Logic games for children 5 years old. Logic games

Developing tasks for logic in children middle group kindergarten. Assignments will help teachers prepare children for school.

Exercise 1

Arrange (connect arrows) fruits in a basket, and vegetables on a plate.

Task 2

Paint toys red, clothes - yellow, dishes - in blue.

Task 3

Where is whose tail, where is whose nose?

Task 4

Plant (with the help of arrows) a cockerel not on a log and not on a bench, a chicken - not on a fence and not on a log, a cat - not on a bench and not on a fence.

Task 5

What figure is missing in each row?

Task 6

Pick a pair for each item.

Connect the matching objects with lines

Task 7

In each line, instead of dots, draw the missing figures, keeping the order of their alternation

Task 8

Draw the objects in each row so that they become the same.

Task 9

Perform certain actions

Task 10

How many animals are in the house on the left? How many live in the house on the right? How many animals, and who hid in the two lower houses?

Task 11

colorize in green a picture without a ball; in blue - the one where there is no pyramid; red - where there is no cube; yellow - where there are all items.

Task 12

Help the girls find their toys: connect with lines and color the girls' clothes and toys the same color.

Task 13

In each group there is an object that does not fit the rest for some reason. Name these signs.

Task 14

From the items in the bottom row, choose the one you want to draw in the empty "window"

Task 15

Which of the four pictures depicts the characters correctly?

Task 16

The dog and cat have blue and green mats. The cat does not have a green rug, and the dog does not have a blue one. Color your rugs the right way

Task 17

There are blue and pink vases on the table. Tulips are not in a pink vase, and daffodils are not in a blue one. Color the vases correctly

Task 18

Lena has two scarves: red and yellow. Long scarf - no yellow color, and the short one is not red. Color the scarves correctly.

Three-year-old children experience tremendous changes in their intellectual development. Often, it is during this period that the crisis of three years comes to an end in children, and also thanks to this, the ability to perceive oneself as a person is manifested. A kid at the age of three years smoothly moves from subject-effective mental activity to a visual-figurative way of thinking. With the help of the rapid development of speech, the child significantly expands his horizons and vocabulary, and the first grammatical constructions begin to form in him.

Logic is one of the most important tools that a person owns and which significantly improves the process of cognition. The ability to think gives the baby the opportunity to be aware of everything that is happening around, and also teaches to find connections in objects, objects and phenomena.

The characteristic features of the formation and development of logical thinking at the age of 3-5 years are manifested in the fact that the intellectual process has a pronounced emotional and expressive character. It is very entertaining for the kid, because with the help of developmental tasks he strives to learn, search and justify the causes of a particular process.

During the game, children can give generalized images, analyze the situation. With the help of logical tasks, difficult process mastery of skills and abilities, but it takes place in a playful way, so intellectual activity acquires an entertaining and educational character.

Games and tasks for the development of logic in children 3-5 years old

Logic game "Tangled paths"
Material: a piece of paper with arrows that are directed in different directions (right, left, down, up).
Task: It is necessary to ask the child to decorate the arrows with different pencils. Arrows that point to the right are green; left - red; down - yellow; up is blue.
This exercise not only develops logical thinking in children, but also prepares their hand for writing.

Logic game "To eat or not?"
This exercise is aimed at the development of speech, logical thinking, as well as the correlation of various objects.
Material: comes without materials.
Task: the teacher says the object. For example: banana. The kid must answer whether it is possible to eat it and what animal loves bananas.

Assignment: “There is a mistake in one of these pictures. Which one? Explain why"

Assignment: “On which plate is the pear in front of the apple?”

Task: "Where is whose shadow?"

Assignment: "What happens if you cut out the figure drawn on the folded sheet?"

Task: "What should be drawn in an empty cell?"

Quest: One of these towers must fall. Which?"

Assignment: "In which picture does the pose of the bear and the bunny match the top picture?"

Assignment: “How many black cells does this plump dinosaur cover? Count only whole cells."

Assignment: "Choose the missing small cube so that each face of the large cube is the same color."

Assignment: “The trainer has a tangled whip. How many nodes does it have?

Task: "Which color stick is the lowest?"

Task: “One mouse is about to fall. Which?"

