Wise advice from psychologist Michael Litvak.

Family | (15)

Hello! My husband and I have been married for 7.5 years, we have a common daughter of 7 years. We got married because of pregnancy, I didn’t want to arrange a wedding as a holiday, his mother insisted. Then she insisted that we live with them, my husband threatened to divorce if I did not agree, because of the love for him and the unborn child, she agreed. But after a while I got the feeling that I was an incubator, a terrible a

Family | (thirty)

Good afternoon. I raised three sons alone, it was very difficult both financially and physically. Very often physically punished older children (she beat me, which I am very, very sorry about). The eldest son now has two sons of his own - 6 years old and 3 years old. And the eldest granddaughter has already complained twice to his mother, whom he sees very little (she works and comes very late), that I beat him. first time daughter in law

Family | (26)

Good afternoon, about a year ago I married a girl I fell in love with. Before that, they had been dating for about a year. My wife has a problem - a migraine. It is observed by a variety of doctors, but it does not bring results. Before the wedding, according to my feelings, her head hurt less, less often, it didn’t hurt at all on vacation or in nature. After the wedding, her seizures became more frequent, became much stronger, and the medicines (she

Family | (25)

Hello! Tell me what should I do? I am from a foster family and I deceived my foster mother and I am very sorry about this. And she does not want to forgive me and even took me to her ex-husband and she just calls to find out how things are going with my studies, she doesn’t want to hear anything about the changes, just like she doesn’t want to see me, when everything was fine before the incident, tell me how to proceed

Family | (eleven)

I am 16 years old, I entered a medical college 2 years ago, but now I realized that medicine is not mine, and I do not want to study there. But my mother says that she is against it, that she doesn’t care if I study or not, she said that I would continue to study there and that’s all, but I want to pick up the documents and enter another educational institution, and I was also not allowed to take the exam, the main exam, if I did not notice this exam

Family | (25)

Hello, I found out that my husband is on dating sites, I tried to approach this issue, hinting at the fact that we were somehow moving away, she was interested in maybe I didn’t give him something, she doesn’t go into a frank conversation, she says that she loves and everything suits him completely , he accepts any attempt to talk about us with hostility and nit-picking, we rarely see each other because his work is connected with business trips, it turned out on these

Family | (42)

Hello, I'm 17, my mother is 38. Yesterday she was not in the mood and a scandal broke out between us for almost no reason. I usually don't react, but this time she grabbed my hand with her nails (now I have a big bruise) and started pushing me out, with loud screams. After 10 minutes passed, and she started yelling again, I told her that after 18 she would not see me again. She told me to leave

Family | (16)

It's such a thing that I feel superfluous in my family, in childhood, when I was 2 years old, my mother gave me to my grandmother, but she herself came every weekend, but when I grew up and when she came for the weekend, we had scandals, we fought with she’s like a cat with a dog, she didn’t like how I wash the dishes, or how I clean, now I’ve grown up and I’m 17, but the relationship has become worse, I practically don’t

Family | (33)

I am 18 years old. If constant quarrels with mom. Every day tears, screams. For any reason: money, food, study, character, spiritual world. Because of any trifle, a scandal begins for 3 days or more. Mom doesn't want to forgive me. When I ask for forgiveness, just silent. I can’t restrain myself, I start crying, getting nervous, taking revenge, but I don’t call names and don’t swear. I just cry and cry and cry. Tired,

Family | (25)

Good afternoon. I don't know what to do with the terrible feeling of injustice that I feel every day. My relationship with my mother leaves much to be desired, my father is not interested in me at all. After the divorce, my parents stopped talking, now my father is dying of cirrhosis of the liver due to drug use. My mother treated me formally all my life - she dressed me, fed me and that was all. I swear that for all

Family | (34)

Good afternoon, dear experts, The question is this: my mother (50 years old) periodically has outbreaks of uncontrolled aggression and anger. At these moments, she rushes at me, beats and tries to cause me physical harm. It all started 15 years ago. My father left us, she raised me alone, she choked with hyper-guardianship, it was not easy for her, I had a transitional age, we swore a lot, she broke down on me and

Family | (18)

