How to start a tire recycling business. Tire Recycling Plant

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Mankind has long been thinking about how to recycle worn-out car tires, which are becoming more and more every year. But even today, of the total number of all tires in the world, only about 20% are recycled, although there are ways to recycle tires today. And on some of them you can even make money, simultaneously improving the ecological situation.

The fact is that worn tires are a rather valuable polymer raw material: 1 ton of tires contains about 700 kilograms of rubber, which can be reused for the production of fuel, rubber products and construction materials. At the same time, if you burn 1 ton worn tires, then 270 kg of soot and 450 kg of toxic gases are released into the atmosphere.

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Own business: production of tires and tires

Tire Recycling Business: Equipment Description

The productivity of the installation (per day) is: for liquid fuel - 2 tons / day; for carbon-containing solid residue - 1.5 tons/day; for metal cord - 0.5 tons / day; for gas - 1 ton/day.

Consumption of raw materials - 5 tons / day. This means that the yield of liquid fuel is 40% of the weight of the loaded rubber.

The plant operates continuously using the gas produced during the recycling of tires. Installed in an open area.

Overall dimensions: height - 10 m; width - 3.5 m; length - 5 m.

Electricity consumption - 14.5 kW / h (installation - 7 kW / h and scissors - 7.5 kW / h).

Serves 2 people.

Tire Recycling Business: Startup Capital

The installation cost is approximately 1,100,000 rubles. (without delivery). In addition, tanks will be needed to store fuel oil obtained during processing. In order to get more profit during a price decline, it is recommended to accumulate fuel in tanks and sell the accumulated products during a period of increased prices. 60-ton used tanks can be purchased at a price of 20 - 25 thousand rubles per 1 unit. Six tanks will be enough.

Plus warehouse equipment, tools, overalls - at least another 100 thousand rubles. Thus, the cost of equipment, taking into account the lease of territory and premises, delivery, installation and various approvals, will amount to at least 1.5 million rubles.
Current expenses

Four workers are required to work in two shifts. Everyone's salary
about 10 thousand rubles a month. You will also need an office for accounting and at least two more employees, one of whom will organize the supply of raw materials, and the second - the sale of finished products. In total - at least 70,000 rubles per month for salaries of employees, plus taxes and office space rent.

Electricity consumption is 14.5 kW / h, that is, 10440 kW / month.

Monthly expenses for the implementation of the current activities of the enterprise will amount to about 100 thousand rubles.

Tire Recycling Business: Revenue

The advantage of the project is that the raw materials are actually free. Moreover, in some cases, you can already earn money on its collection.

For example, industrial enterprises pay for the disposal of tires, because. tires are not accepted to city dumps. The cost is different in different cities. This is stipulated in the contract with the company. In Chelyabinsk, for example, enterprises pay 2000 rubles for the disposal of 1 ton of tires, in Krasnodar - 3500 rubles.

Scrap metal is accepted by recycling companies at a price of about 4,000 rubles per ton. The cost of low-quality carbon is about 3,000 rubles per ton. Carbon is used to make various coatings.

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Thus, the total income from the installation per month is 375,000 rubles (2x3000 (fuel oil) + 1.5x3000(carbon) + 0.5x4000(scrap metal) = 12500 rubles/day). Monthly costs: 100,000 (salary for workers and office) + 14,616 (electricity) = 114,616 rubles. Thus, the payback period of the plant is about 6 months from the start of production.

Tire Recycling Business: Pitfalls

Firstly, there are no vacant plots - all the land has already been allocated for building residential buildings. Secondly, the distance from residential buildings should be at least 300 meters - it is not easy to find such a site. It's even harder to get tested. Plus public opinion- people do not want a new enterprise to be built “under their windows”, especially for waste processing.

It is much easier to organize such production on the territory of existing enterprises and organizations. It's no secret that many production sites are now idle. And their territory has all the necessary environmental conclusions and approvals. It remains only to agree with the enterprise itself - it is much easier to agree on difficult issues with the landlord than with environmentalists, firefighters and other authorities.

Another important point. To prevent pollution environment such production, most likely, will have to purchase a special cleaning plant, which will cost the entrepreneur several times more than the production itself.

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Also, according to experts, it is not advisable to build one small processing plant specializing in one type of product. It is necessary to cover the recycling of as many products as possible: glass, plastic, metal, rubber, paper, etc.

The project does not provide for many unforeseen expenses that will most likely arise in the process of preparation and full-fledged production activities. There will be problems with environmentalists, firefighters. For example, to store fuel oil in old tanks, one fire shield is not enough. This requires a range of safety measures, from hoses carrying fuel or gas to instructions for personnel.

And environmentalists, so they are completely jealous of landfills and processing plants. There is always something to complain about, and the cost of fulfilling all the requirements is more than one hundred thousand rubles.

Dmitry Kiro

Magazine "Svoe Delo"

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Every year, thousands of tires go to landfills and landfills, despite the fact that for an enterprising person they are a free resource from which crumb rubber can be produced.

If you need it only once, you can buy it in the right amount from manufacturers.

But where can I get rubber crumb if it is needed on an ongoing basis and in large quantities Oh?

Consider purchasing your own tire recycling equipment.

However, not everyone can afford a full-fledged installation, and such an investment will not be profitable for everyone. The way out is to create equipment with your own hands, and use it to produce crumb rubber from tires at home.

Recycling small amounts of rubber at home

If you need very little raw materials, you can do without equipment at all.

This will require only scissors and a cutter.

The metal cord is first removed from the tire, then it is divided into strips and crushed into smaller fractions to the required size.

At this point, the process is considered complete.

Material for the design of paths, flower beds or a separate playground is ready to use.

But to get more raw materials or have an income from tire recycling at home, you need the right equipment.

Tire crusher construction

Three main methods of crumb production are used:

  1. Tire crushing after cooling with liquid nitrogen to -190 degrees.
  2. Obtaining crumbs on industrial equipment of a full cycle with the removal of the cord and subsequent grinding of rubber.
  3. Recycling using universal crushers, which you can do yourself at home.

The first two methods require large investments. The third option is available to anyone who has the ability and desire to make a crusher at home.

The necessary units can be made independently in the workshop or at the production site - where there are metal-cutting machines (turning, milling) and welding machine for the manufacture of components.

If it is impossible to perform the machining of blanks on your own and you have to order them according to your own drawings, the cost of tire processing machines will still be several times cheaper than similar purchased units.

The main component of the tire recycling line is a shredder (rubber grinder). Let us consider in more detail the purpose of the nodes of this machine.

Unit device

The machine consists of the following main units:

  • electric motor 5 kW - 2 pcs;
  • housing with disc shafts;
  • lattice;
  • worm gearbox - 2 pcs;
  • shredder frame;
  • loading bunker;
  • guide tray;
  • control cabinet.

Details of the installation are mounted on a powerful frame welded from channels.

Box with cutting discs

The main unit of the crusher for rubber is the body with milling rolls.

At the same time, the cutting knives are made of high-strength steel and heat-treated, which significantly reduces their wear. They practically do not require sharpening during operation.

The calculation of the openings of the box, shafts and cutting elements must be accurate, so it must be done by a specialist in this field (designer).

Grid for crumb calibration

In order to obtain a calibrated fraction of tire raw materials, shredders are equipped with a special grate, which is installed under the rolls.

Worm gear

The rotation of the shafts with disk cutters is carried out separately, directly from the worm gearboxes connected to the electric motors through couplings.

The gear ratio is selected from 25 to 35 so that the cutting is without sticking and at a sufficient speed.

Machine frame

The frame is welded from profile elements, ensures the reliability and stability of the unit during operation, as well as loading and unloading operations.

loading hopper

The tire recycling plant is equipped with a tire loading hopper and a chute for removing finished crumb rubber.

Thanks to its design, the hopper eliminates the formation of blockages from the raw materials and guarantees a directed movement of the mass towards the rotating rolls.

Tire cutter

The tire cutting and cord removal plant consists of a carrier frame and a stand.

On the carcass is a tire clamping mechanism that rotates with the tire during cutting. The engine speed is reduced due to the different diameter of the pulleys. There is a built-in wedge-shaped cutter on the stand, which is adjusted to a certain size by moving the quill.

How to grind tires?

The technological chain consists of several preparatory stages before the production of the required fraction is obtained.

