Make money by handing over garbage to a housewife. Open your business ideas: income from waste

Russians annually produce hundreds of tons of garbage. It accumulates in landfills, buried, burned. By the way, it's all money! Yes, by burying garbage in landfills, we are burying capital in the ground. But a significant part of the garbage can be recycled and earn on it.

Moreover, this is not necessarily a multimillion-dollar investment in a complex and large plant. In fact, organizing a waste recycling business is easier than it seems. Need sorting line, a press, a couple of trucks and a garbage truck. Everything, with this arsenal you can "go into battle."

The essence of recycling

Let's immediately dot all the "i". We will not talk about the business of full-fledged waste processing. This is quite an expensive business. It is much easier to start sorting and selling waste paper, plastic bottles and cans for further processing.

In this case, your job is as follows: you receive the garbage, sort it, selecting plastic, tin, paper and cardboard. Then send it all to the press. After that, ready-made briquettes made of plastic, tin or paper are loaded into the machine and sent to customers.

Who is the buyer? There are many, you just have to look. In fact, these are almost all companies engaged in the production of plastic products, producing cardboard, tin products.

According to the reviews of people involved in such a business, it is important to choose the right staff here. What to hide, the work itself is not prestigious and rather specific, especially at the sorting stage. Where you literally have to sort through tons of garbage with your hands, in search of the things you need.

And this is one of the key problems of this business. According to the entrepreneur Igor Sviridov, who deals with waste processing in Volgograd, there is nothing more difficult than finding people to sort.

“This has become a real problem, yes, the work is unskilled, yes“ dirty ”, respectively, the salary is not the highest, but I paid garbage sorters decently, at least, more than loaders in a nearby hypermarket, - says Igor. - It did not help. After working for a short time, they always quit. I tried to hire homeless people and the so-called downtrodden element. But it didn't help. The solution was found through trial and error. First, I improved working conditions. And my sorters have disposable wraps for clothes, beautiful and comfortable uniforms, a clean and modern locker room, a shower. Secondly, I and other employees in every possible way demonstrated to the sorters that they are a key link in our chain of success. Thirdly, at first I myself worked with them on sorting. In the end, I solved an impossible task and coped with the staff turnover in the sorting shop!

Where to get raw materials?

At the landfill. Do not laugh. In fact, only there you will find a lot of ownerless plastic bottles, cardboard, glass containers. The point is small - to agree with the management of the landfill that you are allowed to "rake up the rubble." Problems can arise here, but, as practitioners say, a little help from the landfill administration solves all issues.

As the primary sorters who will select the garbage you are interested in, local homeless people are quite suitable. They know very well what lies where, and for little money they are ready to give you this stuff. The only thing is that they need strict control.

But there is another option - you can conclude an agreement with shops, markets, various institutions. They regularly have tens of kilograms of paper waste that needs to be put somewhere. According to Igor Sviridov from Volgograd, he easily signed a contract for the export of empty cardboard boxes with a supermarket chain. For this he pays little money. But it is guaranteed to receive paper and cardboard in large volumes, which are then handed over to processors in a compressed form.

“If you do not take into account the costs of transportation, wages, and so on, then I sell a kilogram of waste paper at least 10 times more expensive than I bought it from a supermarket,” Igor clarifies. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to build such a supply chain with plastic bottles.

Where and how to sell

Main consumers waste paper, plastic and tin- various productions. They are in almost every region, and, as experience shows, they are happy to take recycled materials.

But they take it by weight. In addition, no one will be happy if you bring a full KAMAZ of plastic bottles or waste paper. After all, half of it is air, and such recyclables will take unreasonably much space. Also, are you willing to pay for air freight?

Therefore, the main part of the waste processing enterprise is the press. It should be a universal press that will make dense cubes from your garbage. It is these cubes that you will sell. Moreover, as the current entrepreneurs say, it is quite profitable.

Unfortunately, Igor Sviridov does not disclose the amount of his profit. But he emphasizes that the profitability of his business is almost 100 percent, and the demand for products is constantly growing.

