All about Russian pop stars. The ranking of the richest Russian celebrities according to Forbes has been published

It's no secret that lately the work of any artist sometimes fades into the background for the viewer. And his personal life comes first. Paparazzi and annoying journalists are not asleep!

Oksana Akinshina
Oksana was born on April 19, 1987 in Leningrad. She is known to viewers from such films as: “Hipsters,” “8 First Dates,” “Super Beavers” and many others.

The actress’s personal life is very eventful; according to her, she falls in love exclusively with scoundrels and scum. Akinshina dated actor Alexei Chadov for a long time and lived with Sergei Shnurov.

In 2008, she married Dmitry Viktorovich Litvinov, the general director of the Planet Inform company. Their wedding was spontaneous, after just two months of dating. On June 2, 2009, they had a son, Philip. In 2010, this marriage broke up.
After that, Oksana met with singer and actor Alexei Vorobyov. And on January 13, 2013, the actress gave birth to her second son, whose father is 37-year-old film producer Archil Gelovani.

Svetlana Hodchenkova
Svetlana is 33 years old, during her acting career she managed to star in many films. Here are some of them: “Bless the Woman”, “Love in big city", "Love affair at work. Our time", "Moms".

The personal life of Svetlana Khodchenkova has long been associated with actor Vladimir Yaglych. From 2005 to 2010, the couple lived in a legal marriage. According to close friends of the couple, Vladimir was very jealous of his wife and sometimes even raised his hand to her, but the decision to divorce was made after his husband’s betrayal.

Soon a new contender for Svetlana’s hand and heart appeared - a young businessman Georgy Petrishin. On May 28, 2015, a touching event occurred. After Svetlana’s performance, Georgy Petrishin appeared on stage with a bouquet of flowers and a ring, and then solemnly proposed to Khodchenkova. The touched actress answered “Yes!” But the wedding never took place.

Now the actress is in a relationship with actor Dmitry Malashenko.

Yulia Volkova
Former lead singer of the Tatu group Yulia Volkova is now building solo career. She does not hide the fact that she has always been popular with men.

In 2004, she gave birth to a daughter, Victoria, from athlete Pavel Sidorov, with whom she only had a close relationship for three months. In 2006, Yulia began an affair with singer Vlad Topalov, but, according to the lovers, two creative people can rarely get along side by side.

After some time, Volkova secretly became the wife of businessman Parviz Yasinov and converted to Islam. On December 27, 2007, “tattoo” gave birth to a son, Samir, from Parviz. In 2010, Volkova left her son's father. Now she is raising her children alone.

There were rumors that Yulia Volkova was having an affair with video blogger and singer Roma Acorn, who is 11 years younger than the artist. However, the information was never confirmed.

Lolita Milyavskaya
The famous Russian singer and actress, who turned 52 last November, has five marriages behind her.

Her husbands were: actor Alexander Belyaev, Vitaly Milyavsky, showman Alexander Tsikalo, businessman Alexander Zarubin.

In 2010, Lolita Milyavskaya got married for the fifth time. Her chosen one (as she herself declared - her last) was tennis player, seventh racket of Russia, squash coach Dmitry Ivanov.

Alla Pugacheva
Alla Pugacheva was married five times. Her first marriage took place quite early; Pugacheva had just turned twenty years old at that time. Her chosen one was circus school student Mikalas Orbakas. Alexander Stefanovich, director, in 1976 became the second husband of the prima donna.

This is followed by the second longest marriage in the singer’s life - for eight years she was married to her own producer Evgeniy Boldin. He, in turn, was replaced as the Diva’s husband by the young Kirkorov. Perhaps this marriage became the most scandalous in the life of the Prima Donna. Only the lazy did not discuss their relationship then.

The singer had her last wedding with Maxim Galkin in 2011. The couple secretly signed in one of the Moscow registry offices and celebrated the event in a restaurant

The lives of celebrities, their actions, words - all this arouses genuine interest in the press. However, the stars themselves are happy to pose and give interviews to reporters who make up the social news of Russian show business!

If you're going to read about the lives of celebrities, do so in a magazine that publishes reliable facts. Covering gossip columns is a special art, and our correspondents truly master it. Secular news from Russian show business appears in the magazine with enviable regularity, and the articles are supplemented with interesting photographs and interviews. Celebrity marriages, awards at film festivals, birthdays, disagreements star couples- by reading our magazine, you will be the first to know about everything.