This procedure includes:

  1. Inspection and removal of foreign objects from the tire cavity.
  2. Cord cutting.
  3. Cutting the tire into strips of 50-80 mm in size.
  4. Grinding of raw materials by means of a shredder.
  5. Separation and separation of metal from textile parts.
  6. Calibration of crumbs into fractions using a vibrating sieve.

Equipment performance

The work of these two main units during the processing of tires is done in a semi-automatic mode.

For the normal operation of this line, a room of about 150-200 square meters is required. meters. This is due to the fact that you need a place for the location of not only equipment, but also for storing worn tires, finished tire products and metal waste.

The output of rubber crumb on this equipment per hour will be approximately 200-800 kg and up to 100 kg of scrap metal, 2-3 unskilled workers will be needed to service the machines.

In addition to tires, this equipment can process other rubber (conveyor belt, cameras, gas masks). The output is a crumb with sizes from 0.7 to 4 mm, while it is 65-85% of the total mass of raw materials.

Where to apply the obtained raw materials?

Rubber crumb can be:

The price of crumbs will depend mainly on the quality of raw materials, and secondarily on the fraction.

The most popular is the crumb, the fraction of which is 2-4 mm.

It's great for creating:

The popularity of such crumbs is due to the fact that the minimum amount of glue is used to glue these granules. A polyurethane binder is sometimes 5-8 times more expensive than crumbs.

Related videos

In this video you can see how to grind rubber and make crumbs at home.


Building a DIY tire crusher is a good idea for those who want to make their own rubber crumb but aren't ready to spend tens of thousands of dollars on equipment.

You can create a chopper with a carpentry workshop, as well as certain skills and materials, or use the services of people who specialize in this.

The crumb obtained at home can be used for your own needs or sold to enterprises and the public.

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Making rubber crumb with your own hands at home

IN last years the use of crumb rubber and materials made on its basis for decorating sites, organizing paths, and covering roofs of houses has become fashionable. You can also use crumb rubber to create waterproofing for building foundations. In order to use crumb rubber elements on your site, you can contact a company that professionally works with crumb rubber. However, working with this material is not so difficult. If desired, and if you have free time, crumb rubber can be made at home with your own hands.

What is rubber crumb made of?

There are two ways to go about solving this issue. Path number one relies on the transition of rubber to a brittle state when low temperatures. If at home it is possible to cool the source material for preparing crumbs to a temperature of -70 ... -80 degrees Celsius, then it will be possible to obtain crumbs from any type of source materials. However, solving this problem at home is not so easy.

Path number two is the competent selection of source material. As we know, crumbs can be obtained from tires and tubes from car wheels. But tires are very difficult to grind under normal conditions, and it is also difficult to extract the metal cord from them later. For this reason, to obtain crumb rubber at home, it is better to use old worn-out cameras as raw materials. This material can be easily cut with the help of improvised tools available in any home.

How to make crumb rubber at home?

At the initial stage, it is necessary to prepare a sufficient amount of raw materials, i.e. old car cameras and the appropriate cutting tool. For the manufacture of a coating with an area of ​​​​one square meter and a thickness of 10 mm, about 8 kg of crumb rubber is needed. In the production of crumbs from old chambers, the loss of material by weight is minimal. Thus, it is necessary to prepare the source material at the rate of 8 kg of old cameras per 1 square meter of coverage.

To grind rubber, you can use ordinary scissors or an ax. If desired, you can build special guillotine shears. In extreme cases, you can organize the cutting of cameras with a fairly sharp knife.

Crumb production must be performed according to the following algorithm:

  • Remove all metal elements from the old camera
  • Cut the camera into thin strips
  • Thin strips obtained in step 2 grind

Tire recycling at home

Every motorist knows that the disposal of used tires is a serious problem. However, recycling tires at home has several options. Let's consider some of them.


There are many examples of the creation of original sculptures from used tires, used to decorate the garden, or as an independent work of art. Garden variations can be embodied in the form of swans, garden vases, etc.

The "pattern" is extremely simple and understandable. And the created images are very similar to living prototypes.

There is also a more artistic attitude to rubber waste. From them, as from clay, the conceived sculpture is literally “molded”. You can, for example, sculpt a horse, and, moreover, such a hot one that will cause the approval of other venerable sculptors.

Pragmatic Approach

Yet for most, tire recycling at home involves the use of waste rubber for the benefit of the home and its economy. There are several nuances here.

Firstly, you can use used tires for the home, as they are.

Secondly, the product of their primary processing obtained at small and large enterprises can be used in the household.

Thirdly, it is possible to organize within the framework of a private, home-based firm, production that deals with the actual primary processing tires.

Using tires as an eternal material

Tires are known to be one of the finest building materials. Some craftsmen used tires from Belaz as a support, a foundation under a garden house. And prudent owners can use tires as elements:

  • fence
  • mini flower beds
  • playground elements

Application of partially recycled rubber

Tire recycling is carried out in stages:

  • cutting and crushing
  • plasticization and exit to the final product

semi-finished product used for different types production, rubber crumb serves. You can make fuel out of it, or you can make tiles, moreover, both for asphalt and for roofing. It is also used for the production of shoes, sports ground surfaces, etc.

In the household, you can even use a crumb in the form of a semi-finished product - it is sprinkled with paths along the lawns. You can also use rubber roofing for your home.

Waste tire recycling

Tires are crushed - either in a state cooled to -70 ... -80 degrees, when the rubber becomes brittle, or at normal temperature - but with a more powerful tool. To obtain fuel, rubber is subjected to a pyrolysis operation.

This is an environmentally hazardous process. Equipment, maintenance of premises, organization of the collection of raw materials and the search for buyers, attracting significant Money- all this is completely associated with a small "private shop" where tire recycling would be profitable.


As part of household It is quite difficult for a car enthusiast to recycle tires. To do this, you need to be a very big enthusiast. But maybe you will be lucky enough to find a unique way to use bad tires.

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technology for processing car tires, tires and other rubber, description and video of the manufacturing process

The service life of car tires is quite short, after which they must be replaced.

Disposal of worn-out tires is a big problem for the ecology of the whole world.

Every year the number of used cars increases by almost 10%.

Obviously tires need to be recycled.

In this article, we will consider the following questions:

  • what is the technology for processing crumb tires;
  • what equipment is used;
  • where rubber crumb is used;
  • Is it possible to make it yourself.

Tire recycling methods

Not only worn-out tires, but also any other used rubber products can serve as raw materials for rubber crumb production.

In practice, only two main methods are used to obtain crumb rubber from used tires:

  • shock wave;
  • mechanical.

Let's consider both methods separately.

shock wave

This technology for grinding car tires and other rubber waste into crumbs was invented relatively recently.

The processing process consists in cooling products to ultra-low temperatures, followed by crushing by a shock wave.

Cryogenic chambers are used for freezing, and the shock wave is formed by a special electrical device or by detonating a small amount of explosive.

This technology for recycling used car tires requires the installation of expensive equipment, which is economically beneficial only for large enterprises with large volumes of raw materials.


This is a classic technology for processing tires into crumb rubber, which, unlike the first, is used everywhere.

The essence of the process lies in the phased mechanical action on the raw material to obtain the required fraction of crumb rubber and by-products.

There are several methods for recycling tires by mechanical action:

  • grinding at normal temperature;
  • at high temperature;
  • with cooling of raw materials;
  • using the "ozone knife";
  • by forcing raw materials with a powerful press through special dies.

The most popular method is conventional mechanical grinding with normal temperature.

This technology is classic and is great for organizing small enterprises for recycling used car tires.

Classic tire shredding technology

With the necessary equipment, this technology makes it possible to obtain crumb rubber of any fraction up to a dusty substance.

The whole tire recycling process can be divided into several stages, each of which uses a certain type of machine tools and mechanisms.

Main technological stages crushing tires and types of equipment that is used on each of them:

  1. At the first stage of processing, tires are sorted by size, which is necessary to adjust the equipment for certain tire sizes. Crushing itself begins with cutting the side rings on a special punching machine.
  2. The second stage of tire shredding takes place using hydraulic shears, mechanical cutters or guillotines, which are used to cut into strips and pieces of medium size.
  3. The crushing process continues in a special shredder, where large pieces of rubber are crushed into small chips ranging in size from 2 to 10 square meters. cm, which arrive at the next technological operation.
  4. At this stage, the final grinding of raw materials to the required fractions takes place. Rotary mills with square blades or other equipment capable of withstanding enormous mechanical loads are used.
  5. After complete grinding of used tires, it is necessary to separate the resulting crumb rubber from by-products: chopped metal court and textile waste. For this, magnetic and air separators are used.
  6. On final stage The resulting rubber crumb is passed through a special vibrating sieve, where the separation into fractions takes place. The resulting material is packaged and sent for further processing.

