Tire recycling business: how profitable is it? Tire recycling and pyrolysis boilers Pyrolysis tire recycling plant.

I will describe the manufacture and operation of a small reactor for processing waste tires, which was conceived as an experimental one for testing the parameters and examining the fuel.

The beginning of production is, of course, documentation, drawings and sketches that are tied to manufacturing capabilities, here I took such opportunities as plasma cutting and manufacturing parts using the shell method, pretty good quality, the only thing is not cheap. Some drawings and sketches:
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So what do we see in the assembly shop after the finished parts have been delivered:

Assembly and preparation for launch:

Well, then tests and work:
Loading of raw materials after the shredder, a lot of very non-metallic cord, the percentage of rubber is less since part of the rubber was taken away, the raw materials were bought in Slantsy, ready-made, visible in bags, gives a small amount of fuel, and all the raw materials are not processed...

you can see a “block” in the middle, the effect is not very good..
When loading cut tires... but here the experiment on solid tires is much better, and the fuel is normal in the area of ​​35 percent yield and is completely recycled.

carbon burns like crackers, can also be used as fuel, in principle an analogue coal with the same ash content...or wood, new wood, the ash content of 3 percent immediately reaches 12-20, and of course there is a lot of sulfur, the sulfur does not “go” into the fuel...there, according to measurements of sulfur, up to 0.8 percent is incomplete, the sulfur remains in the carbon where it is up to 4 something percent. This coal is a good raw material for the synthesis gas reactor, which is in the previous description.

Here is the fuel, light - this is the light fraction of it, quite a bit, closer to the gasoline fraction.

Well, here are various fuel tests obtained both at this installation and earlier at the first reactors.

Well, there is something about coal:

These tests came from the installation that I designed for Melitopol back in 2007, I think.
Several photos of the installation, its appearance is certainly not presentable, they were apparently made from what was at hand... but it worked well according to their reviews:

This is the carbon that comes from tires.

This is a metal cord, it is usually sold as scrap metal, preferably, of course, pressed:

It's like general form that furnace in Melitopol, the same one according to my design was supposed to be built in Yekaterinburg... but the 2008 crisis prevented it, so to speak...
So everything was left unfinished, a few sad photographs from Yekaterinburg:

The only thing that in Yekaterinburg they did the project not in length but indoors:

I got distracted a little, but let's continue, in fact, pyrolysis is not only valuable fur... sorry, not only the recycling of tires, for example, when experimenting with milk cartons and others like Tetropack:

the result is essentially ash and foil, it does not burn, the only question is where to put it and how to separate it, foil from ash... conclusion, using this technology it is possible to make equipment for annealing, say, wires, small-section electrical wires, while the insulation becomes plastic into carbon, and copper and aluminum and other metals can be turned into non-ferrous metal... that is, there is the use of pyrolysis technology not only in the processing of tires but also in the processing of waste from the automobile industry, etc.... by the way, we also obtain their polyethylene liquid fuel, but this particular task was not before me.
In terms of maximum permissible emissions, maximum permissible emissions... this is a very complex question... the difficult thing is not that they are higher than the maximum permissible concentration when processing tires... the point is that there is no equipment for analysis... or the prices are exorbitant. But the analysis was done on experimental equipment in Israel, by my acquaintances in this area, I do not have documentary evidence... all the money was spent and decent, but there are assurances... his assurances that according to the German emission standard (in Israel they copied the German standard), there are exceedances No!!! This is already good...
Video of this installation:

When purchasing new car tires Drivers are often faced with the question: where to put a “corroded” tire that is not suitable for further use. IN modern world, where the number of cars is steadily growing, recycling tires has a huge environmental and economic importance for all developed countries of the world, including Russia. The recycling problem is primarily due to the fact that used tires do not decompose and, as a result, are a source of long-term environmental pollution. Secondly, rubber is flammable and does not biodegrade. Thirdly, a huge number rubber tires represents comfortable spot habitat of numerous rodents and insects, many of which are sources of dangerous infectious diseases. To avoid or prevent this, one option is to build a plant for recycling and processing tires into crumbs, from which new material can be made.

