Strict model diet for 3 days. Diet secrets of models

Everyone knows that models lose weight according to a special scheme, which allows them to lose excess weight in a short period of time, in 3-6 days. This The diet is designed for 3-6 days and includes complete cleansing and renewal of the body.

What is the secret of fashion models losing weight? Daytime the norm for models includes eating more protein in 6 days, but don’t be alarmed – the menu is quite varied.

If we talk about the diet of models for weight loss, then there are several types:

  • express weight loss;
  • starvation.

The diet can remain varied for 6 days. According to the mono-Estonian model method, it is possible to eat everything except carbohydrates for the next 6 days.

Models also often choose the Mediterranean diet for weight loss. Its features and menu for the week


  • Basic rules of the “2 glasses of water before meals” diet

How do models lose weight?

Express diet of American models is not strict; eating toast for breakfast or a small piece of baked goods is allowed.

It is imperative to choose bread for toast made from durum flour, with bran, or black bread. With an express diet, to lose a few kg, it’s worth use a large number of liquids, in order to cleanse the body, remove unnecessary waste and toxins.

The approximate volume of liquids is about 3 liters per day clean water, excluding coffee and tea. During the period of weight loss, it is possible to drink coffee and its derivatives. Weight loss results will come within a few days, at least minus 3-5 kg ​​for the entire period of this diet.

Menu and diet for a model diet

As a rule, the model’s diet is identified with painful thinness and malnutrition. However, it is not. The basis of the model diet is the struggle for a healthy, beautiful body. All together constitutes a full-fledged personality and a harmonious relationship with nature, as well as good health.

The basis of the technique slimming fashion models is eating large quantities squirrel - chicken fillet, liver, boiled legumes and cottage cheese.

It is also necessary to use plenty of water, which helps digest proteins and build muscles. With such a developed method, it will not be possible to gain extra pounds, but it will be possible to build a beautiful relief.

Diet for 3 days

The models' 3-day diet is designed for rapid weight loss. You can effectively lose weight by eating up to 1500 calories per day.

The daily diet is divided into 3 meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner.

The models' three-day diet includes the following menu:


  1. boiled egg, toast with rose petal jam.
  2. boiled chicken fillet, liver of your choice and several green vegetables.
  3. 200 grams of cottage cheese with dried fruits.


  1. cheesecake or any other cottage cheese dish with rose petal jam.
  2. boiled vegetables;
  3. light curd product.


  1. Fasting day on kefir.

If you want to eat something sweet, you can use a spoonful of rose petal jam according to the menu.

Diet for 6 days

Diet models for weight loss and healthy body designed to count calories for 6 days that were consumed. To begin with, it is worth deciding whether a person will stick to this diet for his entire adult life or just 6 days to achieve a certain result.

Daily diet - 5 meals: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner.

So, the models’ diet - menu for 6 days:


  1. omelette with vegetables (tomatoes, herbs, onions), toast;
  2. big green apple;
  3. vegetable soup(onions, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, celery stalk);
  4. a couple of cashews, walnuts or almonds to choose from;
  5. any milk product– 200 grams of cottage cheese or natural yogurt.

It is important to take into account that all the nuts on the menu are quite high in calories and it is under no circumstances recommended to abuse them, otherwise it is possible to achieve the exact opposite effect.

Second day

  1. a handful of fresh berries, toast;
  2. grapefruit;
  3. boiled chicken fillet – 150 grams;
  4. natural yogurt;
  5. a glass of kefir.

As a snack between meals, it is recommended to eat any fruit except bananas and grapes, as they themselves are quite high in calories and can increase your weight.

The third day

  1. milk soup or rice porrige;
  2. 1 carrot;
  3. chicken bouillon, toast;
  4. green apple;
  5. a glass of kefir.

Fourth day

  1. oatmeal on water;
  2. apple and celery stalk salad;
  3. vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley);
  4. 50 g cottage cheese, orange;
  5. kefir.

Fifth day

  1. 1 egg and 0% yoghurt;
  2. apple;
  3. chicken broth, toast;
  4. pumpkin soup;
  5. natural yogurt.

Sixth day

  1. buckwheat on water;
  2. 1 carrot;
  3. vegetable salad, (broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, grapefruit, 50 g feta cheese), toast.
  4. natural yogurt;
  5. low-fat kefir and 1 orange.

