What plants are legumes? Types of legumes

Legumes are one of the most large families dicotyledons. They are distributed over all land accessible to flowering plants. globe and are presented in a wide variety of forms, starting with huge trees and ending with vines and tiny species growing in the desert. Representatives of legumes can live both at an altitude of 5 thousand meters and in the Far North or in hot waterless sands.

general characteristics

Legumes, the list of which includes about 18 thousand species, are widely used as food by animals and people.

Their root system consists of small tubers that are formed from tissue that appears when nitrogen-fixing bacteria enter the root. They are able to fix nitrogen, thanks to which not only the plant itself, but also the soil receives nutrition.

The fruits of leguminous plants, like them themselves, are very diverse. They can reach about one and a half meters in length. These plants are an important layer of the flora, representing about 10% of flowering species. The most popular and widespread legumes are soybeans, vetch, beans, lentils, sainfoin, chickpeas, fodder lupine, fodder beans and common peanuts.


This product should be included first in the list of legumes because it is one of the most common and is grown in most regions of the world. Soybeans are a popular food product valued for their high vegetable protein and fat content. Thanks to this, soybean is also a valuable component of animal feed.


This is one of the main legumes. Vetch is used both in the human diet and as animal feed. It is used as feed in the form of hay, silage, or crushed grains.


The fruits of legumes, especially beans, contain many amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, protein and carotene. This alone is a good reason for regular consumption of this plant. Beans are used as a separate product and for manufacturing. Studies of the properties of legumes have shown that this type of beans is a wonderful natural medicine that stimulates relief from many diseases.


This subspecies combines all the benefits of the legume family, primarily due to the large amount of protein, minerals and vital amino acids. In addition, lentils are a champion in their class in terms of the amount of folic acid. It is used for processing into cereals and as animal feed.


This is a grass of the legume family. It is used as animal feed both in the form of seeds and green mass, which is not inferior in nutritional value to alfalfa. Sainfoin has a high value as a honey crop.


Chickpeas are one of the most widespread representatives of the legume genus throughout the world. The list of food products that are produced on its basis is quite extensive. Since ancient times, this species has been widespread in Western and Central Asia, Africa, North America and the Mediterranean.

In particular, this product is used for food and feed purposes.

Chickpea beans are eaten fried or boiled, and are also used to prepare canned food, soups, side dishes, pies, desserts and many national dishes. You can make an extensive list here. Legumes, due to their high protein and fiber content, but low level fat, often used in vegetarian and dietary diets.

Feed peas

Already from the name of the culture it is clear how this subspecies is used. It is used as or for making silage. Feed pea beans are a very valuable product for animal feeding.


This is a grain legume crop known throughout Europe since time immemorial. Among vegetable crops, pea beans are the richest natural crop similar to meat, due to their content large quantity amino acids, sugar, vitamins, starch and fiber. Green and yellow peas are used for direct consumption, canning and cooking cereals.


This plant occupies an honorable place among forage crops and is also included in the list of legumes. Lupine is called northern soybean, given its high protein content, which is about 30-48%, and fat with a share of up to 14%. Lupine beans have long been used as food and for feeding animals. The use of this product as a green fertilizer helps not to worsen the condition environment and grow environmentally friendly products. Lupine is also used for pharmacological and forestry needs.

broad beans

This is one of the world's most important agricultural industries. In Europe it is grown mainly as a fodder crop. Grain, green mass, silage and straw are used for feed. The protein of beans is highly digestible, so they are a highly nutritious food and a valuable component in the production of animal feed.

Common peanut

When compiling a list of legumes that are especially popular, one cannot fail to mention peanuts.

The seeds of this plant, which contain fatty oil used in a wide variety of industries, are considered very useful. It is thanks to him that peanuts are in second place among legumes in nutritional value. Its fruits contain about 42% oil, 22% protein, 13% carbohydrates. Most often they are consumed fried, and the vegetative mass is used as animal feed.


These vegetable crops are very valuable and nutritious. Many people believe that eating legumes can lead to rapid weight gain, but this is not entirely true. Despite the fact that they are quite high in calories, all the elements contained in these products are of plant origin, so they do not pose any harm if you do not combine them with the consumption of other high-calorie foods. The above is not the entire list of legumes suitable for consumption; in fact, there is much more. This means that even the most sophisticated gourmet will find the type that suits his taste.