Hello, dear psychologists, the first year when we got married everything was sweet and smooth, but over time it all began to pass, I, not seeing attention to myself, became sad, boring, there was no mood for anything, there was no desire, due to the lack care and attention, my husband and I have been living for three years, during this time something has changed in our relationship, there were conflicts, passion, tenderness disappeared, he

Family | (22)

Hello! About what happened or drops sharpen stones: since childhood, my mother loved to take everything I loved from me, called me names, said that I would grow up a homeless woman, I’m not proud of anywhere and nobody needs me, once she even said that I was her slave and she didn’t want to give birth to me. She loved my brother and he was always good for her, unlike me, the clumsy. Now the situation is this: I broke up with my young man

Family | (34)

Hello!!! Help me figure it out right and give advice to my son. I ended up in the hospital and at that time the girl was lying by herself, I really liked her and we began to communicate. When I had the operation, my son came and they saw this girl and liked each other very much and they began to communicate, found a common interest in sports, cars, she was diagnosed with suspicion

Family | (34)

My son came to rest in a private house my parents with their wife and child. My mother is disabled, my father is healthy. Nobody lives in the house, we only come to plant, etc. I was in the litter with my son for 1.5 years. Arriving, he set conditions for me (or rather, his wife): That I should not come there. He will bring me a child once a week to play with him for a while. I always spent the summer in the countryside.

In the first place, Irina told us about those why this chi іnshiy team is ill with bullying, as the roles of obov "are actively activated in the new and chim lykuvati tsyu serious ailment.

Today we’ll talk about the victim of tskuvannya, about those, like the children of the very child, fathers, classmates and teachers. It’s not easy rozmov about a difficult situation.

Irina Shabaeva- child and family psychologist, CBT therapist, fahivets іz folds in the great and small.

Buling in its stingy manifestations is the most obvious in the middle period.

True, even in a young school, a skin member of a group (class) step by step takes its position, begins to play its role.

As a rule, when children have problems in mutual relations with younger classes, more than anything, they will be one of the first to try to "sell" in middle school. Obviously, it’s not rare fluctuations, if during the transition to the 5th class of a child you gain your points and move up to the rating, then you need another story, and for the new one you need “postage”. The same post is needed for that, so that another child takes the role of a victim.

Why become a victim of bulling?

Buling does not start on an empty place, for which one's guilt the songs of the furnishing are built up. Mostly, change it. Krim transition from young to senior school, you can buti and іnshі change.

  • The child is new to the class
  • Vіn dovgo buv vіdsutnіy z kakoїs reasons (illness, їhav, moving to our school, but not sipping), so, the same “brand new”, wanting, guessing, we don’t want to.
  • Change status / position / rating. As a rule, on the river below. For example, success decreased sharply through the same ailment, or through a traumatic situation, posture by school (trafficking of a loved one). Change of zvnіshnosti - tying up the vag, vtrata, zachіska, eyepieces and more.
  • Obviously, after the summer holidays, all children turn around with changes, who will grow, who will become shkiri, and so, once the stench of the skin changes their position after the three-time holidays.

Changes in children are a natural phenomenon, sharp transformations can be in the skin, but not the skin child becomes a victim of the aggressor. How does the wheel of "fortune" work.

Choice of sacrifice

Vibir falls not in time. Buler and Yogo retinue can spontaneously start over the kimos jartuvati. As if the reaction to them fell to the soul - ridiculously grinning or, on the contrary, stupidly trying to vanish / to those who laugh, then it’s a high level of humility that you will want to repeat the stench (at the same day or on the offensive). As a reaction, as it should be earlier, the next ones come to the point where it is necessary to discriminate one’s rozva.

