3 47
42 Blueberry 0 10 1.4 16 51 6 0.7 44
38 Grape 5 6 0.4 30 225 17 0.6 72
35 Watermelon 17 7 0.1 14 110 12 1 27
28 Pomegranate 5 4 0.4 10 150 2 1 72

CONVENTIONAL ABBREVIATIONS: vit A- vitamin A content in retinol equivalent (mg/100g), Vit C- vitamin C content (mg/100g), Vit E- content of vitamin E in tocopherol equivalent (mg/100g), Ca- calcium content (mg/100g), K- potassium content (mg/100g), Mg- magnesium content (mg/100g), Fe- iron content (mcg/100g). Values ​​that exceed the daily requirement for a given vitamin/element are highlighted in bold.

Which fruit is the healthiest? Conclusions from the table:

  • The most useful berries turned out to be: rosehip, sea buckthorn, black currant and red rowan! They contain a truly huge amount of vitamin C, and rowan also contains a lot of carotenoids (provitamin A)
  • After the berries in the table, we see that the healthiest fruit is kiwi. It contains more vitamin C than citrus fruits.
  • The benefits of citrus fruits are somewhat exaggerated - as can be seen from the table, berries such as rowan, black currant and sea buckthorn easily surpass them in vitamin C content (and other indicators)
  • Which fruit is the healthiest? Especially for the readers of SZOZH, we have highlighted the most healthy fruits. We have also highlighted fruits that are beneficial for women, including those who are pregnant or losing weight.

    We have also collected interesting facts about these fruits. Want to see blue bananas? Then you have come to the right address 😉

    Friends, below you can find the healthiest fruits. Which fruit is the healthiest?? The answer to this question is not so simple. It should be taken into account that the distribution of places in our ranking is relative. After all, a person may need something specific (for example, getting rid of a disease or some kind of vitamin), and, accordingly, the fruit that ranks not first in the ranking of overall usefulness, but, for example, the tenth, will be the most useful for him. . Therefore, it is best to carefully read how each fruit helps the body and what diseases it treats.

    So, what are the benefits of fruits? First of all, the benefit of fruit lies in the fact that it is real. When counting vitamins and fiber, micro- and macroelements in these gifts of nature, scientists often forget about the most important thing - enzymes.

    Enzymes (enzymes) are what are found in every fruit that has not been subjected to heat treatment (heat treatment destroys enzymes). Enzymes take part in almost all functions of the body, guarding our health. If we think of the body as a battery, then enzymes are our recharge, recharging every cell of the body.

    Well, about beneficial features Everyone has heard a lot about fruits because of the vitamins, fiber, pectins, organic acids, micro- and macroelements they contain. Therefore, we will not repeat ourselves. So, let's check out the healthiest fruits.


    “Whoever eats an apple a day never sees a doctor” - there is such a proverb, and it is undoubtedly worth listening to.

    Apples increase immunity, fill the body with quick energy, and improve digestion. The benefit of apples lies in the fact that their regular consumption promotes longevity and rejuvenation of the body. Apples reduce the risk of heart attacks and prevent the development of diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. And they even reduce cholesterol levels in the blood: studies have proven that apples are much better than other fruits in this regard. This fruit is also rich in fiber and promotes quick satiety. At the same time, apples are low in calories, so they are used in many diets for weight loss.

    Attention! Do not peel the apple peel; it contains a lot of useful substances.

    Did you know that banana is a herb? It turns out that bananas don't grow on palm trees. Banana is a herb that grows up to 15 meters in height. Truly a wonderful world of nature!

    Well, banana fruits are called berries. These berries come in green, yellow, orange, pink, red and even blue. There are also black and striped bananas. The largest banana is the Kluay (or Rhino) variety, reaching 35 centimeters in length. And the smallest bananas are from 2.5 to 5 centimeters in length (but they are considered the sweetest).

    Bananas have long been called the fruit of vigor and positivity. If you need to quickly restore energy or cheer up, then eat bananas.

    Firstly, this fruit is very filling, as it contains enough calories (70-100 kcal per 100 grams). Interesting fact: an unripe banana (which will turn yellow, but is still greenish) has more calories (about 110 kcal per 100 grams). Even athletes for recruitment muscle mass eat bananas.

    Secondly, bananas contain tryptophan, a protein that is processed by the body into serotonin (the hormone of joy and happiness). If you eat bananas regularly, then depression will be forced to leave you.