In recent decades, legumes have firmly taken a leading position among the most consumed food products: they have become the basis of nutrition not only for vegetarians, but also for athletes, as well as people who adhere to correct principles nutrition. Why legumes are useful, how they are used, what they are compatible with - we will consider in more detail.

About the benefits of legumes

Legume products have many beneficial properties. The main ones are:

  • improvement of gastric microflora due to the presence of plant fiber;
  • anti-inflammatory properties - prevent the formation of even malignant tumors;
  • blood purification, regeneration of blood cells thanks to folic acid;
  • lowering cholesterol levels, improving the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • antimicrobial and protective functions: successful fight against colds, viruses, coughs;
  • protein supplier - given to the body maximum amount vegetable protein with minimal fat content;
  • anti-aging and rejuvenating functions: improvement of the condition and color of skin, hair, nails thanks to manganese.

With such obvious beneficial properties, legumes can also have a negative effect on the body. It is not recommended to consume such products for people suffering from gout, rheumatism, arthritis, or chronic stomach diseases.

Important! Legumes are a rather heavy food that takes a long time to digest: to avoid heaviness in the stomach, chew legumes thoroughly and subject them to proper heat treatment so that they soften well and lose their hardness and rigidity of structure.

Fruit representatives of legumes

All leguminous plants are divided into 2 types: fruit (forming fruits, which are used as food), and forage, which do not bear fruit. In total, the legume family includes more than 12 thousand plant species.

An annual small plant that bears fruit, which is not only eaten, but also used for industrial purposes. This nut produces delicious butter, margarine and chocolate. The calorie content of 100 g of peanuts is 553 kcal, the protein and fat content is also high: 27 g and 45 g, respectively. The carbohydrate component of 100 g of peanuts is 9.8 g. When peanuts are heat treated and dried, their calorie content increases: from 600 to 800 kcal. Frequent and excessive consumption of peanuts can lead to obesity. The chemical composition of peanuts is:

  • vitamins: B3, B1, B9, B5, B2, B6;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • sodium, etc.

The benefits of peanuts are really great: it has protective and antioxidant properties, removes toxins, has a slight choleretic effect, enhances metabolic processes, eliminates insomnia and nervous overexcitation. In addition, it gives strength and improves sexual function in men and women. Peanuts go well with vegetables (except tomatoes), herbs, vegetable oils. Not compatible with other nuts, honey, pasta, bread, dairy products and other high-calorie foods.

Reviews from netizens about the benefits of peanuts

I have loved peanuts very much since early childhood. And in any form. Fried of course tastes better. It is also very rich in microelements, vitamins, good for brain activity and building muscle mass bodies. Peanuts are also a very nutritious food. I use it in any form, I always put it in confectionery when I cook at home, recently I even found a salad recipe that included peanuts, I tried to cook it, of course, it turned out very tasty, I also like to just nibble on them in the evening while watching a TV series, or while reading a book, I’m sure I'm stocking up on peanuts. My husband called me squirrel for this. Smile The only negative of this product is that it is not for those with weak gums and teeth. Otherwise, it is quite affordable, the only thing is that I personally don’t like the peanuts that are sold in sealed packaging, they taste kind of unreal, I only take them if there are no loose peanuts nearby or for confectionery products. So eat your nuts, gentlemen!

I know that all nuts are very healthy, since they contain many different nutrients, vitamins and valuable microelements. They are always convenient to have with you when you are on the road or at work, as they do not take up much space, but satisfy your hunger very well. And it is for this reason that I always have a small bag of nuts in my bag, and as soon as some feeling of hunger arises, I sometimes quietly put a couple of nuts in my mouth.

I love walnuts very much, but for the reason that there is more hassle with them: you have to chop them, pull out the kernels, and this is not always convenient, I prefer to buy peanuts for myself more often, or as they are also called groundnuts, and I prefer roasted peanuts . I also love it when peanuts are used in baking.

Despite the fact that peanuts are very healthy, do not forget that everything is good in moderation and you should also keep in mind that some people are allergic to them.

You should not consume peanuts in large quantities, and this is worth remembering especially for those who have problems with blood vessels, since peanuts tend to thicken the blood, which can lead to big problems.