The models' diets are the most effective. According to reviews, this is the nutrition system for Victoria's Secret fashion models, as they keep themselves in excellent shape. Also very popular are nutritional systems such as the buckwheat diet and dry fasting, in which you are not allowed to drink water for several days.

Diet of Victoria's Secret models

In order to take a closer look at the diet of fashion models who participate in shows of the legendary brand, it is worth considering that, first of all, it based on the percentage of body fat in a woman’s body.

For Victoria's Secret models, this figure varies from 18 to 19 percent. In a healthy person, this figure is 25 percent. To lose weight, models drink large amounts of protein, without any additives or flavorings, dietary supplements and vitamin complexes.

To lose weight and get rid of extra pounds you need exclude the following products from the menu:

  • Fruits that contain large amounts of sugar (bananas, grapes).
  • Bakery products.
  • Liquids that may contain large amounts of sugars and harmful substances.
  • Alcohol and alcoholic cocktails.

Sample menu Victoria's Secret models for a week (breakfast, lunch, dinner):


  1. protein cocktail;
  2. fresh juice from any citrus;
  3. baked vegetable or apple.


  1. 1 hard-boiled egg;
  2. medium rare beef steak;
  3. cottage cheese.


  1. protein cocktail;
  2. a glass of yogurt without additives;
  3. cottage cheese casserole.


  1. Fasting day on fasting.

If hunger brings discomfort, drink a protein shake, dinner - a light fruit salad.


  1. egg;
  2. vegetable soup with water;
  3. a glass of yogurt.


  1. a handful of berries in season;
  2. baked vegetable salad;
  3. natural yogurt.


  1. A day on protein.

Vegetarianism and raw food diet

The models' diet is based on eating food that has not been subject to any type of processing. The philosophy of vegetarianism and raw food diet includes the concept of excluding products of animal origin, including dairy dishes.

Sample menu for losing weight and getting rid of extra kg on a raw food diet and vegetarianism (breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):

1 day

  1. banana, orange, kiwi;
  2. seasonal fruit smoothies;
  3. green buckwheat, fresh vegetable salad (cucumber, tomato, onion, pepper), seasoned olive oil first cold pressed;
  4. fresh celery;
  5. vegetable smoothie made from tomatoes, avocado, spinach and parsley, 1 raw bread;

Anyone who is interested in diets has probably thought about how important it is in the modeling business. The specificity of the work of models is such that keeping oneself in shape is an urgent necessity. Sometimes, in just a few days, models have to get back into shape. How do they do this? There are several popular weight loss methods for models, each of which has its own characteristics.

Diet of top models for 3 days

This is one of the most common approaches in the fight for slimness in a short time:

  • The essence and principle of operation– rapid weight loss by eliminating carbohydrates and fatty foods. Enough water should be consumed.
  • Basic Rules– do not exceed the specified volume of products. Do not repeat this diet often, but only in emergency situations.
    • Allowed: tea, egg and cottage cheese.
    • Prohibited: other.
  • Sample menu:
    • 1st meal: a glass of tea without sweeteners and sugar and a soft-boiled egg.
    • 2nd meal(which should be in 3 hours) – ½ saucer of cottage cheese and tea (unsweetened).
    • 3rd meal(after another 3 hours): similar to the 2nd meal.
  • Duration- 3 days.
  • How many kg can you lose weight– You can lose up to 4 kilograms in the allotted period if you use this technique.

Diet of Victoria's Secret models

A brand specializing in underwear is particularly demanding appearance models and figure condition.

The universal diet used by the models can suit everyone:

  • The essence and principle of operation– rapid weight loss by burning fat.
  • Basic Rules– to achieve the effect, it is recommended to combine food restriction with physical activity, keep portions small, and eat food slowly with thorough chewing of food.
  • Prohibited and permitted products:
    • Avoid eating sugar-containing foods and salt.
    • Alcohol is prohibited.
    • You can have vegetables, lean meat, greens, toast, eggs, kefir,
  • Sample menu: The menu is designed for 3 meals every day. A ration for 7 days is brought, and in subsequent days it is recommended to repeat some of the given days. Moreover, coffee and tea should be without sweeteners:
    • 1st day:
      • Coffee.
      • A tomato and a couple of boiled eggs.
      • Spinach with a portion of boiled chicken.
    • 2nd day:
      • Always coffee with toasted bread.
      • Greens and tomato salad. Boiled beef.
      • Diet soup that does not contain potatoes.
    • 3rd day:
      • Same coffee plus toast.
      • Green salad with stewed beef.
      • Again a green salad with a couple of eggs and a portion of ham.
    • 4th day:
      • Just like the previous day.
      • Carrots, a piece of cheese and one boiled egg.
      • Fruit salad. Wash it down with kefir.
    • 5th day:
      • Grate the carrots and sprinkle with lemon juice.
      • Stew fish with tomatoes.
      • Green salad and portioned beef.
    • 6th day:
      • Same as on day 2.
      • A portion of lean chicken and a green salad.
      • The same salad with a portion of beef.
    • 7th day:
      • Tea.
      • A traditional green salad. And pork fillet.
      • Fruit salad.
  • Duration– 13 days, but the result is noticeable even after a week.
  • How many kg can you lose weight– from 3 to 5 kg per week of diet.

Energy and activity are inherent in this popular model, which easily overcomes heavy loads, frequent shooting and a dynamic rhythm of life:

  • The essence and principle of operation– build-up muscle mass while burning fat deposits. This is achieved an integrated approach diet and fitness. Strength and aerobic exercise, along with dietary restrictions, can work wonders.
  • Basic Rules– follow the rules of eating and do not eat after 19 hours. In addition, it is mandatory physical exercise. The model herself has 2 hours every day.
  • Prohibited and permitted products:
    • Excluded: pasta products, sweets, bread, rice and potatoes. As well as alcoholic drinks, fatty foods and sweet fruits.
    • Allowed: greens, vegetables, meat (lean).
  • Sample menu:
    • In the morning diet healthy green tea and egg white omelet.
    • During the day– vegetables with boiled turkey.
    • In the evening seafood or vegetable soup.
  • Duration- two weeks.
  • How many kg can you lose weight– up to 6.5 kg.

You can look great like Miranda Kerr if you make an effort and follow her diet:

  • The essence and principle of operation– based on a blood type diet, but with some changes. Preference is given to vegetables, fruits, and organic food. Drinking plenty of water and limiting treats.
  • Basic Rules– diet combined with exercise, healthy image life.
  • Prohibited and permitted products:
    • Allowed: tea, nuts, fruits, vegetables, lean fish, eggs.
    • It is forbidden: bread, pasta, alcohol, sweets and smoked foods.
  • Sample menu:
    • Morning starts with fruit, avocado, toast, eggs and healthy ginger tea.
    • A little later: green tea and nuts.
    • During the day: bread, light fish-based salad and tea.
    • In the evening: grilled or oven-cooked fish with pumpkin, vegetable salad.
    • For the night maybe an apple or tea.
  • Duration- two weeks.
  • How many kg can you lose weight– up to 10 kg.

The model attracts admiring glances and is in excellent shape.

Many girls strive to get the same graceful figure as Claudia:

  • The essence and principle of operation– low calorie content, reduced carbohydrates and fats in the diet. Due to this, internal fat deposits are reduced.
  • Basic Rules: stick to a diet and drink enough water, suppressing the feeling of hunger. It is possible to repeat its passage no more than several times a year. To maintain a healthy figure, you must constantly adhere to healthy eating after completing the course.
  • Prohibited and permitted products:
    • Alcohol, fatty and heavy foods, pasta, and sweets are prohibited.
    • The list of allowed foods includes vegetables, fruits, berries, lean meat, rice and yogurt.
  • Sample menu:
    • First two days:
      • Morning: combine a glass of any cereal flakes with chopped fruit, dressing - yogurt.
      • After two hours, a glass of drink, half of the volume is fruit juice and the other half is yogurt.
      • In the afternoon: cook vegetables in the form of a stew. It’s good if the composition contains cauliflower, carrots, and celery, which has a lot of beneficial properties. Dressing – olive oil.
      • After a couple of hours: a portion of boiled chicken fillet and one loaf of bread.
      • Evening: cook rice, add berries and fruits.
    • 3rd – 5th day:
      • Morning: one soft-boiled egg.
      • Day and evening: ½ serving of cottage cheese and tea.
    • The next day is the exit from the diet. Return to your normal diet, but your last meal should be no later than four o’clock in the afternoon.
  • Duration: 5 days.
  • How many kg can you lose: 3 kilograms.

