Tasks for the development of children 5 years old. The best educational activities for your baby

Ekaterina Mikhailovna Pashkina

Chief Physician of the Central Clinical Hospital of Omsk

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 05/18/2019

The development of a child of 5-6 years old is a rather complex and painstaking process, on which the baby's ability to interact with the outside world depends. This is a kind of foundation that provides not only the activation of psychodynamic factors, but also the formation of perception in general. As a rule, it is easy to teach children at this age, since we already have a full-fledged personality with a pronounced individuality.

Regular classes at home should be aimed both at increasing interest in further education at school, and at the ability to navigate in society. Practice shows that a child's ability to learn the school curriculum is significantly increased in the case of applying developmental preschool methodologies. Such children are distinguished by organization, extraordinary thinking, positive attitude and remarkable performance.

Features of the mental development of children at 5-6 years old

The skills of a five- or six-year-old child are not small: he speaks well, is capable of analyzing the situation and showing independence. The child begins to see more and more connections between various phenomena and is already trying to defend his opinion. The knowledge of preschoolers is quite extensive, the memory works in an enhanced mode, the brain greedily absorbs new data. However, the psyche is not yet fully formed, and the accumulation of information is characterized by spontaneity and increased emotionality. At this age, children can be compared to a sponge that absorbs everything, without value judgments and any restrictions.

Based on the foregoing, it is very important in the preschool years to lay the foundations for a correct worldview, because from them the construction of a chain of inferences that forms the type of thinking will begin. The optimal program for the development of young children consists in a well-defined synthesis of work with an intellectual component and moral and ethical standards. And here everything depends not only on the child himself, but also on the level of understanding of the parents, including their teaching skills.

The general focus of classes with children 5-6 years old at home

Making a plan for developing activities for preschoolers at home is not an easy task, and not every parent is able to cope with it without problems. It is necessary to have a good understanding of the psychology of a young child and be able to quickly adapt to various situations. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of skills in this area, especially when their first child grows up. But do not despair, following professional advice and recommendations will help you get out of difficulties and turn teaching children into a real pleasure.

To begin with, you should have a clear idea of ​​​​all the nuances of the character of your child, as well as his intellectual and mental "sources". Before drawing up a lesson plan for development and thinking through tasks, it is necessary to test the knowledge that the baby has in various areas. It will be easy to do this by conducting a survey in the form of a game that makes the child want to answer all the questions posed. It is recommended to draw up a questionnaire in such a way that during the game session it would be possible to identify the preschooler's inclinations to certain academic disciplines, as well as trends in relation to the surrounding reality.

An approximate plan of the game questionnaire may consist of the following tasks:

  • to check the speed of reading and speech production;
  • to solve mathematical problems of varying complexity (here a collection of entertaining mathematics for young children will come to the rescue);
  • to solve problems with ingenuity;
  • on the development of the imagination, both verbally and through drawing;
  • exercises to test memory and attentiveness (these can be bright mnemonic cards, cubes with the image of your favorite fairy-tale characters, laid out in a certain order, etc.);
  • modulating situations in which one can clearly trace the features of the perception of the child and his orientation in social norms (for example, in the form of a story or a fairy tale, after which the child is given the task to figure out what is “good” and what is “bad”).

Test tasks should not be boring, drag out in time, or interspersed with boring, “adult” comments that irritate children. Checking especially restless children can be carried out in several stages, reinforcing with all sorts of incentives. If the child does not understand the question, it is necessary to reformulate it, while taking note weak spots and knowledge gaps.

Remember: only an attentive and patient attitude towards your beloved child will make it possible to identify the necessary accents in the further program of developmental activities! You should not lose your temper, raise your voice and put pressure on the child if he refuses to give answers or starts to behave strangely. The purpose of the tasks of the preliminary survey is not education, but the study of the internal processes and mental activity of the baby.

After the overall picture becomes known for sure, developmental classes can begin. Of course, the above recommendations apply, first of all, to those parents who, due to lack of time, do not pay enough attention to their child, since mothers who devote all their time to raising children, as a rule, deal with them from an early age - two years. three years. In this case, they are well aware of both the character of the baby, and all his knowledge and skills. However, even here the child may be underestimated, and therefore a general check still makes sense.