    What else are bananas good for? This fruit helps with gastritis and peptic ulcers, even during exacerbation. Eliminates heartburn. Regularly eating bananas lowers blood pressure and prevents cardiovascular diseases (including hypertension). Also, according to former smokers, bananas help overcome the effect of nicotine deficiency, making it easier to quit smoking.

    The American state of California has a rather strange law prohibiting the consumption of oranges while bathing. This is considered a breach of public order.

    Well, okay, let's leave the Americans alone and figure out what this orange fruit is good for. Orange cleanses the blood, tones and gives the body energy. Has a rejuvenating effect. Orange is good for women because it contains folic acid, which is the main vitamin for women. Including oranges in your diet promotes normal pregnancy. Orange is also useful for men, as it increases potency and promotes the transmission of healthy genes to offspring. This fruit effectively strengthens our immunity, protecting against viral and inflammatory diseases. And even for weight loss, this fruit is indispensable, because it has a diuretic property and helps speed up metabolism, activating metabolic processes in the body.


    There are more than 10 thousand varieties of grapes. This is significantly larger than any other crop. Interesting fact: in ancient times, grape pickers were not allowed to work without a signed will. The fact is that grapes were usually planted next to trees so that they would climb along them. Over time, the trees died and served only as dried support for the bushes. So it was quite dangerous to climb for grapes, but that didn’t stop anyone.

    Grapes are loved by many for their rejuvenating properties. With regular consumption of grapes, you can forget about heart problems, high blood pressure and insomnia. Grapes cleanse the blood and help cope with bronchitis. Separately, it is worth noting that wine berries contain as many as twenty antioxidants that repel the attacks of free radicals. In other words, grapes prevent cancer. Drinking the juice of this berry improves immunity and tones the body. However, it is the grape skin that is the most beneficial part for human health.

    The Chinese consider the pear a symbol of immortality. Another interesting fact: Even before Columbus brought tobacco to Europe, Europeans were getting high on pear leaves. So the absurd habit of inhaling toxic smoke (and any smoke is poisonous, as it contains combustion products) has existed for quite some time, although it was not widespread on such a scale as it is now.

    Pear improves the functioning of the heart and gastrointestinal tract. Helps maintain proper blood sugar levels and promotes good digestion. Pears are very useful for women, including during pregnancy, as they contain a lot folic acid. Also, many varieties of pears are rich in iodine.

    The first apricots were discovered in China. About four thousand years ago, these fruits were discovered on the slopes of the Chinese mountains. Apricots are a very healthy fruit. Even on the moon, Apollo astronauts ate dried apricots, as they contain up to 40% sugars and a large number of energy.

    Contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Apricot is good for vision, as well as for maintaining youthful skin - and all this is thanks to the beta-carotene it contains. Apricots help improve the functioning of the heart and brain, as well as the overall cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems. By the way, this fruit is very useful for women, as it has a combination of those vitamins and substances that promote rapid growth of nails and hair. Regular consumption of apricots prevents cancer and helps cope with anemia. And in the cold season, apricot can be replaced with dried apricots, which also have all the properties described above.

    The sour taste of this fruit is familiar to each of us. One day, ill-wishers took advantage of this and wanted to disrupt a brass band concert. To do this, they seated children in the first row of the audience, who chewed lemons for show. The musicians were unable to suppress the increased salivation and, therefore, were unable to play their trumpets, and the concert did not take place.

    Other interesting story: the famous navigator J. Cook was awarded the gold medal of the Royal Society not for his geographical discoveries, but for the fact that he came up with the idea of ​​​​protecting sailors from scurvy with lemons. Because of this, in the 17th century, British sailors were often called "lemons".

    Lemon is the #1 fruit for strengthening the immune system and fighting colds. It is also an excellent fat burner that simultaneously reduces appetite. Lemon contains a large amount of vitamins, but primarily it is praised for its high content of ascorbic acid or vitamin C (up to 150 mg per 100 grams). Regular consumption of lemons helps eliminate free radicals from the body and prevent aging.

    Attention! Lemon is contraindicated for peptic ulcers and increased acidity of gastric juice.

    This sweet orange berry has an unusual taste. Persimmon belongs to the trees of the genus Diospyros, which translated from ancient Greek means “fruit of the gods.” China is considered the birthplace of persimmon.

    Persimmon perfectly satisfies hunger without damaging the figure (therefore, it can be included in the menu for those who want to lose weight). Helps improve the functioning of the digestive tract and urinary system. Persimmon has a rich chemical composition, surpassing apples in the amount of vitamins. In addition to a large number of vitamins, it contains many amino acids and antioxidants, which have an amazing effect on the entire human body. Persimmon cleanses the body well, removing all waste and toxins. Persimmon is also useful for vision and skin due to its high beta-corotene content.