This article raises the question - what to do with used tires? To do this, it is necessary to compare tire recycling in Russia with other developed countries of the world, analyze the processing of tires into crumbs and fuel, and also analyze the possibilities of using new materials obtained from waste tires.

To solve these problems, you must first understand the following concepts:

Recycling implies the action of the verb “recycle”, use, application of something. Waste disposal.

Processing is a production process to which raw materials are subjected.

The rapid growth of the vehicle fleet observed in Russia over the past decade has become a natural reason for the aggravation of the problem of recycling used tires. If in most of the most developed countries of Europe and in the United States they have been familiar with this problem since the 70s of the last century, then in Russia it began to be fully felt only in the year 2000, when the level of motorization of the population reached quite noticeable volumes in the country. In Russia, the number of registered cars at the end of 2014 was 58.95 million units, which is 4.9% more than in 2013.

In developed countries, the recycling rate of used tires is close to 100%. According to the European Association for recycling tires in 2008, about 3.3 million tons of used car tires were generated in the EU countries. And only 6% of the total volume of waste was sent to landfill. In Japan in the same year, as a result of operation, 96 million pieces of worn tires were generated (1056 thousand tons). The processing level for the same period was 88.5%.

If we talk about the scale of such a phenomenon as tire waste in Russia, then, it is estimated that today the volume of emitted worn tires is about 1 million 850 thousand tons per year. The estimated volume of mechanical recycling of tires in Russia does not exceed 2% of the total volume of annual tire waste, and the processing of tires into fuel using the pyrolysis method does not exceed 3%. Another 20% of worn tires are burned. The remaining volume goes to landfill. Moreover, by 2015, the volume of tire waste generated annually in Russia may reach more than 2 million tons per year.

One of the alternatives to burning car tires is the processing of used tires into crumbs or fuel ( pyrolysis). Moreover, tires contain a significant amount of “useful” components that can be reused.

Volume Russian market crumb rubber amounts to 51.5 thousand tons at the end of 2014, which is 28.4% more than in 2013. Thus, in 2014, crumb production increased by 15.8 thousand tons compared to 2013 (by 0.02%).

Pyrolysis plants

The processing of tires into fuel by pyrolysis, on the contrary, decreased in 2014 by 15 percent compared to 2013. This is associated with low profitability and low demand for fuel obtained by pyrolysis.

According to data for 2014, the largest volume of retail crumb production in Russia falls on: Central federal district- 12.8 thousand tons (64.06%); followed by the Volga Federal District - 3.2 thousand tons (17.24%); The Northwestern Federal District closes the top three - 1.9 thousand tons (10.16%).

In 2014, imports of crumb rubber increased sharply. At the end of 2014, 4.7 thousand tons of crumb rubber were imported into Russia, which is 27.2 times higher than the level of the previous year. The leader in supplies in 2014 in physical terms is Lithuania, accounting for 88.52% of imports. The volume of imports from Lithuania amounted to 4.16 thousand tons. Significantly smaller volumes of imports are occupied by China (5.87%, or 276.0 tons) and Greece (4.26%, or 200.4 tons). In 2014, imports of crumb rubber increased sharply. At the end of 2014, crumb rubber worth $1.66 million was imported into Russia, which is 11.1 times higher than the previous year.

In the Moscow region there are about 10 of the most famous enterprises producing crumb rubber. They have their own websites, warehouses and an established sales market, including their own facilities for the production of rubber tiles from crumbs. Prices for rubber tiles vary from 14 to 18 rubles per kg. Moreover, the price often depends on the fraction of crumb rubber. Packaging is carried out in bags, the size of which varies from 25 to 30 kg.