Appointment of the victim - scheme

The scheme for choosing a victim of tskuvannya looks approximately like this:

  • Select "zhartiv". On the back, it’s really just hot, then we’ll increase the “degree” of growth, the heat will go over at the sign, and then - at violence.
  • "Approbation" of the method on a number of schoolchildren. At this moment, they all start laughing at him, the stench checks the most ridiculous reaction. If there is no reaction, there is none, and the stench switches to something else.
  • Choose the most ridiculous. They know the one who gives them the highest dose of satisfaction and, like by analogy with drugs, try again.
  • Food for opirnosti. As if the other time, the child reacted differently, not so brightly, or in the wrong direction, as he would have liked, the stench might come out. And you can also make a “control” entry. Like in the front paragraph, virishal є the reaction of a child is a potential victim.
  • Formed "pretentiousness". Vinekaє staleness, as a type of psychotropic drugs. The aggressor is already sounding the sound, and the victim already checks the attack. At this stage, the situation is already running.
  • This stage is the period of “dose reduction”, if it’s just that the fever is no longer nervous, and tears alone are not enough. At this stage, terror is initiated in all the senses of the first word, and the victim is slandered.

As the very child of rozpіznat, scho vіn under the sight of the buler

The list of the first signs, which varto give to read to your pidlіtku:

  • No one is quick to make friends, they just talk. Especially, as it was sharply started to uniquely call those who wanted to get in touch.
  • See the most active students for no apparent reason;
  • Nutrition (with all) provocative character. For example: “And in your homeland, everything is mowed, or it’s normal?”.
  • Prickly comments on rahunok ovnіshnostі, behavior, success;
  • Smiles, whispering behind your back;
  • Public evil fire at your address;
  • If you shukaesh podtrimki among other scholars, at the top - smart phrases or ignorance.
  • In no way do you become paranoid, and once again “beat at the bell”, as if you wanted to make one sign. Ale nayavnіst аbo sledovnі viniknennya wanting b dekіlkoh ptіv pіvnі і to alert you and think about it, like a child far away.

What is needed to know the fathers

If the child didn’t sip at the school, suspecting unkindness, then why not tell the fathers about it? Let's see! I'm sorry to say, so you know that everything is not so serious, soon everything will go through, otherwise you will get into it yourself.

If the situation worsens, you can carefully talk about the problem, but when you “know”, you feel better, you are so afraid that the father’s reaction will be too boisterous, and I’ll hurt you even more.

Fathers need to give instructions, clearly and without panic.

Explain that if it has become regular, then it is necessary to turn on the already grown-up ones, so you can’t blame yourself. Moreover, one by one, it’s not possible to sound like anyone and nothing. This is not the weakness of a child, this is the law - "one in the field is not a warrior." If you talk to a child, if you are up to the problem not with hysterics, but with a constructive one, then give more information. The І axis here starts the father's jewelery work with the school and the fathers of other children.

What robiti, if z "appeared the first signs of tskuvannya?

For the sake of a pidlіtku:

  1. Drink for the team. Vice leader, retinue and quiet, who is unpopular. Є two ways. Abo without intermediary to establish contact with the leader, or to know the support of the midst of quiet movchuns, and they will know what and how to know. Tse, like a new team for you. With the aggressor varto splurge alone, if you don’t get in touch with the aggressor, you’ll work on the same public. And from a one-on-one situation, there is a chance to talk normally and clarify the position.
  2. If you are your own people, then you need to change your behavior and your reaction to their vipadis: analyze what makes them worse and work on them.
  3. If you don’t know how to do it better, ask the elders. In short, senior students have a fresh and current record. Fathers (older grown-ups) also say: whether it be an important dosvіd, let them know their way.
  4. Do not be fooled that everything will end by itself. It’s too early for the next ones to come back. As psychologist Mikhailo Litvak said: “Hope is dying for the rest, but she needs to be beaten first” in order to start working. Shukay ways, how to change the situation, read, analyze, know the helpers.
  5. Change those that you can change. Yakshcho є obvanny neokhaynostі - viprav. If it’s wrong, if it’s necessary (eyepieces), or your physiological peculiarity, just trim your back evenly, and look straight. Like my coach: “What a folded situation, tim equal back!”. This is an analogy with the world of creation. Pіdіbganiy khvіst - vyznannya strikes. Goofy Rick - ready to fight. The signs of the body are more important, train them.
  6. As if with "sutichchi" you can’t say a word, your voice is trembling, just meditate thoughtfully, but marvel at your eyes. The look is guilty in such a way that your position was read by someone and everything you want to say, but you can’t. Razumіyu, what to say is simpler, nizh robiti. Ale ti train in front of the mirror, if you don’t have to fight. Zvichayno, if I look at the training, I will need to read the evidence (div. p 4). Shukay formula, call for help.
  7. Find an alternative way to match the posture of the school. You definitely have talent and zakhoplenya, go to your liking. Find an hour to ask yourself, having tried to take a streak of sight, you will learn a lot of new lads, and maybe, and friends, you can take care of yourself and learn the faith in yourself.

