Growing potatoes in wheels. Technology for growing potatoes in car tires

Potatoes grow in straw without additional care.

Conventional planting of potatoes has long been proven in practice, but has its drawbacks: when hilling between rows, part of the root system is damaged. Yes, and with the usual thick planting, potatoes do not have enough sunlight, but diseases and pests are quickly transmitted from bush to bush.

There are different - new and well-forgotten old - methods of growing potatoes that can increase the yield several times, improve the quality of tubers and save time and effort spent on planting.

Potatoes under straw

- a forgotten method that was used in Russia back in the 19th century. Sprouted seed tubers are laid out on the surface of an undug potato field at a certain distance from each other. On top they are covered with a 20-30 cm layer of straw and garden and vegetable residues. That's all. No hilling, no weeding. At the end of summer - beginning of autumn, when the bushes are already beginning to dry out, the covering layer is removed and the crop is harvested directly from the surface of the soil. The tubers are large and clean.

Potatoes "in paper"

Pre-planting soil covering with various harmless and freely permeable materials has been used by gardeners for a long time. Here is an unusual and unconventional way of growing potatoes that uses packaging cardboard as a covering. Boxes from refrigerators and televisions, furniture are used; in Säästumarket stores you can pick up cardboard boxes in which food products are supplied for free.

The planting technology is simple: in the spring, before planting potatoes, packaging material is spread on the prepared soil along the entire length and width of the beds. Holes are made in the cardboard at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other, into which tubers are planted to a depth of about 15 cm and sprinkled with earth. Caring for such a bed comes down to removing weeds that have grown in the hole area and watering each bush directly during the hottest and driest time of summer. Cardboard mulch does not “spread” over the summer and perfectly protects the soil from drying out. Those who have tried growing potatoes this way say that the yield of root crops approximately doubles. And since the tubers were located at a shallow depth, harvesting was much easier.

Of course, planting potatoes in soil covered with cardboard is inconvenient. You can first plant potatoes, and then cover the rows and spaces between plants with paper mulch.

Potatoes in tires
Often gardeners simply do not find a place on their plots to plant potatoes. Therefore, the technology of growing potatoes in tires is a real godsend for small garden plots. Using it, gardeners have long used wooden barrels. But today a barrel is a scarce item, and finding old car tires is not a problem.

In a sunny area of ​​the site, dig a round area with a diameter equal to the diameter of the tire and a depth of half a shovel. The site is covered with a 10-15 cm layer of sand, and if the place is in a lowland, then it is first recommended to pour a layer of crushed stone or expanded clay for drainage. Two tires are laid on top of each other on the prepared site and filled with a mixture of earth and humus. Sprouted seed potato tubers - 4-5 pieces - are planted in a stack of tires to a depth of 10 cm with the sprouts facing up. Until the tubers have sprouted, the pyramid can be covered with film on top. Black tires are well heated by the sun, so hot weather Don't forget about watering.

After the sprouted potato plants reach 10 cm, another tire is placed on top and the sprouts are covered headlong with a mixture of soil and humus. After this, all that remains is to water the potatoes and wait for their bushes to grow, then add another tire again and repeat the whole procedure.

Inside a warm “room” made of potato tires, ideal conditions are created, as long as you don’t forget about watering. As soil is added, the number of roots and tubers per root increases. Therefore, this technology allows you to harvest two or three buckets from each stack of tires.

Hello, friends! Today we are solving the food problem in a single summer cottage. In the conditions of economic sanctions, we will make our contribution to providing our family with vegetables and fill our bins with potatoes. Foreign countries give us sanctions, and in return we will take their experience of growing potatoes on their home plots.

Overseas gardener colleagues are forced to grow potatoes in containers by circumstances related to limited planting space. Judging by the number of publications, this topic is quite in demand on foreign sites.

Potatoes from a barrel

This technology for growing potatoes has its advantages.

— There is no need to cultivate large areas of land.