Many people know that peanuts have a positive effect on the immune system during off-season colds.

In addition, you should know that eating these nuts has a good effect on our skin, as it contains vitamins B1 and B2, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

An annual plant native to South Asia. The fruits are fleshy and can be of different shades: from light green to black. The calorie content is only 66 kcal per 100 g. During heat treatment, the calorie content is lost: for example, stewed beans contain only 57 kcal per 100 g. The BJU ratio is 6.2: 0.1: 8.5. Compound:

  • cellulose;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium;
  • sodium;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamins C, D, B5, B1, B2, B6, A;
  • fatty acids, etc.

The beneficial properties of beans include: a significant increase in immunity, elimination and prevention of anemia, antitumor effect (eliminates cancer cells), removal of toxins and harmful radicals, improved sleep and sedative effect, saturation bone tissue protein and treatment of osteoporosis, improving vision, improving heart function, eliminating caries and much more. Beans are not consumed raw: they have a fairly hard texture that the intestines cannot digest.

Beans go well with vegetable oils, sour cream, and grains. But they should not be used with foods containing a large amount of starch (potatoes, baked goods, etc.). Beans are used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine: Thus, a decoction of beans is used as a laxative, and applying beans boiled in milk is the best remedy against abscesses and ulcers.

Did you know? The countries of the Mediterranean are considered the homeland of all legumes, and their age goes back more than 5 thousand years - the first mention of legumes was found in the scrolls of the ancient Egyptians, who lived 3 thousand years BC. e.

A very tasty and nutritious product that is used both in the food industry and for cosmetic purposes: natural antioxidant substances in its composition improve complexion and restore damaged hair. Counts dietary product due to the low fat content: calorie content is only 56 kcal per 100 g. The ratio of BJU is 5: 3: 8.4.

Peas also contain the following elements:
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • molybdenum;
  • sodium;
  • silicon;
  • zirconium;
  • manganese;
  • selenium;
  • fluorine and many others.

Due to such a rich set of components, peas have extensive beneficial properties: diuretic effect, normalization of metabolic processes, reducing the risk of malignant tumors, saturating the blood with glucose, eliminating convulsions and epileptic seizures, improving stomach function, etc. A carbohydrate product such as peas, Cannot be eaten with other carbohydrates: bakery products, sweets, potatoes, and some fruits (orange, watermelon and kiwi). This product is best combined with fats: vegetable and butter, sour cream, as well as herbs and grains.

Chickpeas, or Turkish peas, have especially spread in the Middle East, and in terms of popularity of consumption they rank third after peas and beans. Chickpeas are an integral part of such traditional oriental dishes as falafel and hummus. It is quite high in calories: 365 kcal per 100 g of raw product. Contains a very large amount of protein - 19 g (per 100 g). There is a little less fat - 9 g, but the carbohydrate content is just off the charts: 61 g! This nutritional value is why chickpeas are a staple of vegetarianism today.

The composition of chickpeas is:

  • vitamins - A, P, B1, PP;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • sulfur;
  • phosphorus;
  • chlorine;
  • titanium;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • starch;
  • fatty acid;
  • iron, etc.
Beneficial properties: gentle cleansing of the stomach, elimination of slagging and toxic waste, regeneration of skin tissue cells, beneficial effects on heart function, regulation of cholesterol and blood sugar levels, saturation with natural plant protein, improvement of the quality of skin, teeth and hair.

Chickpeas are not compatible with fish, as well as some sweet fruits: melons, watermelons, oranges. Goes very well with herbs and green vegetables, vegetable oils. Excessive consumption of chickpeas can lead to allergic rashes, gas formation and abdominal cramps.

No legume product has caused as much controversy and disagreement as soybeans. Of course, the genetic modification of this product affected its quality. chemical composition and effects on the body, however, it cannot be denied that soy has a lot of beneficial properties. These include:

  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • removal of toxic substances and waste;
  • normalization of blood pressure and heart rate;
  • tissue restoration at the cellular level (in particular, brain cell renewal);
  • fat metabolism and improvement of metabolic processes in general;
  • prevention of glaucoma, muscular dystrophy, osteoporosis, arthritis and many other ailments.