What robiti, if bulling is obvious?

In fact, there is only one joy for the old man - to tell that grown-up one, whom you trust the most. Don't mess with NATO yourself. Asking for help is not shameful, but logical and strategically primed.

Tell me everything like that, not using it, and then having discussed the ways of virishennya, go to the instructions. Don't forget to try to change it to "I can / I want". If you want to be afraid / to say, but you don’t feel guilty, or you don’t know your own strength, say so, and at the same time joke other ways. At the decision, there are always a few options, it’s possible, proponated, it’s just not your way.

For the sake of the fathers:

Naygolovnіshe, bring food to the public field. The whole school is guilty of talking about it, all the teachers, and all the students. Ale, the team is not guilty of buzzing about those scho batki rushed in hysteria, so that they were ashamed of their children. Kill everything. It is important, so that we understand, what a disaster for the school, teacher, class, buler those that have become.

You are guilty of getting ready to go to school, like a prosecutor getting ready to call! You need to bring not scargs, but facts and an assessment (the inadmissibility of such a thing in a civilized school) of the situation. Let the moment of recognition of the child before your trip to school pass a few days or a week, but you must be prepared.

If you state the problem clearly and if there is a negative reaction, then the problem will be cleared up.

Buhler will start, even if you don't want to change the situation radically, but at that moment your child will stop terrorizing. Better for everything, you can’t calmly go to school, because you can be beaten by shkodi. Virishuvati you, go to you at the right time for busy hours. It’s important that at this moment the child is guilty of being among the collective, giving such a rank to understand that the position of this is strong and strong, if you respect it, you don’t.

Ale here respectfully orients herself to the child. Marvel, it’s easier for you, so that there is no violence, but already at the side of the fathers.

Definitely postanya food, how to learn further: chi transfer someone to a different class, or go to school. Who is guilty of drinking: buler or your child.

Here it is necessary to seriously evaluate: having punished the buler and robbed them in one team, we can simply expand the aggressor's fantasy to the variant of knowledge. No one is aware of psychological violence, as if it is a coherent proof, for those who do not leave behind them visible injuries, saddens, syncretisms and fractures, but at the same time it is not less unsafe.

You need to marvel at the furnishing, moving from the position of the school, the fathers of the buler and the bazhan of your child.

Why work with classmates, if you want to help?

  • It is necessary to know a carefree mature person, whom you trust the most, to tell you about those who are eating.
  • Tell your fathers, ask for help.
  • Discuss with other classmates. To know quietly, to whom it is so unbearable to guard: it is your fault to be more.
  • If everyone will be against the aggressor, I won’t be deprived of anything, how to get away. Ale, it’s more foldable. For whom you will definitely need the help of grown-ups. As long as the "retinue" can see the buler, you will have lava upon lava. But it’s already a war. Ale, if you marvel at the essence of the problem, then you have a war, the reason for which is one person and his ambition! It is important to convey and "retinue". Try not to be foolishly sensible, joke around with a school psychologist, grown-up lads...

For teachers about bulling

About tse it is definitely necessary to write okremo. I, for the "activity", not only from my side, like a psychologist, but in the name of a teacher.

But I’ve got to go to the teachers: still don’t believe in the seriousness of the problem, don’t swear, but take the signals, what’s wrong, discuss the situation with a school psychologist, educate other children, take information. Do not turn around, joke the truth and the reason!

So, it is unacceptable to see that the collective of “infections” is your subsidiaries. I want to tell the truth and know the culprits of calling, or in someone else. Ale vіdpovіdalnіst vzhdі divide equally. Accept a weekly - a good option for a teacher! The first way is to heal your team and prevent tragedy.

How to get praise before testing, control robot, pouch certification?

Reluctantly twist the material.

