Therapeutic physical education for preschool children. Features of the method of physical therapy in preschool age

Today, physical therapy in childhood represents great various games, activities that allow you to restore and improve the functioning of organs and other body systems without interfering with children's development.

Benefits of exercise

Movement is the basis for the development of the body, especially in childhood; a person cannot live a day without movement. Selected species exercise can affect possible violations in the functions of the body, which is very important when taking into account diseases in individual organs and systems. for children is based on the positive effect of exercise on the child’s nervous system, strengthening the immune system and correcting existing pathologies ().

A very important role in therapeutic physical education carried out with preschool and younger children school age, have special outdoor games that not only have a therapeutic effect, but also stimulate positive emotions. Exercises can regulate various functions of all systems and organs of the child’s body without exception. During physical therapy exercises for children, a great variety of methods and practices are used, or more precisely:

  • exercises including gymnastic elements;
  • simple active games;
  • hardening;
  • massages for healing and treatment;
  • auxiliary mechanical devices (mechanotherapy);
  • gymnastics in the pool.

Features of exercise therapy for infants

The key to successful implementation of prescribed exercise therapy exercises for children is the compliance of the means and methods of conducting classes age characteristics child. It is important to remember that exercise therapy classes for children of early infancy should be conducted by a certified specialist, especially in the first months of life. Dissipated load methods must be followed. The time allotted for exercise therapy should not initially exceed 7–15 minutes.

The first years of a child’s life are characterized by very high rates of development and growth of the body as a whole. All possible indicators increase intensively: height, weight, chest volume, foot size. As the child’s body grows and develops, movements become more meaningful, acquire physical completeness of action, and a certain purposefulness. But in children's consciousness the processes of serenity still prevail over the processes of concentration. According to the results of social surveys, two-year-old children are physically active 60% of the time, excluding sleep time, and by the third year, activity reaches 70% of waking time.

Taking into account the characteristics of children of this age group, exercises should be selected that are simple and do not require high concentration and intense physical activity.

Exercises in the pool and passive gymnastics, massage are very suitable. As you develop and grow older, you can add active games with elements of therapeutic exercises for correct posture.

Features of exercise therapy for preschoolers

During preschool age (from 3 to 7 years), children experience intensive growth of their limbs. Fundamental changes and transformations in the development of speech abilities are taking place. The baby masters the initial skills of interacting with the outside world.

The further development of basic types of movements, the aim of throwing and throwing various objects are improved, running skills and new elements in the construction of jumps and landings emerge.

Given the rapid fatigue of muscles and the relative weakness of skeletal bones, children of primary preschool age are still incapable of prolonged physical activity. It is advisable to diversify the exercises during classes as much as possible and conduct them in a playful way. The payload time may be slightly increased and should not exceed 15–20 minutes.

Suitable for this age group of children:

  • active games with elements of exercise therapy in the fresh air;
  • gymnastic exercises using a ball, fitball;
  • classes in the pool;
  • therapeutic and wellness massages.

Features of exercise therapy classes for schoolchildren

Already at school age, the volume of exercise therapy is used in full force. Classes last at least 30–45 minutes and lead to, which is very important at this age, since asymmetrical development of the body muscles leads to poor posture and the occurrence of spinal curvature, which is fraught with pathology in the future internal organs.

Therefore, the methodology for conducting classes is developed taking into account the age of the children, their physical capabilities and level of activity. To do this, you need a gym equipped with all the necessary training equipment and equipment. Only a specialist should conduct exercise therapy classes and select exercises for children.

An exercise technique that is properly prepared and worked out to the smallest detail by a specialist will really help improve the health of the children.

It is important to know that in therapeutic physical education conducted with school-age children, a special place is occupied by games of an active nature, which include therapeutic elements. During the game, use all parts of the body in running, walking, squatting, jumping, throwing, and the child himself will perform all the exercises, as he is passionate gameplay.

For children over 7 years old, play activities are varied and include many elements and techniques. At this age, you can read books about physical education. For younger schoolchildren, it is best to use story-based games, that is, calling children cartoon characters and asking them to perform imitative actions of their favorite characters (“Tom and Jerry”, “Mousetrap”). Be sure to perform game elements with the ball. Older children enjoy participating in relay races involving the performance of sports elements and the use of gymnastic equipment.

Purpose of exercise therapy

In order to select a game that contains therapeutic elements, the instructor or doctor will first become familiar with the child's diagnosis. After this, taking into account the age-related load and the degree of adaptation of the child to it, he will select a developmentally appropriate group. The combination of all factors builds the intensity of the game with therapeutic exercises and corrective motor elements (running, jumping, walking, projectile throwing).

It is very important to consider the level of difficulty in perceiving the rules of the game and the balance of emotional and physical stress when performing roles. Also, the instructor should keep in mind that the game he offers should interest and make you want to continue and repeat it.

Outdoor activities

Exercise therapy classes in open areas are very useful, where, in addition to the therapeutic effect of the exercises, hardening of the child’s body is achieved. This is especially true for educational sanatoriums, where children stay for the entire school year. In such institutions, exercise therapy classes are held very often in the fresh air for almost the entire academic year.