This is the classic pattern. technological process crushing tires into crumbs at normal temperature with an approximate list of machines and mechanisms.

The number of processing stages can be reduced or increased depending on what equipment will be used and what kind of crumbs you need to get at the exit.

Transportation of raw materials from one technological operation to another can be carried out both manually and automatically.

If the movement of tires, pieces of rubber, chips and crumb rubber is carried out using belt and screw conveyors, then the whole complex of equipment for recycling old tires, in fact, becomes a production line.

For the organization of a small recycling workshop, the installation of an automatic line is the best solution.

What equipment is needed?

There are a lot of offers on the tire recycling equipment market.

Russian and foreign manufacturers offer both fully equipped lines and plants, as well as individual machines, devices and mechanisms. The price will depend on the type and performance of the unit.

Consider the minimum set of what is needed for recycling tires into crumbs.

Bead removal machine

This is the first unit in the entire technological chain of tire grinding. Its purpose is to remove the landing rings from the tire.

The principle of operation of bead removal machines is based on:

  • cutting down;
  • cutting;
  • pulling out the landing rings.

Each of the methods does not have any advantages over the others.

Further processing of the removed rings is carried out on pressing machines, where the metal base is squeezed out and the remaining rubber is crushed in the general flow.

Tire shredders without bead

  • shredders;
  • tape cutters;
  • hydraulic shears;
  • roller milling devices;
  • mills.

The production line may include several such devices:

  1. Hydraulic shears and tape cutters cut tires into large pieces.
  2. Shredders process them into smaller fragments.
  3. Roller aggregates and mills bring the type of raw material to the required fraction.

Metal and textile separators

The magnetic separator removes the chopped remains of the metal court from the crumb rubber.

The principle of operation of this device is simple: a powerful electromagnet pulls metal waste from the mass of raw materials and sends them to a receiving hopper.

Removal of textile residues takes place in a cyclone-type air separator, where a powerful air stream simply blows light textile fluff into a receiving hopper.

Read more about textile and metal cord, as well as where it can be used with benefits, read here.

Vibrating screens for separating the product into fractions

Tire recycling complexes include at least two vibrating screens: coarse and fine cleaning.

On the first device, large, not completely processed, pieces of rubber are screened out, and on the second, the standard fraction of rubber crumb is separated.

A vibrating sieve is a device consisting of a table with holes corresponding to the crumb fraction to be separated, and a mechanism that vibrates the table at a certain frequency.

Conveyors and other mechanisms and devices

Tire recycling lines and plants include belt conveyors to move tires, pieces of rubber and crumb rubber from one process step to another.

Some manufacturers use screw conveyors in their lines to move and pack finished crumb rubber. In addition, automatic tire recycling lines are equipped with bunkers, security systems and process control.

All of the above equipment is equipped with automatic lines for processing old tires into crumb rubber.

The number of machines and mechanisms depends on the volume of production and the final type of product that needs to be obtained as a result of processing.

What can be made from the obtained granulate?

The rubber crumb itself, obtained by processing old car tires, is an intermediate product. Raw materials, depending on their fraction, are used in the manufacture of the following products:

  • floor coverings for indoors and outdoors;
  • curbs, bumpers and speed bumps for road facilities;
  • substrates and pads to protect goods during transportation;
  • figures for playgrounds;
  • building materials - waterproofing and noise-absorbing;
  • dielectric products for the electrical industry;
  • MBR - bitumen-rubber mastic.

Granulate is also added to asphalt mixtures, obtaining a strong and durable road surface.

From fine crumbs, it is possible to produce various rubber products by hot pressing, namely:

  • bushings;
  • rollers;
  • rubber shoes;
  • many other goods.

In addition, it can serve as an additive in the manufacture of new tires, thereby reducing its cost.

The entrepreneur receives not only rubber crumb, but also grinding by-products: metal court and textiles, which are also liquid goods. They can be sold and get additional profit.

As you can see, there are ample opportunities for the tire recycling business in terms of marketing products, because the need for it is very high in many industries.

Making crumbs from tires at home

Tire granulate can be easily purchased in online stores, building supermarkets or ordered directly from the manufacturer.

But for those who want to open their own small home business or just make a pavement for the paths in the garden with their own hands, the issue of self-production becomes relevant.

In this case, it makes no sense to purchase expensive equipment for the processing of tires.

There will be no problems with raw materials for making rubber crumb at home. It is enough to walk around the neighbors, who will gladly take out the used tires from the garage and get rid of them.

The simplest set of equipment and tools for grinding tires and other rubber products can be made by hand with minimal investment.

As mentioned above, rubber can be crushed mechanically or by freezing to a low temperature.

The latter option for the home is unacceptable, since it will be necessary to purchase an expensive low-temperature chamber to cool the raw materials.

For the home, the best solution would be mechanical cutting and grinding rubber to a crumb state. In a separate article, we told how to make equipment for these purposes.

Related videos

One of the manufacturers made an interesting and informative video about recycling tires into crumbs, we offer you to see the process with your own eyes:


Rubber crumb is a multifunctional material, necessary for man in many fields of activity. Its huge plus is that it can be made from old tires, thereby giving a second life to obsolete products.

Recycling rubber is easy, equipment for this purpose is available everywhere.

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How do you think, how can you make money on some types of household waste, not counting, of course, services for its disposal? For example, on old, unnecessary car tires? It should be noted that there are really a lot of options.

Same as from plastic bottles, tires can be used to make garden decorations (flower beds, animal figurines, swings, sculptures, and much more). In general, collecting (or buying up) and recycling car tires turned out to be a very profitable business, especially if you approach it with a certain amount of imagination and using various modern technologies.

Based on the fact that such a large amount of raw material remains unclaimed, it can be said that competition in this type of business is relatively small, even miserable. And finally, the most important thing is that the products obtained as a result of the processing of automobile tires are in high demand now, and will be in demand for at least another hundred years. So, if you wish, you can pass your established business to your grandchildren.

People have long begun to think about the recycling of used tires from cars, which increase by a huge amount every year. But no solution has been found. Of the total number of used tires, only a fifth is recycled. There are only recycling points for these old tires. By helping to improve the environment, you can earn extra money on this.

Worn-out car tires are quite valuable polymeric materials. A ton of used rubber contains about seven hundred kilograms of rubber that can be reused, for example, as fuel, various rubber technical products and building materials.

At the same time, if such a ton of tires is burned, then two hundred and seventy kilograms of soot and four hundred and fifty kilograms of toxic emissions will violate the environment. It is unprofitable and very difficult to recycle tires economically on the scale of a large industry. But, according to manufacturers of mobile equipment for recycling, such production in a mini-enterprise can be a huge success and a good profit.

Such a small factory is a prefabricated equipment, which covers an area of ​​about eighteen square meters, its height is ten meters. This equipment is capable of processing about five tons of consumables per day.

Moreover, the production area includes warehouses for worn materials (plastics and tires), an area for the preparation of raw materials (cutting tires into pieces), as well as a warehouse for finished materials such as liquid fuels, carbon black, and scrap metal storage.

What can be obtained from the old "rubber".

What is most surprising is that the process of recycling automotive rubber is itself a final process, leaving almost no waste behind. Let's see what you can get as a result of recycling old tires:

Rubber crumb, which is used in the production of various gaskets and seals (including for sanitary purposes), shoe soles, rubber mats, rubber roofing (you can find out about liquid rubber for roofing here), Novotek seamless coatings, as an additive to asphalt , filler for punching bags, and for many other purposes.

Equipment for recycling tires and rubber to the plant: installation

The need to recycle used tires arose due to the rapid growth in the number of cars in most developed countries. The number of used tires is growing every year, so the problem of their disposal has become an acute problem for the authorities of the states. Tire recycling equipment is not cheap.

Special factories and enterprises for their processing are being built. They solve the environmental and economic problem associated with the disposal of obsolete car tires. This waste tire business is already growing by leaps and bounds today. First of all, it contributes a large number of inexpensive raw materials.