One of the negative properties of consuming soy is its ambiguous effect on the thyroid system: for example, in some cases, soy contributes to an enlargement of the thyroid gland and the development of cancer cells. It is not recommended to consume soy for pregnant women, children and people suffering from urolithiasis.

In its composition, soy has concentrated a large number of useful elements:

  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • selenium;
  • molybdenum;
  • potassium;
  • aluminum;
  • nickel;
  • zinc;
  • cellulose;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, B5, B6.

Thanks to this set of components, soy is actively used in medicine: it is used to treat such serious ailments as diabetes and atherosclerosis.

The calorie content of soybeans per 100 g of product is 446 kcal, and the BJU ratio is 36.5:20:30. Soy contains almost the largest amount of protein among vegetable crops, which makes it possible to include it in sports and dietary nutrition.

Like other legumes, soy goes best with herbs and vegetables and is not compatible with baked goods, fatty meats and citrus fruits.

Reviews from netizens about the benefits of soy

Many began to consider soybeans harmful product. But it has been proven that regular consumption of soy reduces weight, and there are fewer cardiovascular and cold diseases. The main thing when buying soy is not to purchase a genetically modified product. And how many wonderful dishes can be prepared from soy. For example: you can cook porridge from fresh beans if you soak the grains overnight and then cook for three hours. Soy sauce– this seasoning is suitable for most dishes and is an excellent measure for preventing heart disease – vascular diseases. How delicious is it to have a cup of tea with a sandwich in the morning? soy cheese! All the beneficial properties of soy can be listed endlessly - the main thing is to know how to use this product.

Lentils are one of the most ancient foods consumed on our planet - according to historical data, lentils were consumed back in the 3rd century BC. e. There are many varieties of lentils, they can be various forms and colors: from milky white to crimson and black. The calorie content of the raw product is 106 kcal (per 100 g). Lentils contain practically no fat, which allows people on a diet to consume them in large quantities. The ratio of lentil BJU is 25:1.7:46.

In addition, it includes:

  • vitamins - A, B1, B2, B5, B9, PP, E;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • sulfur;
  • phosphorus;
  • chlorine;
  • aluminum;
  • fluorine;
  • zinc;
  • digestible sugars;
  • essential amino acids, etc.
Lentils have a beneficial effect on the body. Some of its positive functions are: elimination of cancer cells, supply folic acid in large quantities, removing kidney stones, normalizing work nervous system, improving blood composition, renewing tissue cells, improving vision, teeth and hair structure. Such medicinal properties made lentils one of the popular products in folk medicine. It should not be consumed with other legumes and bakery products. It goes well with herbs, fresh vegetables, and grains.

Beans are a product that cannot be consumed raw - it has some toxic components that are destroyed only due to heat treatment. Contains many useful macro- and microelements, vitamins and amino acids:

  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • lysine;
  • arginine;
  • vitamins of groups B and C;
  • tryptophan etc.

The calorie content of red beans is 102 kcal, white - 292. 100 g of product contains 7 g of protein, 17 g of carbohydrates and only 0.5 g of fat. Beans effectively eliminate intestinal infections, tumor formations, treats stomach disorders, normalizes metabolic processes, stimulates the production of adrenaline, controls cholesterol and blood sugar levels, eliminates wrinkles and improves skin condition. For medicinal purposes, beans are used in the form of a decoction to normalize food processes and eliminate fatigue and stress.

Thus, with the help of beans you can not only cook tasty dish, but also significantly improve the health of the body. Beans harmonize best with fresh herbs and vegetables, aromatic herbs, and vegetable oils. Does not go well with fish, fruits and fatty nuts.

Important! People suffering from bloating, digestive problems, as well as elderly people and young children should consume beans in minimal doses or completely exclude them from the diet: beans are a heavy food that takes a long time to digest, and it is difficult for a weakened stomach to cope with it. As a result, stagnation and rotting of food in the stomach, constipation and other problems may occur.

Forage legumes

Forage legumes form the basis of nutrition for domestic and agricultural livestock: animals not only quickly become saturated with such crops, but also acquire useful microelements and substances.

This annual plant is used as green manure, forage crop and honey plant. A very early ripening plant, which allows it to be used in large quantities for various needs. As a fertilizer, fodder vetch heals the soil, loosens it and cleanses it of pests, repelling them with its smell. As a forage crop, it is a valuable source of nutrition for cattle (it is superior in nutritional properties to peas and clover).