Recycling and recycling of used car tires is a necessary area of ​​activity in the environmental component of our region. Since used car tires are stored at the places of their use (in motor transport, agricultural, industrial and other enterprises), and are also transported to landfills, landfills and other unauthorized disposal sites. The name of this type of waste has a detrimental effect on environment; Taking more than 100 years to decompose, discarded tires cause irreparable harm to the environment. When tires are burned, more than 250 kg of soot and more than 400 kg of toxic gases per ton are released into the atmosphere.

By processing car tires, we obtain crumb rubber, which is used in many industries and human activities. Main uses of crumb rubber - production of safety floor coverings. Crumb rubber is also used for the production of high-quality road surfaces (asphalt), for the construction of children's and sports grounds, and for the improvement of streets and courtyards.

Crumb rubber has wide and extensive applications in various fields. Many Russian enterprises experience the need for crumb rubber and its shortage.

The following products are produced from the resulting crumb rubber:

Reclaimed rubber (40%);

Production of new tires (as a filler up to 10-15%);

Crude rubber (30%);

Production of rubber parts for cars (up to 25%);

Foaming rubber (15%);

Production of rubber hoses (up to 40%);

Carpets for sports fields and football fields (90%);

Filled seamless rubber coatings (80%);

Shoe soles (up to 70%);

Lining for railway rails and railway fittings (70%);

Plumbing gaskets (25%);

Rubber roofing (up to 40%);

Asphalt additives (15-70 tons per 1 kilometer of pavement);

ERDM granules (100%);

Rubber paving stones (100%);

Tread tape for wheel restoration (up to 45%);

Gaskets and seals for doors and windows (up to 25%);

Mooring fenders (up to 70%);

Oil well plugging (70%), etc.

Recycling of used car tires

Number of cars in Russia increases every year, at the same time the number of worn tires increases.

The main recycling method does not cover the full volume of secondary rubber-containing raw materials.

And although in last years The rate of production from tire crumbs has also increased significantly; large volumes of used tires remain unutilized.

What happens to the rest of the raw materials? Basically, rubber simply accumulates in landfills, increasing their already overwhelming volume.

Processing by pyrolysis – modern way recycling of tires and other rubber goods. It is successfully used abroad, but is not very popular in Russia yet.

Pyrolysis is the most cost effective way processing rubber from used tires and other rubber goods, while non-polluting combustion gases environment.

It goes like this:

  1. The tires are pre-separated into front and side tires using a bead cutter.
  2. The cut tires are loaded into a special container (retort), which is sealed and placed in the oven.
  3. The furnace heats up to 450 0 C and the pyrolysis process begins, during which gas is released. When the decomposition of the raw material ends, the retort is removed and replaced with a new one.
  4. After cooling, which takes several hours, the container is unloaded, separating the carbon residue from the metal cord.

The procedure differs from conventional combustion in the absence of oxygen, which is necessary for combustion.

Under such conditions there are chemical reactions, as a result of which from the tires gaseous oil fractions are released, and carbon powder and cord remain in the oven.

The production is waste-free, since all pyrolysis products are used in industry, bringing good profits.

Output products

There are several output products. This:

  • liquid fuel;
  • carbon-containing residue;
  • pyrolysis gas;
  • metal cord tires.

Each of these products can be used beneficially.

Liquid output

The output liquid obtained during rubber pyrolysis is synthetic oil, similar in composition to natural.

With additional processing it can replace many fuels and lubricants– gasoline, diesel fuel, oil, etc.

In the United States, more than 100 million used tires are turned into waste each year. diesel fuel, and one tire is equivalent to 30 liters of oil.

IN as a last resort Unprocessed pyrolysis oil obtained from tires can be used as fuel for furnaces and boilers.

Solid carbonaceous residue

Used in various fields:

  • in the manufacture of certain rubber products (for example, conveyor belts, or new tires);
  • in paint and varnish and cement production - as a dye;
  • used as a sorbent instead of activated carbon;
  • can serve as solid fuel or as a component for liquid fuel.

