Tire crushing. We make crumb rubber with our own hands using a homemade crusher

The number of used tires is growing at a tremendous pace. Mountains of bald tires near tire service stations create a lot of inconvenience, take up space and pollute the environment. What to do with them? But you can make money on them. Tire recycling: we will tell you how to do it and get maximum income. Not only in our country the problem of their processing has not yet been completely solved. According to statistics, only a fifth of tires in the world are recycled. In most countries, the state allocates subsidies for such processing.

Methods have now been developed to effectively recycle tires. If run correctly, a tire recycling business will help you recoup your investment within six months. At the same time, you will also help improve the environmental performance of the region.

Tire recycling can be a lucrative business. The tire is a source of valuable polymers. From a ton of waste tires you can get 700 kg of rubber. It is used to produce fuel, building materials, and rubber products. But burning tires is extremely harmful to the environment and all living things. This releases 450 dangerous toxic gases and 270 kg of soot.

Recycling tires makes it possible to obtain valuable recyclable materials– crumb rubber, metal cord and liquid fuel. Crumb rubber is used in many industries: oil, chemical, mechanical engineering, and in everyday life. Rubber is used to make hydro- and heat-insulating coatings. It is used for the production of road surfaces, sleepers and rail pads. A rubber modifier is often added to asphalt. It doubles its service life. Rubber also includes hoses, shoe soles, etc.

In large plants, it is difficult to obtain significant economic benefits from tire recycling. Tire recycling is a small business idea. It is enough to acquire a mini-factory for their processing.

By the way, a draft law is currently in the State Duma, according to which the manufacturer will be responsible for recycling tires. So rubber recycling can be controlled by the state.

Step one. You need to get a license. It is mandatory if the business is based on waste recycling. Tires are considered one of the least hazardous wastes, so obtaining a license should not be too difficult. But there can still be small ones.

Step two. We need to rent space for a mini-processing plant. It is better to give preference to a place outside the city. It is better to place such an object away from the populated area. The advantage of such a place is that renting it will be much cheaper than within the city. The average rent for such an object will cost 50 thousand rubles.

Step three. To deliver raw materials and remove finished products, you will need a small truck.

Step four. Equipment. You will need to buy or lease a mini tire processing plant. This is a small collapsible complex. Its area is about 17 square meters. m. It will be able to process 5 tons per day.

When planning a mini-factory, you need to allocate areas for:

  • tire storage;
  • slicing;
  • product warehouse.

The plant itself is installed quite quickly - in a couple of weeks.

Step five. Staff. The plant can operate in two shifts. Each will require two people. Plus, we need staff for the removal of products and delivery of tires (a couple of people), as well as an accountant.


Rubber recycling allows you to extract rubber from waste tires. This can be done in several ways:

  1. Chemical. The most toxic and harmful to the environment.
  2. Mechanical. Tires are crushed and exposed to high temperature.

It is the second option that is now used in tire recycling. It is very popular, but more expensive. Please note that recycling tires also produces metal waste. During processing, metal cords are separated from synthetic ones.

Now the number of vehicles is constantly growing. The amount of waste, including tires, is also increasing. There are still not enough enterprises for their processing in our country. If recycling is properly organized, disposal car tires can bring enormous income.

To make tire recycling profitable, you need to think through everything. Let's take a closer look at the organization of this business. You will need vehicles, because old tires will need to be collected and brought to the warehouse. There the metal parts are removed, and the rubber goes to cutting. Tires need to be cut into small pieces. For this purpose, the mini-factory has powerful scissors. The crushed tires are poured into the hopper of the factory reactor.

At high temperatures, the tires in the reactor decompose. Recycling car tires allows you to obtain a number of products at once:

  1. liquid fuel;
  2. residue containing carbon;
  3. metal.

To support tire recycling, some of the gas is returned to the reactor. The rest of the gas enters a special pipe. In terms of volume, its quantity can be compared to the exhaust of a truck. The carbon residue is sifted to separate the steel cord.

After processing you will have a carbon residue, liquid fuel and steel cord. Rubber crumbs are purchased by many enterprises that manufacture rubber products. She is always in demand. Steel cord and liquid fuel are also in demand.

The peculiarity of tires is also their weight. Each one is quite heavy. Such large-scale waste becomes a good source of polymers. There are a lot of them even in small towns, so recycling car tires will always be a popular service. The main thing is to establish the process itself and obtain all permissions.

And recycling car tires will save the environment from pollution, because tires naturally take hundreds of years to decompose.


Recycling of rubber tires is possible in a small plant. You will need to select your equipment. An average plant can process 5 tons in 24 hours. Recycling rubber tires per day will bring about:

  • 2 tons of liquid fuel;
  • 0.5 tons of steel cord;
  • 1.5 tons of solid residue with carbon;
  • 1st ton of gas.