— There is no need to waste time weeding and hilling potatoes.

— It’s easier to combat pests and plant diseases.

— Saving time on harvesting.

The technology for growing potatoes in containers includes four steps .

Step 1. Choose a container with a volume of approximately 50 liters, up to 90 cm in height. Make several holes in the bottom for drainage. You can use a container without a bottom, but then the container must be placed on soil that drains water well.

Step 2. For planting, potatoes are germinated. To do this, take it into a bright, cool room and lay it out in one layer in cardboard boxes, excluding direct sunlight from falling on it.

A 15 cm thick layer of moss and a mixture of fertile soil and compost are placed at the bottom of the container. About 8 tubers are planted in the prepared soil, leaving a sufficient distance between them. The tubers are covered with a mixture of soil and compost in a layer of 15 cm and well moistened with water. The soil should always be slightly moist. The main thing here is not to overdo it with watering.

Step 3. When the stems rise 15-18 cm, add soil-compost mixture to their middle. This operation is repeated several times as the stems grow.

Step 4. Harvest. After the end of the growing season, the condition of the upper tubers is checked. After making sure that they are ripe, they begin harvesting the potatoes. Lay out a tarpaulin and tip the container onto it. All that remains is to harvest a generous potato harvest.

Potatoes from a box

A vertical bed can also be built from scraps of boards. As the potato tops grow, boards are wound onto the bars and a new layer of soil mixture is added. Fresh potatoes begin to be removed from the lower rows. To do this, remove the bottom row of boards and remove the tubers. The soil is then returned to the box and the boards are nailed back down. Next time, a similar action is performed with the overlying layer. Thus, going up, you can remove the tubers as they ripen.

Potatoes from the net

Another idea is a vertical bed made of metal fence mesh. First, the mesh is rolled into a cylindrical container, tying the edges with wire. Then the bottom and walls are covered with a layer of straw and filled with soil mixture. Then everything is repeated, as in the previous examples.

Another option described by the author is when planting potatoes are placed around the perimeter of the container in 3 layers, separated by layers of soil mixture. In this case, the sprouts of the lower layers begin to grow through the walls of the container. When planting 4 kg of varietal potatoes, the yield was up to 25 kg per container.

Potatoes from tires

Another option for growing potatoes deserves attention - in car tires. Potatoes are planted in a soil mixture that fills the bottom tire. As the potato tops grow, the tires are stacked on top of each other and a soil-compost mixture is added.

Here, too, harvesting is done without a shovel. Remove the tires and separate the tubers from the soil with your hands.

Various plastic bags of sufficient volume and plastic garbage containers are used as containers for potatoes.

More interesting option, which is worth paying attention to from manufacturers of various products for summer residents. Some countries have launched the production of ready-made containers for growing potatoes. There is no need to invent anything here anymore. Handsome appearance the container will become a garden decoration. Access to the potatoes is provided by closing windows at the bottom of the container.

Of course, any new technologies must first be tested in our conditions before introducing them en masse on your site.

Try it, experiment! Have a good harvest this year! Or, in the language of old Soviet posters: “Let's catch up and overtake America!”

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Regarding the fight against ants. Previously, I used whatever chemicals I used - if there was any result, it was short-lived and not very convincing. Last season I tried a simple and safe remedy - smoking liquid concentrate! Yes, the same one that many people use for cooking! You just need to find a natural one, not an artificial one. In an 8 liter spray bottle I added 100 ml of concentrate and 100 ml of green liquid soap, added water and mixed it all well. I treated currants and trees and the ground around them with this solution. The result was simply stunning! No ants, no aphids and the currants are simply beautiful - green, lush without any distortions on the upper branches! And note - no chemicals!

Andrey 07.02.2018
Mole control (20)

Quote: dachnik

Amazing carnivores eat weeds, yes you are a modern Lysenkov
  • dachnik 07.11.2017
    Mole control (20)

    Regarding moles, there is a theory that they appear only on soil infested with weeds, that is, where there is food all year round and not seasonally (second half of summer - early autumn. Accordingly, fighting them is fighting weeds.