A tire processing plant is being built near the place of sale of the product obtained after processing, namely: rubber crumb, saw, steel cord, fuel oil. A tire recycling plant is a cost-effective solution to the problem. It is located at the place of accumulation of raw materials or near the plant, the production in need of recyclables. The main thing is that the tire recycling plant should be located at a distance of more than 300 meters from the located residential buildings.

The plant is equipped with special equipment for the production of crumb rubber. To open a business in this area, investments are needed, however, due to the small number of competitors and the demand for this raw material, all investments pay off in the near future.

Waste Tire Recycling Equipment

Equipment for rubber processing is a plant - a reactor. It is installed in a specially designated open area.

Medium tire shredding equipment has the following capacity:

  • 2 tons of liquid fuel
  • 1.5 tons of solid residue containing carbon
  • 0.5 tons of steel cord
  • 1 ton of gas

The volume of tires to be shredded is 5 tons per day. Processed products serve as raw materials for many types of production. The reactor itself operates using gas, which itself is capable of producing during the processing of used tires. The installation is low maintenance, it only needs two people for one shift. To work on such a plant, employees of the enterprise need to undergo special training and study the features of the process.

Tire recycling products include:

  • Rubber granulate and crumbs. Rubber crumb comes in various fractions: 0.1 - 0.45 mm.
  • Regenerate. Finely ground crumbs with improved quality. Dimensions: 0.6 - 10 mm.
  • Chips. Size 2 - 5 cm. Represented by pieces of tires along with steel cord.
  • Resinoplast. Used in the manufacture of soft roofs.
  • Rezinopol. Represented by a floor polymeric covering.
  • Bireplast. It is represented by a multi-layer waterproofing roll roofing material.
  • Reisol. Represented by rubber with a waterproof adhesive layer of rubber.
  • Fiber concrete. A mixture of crumb rubber and two types of cord: textile and metal.

Rubber processing technologies

Rubber recycling can be done in several ways. The choice of method ultimately determines appearance and demand for the resulting product. The paragraph will not deal with landfilling. Despite the fact that this option is the simplest, at the same time, the crumb plant causes the least harm to the environment.

There are four main recycling methods:

  1. Crumb production - equipment for the recycling of tires into crumbs is considered the most rational, it can process several tons of tires per year and brings to the owner stable income. But the technology is not perfect, it has a significant number of disadvantages, such as the need to select raw materials with the same composition to standardize the properties of the final product.
  2. Pyrolysis is the decomposition of tires under the influence of high temperature. This method is extremely inconvenient because during this process a huge amount of toxins released into the atmosphere is released. Another obvious disadvantage of this method of disposal is economic unprofitability. Decomposition equipment is expensive and pays for itself in a significant amount of time.
  3. Incineration - is the complete destruction of tires. The only benefit from such an action is the production of energy, however, such products do not act very well as fuel. This is due to the fact that during combustion a large amount of soot is formed, which over time makes the equipment (furnaces) unusable. Since rubber contains sulfur, when using this disposal method, the substance enters the atmosphere and, when interacting with water, sulfuric acid is formed.
  4. Recovery is a process similar to recycling. This is the most promising and rational way. So, in the manufacture of one new tire, approximately 30 liters of crude oil are consumed, and only 5 are needed for restoration.

In recent years, business in this area is gaining momentum, it is especially popular in European countries, because it is there that society takes environmental protection most seriously.

Another clear advantage that this business is famous for is the purchase of inexpensive equipment for processing tires into crumbs. You can organize a recycling plant with your own hands in any room, even in your own garage.

Tire crumb line

The tire recycling line produces crumb rubber for business, it is considered environmentally friendly due to the absence of emissions into the atmosphere or into the ground.

The line and all equipment must be made in accordance with the requirements of the Russian Federation, which were put forward for equipment of this type:

  • The level of noise emitted.
  • By the amount of harmful emissions.
  • According to life safety.
  • Accordingly, the safety of waste processing.

The whole line for processing tires into crumbs consists of sectors:

  • Preparatory, which includes 2 machines: 1 - for removing bead wire, 2 - shears for cutting tires.
  • Crusher, consisting of 1 - crushing chamber and 2 - return sifter.
  • Crushing rollers, representing two drums that rotate at different speeds towards each other.
  • Granulator that feeds the mixture from the feed funnel to the crushing zone.
  • Vibrating table of a magnetic selector for uniform distribution of the mixture under the influence of vibration.
  • Knife granulator, consisting of a body with knives, a shaft with knives, a mesh with a hole diameter of 4 mm.
  • Vibrating table in the form of an inclined rectangular structure.
  • Magnet for picking up fine wire residues.
  • Textile separators for a high level of crumb removal from textiles present.
  • Automatic packers filling bags with crumbs.

This is how the process of recycling tires into crumbs, which serves as a secondary raw material for further production, looks like. It is not difficult to organize this recycling business. This is due to the relative cheapness of equipment and fast payback periods. The main mission of this business is to protect the environment.

Recycling old tires at home

Recycling tires into crumbs at home and at the factory

It should be noted that this rubber waste is a flammable material, and if a huge number of tires ignite, they can pose a threat of poisoning to everyone nearby, since rubber, when burned, releases carcinogenic toxins, such as benzpyrene. Storage in landfills leads to the reproduction of rodents and insects, which are sources of dangerous infections. To avoid the deterioration of the environmental situation in Russia and abroad, proper disposal is required, namely, waste processing.

Without constant recycling, an environmental crisis could set in very soon.


Powder from waste of larger fractions is used in the production of composite roofing materials, rubber-bitumen mastic, waterproofing materials, and rubber coatings. Scrap metal is obtained from a metal cord, which is also used by Russian entrepreneurs.

Also, textiles and rubber are obtained from tires.

Recycling at home

According to one of the scenarios, the rubber should be cooled to a temperature of approximately -75 ° C. Agree, not everyone has such an opportunity. So let's use the traditional scenario:

  • Take the cameras
  • Remove all unnecessary elements from them
  • Cut them into thin strips
  • Grind those stripes

The rubber grinder in this case is an ax or scissors.

Mechanical processing method

Most professional method.

The technological line is a sequence of installed working devices, overcoming which the material becomes a finished product.

Processing into crumb rubber goes through three stages:

Today, there are a sufficient number of manufacturers of this equipment on the Russian market.

Chemical processing method

There is also an effective, but expensive physico-chemical method of processing tires into crumb rubber - cryogenic grinding of car tires. Crushing of rubber is carried out in a special cooling chamber at extremely low temperatures (up to - 120 ° C). A refrigerant (liquid nitrogen) is supplied to this chamber, cooling to ultra-low temperatures.

In conditions of strong cooling, the rubber acquires a glassy state. Crushing of rubber occurs when struck with a special hammer.

After grinding, textiles and metal are removed from crumb rubber.

Recycling of car tires to obtain crumb rubber is carried out in several stages: Note that rubber processing can be both in crumb and in diesel fuel. But the latter option requires serious material investments. This process consists of sorting and subsequent grinding of tires, and then the selected and prepared material is loaded into a special reactor, which is extracted from recycled materials at high temperatures fuel.

Utilization and recycling of car tires

Let's see what can be obtained as a result of recycling old tires: crumb rubber, which is used in the production of various gaskets and seals (including for sanitary purposes), shoe soles, rubber mats, rubber roofing (you can learn about liquid rubber for roofing here) , Novotek seamless coatings, as an additive in asphalt, a filler for punching bags, and for many other purposes.

Business Idea: Tire Recycling

Its waste is released into the environment.

Can't call it good decision, but the emission resembles the exhaust gases of a truck.

As for the remaining mass, it passes through the magnetic separator, speaking in simple words then sifted through a sieve. Metal elements are screened out and sent to the warehouse.

Fuel oil is transported by a conveyor to tanks, in which the fuel will be stored until shipment.

Tire recycling: step-by-step opening of production

Therefore, the choice is obvious: it is better to recycle used tires and get paid for it than just burn them, causing harm to the environment.

Based on the chosen method of tire recycling, different products can be obtained: Let us consider the process of tire recycling using the example of crumb rubber production, which has a wide range of applications. So, the process consists of the following steps: In the future, the resulting crumb can be converted into fuel / gas / fuel oil.