As you can see, recycling tires is very cost-effective. This is enough high performance productivity.

The peculiarity of this installation is that it works without interruption. It is cyclically supplied with gas released during tire processing. It must be installed in an open area.

The installation can be operated by only two people per shift. It consumes about 14.5 kW/h.

Start-up capital

An average installation costs about 1 million rubles. Shipping costs are not included here. Disposal of used tires is associated with the accumulation of fuel oil. You will need to buy tanks for it. Fuel prices change, so it is better to store fuel when they fall. We recommend selling it when prices rise. This will increase your profit.

Tanks can be purchased used. The average price for them is 20-26 thousand rubles/piece. Six or seven tanks will be enough.

You will also need warehouse equipment, overalls, and various tools. This is approximately another 100 thousand rubles. Don’t forget about rental, delivery, installation of equipment, paperwork. In general, expenses can amount to 1.5 million rubles.


Work two shifts, 2 people each. This is a salary for four people. (10 thousand/month). Need an office for accounting. A couple of workers will be needed to supply tires and market the products. This is about 70 thousand rubles. per month for taxes, salaries and office rent.

Electricity per month approximately 10440 kW will be consumed. In total, the operation of such a mini-factory will require about 100 thousand per month.


Plus of this project– the raw materials will be practically free. Sometimes you can make money even while collecting it. Large enterprises pay for the disposal of old tires, because landfills do not take them. In this case, an agreement is concluded with the company, and it pays monthly for the removal of tires. The cost of removal is about 2-3 thousand. rub.

Scrap metal can be handed in for recycling for 4 thousand rubles. per ton. A ton of carbon is accepted at 3-4 thousand rubles. All kinds of coatings are made from it.

Bottom line

According to average estimates, the total monthly income can be 370-380 thousand rubles. (fuel oil + carbon + scrap metal). Costs every month - 114,600 rubles. (salary + office rent + electricity). The payback will be about six months from the launch of the mini-plant.


  1. There are not many vacant plots in big cities. There are many residential buildings around.
  2. The distance from the mini-factory to houses should not be less than 300 m.
  3. It will be difficult to pass the examination.
  4. Difficulties may arise with residents of nearby neighborhoods. Many people don't want to live near a tire recycling plant.

It is better to organize such processing at a ready-made enterprise. The main thing is to find a suitable site that is inactive. But this territory already has all the approvals and permits. Try to come to an agreement with the company itself on mutually beneficial terms.

Most likely, a cleaning installation will also be required. It will prevent pollution of nature.

Another difficulty is unforeseen expenses. They may appear already during the processing process. Most likely, there will be difficulties with firefighters and environmentalists. If tanks for fuel oil are installed, it will be necessary to install a fire shield, conduct personnel training, post safety instructions, etc. Such objects always attract the attention of fire inspectors.


How profitable is this business? It can bring good income. In a small town, at least one and a half tons of waste tires accumulate per year. There will definitely not be a shortage of tires. Having processed this amount of waste, you will get about 50 tons of fuel oil. The big advantage of such a business is that you do not need to spend money on purchasing raw materials.

It is also important to install special filters so as not to pollute the environment. Pay the fee on time to protect the environment. Then environmentalists will have no reason to find fault with you.

Food for thought

In order for tire recycling to develop, it is important that the state supports this industry. Government subsidies for such processing are practiced in many developed countries. It is important that a law is passed that increases producer responsibility. It would also be a good idea to create collection points for used tires. It would be logical if they were based in tire workshops.

Tire recycling as a business can bring good income, but you will need to spend a lot of effort, time and money. This service will always be in demand, as the number of tires is only growing.

The tire is a source of valuable polymers.

There are more and more cars on our roads, which means the number of used tires is growing. The question arises about what to do with them, how to dispose of them? Many people simply quietly throw away used tires, but this only leads to the emergence of spontaneous landfills. But you can make money from this garbage. Let's learn how to open a tire recycling plant.

Bargain trash

Why is tire recycling so beneficial? This category of waste contains polymers, which are widely used in a wide variety of industrial fields.

Tire processing products are used to make new tires. Crumb rubber is used in decoration and as a waterproofing material in construction.

It is used in the design of running tracks, arranging children's and sports grounds.

Deep pyrolysis processing rubber allows you to get fuel oil at the output.

In addition, you will not have problems with raw materials. Owners of used tires will gladly take the opportunity to get rid of annoying garbage. Often you won’t even have to pay for the rubber junk, you just have to offer tire pickup.

In addition to cooperation with individuals, you may well enter into cooperation agreements with companies that buy outdated cars for scrap. And agricultural enterprises always have a lot of unusable equipment tires in stock.

It often makes sense to seek support from local authorities. This will speed up the issue of obtaining a license.

Tire recycling license

Since your activity will involve hazardous waste, you will have to obtain a license to work with it. Passing an examination confirming the safety of your production will cost you certain financial costs.