What children 5-6 years old should know

There are no clear boundaries of what a five-six-year-old child should know, there is only a recommended minimum of preschooler skills. Basic knowledge allows you to prepare children for the school curriculum primary school and help adapt to the coming changes. Moreover, the latter will be easier to achieve if you conduct developmental classes not only at home, but also attend various children's circles and sports sections. This will instill in the baby a sense of responsibility and diligence, as well as increase his sociability.

The minimum amount of knowledge that a child of 5-6 years old should have:

  1. be able to read up to 70 words per minute and easily retell what they read;
  2. have a clear and fluent speech;
  3. write in capital letters;
  4. perform simple mathematical operations - add, subtract, divide and multiply;
  5. be able to draw not only individual elements, but also whole pictures;
  6. know a lot of poems and songs;
  7. be able to distinguish colors and complex shades;
  8. know and follow the rules of hygiene;
  9. know the norms of decency and the basics of etiquette;
  10. determine the time by the clock;
  11. to distinguish between many species of animals, to understand the weather and other natural phenomena;
  12. know the rules of conduct in public places;
  13. be able to navigate in the space and geography of the place of residence;
  14. have elementary logical thinking;
  15. know the basics of the language: gender and numbers, parts of speech, compose different types offers;
  16. be able to think creatively and dream.

If you deal with children from an early age, then at 5-6 years old they are capable of much more than the indicated minimum. In the case when the child does not even have the above knowledge, it is necessary to do developmental exercises in an enhanced mode. "Stagnation" in the development of preschoolers leads to negative consequences already in the first months of schooling. Lack of knowledge affects academic performance, which, in turn, can affect behavior and nervous system baby.

Development program for children 5-6 years old

The development of the child is facilitated by a variety of exercises for training memory, attention, speed of thinking, imagination, as well as for obtaining basic skills. It is recommended to conduct classes with the baby daily with the consolidation of what has been learned at the end of each week.

Assignments should be complex and not exceed 15 minutes. If an overload is detected, the child should take a short break, and then complete the lesson.

The plan of a developing lesson for children 5-6 years old may look like this:

  • performing mathematical operations and solving entertaining problems;
  • mnemonic games in all sorts of variations;
  • reading with a fixed volume, including retelling and discussion of the fragment;
  • studying the world around with the help of pictures, targeted walks or special video material;
  • learning poems and tongue twisters to improve speech;
  • logical tasks;
  • drawing.

After each exercise, you need to do a physical warm-up and talk about abstract topics. Regular classes from an early age will give tangible positive results in a few weeks, and by the day of entering the first grade, the child will feel confident, possessing the proper level of development for the start of school life.

Read more:

If your child is already 5 or 6 years old, then it's time to think about how to effectively prepare him for school. The development of a child's thinking takes place in several stages.

1) The formation of visual-effective thinking: when all the child's thought processes go through action.

2) The formation of visual-figurative thinking: when a child begins to think with the help of images.

3) Formation of verbal logical thinking: when a child can express his thoughts in words, he begins to independently reason, compare, find simple patterns.

It should be noted that mental development the child is not only in obtaining certain knowledge, but also in the development of perception, memory, thinking, imagination.

In children preschool age the main activity is the game. This means that the knowledge of the new should be carried out using game methods of training.

At preschool age, speech is actively formed and developed in children, replenished lexicon, memory training. It is very important that the child, when completing the task, tries to reason independently in order to find the right answer.

This article will offer basic logical exercises that will help you learn:

  • classify objects;
  • compare items;
  • set the sequence of events;
  • train memory;
  • draw conclusions.

The duration of classes is 15-20 minutes. Do not overwork the child, so as not to cause him a negative reaction from the classes! On the contrary, try to turn your classes into a game!


1) Pick up opposite words within the meaning of:

black - ...

big - ...

funny - ...

good - ...

bitter - ...

wide - ...

high - ...