News of social life in Russia

Not everyone can attend a private party or attend a prestigious film award ceremony. But every reader of WomanHit magazine can easily find out about everything in detail and without unnecessary embellishment. Secular news does not come out of thin air, we receive it first-hand - from the most famous and influential people in show business. Often, stars themselves invite media representatives to visit - casually chatting over a cup of tea, we learn the “hot” news and interesting details. You can read about them in the “Visiting the Stars” section.

When we receive reports from weddings, festivals, and film premieres, we publish them immediately. This is exactly how secular news about Russian stars is created.

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    Want to keep up with the latest celebrity news? Do you like to look at photos of celebrities? On our portal you will find out all the most interesting things: photos of celebrities, personal lives of show business stars, star advice, interviews, photo reports with latest events. Show business stars are in the public eye every minute, but we are always interested in learning a little more about them. Here you will find the latest information and can always keep your finger on the pulse of events. We hear about show business stars all the time: radio, television, the Internet and glossy magazines are simply full of information about the lives of our idols. However, this topic still remains interesting to us. Reading such news is not just a way to pass the time and take a little break from pressing problems. The life of show business stars is a kind of example for each of us. Someone will try the advice on themselves proper nutrition from your favorite actress and, perhaps, inspired by her example, will discover yoga or kickboxing. Someone will take fortitude as an example famous actor. Someone will decide to become like their idol and will finally take up their own clothing style. Some will be interested in comparing photos of celebrities in real life and in glossy processing, as well as photographs in which the always ideal heroine of gossip columns poses without makeup, and this will be a reason to think about whether we idealize stars too much and strive to be like them ? After all, they are, in essence, ordinary people, and you shouldn’t reproach yourself because your figure is not like Kim Kardashian’s or your hair is not as voluminous as Vera Brezhneva’s. However, celebrity photos can give you new ideas for own life. Everyone will find something to be inspired by and how to start changing their life for the better. Our site will be a great help in this, because we even publish photos of naked celebrities from the red carpet! Here you will find biographies of movie actors, famous TV presenters, singers and other representatives of the world of show business. On our portal you can read biographies of both the most famous socialites and information about the lives of those who prefer not to dedicate the public to the details of their personal lives. Here you will find stories that caused a lot of noise, and few known facts worthy of attention. Read the biographies of actors and actresses, and perhaps you will find something interesting for yourself. This will allow you to discover new facets in your idol, get to know your “favorite” better, and maybe you will find a few previously unfamiliar characters worthy of your attention? Perhaps you would like to watch films with their participation? Read books written by them? Adopt the features of their style? All this will expand your own horizons - and without any effort. Or maybe someone’s tragic experience will help you find a way out of a difficult situation. life situation? In some cases, other people's experiences can be very revealing and can contribute to your own life experiences. The biography of the actors in this regard is simply a storehouse of information, and the main thing is to use it profitably. Reading biographies of movie actors is also always an extremely exciting process, from which it is sometimes impossible to tear yourself away. Find out who was the first love of your idol, what was the fate of now forgotten but previously so popular artists, what did the rich and famous of this world look like in childhood, what did they dream about, what did they strive for? How do they live now? What do they dream about? What principles are followed in raising children? How do you maintain a relationship with your significant other? How do they cope with stress, which is simply inevitable due to their busy schedule? You will learn about all this on our portal. Show business stars are people whose lives are always under the gun of dozens of cameras. However, on our portal you will always find something new and interesting. We publish the most up-to-date information: last news, reports from photo sessions and, conversely, unknown photographs of past years, details of personal life, as well as little-known facts, stellar advice on self-care and, in general, about life, detailed biographies and a lot of interesting things - it’s impossible to tear yourself away!