To avoid problems with sanitary inspection, do not ignore the requirements of environmentalists about the need to install appropriate filters. They usually come complete with a production line.

Also, strictly observe the distance of your enterprise from any residential settlements. Whether it is a small village or a densely populated residential sector, a tire recycling plant must be located at least three hundred (four hundred) meters away from them.

What documents are needed to start

Before opening a tire recycling plant, register your business and register with the tax office.

Settle the issue with the firefighters in advance. You need to get permission from them. You will also need it from the sanitary inspection.

In addition, take care to conclude an agreement with energy suppliers.

We are looking for premises

Tire recycling production cannot fit into a tiny space. You'll need some serious space. About 500 square meters are required to accommodate the equipment. You also need to allocate space for a warehouse for raw materials and finished products.

And remember the required distance to residential buildings. All these indicators should be reflected in your business plan. Tire recycling shouldn't upset your unwitting neighbors. Public complaints may well lead to the closure of your plant.

A site located outside the city in an industrial zone is best suited for these parameters. Finding vacant land within the suburbs is difficult, so focus on former factory buildings. Nowadays it is not difficult to find a non-working industrial enterprise. Then there’s just one small thing to do – you need to sign a lease agreement.

When renting a room, check the proximity of electrical networks and the possibility of connecting to them. Access roads are required.

What does recycling consist of?

Tire recycling technology consists of several stages:

  • the bead rings are removed from the tires on a special stand;
  • remove the cord;
  • the tire is divided into pieces;
  • the resulting parts are crushed to obtain fractions of 3 or 4 millimeters;
  • Metal inclusions of the cord are removed from the mass using magnetic separation;
  • the fractions are ground to a powder state in which the particles do not exceed one millimeter.

Now a little more detail. The assembled tires first end up in a warehouse. After that, they go to the initial screening. Line employees find out whether the tires contain metal parts (rims, rings). They remove anything that might interfere with the initial cutting of the tires.

The crushed raw materials enter the reactor bunker. The decomposition process starts in the reactor, and at the output you get a carbon-containing sediment, gas, and liquid fuel fraction. The gas is returned to the reactor to maintain its operation, and the remainder, which is excess, is simply removed to the outside. Since they contain harmful substances, it is necessary to install filters.

It is necessary to distinguish between the mechanical method of disposal and pyrolysis.

The result of the first is the production of rubber crumbs, granules, and chips. In the second case, the product of processing becomes fuel oil, which is close in characteristics to fuel oil.

Turning tires into fuel oil

Pyrolysis tire recycling has already been mentioned above. The liquid fuel fraction, which is formed as a result of the decomposition of rubber powder in the reactor, is pyrolysis oil. From one and a half tons of raw materials, about 40 percent of this substance can be removed.

But only after the refinement stage will the oily liquid turn into fuel oil. It is purchased for the needs of private homeowners and industrial enterprises.

We equip production

Equipment for tire recycling is usually supplied by technological lines. They are already equipped with all the necessary installations and assemblies. At the same time, you need to understand whether you will be focused exclusively on mechanical recycling of raw materials. Or your plans include the production of fuel oil. Although usually the owners of mini-factories prefer to do both to increase profits.

So, tire recycling equipment includes:

  • hydraulic shears;
  • air separator;
  • eraser;
  • tape cutter;
  • cut out the ring;
  • squeezer;
  • chip cutter

To start the decomposition process, a reactor is needed. And for storing pyrolysis liquid - a tank.

When choosing installations for your plant, remember the safety of your production. Additionally, install cleaning units and install filters. To save resources, select lines with low level energy consumption.

Before opening a tire recycling plant, check with the equipment supplier about the terms of service for the plant. The cost of the line is very high, so do not skimp on quality staff training.

We are recruiting employees

For uninterrupted operation of the installation, a huge staff of workers is not needed. Two technical employees can handle it quite well. For the second shift, two more are needed. In total we have four people.

To operate an office, you need an accountant, a sales manager, and a manager for the purchase of raw materials. Sometimes a storekeeper's rate won't hurt.

Staff salaries are included in the business plan. Tire recycling is unthinkable without freight transport. Therefore, either hire truck drivers under a contract agreement, or maintain a transport department.

It is better to entrust the selection of personnel to recruitment agencies, taking over the final interview. As mentioned above, you will most likely have to train the employees you hire. A company that manufactures equipment for recycling plants can support you with this. They usually have orientation programs.

Sometimes enterprise managers invite employees who previously worked at similar enterprises.


It is necessary to calculate expenses and income in advance, at the stage when you are preparing a business plan. Recycling tires is a costly business. The cost of the equipment will cost you a hefty sum. Even the most budget installations cost over a million. And this does not take into account the delivery of the complex. It is unlikely that it will be possible to do without attracting investments.

