Certificate of plumber with protocol. Provision of plumbing services Is an SRO license required for plumbing work

It is necessary to decide whether an SRO is needed for plumbing work before undertaking the installation or repair of plumbing. The solution to the problem depends on the proposed plumbing services and the degree of their "intervention" in the structure of the building.

Or look in the section for a list of types of work that require permission from a non-profit partnership.

Plumbing work is legal without SRO approval

The SRO permit for plumbing work does not belong to the list of mandatory documents that the plumbing contractor must present to the client. But this rule does not apply to all plumbing work.

The following services can be rendered without authorization certificates:

  • replace pipeline components inside high-rise apartments;
  • fix sinks, toilet bowls, bathtubs;
  • adjust the work of plumbing equipment;
  • install sanitary partitions.

The same work, but performed at technically complex, hazardous facilities, will have to be accompanied by a permit certificate. Without it, your plumbing company will not receive the right to provide such services.

Do I need a SRO permit for plumbing work with polypropylene?

To assess whether an SRO is needed for plumbing work with polypropylene, apply the following rule. If you have to change old pipes for polypropylene ones in ordinary apartments, without going beyond them, then you do not need to order an SRO permit for plumbing work, the price of which is quite high. If you plan to “embed” parts of the pipeline into the common risers of an apartment building or update common house pipelines, take care of the permit paperwork in advance.

SRO approval - professional plumbing work

If you have not made sure whether the SRO is mandatory, it is better not to start plumbing work. Having learned that your company does not have the proper paperwork, the customer may not pay for the work already completed, and you will not be able to prove your case even in court. Therefore, consult with our lawyers in advance whether you need an SRO permit for plumbing work.

The Compensation Fund is a mandatory payment for all members of self-regulatory organizations. There are two types of funds: an indemnification fund (IR) and a contractual obligation indemnification fund (CDO). The first fee must be paid by any organization that plans to join the SRO. The fact of payment ensures the property liability of all members of the society.

Payment of contributions to the ALC compensation fund is required if the company plans to participate in an auction or use other competitive methods to obtain an order. The amount of payments to the SRO fund in the presence of membership is calculated in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

It will be very easy to join the SRO with our company. You will need to provide us with the constituent documents, and our specialists will deal with the selection of a suitable organization and other issues.

Documents for obtaining membership in the SRO

Both individual entrepreneurs and legal entities can join the SRO. Full list documents required for entry depends on the organization. The standard package of documents looks like this:

  • constituent documents of the company and an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • a statement with a list of types of work that the company plans to carry out;
  • information on the qualifications of managers and specialists and the availability of property necessary for the performance of work;
  • data on the payment of the required contributions.

The answer to the question of whether an SRO is needed for plumbing work depends entirely on the specifics of the activities being carried out, which can be construction or installation (installation), and on specifications designs.

The permit of the SRO (self-regulatory organization) is required for a hazardous or unique facility, which is included in a special List of types of work.

When required

According to the law “On Self-Regulatory Organizations”, permission is required:

  • when performing finishing and other works at especially dangerous objects, which are Railway, airport, buildings with a height of 100 m;
  • when performing repairs, during which it is supposed to carry out displacement, transfer of load-bearing structures, door and window openings, redevelopment of the premises;
  • when installing (or dismantling) a gas pipeline and installing an external sewage system;
  • when drilling, drilling and arranging wells.

Joining an SRO is required when there is a need to obtain special permits for certain types of activities specified in the List.

Who doesn't need to join

According to the order of Menregion No. 624, organizations involved in:

  • repair and decoration of apartments and offices;
  • replacement of pipeline parts in residential premises;
  • installation and connection of plumbing: sinks, bathtubs, toilet bowls, faucets, etc.;
  • repair of sanitary equipment;
  • installation and dismantling of internal sanitary partitions (combination or separation of the bathroom).

Conclusion: SRO for plumbing work is not needed if the event is not held at particularly dangerous facilities and does not affect the safety of capital structures.

Important to know: according to Russian legislation construction and design companies engaged in activities that affect the safety of capital structures are required to join SROs.

But if a company is engaged in the construction of turnkey buildings and structures, including the installation of plumbing, then before starting work, it needs to obtain permission from a self-regulatory organization.

Is it possible to bypass the intro?

According to statistics, more than 50% of construction, engineering and design firms do not join the SRO, working on someone else's admission.