    Daria 01.07.2017
    How to make a lawn at your dacha... (1)

    A great article about arranging a lawn on your property! I also have grass at my dacha, but I sowed it myself, and my neighbors recommended an excellent website for laying lawns. The grass is bright green, rich in color, not dry. No hassle about seeding the grass, I just cut it with a lawnmower and water it.

    Vania 18.06.2017
    Beans (secrets and tips for growing... (2)

    Plant beans and peas by adding corn or sunflowers to the hole, they are along the stem
    will curl. You will really like it. Say "thank you"!
    Hello to all gardeners! If you plant something, maybe something will grow
    or it won’t grow, and if you don’t plant anything, the result is clear.
    Guess which one. ??????????

    Eugene 01.03.2017
    Mole control (20)

    Over the years I have tested the operation of all these traps, noise makers, including electronic ones, and was convinced of their uselessness. What saves you for a certain time (two weeks, or even more) is only briefly blowing smoke through one of the passages with a fan until a trickle appears at the far end of the area. Out of ten craftsmen among summer residents, making a fan-smoke is easy. When the moles return, I repeat the procedure. Another environmentally friendly means of mole control is my cat Alex. During the season he brings to the porch at least a dozen killed moles and shrews, how many he actually gets is unknown...

    Potato growing technology in a limited space - this is a real “godsend” for garden plots where growing potatoes in the traditional way is impossible due to lack of free space. Using it, gardeners have long used wooden barrels, but today a barrel is a scarce item, and finding old car tires is not a problem. Below is a description of simple and affordable tires.

    Technology for growing potatoes in tires, preparation

    When growing potatoes in old car tires, you will have to build some kind of pyramids from them. To build each pyramid you will need 2-3 tires, prepare them in advance.

    In a sunny area of ​​the site, you need to dig a round area with a diameter equal to the diameter of the tire and a depth of half a shovel. The site should cover with a layer of sand (10-15cm), and if the place is in a lowland, then it is first recommended to pour a drainage layer of expanded clay or crushed stone.

    Place two tires on top of each other on the prepared area and fill them with a mixture of soil and humus (compost). By potato growing technologies In car tires, the ratio of the mixture components should be 1:1. If the soil is clayey, it is recommended to add sand to it.

    Technology for growing potatoes in tires, planting and care

    Sprouted seed potato tubers (4-5 pieces) should be planted in a pyramid of tires filled with soil, to a depth of 10 cm, with the sprouts facing up. To prevent moisture from evaporating, the pyramid can be covered with film on top until the tubers have sprouted.

    Black tires are well heated by the sun, so in hot weather you should not forget about watering, and in extreme heat the tires can even be painted in White color water-based paint or whitewash.

    After the sprouted potato plants reach 10 cm, place another tire on the top of the pyramid and completely cover the sprouts with the nutrient mixture prepared in the above manner. In the future, just water the potatoes and wait until their bushes grow to add another tire and again “headlong” cover the sprouts with earth and humus. This is the essence of simplicity in a limited space.

    Inside a warm “room” made of car tires, all conditions for prosperity are created for potatoes, just don’t forget about abundant watering. In order to prevent moisture evaporation, each new layer of soil can be mulched with straw. As soil is added, the number of tubers on each root will increase and thus, in car tires, it allows you to harvest 2-3 buckets of tubers from each pyramid of tires.

    410 05/22/2019 6 min.

    Thanks to the variety of technologies, gardeners and gardeners select the best methods for growing potatoes. More recently, information has appeared about a new productive method of planting tubers in bags. This is an innovation worth experimenting with.

    The method is suitable in regions with marshy, rocky or mineral-poor soil. Even with good care in such an area, it is impossible to obtain large tubers in large quantities. Potatoes in bags or special containers are conveniently placed on small plots of land. In European countries, this method has become widespread, but our gardeners have already begun to take a closer look at it.