    This is a tasty, juicy and aromatic fruit that contains many benefits. The peach tree is often called the tree of life. Contrary to popular belief, the birthplace of peaches is not Persia, but China.

    Peach is considered a very valuable product in the human diet. This fruit is especially useful for women, as it helps preserve natural beauty. Peach makes the skin smooth and elastic, and for this reason it is often used in cosmetology. This fruit is also a natural aphrodosiac. Despite its sweetness, peach contains few calories (only 30-35 kcal per 100 grams), and therefore it can be eaten by those who are losing weight. Eating this fruit is good for digestive system, muscles, bones and heart. This fruit also has a positive effect on the condition of hair, making it strong and voluminous. In Hungary, peaches are called the “fruit of calm”, as they help get rid of bad mood and anxiety.

    China is considered the birthplace of kiwi. There it is called the “monkey peach” because of the shaggy skin that covers this fruit. The name "kiwi" was only given to it in the 1950s, when New Zealanders began exporting the fruit from China to the United States. It could have been called that because of the similarity of the shape of the fruit with the body of the New Zealand kiwi bird, which, by the way, is the symbol of this country.

    New Zealanders also did not want to pay huge tariffs when exporting the fruit formerly known as the “Chinese gooseberry”, and therefore a change of “brand” was simply necessary to do business.

    Kiwi is a real vitamin bomb. Kiwi contains more ascorbic acid (vitamin C) than citrus fruits like orange and lemon. Due to its low calorie content, kiwi is recommended to be consumed for weight loss, since, firstly, it cleanses the body of toxins well, and secondly, it strengthens the immune system. Kiwi effectively burns fat and thins the blood, rids blood vessels of blood clots and cholesterol plaques. Helps with diseases of cardio-vascular system, normalizes the functioning of the digestive system (relieves constipation and heartburn).

    Interesting fact: the skin of kiwi is edible, so instead of peeling the fruit, you can wash it thoroughly and eat it whole. But this, of course, is not for everybody.

    The king of all fruits is what the crowned pomegranate is called in the East. And this fruit is called a pomegranate for a reason: when an overripe fruit explodes, the berries and grains scattering in all directions resemble the action of a real combat grenade.

    Pomegranate is one of the most valuable fruits; it is used to improve immunity, prevention and treatment various diseases. Regular consumption of pomegranate removes toxins and radiation from the body and slows down the development of cancer cells. Pomegranate is also useful for colds: it helps reduce high temperature and relieves cough. Pomegranate is also useful for heart diseases, in particular, high blood pressure. Regular consumption of this fruit prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis, anemia and diabetes mellitus. Pomegranate activates the digestive system. This fruit is also very useful for pregnant women due to its high iron content, and this, as mentioned above, prevents anemia.


    Each fruit is good in its own way, and this is an integral part healthy eating. What fruits do you consider healthy? Please write your answers in the comments. Stay with us, eat fruits and be healthy!

    After extensive research, Taiwanese scientists named pitahaya the most useful fruit in the world from those that grow in South Asia and America (in Russia, this exotic fruit is better known as dragon fruit).

    Pitahaya is a tropical fruit from the cactus family, the fruit of which has a delicate and aromatic taste. Externally, dragon fruit looks like a huge raspberry cone, inside of which a creamy pulp is hidden. white(sometimes pink) with small seeds like kiwi (by the way, it was kiwi that was once recognized as the healthiest fruit in the world).

    Experts from Taiwan say that pitahaya contains so many beneficial substances that it is almost a panacea for all diseases. It contains substances that help normalize blood pressure, lower blood sugar, and cholesterol levels. Dragon fruit is literally packed with vitamins and microelements. It contains vitamin C and B, Omega-3 fatty acids, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, calcium, phosphorus, iron...

    Pitahaya is a low-calorie product (100 grams contains less than 50 calories) and is useful for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases that are accompanied by high acidity. Experts also advise those who have problems with vision and the endocrine system to consume the world's healthiest fruit.

    America is considered the birthplace of dragon fruit, but today this plant is cultivated in many countries in Southeast Asia, such as Vietnam, Taiwan, Thailand, China, Malaysia and several other countries. Pitahaya is also grown in Mexico, Japan, Israel and the Hawaiian Islands. This fruit is very prolific; in one season you can get up to thirty tons from one hectare.