Do not be afraid of the proximity of testing, control work, sub-bag certification.

Take every opportunity to show the vastness of your knowledge and take the wine to the city for the work you have won.

It is necessary to have a good sleep in the night before the re-verification of knowledge.

Take your own time from the reserve, especially for references, as it is required to visit later, come to the lesson not too early before the cob.

Relax before the test, control robot, sub-bag certification.

Do not forget to repeat all the material in the rest of the whiling.

Do not come to class with an empty hose.

Code of Honor

Read not for the sake of an assessment, but for the achievement of humane, patriotic goals and reach.

Direct your initial activity on deep knowledge of the fundamentals of sciences, be proactive, independent, show yourself better.

Dorimuvatisya could not school, rules internal order, good conduct.

Buti vvіchlivim among comrades, teachers, elders, staggeringly put up to batkіv.

Turbuvatisya about the young.

Show mercy.

Dbaty about a decent ovnіshnіy look, vlasnu hygiene.

Do not allow smoking, do not get used to alcohol, drugs.

Please for self-improvement

1. If you take on the right, think: what kind of result is the responsibility of otrimati.

2. Take hold of the right boldly and do not step out until you win. As in the last day of the next day, one or two points planned by you are not left out, rewrite their plan for the next day (the next day).

3. Take yourself for the rule of obov’yazkovo analizuvat: why don’t you miss that other point. Namagaysya yourself usuvati cause nevikonannya. At the same time, it’s important to be important, but after an hour you realize that it’s more smut - you should correctly evaluate your strengths and don’t waste your time.

4. Never practice rescheduling for the coming day. Proceed to the meeting of the planned one immediately without calling.

5. Do not shy away the people of your life, learn your primhams to say shortly, but firmly - “nі”.

6. Learn to punish yourself, be unassuming to yourself, but standing in front of you is a real task, and in any case, “do not arrogate”, because you do not follow the internal order “So required”, “I’m mushu”.

7. Try to analyze: what do you spend your free time on?

8. Your body of buildings to trivaly navantage, ale, to escape the languor, overcome it, change it, see the activity of the day.

9. Taking on yourself, be like a leader, learn to listen respectfully to the words of grown-ups. Koristuysya with notes, so that you don’t miss anything, respect and save an hour.

7 years to learn

The joy is first and last. Don't try to take it all away. Remember, what success is before us.

The pleasure of a friend is about love. Obov'yazkovo change your attitude to people, like you will feel sick. If you want people to love you, love them yourself. Think about what people are especially suited to you, hisist, intolerant of other people's thoughts? Why, as you yourself are, is it your fault to love you?

The third pleasure is special. It is necessary for a deaky hour to forget that you are special, not like everyone else. Zapam "yatai, what your mother knows about it and you yourself.

The fourth pleasure is about the road trip. Love us before yourself. Tse does not mean that you are guilty of admiring yourself in the mirror. Just standing up to your body, do not destroy it with alcohol and other poisons.

The joy of p "yata is a priority. Do not waste your strength at once in all directions. Choose a sprat that is important for you and work hard on them yourself. If you want to try yourself in the new rights, you can’t hurt anyone. Who knows, it is possible, he himself checks on you success, sit yourself and wait, if you see it.

Porada Shosta - learn! Learn all your life. No one can deny what you know so well and so well. Good, what do you know, how many times a century of war (100 ?!), miraculously, how can you invigorate the computer "Yuterny virus against the flu virus, I'm flying, how to hammer the wonderful flower into the wall with your own hands.

Porada soma and rest (according to the list, not by value!) Father, do you want to achieve success? Then why do you check and watch your expensive hour for reading these joys? Come on, don't sit, it's time to work with your own hands.


1. Remember: the best way to deal with mental turmoil is to stay busy.

2. To forget your misfortunes, try to work on receiving others. Robish do good to others, do good to yourself.

3. Do not try to change others. It’s more dignified and safer to engage in self-improvement.

4. Remember: a skin person is such a bright and unique individuality, like you, take it like that, like that. Try to know in a person a positive figure, in my bachiti її dignity and in a hundred years with her, try to rely on yourself on your quality.