Ivan Muraviev
Photo from,,,,

The trash has always been environmental problem for all mankind. Today, the issue of garbage is being discussed at all levels: federal, regional, and so on. However, so far these are just talks and no concrete actions on the issue of waste processing have been reached.

According to studies, today at least one is required for waste disposal. Only in this case it is possible to significantly affect the ecology of the environment.

In some countries of the world, a real war is being waged over garbage. Everyone wants to dominate their dump, because he firmly believes that this will bring him stability for life.

The problem of waste processing and the creation of a special plant as a relevant business idea today

Today it is believed that waste recycling is a very profitable and profitable business.

Until recently, this area of ​​\u200b\u200bbusiness was not, for example, the processing of wood or other raw materials. But now the situation has changed dramatically.

Across the territory of the Russian Federation there are now a huge number of landfills that require certain actions, and thus will allow waste to be disposed of. According to statistics, about 96% of all household waste is taken to landfills. Moreover, according to estimates, about 60-70% of this is of some value and, after processing, can be reused.

First of all, for waste processing, at least a specialized mini-factory is needed that will perform this function. Today, there are very few such factories, which allows you to seriously think about this type of business.

Lack of high competition, as well as the fact that people will never stop throwing out garbage, says only one thing - this business will remain relevant for a very long time.

The relevance of opening this business is discussed in the following video:

Opening options

Every novice entrepreneur who is thinking about creating his own waste processing plant thinks about what kind of form to bring to life.

Exists several varieties waste processing plants, namely:

Here, as they say, the choice remains with the entrepreneur himself, but you must take into account your start-up capital. If, for example, a stationary plant will cost millions, then a mini plant will cost no more than $30,000.

Most entrepreneurs recommend initially betting on a mini-factory, since there is not so much start-up capital required, but at the same time it is fast. Moreover, there is no need to hire a large number personnel, while productivity is high.

Start entrepreneurial activity it is from a mini-factory that allows you to understand the whole process from the inside, and after receiving a tangible profit, think about whether it is worth expanding or not.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then the easiest this can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to facilitate and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant at your plant and save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed with an electronic signature and sent automatically online. It is ideal for an individual entrepreneur or LLC on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!

Overview of mini-factories and their cost

Without any doubt, any manufacturing country sets its own prices for such mini-factories.

So, for comparison, China offers to purchase their mini-factory at a cost of no more than $16,000. At the same time, it includes all the necessary functions that allow you to perform any tasks.

As for the Ukrainian manufacturer, the cost of their mini-factory starts at $60,000. Agree, this is a rather impressive amount, which can completely discourage the desire for initial stage formation of their business activities.

If we take into account the domestic manufacturer, then in this regard, the price can vary from 10 to 20 thousand dollars. In many respects it depends on a complete set of the equipment.

It is worth noting that the domestic manufacturer is distinguished by reliability and quality, while the fact that in short time you can always buy any part that can fail.

Which manufacturer to pay attention to is the exclusive desire of the client himself, who focuses directly on his start-up capital. But do not forget that the costs will quickly pay off.

Description of the recycling process

Modern mini-factories are equipped with sections, in each of which garbage is separated, sorted and crushed.

In addition, there are areas where heat and energy are obtained, including waste compaction.

The basis of such a mini-factory includes a mechanized complex, thanks to which waste is sorted. High-temperature processing is carried out using pyrolysis equipment. In the process of post-combustion of pyrolysis gases, the temperature can reach about 1100º C.

It is worth noting that the outgoing flue gases have a rather impressive level of purification.

The presence of a pyrolysis plant as part of a mini-plant guarantees practically waste-free production. And this, accordingly, entails a significant profit.

Main advantage the creation of a mini-factory is considered to be:

  • absence of unpleasant odors;
  • lack of insects and other various rodents.
  • ease and speed of installation;
  • small cost.

The technological process of processing is presented in the following video:

Business registration rules

Before starting to carry out entrepreneurial activities in this area, it is necessary to issue a package of permits.

To do this, you must contact the Ministry of Ecology, which is issuing a similar one.

Initially, a newly created company must undergo an examination for compliance, after which a conclusion is issued. Such a conclusion is issued for an indefinite period. It should be borne in mind that its cost will cost approximately 5 thousand rubles.