The number of cars on the roads of our country is constantly increasing. In this regard, spontaneous dumps of used tires appear in cities. But on this garbage you can make good money. The business plan for recycling tires into crumbs, we will consider in this article.

Registering a business

Since such activities are classified as hazardous waste, a license must be obtained before opening a crumb tire recycling business. This will require certain financial investments.

In addition, you need to obtain permission from the SES. To do this, you must meet all the requirements of environmentalists. We are talking about the installation of special filters, as well as the location of the enterprise. It should be away from residential buildings. Do not forget to register the company with the relevant authorities, as well as with the tax office, in addition, resolve all issues with firefighters and conclude an agreement for the supply of electricity.

Choose a room

For recycling tires into crumbs, you need to choose a suitable room. These should be large areas, approximately 500 sq. meters. In addition, you will need a room for raw materials and finished products.

Do not forget that the plant for processing tires into crumbs should be located away from the settlement. If complaints begin to come in from the public, your business may be closed.

These parameters correspond to sites in industrial zones located outside the city. Finding land in the suburbs for construction is not easy, so it is better to buy or rent former factory floors. Pay attention to the availability of convenient access roads.


Modern equipment for processing tires into crumbs is offered by various manufacturers. Of all the offers on the market, only 10% correspond to the declared indicators and provide a quick payback.

All equipment for rubber crumb is conditionally divided into three groups:

  1. Equipment from European manufacturers. These are quite reliable and highly efficient units that meet all requirements;
  2. Inexpensive equipment for the production of crumb rubber from China is of dubious quality. Good equipment is also produced in China, but its price is almost the same as for European production lines;
  3. The simplest and most reliable equipment is produced in our country. It should be noted that the price of equipment for processing tires into crumbs from domestic manufacturers is two times lower than for European units. But, at the same time, it costs an order of magnitude more expensive than Chinese inefficient technology.

The technological line consists of:

  • Devices for cutting tires;
  • cutting machine;
  • Rubber restructuring machines;
  • magnetic separator;
  • classifier;
  • vibrating screens;
  • Conveyor.
Remember that the quality and reliability of equipment largely depends on the success of your business.

Technological process

The technology for processing rubber tires into crumbs consists of several stages:

  1. All tires are carefully inspected to identify all elements unsuitable for recycling;
  2. Tires are cut into small pieces;
  3. Raw materials are sent to a shredder, where they are crushed into a smaller fraction. At this stage, metal inclusions and bead wire are removed;
  4. Processed raw materials are sent to an impact crusher for final grinding;
  5. The separation process, as well as the separation of metal and textiles;
  6. The final cleaning takes place on a round vibrating sieve. In parallel, crumb rubber is sorted into fractions.

In addition, tires can be recycled into diesel fuel. This is a more profitable production, but it will require large investments.

Scheme: recycling tires into crumbs

The process is divided into stages:

  • Sorting of raw materials;
  • Tire cutting;
  • Decomposition of raw materials in a reactor at high temperature.

The output is liquid fuel, metal cord and gas, which can be used for the next processing cycles.


A line for processing tires into crumb rubber does not need many employees to operate. Its service is fully handled by two people.

To work in the office you will need:

  • Sales manager;
  • Accountant;
  • In addition, you need to hire drivers with your own trucks, or create your own fleet.

To recruit staff, seek help from specialists. The final pre-employment interview should be conducted in person. Recruited employees must undergo special training. Since, is a fairly promising direction, many equipment manufacturers offer short-term training courses. You can also invite employees who have experience in similar enterprises to work.

Business Profitability

Before starting work, carefully calculate all costs. This is a rather expensive business, since the cost of equipment for processing tires into crumbs is quite high. You will have to pay 2-3 million rubles for it, so if possible, try to find investors. Another item of expenditure is cleaning units. Without them, you will not be able to get permission from the SES.

Now let's talk about income. Raw materials for crumb rubber can be taken almost free of charge. You can find organizations that pay money for recycling old tires. The resulting products can be sold at a good price. If you find reliable distribution channels, the enterprise will pay off in the most short time and will be profitable.


Calculations may fluctuate depending on local conditions, so we will take the average figures:

  • Paperwork - 150 thousand rubles;
  • Rental of production space - 180 thousand rubles;
  • Repair of the premises - 150 thousand rubles;
  • Tanks for fuel - 80 thousand rubles;
  • Equipment - 1.5 million rubles;
  • Tool - 200 thousand rubles.

The total amount is about three million rubles. In addition, every month you will spend money on:

  • Salary for workers - 70 thousand rubles;
  • Salary for office employees - 50 thousand rubles;
  • Electricity - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Transportation costs - 150 thousand rubles.

These calculations do not include taxes, since in the first year a start-up business is exempt from taxation.

Where to get start-up capital?

As you can see, in order to establish production, you need a fairly large amount. In addition, novice entrepreneurs are also afraid of large monthly payments.

To get money, you can try to get a loan from a bank. In such a case, you will have to pay high interest rates. Since the government of the country is concerned about environmental issues, there are government programs for which subsidies can be obtained. To do this, you need to provide a detailed business plan with all the necessary calculations. If you are more interested, you can also ask for help from the state.

Production at home

Rubber crumb can be used to decorate areas in the garden, make paths or cover roofs. To start processing tires into crumbs at home, you can use ordinary scissors or an ax. All metal parts are removed from the old camera. Cut it into strips, after which they are crushed to the desired size.

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Business promotion

Since products such as crumb rubber have not yet been widely used in our country, it is not so easy to find buyers. But, despite this, old tires also bring good income to entrepreneurs. Start looking for markets before you launch your business. Usually an effective approach, provides excellent results.

There are actually quite a few markets for such products. The first is the construction industry. In addition, crumb rubber is used to make new tires.

If you managed to establish sales and organize the work of the enterprise, share your experience of recycling tires into crumbs with aspiring entrepreneurs who are taking their first steps in this business.


The tire recycling business has many benefits. If an entrepreneur finds reliable distribution channels for products, success is 100% guaranteed. This is a fairly promising direction that brings good profits.

There are more than 1.1 billion cars in the world. The number of registered cars in Russia is about 46 million. This means that if we add here trucks, then about 5 billion tires run on the roads of the world. The number of tires in the world's landfills is not exactly known. In Russia, according to various estimates, from 30 to 45 million tires are thrown away per year. There is no need to talk about the harm that such waste causes to the environment.

The issue of recycling and disposal of car tires is acute all over the world.

There is not a single country in which this problem is considered solved. In our country, according to various sources, from 8 to 12% of old tires and conveyor belts are recycled. These figures show that tire recycling as a business has a good future.

However, once you decide to run a rubber recycling business, you must choose your recycling method carefully and be aware of all the pitfalls of such a business. Choosing a recycling method, and therefore the direction of your investment, is a very difficult task. Enterprises producing equipment for one or another processing method, naturally, praise their method and carefully hide its shortcomings. In this article, we will try to facilitate the task of choosing a processing method. Remember that there is no perfect method. All have flaws. Here are the main ways to recycle car tires:

  • reuse by applying a new tread (in this case, after reuse tires need to be recycled);
  • combustion for the purpose of obtaining thermal energy;
  • heating without air access or with limited air access (pyrolysis);
  • grinding to obtain crumb rubber, secondary metal and textile threads;
  • burial and use for fortification coastline, installation of fences, etc. This method is prohibited in most countries, including Russia. We will not consider it.

We do not consider in this article the application of a new tread on worn tires (“welding”). This is a method to extend the life of tires, not to recycle them. Let's take a closer look at other methods. When evaluating recycling methods, you should have a basic knowledge of the composition of the tire material.

Tire material composition

The main components of tires are cord (metal, textile or mixed), rubber, filler (soot), auxiliary materials (thermal stabilizers, anti-ozonizers, etc.), adhesives (contain polychlorinated hydrocarbons and some other materials in small quantities. Except for metal cord (and this is a steel wire coated with brass - an alloy of copper and zinc), then the composition of the tires includes: hydrocarbons (rubber, etc.), carbon (soot), silicon dioxide, sulfur (a vulcanizing agent in rubber and as part of other components), polychlorides (as part of adhesives) and some other components in small quantities.Contrary to popular belief about the presence of arsenic in the composition of tires, it is not there.Heavy metals are also absent (except for a small amount of copper and zinc on the surface of the metal cord). Lead is also not used in modern tires. All these components undergo changes during the processing of tires and form new substances, many of which are more dangerous than the original ones. Now let's look at the advantages and disadvantages various methods tire recycling.