How can it be? The fact is that only one out of 10 contractors working for one general contractor can have access. The remaining 9 organizations that carry out their range of activities may not appear in the documents.

The second way to get around joining the SRO is to present the capital construction actually underway as a current repair that does not need special permission. Advanced companies insure liability, allowing you to defend your case in court.

The leaders of such firms believe that legal costs are much less than the fee paid upon joining the SRO. But it is important to understand that carrying out construction work without the approval of the SRO is illegal.

All about the rules for plumbing and repair work, see the following video:

Since the entry into force of the law on self-regulatory organizations, a huge number of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities had to revise their activities and optimize to obtain the appropriate tolerances. At the same time, one of the most common problems was the ignorance of whether a certificate is necessary for the performance of a particular type of work. Despite the obvious advantages of SRO membership, not all contractors and construction companies are willing to spend significant amounts of money on entry and commission fees, especially if this is not mandatory.

In fact, it is possible to determine exactly whether it is mandatory to obtain a permit or not only after a detailed study of legislative acts, or rather a list that indicates all categories of work that must be members of a self-regulatory organization without fail. Accordingly, if the ongoing construction or repair activities are not related to those that affect the safety of capital facilities, then you do not need a permit.

A striking example is plumbing work, which in the vast majority of cases can be carried out without a SRO certificate. At the same time, having a permit is very desirable, especially if you are just starting a business, for example, installing plumbing in houses and apartments. Key benefits of membership:

  • trust from suppliers and customers;
  • optimization of relations with state bodies;
  • creation of a company operating in full accordance with modern standards;
  • minimization of the risk of receiving claims from the inspection structures.

SRO for plumbing work

If we are not talking about unique and dangerous objects, the list of which is indicated in the corresponding list, then you can do without permission from a self-regulatory organization. Among those who do not need to deal with registration of membership and undergo verification, it is worth noting companies with the following areas of activity:

  • replacement of pipeline elements in residential apartments of multi-storey buildings;
  • arrangement of sinks, bathtubs and toilet bowls;
  • restoration of the functionality of plumbing equipment;
  • installation of sanitary partitions.

In turn, when carrying out work related to the construction of wells and the installation of external sewage, a permit is required. If you are in doubt about whether you need to join the SRO, contact our specialists who will study the law in detail and determine the degree of need for permits.

plumbing license we will help you get the shortest time without distraction from the production process. The employee receives the certificate itself, a copy of the protocol (an extract from the protocol), if required, a copy of the license (accreditation) of the training center. with registry required documents can be consulted.

The article "certificate of a plumber" was written on the basis of Decree 1/29, as well as standard instructions on the training and certification of workers and their managers in all areas of production and construction, including construction workers.

Why do you need a plumbing license?

This is the question I often hear from my clients who agree to pay for my services, but want to understand WHY this is necessary.
Let's take a look at an example together plumber's certificate(or rather a plumber).

For a plumber, as well as for other specialists falling under the category of construction workers (concrete worker, painter, carpenter, carpenter, plasterer, fitter, cementer, bricklayer, etc. - check with the qualification guide), a resolution 1/29 about educational process in Occupational Safety, where smart ministers wrote to the Russians in a white way that they should learn how to safely conduct labor activity ALL workers in the construction industry and even their leaders should (clause 1.5).

And since a plumber is not a leader, but also an employee and a weak creature (in terms of getting injured), he is also obliged to pass certification and receive plumber's certificate(how to get a certificate for a professional with extensive experience and on the job, we will talk later).

Now let's look at the "Typical Instructions".

In addition to the availability of special tools, work clothes and personal protective equipment, there is a mention that a plumber does not have the right to violate his work duties without a formalized plumbing license.

Using the examples of the two above-mentioned regulatory documents, I think it is already clear that a representative of construction workers (as well as a concrete worker, painter, carpenter, carpenter, plasterer, fitter, cementer, bricklayer, etc.) cannot do without such an important document. Moreover, due to the lack of a document, not only the manager may suffer (clause 1.7), but also the employee himself (in case of injuries he will not receive insurance, there is no work experience, etc.).

Where and how can I get a certificate for a plumber

Let's say he banally went down to the subway and got off at another station as a specialist. I think you can guess what method we are talking about, and, as Vitsin said in the old comedy: “From three to five? No, it won't."

Let's consider another option.

According to the same Decree 1/29, enterprises in which a sufficient number of workers (well, no less than a hundred) have the right to create their own commission, train and certify.