Kind - ...

cold - ...

smart - ...

fast - ...

2) Listen carefully! Think and answer the questions:

What is more in the forest: birches or trees?

Who is more in the zoo: monkeys or animals?

Who is more in the river: perch or fish?

What is more in the garden: cabbage or vegetables?

What is more in the closet: T-shirts or clothes?

Who is more in the chicken coop: chickens or birds?

3) Finish the sentences:

Example: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday are the days of the week

Milk, bread, kefir, cheese, eggs...

Moscow, Novgorod, St. Petersburg is...

Morning, evening, day, night is...

Katya, Misha, Petya, Ira are...

Dog, cat, mouse...

Chamomile, bellflower, rose - this is ...

A, B, C, D, D is...

4) Listen carefully! Complete the sentences with:

If the train travels faster than the bus, then the bus travels ......... trains.

If sister older brother then brother..........sisters.

If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair is ........ table.

If a cat is larger than a mouse, then a mouse ....... cats.

If the river is wider than the stream, then the stream is ........ rivers.

5) Think of the correct pattern.

Bird - feathers. Fish - ......

Autumn is rain. Winter - ......

Man - hands. Dog - ......

Morning - breakfast. Evening - ......

An apple is a fruit. Tomato - ......

6) What is superfluous?

Armchair, chair, wardrobe, TV.

Rooster, peacock, crow, butterfly.

Suitcase, bag, briefcase, notebook.

Sun, lamp, chandelier, lantern.

7) What are these professions?

Who builds houses?

Who writes poetry?

Who sings songs?

Who heals people?

Who sews clothes?

Who paints pictures?

Who flies into space?

Who is flying the plane?

Who is driving the bus?

Who is driving the train?

Who teaches children at school?

Who trains the animals?

8) Logic tasks.

What lasts: a year or 12 months?

What is heavier: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron?

Petya and Vanya drank different juices - apple and cherry. Petya didn't drink Cherry juice. What juice did Vanya drink?

Ira and Lena were dressed in dresses of different colors: yellow and pink. Lena was not wearing pink. What color was Ira's dress?

Seryozha, Andrey, Slava were picking berries in the garden. Serezha collected more Andrey, and Andrey collected more Glory. Who from the child collected more berries, and who less?

Who will swim to the shore faster - ducklings or chickens?

Who will reach the flower faster - a butterfly or a caterpillar?

Mom has a cat Barsik, a dog Druzhok and a daughter Ulyana. How many children does mom have?

Five eggs are boiled for five minutes. How many minutes does one egg boil?

How many mushrooms can be grown from pine seeds?

What is the best and fastest way to pick a watermelon from a tree?

The boy had one rope. How many times do you have to cut the rope to get three ropes?

There were birds on the tree. They only have 8 wings. How many birds were in the tree?

Two friends played chess for 2 hours. How long did each of them play chess?

Assignment: “There is a mistake in one of these pictures. Which one? Explain why"

Assignment: “On which plate is the pear in front of the apple?”

Task: "Where is whose shadow?"

Assignment: "What happens if you cut out the figure drawn on the folded sheet?"

Task: "What should be drawn in an empty cell?"

Quest: One of these towers must fall. Which?"

Assignment: "In which picture does the pose of the bear and the bunny match the top picture?"

Assignment: “How many black cells does this plump dinosaur cover? Count only whole cells."

Assignment: "Choose the missing small cube so that each face of the large cube is the same color."

Assignment: “The trainer has a tangled whip. How many nodes does it have?

Task: "Which color stick is the lowest?"

Task: “One mouse is about to fall. Which?"

Task: "What is close to the girl, what is far?"

Assignment: “In which drawings will the ropes be tied in a knot if you pull on their ends?”

Assignment: “How many animals does a girl see, how many a boy, and how many are their dad?”

Task: Divide each chocolate bar into 4 equal parts.

Assignment: "Swap the positions of two dancers so that the boys and girls stand through one."

Assignment: “The travelers decided to take a picture of the house. Who got what photo?