In addition to this document, necessary:

  • obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station (SES);
  • a project that describes all the nuances of the technological process.

But, despite all the documents that are necessary for the legalization of this business, it follows initially, which can describe all the intricacies of doing business.

In addition, you need to pay attention to sales, which is a key factor.

Drawing up a business plan

Everyone who is trying to start their own business in this area should have a business plan, thanks to which you can predict many problems that await in the initial stages, including calculating a number of actions that will help in case of possible insolvency.

Descriptive part

It has long been no secret that a mini-recycling plant is an excellent investment that will provide stable profits for many years to come. All over the world, this field of activity is very popular, since many companies are ready to purchase for themselves in any quantity both a certain type of waste and a complete set.

Production part

Equipment which is necessary for the implementation of labor activity includes:

  1. production line for sorting raw materials;
  2. crushing plant;
  3. a bin for collecting raw materials (a container for storing the processed material);
  4. special press.

Most novice entrepreneurs give their preference to imported equipment, however, this is a big mistake. The fact is that the domestic manufacturer, firstly, is of better quality, and secondly, it is much cheaper.

For this reason, many need quite an impressive start-up capital, and this, as a result, leads to the fact that many simply abandon their idea at the initial stage.

In addition, the need for truck where raw materials will be delivered and finished products will be sold.

Approximately $80,000 will be needed to meet this need. In the event that the entrepreneur has additional capital, it is advisable to purchase a melting furnace.

Marketing part

The marketing part of the business plan is considered to be the key one. Thanks to a competent approach to the analysis of competitiveness, you can solve many problems at once and leave your competitors behind.

Despite the fact that there are few competitors in this area, it is a gross mistake not to pay attention to them.

According to statistics, many similar plants are created annually in the territory of the Russian Federation, which plan to make a profit from this field of activity. It is necessary to analyze this market in detail, and finally decide in which direction to move in the future.

This is primarily due to the fact that there are a huge number of types of waste, and it is impractical to take on everything at once.

This direction is currently considered one of the most promising and quickly paid off.

However, this is not an obligation at all, but rather a recommendation, because each region has its own competitors, from which it is necessary to build on.

Financial part

To open your own mini-factory, it is enough to have start-up capital in the amount of 80,000 dollars.

First of all, these funds will be spent on the implementation priorities, namely:

  • registration of all permits (licenses, permits, and so on);
  • renting premises (the place where the equipment will be directly installed);
  • purchase of the necessary equipment;
  • purchase of the first batch of raw materials;
  • employees (the salary for the year for each of the employees is taken into account).

A small amount of money will be spent on the organization associated with garbage disposal. This is due to the fact that the garbage itself costs about 1 million rubles. The greatest difficulty arises at the moment when it is necessary to find sales channels.

When running a business, you need to understand that profit company depends on many factors, in particular:

  • method of waste processing;
  • production volume.

In order to significantly increase the profit received, it is enough to organize a collection point for secondary (recycled) raw materials.

This method will allow you to keep the profitability of production at a level of at least 50%, and thereby get a tangible.

Possible problems

Every type of business activity entails the risk of non-profit. To get away from this in every possible way, it is enough to correctly draw up a business plan.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account literally everything to the smallest detail.

First of all, any problems begin with minor flaws, which, as a rule, leads the company to the bottom.

It is necessary to study the information on waste processing as best as possible in order to be aware of the entire technological process and, if necessary, quickly solve any problem.

As soon as the business has begun to operate, it is necessary to sign an agreement on the supply of raw materials with several suppliers at once, since in this case the risk of obtaining a shortage of material is minimized. Ultimately, this will allow the mini-factory to supply finished products without delay and in full.

It is also worth considering that it is not worth overestimating the starting capital, and expanding should only be a last resort. Inexpedient investment of personal capital can play a cruel joke and affect the company's activities.

An overview of domestic waste processing equipment is presented in this video:

In today's era of great opportunities, you can find a lot of ideas on how to start own business. As a rule, most start-up entrepreneurs open cafes, shops, pawnshops, sell balloons or rent vehicles. And only a few make millions on garbage. Yes, yes, you heard right. A garbage business can bring really big money.