Pyrolysis gas

This volatile component is similar in composition to natural gas.

Its main part is during the operation of pyrolysis equipment converted to liquid fraction, and the non-condensable residue is used to maintain the combustion of the furnace.

Metal cord

This is the tire core, the only component that does not undergo changes during pyrolysis.

Reinforcing material car tires is a high-quality steel, which, with additional processing, can be successfully used as binding wire or melted down.

Find out more about steel cord and how it can be used.

Boiler design

The composition of the simplest pyrolysis installation is as follows:

  • retort(crucible) into which raw materials are loaded - tires;
  • combustion chamber where heating occurs;
  • heat exchanger, in which pyrolysis gas is condensed into liquid fuel.

Is it possible to make the equipment yourself?

The design of such a pyrolysis plant for rubber processing is simple; it can be made with your own hands.

This will require pipes of various diameters, shut-off valves and a thermometer.

You can take an iron barrel as a heating chamber, and use a can for a retort.

This equipment will function, but only for scientific and educational purposes. Output the product is unsuitable for use and requires further purification and processing.

The volume of such “home” production does not allow us to talk about serious benefits.

To independently build a plant that processes an acceptable volume of raw materials, you will need up to 10 million rubles, which is comparable to the price of an average factory-made pyrolysis line.

Pyrolysis is an unsafe process. If air enters a home-made retort during operation of the installation an explosion may occur, which could result in serious injury.

If we talk about starting a business for converting tires into fuel, it is better to purchase ready-made equipment manufactured by specialists.

Pyrolysis lines of various capacities are now available on the market. Such installations include various additional nodes to speed up the process, increasing the quantity and quality of output products:

  • scrubbers– devices that cool pyrolysis gas with a special reagent and partially condense it into a liquid fraction;
  • separators– designed to reduce the moisture content of the remaining gas before feeding it into the furnace;
  • capacitors– they undergo the final transformation of the gaseous fraction into liquid after the scrubber;
  • filtering structures for additional purification of gases emitted into the atmosphere.

How does the stove work?

Technological process On a factory production line it goes like this:

  1. The heated gas is supplied from the furnace through a pipeline to the scrubber, where cooling and partial condensation take place.
  2. It then passes through special piping, which provides additional cooling, to condensers for final conversion into liquid fuel.
  3. The remaining gas, which cannot be converted into liquid, is sent for drying to a separator, from where it goes to a pyrolysis furnace for further processing.

The most advanced technological lines pyrolysis are equipped with installations for catalytic cracking, distilling pyrolysis oil into different kinds fuel. But such equipment is already a whole plant, both in area and in cost (up to several million euros).

Despite the fact that the tire pyrolysis business is not yet very widespread in Russia, there are good examples of equipment for the pyrolysis processing of domestically produced tires on the market.

Suppliers of pyrolysis plants

Tekhnokompleks LLC (Rostov-on-Don) offers PIROTEX equipment, which provides the maximum volume of high-quality liquid fuel.

Prices vary widely depending on the performance of the equipment and the degree of automation: from RUR 2,870,000.00. for an installation with a capacity of 2 tons per day up to 35,900,000.00 rub. for a monster with 32 retorts, capable of absorbing 28 tons of raw materials per day.

More details all models and prices are presented in the price list on the company website.

The company also supplies additional equipment that facilitates work with the installation: monorail tracks with electric hoists and hydraulic tippers for crucibles.

The installation for processing tires "ROSEKO" manufactured by LLC "RM" (St. Petersburg) is capable of producing gas and diesel fuel.

The equipment is compact mounted in a single container and is capable of recycling 2.5 tons of raw materials per day.

The cost of installation is 9 million rubles.