In addition, the feed vetch includes:

  • proteins;
  • starch;
  • saccharides;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • vitamin C;
  • selenium, etc.
As a honey plant, vetch is also irreplaceable: with its characteristic strong smell it attracts bees well. The honey productivity of vetch can be up to 150 kg of honey per hectare.

This legume representative has many varieties (more than 200 species). Clover is an important supplier of protein, so it is widely used to feed livestock. Clover is used to make flour, silage, and is also given to animals in its raw form. As a honey plant, clover has no equal - honey from clover is very tasty and fragrant.

Clover contains:

  • proteins;
  • essential oils;
  • fatty acid;
  • flavanols;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins of groups E and B;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron, etc.

In addition to its fodder purpose, clover is also used for homeopathic purposes and is actively used in folk medicine. Its anti-inflammatory, expectorant and wound-healing effects are beneficial for both humans and animals.

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Beneficial properties of beans

Legumes are used for the prevention and dietary treatment of the following diseases:

  • some gastrointestinal disorders;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • liver and kidney dysfunction;
  • emotional disturbances;
  • urinary disorders and swelling;
  • certain types of legumes are used in diabetic diets (beans and).

Legumes are included in the mandatory diet during pregnancy. It is believed that regular consumption of them helps strengthen the immune system and increase brain functionality. Legumes have such a powerful healing effect due to their composition:

  • contain manganese, and;
  • high amino acid content;
  • a lot of useful plants;
  • a lot of ;
  • optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • low glycemic index.

Danger and contraindications to the use of beans

The protein contained in any legumes is sufficient difficult to digest. Therefore, instead of benefiting, legumes can also cause harm if:

  • you have chronic or acute inflammation of the stomach or intestines;
  • there was an exacerbation of diseases of the biliary tract;
  • you are prone to gas formation;
  • your body does not absorb calcium well;
  • allergies or individual intolerances available.

Do not forget that excessive consumption of legumes can harm even a healthy person!

Remember that improperly cooked beans can be dangerous!

Legumes in a healthy diet and for weight loss

In dietetics, it is believed that legumes should make up at least 7-9% from the total diet. Due to their high nutritional value and, at the same time, low calorie content, legumes perfectly fill you up and prevent the feeling of hunger from developing for a long time. To lose weight with their help, you can do the following:

  • use legumes as a replacement for side dishes made from grains and grains;
  • use bean-based substitutes for many products (for example, soybean oil);
  • combined with legumes - an excellent basis for hearty meals dietary soups and salads;
  • There are nutritional supplements (for example, with alfalfa) that also help with weight loss.

A huge number of legumes are used in cooking and medicine; their range of applications is wide. There are many useful and delicious recipes, which can be an excellent basis for a healthy diet.

The Legume family has another name - Moths. This family belongs to the class Dicotyledonous plants. It includes a huge number of plants.

Among the common characteristics of all plants of the legume family, the following should be noted. The flowers of members of the family are irregular. They have five petals, varying in shape and size, and ten stamens. Legume fruits have a characteristic structure. Their name corresponds to the name of the family - bean. Common features include the fact that the ovary is always single-membered, not divided into lobes. The fruit is always bivalve, in most cases multi-seeded. Single-seeded is found only in plants of the genus Clover. When the seeds ripen, the fruit bursts along the seam. The seeds are attached directly to the valves.
The legume family is very large. It includes more than two hundred genera and more than six thousand species. Legumes grow all over the world, in all latitudes and climatic conditions. They are found in alpine meadows and the Far North, as well as in deserts and tropical forests.
In the family, herbaceous forms and trees with shrubs are represented in almost equal quantities.
The large family is divided into three subfamilies: the Legumes proper, which include greatest number representatives, Mimosa and Caesalpiniaceae, growing exclusively in warm climates.
Representatives of the legume subfamily have a bisymmetrical flower. It consists of a permanent calyx, including five sepals, a corolla of five petals, ten stamens and a pistil. The petals of an open flower resemble a moth with open wings. This is where the name moth came from. The flower is also often compared to a boat. The largest petal is called a sail, the side small symmetrical petals are called oars, and the lower fused petals are called a boat. It is in the boat that the pistil and ten stamens are located, of which nine are fused and one is free (in most species of the subfamily). The fused stamens form a plate that fits around the pistil.
The leaf blades of legumes are usually complex. They can be feathery, palmate with a large number of leaves. These plants also often have stipules, which can reach significant sizes, in some cases larger than the leaves themselves. Frequent elements are antennae. They develop at the top of compound leaves. Antennae can be either simple or branching.