    Read the latest gossip and rumors about celebrities, show business news from Russia on our website. Being the official website of the Antenna magazine, we are the first to publish rumors about the pregnancy of stars, scandalous paparazzi photographs, videos and exclusive interviews for 2018. Our editors keep their finger on the pulse in order to keep show business news in Russia and Western countries consisted not only of scandals, but also talked about the personal life of celebrities in the good sense of the word. The publishing house "Hearst Shkulev Media" is recognized as a leader in the field of glossy fashion and the latest secular news in show business, which allows readers to be one step ahead, being the first to know about upcoming trends, fashion collections and fashion collaborations. To stay up to date with fashion, culture, cinema, music and receive prizes for it, follow the competitions in the show business news section, leave your comments and win prizes! For some time now, the news of show business has been considered to be yellow news from the press, unconfirmed rumors about the personal lives of celebrities. Fortunately, not all publications adhere to the policy: “the worse you write about stars, the more readers you have.” We publish news about stars from reliable sources, without adding or detracting from their merits, and the circle of our celebrities is wide. The only criterion is your response, which is measured by your comments, social signals and letters to the editor. Now you know how today’s show business news from all over Russia is published on our pages through painstaking work, we are glad that you are our regular reader! Let's go through the history of show business in Russia. Interesting fact is that show business in Russia, as such, dates back to 1854, when the management of state theaters began organizing performances. But then the mechanism for distributing posters was not debugged, there was no recording and cinema. Over the years, the industry has developed, PR technologies and stars have appeared that do not leave the headlines of newspapers and magazines (a newsmaker is a sports and film show business news star who is most often mentioned in news headlines). Now that Russian show business, television news and online publications are one well-coordinated mechanism, we are seeing its penetration into social networks. In the digital age, the cost of creating content in show business has dropped significantly. Self-published independent performers have appeared who don’t even shoot videos, but in popularity are not inferior to the high-cost dinosaurs of show business. Today's newsmakers shock with daily small news via Instagram, and by the mention of their name on the social networks Facebook and Vkontakte, they calculate who was the most popular person of the year. But there is also back side a medal that nearly crippled the entertainment media market. All content can be downloaded for free on the Internet. It may be good that copyright infringement occurs less frequently with our films and albums. Thanks to this, today show business is alive not only on stages, but also in the news, sports and cinema. Show business news is available on our website mobile version, and in social network groups, you can subscribe to daily updates and watch celebrities through your friend feed.

    1 place. Vera Brezhneva

    The 32-year-old singer and actress is a master at... counting. She grew up in a family where every penny was saved, and with early years went to earn money - traded at the market tomato paste and pasta. “When guys I knew passed by, of course, it was awkward,” Vera recalled. “But I tried not to pay attention to the sidelong glances and grins. I knew that I needed to help mom and dad.” It was then that she learned to count quickly and clearly for the rest of her life, and after school she went to study to become an accountant. I didn’t graduate from university, but knowledge of accounting still helps. Vera associates a lot with numbers, remembers almost all the dates of significant events in her life, phone numbers, car numbers, etc. The singer helps the sisters keep financial records in their clothing store The Box in Kyiv. And she herself controls the budget of her own charitable foundation, “Ray of Faith.”

    2nd place. Yulia Lipnitskaya

    After the Olympics, many fans filled 16-year-old Yulia Lipnitskaya with poetry. “Entire collections were dedicated to her, and she, of course, was very touched,” the champion’s mother Daniela shared with StarHit over the phone. – We read everything with gratitude. Previously, Yulia was not interested in poetry, but now she has become involved. For example, I discovered the “rebellious” poems of Daria Sklyarova...”

    Everyday training leaves the athlete almost no free time. She has no time to hang out with her friends or ride horses, and Yulia loves horse riding. But she still manages to read. As the mother says, her daughter recently discovered Bulgakov’s “The Master and Margarita” - she liked it!

    3rd place. Olga Buzova

    Somehow, out of curiosity, Olga “tried on” new images - Marilyn Monroe, Christina Aguilera. The experience was successful, but she admitted on social networks: “I like being myself more.” With every action, the 28-year-old TV presenter breaks stereotypes about blondes. It is no coincidence that she topped the rating of show business stars with the highest IQ on one of the Internet portals. She has no problems with ideas on how to make money: she came up with the clothing brand C&C by Olga Buzova and opened a jewelry store. From a participant in “House-2”, as she dreamed, she grew into a presenter. And she became the editor-in-chief of the magazine.

    // Photo: Press service of the White Gold company

    4th place. Ksenia Borodina

    Looking at 31-year-old Ksenia Borodina, I can’t believe that just five years ago, after the birth of her daughter Marusya, the young mother and aspiring TV presenter had a terrible complex about being overweight. I didn’t trust anyone to fix the situation – I sorted it out myself. As a result, the book “Losing Weight with Ksenia Borodina” appeared, where she openly admitted her own mistakes. Today Ksenia is preparing to publish another book about how to become beautiful. “I decided to talk about ways to quickly get yourself in order,” Ksenia shares with StarHit. “There is also a set of sports exercises that I developed myself.” Since the TV presenter tested each recommendation on herself, it’s worth a try.