The most effective diets models are aimed at emergency figure correction, because a slim body is the key to success in this profession. There should be no doubt about the effectiveness of such a diet, not only because low calorie menu, but also because of the reviews of many beauties who tried it on themselves. If you have a few extra pounds and want to lose them very quickly, we recommend trying the model diet for 3 days.

Rules and features of the model diet

Before trying an effective model diet on yourself, you should consult your doctor. He will determine whether this method of losing weight is suitable for you or not - after all, the diet involves strict restrictions that will not cause harm healthy person. Having decided on a model diet, you will have to show tremendous willpower, because a beautiful figure is at stake.

There are two options for the model nutrition system: 3 and 7 days. The first is more strict, and therefore using it for more than 3 days is harmful to health. The 3-day model diet is more popular among stars, because... with its help you can quickly lose those hated pounds before an important event.

To maximize results and endure fasting days with minimal damage to health, it is important to follow the recommendations:

  • Fractional meals. A strict model diet for 3 days involves reducing the calorie intake. You will have to eat in small portions; it is recommended to eat more often, every 2.5-3.5 hours, so as not to suffer from bouts of hunger.
  • Refusal of sweets, flour, salty, fatty foods. The main rule of any fat burning complex is to limit junk food.
  • Eating vegetables, fruits, greens. Plant foods have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and fiber cleanses the intestines. Artichokes and parsley suppress appetite, grapefruit and pineapple prevent fat deposition.
  • You need to drink plenty of fluids. It promotes the rapid removal of waste and toxins from the body. Drinking plenty of fluids reduces the amount of food you eat. The feeling of thirst can be confused with hunger. Are you hungry? You need to drink water, if after 10-15 minutes the hunger has not passed, you can eat.
  • Get physically active. There is no need to torture yourself with grueling workouts; it is recommended to replace them with cycling, visiting the pool, yoga, gymnastics or dancing.

How many kilograms can you lose in 3 days?

The model diet for 3 days involves severe food restriction and a reduction in calories consumed. Due to this, our body will use fat reserves that were put aside for a rainy day. Therefore, in three days you can get rid of 2 to 5 kilograms. The final result depends on the individual characteristics of the body, and on compliance with the rules of the diet.

Regime and diet

When following a model diet for 3 days, you can only eat permitted foods. It is based on protein foods and practically excludes carbohydrates and fats. These days you need to eat small portions 3-5 times a day. Dinner must be no later than 16.00. In between meals, you can and even need to have snacks - they will help cope with the feeling of hunger.

If you follow the model system, you can consume the following products:

  • protein foods - lean meat, cottage cheese, yogurt, eggs;
  • cereals – oatmeal;
  • vegetables with negative calorie content - cucumbers, cabbage, celery;
  • fruits – green apples, pineapple, grapefruit, lemon;
  • any greens - chard, dill, parsley, spinach, arugula, lettuce;
  • whole grain bread, crispbread, bran;
  • natural seasonings – ground ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, turmeric;
  • green and herbal tea, chicory.

Coffee lovers will have to reduce their consumption of this drink to one cup per day. But preference should be given to green and herbal tea, mineral water.

Strict diet for fashion models for three days

If you have an important event ahead of which there is little time left, but you want to look 100%, then for this there is a model diet for 3 days. During this period, you can eat only permitted foods. Approximate three-day diet for fashion models:

First day:

  • Breakfast: a cup of green tea without sugar and one boiled egg.
  • Snack: green tea without sugar, any greens.
  • Lunch: low-fat cottage cheese – 200 g.
  • Afternoon snack: pineapple – 150 g or apple.
  • Dinner: boiled chicken fillet – 100 g.

Second day:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with water with 10 nuts, herbal tea without sugar.
  • Snack: half a grapefruit;
  • Lunch: chicken broth with meatballs – 150 g.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese – 100 g.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad with lemon juice, herbal tea.