The legume subfamily includes many genera of universally known plants: Beans, Lupine, Lentils, Soybeans, Vetch and many others.

The subfamily Caesalpiniaceae includes significantly fewer genera. This group differs in less irregularity of flowers. They have unfused all ten stamens and non-fused lower petals, which form a boat in plants of the legume subfamily. The fruits of the Caesalpiniaceae open at one seam or do not open at all. This subfamily includes the genera, Caesalpinia, Tamarind, Carob and some others.

Even fewer genera are included in the subfamily Mimosa. They grow only in warm climates. The flowers are small, almost regular, collected in dense inflorescences of the head, and sometimes in the raceme. The number of sepals and petals ranges from four to six. The number of stamens ranges from four to an indefinite number. Mimosa leaves are usually bipinnate and have small lobes. The fruits are a standard bean with no special differences. The most prominent representatives of mimosa are mimosa pudica, acacia vera and some others.

The legume family is a large group that includes a variety of representatives. There are also medicinal plants there. These include Galega officinalis, Ulcerative, Red Clover and many others.

If we consider the economic importance of leguminous plants, it is worth noting that they are second only to cereals. The fruits of leguminous plants have long been used as food and now they are the most important food product. Beans, peas, beans, soybeans and peanuts, and mung beans are cultivated. There are tropical legumes of the genus Pachycyrus that form tubers that are also eaten.
In addition to food, there are forage types of legumes, such as clover, alfalfa, lupine, and vetch.
Legumes also provide valuable wood. First of all, these are trees belonging to the genera Acacia and Prosopis. Valuable wood is provided by afrormosia aureus, dalbergia, pterocarpus and many other tropical trees belonging to the legume family.

Any housewife wants not only to feed her family delicious food, but also make every meal healthy. One of the products that will decorate every table is beans. They are quite popular in our country, and they are loved in all forms: canned, fried, boiled.

In this article we will find out what they are and what products they belong to, why they are useful, and for a better understanding we will provide photos and short description various types.

Did you know? Interestingly, the beans are wildlife don't live. This culture was bred and actively consumed as food back in ancient Greece and Egypt.

Legumes can be divided into three large groups: fruit, decorative And feed.


Many people want to know which foods are legumes and which are not, and whether they are healthy. Others are afraid to buy and eat them, because they have heard that such food can cause gas, heaviness in the stomach and discomfort.

In fact, the definition of “beans” includes different ones with different properties. Let's look at the list of legume products and find out whether they bring benefit or harm to our body.

Here is an ancient product that appeared many years before our era. From here we can take the starting point for the development and spread of legumes. So from the bottom and the status of everyday food it reached the plate of the French king and today has become a favorite dish around the world.

You can also grow peas in your dacha, and in specialized stores you will find a wide selection of different varieties. The most popular sugar varieties include: “Medovik”, “Detsky”, “Calvedon”, “Beagle”. This product contains a large amount of protein and almost the entire periodic table. The vitamins here include group B, PP, E, A, H and K. In addition, fiber, starch, and dietary fiber, which are also present in every pea, play an important role for our body.

Important! Legumes take quite a long time to digest in our stomach: the process usually takes 4 hours. This property makes the product heavy and non-dietary, especially for those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal problems.

There are quite a lot of pea dishes, and on the Internet you can always find a recipe to suit your taste. The most popular is soup, or cream soup. It is quick and easy to prepare, and even easier to diversify.

Another representative of legumes that takes root well on garden plots, but, like peas, it loves warm sunny areas. represented by 100 types of different sizes, shapes and colors.
The benefits of this product are also great, because it contains a set of all the necessary microelements, among which are large amounts of copper, potassium and zinc with phosphorus. At the same time, beans are not inferior to peas in terms of protein, carbohydrate and essential amino acids.

Preparing a bean dish is a rather lengthy process. It must be boiled well, since in addition to useful substances It also includes toxic substances, which, when entering the human body, begin to destroy red blood cells.