    5th place. Alsou

    In 2006, after the birth of her first daughter Safina, the singer became interested in painting. “I’m good at portraits,” 31-year-old Alsou admits to StarHit. “You manage to capture something important in a person—the look, the eyes.” While still at school, I wrote an excellent exam paper on portraits in various techniques – from ink to oil.” Today there are already so many works that she dreams of her own exhibition, which will include both a self-portrait and a portrait of her father. In the spring of 2012, the star put up a portrait of Vladimir Vysotsky for auction; it was bought for $16 thousand. Alsou donated all the proceeds to help hospitals and boarding schools.

    6th place. Ani Lorak

    When her husband opens another restaurant in Kyiv, 35-year-old Ani Lorak often participates in interior design and menu selection. “The restaurant business needs a creative approach no less than the stage. There are no trifles,” the singer is sure. Neither tours nor rehearsals prevent the star from discussing ideas with her husband. Not long ago, Murat opened his fourth restaurant in the city center - Famous karaoke. From the very first day, many stars – good friends of Anya – loved to relax there. And when the idea came to her to decorate one wall with chic black and white portraits of the restaurant’s famous guests, no one objected; on the contrary, they posed with pleasure.

    7th place. Albina Dzhanabaeva

    “Albina, will you really work for us?” – high school students from one of the capital’s schools asked the VIA Gra soloist. But the singer simply did an internship with them as a student at the Faculty of Psychology of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University. Led for a month
    classes with junior classes, tested seniors... Attendance was one hundred percent! In February 2014, 34-year-old Dzhanabaeva received her diploma. She decided spontaneously to become a psychologist. IN last years she was offered roles of heroes with complex characters in cinema and theater. And she managed to cope with them, because now the psychology of people has ceased to be a mystery to her.

    8th place. Tatiana Navka

    Travel around eastern countries inspired the 39-year-old figure skater to create perfume. She started shopping essential oils, combine them, achieving unique shades. The highlight of her fragrances is udu tree oil: a powerful aphrodisiac, which must be handled delicately so as not to overdo it. Several options have already been successful, it’s time to open a perfume store. This is what Tatyana is all about: no matter what she does, she will not back down until
    will not become a champion, like in figure skating. And recently, together with designer Anastasia Gollandtseva and friend Lyudmila Mitvol, she released a collection of Sweet Stuff jewelry made of silver and semi-precious stones. The works resemble multi-colored candies, are made in Hong Kong, and in Moscow stores cost from 8 thousand rubles.

    9th place. Ekaterina Klimova

    There are few days off in the schedule of 36-year-old Ekaterina Klimova. Now the actress is starring in two projects at once - “Mistresses” and “Plague”. She recently divorced her husband, actor Igor Petrenko. Three children remained with her. Thank you, mom and nannies help. But Katya, as soon as filming ends, flies home - and stops rushing beyond the threshold. Together with 12-year-old Lisa, 7-year-old Matvey and 5-year-old Korney, he watches a movie, discusses the actions of the heroes, asks his sons how they studied English and karate. “We have complete harmony at home,” the actress assures.

    10th place. Ksenia Sobchak

    Having entered the “TOP Beauties of Moscow 2013”, Ksenia was amazed: “What a blatant lie!” The 32-year-old TV presenter prefers to be described as a “stylish and modern personality” - that’s what she was recently called in the New York Times, appreciating Ksenia’s image at the Week High fashion in Paris. Sobchak posts on social networks both fashionable “looks” and examples of the terrible bad taste of some ladies. And he personally conducts fashion master classes, where he gives practical advice.

    11th place. Kristina Orbakaite

    The singer has been drawing sold-out crowds all over Russia for many years, but despite her star status, she is very easy to communicate with and can find a common language with anyone. One day, 43-year-old Christina and the musicians hit the road by bus. They were in a hurry for a sound check, exceeded the speed limit and were stopped by the traffic police. The singer’s director began to persuade the inspectors: “Please let me go, we’re taking Kristina Orbakaite.” They responded: “Come on, lie, we just saw her on TV!” And then Christina appeared from the depths of the salon: “Hello, what happened?” The law enforcement officers froze in admiration. Then they asked for autographs, took photos with the singer as a souvenir and wished them a good trip.