Assignment: "What parts is this boat built of?"

Assignment: “The robot decided to get out. What did he do wrong? Find eight "irregularities"

Thinking in children's lives

When a child approaches the age of 5-6 years, parents should pay attention to the level of his thinking. Since the ability to analyze and systematize the information received will increase school performance. Games with geometric shapes help to systematize knowledge about the concepts: shape, color and size.

Is it possible to carry a bulky closet along a narrow corridor? What to sew, what to wear to prom? How to stand up in such a way that each person is clearly visible in the resulting photo? All these tasks are set for figurative thinking. The images themselves are of several categories depending on which sense organs are perceived.

Concepts are also included in the category of thinking, and together they represent irreplaceable elements. With the help of images, you can very quickly make a decision about the staging and placement of this object. Of course, it is necessary to have an internal ability to manipulate images (mental rotation of objects), their transformation and combination. Such thinking is vital, but it does not appear immediately.

Small children should not be allowed to cross the street alone, as they are not yet able to correctly estimate the correct distance between them and the car. This ability will be formed only by the age of 15. The received information about the images is perceived instantly, in a few milliseconds.

The retelling of what he saw or read will take much more time than the fleeting run of a cat, and, moreover, it will not always be complete, because there are simply no suitable names or words for many phenomena. Those properties of the object that are reflected in the images can be brought into the narrow framework of concepts. They cannot be divided into essential and non-essential. This ability of images is very much appreciated in solving problems.

With the help of figurative thinking, one can see various properties of an object (including those that are usually recognized as insignificant in terms of concepts) and, already using these properties, identify connections between objects.

At the end of the 20th century, photography, film, and television greatly simplified the creation and transformation of images compared to the traditional painting technique. Now it has become much easier to visually show the subject under discussion, to show the dynamics of change, to identify various possible outcomes events. This greatly helps to conduct work efficiently, making life easier for a person.

To solve the set tasks, a person uses certain algorithms, schemes of action. These algorithms are composed of both images and concepts. Using formal knowledge, a person projects new, unique images in his mind that will help him cope with tasks faster in the future. Therefore, for high-quality activity, it is necessary both to think in images and to operate with concepts that have long been known to everyone.

Video on how to develop children's thinking with cardboard and scissors

For the correct and comprehensive development of the child, the development of logical thinking is simply necessary. In the future, it will help the baby to analyze any situation and choose The best way solving a task or problem, based on the conditions existing at that time.

It is advisable to start playing with children who are already 5-6 years old. A child of this age can independently draw logical conclusions, can understand which object is superfluous from those provided to him, can find common things in objects and form them into groups according to this feature, can also tell a short story from pictures and understands how to apply theory in practice.

Pictures with children's exercises allow you to develop logic in the form of a game. These games are very simple, but will be interesting for both the baby and the adult playing with him.

There are more simple games with pictures for the development of thinking, such as:

But there are also more complex games for children 5-6, which are allowed to develop the ability to analyze in the scope of the development of logic.

For example, an adult must draw several shapes on a piece of paper: a circle, a triangle, a square, a circle, a triangle, a square, a circle, a triangle. The kid will have to look at the drawn figures and draw the figure that will follow the triangle.

A good game for the development of analysis in children of five years old will be a game when the kid will have to line up the cubes in size in descending order, and then increasing.

A game called "Friends" has proven itself well. It perfectly develops mindfulness and ingenuity, the child acquires the ability to analyze what is happening, and also applies his mathematical skills and develops them.

The essence of the game is that the child must draw his best friends himself, but at the same time he must accurately depict their height. For example, Petya is taller than Masha, and Masha is taller than Katya, and Marina is the shortest girl. Under each drawn friend, you will need to write his name.

Now the child will have to name which of his friends is the tallest and who is the shortest. You can also ask the child to say how many guys he drew, ask him who is shown first in the picture, who is second there, and who is fifth, who is drawn to the left of Katya, and who is to the right of Masha. You can invite the child to count how many children will be in the picture if two leave, and also how many children there will be if another girl joins the game.