Unlimited Possibilities

At present, all the conditions are in place to enter this sphere and take a worthy place in it. You will have few competitors, and the prospects for the development and expansion of your empire are limitless. In general, it is very strange that in Russia this business still seems somehow outlandish and not prestigious. Meanwhile, in Europe, he has long been appreciated.

Moreover, there is fierce competition in this area, and it is simply impossible to enter it without having enough business connections and financial resources. The garbage business is interesting in that you will always have raw materials for work. Plastic bottles, broken glass, household waste- all this was, is and will be as long as humanity exists. Experts have calculated that each person on the planet annually produces about 250 kilograms of waste.

About providing documents

Before you start doing business on garbage, you need to obtain permission to engage in such activities from the Ministry of Ecology. It is it that should issue you a license for the right to collect and process municipal solid waste. However, for this it is still necessary to pass a special environmental examination, which will allow obtaining the necessary conclusion.

Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is issued to the entrepreneur once for the entire period of the company's existence and costs about 5,500 rubles. In addition, you will be required to receive approval from the sanitary and fire service. For a positive response from these authorities, draw up project documentation with a detailed description technological processes at your processing plant. These conclusions will cost you from 300 to 1000 rubles.

Think ahead

Experienced entrepreneurs say that in order to issue the entire package of permits, it may take from 3 to 6 months. If you plan to open a small processing plant, then issue an IP. To do this, provide the relevant tax application, a copy of your passport and pay the state duty.

And before investing your personal funds or loans attracted from outside in a dirty business, be sure to draw up detailed plan actions. Also, you must clearly understand what type of waste you are going to process, on what basis the garbage delivery will be delivered, and, finally, where the processed products will be sold.

About attachments

We must say right away that this business is not suitable for all entrepreneurs. As a rule, businessmen who have already succeeded in some business, have earned their first capital on it and are thinking about expanding their empire through new areas, show interest in it. Experts say opening a new universal recycling plant various kinds garbage will cost about 20 million dollars.

We think that because of this amount, many entrepreneurs who previously thought about how to make money on garbage have lost all desire for it. But don't despair. You can get by with less money. For example, you can open a small factory that would focus only on a specific type of waste. In this case, 80 thousand dollars will be enough to start.

This amount will include receipt of all required permits, rent, purchase of all equipment, purchase of a batch of raw materials and, of course, the first wage to all staff. As you can see, you can still figure out how to make money on garbage without having millions in your pocket. By the way, even less finance is required to organize the waste disposal business: a new KamAZ garbage truck costs about a million rubles, and a used one is half the price. But in such a niche, great difficulties lie in finding customers.

There are nuances

Your income will directly depend on what type of waste the enterprise is able to accept, how it processes waste and what the volume of its work is. Entrepreneurs who have already made capital in this area admit that it is best to deal with paper and plastic. The processing of this particular raw material is considered the most profitable (about 50%).

In order to provide your enterprise with an uninterrupted supply of waste of this particular category, organize your own collection points. As a rule, small factories buy recycled plastic at a price of 14,000 to 18,000 rubles, then process it into special granules and sell it at 30,000 rubles per 1 ton. The products of waste processing enterprises are in great demand among companies involved in plastic small things.

About the premises and more

In order to start a full-fledged work, you will need a roomy room. Its minimum size is 500 square meters. In addition, you need to have about 100 square meters of storage space, as well as a room or a separate building for an office.

Experts in this business offer to place their enterprise closer to a landfill outside the city. So you kill two birds with one stone: save money on renting premises and increase your income by reducing the cost of shipping raw materials. Your enterprise should have a minimum set, which consists of crushing equipment, a sorting line, a press, a storage hopper, and a magnet.

Don't spray

It is also recommended to install additional melting furnaces, however, this can significantly increase the amount of mandatory investments. The minimum set of non-new equipment of domestic production will cost about $50,000. As you can see, before you start making money from garbage, you need to invest well.