Burning tires to generate thermal energy

The method seems attractive. Therefore, it is worth talking about it in more detail.

Burning one ton of tires gives about the same amount of thermal energy as one ton of thermal coal.

What is the problem? First, tires cannot be burned in conventional thermal power plants. You need special equipment and preparation of raw materials. Secondly, when sulfur is burned, it forms a large amount of sulfur dioxide (sulphurous gas). This requires a special cleaning installation. The problem is solved, but the equipment is very expensive. Thirdly, polychlorides at insufficient combustion temperature form one of the most dangerous substances - dioxin. The available international experience shows that such a method has the right to life only when processing very large quantities (more than 100 tons) per day, requires huge investments and is profitable only in case of subsidies (financial support) from the state.

Read also: Lego brick: production and equipment

Tire pyrolysis

The process is heating the material to 400–500 degrees without access to oxygen (air). This produces pyrolysis gas, liquid hydrocarbon fraction, soot and steel cord waste. You can find an excellent product calculation. For example, from 1 ton of tires you can get 500 kg of liquid hydrocarbon fraction (fuel and even gasoline!), 200 kg of gas (used to heat the reactor and save fuel), 200 kg of carbon black and 100 kg of metal. What is the problem? Ask yourself the question, where does sulfur disappear if it contains up to 10% and silicon dioxide. Very simple. Most of the sulfur turns into hydrogen sulfide (the strongest poison, a substance of hazard class 1), which is contained in pyrolysis gases. Another part of the sulfur forms carbon disulfide and other compounds that go into the liquid fraction. And, finally, in the residue, which is bashfully called technical carbon, there are metal sulfides (mainly sodium and calcium). Where did the silicon dioxide disappear - in the remainder. The fate of polychlorides is even more difficult. Some of them pass into the residue, some form hydrogen chloride (not a gift!), And some form dioxins, which can be found in all products. This "carbon black" will not be used by any responsible consumer. You can't bury it either. Having recycled tires in this way, we will create a bunch of new problems. These problems are solved, but require large capital investments, which calls into question the profitability of this method without the help of the state.

Grinding tires in order to obtain crumb rubber

The essence of the method is very simple. Tires are shredded. In this case, three products are formed - metal, rubber crumb (we will consider the directions of its use below) and textile cord waste.

With such processing, there are practically no chemical changes (no new toxic waste is formed).

This is the main advantage of the method. What are the problems? It is very difficult to separate textile threads from crumb rubber and the textile material thus obtained is practically new waste. We will show below how to solve this problem. But on early stages it is better to recycle pure steel cord tires. This will significantly reduce capital costs. The key issues in building a mini tire recycling plant are the following issues.

  1. Selecting a location for production. Construction or use of existing structures.
  2. Selection, purchase and installation of equipment.
  3. Obtaining a license for processing.
  4. Formation of reliable channels for obtaining raw materials and marketing finished products.

Let's consider everything in order.

Production site and buildings

Even a mini tire recycling plant requires a fairly large site. Most of the production site will be occupied by a warehouse of raw materials (tires) and finished products. The tire recycling line occupies a fairly large area - 150–300 m2. This is best clarified after choosing the equipment. The height of the building (or hangar) is 5–6 meters. The production site should be sufficiently removed from the residential area. Minimum distance 200-500 m. The best place- industrial zone. During the processing of tires, the material heats up quite strongly and releases volatile substances with a specific odor. Local ventilation is required. It is necessary to provide special absorption cartridges as part of the ventilation equipment. They are produced industrially.

Tire crumb recycling equipment

For processing tires into crumbs, the price of equipment is not prohibitive. However, the cost of a set of equipment of 10–15 million rubles should be considered minimal. The choice of equipment for processing tires into crumbs is quite wide. there are lines Russian production and imported. When choosing equipment, do not pay too much attention to brands.

Tire recycling line

If possible, visit an already existing production facility and hear all about the problems of this production facility. When buying equipment, it is better to focus on complete lines, however, some components can be used or purchased separately. Here is the minimum equipment list:

  • shredders (shredder, hydraulic shears, tape cutter);
  • separators (air and magnetic);
  • conveyors;
  • vibrating screens.

With the growing number of cars, the problem of recycling old tires is becoming more acute. In Moscow alone, 70 thousand tons of wear-resistant rubber annually end up in landfills and landfills, the decomposition time of which is natural conditions reaches 140 years. Meanwhile, existing technologies make it possible to effectively use such an inexhaustible source of secondary raw materials.

The simplest of these is recycling tires into crumbs, a technique that combines environmental benefits with commercial potential. Of course, the cost of tire recycling equipment is at the limit of the financial possibilities of start-up entrepreneurs, but thanks to the high profitability of this business, multimillion-dollar investments pay off in less than a year.

Business features

The few existing enterprises cannot cope with the recycling of tires: statistics show that in Russia only 20% of old tires are used as recyclable materials. Therefore, individual specialists and entire institutes are developing innovative methods for separating automobile wheels into components and restoring rubber to a reclaimable reclaim.

However, the most accessible technology for entrepreneurs is the technology of processing used tires into crumb rubber by grinding. A simple mechanical action leads to the transformation of the tire into semi-finished products such as:

  • Rubber crumb of various fractions. The yield is 60–70% of the mass of the raw material;
  • Textile fibre. Formed during cleaning and disposal of landing rings;
  • Metal cord. It looks like short pieces of thin steel wire.

Why is recycling old tires profitable, from a commercial point of view? There are several advantages of a business that attract entrepreneurs:

  • Raw materials are inexpensive. In some cases, an enterprise may receive tires free of charge and even with a surcharge for disposal;
  • The classic technology for processing car tires into crumbs includes exclusively mechanical operations;
  • The production is safe for the environment. The recycling process is accompanied only by the formation of rubber dust and high level noise;
  • Recycling is welcomed by the state. An entrepreneur can count on subsidies, tax breaks and loans at reduced rates.

At the same time, it should be mentioned that the processing of tires into crumb rubber is a business that is characterized by more than just advantages. The main disadvantage of this type of activity is the lack of an organized sales market. Therefore, even before the start of production, the entrepreneur needs to advertise and be puzzled by the search for regular customers.

Tire recycling technologies

Of course, old tires are the easiest to burn. For all its shortcomings, this method of disposal is considered quite effective: in terms of calorific value, 1 ton of rubber is equivalent to 1 ton hard coal or 0.7 tons of fuel oil. At the same time, burning tires leads to the release of not only carbon dioxide and soot into the atmosphere, but also much more dangerous chemical compounds. Therefore, it is better to use harmless methods:

1. Mechanical grinding. Abrasion is the only technology that is suitable for recycling tires into crumbs at home;

2. Low temperature crushing. Old tires are cooled with liquid nitrogen to a temperature of -60 ° C, after which the brittle rubber is easily crushed by a press;

3. Cryogenic grinding. Tires cooled to -120°C are placed in a closed chamber and destroyed by microexplosions;

4. Disposal with an ozone knife. Under the influence of active gas, the rubber becomes brittle and crumbles into crumbs. Textile and cord remain intact;

5. Destruction by pressure. At high pressure rubber becomes fluid. It is squeezed out through the dies, separating it from the metal cord;

6. The following techniques are somewhat different from tire crumbling technologies. They allow you to restore rubber to regenerate - a devulcanized plastic compound that is used instead of raw rubber:

  • Dissolution. When processing chemical compounds rubber dissolves and forms a suspension that can be used in the manufacture of new products;
  • Dispersion. placed in aquatic environment the tire is crushed by mechanical action. The result is a fine rubber emulsion;
  • Water neutral treatment. The cleaned crumb rubber is loaded into an autoclave, where it is stirred for 6–8 hours at a temperature of 180°C.

7. The latest way to recycle old tires is pyrolysis. It involves heating the crushed rubber to a temperature of 450-550 ° C in a closed chamber without air access. As a result of the decomposition of raw materials are formed:

  • Synthetic liquid fuel;
  • Soot (carbon black);
  • combustible pyrolysis gas.