    Pitahaya is eaten raw, after peeling and cutting into slices or with a spoon, like kiwi. The only thing you need to consider is possible consequences for people suffering from allergies. So if you decide to include this fruit in your daily diet, start consuming it first in the dark. large quantities.

    According to sad statistics, there are more than 10 fast food establishments per one million residents of our country, and legends can already be made about the harmfulness of products in such establishments. And to remind readers of the existence of an alternative to fast food, today we will talk about the healthiest fruits for a person. Include them in your diet - and you will be surprised how much healthier, more energetic, and therefore happier you will become!

    10 Apple

    Low-calorie, nevertheless, a very healthy, nutritious and filling fruit is the basis of most diets, because with a minimum of calories it can give you a feeling of fullness for a long time. It also contains a lot of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, vitamins B and C, as well as minerals necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the human body.

    The peel of apples contains a lot of iron, which is necessary to maintain the functioning of the hematopoietic organs, and their grains contain iodine, which is necessary for the health of the thyroid gland. Scientists recommend eating at least one apple a day to prevent diseases such as heart attacks and strokes, Alzheimer's disease, and diabetes.


    Before describing the beneficial properties of a banana, we note that, contrary to popular belief, it is not a fruit, but a berry, as it grows on grass about 35 cm high. The calorie content of bananas is undoubtedly 100 grams. their pulp contains from 70 to 100 kcal, so these fruits are consumed to quickly gain muscle mass.

    Enzymes, which bananas literally abound in, improve the absorption of carbohydrates, and pectin and fiber activate the digestion process and speed up metabolism. Potassium salts, which are also sufficient in this product, help remove excess fluid from the body (relevant for edema), and potassium has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. The berry is recommended to be included in the diet of people suffering from diseases of the liver, stomach and intestines, and regular consumption of slightly greenish fruits is an effective measure for the prevention of malignant neoplasms in the intestines.


    The top ten healthiest fruits in the world include the first assistant in the fight to strengthen the immune system – a sweet and juicy orange. It perfectly fights viruses, cleanses and thins the blood, rejuvenates the skin and has a stabilizing effect on the entire body as a whole. Oranges are included in the diet menu of those wishing to lose excess weight, as they quickly fill you up without being deposited as extra centimeters on the waist and hips.

    When consumed in reasonable doses, this fruit enhances male potency and has a positive effect on pregnancy in women.

    Orange juice promotes regeneration bone tissue, so it is prescribed to people during the recovery period after fractures.


    The uniqueness of this fruit is that it is able to reduce arterial pressure and stabilize heart contractions. Grapes also reduce the risk of developing cancer, fight inflammation well, and slow down the aging process. Many experts, by the way, advise eating grapes with seeds and peels, which, when they enter the stomach, cleanse it of toxins and help remove them from the body.

    There is an opinion that due to the rich content of glucose in this fruit, people gain weight, but in fact they gain weight not from grapes, but from the increased appetite that is caused by grapes, therefore the optimal daily intake of this delicacy is considered to be 15-20 berries per day and not more.


    The advantage of the pear, which is also included in the list of the healthiest fruits in the world, is its rich content of vitamin C, folic acid and a whole list of microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. This fruit also contains fiber, which normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Pear has a gentle diuretic effect, helps prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques in the blood, participates in the process of hematopoiesis, and has bactericidal properties. It has been scientifically proven that the fruit is a natural antidepressant and can lower blood sugar levels. Since fructose, rather than glucose, gives pears their sweetness, they can be eaten by people suffering from diabetes. True, this must be done wisely, because the pulp of these aromatic fruits has a fixing effect and can lead to constipation.


    This sunny fruit is rich in beta-carotene, which is responsible for visual acuity, it increases brain performance and is recommended for people engaged in mental work. Apricot improves the functioning of the digestive and nervous systems, reduces the risk of anemia and malignant neoplasms, and has a beneficial effect on the skin, promoting the regeneration of its upper layers.

    Due to the high content of potassium and magnesium, this sweet fruit provides invaluable benefits to the heart and blood vessels, but it also contains a lot of glucose, and it is for this reason that people with diabetes should avoid eating apricots.


    This representative of our rating is perhaps the most useful fruit against colds in the world. Agree: this is what we buy first when we feel chills, fever and nasal congestion. The positive properties of this citrus fruit extend not only to the immune system, but also to the entire human body. For example, citric acid is characterized by fat-burning and tonic properties, vitamin C and ascorbic acid have a rejuvenating effect. The sour fruit replenishes the body's energy reserves, helps eliminate “bad” cholesterol, and slows down the aging process.