However, not only the initial capital is of key importance here. Before engaging in this kind of business, think carefully about everything, draw up a business plan for your enterprise. With a properly built and organized work, you can start earning serious money from garbage in the first year.

Summing up

Currently, the waste processing business is not popular among domestic entrepreneurs. This area is still treated as something inferior. In fact, earnings on garbage can be very significant, and European companies have long understood this, ready to invest millions of dollars in this business and fight in the competition to take their place in this market.

It's better to start small. Open your mini paper and plastic recycling plant. It is better to buy equipment in Russia. The minimum already worked set will cost you 50 thousand dollars. In order to start making money as soon as possible, move your business to the boundaries of the landfill.

Given the cost of a garbage truck that has already worked at another enterprise, it can be purchased in order to mobilize recycling as much as possible. And in order not to experience problems with raw materials at all, organize the collection of the waste you are interested in here at the enterprise.

In order to start this business, you need to have at least $ 70,000 in your pocket. Experts are sure that these funds can begin to return in the first year of operation. This means that in about a year and a half you will be able to justify the investment and reach a net profit. Therefore, it is worth trying your hand at this, albeit not very attractive, but profitable business.

My name is Galina and I earn on ... rubbish for a month 3 average salaries in the country. Now I will tell you how I do it.

This is the story of my reader Galina P. The article will focus on how the idea of ​​earning money was born from a public project. After reading it, you will see that money is everywhere. There would only be a desire to earn them.

Five years ago, I was elected chairman of the street committee in the private sector.

Landfills are the scourge of all cities and towns. Our small town was no exception.

We, the members of the street committee, also tried to somehow influence the irresponsible townspeople. Nothing helped - neither persuasion, nor statements to the administrative commission. As soon as we fought for the cleanliness of city streets, household waste in the wrong places appeared again and again.

And then an idea struck me: why not organize the collection and removal of garbage from houses for a certain fee? We organized a meeting of residents, consulted with them about the time, methods of collection and export, and discussed tariffs. Many liked the idea.

The beginning of the idea

To begin with, I had to assess the situation and see what we have to start garbage collection and what needs to be done or purchased?

The son was engaged at that time in cargo transportation on the GAZelle, he had an open IP. He also liked the new proposal, especially since things were not going well with cargo transportation.

It remained to conclude contracts with residents of private houses. We decided not to wait for them to contact us themselves, but to go home. This is where the difficulties began.

The main problem was that the residents of individual houses never paid for the removal and disposal of garbage, and seriously believed that the city administration should do this. And so they carried their waste into the containers of high-rise buildings, into the nearest ditches and bushes. Breaking this consciousness turned out to be the most difficult task.

First steps

We decided not to despair, but to start working. They went into every house, explained, convinced. I was glad that after all, many residents entered into contracts willingly. But there were also refusers. Someone did not believe in the success of the business started, someone stated that there was no garbage or they took it out themselves. We decided to give them time to look and think.

Tariffs were set according to the number of people living in the house:

  • 50 rubles per person,
  • but not more than 150 rubles per household per month.

We collect garbage packed in bags from each household once a week according to a pre-approved schedule, no more than 40 kilograms at a time from each household.

We started working at GAZelle, from the first 50 contracts concluded. The initial total income was just over 5,000 rubles a month. This was not enough even to refuel the car.

Of course, I had to start with investing my own money: for gasoline, the salary of the driver and the loader, spare parts, coupons for the placement and disposal of waste at the landfill. For the first six months of work, I had to invest own funds 30,000 rubles.

Initially, they collected payment in cash, but it was very troublesome and time-consuming. We opened a bank account, organized payment for the service through the Russian Post, Sberbank.

In the process of work, we saw our first miscalculations and mistakes. The tariffs turned out to be economically unjustified, since there was a lot of garbage, even among those living alone. We decided to collect ash, plant residues, and household waste, but set a single tariff for all households - 150 rubles per month.

First results

Treaties continued to be signed. But now things have gone more successfully, as people have seen the advantages and convenience of this service and have begun to turn to us for the conclusion of contracts, not only from “our” streets, but from the whole city.