Pyrolysis line T-PU1 manufactured by PTK Pyroliz-Ekoprom LLC (St. Nizhny Novgorod) costs only 2.5 million rubles - in the basic configuration with one retort.

It is better to purchase one or two more loading containers for continuous operation. The installation is capable of processing up to 6 cubic meters of raw materials per day, consuming only 1.1 kW/h of electricity.

Video on the topic

In this video you can familiarize yourself with the process of obtaining fuel from rubber through pyrolysis processing:


So, what is good about pyrolysis:

  • compared to burning emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere are minimal, in addition, they undergo additional cleaning;
  • all products, obtained during the process, marketable in industry, no need to spend money on disposal of any leftovers;
  • low energy consumption– installations generally consume from one to several kilowatts of electricity per hour;
  • equipment actually provides itself with fuel using the generated gas.

In light of such advantages, recycling tires by pyrolysis seems to be a profitable activity.

Of course, Russia has large reserves of natural oil and gas, but they are not endless.

In addition, in addition to the purely commercial side, pyrolysis is a real salvation for the environment, so for those who think about the future, this method of recycling hazardous waste cannot but seem attractive.

In contact with

I will describe the manufacture and operation of a small reactor for processing waste tires, which was conceived by me as an experimental one for testing the parameters and examining the fuel.
The beginning of manufacturing is, of course, documentation, drawings and sketches that are tied to manufacturing capabilities, here I took such opportunities as plasma cutting and manufacturing parts using the shell method, quite well and of high quality, the only thing is not cheap. Some drawings and sketches:

So what do we see in the assembly shop after the finished parts have been delivered:

Assembly and preparation for launch:

Well, then tests and work:
Loading of raw materials after the shredder, a lot of very non-metallic cord, the percentage of rubber is less because part of the rubber is taken away, the raw materials were bought in Slantsy, ready-made, you can see them in bags, it gives a small amount of fuel, and all the raw materials are not processed, because there is not enough rubber.

you can see a “block” in the middle, the effect is not very good..
When loading cut tires... but here the experiment on solid tires is much better, and the fuel is normal in the area of ​​35 percent yield and is completely recycled.

carbon burns in “crackers”, it can also be used as fuel, in principle, an analogue of hard coal with the same ash content... or wood, but in wood the ash content of 3 percent immediately reaches 12-20, and of course there is a lot of sulfur, the sulfur does not “go away” in the fuel... according to measurements, sulfur is up to 0.8 percent incomplete, sulfur remains in the carbon where it can be up to 4-something percent. This coal is a good raw material for the synthesis gas reactor, which is in the previous description.

Here is the fuel, light - this is the light fraction, there is very little of it, it is closer to the gasoline fraction.

Well, here are various fuel tests obtained both at this installation and earlier at the first reactors.

Well, there is something about coal:

I'm adding another fuel test! Very interesting, yes, we obtained pyrolysis fuel in Perm at the installation that I designed, interesting data:

These tests came from the installation that I designed for Melitopol back in 2007, I think.
Several photos of the installation, its appearance is certainly not presentable, they were apparently made from what was at hand... but it worked well according to their reviews:

This is the carbon that comes from tires.

This is metal cord, it is usually sold as scrap metal, it is advisable, of course, to press it:

This is a general view of that stove in Melitopol; the same one, according to my design, was supposed to be built in Yekaterinburg... but the 2008 crisis prevented it, so to speak...
So everything was left unfinished, a few sad photographs from Yekaterinburg:

The only thing that in Yekaterinburg they did the project not in length but indoors:

Of course, many factories and different equipment have been designed during this time, but they are all the same for low productivity and I don’t want to go into descriptions... one thing is enough...
I got distracted a little, but let's continue, in fact, pyrolysis is not only valuable fur... sorry, not only the recycling of tires, for example, when experimenting with milk cartons and others like Tetropack:

the result is essentially ash and foil, it does not burn, the only question is where to put it and how to separate it, foil from ash... conclusion, using this technology it is possible to make equipment for annealing, say, wires, small-section electrical wires, while the insulation becomes plastic into carbon, and copper and aluminum and other metals can be turned into non-ferrous metal... that is, there is the use of pyrolysis technology not only in the recycling of tires but also in the processing of waste from the automobile industry, etc... It is possible to recycle cable and plastics, but for plastics here more complicated and this is a separate topic.
According to MPC, maximum permissible emissions, everything is normal.