In addition, without the presence of treatment units, you will not be able to sign permits. This is another significant expense.

Every month, a certain amount will be consumed by rent, electricity consumption, and employee salaries.

So does it make sense to recycle?

Let's now count the pros. You get the raw materials practically free of charge. And in some cases, businesses will even pay you for the opportunity to get rid of old tires

In addition, the resulting product, be it polymer powder or fuel oil, is sold at a high cost. The main thing is to find sales points. So your enterprise will pay off and begin to generate stable income.

The issue of recycling tires in Russia has been brewing for a long time.

There is really a lot of waste material; it is thrown into landfills, in places that are not at all intended for this.

It would seem that an ideal environment is being created for business in the rubber processing sector. However, there are many nuances to this topic, which we will try to shed light on in this material.

Any old material can be “breathed” into a second life and used effectively in any industry.

Let's take a closer look at what useful benefits old car tires can provide.

Mechanical recycling

In case of mechanical recycling of tires the output is the following material:

  1. Tire crumbs of different fractions, which are used for the manufacture of new products.
  2. Textile cord that can be recycled by pyrolysis to produce fuel.
  3. Metal cord, which is also melted down.

You can learn more about the electromechanical method and its varieties.

There are three fractions of crumbs:

  • 1 mm;
  • 2-3 mm;
  • 4-5 mm.

Each type has its own consumer, but the selling price of crumb rubber is approximately the same.

The technology is also used in China, Europe and the USA reuse tires for their intended purpose by overlaying a new profile on an old tire.

A development plan in this direction was developed at the state level back in the days of the USSR, but failed after its collapse.

Pyrolysis method

There is also a pyrolysis method for recycling old rubber.

Pyrolysis is a change in the formula and properties of the starting material with the splitting of its components.

Speaking in simple language, rubber and rubber included in tires, separated from the court. The end products of pyrolysis are quite suitable fuels and lubricants.

In a number of countries, the use of this method is prohibited by law due to harmful emissions into the atmosphere. However, this issue is now being reconsidered and may begin to gain momentum in the future.

The method of pyrolysis processing of tires and rubber goods is described in more detail here.

Business organization

When considering recycling used tires as a business, it is worth weighing all the pros and possible cons.

Let's focus on the mechanical method, and using the example of one of the production lines, consider a detailed business plan for processing car tires.

Let’s take the proposed ALFA TIRE RECYCLING 500 platform as a model – electromechanical production line for processing tires of different diameters, including truck tires.

Cost of equipment

Starting capital to purchase the necessary equipment:

Below is a table with the name of the equipment within the ATR 500 tire recycling line:

You can learn a little more about this line by watching the video:

It is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • prices for individual equipment items must be clarified with the seller (supplier);
  • all obligations for warranty repairs and the conditions for their provision are specified in the supply contracts.

The cost of delivering equipment throughout Russia can fluctuate upward depending on the remoteness of the region.

More detailed description this line.

You can also ask prices for equipment from other suppliers, for example, this one.

Requirements for production premises and warehouses

Space will be needed for:

  • placement of equipment;
  • storage of raw materials;
  • storage of the finished product.

To install the line you will need: minimum 200 square meters.

An outdoor unheated hangar or a fenced-in area for unloading recyclables is suitable for storing old tires.

Purchasing the necessary premises can be an overwhelming burden for a new entrepreneur.

You can use the offered rental options, the cost, depending on the region, can range from 20,000 to 100,000 rubles/month.


Let's consider the number of service personnel and the monthly payroll.

For uninterrupted operation of the production line with a finished product output capacity (crumb rubber) of 150 tons/month. required staff of about 10 people.

Approximate monthly salary fund - RUB 350,000.

These calculations are presented in the form of an average plan and may differ depending on the region of Russia.

Other expenses

Production will be accompanied by other monthly expenses:

  1. Purchase of packaging bags (containers) for finished products. The price of a 30 kg bag will be 8 rubles, based on the monthly consumption we get the amount of 4,000 rubles.
  2. Communication – 10,000 rub.
  3. Unforeseen expenses - 10,000 rubles.
  4. Average data on energy consumption of a production line, designed for the production of finished products of 150 tons/month. equal to about 100,000 rubles/month.
  5. Maintenance – 50,000 rub.
  6. A separate expense item should be considered the replacement of cutting elements (knives) - 35,000 rubles.
  7. Garbage truck services – RUB 20,000.

Adding rental and salary costs to these figures, we end up with monthly cost part - about 620,000 rubles.

License for acceptance and disposal

Contrary to information on most websites, tire recycling as a business requires a license.

Tires have fourth hazard class. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the reception and disposal of this type of waste requires obtaining a license.

Before submitting documents, an entrepreneur must have:

  • production area;
  • industrial site with a sanitary zone;
  • equipment;
  • permits from Rosprirodnadzop, Rospotrebnadzor, fire inspection.