Due to rising prices for gasoline and spare parts, tariffs in 2016 were forced to be raised to 200 rubles per household per month. The Department of Social Security pays 50% compensation and a subsidy for this service to privileged categories of the population.

For five years of work, about 600 contracts were concluded. The total income per month is about 120 thousand rubles per month.


After two years of work, they were able to buy a dump truck. It has become easier to work, now you do not need to unload the garbage manually.

Our main expenses are: payments to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, social funds, taxes, gasoline, spare parts, wages for workers, coupons for the disposal of solid waste, maintaining a bank account, communications and the Internet, stationery.

These expenses make up 60%-70% of the total income. In monetary terms, this is about 70,000 rubles. Net profit we receive about 50-60 thousand rubles per month. This amount is not constant, as it depends on many conditions.

MSW is taken to the city landfill. Waste disposal is carried out by MUP "Kommunalshchik". We pay him 40 rubles for placing each cubic meter of waste. We take out about 100 cubic meters of garbage per month.

For five years of work, we have received about three million rubles in profit.

And then came the repeater

This year, 2019, is marked by the so-called "garbage" reform. With the arrival of the Regional Operator on our territory, we became its contractor.

Payment for the service now goes directly to the Regoperator, and he pays us. Here you need to clarify - you have to pay. But due to the fact that the population does not regularly pay for garbage collection, we also receive less of our money.

So far, only the Regoperator's payments are barely enough for gasoline and wages for workers. But we hope that this transitional period will end and all difficulties will be left behind. And the work is endless.

An interesting way to make money online on ... garbage.

Let's look at a simple way to make money on waste without investments, and besides, in online mode. Those. to make money on garbage, we only need the Internet and a few minutes of time. We will make money on waste recycling with the help of the Polish company reCyclix. The company is engaged in the processing of waste into pellets and gives everyone the opportunity to earn on it. For a successful start, the company gives each registered user 20 €.

The scheme of cooperation with the company is as follows:

— You buy garbage from the same company

— The company uses its equipment to process waste into pellets

– You sell companies or ship (if you have distribution channels) a finished product (pellets)

As you can see, everything is simple and requires absolutely no effort.

Let's take a closer look at the whole process.

After registering on the company's website, you find yourself in your Personal Area, where you will see your balance and trading instruments. You must have 20 € bonuses on your balance. Read the information about the project and click on "I want to start" to buy garbage.

The whole recycling process consists of several stages: waste purchase, sorting, crushing, washing, extrusion and the final product is a granule. Each stage takes a certain amount of time.

You can buy both waste and shredder. The difference is that waste is cheaper (0.2 €/kg.), but it takes longer to process it into pellets. Since you earn on the sale of pellets (already finished product), then, accordingly, you will have to wait longer to make a profit - 21 days from the moment you buy the waste to sell it. Crusher is processed into pellets about a week faster, but costs twice as much (0.45 €/kg.). The finished product (granules) can be sold for 0.60 €/kg. You can wait another 2 weeks of the cycle and sell the pellets for 0.67 €/kg. So, choose which option suits you best.

With my 20 € I bought 50 kg. waste for 10 € and 22 kg. crushed for 9.90 €.

Please note that for each user there is a quota for the purchase of garbage, if you reach the limit on the quota, then this is easily solved by buying shares in the "Equipment" section.

After 14 days, I will be able to sell pellets made from crushed grain, and after 21 days, pellets made from waste. A total of 37.24 €. Total: 17.34 € - my profit.

The minimum amount for withdrawing money is 20 €. You can withdraw funds and replenish your account using Paypal, Bitcoin and Wire Transfer. The minimum amount to replenish the account is also 20 €.

If you do not want to invest your own money, then you can use the 4-level referral program that operates in the system. You will receive from 1% to 10% commission from each of your referrals. Also, you can get a good bundle of this affiliate program with an affiliate program from Hyperantivirus. Withdraw money to bitcoin with Hyperantivirus and invest in saving the planet from garbage.

And now to the question “Is it all a divorce?”. I have not received any payments yet, but I easily found the company using the KRS code, which inspires confidence. You can verify this by following this link.

Decent earnings for you.