6. Take charge of yourself! Anger, dramatization, anger conspire people. Egoism - dzherelo rich conflicts. Be patient in yourself, remember that "the wound heals step by step." Not through dribnitsy.

7. Be it on the right, start from the first step!

8. Remember: pereskodi are given to us for our development.

9. Lyudina, there is no need for the possibility of self-perfection, moreover, in the ears of our own lives.

10. Be a tolerant person.

Before the Olympics

1. First, start preparing for the Olympiad, have a place to take it: pick up your speeches, hand out your needs for assistants, helpers, zoshiti, papyrus, olives, etc. Psychologists wonder what it is good to introduce into such an interior to occupy yellow and purple colors, shards of stench encourage intellectual activity. You don’t need to re-glue for the sake of this trellis, or change the curtains, finish some pictures in such colors, prints, which you can create by yourself, vicorist, for example, collage technique.

2. Starting to prepare for the Olympiad, draw up the plan.

3. For the cob of good, it’s good to choose who you are - the “owl” or the “lark”, and in the fallow time, to maximize the profitability of the rankings, or, on the contrary, the evening.

4. Putting together a plan for the skin day of preparation, it is necessary to clearly indicate what you will be doing today. They didn’t cry: “I’ll do a lot of work,” but what you yourself will learn today, as if you yourself divided some subject.

5. Start well, start well - until you get tired, until your head is fresh - from the most important, from that division, which is the best for everything. Ale bovaє and so that you don’t want to know, there’s nothing in your head. In short, "I'm not in the mood." In such a mood, it’s more likely, on the contrary, from that which you know better, from that material that you have the most cicavia and receptions. Possibly, stepwise on the right.

6. Obov'yazkovo varto cherguvat robot and repair, say, 40 min. to occupy, then 10 min. - break. You can take the dishes at the same time, water the bills, and do the exercises.

7. Getting ready for the Olympiad, you don’t need to pragnate before reading and remembering the entire assistant. Repeat the material in a basic way. After reading the food, guess and succinctly write down everything you know about this food, and then turn yourself over for a handyman. I pay special attention to the subheadings of the head of the paragraph of the assistant, to the rules and visions of the text. Reverse the correctness of dates, basic facts. Just a little more respectfully, read the assistant, seeing the head thoughts, - these are the main points of the opinion.

8. For skin day preparations, review the preparation, as you have mastered the material: again, briefly write down the plans for all meals, as they were tested for the day.


1. Actively practice at the lesson: listen carefully, respond to the food.

2. Becoming a powerhouse, as if I didn’t understand, or else it’s not suitable.

3. Learn to use words and proverbs. Learn the meaning of unknown words, know the necessary facts and explanations, rules, formulas in docs.

4. As if you have a computer in you, learn from it to help you know the information you need, work for the help of electronic spreadsheets.

5. Think over the sequence of the appointment for the next few subjects and try to figure out how much time you need for the appointment of the skin task.

6. Interrupt between lessons.

7. Try to comprehend the material, and then memorize it.

8. As a material, which is necessary for vivchiti, great for obshyag or folding, break yoga on the okremі parts and opratsyuy the skin part of the okremo. Vykorist method of key words. (The key words are the most important in the skin paragraph).

9. Do not deprive the preparation until additional, creative, creative work for the rest of the day, even if it takes a lot of time. Get ready for them ahead of time, equally rozpodіlyayuchi vanity.

10. Get ready for the lessons, draw cards, diagrams. The stench will help you better understand and memorize the material.

11. Make up a plan for the future.

12. Trust yourself


1. If you are disrespectful, it means that your respect is directed to something else. Visnach її object. Bring on the super. Straighten the power of respect, where next.

2. Respect is the mind, and the result of your activity.

3. If you are respectful - you own the material, and the concentration of respect will require your knowledge.

4. Prepare everything you need before the lesson. Your organization concentrates your respect.

5. You are guilty of putting your own respect on the order: on what itself it can be straightened out.

6. Shards at the time of honoring the honor will be lost, for її remembrance it is necessary to take care of yourself, engage in auto-training, win special rights.