The third day:

  • Breakfast: two hard-boiled eggs, a glass of warm lemon water;
  • Snack: glass tomato juice, two loaves of bread.
  • Lunch: fish baked in the oven (pollock, hake, pike perch) – 100 g, apple or grapefruit.
  • Afternoon snack: vegetable stew without salt.
  • Dinner: toast from rye bread with ham and spinach, herbal tea.

Hot menu of models for every day

The basic principle of the hot diet is to consume a limited number of calories (no more than 1000) per day. Hot drinks, which need to be drunk in large quantities, play a special role in the diet of fashion models. This way you can quickly cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins, and satisfy the feeling of hunger.

Hot menu for three days:

First day:

  • Breakfast: soft-boiled eggs or omelet, hot tea.
  • Snack: bread, hot tea.
  • Lunch: soup with boiled meat – 200 g, apple, glass hot water.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of hot tea.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad with egg sauce, half a grapefruit, a glass of hot water.

Second day:

  • Breakfast: boiled meat - 50 g, whole grain toast, a glass of hot tea.
  • Snack: arugula, hot chicory drink.
  • Lunch: baked fish - 100 g, a slice of bran bread, a glass of hot water with lemon.
  • Afternoon snack: green apple.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew with cabbage, spinach, arugula and tomatoes, a glass of hot milk.

The third day:

  • Breakfast: rolled oats porridge with water – 150 g, a glass of hot chamomile tea.
  • Snack: half an orange, herbal decoction.
  • Lunch: cottage cheese (fat content 0.01%) with the addition of 10 nuts - 100 g, a glass of hot water.
  • Afternoon snack: half a grapefruit.
  • Dinner: baked fish – 100 g, a glass of hot water.

Quitting the diet

Nutritionists do not advise resorting to a model diet too often, since such fasting can negatively affect the functioning of the body’s internal systems. It is recommended to use it no more than twice a year, and the rest of the time to maintain regular weight fasting days, sports and proper nutrition. The model diet gives amazing results, but the exit from the model diet must be gradual. If you do not follow the rules for getting out of it, then the lost weight can quickly return:

  • Incorporate new foods into the diet gradually, the recommended amount is 1 dish per 2 days.
  • Drink plenty of fluids - at least 2 liters per day.
  • You should not eat fatty or sweet foods for another 15 days after completing the course.
  • You need to eat 4-6 times a day, chew food thoroughly.
  • To consolidate the result, it is recommended to adhere to proper nutrition and lead an active lifestyle.

Advantages and disadvantages

Thanks to a strict diet, weight loss occurs: when there is a lack of calories, the body produces them on its own, breaking down fat deposits. Thus, the high effectiveness of the model diet for weight loss allows you to significantly reduce weight and keep yourself in shape. Like any diet, the model diet has its advantages:

  • effectiveness – rapid weight loss in a short time;
  • due to the presence of proteins in the diet, the body does not experience a deficiency of vitamins;
  • the body is cleansed, the condition of the skin improves due to healthy products in the diet.

The disadvantages include:

  • rigid unbalanced diet;
  • constant feeling of hunger, which can affect your mood;
  • slight malaise and dizziness are possible. If symptoms begin to worsen, you should stop the diet and consult a doctor.


The model diet should not be used if you have chronic diseases, as well as problems with the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Diet can have a detrimental effect on your health, so before you decide to lose weight quickly, you should consult your doctor. It is not suitable for pregnant and lactating women, teenagers during the period of active growth.


Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)

15 Mar 2016


Many girls and women dream of having an ideal figure. Often, in order to lose weight, female representatives limit their daily diet. TO effective methods losing weight also includes a model diet. It is a tough measure to get rid of annoying kilograms, but the results are obvious. Diet credo for models: limiting your usual diet and switching to foods with minimal calories. Today, there are several basic diet options for fashion models, designed for different periods. How do models lose weight?

Features and rules of diet

The main nuances of the model diet:

  1. It is necessary to drink large amounts of water to reduce the feeling of hunger and resist dehydration.
  2. The model food menu needs to be planned so that last days diets fell on weekends. During this period, a person’s physical activity drops to a minimum.
  3. On a model diet, you are allowed to relax a little in terms of fluid intake. It is sometimes recommended to replace ordinary purified water with herbal tea and still mineral water.
  4. Express weight loss can threaten your health, so before changing your diet, it is better to consult a nutritionist.