I'll add a little:
So, a tire processing plant with a capacity of 12-14 tons of processing per day was designed and built, the productivity was taken at the rate of loading 400-450 kg of rubber (cut tires) per retort cube (retort 3.8 cubes, process - 12 hours), in fact, with In some modes, the installation results in higher performance than stated.
Well, maintenance. The installation is serviced by an operator and an assistant per shift, cutting tires and preparing retorts is the work of a team during the day shift; of course, a fleet of retorts is required. This distribution of labor gives good economics and work efficiency.
Well, a few more photos during the construction of this plant:

Well, a video of the installation in action in the photo above:

A rather small installation... but cost-effective... it can handle up to 5 tons per day and even more if the tires are cut and laid, possibly more, cost from 3 million rubles:

installation video of what is in the photo above:

Well, we tested a horizontal oven, a small volume (1.5-2 cubic meters), but it copes in 4 hours, cost from 960,000 rubles:

Well, and a berry for the cake - the operation of lawn mowers using gasoline from tires and the operation of a diesel generator using pyrolysis fuel from tires:

Tel: +7-911-281-95-62 - main mobile phone.

Suslov Mikhail Borisovich. Ecosintez LLC
Email mail: [email protected]

Modern society cannot imagine its life without automobile technology. As the number of cars increases, the number of worn tires in the world also increases proportionally. Machines for processing tires into crumbs are not able to cope with such a volume of rubber waste.

As a result, it was developed alternative method, in which car tires undergo a process of separation into useful elements. This method is called pyrolysis.

How does pyrolysis occur?

Tire pyrolysis is a highly efficient and inexpensive method for processing rubber products (rubber), as well as used car tires. As a result of the process, there is no environmental pollution.

The main stages of the technological process, as a result of which rubber waste, as well as worn-out car tires, are disposed of:

  • Using special knives, the tires are divided into side and front parts.
  • Next, the raw materials are loaded. The separated material is placed in a retort and hermetically sealed, and then loaded into the oven.
  • As a result of heating, rubber decomposes and gas is released. After the process is completed, the retort is removed from the heating chamber and replaced with a new one. The temperature in the oven is 450°C.
  • After cooling for a long time, remove the contents from the container. Liquid hydrocarbons are separated from the cord.

During closed combustion of rubber, no oxygen is required. Recycling tires by pyrolysis is considered completely waste-free; all products resulting from the reaction are widely used in the oil refining industry.

When burning in a furnace, chemical reactions occur that decompose rubber into gaseous petroleum components, carbon powder and metal cord.

Reaction products

As a result of processing rubber waste, several types of products are released:

  • Liquid fuel.
  • Residue containing carbon.
  • Gas during pyrolysis.
  • Metal reinforcing wire.


The liquid residue is essentially synthetic oil, similar in composition to natural oil. When processing the resulting raw materials at oil refineries, it is possible to obtain such types of materials as gasoline, fuel oil, and also synthetic oil for automotive equipment.

In many countries, this recycling method is widely used; diesel fuel is produced from a huge number of tires. From one ton of tires, 500 liters of fuel are obtained as a result of pyrolysis. The liquid residue can be used without treatment for furnaces and boilers as the main fuel.

Carbon-containing residue

The solid residue has found wide application in some areas:

  • It is similar to activated carbon in its absorbent properties.
  • As a black dye in paint and varnish and cement production.
  • As a raw material for the manufacture of new rubber products, as well as tires.
  • It is added to liquid fuel or burned itself in special furnaces.