7. Vikoristovuy zdatnіst invisibly turn respect. Make it sound like you don’t sound like it (for example, you are an alien and you are sitting in the earthlings’ classroom).

8. At the end of the hour, at the end of the day, ask yourself: “What am I thinking about?”.

9. As soon as you have shown that your respect is growing, one thing is sufficient. Even if it did not help - change the position of the body, or read it out loud, adding to the power of the sound.

10. To help you take care of your respect and just ask, how can you put your own hour at the right time: “Have you had a classmate on the basis of food?”

11. If you don’t want to be angry at the vikonanni zavdannya - just repeat yoga, you can do it out loud.

12. Structure the material for the abstract, assistant (create tables, schemes, then). Todi obsyag respect zbіlshuєtsya.

13. Try to get the maximum number of primary skills, the stench works without the participation of respect. Vaughn is necessary for you for the new, the cіkavy, the important.

14. Check with the court on the party, work one by one, so that you develop respect.

15. To turn your respect to the material of the lesson, know those who are responsible for your knowledge, interests.

16. Work more with assistants, shards tse respect.

17. Don't hurry when changing the type of work. Call on those who, after an inconsistent, incomplete switching of respect, can win a pardon.

18. Do not try to work a lot of right at once, more often you will pass from one activity to another change of respect.

19. Protect, that the degree and obsyag of respect due to the deadly stagnation - the increase in the obligation of the elements that are accepted, calling for a change in respect and navpaki. Therefore, repeat the important material.

20. Foresee your sovereign gesture (splash on the knee, smiknut yourself by the ear ...). If your respect changes, this ruh m'yazіv will help you to restore your concentration.

21. Know the clerks, how to spy on the strength of your respect (light music when reading, lightly illuminated).

22. Protect the infusion of natural officials: on a rainy day, the concentration of respect changes, and it will also be necessary for you to add more hours (repeat) for vikonannya zavdan.

Recommendations for relieving psychological tension, reducing anxiety

There are a lot of little tricks, which will help people to get involved in emotional shifts:

1. Turn up to 10 and then turn to a traumatic situation.

2. Forgive yourselves. Breathe in deeply and hold your breath for a certain hour. See step by step, through nіs. Listen to your thoughts.

3. Collect water and drink water, concentrate on your feelings of water.

4. Know what a small object is and carefully look at it no less than chotiriokh khvilin, being aware of the color, shape, structure so carefully that you can detect the object from the flattening of the eye.

5. Look at the sky, look at everything you see in the sky.

6. Soak the face with cold water.

7. See that destination, where you know the stress.

In order for these methods to help, they need to be remembered and constantly victorious.

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Many are interested men's psychologist advice. I'm not saying why, everyone has different motives. But just as a fact - " men's psychologist advice" is what people are looking for when they turn to search engines.

Well, that's very good. I am happy to post my advice, comments, Interesting Facts from the field of psychology, some clues. So if you were also looking for something on the query " psychologist's advice", "men's psychologist advice"or in general some information from the field of psychology and changing your life for the better, then you have come to exactly the right place. Enjoy reading and viewing !!

Psychologist's advice number 1

When they ask me what to do with people who have done dirty things, I advise you to simply draw conclusions about the person for yourself. About what he is capable of, about his qualities. And treat him accordingly. Or even interrupt communication (according to the situation, of course).

A person's actions speak volumes about his quality.

Is it necessary to take revenge and punish?! No, it's not necessary. May our karma remain pure and good. Life itself will take care of those who do dirty tricks.

Psychologist's advice #2

When people say "It's good where we are not", I always add:

Yes, and where we are, it's just wonderful there !!

Psychologist's advice number 3

Did you read the text in the picture below? Very Right words. If someone does not love you and does not appreciate you, you do not need to prove anything to him.

It's just not that person. Go in search of someone who will love and appreciate.

Well, and, of course, become more and more valuable, worthy, harmonious.

Psychologist's advice number 4

Until a person finds harmony within himself, nothing will be as it should, because the madness that is inside poisons and makes

crazy everything he comes in contact with.

A good psychologist helps to happen exactly this - the emergence of greater harmony in the place of madness and chaos.