Diet options for top models and their menus

There are two main types of model diets. The first option is a very strict express diet that lasts for 3 days. With this regime you can lose up to four kilograms. The second type of nutrition is designed for a week, result: minus 4-6 kg. Let's look at the menu of each diet for top models in more detail. If you feel unwell during the diet, you should immediately return to old scheme eating food.

For 3 days

Let's try to understand in detail how to lose 3 kg in 3 days. The emergency type of eating is not suitable for everyone; not many women can keep themselves within strict limits. If effective diet for models is strictly observed, the result will be minus three to four kilograms. You are allowed to use this method of losing weight only once a month, otherwise serious health problems cannot be avoided. The main rule of the express diet is to take only dietary products only until 12.00-14.00. A sample menu looks like this:

  • in the morning: soft-boiled egg, a cup of tea without added sugar;
  • three hours after the first meal: cottage cheese with 0% fat content (175 grams);
  • again after 3 hours: repeat lunch and add unsweetened green tea.

You need to drink more fluids and walk often. The diet is harsh, but if you stick to it, it’s quite possible to lose 3 kg in 3 days. Judging by the reviews, a three-day diet for models often causes a strong feeling of hunger and slight weakness. At the end of the diet, you need to smoothly, gradually return to the diet that is familiar to a particular person.

For 7 days

The seven-day diet for representatives of the modeling business implies a more varied menu. The number of calories per day should be no more than 1000. Approximate menu, which allows you to lose 4-6 kg of excess weight, looks like this:

  1. Monday:
  • breakfast: barley with added butter (5-10 g) and raw grated carrots, half a piece of black bread;
  • lunch: vegetable stew or cabbage salad with onions;
  • dinner: buckwheat with grated cabbage or carrots.
  1. Tuesday:
  • pearl barley porridge and vegetable salad (carrots + cabbage);
  • oatmeal cooked in water or diluted milk;
  • beet salad, wheat porridge.
  1. Wednesday:
  • carrot salad flavored with olive oil, pearl barley porridge;
  • light vegetable soup with water or baked vegetables;
  • boiled potatoes, cabbage salad.
  1. Thursday:

  • one glass of low-fat yogurt, kefir;
  • a small piece of boiled chicken meat, vegetable salad;
  • cauliflower (stewed, steamed) with cheese and tomatoes, baked apple.
  1. Friday:
  • vegetable salad, buckwheat;
  • pickle without meat (250 g), salad (tomatoes + cucumbers);
  • boiled rice, vinaigrette.
  1. Saturday:
  1. Sunday:
  • oatmeal;
  • vegetable soup with croutons;
  • one boiled egg, vegetable salad.

This type of dietary pattern also has a negative impact on health because there is virtually no animal protein in the diet. For this reason, nutritionists strongly advise adding a small amount of fish or meat (steamed or boiled) to your daily menu. You can treat yourself to bread several times a week, but only black. During 7 daily diet Models must drink several liters of fluid per day.

Diet when leaving the diet

The diet regime for models is a very strict diet, so you need to return to standard food consumption gradually. At the end of the diet, your daily diet should include a lot of plant foods. You can eat food in stewed, boiled, steamed and raw form. After completing the diet, top models are allowed to eat lean meat and fish, and dairy products. You will have to wait a little with fats and sugar; it is better to introduce them in a couple of months in small quantities.

Video: how to quickly lose 5 kg in 3 days

If you want to lose weight and get your body in order, then this will help you dietary food. Beauty requires sacrifice, so to get the effect you will have to stock up on willpower. Thanks to the video, you can learn about several types of strict express diets that will help you “melt” 4-5 kilograms in three days. If you strictly follow the advice from the video, the results will exceed all expectations.

Lose weight up to 4 kg in 3 days.
The average daily calorie content is 370 Kcal.

The profession of models obliges them to always look their best, showing off their beautifully chiseled body shapes on the catwalk and in photographs in fashion magazines. And this is not surprising. After all, by adding just a couple of centimeters in volume, a girl could be removed from the show under the strictest criteria and, as a result, lose her job. Especially for emergency situations, when you need to instantly correct your body, a weight loss technique was developed, which is called the model diet. The most popular and effective options are designed for 3 and 7 days.