8. Comparing these technologies, it can be seen that mechanical tire recycling is indeed the easiest, most practical and affordable for small businesses. The grinding process goes like this:

  • Each tire is carefully inspected, cleaned of spikes, stones and other hard objects that cannot be processed;
  • Raw materials are sorted by size and type. This simplifies the further setup of machines for processing used tires into crumbs;
  • On a bead cutter, seating rings are cut out of the tire, from which the metal cord is then pulled out;
  • On a hydraulic tire cutter big size divided into several parts. Passenger tires are cut into strips 4–5 cm wide;
  • Parts of tires are loaded into a shredder, where rotating shafts with metal knives tear them into pieces with an area of ​​​​4–10 cm²;
  • During grinding, the remnants of textile and steel cord are pulled out of pieces of rubber;
  • The prepared material enters the impact crusher, where it passes between the notched shafts and is abraded into fractions;
  • Remains of textile fiber are removed by air flow in a cyclone, and fragments of steel cord - magnetic field in the separator;
  • The crushed rubber crumb is loaded into a vibrating plant, where sieves with different cells separate the fractions by size;
  • Ready crumb rubber accumulates in receiving hoppers. It is packaged in standard bags or big bags, after which it is sent to the warehouse.

The use of crumb rubber

During the movement, the tires of the car are subjected to intense long-term loads, therefore, materials resistant to mechanical wear and chemical influences are used for their production. In fact, tire rubber is far superior to all similar varieties of rubber in terms of strength and durability.

Recycling used tires into crumb rubber beneficial features The material is completely preserved, which allows it to be used in different areas:

  1. asphalt modifier. The introduction of crumbs into the composition of the road surface increases its elasticity, elasticity and resistance to cracking;
  2. Street coverings. Roll materials are made from crumb rubber, which cover children's and sports grounds;
  3. Floor coverings. The crumb pressed into sheets is used to finish the steps of the porch, entrance groups and other slippery places;
  4. Tile. The crumb is mixed with polymer compounds and pressed in special matrices, obtaining paving slabs of various shapes, colors and sizes;
  5. Lawn coverings. Lawns with ordinary or artificial grass are covered with crumbs to get a resilient surface and prevent trampling;
  6. Filler for sports equipment. from crumbs: boxing bags, stuffed balls, throwing bags;
  7. Roofing mastic. Rubber crumb is mixed with bitumen. The resulting mixture is covered with conventional roofing materials;
  8. Roof coverings. The crumb mixed with filler and dye is used to make flexible slate and rubber tiles;
  9. Waterproofing. To protect building structures from moisture, a mastic of fine rubber crumb mixed with industrial oil is used;
  10. Tire restoration. 10% crumbs are added to the composition, which restores the surface and tread pattern of worn tires.

Raw materials for the manufacture of parts. By mixing crumb rubber with plasticizers and adhesives, you can do:

  • Bumper pads;
  • Trays for the luggage compartment of the car;
  • Rail pads;
  • The blind area of ​​railway crossings;
  • Artificial road bumps;
  • Mudguards for cars;
  • Wheels for cargo carts;
  • Shoe soles.

Bridge coverings. The crumb is a component of a plastic mixture used for sealing joints between slabs of bridges, overpasses and overpasses.

Oil production. From crumbs, sorbents are made that absorb oil products, as well as plugging solutions, which are pumped into wells to seal cracks.

Additional products of tire processing into crumb rubber are textile fiber and steel cord. Textile is a durable material that can be used to reinforce concrete mixtures, make roofing paper and fiberboard, and stuff sports equipment. Cord in its unpurified form is also used as a reinforcing additive. But after firing, it can be sent for remelting.

Documentation of business

Thinking about it, you can not worry about getting official status. But the organization of a full-fledged business for the disposal of recyclables without legalization is undesirable. In this case, such a form of ownership as an individual entrepreneur is quite acceptable. It is worth considering the expediency of registering an LLC only for attracting third-party investors or registration loan agreement on behalf of a legal entity.

In order to clarify the priority direction of the enterprise, the application must indicate the relevant OKVED codes:

OKVED codes for processing tires into crumbs

If an entrepreneur cares about that, then he must be puzzled by the choice of the optimal taxation system. With a turnover not exceeding 150 million rubles per year, the simplified tax system at a rate of 6% or 15% is preferable for the enterprise.

However, the interaction with the state does not end there. As a business, recycling tires into crumbs involves working with rubber waste, which is classified as hazard class IV. Therefore, the owner of the workshop will have to apply to Rosprirodnadzor and issue an appropriate perpetual license. For this you need:

  • Choose the right room;
  • Equip the workshop and install the production line;
  • Train employees on waste management rules;
  • Draw up a production control program;
  • Develop and register a waste passport;
  • Obtain a certificate from Rospotrebnadzor on the compliance of the workshop with sanitary standards;
  • Obtain a certificate from the State Fire Supervision Authority on compliance with fire safety rules;
  • Obtain a certificate from Rosprirodnadzor on the implementation of measures to protect the environment;
  • Transfer the state duty in the amount of 7500 rubles.

With the need to obtain approvals from three agencies, self-licensing becomes a lengthy process with no guarantee positive result. In some cases, an entrepreneur should contact an intermediary who will help to fulfill the requirements of supervisory authorities and correctly draw up documents. The cost of such a service is on average 160-300 thousand rubles.

Room preparation

The list of equipment for processing tires into crumb rubber includes several bulky machines, so a spacious room is needed to equip the workshop. When using a line with a capacity of up to 600 kg/h, its area must be at least 400 m². Here you need to highlight:

  • Tire storage area;
  • Production area;
  • Finished goods warehouse;
  • Administrative offices;
  • Dressing room and eating area.

In addition, the entrepreneur must fulfill a number of requirements for the premises of processing shops by equipment manufacturers and authorities that check compliance with legal restrictions:

  • Sanitary standards indicate that the enterprise should be located at a distance of more than 300 meters from residential buildings and water bodies;
  • Due to the large dimensions of the cyclone and storage bins, the height of the ceilings in the workshop should be 4.5–5 meters;
  • For the correct installation of the line for processing tires into crumbs, the length of the room must exceed 25 meters;
  • In the cold season, the temperature in the production hall should not be lower than 5°C, and in the warm season - no higher than 30°C;
  • The power supply network with a voltage of 380 V must withstand a continuous load of 130-150 kW;
  • The room must be connected to the water supply and sewerage;
  • Taking into account the high flammability of raw materials and finished products, the workshop should be equipped with a fire extinguishing system and primary means (fire extinguishers);
  • For the delivery of worn tires and the shipment of crumb rubber, it is necessary to equip convenient access roads.

Tire recycling equipment

The task of selecting equipment for processing tires into crumbs can be solved in one of the following ways:

  • Draw up a project and buy machines separately;
  • Buy a complete line.

For a novice entrepreneur, the second option is preferable: this way he gets rid of the problems associated with transporting, setting up and repairing units. For example, as a basis, you can use the line for processing tires into crumb rubber LPSh-600 manufactured by AP "BMP". The model has the following specifications:

  • Tire recycling rate - 850 kg/h;
  • Rubber crumb output - 600 kg/h;
  • Exit of textile fiber - 70 kg/h;
  • Metal cord output - 170 kg/h;
  • The maximum tire diameter is 1500 mm;
  • Power consumption - 130 kW;
  • Water consumption - 15 l/h;
  • Service staff - 3 people.