The license cost is 7500 rubles, the deadline for its registration is 45 working days. When using the services of intermediaries, be prepared to pay many times more.

Profitability calculations

Project profitability and revenue generation plan:

  1. Finished products in the form of rubber granules, average price 15 rubles/kg. 100 tons = 1,500,000 rub.
  2. Metal cord 30 tons at a price of 3,000 rubles/ton = 90,000 rubles.
  3. Textiles based on the resulting material being 20 tons and the average market price of 2,000 rubles/ton = 40,000 rubles.

We receive monthly revenue of 1,680,000 rubles. Through simple deductions for expenses and maintenance, we get a net profit of 1,001,000 rubles.

The presented business plan has average calculations and does not take into account some factors:

  • location;
  • territorial affiliation;
  • availability of a sales market in a particular region.

It cannot be accepted as a formula, but even despite this, the benefit is obvious.

Under favorable conditions, the payback for the production of crumbs from old tires will occur within 1.5-2 years after the launch of the line.

Underwater rocks

When we talk about “favorable conditions” we mean:

  • no problems with the supply of raw materials;
  • properly working equipment High Quality and declared performance;
  • well-established sales at reasonable prices.

In reality, not everything goes smoothly. Let's consider a few nuances:

  1. Wrong choice of equipment. Our tires differ from foreign ones in that they have a mixed or textile diagonal cord. Most imported machines, which are produced for the domestic market, and not specifically for the Russian Federation, are not capable of processing such products. So, in the absence of experience, you can purchase equipment that will be useless or ineffective in Russian realities.
  2. Purchase of defective/faulty units. Again, a common problem when ordering from abroad, especially from China. Faults begin to appear en masse in the first months of active operation; constant breakdowns will cost money for repairs and lead to line downtime.
  3. Increased performance. Sometimes the manufacturer can greatly embellish these parameters, especially for sellers from China. Having bought high performance at a much lower cost, there is a high probability of getting equipment that does not work efficiently. As a result, the stated payback period of 1-2 years will turn into 5, or even 10 years.

Problems may arise in other areas, for example, in obtaining raw materials. It may not be enough or it may be expensive.

Enterprises have to collect tires and transport them to production facilities on their own. Many people buy tires from the population. All this leads to the fact that the cost of tire crumbs increases significantly.

Demand for crumb

Here is a list of the main areas of need for crumb rubber:

  1. Seamless floor coverings. Enterprises engaged in laying such coatings are distributed throughout the Russian Federation and are constantly in need of high-quality raw materials.
  2. Production of tiles and roll coverings. There are large and small industries that are in need of medium grade crumb rubber.
  3. Road surfaces. The main consumer is the Moscow Region, but there are prospects for development in other regions. For asphalt, fine crumbs and rubber dust are used.
  4. Government orders for the construction of sports facilities, running track surfaces, and sidewalks.
  • gravestones;
  • figures for playgrounds;
  • rubber curbs, bollards;
  • various items in which crumbs act as a filler (bean bags, punching bags, etc.);
  • rubber shoes;
  • MBR (bitumen mastics), where crumbs are needed as a filler;
  • rubber insulation;
  • other RTI.

Be that as it may, before opening production, you need to find out which enterprises are located in or near your region in order to identify the demand for crumb rubber.

Tire recycling - what is it + process technology + risks and difficulties associated with business + step-by-step process of opening a plant + financial calculations.

Capital investments: 3,265,000 rubles
Payback period: approximately 1 year

Every year the number of car owners increases, so the problem of tire recycling is becoming more and more urgent.

Used wheels are simply thrown into a landfill, and as you know, rubber takes about 150 years to decompose.

But the planet, unlike it, is “not rubber”, so such actions have a negative impact on environment.

That is why tire recycling- this is not just a solution to an environmental problem, but also a great idea for starting a truly useful business.

Recently, you can notice this trend - many people do not want to start their own business due to the fact that many niches have already been simply filled.

But in this case the entrepreneur will have:

  • minimum competitors;
  • access to cheap or even free raw materials;
  • opportunity to start a sought-after business.

Tire recycling: what is it?

According to statistics, only a fifth of tires are sent for recycling.

The rest of the tires are disposed of or continue to decompose in the ground in landfills.

As for tire recycling, it is carried out in four ways:

Recycling tires into crumbsTires are crushed into small pieces, which can later be used to produce other goods.
The most rational way that causes minimal harm to the environment.
PyrolysisThe method involves exposing tires to high temperatures in order to extract fuel oil from them. Such processing cannot be called rational, because it harms the environment, moreover, it is expensive and takes a long time to pay off.
BurningThis method is used to completely recycle tires. As a result, you can get energy, but for the sake of it you will have to release a lot of toxins into the atmosphere, including soot and sulfur.
RecoveryThis is a new generation in tire recycling. When they are restored, oil costs are reduced by 6 times, which indicates the rationality and cost-effectiveness of the method.