Psychologist's advice number 5

If from your actions you do not get the results that you would like, then change these actions for others.

Then the results will change.

Maybe you'll like these new results better.

Psychologist's advice #6

If some of your actions, statements, deeds do not immediately receive a response, this does not mean that they are not very good. It doesn't mean anything at all.  Perhaps, besides the fact that you need to focus on yourself, on your feelings, on whether you like what you are doing.

And then others will receive information about who you are, what is in your head, and so on. And they will already understand how much you are in tune with them. It will be clearer how you think, feel, and it will become clearer whether it is worth contacting you.

You will save time for people, plus you will avoid the appeals of those people who are not in tune with you.

Psychologist's advice number 7

Another example that explains what the positivization of what is happening is. Different people can take different things from the same experience.

From the situation described in the picture, a person took strength, determination, self-confidence. Another could draw in the same situation reasons for suffering and visits to a psychotherapist. But the situation is the same.

Psychologist's advice number 8

As one of those I learned from said, "If your goal is not formulated and written down, then you do not have a goal."

When I advise someone on working with goals, it turns out that the goal is not formulated. She just doesn't exist. Although rarely does anyone seek advice on goals, naively believing that they know their goals or know how to work towards their achievements. But this is very rarely the case. Usually a person's goals sound like "I want something, but I don't know who." This is not the best guideline.

But those who really work through their goals, achieve tremendous progress !!

It's a lot of work though!! But the reward for this work is the result!!

Psychologist's advice number 9

I don't really like people who are constantly complaining and always unhappy.

Why?! Because it is completely unconstructive and only leads to a worsening of their situation.
What is the meaning of complaints and lamentations?! Do they solve the problem? If problems were solved by whining, that would be great, but they say whining doesn't change anything.
So can the energy that is spent on complaints be directed to finding solutions?!

Mikhail Litvak, one of the recognized psychologists and psychotherapists of the international level, developed and was the first to put into practice the “psychological aikido” conflict resolution system.

The main goal of this concept is to learn to understand people and yourself. We publish 15 tips from a famous psychologist that will help in solving many life issues:

  1. No one leaves anyone, just someone goes ahead. The one who is left behind thinks he has been abandoned.
  2. Gnaw at the granite of science, not at the throat of your neighbor, if you really want to chew on something.
  3. Depression is given to a person in order to think about himself.
  4. If a person cannot say anything good about himself, but he wants to say it, he begins to say bad things about others.
  5. If you think well of yourself, why do you need someone else to think well of you.
  6. Do what you want and don't ask permission. Suddenly they refuse.
  7. It is better to associate with a good book than with an empty person..
  8. The ability to love and tolerate loneliness well is an indicator of spiritual maturity. We do our best when we are alone.
  9. I do not know the way to success. But I know the path to failure is the desire to please everyone.
  10. There is no male or female logic, there is the ability or inability to think correctly.
  11. Do you want to know your main enemy? Look in the mirror. Deal with it - the rest will scatter.
  12. It is pleasant to communicate with friends, but useful with enemies.
  13. There is the only valid reason for breaking off relations and dismissal from work - the impossibility of personal growth in the current conditions.
  14. An immature person often knows, but does not know how. Mature not only knows, but also knows how. Therefore, an immature person criticizes, and a mature person does.
  15. Share only joy with both friends and enemies. A friend will rejoice, an enemy will be upset.
  16. Do not chase happiness, but find the place where it is found. And happiness will find you. I can suggest the place where your happiness is found - it's you yourself. And the way to it is the maximum development of all your abilities.
  17. Happiness is a "by-product" of properly organized activities.
  18. If you want to prove something to someone, then you live for the sake of the one you want to prove it to. If you live for yourself, then there is no need to prove anything to anyone.
  19. Dreams are the voices of our abilities. So I do not dream of singing in the opera. There is no voice, no hearing. And if I dreamed, then, consequently, this dream would be warmed up by my abilities. Therefore, I would try to get into the opera. You just need to think about how to make this dream come true. The main thing here is not to rush, then it will turn out pretty quickly. It's good when a person can say the following about himself: "I'm only doing what I'm trying to achieve my dreams."
  20. Achieve success - resentment will pass.