    12th place. Adeline Sotnikova

    After winning the Olympics, figure skater Adelina Sotnikova is called “Legend at 17.” After all, at this age she became the first Olympic champion in women's single skating in Russian history. Adeline has been considered a child prodigy since childhood. At the age of 13 she succeeded the most complex elements which not every adult can do. Sotnikova devotes her free time to cinema. Recently, on the advice of my mother Olga Dmitrievna and coach Elena Buyanova, I watched the films “Champions” and “Legend No. 17”. “It seems to me that coaches should feel students exactly the same way as Anatoly Tarasov - Valeria Kharlamova,” Adelina admired after “Legend...”. – And like Elena Germanovna – me. Before the Olympics, Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova also advised me. Now I understand who she is like – her father!”

    13th place. Anna Sedokova

    The singer is imitated by thousands of fans. To teach them how to dress just as stylishly, the 31-year-old artist launched her own line last year. fashionable clothes La story in casual style. Particularly popular is a sweatshirt with a large acid-colored heart and the inscription “Love -
    this is all. Everything is love." Colleagues and friends support Anna: in new photo shoot, for example, Vera Brezhneva took part. Having gained a taste for it, Sedokova recently shared on social networks: “I began to develop a children’s clothing line that will be an absolute mini-copy of my adult collection.”

    14th place. Polina Gagarina

    Driving around Moscow in a snow-white Range Rover Evoque, Polina, a driver with 10 years of experience, nostalgically recalls the first car she drove at 18, a tiny Volkswagen Lupo: “I always liked the way I looked in it.” Five years later, she gave herself a Nissan Qashqai for her 23rd birthday – and happily showed off the spacious trunk, which contained a gym bag, dry cleaning, spare shoes, her son’s child seat, a soft airplane horseshoe pillow, a bath towel, and a volume of Omar’s poems. Khayyama... Not a car, but a second home.

    15th place. Christine Asmus

    The 26-year-old actress easily got used to the role of a married lady, housewife and mother: on January 5, she and Garik Kharlamov had a daughter, Anastasia. It turned out that Christina enjoys cooking. Garik is used to eating simply: for breakfast - fried eggs and cereal with milk and at any time of the day - fried potatoes. But the wife tirelessly looks for something interesting. He often appears on online culinary forums, posting photographs of custard pancakes or delicious samosas that he prepares at home. She wouldn’t mind watching football on TV either with her husband or even without him.

    16th place. Sasha Savelyeva

    Two years ago, the singer stood up skiing. In January 2012, my husband, Kirill Safonov, suddenly suggested spending a vacation at a resort in Salzburg.
    Sasha got used to trusting her husband: “I’m the kind of person who needs to follow someone, learn something new...” So he persuaded her to try. In Austria, having put on a ski suit and tried on boots with bindings, Sasha rolled down the shallowest hill - and was delighted: “Really cool!” It turned out that this sport burns extra calories much better than fitness.

    17th place. Svetlana Hodchenkova

    Svetlana is the only Russian actress who managed to break into Hollywood and loudly declare herself. It all started in 2011 with the thriller “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy!” with Gary Oldman and Tom Hardy. Khodchenkova had an episode, but participation in such a high-profile project made her one of the most
    the country's highest-paid actresses with a fee per day of filming of $4 thousand. By 2013, the figure had grown to $5 thousand before the actress starred
    in the fantasy action film “Wolverine: Immortal” with Hugh Jackman and played one of the main roles – a female viper.

    18th place. Natalie

    The singer of the hits “The Wind Blew from the Sea” and “Oh God, What a Man” admits: “I don’t work out in the gym, I feel sad in the company of iron.” She
    I realized a long time ago that cleaning an apartment helps a woman stay in shape much better than exercise equipment. Especially if you wash the floor, crawling with a rag in all corners. Or you rub the windows, trying to reach the window - every muscle works. “Four years ago, when I was expecting the birth of my second son, a neighbor found me mopping the floors in the entrance and was dumbfounded: “Natasha, you’re an artist, and you’re also pregnant, what are you doing!” – the 40-year-old singer shared with StarHit. – And I had such a strange toxicosis, in which I liked the smell of wet cement! Nothing is
    I couldn’t help it.”