One more interesting game for children 5-6 years old there will be a game called "Scattered Artist". During the game, the child will develop memory and ingenuity, the kid will try to organize his work himself, and also, if two or more children play, they will also be able to develop their competitive abilities.

An adult will have to draw a telephone disk and place numbers on it, but not in order, but in discord. The child will have to look at the drawing and correct visible errors.

If there are several children, prepare more drawings and ask the children to correct the mistakes. You can give a small prize to the first person to complete the task.

Games for preschoolers

It is very easy for preschool children to be interested and drawn into the game, where the development of logic occurs with the help of questions.

But only now the little whys will answer questions, and the adults will ask. Such a game is suitable for children of five and six years old, it should take place in a calm, friendly and fun atmosphere. Be sure to praise your child for efforts and correct answers.

To warm up a couple of interesting tasks, you need to finish the logical missing elements:

The game "Believe it or not" is that the child will have to learn to think independently and will not rush to accept as an axiom any information that comes from adults. This is an extremely necessary skill for children of six years.

So, the adult pronounces the phrase, and the child listens and concludes whether this statement is correct or false. Examples of phrases can be very different:

  • All apples are green.
  • Dinosaurs live in the forest.
  • Raspberries grow on a tree.
  • It rains in summer.
  • Snow lies only in January.
  • All birds fly.

Ask the baby not only unambiguous phrases, but also those that can be answered in two ways. Let the child think, justify his point of view, this is how curiosity develops, the desire to get to the bottom of the matter, observation develops and the baby acquires his own life experience.

Another interesting game for preschoolers of six years old will be the game "We call it with one word."

The child will learn to think abstractly and be able to develop the ability to generalize. An adult will have to name a group of words that have one common feature, and a child of five or six years old will have to say how these words can be called in their entirety:

  1. “Bedside table, shelf, table, chair” - the general name is “furniture”
  2. "Eraser, sharpener, felt-tip pen, marker" - "stationery"
  3. "Cucumber, tomato, onion, cabbage - "vegetables"
  4. "Cat, dog, cow, crocodile" - "animals"
  5. "Chicken, parrot, dove, seagull" - "birds"

Mathematical riddles

At the age of five, a child should already be able to count to at least ten, as well as perform simple mathematical operations. You can teach a child to perform simple mathematical operations in everyday situations, for this you absolutely do not need to allocate any special time.

An example of such a game can be an account of the objects that surround us in life every day. You can ask the child to count how many chairs are in the room. Ask your child if there are enough chairs to seat six guests. If not, ask how many chairs will need to be brought into the room to accommodate everyone. The purpose of this game will be the development of such mathematical operations as addition and subtraction, but at the same time their development will take place in the form of an easy and unobtrusive game and the child will better learn the material.

Use blocks or other toys to help your child understand how to add 2 and 2 to make 4, ask your child to count how many blocks will be left if he gives two of the five blocks to his friend. Such mathematical puzzles, supported by actions and visual images, will be remembered by the child much better than working with the same actions on paper.

The comprehensive development of the child requires the development of logical thinking. Educational games for children aged 5-6 years are aimed at completing tasks for attention, thinking, speech and logic development. The ability to analyze information improves school performance, so it is important to pay attention to the level of thinking of your child and help him acquire the necessary skills.

Games with multi-colored figures will teach you to systematize such concepts as: color, shape, size. Figurative thinking will allow you to get acquainted with various objects and their properties, as well as to identify the connections between them. With harmonious and comprehensive development, a child aged 5-6 years is able to:
Build logic in actions with objects;
Remove an extra item from a row;
group objects according to a common feature;
Based on the pictures, come up with a logically coherent story;
Color a certain object according to the model.

Graphic games for children 5-6 years old

Simple graphic games will help prepare your hand for writing. The child is able to accurately paint certain objects, to finish the necessary elements.

"Find a Way Out". Print a labyrinth on a landscape sheet, the exit from which you need to find, drawing a line of movement continuously. This can be a search for a way out of a mink for a mouse, get to a treasure chest and more.