    Types and varieties

    There are a huge number of varieties of this root vegetable. The most common ones are described below:

    • Bella Rose. The variety was bred by German breeders. This is an ultra-early plant that produces large pink tubers with smooth skin. The average weight of one potato reaches 200 grams. Harvesting occurs 60 days after planting. With optimal care and favorable conditions, two harvests can be harvested in one season. Bella Rose is ideal for growing in bags or containers, as it easily adapts to dry conditions and is suitable for;

    White Rose

    • Shante (Sante). Plant of Dutch selection of medium early ripening. Produces yellow root vegetables with a uniform hue. This is one of the few varieties with optimal starch content and high levels of vitamin B. The weight of one potato reaches 150 grams. Harvest is expected 80 days after planting. The tubers are lightweight, suitable for transportation and long-term storage;
    • Slav. The plant was bred by Ukrainian breeders. Smooth and beautiful tubers have excellent taste. The weight of one potato reaches 150-180 grams. The variety is late-ripening, but suitable for growing in containers. After planting, potatoes require frequent feeding and moderate watering. It tolerates changes in weather and short-term dryness;
    • Blame it. An early ripening plant that produces a harvest already on the 55th day after planting in the soil. The weight of one tuber varies from 50 to 130 grams. Has high taste qualities and disease resistance. With good care, the variety competes with the famous types of potatoes - Zhukovsky early and Udacha;

    • Svitanok Kyiv. Depending on the climatic conditions tubers ripen in the early or middle period. The variety has thin skin with a uniform pinkish tint. The average weight of one tuber is about 120 grams. The plant is suitable for growing in sharply continental climates and tolerates minor drought and high humidity. The high starch content eliminates wateriness.

    Container selection

    Gardeners have a huge opportunity in choosing containers for planting potatoes. Tubers can be placed in specially prepared wooden boxes, plastic garbage containers, barrels, thick construction bags and bags. Moreover, root crops take root well in almost any soil. If you wish, you can even.

    Wooden box

    The frame blank is made from old scraps of boards. To do this, you will need to put together four supports according to the type of stool and fill the horizontal sides. The box is not nailed down at the bottom. Best option- installation on a wooden pallet. As the tubers ripen, the box of boards is lifted, the crop is harvested and soil is added to the top.

    Growing in a box

    Mesh cylinder

    You can get a vertical bed for potatoes from a metal mesh. The mesh is cut to the required size, rolled into a cylinder and tied at the edges with strong wire. The bottom is made from the same mesh. When the tubers are ready to eat, the bottom is easily unscrewed from the wire, and the soil is removed.

    You can line the inside of the mesh and the bottom part with straw so that the soil mixture for the tubers does not spill into the holes.

    Bucket container

    Potatoes can be planted in plastic buckets with a lid, the volume of which is 30 liters. To do this, the bottom is cut off and the container is turned over so that the lid is on the bottom. In this position, it is convenient to tilt the bucket, remove the lid and remove the ripened fruits. It is necessary to make holes on the walls throughout the bucket so that a sufficient amount of air reaches the tubers.

    Bucket container


    Some people practice planting potatoes in old car tires. Initially, the lower tire is filled with the soil mixture, on which another one is placed as the potato tops grow. To harvest the crop, the lower tires are gradually removed.

    If funds allow, you can purchase ready-made plastic containers made of non-toxic material on the market or in specialized stores. When heated in hot weather, they will not release harmful substances into the soil. With such containers, the area or balcony will look neat.

    Preparation of soil and planting material

    The soil mixture for containers must be properly prepared. If you follow all the recommendations, this will help you get a higher yield. Tubers develop well in humus material, pre-fertilized with phosphorus and potassium.

    If you have difficulty calculating fertilizers, you can use one developed specifically for potatoes. If planting is carried out in clean humus from compost, there is no need to additionally treat the soil with mineral fertilizers.