The cost of equipment for processing tires into crumb is 6.7 million rubles. Also, some additional mechanisms will be needed for production:

Tire recycling equipment

Position price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Amount, rub.
Line LPSh-600 included: 6748100 1 6748100
Bead cutting machine 1
Cord removal machine 1
Tape cutting machine 1
chip cutting machine 1
shredder 1
Straight conveyor 1
impact crusher 1
vibrating separator 1
Cyclone 1
Magnetic separator 1
bucket conveyor 2
Vibrocomplex 1
bucket conveyor 1
vibrating sieve 1
bucket conveyor 1
Switching equipment 1
Auxiliary equipment
Tire cutting machine 290000 1 290000
Bunker for crumbs 43000 1 43000
Wire hopper 15000 1 15000
Bag sewing machine 17500 1 17500
Warehouse scales 24900 1 24900
forklift 350000 1 350000
Freight car 440000 1 440000
Fire extinguishing system 40000 1 40000
Fire extinguisher 3300 4 13200
Switchboard 7000 1 7000
Total: 7988700

The work of the plant involves not only production, but also administrative operations. Therefore, the entrepreneur will have to equip office space. To do this, you need to purchase:

Non-production equipment

Position price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Amount, rub.
Office table 2800 3 8400
Office chair 650 6 3900
Computer or laptop 18500 3 55500
Accounting software 15000 1 15000
Printer 6500 1 6500
Telephone 1100 2 2200
router 1800 1 1800
Stationery 6000
Filing Cabinets 4500 2 9000
Table for eating 2000 1 2000
Simple chair 500 6 3000
Overalls 1500 8 12000
Wardrobe 3000 2 6000
Total: 131300

Enterprise employees

Having dealt with the premises and equipment, the entrepreneur must deal with personnel. To save on training, it is desirable to hire people with work experience in production. A tire recycling plant needs:

  • Sales manager. Searches for wholesale buyers of crumb rubber, concludes contracts with them, controls the shipment of finished products;
  • Accountant. Maintains reports on financial transactions, calculates salaries, interacts with the tax service and insurance funds;
  • Shift Supervisor. Supervises the work of production employees, monitors compliance with tire recycling technology;
  • Equipment adjuster. Performs routine maintenance work on machines. In the event of serious breakdowns, it is more expedient to contact the manufacturer;
  • Workers. The shop needs six specialists. Three of them serve the machines for processing tires into crumbs, and the rest perform auxiliary operations;
  • Storekeeper. Accepts raw materials, keeps records of finished products, issues consumables, spare parts and packaging to the workshop;
  • Driver. Brings small batches of raw materials and delivers crumbs to customers. It is more profitable to entrust large volumes of transportation to transport companies.

The staffing table, which implies the work of the enterprise in one shift, may look like this:

Shop staff

Position Rate, rub. Qty Amount, rub.
Shift Supervisor 23000 1 23000
Adjuster 22000 1 22000
Line maintenance worker 18000 3 54000
support worker 16000 3 48000
Storekeeper 16000 1 16000
Driver 22000 1 22000
Sales manager 23000 1 23000
Accountant 23000 1 23000
payroll tax 69300
Total: 12 300300

Search for raw materials for processing

Providing the enterprise with material and human resources is half the battle. To recoup the high price of machines for processing tires into crumbs, it is necessary to organize uninterrupted supplies of raw materials and ensure constant loading of the line. Suppliers of old tires and rubber products waste can be:

  • Transport companies, bus and trolleybus fleets;
  • City dumps;
  • Industrial dumps and landfills;
  • Service stations and tire shops;
  • Own collection points for old tires.

In most cases, you will have to pay a symbolic amount for tires. On the other hand, the legislation obliges large motor transport companies to pay a recycling fee: it is quite possible that these companies will want to save money and give raw materials free of charge on a self-delivery basis.

Crumb rubber sales

The business of recycling tires into crumbs with their own hands has not yet become popular in Russia, and therefore the entrepreneur needs to make significant efforts to find wholesale buyers. The company's products are semi-finished products that cannot be used without further processing. Accordingly, other manufacturers will become the main customers:

  • Enterprises producing rubber tiles or roofing materials;
  • Manufacturers of coatings for children's and sports grounds;
  • Firms that build sports and health complexes;
  • Manufacturers of car tires;
  • shoe factories;
  • Companies that install solid floor coverings;
  • Road construction enterprises;
  • Precast concrete factories.

An ad block in a newspaper or a banner on a billboard is unlikely to attract the attention of such buyers: to interact with corporate clients other channels of communication should be used. An entrepreneur can try:

1. Develop your own website. Any wholesale buyer should find product characteristics, price lists, contact details on its pages;

2. Post ads. There are marketplaces for businesses on the Internet, where entrepreneurs publish their offers and applications. The most famous sites:


3. Take part in tenders. For the purchase of raw materials, public and private companies announce tenders in which the entrepreneur can take part;

4. Use active sales. The sales manager should call companies that are potentially interested in buying crumb rubber.

How much does a tire recycling business cost?

Starting a tire recycling business requires quite an impressive capital: a newcomer who chooses should think about other types of income. According to the most conservative estimates, almost 9 million rubles will have to be invested in the organization of the processing shop:

Tire recycling investment

Name Amount, rub.
Business registration 800
Account opening 2400
Rent for the installation of the line 400 m² 80000
Production equipment 7988700
Non-production equipment 131300
Line assembly 150000
Licensing 160000
Fare 50000
Raw material 149.6 t 299200
30 kg bags, 3500 pcs. 21000
Household expenses 15000
Advertising 30000
Connection of engineering networks 20000
Total: 8948400

Also, to draw up a business plan for recycling tires into crumbs, it is necessary to analyze the regular expenses of the enterprise. The most significant items here will be payroll, payment for electricity and the purchase of raw materials:

Tire recycling costs

Name Amount, rub.
payroll fund 300300
Account management 1300
IP contributions 2700
Rent 80000
Electricity 26400 kW 158400
Fare 50000
Replacing shredder blades 50000
Raw material 149.6 t 299200
30 kg bags, 3500 pcs. 21000
Household expenses 15000
Garbage removal 15000
Advertising 30000
Total: 1022900

How much can you earn?

How much can you earn from recycling tires into crumbs? The output of the main product reaches 60–70% of the raw material weight. In this volume, 70% falls on the 1.0-3.0 mm fraction, 15% - on the 0.1-1.0 mm fraction and the remaining 15% - on the 3.0-5.0 mm fraction. Besides:

  • The line turns into crumbs 850 kg of raw materials per hour. With an eight-hour shift in 22 days, the plant will process 149.6 tons of old tires;
  • The average market value of raw materials is 2000 rubles/ton. Thus, 299,200 rubles will have to be spent on the purchase of worn tires;
  • According to technical specifications line, the output of finished products will be 105.6 tons of crumbs, 29.92 tons of steel wire and 12.32 tons of textile fiber.

Production volumes

Product type per hour, kg per month, t Wholesale, rub./t Revenue, rub.
Rubber crumb 0.1–1.0 mm 90 15,84 18000 285120
Rubber crumb 1.0–3.0 mm 420 73,92 18000 1330560
Rubber crumb 90 15,84 18000 285120
metal cord 170 29,92 4500 134640
textile cord 70 12,32 2000 24640
Total: 840 147,84 2060080

Taking into account the previously calculated monthly expenses, the net profit of the enterprise is determined. It can be assumed that with uninterrupted operation, investments in the business will pay off in less than a year:

Tire recycling payback

Tire recycling franchises

For start-up entrepreneurs who have no experience in creating manufacturing enterprises, buying a ready-made business model may be a good solution. The price of a tire recycling franchise usually includes:

  • A set of production equipment;
  • Installation and adjustment works;
  • Maintenance and repair of machine tools;
  • Employee training;
  • Organization of the supply of secondary raw materials;
  • Assistance in sales organization;
  • Support and advice on organizational and legal issues.

Currently, the following franchise offers are available on the Russian tire recycling market:


Provides a mini tire recycling plant. The partner must find a 500-1000 m² workshop and hire 6-7 workers to maintain the line. Franchise characteristics:

  • Cost - 16500000 rubles;
  • Payback period - up to 20 months.


It offers equipment for tire recycling and tile production, and also buys finished products from a partner. The requirements include renting a 100 m² workshop and hiring four workers. Terms of cooperation:

  • Cost - 2300000 rubles;
  • Royalties - 30,000 rubles;
  • Payback period - 5 months.


The package includes a set of machines for processing tires into chips. The franchisor buys finished products at a price of 2,500 rubles per ton. The requirements include renting a 100 m² workshop and hiring two people. Franchise characteristics:

  • Cost - 850,000 rubles;
  • There are no royalties and advertising fees;
  • Payback period - 6 months.


Experience shows that recycling tires into crumbs can both bring huge profits in the very first months of work and turn a businessman into a bankrupt. The reason for the failure may be the influence of negative factors typical for this business:

  • Problems with the selection of equipment and the search for spare parts for it;
  • Significant increase in electricity tariffs;
  • The emergence of competitors or a decrease in demand for crumb rubber;
  • Changes in regulations on the processing of hazardous secondary raw materials;
  • Difficulties with the organization of uninterrupted supply of old tires.

Therefore, an entrepreneur must assess the likelihood of such complications and consider measures to prevent them at the stage of drawing up a business plan.