"Extra Element". And a few drawn objects, find the extra one and cross it out. Shapes can be drawn: circles, ovals and triangles. The triangle will be redundant.

"Whose Tail". The picture shows animals: a cat, a rabbit, a mouse, a peacock. Ask your child to draw a tail for each of them.

"Connect the Dots". There are many variants of this game. Invite the children to connect the dots by serial numbers to make a drawing. You can select pictures with a missing element. The child will draw it and then color it.

"Patterns". A picture is proposed depicting a Russian folk costume, where on one sleeve the pattern is drawn in full, and on the second sleeve only the beginning of the pattern - should be continued according to the model.

Board games for kids

Board games are designed for multiple players. It is best to play such games in the evening when all family members can take part. Parents will also be interested in answering funny questions or placing dominoes correctly.

"Puzzles". Perfectly develops logic puzzle game. You can start with several elements, gradually increasing the number. At 5-6 years old, children can collect complex pictures for 500-700 elements. Choose thematic puzzles: professions, furniture, transport, clothes, seasons, fish, domestic and wild animals, insects, vegetables and fruits, garden and garden, toys, people, dishes. All these topics are required in preparation for school. And it's good if now, in the form of a game, you give him this knowledge.

"Zoo confusion". It is required to collect pictures of animals from three elements into one. We also collect syllables into words. The game is aimed at development fine motor skills, thinking and attention.

"Who is bigger". The game is carried out with the help of cards on which animals and insects are depicted. Turn cards over and shuffle. We take out two cards, turn them over, and the child must explain which of these animals is larger and why.

"Domino". The rules are simple, so the child will understand the principle of the game. You can use children's domino sets, where you need to connect animals or vegetables and fruits.

Speech games for 5-6 years old

Games should encourage the child to find the correct answer, while reasoning and building the logic of their reasoning. In other words, the kid thinks before answering the task.

"Truth or Fiction". The adult tells the story, and the child listens and determines whether this is true or not.

Story examples:
1. “On a warm sunny day, the children went to the hill of snow. We went sledding down the mountain and made a snowman.”
2. “A fire engine flew across the sky, and the birds gave way to it.”
3. “A large carrot grew in the middle of the sea, and hares ran along the path from all sides to bite off a piece.”

"Logic Pairs". The adult calls the object, and the child must find a logical pair for the object. Encourage him to explain his answer. Examples of words: plate (spoon), hat (head), summer (heat), sea (water).

"Double Words". Children 5-6 years old can already get acquainted with antonyms. They are very fond of looking for objects and phenomena that are opposite in meaning. Name antonyms, and the child must find the answer. What can be both dry and wet at the same time? Answers: clothes, leaves on trees.

"Crocodile". Everyone knows a game in which it is necessary to depict an object or phenomenon so that the other participants can guess what it is. A leader is chosen, and the rest of the participants take turns guessing. The one who guessed it becomes the leader.

"Associations". The game will help to expand the vocabulary of the child, teaches you to select synonyms. You can play on the way to the kindergarten or just for a walk. An adult calls a word, for example: WHEEL. In turn, they begin to name associations with this word: CAR, CIRCLE, DISC, SUN, PANCAKE, BUS.
Computer games and online games
It is difficult to meet a modern child who would not know how to play on a computer. There are many games that develop logic and thinking.

Educational games on the phone

"Confectionery". According to a certain scheme, it is proposed to cook a pie. It must match the final photo. We select color, shape, additional decorative elements.

"Thumbelina". You can download the game on a tablet, smartphone, iPhone. Allows you to create your own fairy tale, come up with an original beginning, end known history. During the game, the child learns to read and pronounce words correctly, count and think logically. You can record and voice your characters, then watch the resulting cartoon with the whole family.

"The Adventures of Luntik". Favorite cartoon character helps to overcome obstacles on the way to the main prize. The animation principle of the game allows you to train memory and attention in children and adults.

Jewels. A game of logic and thinking. It is necessary to move the gems so that there are 3 or more of the same color in the row. Stones explode and help open treasure chests.