In the production of tires, various valuable polymers are used that can withstand enormous loads during vehicle operation.

Since during the use of car tires they chemical composition does not change, this means that they can be used for new production.

From one ton of tires you can get:

  • 700 kg of rubber, which can be used for various purposes;
  • 270 kg of soot and 450 kg of toxins that will enter the atmosphere.

Therefore, the choice is obvious: it is better to recycle used tires and get paid for it than to simply burn them, causing harm to the environment.

Based on the chosen method of tire processing, you can obtain different products:

Rubber crumbThe crushed crumbs are used in further production - sanitary pads, shoe soles, car mats, rubber tiles, floor coverings for children's and sports fields, fillers for punching bags, new car tires and other things.
FuelRecycled tires can be used to produce fuel oil, kerosene and even higher octane gasoline.
Metal cordThe removed bead ring from the wheels can be used in the further production of new tires or sold for scrap.
GasThe resulting gas can be used as fuel for a reactor that processes tires.
Carbon blackThis product is used as a colorant for concrete, in the production of new tires, and in the military industry.

The process of converting tires into crumb rubber

Let's look at the tire recycling process using the example of the production of crumb rubber, which has a wide range of applications.

So, the process consists of the following stages:

  1. Tire preparation: for this worn tires undergo a visual inspection for the presence of unnecessary parts.
  2. Removing unnecessary parts: removing nails, stones, splinters, bead wire.
  3. Cutting tires into strips and further crushing them into pieces up to 4 mm in size.
  4. The resulting parts are sent to a magnetic separator, where the remaining metal cord is removed.
  5. The resulting rubber particles are ground to a crumb size of 1 mm.

Subsequently, the resulting crumbs can be converted into fuel/gas/fuel oil.

But such processing requires additional equipment and even greater capital investments.

How to open a tire recycling plant: a step-by-step process

Opening a processing facility includes the already known stages:
  1. market analysis - study of competitors and business prospects;
  2. business registration - choosing the organizational and legal form of the future enterprise and obtaining the necessary permits;
  3. search for premises - a tire recycling workshop must comply with sanitary, epidemiological and fire safety standards;
  4. selection of equipment - its purchase, installation and configuration;
  5. recruitment of qualified personnel who can work on purchased equipment;
  6. searching for points of sale - conducting marketing research and searching for buyers;
  7. financial plan - calculation of capital investments and income forecast;
  8. identifying possible risks - assessing negative factors and searching for ways to minimize them.

Market analysis and business relevance

Tire recycling is only gaining momentum, so the niche is practically unoccupied.

In many CIS countries there are no places to store used tires, which is why not many people think about starting such a business.

Statistics show that the annual number of used tires tends to one million tons.

The increase in cars is about 5-7%, which confirms the constant increase in raw materials for processing.

Where to get raw materials?

You can enter into agreements for the supply of used tires with enterprises that own cars, and also create tire collection points.

Thus, tire recycling is relevant because:

  • decides environmental problem, and also reduces the area of ​​​​territories that are intended for storing used tires;
  • creates a new product that other industries need.

Finding a place for production

The first stage of implementing a business idea is to find suitable premises.

It must be large so that it can accommodate the production itself and warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products, as well as equip utility rooms for workers.

The room itself must comply with the following standards:

  • area of ​​at least 150-200 sq. m.;
  • distance from the residential area - at least 300 meters. It is better to choose industrial zones that are located away from the city;
  • availability of communications - electricity, water supply, sewerage, ventilation.

The premises need to be repaired in accordance with all SES and fire inspection standards.

Business registration

To start a business activity, you need to register it.

To do this, you can either LLC, after which it will not be registered with the tax authorities.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Licensing individual species activities" tire recycling does not require licensing, as it belongs to waste hazard class V.

But still, it is better to consult with specialists on this issue, who will also help you collect everything Required documents to obtain various permits.

After registering a business, it is necessary to obtain permits from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, environmental and fire services.

Tire recycling equipment

Interesting fact:
Initially, car tires were light in color, mostly white or beige. And the familiar black color appeared already at the end of the nineteenth century, after manufacturers began adding carbon to the rubber base.

The most important point in starting a tire recycling business is purchasing the necessary equipment.

Firstly, this is the largest expense item in capital investments, and secondly, the entire production process will depend on it.