Diet requirements of models

The first version of the three-day diet of models is based mainly on nutrition in the first half of the day. A complete absence of evening meals is assumed. This makes such a short dietary period very effective in terms of weight loss, allowing girls with great willpower to lose from 2 to 4 kilograms. These days you need to eat protein foods, namely chicken eggs and low-fat cottage cheese. It is worth planning your meal schedule so that after 15:00 you do not eat anything, but only drink water and unsweetened green tea or herbal decoctions. But now you will need to give up drinks containing caffeine. If you really have a hard time without your favorite coffee, allow yourself a cup of this drink for breakfast, but no more.

If, despite your meager diet, you still have the strength to do physical activity, just great. Do any sport that you like. Surely this will help achieve more significant weight loss results. By the way, moderate training in evening time day is a great way to distract from thoughts about food. But do not overdo it with loads, otherwise the effect may be exactly the opposite. Or, if you engage in sports shortly before bedtime, there is a high probability of having problems falling asleep. And this can further increase the feeling of hunger in the evening.

Since this diet prescribes significant restrictions, it is definitely not worth repeating it for more than the specified period in order to avoid health problems. In addition, if you continue to lose weight in this way, you will probably have to face disappointment. Most likely, after three days (or very soon), your body will begin to work in economy mode, not wanting to lose excess weight. As a result, you will understand that your infringements and torments are in vain. It is much more reasonable to eat healthy with caloric restriction, but not with severe cutting. And if necessary, simply repeat this diet again.

The second version of the model diet It is also designed for 3 days (maximum, you can extend this regime for another day). It is more nutritionally friendly and promises the loss of one or two extra pounds (the average daily calorie content of this option is 530 Kcal). This mini-diet can be used if you want to relieve the body a little after a heavy feast. According to the rules of this diet, you should eat three times a day, approximately same time by refusing to eat at least 4 hours before bedtime. Drink water and herbal teas between meals. It is recommended to drink slightly warmed water. The diet of allowed foods under this option includes chicken eggs, lean meat, fish, toast from rye or whole grain bread, non-starchy vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to avoid eating salt for this short period. Other products are now prohibited. As in the previous case, it makes no sense to increase the duration of the diet, as nutrition experts note. It is better, if necessary, to repeat it later.

Longer model diet is designed for 7 days. Even famous fashion models often adhere to it to make their body perfect before an important show. If you also decide to follow the example of the catwalk stars, be prepared for the following. You will have to eat vegetables, various cereals, low-fat dairy products, and chicken eggs three times a day. As for serving sizes, they are not clearly stated. It’s easy to guess that you don’t need to eat a lot; servings of 200-250 grams (the entire meal is taken into account) are quite enough.

As in previous cases, it is recommended to drink water, green and herbal teas. Coffee is not recommended. Salt is allowed, but in small quantities. If you spend a couple of diet-days without it, it will be good. This will free the body from excess fluid. A more detailed diet for each day of a weekly effective model diet is described in the menu. During this period you can lose up to 4-5 kilograms.

To increase your chances of maintaining the results obtained after any diet option, we recommend paying attention to model tips that will help you maintain your figure in everyday life.

  • Try to eat at least 5 times a day, since with fractional meals, calories are burned evenly throughout the day, and hunger has less chance of knocking on your door.
  • Eat minimal amounts of fatty, sweet and fried foods.
  • If you feel hungry out of hours, chew an artichoke. According to top models, it suppresses a raging appetite well. Also, to relieve hunger, you can simply chew a sprig of parsley.
  • Include more pineapples in your menu, which contain the enzyme bromelain, which reduces the chances of calories entering your body being modified into fat folds. For this purpose, it is recommended to include ginger-based seasoning in the diet.
  • Do not eat too salty foods or add too much salt to your food, as this process can retain salt in the body and cause swelling.

Finally, speaking about the basics of the model methodology, we note that it is important not only to correctly exit this type of diet, but also to enter it. To ensure maximum results and minimize the chances of causing harm to the body, you should prepare in advance. So, if your diet included high-calorie and fatty foods, exclude them at least two or three days before you start losing weight. On the last pre-diet day, dinner should be before 18:00 and consist of healthy light foods in small quantities.