    About the benefits of this fruit for human body Even its name itself testifies, which translated from Greek means “fruit of the gods.” First amazing properties persimmons have been found in ancient China- it was there that they noticed that people, people who included it in their diet, are less likely to suffer from heart and vascular diseases, are more energetic and are generally active and full of strength.

    Persimmons contain an abundance of potassium, magnesium, carotene, which are necessary for the full functioning of the cardiovascular system, and iron, which is especially useful for anemia and during pregnancy. The fruit is indicated for people who are forced to take diuretics, as it replenishes potassium reserves and strengthens the urinary excretory system, while helping to cleanse the body of waste and toxins.


    It is not for nothing that beautiful, healthy representatives of the fair sex are often compared to peaches - these juicy sweet fruits have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, restoring its elasticity and prolonging youth. Despite its rich taste and sweetness, there are not many calories in peach, which is why it is included in the diet menu of people actively fighting excess weight. The dietary fiber contained in these fruits has a mild laxative effect and is indicated for chronic constipation. Peaches activate the brain, improve memory, improve metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; they are also very useful for pregnant women and are recommended for women during recovery in the postpartum period.

    An apple is a low-calorie fruit that provides significant benefits to the body and immune system as a whole. The pulp and peel of the apple tree are saturated with a number of rejuvenating and tonic substances that supply the body with vital energy. The main benefit of the fruit is its ability to lower blood cholesterol and reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and heart attack. It is recommended to eat apples in their peels, since the outer shell is saturated the largest number pure vitamin.

    Banana is an exotic, nourishing berry, recommended for replenishing strength and a healthy snack. Surprisingly, bananas do not grow on trees, but on 35cm of grass. The abundance of varietal banana varieties provides for the growth of striped, orange, red, green and even blue peel colors. 100g of banana pulp is regarded as 70-100g of kcal and that is why it is so widely used for the purpose of gaining muscle mass. The health-improving function of the protein fruit is to eliminate heartburn, fight ulcerative processes in the body and even cardiovascular diseases.

    Orange is an antiviral dietary fruit, cleanses the blood, rejuvenates and stabilizes the functioning of the body. This fruit is an integral component of fruit diets, as it has a diuretic function, speeds up metabolism and is low in calories. When consumed correctly, the orange fruit can have a positive effect on pregnancy, improving male potency and passing healthy genes to the unborn child. It has been proven that women benefit the most from orange juice.

    Grapes are the oldest fruit, available in more than 5 thousand varieties. This culture has a tremendous effect on the human heart by reducing heart pressure and stabilizing heart contractions. Nutmeg fruit, like orange, prevents cancer and even helps with insomnia. Grapes perfectly fight inflammatory processes in the body and are recommended for fresh use, when the berries have just reached the peak of their growing season.

    Pear is a fruit common throughout the middle zone, stabilizing the functioning of the heart and gastrointestinal tract. Like other most useful fruits in the world, pear enriches the immune system and energizes. The main benefit of this fruit is to improve digestion and reduce blood sugar levels. The aromatic pear pulp contains large amounts of iodine and folic acid. Since the concentration of beneficial substances disappears from the fruit over time, neither pear juice nor jam is recommended for use, but fresh pear from the garden.

    Apricot is a Chinese fruit containing a lot of vitamins and minerals. The benefits of apricot are its cosmetic and health benefits. The use of this fruit, due to the presence of beta-carotene, improves vision, brain performance, heart function and even skin quality. Digestive and nervous system Subsequently, consuming apricot will significantly improve its functioning, and its appearance will take on a more lively and energetic appearance. Active consumption of fruit reduces the likelihood of developing anemia and cancer.

    Lemon is the healthiest fruit in the world against colds. The benefits of lemon extend not only to immunity, but also to a person’s weight. None active dietary food can't do without citric acid, since it is endowed with fat-burning and appetite-reducing properties. The high concentration of vitamin C and ascorbic acid in one lemon can not only bring a person into an alert state, but literally rejuvenate. Since anything in excess is not healthy, it is not recommended to consume the juice of such fruit without dilution in large quantities.

    Persimmon – translated from ancient Greek as “fruit of the Gods”, was first discovered in China. This fruit has a lot of vitamins, amino acids and antioxidants, which together bring an immense amount of benefits to the entire body. A person who actively consumes persimmon will, over time, optimize his nutritional needs and is guaranteed to cleanse the body of toxins. According to practical information from consumers, persimmon effectively improves the functioning of the urinary and excretory system.
