What will happen if the school and kindergarten are merged. Merging schools as a tool to get rid of good teachers

1. How long does it take to merge two kindergartens?

1.1. Roughly several months to a year. Depending on how the commission and the founder will act." Civil Code Russian Federation(part one)" dated November 30, 1994 N 51-FZ (as amended on May 23, 2018) (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on June 3, 2018)
"" Article 57. Reorganization of a legal entity

""1. The reorganization of a legal entity (merger, accession, division, separation, transformation) may be carried out by decision of its founders (participants) or by the body of the legal entity authorized to do so by the founding document.
""It is allowed to reorganize a legal entity with a simultaneous combination of its various forms, provided for in the first paragraph of this paragraph.
""Reorganization involving two or more legal entities, including those created in different organizational and legal forms, if this "Code" or other "law" provides for the possibility of transforming a legal entity of one of such organizational and legal forms into a legal entity of another of such organizational and legal forms.
""Restrictions on the reorganization of legal entities may be established by law.
Features of the reorganization of credit, insurance, clearing organizations, specialized financial companies, specialized project financing companies, professional participants in the securities market, joint-stock investment funds, management companies of investment funds, mutual investment funds and non-state pension funds, non-state pension funds and other non-credit financial institutions, joint-stock companies of workers (people's enterprises) are determined by the "laws" governing the activities of such organizations.
(Clause 1 as amended by the Federal Law of 05.05.2014 N 99-FZ)

""2. In cases established by the "law", the reorganization of a legal entity in the form of its separation or separation of one or more legal entities from its composition is carried out by decision of authorized state bodies or by a court decision.
If the founders (participants) of a legal entity, a body authorized by them or a body of a legal entity authorized to reorganize its constituent document fail to reorganize the legal entity within the period specified in the decision of the authorized state body, the court, at the claim of the said state body, appoints an arbitration manager of the legal entity and instructs him to carry out the reorganization of the legal entity. From the moment of appointment of the arbitration manager, the powers to manage the affairs of the legal entity are transferred to him. The insolvency practitioner acts on behalf of the legal entity in court, draws up a deed of transfer and submits it for consideration by the court along with the constituent documents of legal entities created as a result of reorganization. The court decision on the approval of these documents is the basis for the state registration of newly created legal entities.

(see text in previous "edition")
3. In the cases established by law, the reorganization of legal entities in the form of a merger, accession or transformation may be carried out only with the consent of the authorized state bodies.
""4. A legal entity is considered to be reorganized, except for cases of reorganization in the form of affiliation, from the moment of state registration of legal entities created as a result of reorganization.
(As amended by the Federal Law of 05.05.2014 N 99-FZ)
(see text in previous "edition")
""When a legal entity is reorganized in the form of a merger with another legal entity, the first of them is considered reorganized from the moment an entry is made in the unified state register of legal entities on the termination of the activities of the merged legal entity.
"" State registration of a legal entity created as a result of reorganization (in the case of registration of several legal entities - the first state registration in time) is allowed no earlier than the expiration of the appropriate period for appealing the decision on reorganization (paragraph 1 of Article 60.1).
(the paragraph was introduced by the Federal Law of 05.05.2014 N 99-FZ)

2. What does the merging of two kindergartens into one give and are there any advantages of such a merger?

2.1. Good afternoon.
Depending on which side to look at.
For the municipality, a plus is the minimization of building costs.
For parents, children and staff - a minus, there are more children in groups.

2.2. Hello. The only pluses can be that the cost of maintaining two kindergartens is less, if the number of children is very small, it makes no sense to maintain two kindergartens.

3. Is it legal to combine a kindergarten and a music school?

3.1. Good day! Yes, it is quite legal if everything is documented. What illegal in this association did you emphasize for yourself?

4. What laws must be observed when merging kindergartens.

4.1. notify workers...

5. How is the integration of kindergartens into one complex?

5.1. The question is beyond the scope of a free consultation.

6. Tell me, when a kindergarten and a school are merged, is an employee who is on maternity leave fired?

6.1. Depending on the reason for dismissal. If we are talking about downsizing or liquidating the organization, they can be fired. If we are talking about reducing the number of employees, then there may be other options.