Model diet menu

Diet of the 3-day model diet - option No. 1

Breakfast: boiled chicken egg; unsweetened tea.
Second breakfast: up to 130 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
Lunch: duplicates second breakfast.

Diet of the 3-day model diet - option No. 2

Breakfast: 2 soft-boiled chicken eggs or a piece of lean meat (about 50 g). We complement any of the breakfast options with thinly spread toast butter, and unsweetened tea (green or herbal).
Lunch: boiled or baked piece of lean fish or meat (about 100 g); salad of green vegetables, legumes and herbs, sprinkled with olive or other vegetable oil(up to 300 g); any fruit (bananas are not advisable due to their high calorie content and starch content); Cup of tea.
Dinner: 300 gram portion of green vegetable salad; one or two toasts from approved bread or just rye crackers; herbal or green empty tea.
Before going to bed, drink an unsweetened herbal decoction. This will help you relax and fall asleep faster.

Diet of the 7-day model diet

Breakfast: a portion of pearl barley cooked in water (you can season it with a little butter or vegetable oil); a few tablespoons of vegetable salad (white cabbage plus greens).
Lunch: vegetable stew (without potatoes), to which you can add a little vegetable oil when cooking, or just stewed cabbage, or fresh cabbage with herbs, sprinkled with vegetable oil.
Dinner: a portion of buckwheat; cabbage and carrot salad with a drop of vegetable oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Breakfast: barley seasoned with a small amount of butter or vegetable oil; fresh cabbage salad with herbs.
Lunch: oatmeal (to prepare it, use water or a mixture of water and low-fat milk).
Dinner: lean porridge from wheat cereal and beet salad.

Breakfast: a portion of pearl barley porridge and grated fresh carrots, seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice.
Lunch: vegetable soup in water without frying or baked non-starchy vegetables.
Dinner: 1-2 medium-sized boiled potatoes and white or Chinese cabbage in the form of a salad.

Breakfast: a glass of low-fat kefir or drinking yogurt without additives.
Lunch: boiled chicken meat without skin; vegetable salad from non-starchy products.
Dinner: cauliflower with tomatoes, stewed or baked; one baked apple.

Breakfast: a portion of lean buckwheat plus a salad of green vegetables and herbs.
Lunch: pickle without adding meat products; salad of tomatoes and cucumbers.
Dinner: rice porridge without oil and boiled non-starchy vegetables.

Breakfast: lean barley and a few tablespoons of sauerkraut.
Lunch: a plate of low-fat vegetable soup; braised cabbage.
Dinner: salad of green vegetables and various types of herbs.

Breakfast: empty oatmeal.
Lunch: vegetable soup without frying.
Dinner: a serving of green vegetable salad and one boiled chicken egg.

Model diet contraindications

  1. Contraindications to any model diet are diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, viral diseases, chronic diseases (the period of their exacerbation is especially dangerous).
  2. Also, children, teenagers, and elderly people should not go on such a diet.
  3. Do not test your body's capabilities in any situation when your immune system is weakened.
  4. A low-calorie and rather strict dietary pattern can now become a serious test for your health.
  5. Of course, pregnant women and nursing mothers should not diet.
  6. In any case, it is highly advisable to consult with a qualified doctor before starting your modeling life.

Advantages of a model's diet

  • The undeniable advantages of the model diet include the fact that with its help you can achieve quick results and literally in 3-7 days it’s good to correct the forms in order to appear in all its glory in the desired situation.
  • The products in the model diet are the most common, which you can always purchase and easily prepare.

Disadvantages of Model Diets

  • People on such a diet often feel hungry.
  • As a rule, those who have strong willpower can bring it to the end.
  • Also, due to the low calorie content of the proposed menu, the model technique can contribute to increased fatigue and decreased mental and physical activity. Therefore, it is advisable to diet in this way on weekends, during vacations or at the least busy times.
  • As nutritionists rightly point out, none of the described weight loss options for fashion models are diverse. The incoming substances may not be enough for the body to function normally. For this reason, you can go on a model diet if you are confident in your health and are psychologically determined to quickly and effectively fight with extra pounds.

Repeated dieting of models

It is not recommended to repeat the model three-day diet in any version for the next 2 weeks. And if you want to transform your body by again turning to the seven-day method, wait at least a month and a half.