    Complex feeding

    The soil mixture should be loose and breathable. Before placing it in a container, it is carefully sifted to remove weeds, pebbles and pests. You also need to first treat the tubers against the Colorado potato beetle. More information regarding the fight against the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes, see.

    The market offers a wide range of soil mixtures enriched with the necessary elements. They can be combined with homemade compost or soil.

    Landing technology

    The planting of tubers in hot regions begins in mid-April, when the frosts have already passed. In areas with harsher climates, potatoes begin to be grown in May.

    Soil (25-35 cm) is poured into the container, on which 4-5 tubers are laid out. Their eyes should be sprouted. Potatoes are covered with a layer of soil not exceeding 15 cm. It is watered, but not too much. After a week, the first leaves appear on the surface. It is necessary to wait until they rise to 15 cm and add a new portion of soil on top. As the sprouts fall asleep, side shoots will form. The container should be filled until 15-20 cm remains to the edge. For more information regarding the conditions for planting potatoes, see.

    Do not build beds that are too high. Optimally, the soil height is 60 cm.


    Loosening and watering

    Potatoes in bags and containers do not require loosening. The container is installed in a sunny place, and the tubers constantly need watering. The greatest need for moisture in potatoes occurs during the flowering period, at which time the first fruits begin to develop and form. As the water evaporates, abundant watering is required, affecting all layers of the soil.

    Soil fertilization

    As the tubers grow, you can feed them, but in moderation. Not recommended for use a large number of nitrogenous fertilizers. They do not allow the tubers to ripen quickly and form a strong skin. This reduces the storage level of potatoes significantly.

    Nitrogen fertilizer


    Planting tubers in containers allows you to get young potatoes much earlier than open ground. This is due to easy access to the lower tier. The first fruits of early varieties are consumed 50 days after planting. And for this you don’t have to dig up the entire bush with a shovel. Almost the entire summer season, the potato bush produces new shoots and tubers. At the end of the period, the soil is poured out and moved. Disposable bags can be cut for convenience.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Like all types of growing cultivated plants, potatoes in bags have their positive qualities and disadvantages. Gardeners have different opinions about this technology, but the factor that plays here is not the technique itself, but the features of caring for potatoes, their variety and adaptability to conditions.


    1. Simplified care eliminates weeding, loosening and hilling of potatoes.
    2. When planting and harvesting, labor costs are minimal - you don’t have to dig the ground with a shovel or build special beds and holes.
    3. It is convenient to collect grown tubers throughout the entire growing period.
    4. Thanks to rapid evaporation and uniform distribution of moisture, potatoes do not rot.
    5. Small portions of soil are easily heated by the sun if they are placed in an open area.
    6. In case of sudden bad weather with frost, the container can be transported to a closed outbuilding.
    7. Plants are not susceptible to pests. The mole cricket will not be able to overcome an obstacle in the form of plastic or wood, and the Colorado potato beetle breeds only in open ground.
    8. City residents who do not have access to land can use the technology on their balconies. Containers are easily installed in small areas.

    There is no need to throw away the soil after harvesting. It is used next year when planting other plants as top dressing.


    To fill the container you will need a lot of humus. When using ordinary soil not enriched with minerals, the harvest is poor and the tubers are small. The soil begins to compress due to the constant supply of moisture, and the plant does not receive enough air.

    Constant monitoring of moisture levels is necessary. There are drought-tolerant varieties, but if the potatoes are left to long time in the heat without watering, it will die in the container.

    After using the container and harvesting, there is a lot of soil left over. It is difficult to deal with such waste in an apartment on the balcony.


    More useful information about growing potatoes in bags, watch the video


    The technology of growing potatoes in bags is quite tempting for those who are tired of constant work in a vast garden area. To make sure positive reviews technique, it is recommended to try it yourself. According to the stories of practicing gardeners, from 4 tubers you can harvest up to 5 kg of good large potatoes. For more information on how to get a high potato yield, see.

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