7. My name is Alena, I work as a teacher in a kindergarten, we have an association of eight kindergartens, the director of our association puts me on a shift in another kindergarten by order, can I refuse the order and take a shift in my own kindergarten? Thank you.

7.1. Hello.
If your employment contract specifies a specific work address, you can refuse.

8. I am a teacher of additional education in one of the schools in Moscow, I lead the rhythm in the kindergartens of the school association. I have 3 working days with 3-4 lessons per day for 30 minutes. After reading the law, I understand that I should be paid for the lessons actually conducted, converting them into astronomical hours, and they count me in fact the hours worked (2 hours a day instead of 4 x). Is it right for a teacher to do this?

8.1. Good evening, it all depends on what is specified in the contract and what nature this contract has. Please clarify.

9. What changes are made to the collective agreement of the school when the school and kindergarten are merged.

9.1. In this case, there is no obligation established by the legislator, therefore, if it complies with current legislation, then it is not necessary to make changes. Therefore, it is the right of the employer and employees to make a change or not - any of the parties has the right to initiate this process ...

10. In 1992, the title was written children's association, then in 1995 it was renamed into a nursery-spd, and then into a kindergarten. how to prove that the children's association was the same kindergarten, they do not want to include that period with the name of the children's association in the pedstay for retirement on preferential terms!

10.1. Hello! Ask for information about renaming this kindergarten or, if it no longer exists, then to the city archive. And submit a certificate to the FIU.

11. I work in a kindergarten as a teacher, for 27 years out of 14 I worked first as a head, then, after merging with elementary school director for 7 years, am I entitled to a superannuation pension?

11.1. Few data. As described, this condition is unlikely to be met.

Rules for calculating periods of work giving the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension to persons who have been pedagogical activity in institutions for children, in accordance with subparagraph 19 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation"; 8. Work experience counts:

A) work as a director (head, head) of the institutions specified in paragraphs 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 (except for orphanages, including sanatorium, special (correctional) for children with developmental disabilities) and paragraphs 1.4 - 1.7, 1.9 and 1.10 of the section "Name of institutions" of the list, for the period up to September 1, 2000, regardless of the conduct of teaching work. The specified work for the period starting from September 1, 2000 is counted in the length of service provided that teaching work in the same or in another institution for children in the amount of at least 6 hours per week (240 hours per year), and in institutions of secondary vocational education, specified in paragraph 1.10 of the section "Name of institutions" of the list, - subject to teaching work in the amount of at least 360 hours per year;

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Combining kindergartens and schools is a topic of current interest, but not a new one. Back in the early 90s, an experiment was conducted in the capital to create educational complexes However, the experiment failed miserably. The failure can be explained by the legal inconsistency of the system at that time: educational complexes were not formalized in any way and it came to the point that teachers were not credited with the length of service in such joint institutions. The merger of kindergartens and schools, in addition, took place under the auspices of the continuity of education, but in reality nothing has changed and the words about continuity remained only on paper.

Now officials have returned to the idea of ​​reviving the experiment. It must be said that such integrated centers have been operating successfully abroad for a long time. Therefore, if we are talking about the USA, Europe, then there the child starts going to school from the age of 4 - not in classical school in our understanding, but the preschool department of the educational center.

Teachers and parents treat the “second wind” with caution, and some even with prejudice. What are their fears and why are not all institutions happy to support the idea of ​​rallying?

Combining kindergartens and schools: what in fact

The educational complex includes several kindergartens and schools, united legally. The director of the school is at the head of the complex. Heads of kindergartens become heads of departments. It is quite natural that duplicative positions (for example, an accountant or a methodologist) are reduced.

Among the goals of the associations is also indicated "the opportunity for more children to receive a much better education." The situation before the experiment developed in such a way that prestigious schools and kindergartens coexisted in each district, which, of course, everyone aspired to get into, and less popular institutions, which remained half-empty due to a shortage. Officials, by combining strong institutions with weak ones, hope to “pull up” the latter and make all kindergartens and schools in the districts attractive to citizens.