Pyrolysis gas

Pyrolysis of tires is carried out with the release of gas, which in its characteristics is similar to natural gas. Most of this gas, as a result of combustion in a furnace, is separated into liquid fractions, as well as non-precipitating residues that support the decomposition of rubber.

Metal cord

Metal wire under impact high temperature is not subject to decomposition and remains virtually unchanged. The core of car tires is made from high-quality steel, which, when further melted, finds its second life.

Boiler design

The pyrolysis plant for tire recycling has the following main elements in its design:

  • Retort.
  • Combustion chamber.
  • Heat exchanger.


A sealed container in which rubber waste and tires, after preliminary grinding, undergo decomposition processes as a result of pyrolysis into their main components before further processing.

If air enters the retort, in the event of depressurization, an explosion of the resulting pyrolysis gas may occur.

Made from durable metal to avoid burning through the walls.

Combustion chamber

The design of the firebox consists of two compartments for burning fuel. The main combustion occurs in the first chamber, where the required temperature for the technological process is maintained. In the upper compartment, fuel is completely burned to avoid emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. The afterburning chamber is equipped with holes for natural air supply.

Heat exchanger

This design is a connection of metal pipes in which the pyrolysis gas cools and separates into its components. The dried gas is used for further combustion in a furnace. The liquid component undergoes subsequent processing.

The pyrolysis boiler is an environmentally friendly equipment if the requirements for proper operation are met.

Is it possible to make the equipment yourself?

Equipment for recycling tires can be assembled with your own hands; the design of the pyrolysis plant is simple. The following basic elements are required for manufacturing:

  1. Metal pipes of various diameters for individual units of the apparatus.
  2. Taps and valves for controlling the fuel supply to the stove.
  3. Thermometers that will be used to monitor internal processes and temperature readings.
  4. A metal barrel with a volume of 200 liters will serve for the manufacture of a combustion chamber.
  5. An ordinary household can can be used as a retort, after modifying it with airtight connections.

Do-it-yourself equipment will work, but only as a household appliance for scientific research. Without additional equipment For further processing of the resulting raw materials, the products of the household pyrolysis process are of little use for their intended purpose. The economic benefit of using such an installation will be invisible due to the small possible volume of tires.

The technological process of decomposition of car tires is explosive. If oxygen enters a depressurized retort, an explosion may occur. Such an emergency situation will lead to failure of all equipment, as well as to accidents during operation.

To increase the benefits when processing tires into suitable fuel, it is necessary to use ready-made pyrolysis plants manufactured by specialists.

The modern market has the opportunity to present production equipment of various performance values.

The resulting raw materials must be further improved and processed; for this purpose, additional auxiliary units are used in industrial units:

  • Scrubber. A device that cools the gas resulting from pyrolysis using special chemical substances. Partial condensation into liquid occurs.
  • Separator. Reduces the moisture level of the resulting gas before further supply to the furnace.
  • Capacitor. Finally converts the resulting gaseous fraction into liquid.
  • Filters. Protects against harmful substances entering the atmosphere as a result of combustion.

During the pyrolysis process, it is necessary to follow the rules of safe operation.

Oven operation

The operating method of an industrial pyrolysis plant for processing rubber products and tires involves several main production stages:

  1. Preparation of material for its further decomposition in a retort.
  2. The resulting raw material during pyrolysis is fed into a device for cooling and partial condensation of the pyrolysis gas.
  3. When passing through the condensing pipeline, the final separation into liquid and gaseous components occurs.
  4. When the remaining gas is dried, it is supplied for further combustion in a furnace.

Large processing plants use additional catalyst units in the rubber decomposition process.

In such equipment, pyrolysis raw materials are distilled into various fuels; these installations require large areas and sufficient funding.

In our country the method technological processing rubber is not yet widely used, but there are decent examples of domestically produced installations on the market.