To create a line for processing tires into crumb rubber, you need to purchase the following equipment:

Name of equipmentCharacteristicQty
Equipment for breaking tire beadsThe machine cuts the bead rings in the tires, after which another machine pulls it out. The output is wire, which can be sold for scrap.1
Equipment for removing bead rings from tires:1
Special scissors for cutting tiresCuts tires into pieces of the required size1
Shredder (crusher)At the first level it crushes pieces of tires to a size of 100*100 mm, and at the second - 15*15 mm1
Transport fanNecessary for supplying the resulting particles to the next stage of processing1
Cyclone compilationSeparates crumb rubber, steel cord and textiles from air2
Magnetic separatorSeparates metal cord from rubber crumbs2
DefibratorSeparates metal cord from crumb residues1
Vibrating table No. 1They separate the textile cord from the crumbs in two stages1
Vibrating table No. 21
Hopper for metalContainer where the separated steel cord ends up1
Rotary crusherGrinds rubber crumbs to a size of 6-8 mm1
Textile separator for coarse and fine cleaningSeparates textile cord from crumbs, after which it undergoes additional cleaning1 each
Vibrating sieveDivides crumb rubber into fractions of the required diameter1
High pressure fanTransports products via pneumatic route1
Dust settlerClears the air of dust1

The approximate cost of a production line varies from two to five million rubles.


To open a mini-plant for processing tires, workers are needed who will maintain the production line itself, as well as administrative and management personnel.

The state looks like this:

Job titleSalary, rub.QtyPayroll, rub.
Total: 201,000 rub.
Shift Supervisor20 000 2 40 000
Operators15 000 4 60 000
Loaders13 000 2 26 000
Administration and management
Director35 000 1 35 000
Sales manager20 000 1 20 000
Accountant20 000 1 20 000

Staff responsibilities include:

  • Director - control over the production process, administration of activities;
  • Sales manager- searching for buyers and concluding trade deals with them;
  • Accountant - maintaining and preparing reports;
  • Shift manager - production control and accounting, production reporting;
  • Operator - production of products, cleaning of the workplace;
  • Loader - loading/unloading raw materials and received products.

Financial plan for tire recycling production

Most important point in opening any business, this is the amount of capital investment.

It is worth noting that tire processing requires a fairly large start-up capital, because in fact it will be a full-fledged production that requires the purchase of serious and expensive equipment.

Capital investments in opening a tire recycling plant are:

Type of expensesAmount, rub.
Total:RUB 3,265,000
Business registration10 000
Repair of premises and establishment of communications50 000
Purchase of equipment2 500 000
Installation and configuration of equipment150 000
Buying a truck400 000
Office equipment (repair, electronic equipment)100 000
Advertising and sales40 000
Other expenses15 000

To maintain a business, you need to invest in it monthly (this includes fixed and variable expenses):

Monthly expensesAmount, rub.
Total:RUB 595,000
Rent of production premises50 000
Warehouse rental35 000
Payroll201 000
Payroll taxes (34%)69 000
Administrative expenses (Internet, telephone)10 000
Raw materials (100 tons at 1500 rub./t)150 000
Communal payments45 000
Garbage removal15 000
Fuel for cars15 000
other expenses5 000

The cost of the products received is:

  • crumb rubber - 14,000 rub./t;
  • scrap metal - 6500 rub./t;
  • textile cord - 600 rub./t.

As a result, you can get the following income:

From the data obtained, we can say that the business will pay off in about one year.

Where and how to sell?

Because similar business has not yet found distribution in the CIS countries, it is worth saying honestly that it is quite difficult to find buyers for crumb rubber, but still possible.

As mentioned above, the range of applications for crumb rubber is wide.

Potential buyers may be:

  • for the production of rubber tiles or roofing;
  • manufacturers of sports surfaces for training fields and playgrounds;
  • tire manufacturers;
  • shoe factories;
  • sanitary ware manufacturers.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that this industry is supported by the state, so to promote your business you can contact local authorities that cooperate with manufacturers of sports equipment.

The video below shows the process of processing tires into crumbs:

What risks and difficulties may accompany the tire recycling business?

A business plan for tire recycling should include a risk assessment and planning actions to minimize them:

    Equipment malfunction

    To minimize this risk, it is necessary to constantly check the equipment and consistently maintain the production line, and replace damaged parts.

    This also includes employee training and advanced training.

    Late deliveries of raw materials

    Already at the stage of installation and setup of the production line, it is necessary to look for reliable suppliers and enter into long-term contracts with them.

    Disruptions in the sale of finished products

    Here, as in the previous paragraph, it is necessary to conclude long-term contracts with buyers, which stipulate delivery times and the quantity of products sold.

    Improper storage of finished products

    Crumb rubber is “afraid” of high humidity, so it is necessary to ensure dry air in warehouses.

Tire recycling- this is not just a relevant and promising, but also a sought-after business, which, in addition to material goods will benefit the environment.

The main advantages of such production are the low cost of raw materials and the minimum of competitors.

These factors allow you to create a profitable and profitable business.

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Recycling hazardous types of waste is relevant in Russia. With the increase in the number of cars, the number of used tires increases (according to statistics, it reaches 1 million tons per year).