Task: "What is close to the girl, what is far?"

Assignment: “In which drawings will the ropes be tied in a knot if you pull on their ends?”

Assignment: “How many animals does a girl see, how many a boy, and how many are their dad?”

Task: Divide each chocolate bar into 4 equal parts.

Assignment: "Swap the positions of two dancers so that the boys and girls stand through one."

Assignment: “The travelers decided to take a picture of the house. Who got what photo?

Assignment: "What parts is this boat built of?"

Assignment: “The robot decided to get out. What did he do wrong? Find eight "irregularities"

Thinking in children's lives

When a child approaches the age of 5-6 years, parents should pay attention to the level of his thinking. Since the ability to analyze and systematize the information received will increase school performance. Games with geometric shapes help to systematize knowledge about the concepts: shape, color and size.

Is it possible to carry a bulky closet along a narrow corridor? What to sew, what to wear to prom? How to stand up in such a way that each person is clearly visible in the resulting photo? All these tasks are set for figurative thinking. The images themselves are of several categories depending on which sense organs are perceived.

Concepts are also included in the category of thinking, and together they represent irreplaceable elements. With the help of images, you can very quickly make a decision about the staging and placement of this object. Of course, it is necessary to have an internal ability to manipulate images (mental rotation of objects), their transformation and combination. Such thinking is vital, but it does not appear immediately.

Small children should not be allowed to cross the street alone, as they are not yet able to correctly estimate the correct distance between them and the car. This ability will be formed only by the age of 15. The received information about the images is perceived instantly, in a few milliseconds.

The retelling of what he saw or read will take much more time than the fleeting run of a cat, and, moreover, it will not always be complete, because there are simply no suitable names or words for many phenomena. Those properties of the object that are reflected in the images can be brought into the narrow framework of concepts. They cannot be divided into essential and non-essential. This ability of images is very much appreciated in solving problems.

With the help of figurative thinking, one can see various properties of an object (including those that are usually recognized as insignificant in terms of concepts) and, already using these properties, identify connections between objects.

At the end of the 20th century, photography, film, and television greatly simplified the creation and transformation of images compared to the traditional painting technique. Now it has become much easier to visually show the subject under discussion, to show the dynamics of change, to identify various possible outcomes events. This greatly helps to conduct work efficiently, making life easier for a person.

Thanks to well-developed logical thinking, children successfully and quickly adapt to modern world. Before taking any action, they can foresee the course of events and not commit rash acts. Tasks for the development of logic help prepare the child for school.

Mathematical tasks for the development of logic

1. There are 2 horses in the stable. Two more horses galloped up to them. How many horses are in the stable?
2. Petya, Kolya, Lena and Alina came to Masha's birthday party. How many children are at the party?
3. Look carefully at the picture. How many children are drawn on the playground?
4. Dad bought balloons for Natasha. 1 blue, 2 green, 1 yellow and 2 red. How many balloons did Natasha buy in total?
5. There are 3 dolls and 2 cars on one shelf in the store. On the second shelf - 1 doll and 4 cars. Which shelf has more toys?

6. A red cat had 6 kittens, and a gray cat had 2 less. How many kittens does a gray cat have? How many kittens?
7. Mom makes a vegetable salad. 1 tomato, 2 cucumbers, 5 radishes. How many vegetables did it take to make the salad?
8. On the table, lay out the details cut out of colored cardboard in front of the baby: 2 circles, 3 triangles, 3 squares, 1 oval. With such cards, you can come up with many logical tasks for the child. Ask to make a house out of the details and count how many figures are involved in creating the house. Another version of the game: give a small participant a certain number of figures and offer them to make a booth for a dog.

Didactic games for the development of thinking and logic

Such logical tasks will become the basis for preparing the child's hands for writing and drawing. When performing tasks, you should comment on each action.

1. Draw the subject. On an A4 sheet, on one side, draw or find a printed version, some picture where the second half is not drawn. The kid needs to pick up a pencil and finish drawing half of the object, then color it. A child of 5 years old can easily cope with such a task. For those who are younger, a variant with traced dotted lines is offered, the little smart guy needs to connect them.

2. Color the subject correctly. Offer to color the rug, while paying attention that the dog does not have a red rug, and the cat does not have a green one. The child must figure out and choose the right pencils for coloring.

3. Learning to write numbers. Print materials where there are logical tasks to circle the numbers by dots. The numbers can be in the form of examples: 1+1=2 and others.

4. Find a mate. Print out drawings where you need to look for a couple of items. You can choose different options: draw a line from one to another, combine objects into groups of three according to common features. For example, a pattern with the same plates, but the patterns on the plates are different. You need to combine the same plates into groups.

5. Children 4-5 years old do a great job with crossword puzzles. Words need to be guessed in terms familiar to the baby. Make themed crossword puzzles, for example: winter, summer, kindergarten, toys, weather, zoo.

6. The figure shows various objects related in meaning. It is necessary to finish the missing element in an empty window. For example: a house is drawn - a brick, a sea - a drop of water, a chicken - a chicken, a fish - an empty window.

7. Different balls are drawn, you need to find a pair, connecting them according to common features (according to the pattern on the balls).

8. Look at the picture. Circle, triangle, rectangle and square are drawn. Shapes need to be swapped. Nearby, the little logician must draw the same figures in any other sequence.

9. There are three houses in the picture. Draw the missing elements to make the houses the same.

10. Confusion. In the pictures, the animals are divided into two parts, it is necessary to connect them correctly, since the animals in confusion have exchanged their tails.

11. Labyrinth. Find a way out of the labyrinth, draw a path for the mouse past the mousetraps with a pencil. Find a safe path to the cheese.

12. Whose traces. The picture shows various traces of animals and birds, the child is invited to connect the traces with the animal that left them on the piece of paper.

Logical tasks for the development of speech

In such logical tasks, children should gain experience in constructing sentences that are related in meaning and in a logical sequence.

2. Exercises "The fourth extra". Invite the child to consider a picture that shows: an apple, a banana, a pear, a cucumber. The kid should explain what is superfluous and why.

3. Riddles. If the baby has never solved riddles before, then the help of an adult will first be required to explain exactly how it is required to reason in order to determine the hidden object or phenomenon. For example: round, tasty, ran away from grandfather, ran away from grandmother. If it is difficult for the child to guess, we give a hint: the fox ate him (the answer is a bun).

4. Make up a story from the picture. Thinking up a story from pictures is an interesting logical task that children really like. Print color cards with logically related pictures: the girl woke up; the girl is going to school; the girl goes out into the street; girl at the blackboard answers homework.

Most effective method to form basic skills and abilities in a child of 6-8 years old is a systematic game learning. At the age of 7, it is very important to develop mental mobility, and logic games for children are best tool which gives unsurpassed results. At the same time, modern fun should not contribute to the manifestation of aggression or a bad mood - they are required to direct the energy flow of a young gamer in the right, productive direction.

Educational toys as an integral part of the learning process

Plunging into the space of the World Wide Web, inquisitive fidgets can get overly carried away, so the main task of adults is to follow the boundary line between interest and addiction. Advanced kids with an analytical mind can take on more serious puzzles. For some guys, for a start, simple manipulations with picking up fun puzzles are enough. Advanced, colorful graphics from trivial, traditional games make real masterpieces that will be appreciated by experienced gamers.

A selection of educational computer games from Quicksave is formed taking into account all age, intellectual and psychological aspects, security requirements, and contains:

  • Online entertainment for memory training, concentration and logical thinking;
  • Mysterious quests, various first-person adventure games, dangerous journeys in search of lost treasures;
  • Math tasks with different levels difficulties, etc.

Our mini-applications will be the basis for staging competent speech, extensions vocabulary, consolidating arithmetic developments, logical skills and other necessary characteristics.

Raising the mental level of a child with Quicksave

The flexible and mobile thinking of a 6-year-old child is already ready for the first tests. Do not be afraid to involve them in virtual reality - your child will quickly adapt to the outside world if he keeps up with the times.

Correctly prioritize, select for children illustrative examples, vivid images, so that they show genuine excitement and sincere interest at the stage of familiarization with exciting flash games from the categories: , . Don't miss this great chance to play for free with Quicksave and take confident steps towards building a solid foundation for your growing organism.