However, in fact, prestigious schools are merged with other prestigious schools and kindergartens. None, we will call "elite" educational institution will not agree to unite with an institution that is not quoted by the population. Therefore, one of the stated goals of the merger is not realized.

At the same time, those educational institutions (as a rule, they can be attributed to popular among the population) that oppose the merger, in fact, risk being left out of work: all “strong” schools and kindergartens will already be reorganized into educational complexes, for which the new unit - a burden.

Combining kindergartens and schools: pluses

One of the essential and most important advantages of the association is cost savings. In the capital, as we know, per capita funding has been introduced, that is, money is allocated not for the entire institution, but for one student or pupil. The more children are included in the educational complex, the richer it is. In light of the reduction in staff, there are free funds that can be spent on improving equipment, purchasing methodological material, bonus payments to teachers.

Small educational institutions with few people could not afford qualified specialists: speech therapist, swimming instructor. In the educational complex, this becomes possible.

In addition, it enhances continuity of preschool and primary school education. Emphasis is placed on introducing the child to the school even before he goes to the first grade. The child has time to adapt to the school walls before the official admission to school.

Importantly, the resources at the disposal of one institution of the complex become available to other departments: library, swimming pool, Gym, sensory room and so on.

Combining kindergartens and schools is promising in terms of building a dialogue in the professional sphere. Teachers exchange experiences, choose the most optimal system of relationships, pay salaries, for example.

For parents, the educational complex is a great advantage, since they do not have to fight for a "place in the sun" for their children. Children attending a kindergarten as part of an educational complex automatically enter a school from the same complex. They can, of course, go to another school if there are places.

Combining kindergartens and schools: cons

One of the main disadvantages is downsizing. Many teachers are losing their jobs, and finding new ones is not so easy.

Wherein, workload on remaining staff increases. Not all directors are ready for expanded powers. As you know, manage big country(in this case, an educational complex) is much more difficult than a small state (school).

The leaders of kindergartens have other concerns: from their point of view, the experiment should have been carried out in a different direction. Instead of combining two different levels of education, it would be logical to consolidate preschool institutions of the same order. In addition, charitable funds that used to go to the account of a preschool institution and could be spent freely at the discretion of the head of the kindergarten and the governing council will now be controlled by the head of the school, which will significantly limit the freedom of action with finances.

Many believe that integration, which is experimental and not fully developed, will lead to dictatorship of the school over the kindergarten. In fact, this will be expressed in the fact that the school will try to include in the kindergarten program as much material as possible to prepare for the first grade. Instead of a priority gaming direction in preschool program, prescribed, by the way, in the new Federal State Educational Standards, the emphasis will be placed on preparing the child for the first grade - that is, education.

How the experiment will end is not yet clear, just as it is not entirely clear for all participants in the process: teachers, leaders and parents, a clear scheme for the work of the educational complex. Nevertheless, the experiment continues to gain momentum, and the Department of Education is replenished with applications for the merger of kindergartens and schools.


Maria Yasnova:

- Nonsense. Kindergarten is kindergarten, school is school. Two different institutions. They study at school, relax in kindergarten before school. What's the point of combining them?

Veronica 65:

“It feels like we've been through it all before. My daughter is already grown up. In the early nineties, it was like this: the kindergarten was attached to the school, I worked in the garden preparatory group in which teachers from the school taught.

Anna Aleksandrovna:

“But I think that this is a great idea, very humane for a child. In a few years of being in the garden, the child will get used to the children and will go to school with the same children, he will experience less stress. At the same time, the program in kindergarten and school will most likely be the same. For example, now in many schools they study according to the “School 2100”. It is very difficult for children. If you start with it in the garden, then everything will go like clockwork.

Zhenya Alakina:

— I live in the north of Moscow. At us too with might and main there is an association of schools and gardens. True, what it is and why it is done - no one understands. Teachers, it seems, do not mind - they are promised an increase in salary, and kindergartens, on the contrary, are not eager.

M.V. Moiseeva, director of Gymnasium No. 1540, Moscow

As a director, I understand the economic benefits school associations. Indeed, it is not advisable to maintain a half-empty building with a small number of students, and it is practically impossible to provide decent conditions for work and study under the current “per capita” principle of financing, when money follows the student. In addition, in a small school, when switching to new system wages, problems inevitably arise with finding funds for material incentives for employees, and without this it is impossible to create a qualified teaching staff.

In Moscow network restructuring educational institutions is also necessary because here last years the geography of the population has changed a lot: somewhere, residential areas have turned into business centers with offices, boutiques and restaurants, and somewhere, on the contrary, new sleeping areas have appeared in which a large number of children. So the unification of schools is a tribute to the time, and not the result of the evil will of officials.

Of course, this process has its drawbacks: stress for teachers and students who are forced to change their place of work and study, the destruction of established traditions ... It’s good if like-minded schools are united, where the educational and upbringing processes are built on a similar foundation, where the teaching staff and parents adhere to the same philosophy. However, this is not always the case. Therefore, it is necessary to unite schools carefully, trying to preserve the best that was in each of them.

In any case, if the school does not enroll children, it needs to change: either go into independent swimming, “beat with its paws”, learn to survive in the new economic conditions and become competitive, or recognize the unviability of its development concept and connect with the school that is closest in style and spirit, but working more efficiently.

Thus, the unification of schools is inevitable, but everything possible must be done so that this does not happen according to the principle of classical raider seizures, but is based on an understanding of the benefits and advantages of both sides of the process, if such advantages are obvious.

S.S. Novikova, director of the municipal educational institution "Ninorovskaya OOSh", the village of Ninorovo, Uglich district, Yaroslavl region.

Our school - rural, small and few. Currently, 48 children are studying in it. At the same time, it is the largest rural primary school in terms of the number of students. comprehensive school in the Uglich district, and we have something to compare with. In conditions per capita funding it is very difficult for small schools to survive. Many of them barely make ends meet. Merging is, perhaps, one of the ways to preserve them, since the children will study in the new school, and the teachers will work in good conditions.

In our district, the restructuring of the network of educational institutions began with the merger of schools and kindergartens. Thus, it was possible to save places for preschoolers, since the regional budget covered pupils of the preschool group, which is a structural subdivision of the school, and legally independent preschool institutions were financed only from the municipal budget.
As for the disadvantages of the merger, these are transport problems, since the schools are located at a considerable distance from one another, and legal, “paper” cases, which take a lot of time and effort.”

A.A. Sedelnikov, head laboratory of public administration of the Krasnoyarsk regional IPKiPPRO

In some specific cases, perhaps, it may be useful to combine the two schools, but this must be done carefully, thoughtfully and slowly. I am against campaigning in everything, including ostentatious mass unification for the sake of unification, without a clear predictable result, with big amount unexplored risks. In addition, I am against creating the appearance of large-scale reforms, which are only needed to demonstrate fictitious transformations and alleged modernizations personally to those who organize and carry them out.”

M.N. Borodina, Director of GBOU "Secondary School No. 849", Moscow

My colleagues and I believe that the consolidation of schools can bring teachers, students and their parents a lot of problems, because it will entail a violation of the integrity educational process a, and will also negatively affect the results of delivery final exams in 9th and 11th grades. In addition, the new school will have to re-form the team, create a psychological microclimate and traditions. It may take years, and in the meantime the children school age there will be more, and they will have nowhere to study.
We understand the economic feasibility of restructuring, but we urge officials to take this process with full responsibility in order not to make things worse.

G.A. Akhmetova, Director of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 6", Chelyabinsk

I am against the merger of schools if they are full-fledged in terms of staffing and the educational process in them is organized at the proper level. If this is not the case, then schools should be united according to the principle “weak” plus “strong”. IN big city it is inexpedient to maintain a school with fewer than 500 students. Teachers' salaries will be low, and therefore the work will be unproductive."

A.I. Vavilov, Art. scientific collaborator Institute for the Development of Education, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "NRU GU - Higher School of Economics", Moscow

Consolidation of schools is a far-sighted political action that will ultimately have a beneficial effect on the quality general education. Its legal mechanism is the “attachment” of insufficiently successful schools to more successful ones. According to the law, all the obligations of the affiliated school to employees, students and their parents are fully “transferred” to new school, so you should not be afraid that someone's rights will be violated.

For students, and this is the main thing, the merger of schools will give only advantages: they will study in good grades with modern equipment and will be able to attend various circles and sections, the work of which will be paid by the state. And not the fact that they will have to move to another building. In large cities, school buildings are not vacated, the sign is simply changed on them.

For teachers, the consequences of the merger of schools are not so clear-cut. On the one hand, in a large team they will be able to receive help from experienced teachers, methodologists, as well as use the best educational equipment. On the other hand, they may have problems with formalization of labor relations th. As is known, employment contracts all employees of the affiliated school must be re-contracted on the same terms. However, after that, the administration has the right to try to change them in connection with ongoing organizational and technological measures. It is possible that for some teachers the new working conditions will be unacceptable, for example, due to increased responsibility for results. educational process, the introduction of new teaching technologies, etc. At the same time, this will give teachers a chance to improve their qualifications and, accordingly, their competitiveness in the labor market.

P.V. Larionov, legal consultant of the information center "ICFER Educational Resources"

The main advantages of merging schools are reduction in budget expenditures for the maintenance of empty buildings (repair, heating, electricity, etc.), the opportunity to use the potential of successful teams to promote advanced ideas and improve the quality of educational services for students.
As for the minuses, this is, first of all, the reduction of school workers, as well as the difficulties that students will face during the period of adaptation to the new team.

If we talk about the restructuring of the network of educational institutions in rural areas, then the organization of leisure time for children and adolescents will probably suffer, since in many localities they are cultural centers. In addition, there will be transport problems, which means that, for example, not all children will be able to stay for electives or after-school classes, since they will have to adapt to the school bus schedule.

The survey was conducted by E.V. Dikova

From September 1, 2014, all kindergartens in Moscow became part of. Perhaps a similar reorganization in the future awaits regional preschool organizations especially small organizations. Natalia Tverskaya, Director of Education Center No. 345 in Moscow, talks about emerging in the process of merging kindergartens and schools.

Is it worth creatingeducational complexes?

Natalya Viktorovna, tell us about the procedure for merging kindergartens and education center No. 345.

N.T.: For more than 15 years, our education center has included a preschool department located in a separate building. And now, when educational complexes are being created in Moscow, which include several kindergartens, schools and organizations additional education, we have already accumulated a lot of experience working with preschool departments. Currently, the process of reorganization of the educational complex is being completed. It will include two schools, including our education center with a pre-school department, and two kindergartens, which, in turn, were created two years ago through reorganization on the basis of four kindergartens.

Thus, the complex will include five buildings for preschool groups. It should be noted that we are connecting kindergartens of a compensatory type, in which all conditions have been created for children with speech defects, children with disabilities, including those with cerebral palsy. All kindergartens are combined into a structural subdivision of the Preschool Department complex. In addition, each kindergarten will have its own given name: "Lukomorye", "Sunshine" and others.

In your opinion, is the union of kindergartens and schools the right decision?

N.T.: Yes. Firstly, all financial issues should be dealt with by qualified specialists: accountants, economists, lawyers, office staff. They work in the interests of the entire complex, including kindergartens: purchases in a kindergarten within the framework of the 44th federal law are carried out centrally, the accounting service draws up a general plan for financial and economic activities, etc. Of course, not every kindergarten, especially a small one, can afford it all. So I had to train a senior educator or a teacher-psychologist in the organization of purchases or record keeping. And in the educational complex, special centralized services are being created.

Therefore, employees of the preschool department can safely do their favorite thing - raising children. Secondly, in the educational complex a common educational environment, getting into it, preschoolers become part of it. For example, pupils of our preschool department always take part in the activities of the education center together with schoolchildren. This greatly facilitates the adaptation of not only graduates of the preschool department to school, but also their parents, who sometimes experience more than their children. A single parent community is being formed in the educational complex. For parents of preschool children, the tasks facing the school are obvious. When they bring a three-year-old child to the kindergarten, they immediately get acquainted with the school, teachers primary school, get an idea of ​​what awaits their child in the future.

A single parent community is being formed in the educational complex. For parents of preschool children, the tasks facing the school are obvious. When they bring a three-year-old child to the kindergarten, they immediately get acquainted with the school, primary school teachers, get an idea of ​​what awaits their child in the future.

What kind of educational complexes should have?

What is the management structure of preschool departments as part of the educational complex?

N.T.: The educational complex is headed by a director. Kindergartens are supervised by the Deputy Director for Preschool and primary education, thereby ensuring continuity between these levels of education.

Senior teachers work in kindergartens, some of them are former heads. They are directly involved in the organization of the educational process and on all issues they turn to the deputy for preschool and primary education.

Once a week, an administrative meeting is held, in which all deputies participate. We discuss what has been done, what has not been successful and for what reason, what difficulties have arisen, and we set tasks for the next week. If an operational meeting is required, we will meet unscheduled.

In addition, after the merger of the kindergarten and the school, an internal website was created in our education center. Each teacher and educator can access it via a computer or their mobile devices anywhere in the school or kindergarten, since the Internet is available everywhere

I issued an order, according to which all employees of the education center must go to the local network daily at 8 am, 3 pm and 5 pm to view ads in the chat. Head teachers, educators, teachers write in a chat about everything that happens in the education center: open classes, holidays, reporting, release of new documents (which can be found in the same place, in local network), etc. In this way, constant communication is maintained, and all employees of the education center are in the know. This innovation has been introduced only in our center so far, but after the reorganization we plan to extend it to the entire educational complex

How did you manage to build relationships with the heads of kindergartens? After all, they were actually demoted ...

N.T.: If people still have an interesting job, the prospect of professional growth, respect for children, their parents and colleagues, and all this is provided with decent wages, then people will work with pleasure, no matter what their position is called. In addition, we should not forget that in recent years, the heads of kindergartens have been entrusted with a heavy burden of financial and economic activities in the context of a sharp increase in independence. educational organizations. And within the framework of the educational complex, this task will be solved by its services.

Staff of educational complexes

What is the level ratio wages teachers at school and in the preschool department?

N.T.: Last year, in our education center, teachers' salaries amounted to approximately 60,000 rubles. In kindergarten, the salary of educators was no more than 30 thousand rubles. - an average of 22-28 thousand rubles. To date, the salary in kindergarten has increased and averages 40 thousand rubles. The possibility of its increase appeared, including at the expense of extrabudgetary funds. Upon completion of the reorganization process, additional funds will appear due to savings, in particular, reduction in utility costs, as a result of optimizing the staffing of the complex and (or) increasing the volume of paid educational services. For example, to clear the roof of snow, the school will pay 100 thousand rubles, each kindergarten - 50 thousand rubles. For us, as a single organization, the same service will cost less - not 250 thousand, but 200 thousand rubles. The money saved can be used to increase salaries. The financial independence of the organization has its advantages - we see how much money we have, we decide where and how it can be distributed.

Did you have to reduce the staff of kindergartens during the reorganization?

N.T.: The fact is that for a year and a half the attendants - nurses and cooks - are not full-time employees of our center. It was always like this at school - a third-party organization with which the Department of Education entered into a service contract was responsible for the nutrition of children. Medical workers were employees of medical institutions.

In kindergartens now also: the Department of Education concludes a contract for three years with an organization that provides food for pupils. At the same time, we managed to leave our chefs in their place. For example, a cook and his assistant, who had worked in our preschool department for 30 years, were transferred to the staff of a food service organization without any loss in salary.