There are not enough enterprises involved in their processing, although every year 50 tons of rubber that has become unusable accumulates in each region. Not all cities have places to store this type of waste. Discarded tires are found on the side of the road or adjacent to suburban roads.

The greatest experience in recycling tires is in the Moscow region (2 specialized plants operate), but they only recycle 10%. Therefore, the business of processing car tires will fill an empty niche.

The advantage of such a business is the opportunity to receive old tires for free. Processing tires into crumb rubber is a promising type of business.

There is no tire recycling system in Russia; experts attribute this to imperfect legislation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the processing business

The advantages of this business include:

  • inexpensive raw materials in large quantities;
  • location close to sales locations;
  • few competitors;
  • the ability to use any room;
  • economic benefit.


  • initial investment required;
  • selection of raw materials with the same composition.

Selecting a room

The main parameters are the area of ​​the premises and the rental price. When choosing a room you need to consider:

  • the area must be sufficient to accommodate production equipment;
  • places for loading and unloading;
  • necessary auxiliary premises;
  • connection to water supply and power lines;
  • convenient access roads;
  • distance from residential area 300 m or more.

An industrial zone located outside the city would be the most suitable location.

Required documents

To open a business, you will need documents confirming or, the conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological and fire service, an agreement for the supply of electricity. Licensing for this type of activity was canceled by Federal Law No. 93 of June 25, 2112.

What documents will be required to register an individual entrepreneur and how to prepare them correctly in accordance with legal requirements - read

Registration of activities

You should approach your choice responsibly: this affects the registration procedure, payment of taxes and other factors. When opening an LLC, the following responsibilities arise:

  • as a legal entity;
  • as individuals, founders and participants.

The LLC is liable for its obligations within the limits of its property. If it is impossible to repay debts during bankruptcy, obligations may pass to the founders and participants.

For individual entrepreneurs, when debt obligations arise, property is not considered personal and is not used for entrepreneurial activity(this also applies to property acquired before starting a business activity).

Industrial processing of tires into crumbs: business plan with calculations

The technological line that processes tires into crumbs has a capacity of up to 700 kg/hour. The yield of finished products from the initial mass of raw materials is 60 - 70% of the granulate, which is in particular demand (fraction 2 - 4 mm).

Room area 250 m2, number of workers 4 people, electricity consumption 120 kW. The annual production of crumb rubber will be 2000 tons.

  • The cost of main equipment is 10.75 million rubles.
  • Delivery and setup 250 thousand rubles.
  • Additional expenses 30 thousand rubles.
  • A machine that sews bags 10 thousand rubles.
  • Scales 20 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of crumb bags is 20 thousand rubles.
  • Staff salary is 100 thousand rubles.

With a minimum monthly processing of tires of 150 tons, the yield is:

  • metal cord 30 tons;
  • rubber crumbs 100 tons;
  • textiles 20 tons.

Income from product sales

  • 1500 thousand rubles. from crumb rubber (100 t x 15 rubles/kg);
  • 90 thousand rubles. metal cord (30 t x 3 thousand rubles/t);
  • 40 thousand rubles. textiles (20 tons x 2 thousand rubles/t);
  • 150 thousand rubles. acceptance of tire recycling from individuals and enterprises.

Total: 1780 thousand rubles.

Production costs

  • 100 thousand rubles. staff salaries;
  • 4 thousand rubles. for packaging bags;
  • 20 thousand rubles. communication services, economic;
  • 100 thousand rubles. electricity (120 kW x 4.5 rub.);
  • 50 thousand rubles. rental of premises;
  • 50 thousand rubles. line maintenance;
  • 20 thousand rubles. garbage removal.

Total: 344 thousand rubles.

The profit is 1780 – 344 = 1436 thousand rubles. Return on investment 8 months.

With an increase in the output of finished products and their sale at a price above the minimum, monthly profit indicators will increase.

Starting a business requires large investments, and this is scary for novice entrepreneurs. You can use a bank loan or receive a subsidy state program. To do this you will need a business plan with calculations.

and tips for their implementation are contained in our new article at the link.

Possible risks

The production cycle includes the supply of raw materials, operation of equipment and sale of finished products. Risks that may arise:

  • breaking technological equipment(to reduce this risk, the line should be serviced in a timely manner, recommendations for its operation should be followed, worn-out mechanisms and consumables should be replaced);
  • interruptions in the supply of raw materials (a contract for the supply of raw materials can be concluded simultaneously with the search for equipment);
  • difficulties with sales (you should enter into a long-term agreement with a company that needs crumb rubber and establish a sales channel in nearby regions);
  • spoilage of products during storage (special conditions are not required, but crumb rubber is afraid of moisture).

A business based on processing car tires into crumbs will be profitable if the entrepreneur manages to resolve the issue of marketing the finished product. This direction is promising and consistently brings good profits.

You can find out how lines for processing tires into crumbs function in practice in the following video:
