Type structure of bibliography. Types of bibliography determined by additional characteristics Types of modern bibliography

GOST 7.0-99 “Information and bibliographic activities, Bibliography. Terms and Definitions" characterizes bibliography as "Information infrastructure that ensures the preparation, distribution and use of bibliographic information." Bibliography exists in both traditional (book, printed) and electronic versions and is aimed both at the development of the book and information culture of the individual (society), and at the identification, distribution, search, discovery and use of fixed texts (documents).

Bibliographers distinguish the following main types of bibliography: national (state), scientific-auxiliary, advisory, branch, local history (regional), publishing and bookselling and bibliography of bibliography.

Despite the fact that in the above-mentioned types of bibliography, national and state bibliography are, as it were, synonymous concepts, bibliographers give them different definitions. So,

· National bibliography- this is a type of bibliography that ensures the production and dissemination of bibliographic information on a complex of national-ethnic, territorial-state characteristics.

· State bibliography is a bibliography that ensures the production and dissemination of information about the country's documentary production. Its tasks include the most complete accounting of all documents created or published on the territory of the state and information about them in special publications.

IN Russian Federation bibliographic registration of documents is entrusted to the Russian Book Chamber, which is the center of state bibliography. Book Chamber, as a bibliographic institution, on the basis of a free legal deposit, registers, records and stores printed works published in the country.

Scientific auxiliary bibliography- this is a type of bibliography that is aimed at implementing intellectual access to scientifically significant documents and is thus a component of scientific information support for science, satisfying the information needs of specialists engaged in research activities.

The scientific and auxiliary bibliography also includes a professional bibliography, which provides the information needs of specialists in various fields practical activities, National economy, management, culture, etc., providing their access to documents of professional and production purposes and content.

Recommended bibliography promotes education, self-education, upbringing, enlightenment and culture. One of essential functions recommendatory bibliography is the formation of a reading culture as a necessary component of the general culture of the individual. In addition to the fact that a recommendatory bibliography is designed to satisfy the specific interests of individual readers, it can also assist readers who are professionally engaged in the educational process.

Local history (regional) bibliography- this is a type of bibliography that provides the need for information about documents devoted to a specific area (territory, edge, region). This type bibliography contributes to the study of the region, its nature and resources, social, economic, cultural life, and historical past.

Intersected with local history bibliography is regional bibliography, the object of which is literature related to a certain territory in terms of content, place of publication, and other criteria.

Publishing and bookselling bibliography promotes the preparation and communication to consumers of information about the publishing and bookselling range of documents to facilitate their publication and sale in the wholesale and retail bookselling network.

Bibliography bibliography- a specific type of bibliography devoted to information about bibliographic aids, which is represented by universal and sectoral bibliography of the second and third degree.

All of these types of bibliography can exist in different forms in terms of the chronological coverage of bibliographic sources. This is a current bibliography, including documents currently produced; retrospective - documents for any historical period of time; promising - publications planned for publication.

From the point of view of the subject matter of the reflected documents, the following are distinguished:

- universal bibliography and universal bibliographic aids, which includes documents on all branches of knowledge, including materials selected according to formal criteria (typological, territorial, state, chronological, etc.)

- industry bibliography- a type of bibliography related to a specific branch or complex of branches of knowledge or practical activity.

Bibliographers identify three most important, in their opinion, complexes of branch bibliography:

1) bibliography of socio-political literature;

2) bibliography fiction, literary studies, culture and art;

3) bibliography of natural science, medical-biological and technical literature.

- subject bibliography(it is also called problem-thematic, intersectoral, complex). Thematic bibliographic manuals can reflect documents on any current topic within an industry, but more often their goal is to familiarize readers with information dispersed across sources in different industries and of cross-industry interest;

- personal bibliography And personal bibliographic aids, reflecting documents dedicated to one person - a writer, scientist, public figure, etc. This group also includes indexes of the works of scientific groups and organizations.

Like any science, bibliographic typology must clearly qualify its object and subject, methodology and terminology system.

The object of bibliographic typology is the state bibliography itself as an activity in all the real diversity of its existence and development, the subject is the presentation of the state bibliography as a system, i.e. a certain way of structured integrity A. Filina, V. Konoplitsky. Bibliography. Economic and related activities literature 1991 - 2002. Reference manual. M.: 2010.. It is the subject of bibliographic typology that becomes the main means of controlling influence on the development and improvement of state bibliography in all respects.

The methodological basis for the formation of the required subject, the state bibliography as a system, is the well-known general scientific method of modeling, specified to solve typological problems and taking into account the specifics of the state bibliography itself in the system of information activity. In this regard, we call the method of bibliographic systematization, which is based on the general scientific method of modeling, the typological method.

The main thing that needs to be used as the basis for a typological model of state bibliography is the criterion of functionality. In other words, the main types of state bibliography should be considered those that reflect and determine its main social function - information (or book) management.

The relationships between the subsystems of bibliographic activity are very complex and have not been fully explored. Ultimately, it is clear that they are not reducible to enumeration or even to hierarchy, but have the character of an integral, organic system. The construction of a state bibliography according to the integral principle is still encountering great difficulties, so we will only show in some cases the possibilities of integral, or systemic, modeling of state bibliography.

We consider the method of information management, reflecting its main social function and implemented as the unity of a certain set of its most significant features, to be such a systemic criterion in relation to state bibliography.

By specifying the bibliography and, accordingly, the criterion for its systematization, they reflect, as it were, the place of individual elements of the bibliographic system in the direction from the goal - the ideal anticipation of the social essence of information management - to the need - real implementation information management. And here we are talking not only about the consumption of bibliographic information in society, but specifically about its consumption, which allows society as a whole, as well as its private components (team, group, individual), to acquire the necessary information (the so-called primary) for use in public practice. Otherwise, by mastering bibliographic information, we only have a means (method), but do not master the results social activities Vokhrysheva M.G. Theory of bibliography: textbook. manual for universities / M.G. Vokhrysheva. - Samara: SGAKI, 2004..

The most difficult are the definition and specification, filling with the relevant components of the special and sectoral state bibliography. Usually these concepts are identified, and therefore one of the indicated terms is used. For example, for GOST 7.0-77 the term “industry bibliography” was chosen, which was understood as “a bibliography whose purpose is to serve certain branches of knowledge and (or) practical activity.”

Special bibliography should also be understood as areas of public application, which themselves, in turn, can be divided into subsystems of a more private order. We will call the latter a branch bibliography.

At present, we can more or less reasonably speak about the following fundamental series of special state bibliographies: socio-political, natural science, artistic, technical, agricultural, pedagogical, medical. In turn, each of them is divided into a number of branch bibliographies, for example: artistic - by branches of art, socio-political - by branches of ideology, pedagogical - by branches of the system public education and so on. It should be emphasized that book publishing, as a specific sphere of information communication, also has its own directions: they, in principle, coincide with the identified areas of special state bibliography.

As a result, you can form in the very general view hierarchical version of the model of bibliographic activity as a system. The uniqueness of this model lies in the fact that, firstly, it reflects the static nature of the state bibliography to the full depth of public information activity; secondly, horizontally it reflects the dynamics of the state bibliography, and in general the entire possible variety of bibliographic activity processes. Special mention should be made about dynamic bibliographic activity. The fact is that bibliography, as we noted above, carries out its social functions as a value-based (axiological) activity process. This is reflected by the corresponding levels of state bibliography, distinguished according to functional criteria: state (accounting, signaling), scientific and auxiliary (evaluative, critical) and advisory - fixing the most important points movement of social (bibliographic) information in the direction from the production of new information to its assessment of social significance and consumption of the best, practically proven and, therefore, true, useful information in social activities.

Certain difficulties arise in the case of a more detailed development of the above typological model of state bibliography and especially in the implementation of its optimal, integral version. Therefore, we will carry out further detailing using individual examples and in the form of separate blocks (modules), from which a holistic typological model of state bibliography can be formed in the future, sufficiently detailed for practical use.

Particularly complex and problematic, due to the lack of scientific development of the system of social activity as a whole, is characterized by a special bibliography, where the most clearly specialized areas of application of book business and state bibliography are highlighted in the initial, basic series.

In this regard, such a basic series in the sectoral state bibliography becomes even more complex, since here the corresponding divisions are formed as a result of the subsequent differentiation of each of these, and in the future, other spheres of public activity. Therefore, we will build the necessary industry models using the example pedagogical activity and, accordingly, the book business. The identification of branches of social activity in some cases is still quite arbitrary, but the solution to this problem is already beyond the scope of both bibliography and bibliography. In this case, we use the results of modern social sciences.

One of the most pressing and difficult problems in modern stage development of bibliographic science - development of an integral typological model of bibliographic activity. The significance of such a model is that it not only includes the initial, basic series of possible divisions of the state bibliography on a functional basis, reproduces the statics and dynamics of bibliographic development, but also reflects their dialectical relationship and mutual transitions. But in general, the integral model brings our scientific ideas closer to real bibliographic practice. Bibliography: General course, ed. O.P. Korshunova. - M., 2008..

Thus, in our opinion, another important step has been taken towards the construction of a universal typological model of state bibliography. This is still a distant prospect for biblogography. As a transitional stage, we can here propose a working version of a universal typological model of state bibliography in one of the varieties of integral modeling - cyclic modeling. Moreover, here too, for simplicity, the cyclic version is given only at the level of the universal state bibliography, since it is important for us to show the methodology of this approach. The peculiarity of this model is that the bibliography in it appears in the necessary conditionality of such typological characteristics as historical, communicative, functional, sociological, value, statistical (quantitative), structural, component. Our experience in developing a modern book typology can be used to construct such a model. At the same time, without the necessary logical and mathematical formalization, the use modern means With electronic computer technology, the effective and high-quality creation of a universal typological model of state bibliography of an integral nature is impossible.

Thus, the main ones are four types of state bibliography, distinguished taking into account the systematization of its functional feature - the method of information management O.P. Korshunov. Problems of the general theory of bibliography. - M., 2007.:

  • 1) bibliography of the state bibliography (or bibliography of the second degree, or self-government of the state bibliography);
  • 2) state (or signal, accounting, registration, information, search, etc.) bibliography;
  • 3) evaluative (critical, scientific-auxiliary, etc.) bibliography;
  • 4) recommendatory (popular, etc.) bibliography.

In turn, they are modified and determined by social levels of information communication - universal, special, sectoral and individual (individual, personal, separate, etc.).

Naturally, it is possible to further deepen the proposed typological model of state bibliography according to other characteristics that make up its multidimensional criterion. But in general, they will only complement and detail this fundamentally universal model.

In accordance with the main public functions, types of state bibliography are distinguished, reflecting its purpose. The main types include national (state), scientific-auxiliary, recommendation, industry, local history (regional), publishing and bookselling bibliography and bibliography of state bibliography.

National bibliography, in accordance with international and domestic terminological standards, is interpreted as an information infrastructure that ensures the preparation, dissemination and use of universal bibliographic information about documents of any country (nation). State bibliography is defined as an information structure whose functions include the preparation, distribution and use of universal bibliographic information about documents issued on the territory of a country (state) on the basis of state registration of the documents themselves Kogotkov D.Ya. Bibliographic activities of the library: organization, technology, management: textbook / D.Ya. Kogotkov. - St. Petersburg. : Profession, 2005. . In this case, the state-territorial coverage of documents is used. The fundamental, basic role of the state bibliography is determined by the fact that it is at this level that the primary analytical and synthetic processing of the entire document flow is carried out, which is then reflected in the state bibliographic information compiled on the basis of uniform methodological principles. This system top level oriented towards meeting the needs of society as a whole. The state bibliography is a source of scientific, auxiliary and recommendatory state bibliography, the basis for the bibliographic work of libraries and information institutions.

Scientific-auxiliary and professional-production bibliography promotes the scientific and production activities of specialists in accordance with their professional needs. She pays special attention to getting to know the results scientific research, introduction of innovations, best practices in production and practical activities, achievements of related industries. Scientific auxiliary bibliography is closely related to the branches of science and production, and develops in accordance with them. Scientists and specialists from these industries themselves take an active part in its creation.

Recommended bibliography contributes to education, self-education, education, enlightenment and culture. With the help of its inherent methods, recommendatory bibliography organizes the process of self-educational reading, forms new socially significant interests in readers, and broadens their horizons. By commenting on the literature offered to the reader, a recommendatory bibliography helps in the selection of works for reading, comprehension and mastery of what is read. One of the most important functions of the recommendatory state bibliography is the formation of a reading culture as a necessary component of the general culture of the individual. The recommendatory bibliography is publicly available and meets the general interests of members of society, which determines its popularization, educational and educational character. The recommendatory bibliography also serves the needs of readers who are professionally engaged in educational work.

The main public function of local history (regional) state bibliography is the creation and dissemination of information about documents dedicated to a specific area in the country. It actively promotes a comprehensive study of the region (region), its nature and resources, social, economic and cultural life, the historical past of A. Filin, V. Konoplitsky. Bibliography. Economic and related activities literature 1991 - 2002. Reference manual. M.: 2010..

Publishing and bookselling bibliography contributes to the preparation and communication to consumers of information about the publishing and bookselling range of documents to facilitate their publication and sale in the wholesale and retail bookselling network.

Metabibliography or bibliography of state bibliography is a specific type of state bibliography, its main functions: organizing information about bibliographic aids, describing and modeling bibliographic resources, providing complex bibliographic searches. Its objects are bibliographic aids of all types and forms. Metabibliography summarizes the development of state bibliography.

All of the above types of state bibliography can exist in various forms from the point of view of chronological coverage of bibliographic sources. Chronologically, three types of state bibliography gradually emerged: current, retrospective, and prospective. The current bibliography was formed relatively late; in Russia - from the beginning of the 19th century, when print production became widespread and it became difficult for readers to independently keep up with new products. The current bibliography publishes its products regularly (periodically - usually once every six months, quarterly, once every two months, once every two months, monthly, every ten days, weekly). The frequency depends mainly on the volume of production. For the same reason, the universal current bibliography provides separate information about certain types documents, industry - about all or many types of documents.

Retrospective bibliography is the most ancient. For a long time, compilers of bibliographic aids have strived to report on all the books, publications, articles and other documents known to them. As document production grew, this desire differentiated by type of document and by area of ​​knowledge, but throughout all time. From the 19th and especially from the 20th century. The chronological segments of document reflection began to be localized. If there was a source containing bibliographic information from the moment of the appearance of a type of document or on a certain topic, the following manuals for the most part did not repeat them, but continued chronologically.

A forward-looking bibliography reports on documents planned, in progress, even conceived. Such information is mainly needed by the book trade and the scientific community. However, forward-looking bibliographic information itself is relative. Some promised publications are not published; titles and other bibliographic information of published documents may change. But this bibliographic information exists and functions in reality, which creates grounds for distinguishing the type of state bibliography.

From the point of view of the subject matter of the reflected documents, they are distinguished: universal and sectoral, thematic, personal:

A universal bibliography, as its name suggests, covers documents as objects, regardless of their subject matter. It organizes the preparation of bibliographic information on all or many branches of knowledge. The products of the national state bibliography are universal, which on a Russian scale are differentiated by types of documents (books and brochures, magazines and newspapers, geographic Maps, visual documents, etc.). Such information is necessary primarily for information institutions and is basic for the development of industry bibliographies. Alphabetical, systematic and subject catalogs of universal libraries are universal.

Since the products of the universal state bibliography are created exclusively in subtypes of the general state bibliography, its specificity is studied within the framework of these categories. In general, there are no special publications on the universal state bibliography Vokhrysheva M.G. Bibliographic activity: structure and efficiency./ M.G. Vokhrysheva. - M.: Book Chamber, 2004. - 200 pp..

Industry bibliography organizes the preparation of bibliographic information on one branch of knowledge and related activities. An industry can be broad or relatively narrow.

Industry bibliography develops more differentiated than universal bibliography, according to the areas of creation and functioning of bibliographic information. It is difficult to list the types of branch state bibliography. The most developed are the natural sciences, technical, agricultural, socio-economic, historical, pedagogical, literary, and musical state bibliographies. To avoid ambiguity, the names of types are formulated in a different order: bibliography of public education, higher education, art, tourism, science fiction, etc. Industry-specific state bibliographies provide information about types of documents specific to individual industries.

  • - thematic bibliography, also called problem-thematic, interdisciplinary, comprehensive. Thematic bibliographic manuals can reflect a document on any current topic within an industry, but more often their goal is to familiarize readers with information dispersed across sources in different industries and of interdisciplinary interest.
  • - personal bibliography and personal bibliographic aids, reflecting documents dedicated to one person - a writer, scientist, public figure. This group also includes indexes of works of scientific teams and organizations.

Rapid development of new information technology and its widespread development in bibliographic activities provide justification for the identification of a new type - electronic state bibliography. In contrast, bibliography that has used and continues to use the previous technology is called traditional.

Electronic bibliography is a type of state bibliography, the technical and technological capabilities of which remove restrictions on the volume of bibliographic resources, ensure their unlimited availability in time and space and prompt search. This opportunity arises thanks to the use of electronic, specifically computer and network technology, the emergence and development of methods and forms of functioning that are not inherent and not possible for traditional state bibliography. Electronic bibliography has emerged and is developing in competition with traditional bibliography.

Bibliography bibliography

bibliography of the 2nd degree, a type of bibliography whose tasks include information about bibliographic aids. Carried out in the form of bibliographic indexes and reviews. Current indexes for B. b. are: in the USSR - the annual “Bibliography of Soviet bibliography” (for 1939, 1946-65-), on an international scale - “Bibliographic index” (N.Y., 1938-65-; published twice a year), “Bibliographische Berichte” (Fr ./M., 1959-; published twice a year) and “Index bibliographicus” (4 ed., v. I-2, La Haye, 1959-64, lists the current bibliographic indexes of all countries as of the date of publication). Retrospective international indexes on B. b. serve the works of J. Petzholdt (J. Petzholdt, “Bibliotheca bibliographica”, Lpz., 1866) and T. Besterman (Th. Besterman, “A world bibliography of bibliographies”, 4. ed., v. 1-5, Lausanne, 1965-66), as well as directory indexes compiled by K. Winchell, L. Malcles, V. Totok, and others. There are numerous indexes on branch bibliography, for example, “Bibliography of bibliographies of the works of K. Marx, F. Engels, V. I. Lenin" by L. A. Levin (M., 1961), "Guide to foreign bibliographies and reference books on literary criticism and fiction" by B. L. Kandel (L., 1959). See also Bibliography.

G. G. Krichevsky.

Big Soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

  • Bibliography
  • Library

See what “Bibliography of bibliography” is in other dictionaries:

    Bibliography bibliography- type of bibliography, purpose of information about the bibliography. benefits as self-sufficiency. as ed. Having emerged as a phenomenon in the 17th century, B.B. acquired creatures. significance only in the 19th century. Creatures Contribution to the development of B.B. was made by G.N. Gennadi (Literature rus... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

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    BIBLIOGRAPHY- (from the Greek biblion book, and graphein to write). Description of books and presentation of their contents. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1) description of books, list of books on Ph.D. science or individual... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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    MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY- MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY, one of the types of special B.B. (from the Greek biblos book and grapho I write), book description is a branch of knowledge dealing with description literary works. Work on B. consists of collecting, describing and systematizing... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

    bibliography- and, f. bibliography f. 1. Knowledge about books; description of them. Sl. 18. Vivliography, knowledge of books. Corypheus 1 209. The most interesting science is bibliography. A people may not have great poets or great philosophers, what to do: God didn’t give it, it wasn’t born... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    BIBLIOGRAPHY- BIBLIOGRAPHY, bibliographies, many. no, female (from the Greek biblion book and grapho I write). 1. The science of describing books and compiling literature indexes. 2. what and for what. A list of books and articles on some issue or of some kind... ... Dictionary Ushakova

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  • Bibliography of bibliography. Textbook for academic bachelor's degree, Shtratnikova A.V. , The manual summarizes the picture of achievements developed over the long history of the development of the theory, methodology and practice of bibliography. The formation and evolution of bibliography are considered... Category: Art history and theory Series: Bachelor. Academic course. Module Publisher: YURAYT, Manufacturer: YURAYT, Buy for 652 UAH (Ukraine only)
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What is bibliography, its types and what are the requirements for writing a bibliographic description? This literary section is given a separate place in the publishing direction. The whole life, thoughts, suffering of this or that person are revealed precisely in this direction - bibliography. Books tell the best stories about people's lives and the works of writers. The life events of the greatest composers of ancient eras can only be revealed to the present generation with the help of such texts. What is a bibliography?

The meaning of the word "bibliography"

Bibliography (from ancient Greek - “literature”, “correspondence of books”, “little book”, “lines”) is a unique sphere of information work, the essence of which is considered to be informative guidance, an information infrastructure that ensures the collection, promotion and use of bibliographic data. The most important problems of bibliography are the unification of bibliographic work in the existing amount of bibliographic display, the formation of bibliographic indexes and citation indices, and the systematization of papers. This work is studied within the framework of bibliographic studies, as are academic excerpts. What is a bibliography?

Bibliographic description

Elements of bibliographic display are presented in a precise order and are separated from each other by relative partitive symbols. For such a division, there is a specific list of characters between which there should be no spaces. In rare cases, the design of (.) and (,) occurs. In this case, spaces are used only after placing signs.

Scheme for displaying bibliographic descriptions in books:

  • title (name of the creator);
  • main title: data related to the table of contents (collection of articles, manual, manual, etc.); information about responsibility (creators, compilers, editors and others); reissue information;
  • role of the publication (city): book publishing, time of publication;
  • volume (number of pages).

Registration of a bibliographic list

The question of what a bibliography is was answered above, but now the list of descriptions will be discussed. Bibliographic includes descriptions of the same name used (cited, examined, mentioned) and recommended documents.

General principles for the formation of a bibliographic list:

  • numbering of the applied literature, continuity begins from the first to the last source;
  • It is recommended that the formation of a list of used literature be carried out according to the principle of a name index (in total alphabetical order creators and titles) in the following order: Russian-style sources; sources on styles for people using the Cyrillic alphabet; sources in styles for those who perceive the Latin alphabet; sources on styles for those who use graphics;
  • electronic means are included in a single book-written list in accordance with the noted system;
  • the presentation of keys entered into the list is carried out in accordance with existing bibliographic instructions defined in 2003.

Bibliography - GOST, requirements

State standard (STANDARD) 7.1-2003, which affects the rules for writing bibliography, states that the bibliographic list can contain:

  • an idea of ​​one version of a publication (books, collections, abstracts, dissertations, electronic data, etc.);
  • an idea of ​​the component part of this document - analytical and bibliographic (notes from a collection, journal, etc.).

Thus, it should be concluded that any printed material has its own design requirements. bibliography. This facilitates the process of creating a particular work.

Among the main types of bibliography include:

1 . State (national) bibliography

2. Scientific support

4. Industry

5. Local history (regional)

6. Publishing and bookselling

7. Bibliography bibliography 4

From point of view chronological coverage sources, the following forms of bibliography are distinguished:

Current bibliography(information is provided about documents currently created);

Retrospective bibliography(information is given about documents for any historical period);

Perspective bibliography(information about publications planned for release) [thematic plans of publishing houses].

universal (registration) and branch bibliographies.

For universal bibliography it is fundamentally unimportant what the content of the document is. It performs a registration function. On its basis, state press statistics are carried out. A universal bibliography is also called a state bibliography.

Industry bibliographies a lot of. Each industry bibliography reflects documents of relevant content that are important for a particular industry.

3.1.1. UNIVERSAL BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RESOURCES Each type of bibliography has its own organizational,

coordinating center. In area state bibliography such a center is RUSSIAN BOOK CHAMBER (RCB).

RKP is a national center for state bibliography, statistical accounting and international numbering of publishing products, standardization and scientific research in the field of book publishing, a national repository of legal deposits of all printed publications published in the Russian Federation.

The RCP was created in accordance with the Resolution of the Provisional Government “On the establishment of press affairs”, adopted on April 27 (May 10), 1917.

IN in the current conditions, its tasks and functions, role and place in the domestic book culture are determined by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 30, 1992 No. 1499 “On the Russian Book Chamber”.

IN Currently, the basis for state bibliographic registration and press statistics in the Russian Federation isrequired free copieseach publication supplied to the RCP at the expense of the publishers.

Every year, 0.7-1.2 million publications are processed at the RKP.

The information received is communicated to consumers (libraries various levels and profile, information bodies, research institutions, archives, editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, publishing houses, etc.) by distributing by subscription state bibliographic indexes (GBU), centralized cataloging cards, as well as organizing automated reference services.

A constantly updated database is used as a reference and search engine. General alphabetical catalogue, containing more

30 million bibliographic records of printed works published in Russia since 1917.

The RCP is entrusted with the responsibility of receiving, at the expense of publishers, and distributing among the main fund holders sets of mandatory free copies of publications and other documents (RSL,

RNB, etc.). One set after registration,

bibliographic and statistical processing is received at eternal storage in the State Archive of the Russian Federation, part of the RKP and representing the most complete collection of printed works,

which were issued in the country since 1917.

Bibliographic entries in RCP publications are compiled in Russian. Records are compiled in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003.

Bibliographic records in state bibliographic indexes are arranged according to the Universal Decimal Classification. The numbering in each state budgetary institution is continuous within the year.

The diversity of our country’s publishing products is reflected in state bibliographic indexes, statistical yearbooks and other information publications regularly published by the Chamber.

The Chamber also creates electronic data banks.

Main publications of the state bibliography of the Russian Communist Party:

1. "Book Chronicle" published weekly since 1907. Allows you to receive information about books in all branches of science, technology and production, incl.

published abroad by order of domestic publishing organizations,

as well as those prepared jointly by domestic and foreign publishers.

2. Since 1927, the State Budgetary Institution has published an index every year, which in a certain sense is retrospective in nature. "Books of the Russian Federation".

It contains information about book publications reflected in the Book Chronicle for the accounting period.

Published in several volumes. The last volume includes reference materials (names, subject indexes, etc.).

The Yearbook is designed to quickly find information about books and brochures and saves the reader from going through 52 issues of the Book Chronicle.

3. "Chronicle of Journal Articles" Published weekly since 1926.

its branches, higher educational institutions, research institutes, laboratories (“Scientific Notes”, “Proceedings...”, etc.)

4. “Chronicle of Newspaper Articles” has been published since 1936.

Contains information about articles, documentary materials,

7. “Bibliography of Russian bibliography” (BRB) is the most important source of information on bibliographic aids in all branches of knowledge. The BRB reflects the state of the array of Russian bibliographic aids. The material in the yearbook is arranged in systematic order according to the UDC.

RKP also publishes“Chronicle of art publications”, “Chronicle of music”, “Cartographic chronicle”, “Chronicle of reviews”.

Since 2000, the RKP has been publishing Newsletter “New Books of Russia”. The electronic edition of the RCP is very popular

“Books in stock and in print”, published once every two months. Data from state statistical accounting of printed products are published in the official publication - “ Seal of the Russian Federation in...