It is more difficult with medical workers: after being transferred to the staff of a medical institution, their wage rates turned out to be lower than in kindergarten. I hope this problem will also be solved in time. In a kindergarten, a medical worker cannot be visiting. The nurse should receive children in the morning and stay in the institution all day, monitor the sanitary and hygienic condition of the premises, the health of the pupils, and carry out preventive measures.

In my opinion, the gradual transfer of all non-core functions to outsourcing is the right decision. By signing contracts for protection, medical service and catering, we reserve the function of control.

Prospects and development of educational complexes

What are the prospects for the development of kindergartens in your educational complex?

N.T.: Now young families have a great need for nursery groups for children from one and a half years old. Our kindergarten is ready to accept children of this age. We also have teachers who can work with them, and the material base. The preschool department occupies a new building, which was built seven years ago according to a project that provides for the placement of nursery groups.

In addition, we plan to open weekend and short stay groups for children. The services of the weekend group are in great demand by parents, who have the opportunity to leave the child in kindergarten for several hours on Saturday and Sunday.

The increased demand was caused by one more idea. We offered young parents a service to teach how to raise a child. Our teachers provide methodological assistance, advisory support, explain to parents how to teach a child to draw, dress, and be obedient.

What would you wish to the heads of kindergartens who are about to join the school?

N.T.: First of all, don't be afraid to join. Kindergarten and school should be one team! Combining will definitely give a good result. The longer we work with preschoolers, the more I become convinced that this is the case.

Tartu Regional Court, having considered the complaint of two parents whose children go to kindergarten " gold fish"and the complaint of the director of this preschool institution, Tatyana Korelina, decided on July 3 to apply primary legal protection and suspended the decision of the Narva City Council to merge the kindergartens "Golden Fish" and "Penguin" until the final proceedings in court.

In its decision, the court pointed out that the application of the parents from the "Golden Fish" kindergarten has a perspective in the administrative court, at the same time, the director of the kindergarten has the opportunity to present his justifications for the illegality of the reduction to another court - the county court, writes ""

The Court considers, on the basis of the parent's statement, that the interests of the children may be adversely affected. However, he pointed out that the applicants would have to provide convincing evidence of their innocence.

According to lawyer Alexander Gamazin, who represents the interests of the applicants in court, he will rely on the fact that after the merger of kindergartens, one director, one head teacher and one supply manager will not be able to fully control the work of the staff well enough, which will negatively affect the work of preschool institutions. "Children will be in two different kindergartens, the director or caretaker will not be able to be at two sites at the same time to check the work of staff, food preparation, and monitor hygiene. Control will be weakened, so parents' concerns are fully justified."

According to Gamazin, the district court made a formal decision regarding the director of the kindergarten, based on one of the explanations of the Supreme Court. However, the lawyer promises to substantiate to the court that the labor rights of the kindergarten staff, including the director, have been violated precisely because of the challenged decision of the Narva City Council, which adopted the resolution on the merger of kindergartens.

Although the court did not uphold the complaint of the director of the kindergarten, according to Gamazin, the legal remedy to suspend the merger of kindergartens applies to the entire staff of the Golden Rybka, so local authorities cannot dismiss people until trial and no final decision will be made.

The representatives of the defendant, the city of Narva, pointed out to the court that the rights of the parents were not violated, they would be able to enter the board of trustees of the united kindergarten and control its work. Their children will not suffer at all from the merger of kindergartens, since their groups will be located, among other things, in the premises of the Golden Fish kindergarten.

The decision of the Tartu Regional Court has not yet entered into force, the parties have the right to appeal against it within 15 days.

It should be reminded that on March 26, the Narva City Assembly, by a majority vote of deputies, decided to merge the kindergartens "Golden Fish" and "Penguin". On April 15, the Jõhvi Court House received a complaint from the parents of the pupils of the "Golden Fish". The plaintiffs asked to annul decision No. 24 of the Narva City Council regarding paragraphs 3.1.2 and 3.1.3, which dealt with the merger of preschool institutions and petitioned for primary legal protection - that is, the suspension of the relevant decision. The trial court did not grant this request.

Arthur Tooman, ERR