    19th place. Anna Snatkina

    Dancing appeared in Snatkina’s life in 2006 - when the actress was invited to the television show “Dancing with the Stars”, and together with Evgeny Grigorov she took first place. During the project, the participants - stars and professional dancers - had to train a lot. Sometimes the performance lasted until the night. Despite this, “Dancing” inspired her so much that the artist still does not give up her classes and goes to the gym at every opportunity. “After winning the show, in addition to slow dancing, I have a weakness for Latin dances,” the 31-year-old actress tells StarHit. Anna still spends an hour to two hours every evening on her favorite activity. Such a pastime helps her not only stay fit and toned, but also maintain a good mood.

    20th place. Elena Podkaminskaya

    The 35-year-old star of the series “Kitchen” loves experiments. Not only will she not refuse, for example, a nude photo shoot, but she will also come up with a lot herself
    interesting details. Once, having agreed to shoot for MAXIM magazine, Podkaminskaya offered to arrange it in the scenery of a bathroom and bedroom. “I wanted everything to look natural, as if the heroine was caught in a place where you can really walk without clothes,” Elena explained to StarHit. By the way, the first people she showed the photographs to were the actress’s parents - the strictest judges. They liked it.

    21st place. Elizaveta Boyarskaya

    The actress was very worried when she was asked to organize “Art Surf” - the first creative evening in her life with the reading of poetry, of which 28-year-old Lisa knows a great many. And before going to the resort area of ​​​​St. Petersburg Komarovo, Lisa rehearsed, reciting poems several times to her only viewer at that time - her two-month-old son Andrei. Pushkin, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva... The loudest applause during her concert sounded after Apollo Grigoriev’s poem “I love you... What to do - it’s my fault!”

    22nd place. Oksana Fedorova

    36-year-old Oksana has repeatedly donated money for the maintenance of churches; she often visits the Moscow Church of Elijah the Prophet in Obydenky Lane. “Here I am distracted from the hustle and bustle and feel peace,” she tells StarHit. – In case of any difficulties, I approach my beloved miraculous icon“Unexpected Joy” to the Mother of God, I pray for the health of children and loved ones.” Three years ago, the entire country spread around the recognition of the winner of the Miss Universe contest that she was “begging for a child” and went to the Diveyevo Monastery. And, as Oksana now likes to say, “by faith it will be given.” In the spring of 2012, a son, Fedor, was born, and in the summer of 2013, a daughter, Lisa. “Only when I became a mother did I gain self-confidence,” admits Oksana.

    23rd place. Ekaterina Guseva

    Admired by the musical “Nord-Ost,” the polar explorers invited Ekaterina, the performer of one of the main roles, to the North Pole for a visit. 2002, at the Pole - 43°C, even a jumpsuit with eider down did not save me from the cold and wind. But, having hoisted a flag with the autographs of the troupe actors next to the station, Katya began to sing a song from the play: “Captains of our own destiny, it is the trumpet signal that calls us...” “How can one not sing if the soul asks!” – the 38-year-old actress then shared. In Moscow she had to have her throat treated. But for her heroic performance at the pole, Guseva was included in the Russian Book of Records.

    24th place. Lera Kudryavtseva

    Recently, 43-year-old Lera Kudryavtseva voiced the Warface project, an online game that is gaining popularity. Gives commands to the fighters, explaining to them the intricacies of the tasks. And this is not her first experience - in 2007 she voiced the heroine of the cartoon “Honey Plot”, in 2010 she “gave her voice” to the she-wolf from the cartoon “Alpha and Omega: The Fang Brothers”, and in 2012 – the heroine of “Cinderella: Full speed ahead!”... “Each voice acting is a game of intonation, the ability to express vivid emotions, a very exciting process!” – Lera admits to StarHit.

    25th place. Angelica Agurbash

    The singer only looks fragile and defenseless, but in fact she has been seriously engaged in boxing for 10 years! Interest in this sport appeared shortly after the birth of her third child, son Anastas. Angelica then gained extra pounds, and boxing allowed her to quickly lose them and pump up her arms and abs. The 44-year-old singer now finds time to “grind the pear.” It keeps you in great shape and relieves stress. “I definitely don’t need a bodyguard,” the singer shared with StarHit. “I can completely take care of myself!”