Everything would be fine, but expensive. Where to get such a staff? Yes, and representatives of the commission must have the appropriate education.

Third option to get plumbing license(concrete worker's certificate, painter's certificate, etc.) will be easier. For these purposes, there are specialized educational institutions where you can send a specialist, and let him gain wits. It’s a great way, there’s nothing to say, but if you poke your head into such an institution without appropriate connections, then your specialist takes a steam bath at his desk for at least a month, and then another exam to take. At the same time his workplace cobwebs will be covered, and customers will scatter.

So we smoothly approached the last design method plumbing license- this is done through an agent!
These people are usually worth their weight in gold. Acquaintance with them is valued and even quietly boasted in narrow circles.
A reliable trusted agent, thanks to his connections, can free your employee from a boring month of sitting at a desk and issue plumber's certificate(as well as a concrete worker, painter, etc.) on the job as soon as possible. Together with the certificate from the agent, you will receive an extract from the protocol, and, if necessary, a copy of the license educational institution who dealt with your documents directly. The only disadvantage of this method is that it is suitable only for professionals with good experience and considerable experience.

Buy a plumber's license

You can’t buy a plumber’s certificate from us, you can legally issue it from us in a few days, without interrupting the work process, and then present it to all authorities for control.

Often they call me with the aim of purchasing this document, not understanding the difference between purchase and execution.
An educated person must understand that any document (it doesn’t matter if it’s a crust, a diploma, or a check from a store) must be stored for a certain time in some database (data about the same check from a store, if it works legally as such, is stored in the cash register and then transferred to the tax office, where they are stored for some time).
If we are talking about a certificate, then when it is issued, all the data is simultaneously entered into a specialized protocol (together with the certificate, we issue a copy of the protocol), which is stored in the archive for a year.
Any inspector (with the appropriate clearance) has the opportunity to open the archive and check for a record of the plumbing being inspected.
I think you have already guessed that there is no data about the purchased crusts in the training centers, and this is fraught with consequences.
Now what are the consequences?
Let's take a banal example - verification. The employer did not want to wait a few days and legalize the crust at one time, he decided to buy a certificate of a plumber, and he would calm down on that (the employee himself could have done it, it doesn’t matter).
The verifier within a few minutes will have on his desk the result of checking the authenticity of documents.
If the forgery is revealed (which is exactly what will happen), it will not be good for everyone.
The first person to lose the hat will be the employer. At best, he will get off with a fine (there will be quite a few zeros), at worst, they can close the enterprise and open a criminal case.
The next in line will be assistant managers responsible for labor protection. The result will not be much sweeter than the head.
The plumber himself will also not be in trouble, but this is a small person, therefore bribes are smooth from him.
And in the event of an accident or injury (God forbid death), no one will get off with administrative penalties.
Therefore, my advice to you is, before looking for where to buy a plumber's certificate, maybe it's better to look where to get it?
If you choose the second option, then we will help you with this. In a few days you will receive legal documents with all the attached attributes.

What other certifications would a plumber need?

In the course of work, in addition to the certificate of a plumber, an employee may need some more crusts.

1. To work with a power tool (grinder, puncher), a plumber needs to obtain an electrical safety permit of the 2nd group of repair personnel (formerly it was called electrotechnological personnel). This attestation is supervised, without an inspector it is not issued. With our help, you can get a permit within a week (do not even look for it faster, because you will get a filkin letter).
2. If the work is related to height (plumbers also sometimes need to climb ladders), or there is a possibility of falling, then the employee needs to apply for a height permit (we resolve this issue in 2-3 working days).
3. At facilities where an explosive situation is planned (yes, just working with fire), it is better to issue a fire safety certificate for working personnel (you can also decide with us in a couple of days).

sample plumbing certificate

The sample of the plumber's certificate corresponds to the sample of the crusts of the working personnel. It has a vinyl-coated cardboard base (the color of the vinyl does not matter) and a glued-in block of pages. Size 230mm X 85mm.

The first page contains the name of the training center, the full name of the plumber, the name of the specialty, the assessment of the change.

The second page is the date of delivery, qualifications, the signature of the chairman of the commission, the seal of the training center.

On the remaining pages, enter the data when renewing the certificate (it is necessary to renew at least 1 time per year, or at the request of regulatory authorities).

Typical plumber's instruction, Decree 1/29