The toxic component can be neutralized using high temperatures. Therefore, do not waste time on preparation and consume only healthy, well-cooked and softened product.

Important! Before cooking, all legumes must be carefully sorted, weeding out ugly-looking, shapeless peas. After this, be sure to soak in water, this will allow the product to cook evenly. You can determine readiness by the fact that the beans have become soft.

Colorful and everyone's favorite lentils It is not only present on the menu of many restaurants, but is also included in the list of national dishes of countries such as Germany, India and China. This product is useful due to the content of a large amount of easily digestible protein and iron, however, in terms of the number of other substances in its composition, lentils are inferior to many legumes. It is important to note the presence of:

  • Omega 3 and 6 acids;
  • vitamins C, PP, group B;
  • trace elements such as iodine, copper, zinc, phosphorus, boron, molybdenum, manganese, cobalt.

Is there some more important element- isoflavone. This Chemical substance, which is found only in plant foods and is similar in structure to the human hormone estrogen, is incredibly beneficial for women's health. Thanks to it, you can fight a number of problems, such as excessive sweating, problems with the heart and blood vessels, breast cancer and osteoporosis.

Dishes made from this type of legume are used to improve digestion and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Interestingly, the lentils do not need to be pre-soaked.

Important! It is better to rinse canned beans under running water before use. This way you will wash off the excess salt that was added during preservation.

Another representative healthy food- This soybeans. It is easy and cheap to grow and produces a very large harvest. It contains a huge amount of protein, essential vitamins and microelements, and useful acids. Together, they make soybeans a unique product, a source for the production of more more other products such as:

  • tofu cheese;
  • paste;
  • flour;
  • meat;
  • milk;
  • oil, etc.

Did you know?The amazing ability of soy is that it itself is absolutely tasteless, but at the same time it can absorb the aromas and taste of other products.

To cook soybeans, they are pre-soaked in water for 8 hours in a ratio of one to two. You need to cook the soybeans for 5 minutes after boiling over high heat, and then another 5 minutes over medium heat. Now it needs to be brought to full readiness already with the participation of other products.

Convenient for growing for the purpose of obtaining and at the same time as a decorative decoration for the yard, it is also used in medicine. Its distinctive property is its ability to prevent the formation of cancer cells, as well as their spread, like any other infection. This is a powerful orderly that cleanses our body of everything toxic and unnecessary.
Its decoction fights wet cough and tuberculosis. It perfectly treats fungal scourges, is an antibacterial, healing and anti-inflammatory agent.

A decoction is made from inflorescences in the amount of 3 teaspoons, which are boiled in a glass of boiling water. The drink should steep for 6 minutes. You can take this remedy up to five times a day, 20 minutes before meals, a quarter glass.

Confused with. They are actually two different plants. has olive branches and bright yellow inflorescences. The most common type is silver acacia. can be observed from the end of January until the end of April, and sometimes in the autumn. The usefulness of the plant lies in the content of a large amount of tannins.

Used in medicine. Decoctions are made from its flowers, bark and leaves. It helps with gastritis; alcohol tincture reduces stomach acidity, fights ulcers, and treats kidney and liver diseases.


Once again there is a little confusion between yellow flower mimosas, which men are accustomed to give to women for spring holidays and which belongs to another plant family, and our specimen of the legume family. The latter produces larger flowers in fewer quantities.

Measuring from 30 centimeters to one and a half meters, mimosa flowers are a delight to the eye. The most common type is . The peculiarity of this plant is that at the slightest external irritant, be it a human hand, a cold wind or cloudy weather, the mimosa folds its leaves and bends them down. You can keep such a plant at home, but due to its toxicity, it poses a danger to children and pets.
lupine will continue from late May until late autumn.
There are many different recipes for decoctions that can fight stomach diseases, ulcers, inflammation, and tumors. For example, a decoction of lupine flowers in vinegar mixed with honey and pepper is suitable for the stomach.

Carob or Ceratonia

This is an evergreen that simply surprises with the range of its applications. It is used for medical purposes for the manufacture of various drugs and products for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, increasing immunity, and for acute respiratory infections and coughs. The pods containing the seeds are used to make a powder called carob. It is a cocoa powder substitute for people who do not drink caffeine.

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