Most often, the sanatorium has a wide range of playgrounds for a variety of sports games, for example, a mini-volleyball field. This game is an effective means of comprehensive physical development child, it promotes the harmonious growth of body muscles and the formation of a muscle corset. A variety of movements using game situations on the court helps eliminate the danger of overwork and prevent the development of muscle imbalance.

If you have an experienced instructor and appropriate equipment, active games will not only bring pleasure to the children, but will also have the desired therapeutic effect.

Children who need walks and fresh air are recommended to go on hikes of a certain duration and ride bicycles in specially designated areas.

It is believed that the most difficult type of applied sports exercise is swimming, but if you prepare carefully and choose the right set of exercises, you can get a lot of good impressions and a positive therapeutic effect.

Physical therapy exercises for children with poor posture are the most effective method of preventing and correcting spinal curvatures. Modern preschoolers and junior schoolchildren Spend too much time watching TV, in school, and doing homework. But not only the beauty and slimness of the figure, but also the health of many internal organs depends on general physical development.

How are physical education and human posture related?

With accelerated skeletal growth (at about 7 years of age), muscle mass increases slightly. Children at this age stretch out and appear taller and slimmer. But insufficient muscle development leads to the fact that the fragile spine, which does not have muscular support, becomes vulnerable to the formation of bends that are unusual for normal physiology.

It is customary to distinguish 2 types of violations:

  • curvature of the spine in the sagittal region (natural curves are increased or decreased, stooping occurs, etc.);
  • changes in the frontal plane - scoliosis.

As a result, the child’s respiratory volume decreases, the functioning of the digestive tract is disrupted, of cardio-vascular system, myopia often develops.

To prevent postural defects from occurring, the spine needs a powerful muscle corset. This is the name given to the muscles surrounding the spinal column: they support the flexible bone organ in an upright position, return the vertebrae to a physiological state after work (bending, lifting weights, etc.), and play a shock-absorbing role when moving, jumping, running. With undeveloped back muscles in an adult, many diseases associated with the displacement of the vertebrae occur.

To form strong muscles that will hold the spine in the correct position, they have been developed: they are available to children at the age of 5–7 years.

  1. Take the stick so that your hands are in front and below. Raising your arms, move your leg back. Return to IP, repeat with the other leg. Perform 6–8 movements. The parent makes sure that the child bends backward at the waist.
  2. Take the stick so that it is at the back. Hands down, feet together. Rising onto your toes, move your arms back as far as possible. Return to i.p. and repeat 4-6 times. The parent makes sure that the child does not bend his elbows or lean forward.
  3. The stick is in front, below. Raise your arms, lower them to your chest, return to standing position. Do the exercise 4-5 times. Make sure your child maintains good posture.

At the end of the lesson, walk at a calm pace for 30 seconds. At the same time, posture must be maintained, to which the parent draws the child’s attention.

Exercise therapy complex for junior schoolchildren

In first-graders, disorders are most often first identified during a medical examination at school. They are a consequence of insufficient attention to the development of the child before school. But your posture can still be corrected by doing daily exercises at home. Daily morning exercises can also contain elements of exercise therapy.

It is already possible for children to take and maintain a control pose: go to the wall and lean on it with their heels, shins, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of their head. Do not raise your shoulders. During the warm-up (walking, as indicated above), it is important to ensure compliance with the control pose.

After warming up, a first-grader can perform simple therapeutic physical exercises with or without a ball. He is not able to independently monitor the correct execution and posture, so the presence of an older family member is required who can control the student and correct his mistakes.

Physical therapy to correct posture may include the following exercises:

  1. From i.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, lift the ball (or stick). When raising your hands, look at the object. Lower it onto your chest, return to IP. Do 5-6 repetitions.
  2. Ball in 1 hand. Place it behind your back, transfer it to your other hand, and return to IP. Ensure compliance with the control pose. Perform 5-6 movements.
  3. Raise your hands with a ball or stick above your head. Spread your elbows to the sides, connecting your shoulder blades. Make 4-6 tilts to the left and right.
  4. Accept i.p. lying on your back. Raising your legs, spread them to the sides and then cross them. Perform 7–8 movements, return to IP.
  5. The “Bicycle” exercise trains the abdominal wall well. Raise your legs and bend your knees. Imitate the movements of a cyclist for 20–30 seconds.
  6. Use the movements of the Boxer and Swallow exercises. Options include chest lifts with your legs pressed to the floor or just your legs. You can use a stick, which should be held at shoulder level behind the neck. Repeat movements 4–6 times.

In addition to exercises aimed at developing the back muscles, primary schoolchildren should perform squats at least 10–15 times per lesson. They can be performed without a projectile by stretching your arms forward while bending your legs. If there is a stick, it is either held in front or placed behind the back at shoulder level. The latter option helps control posture on the part of the child himself.


In addition to performing exercise therapy complexes, it is necessary to provide the child with maximum physical activity. This could be hiking or cycling, skiing and skating, or outdoor games.

It is a complex of physical education aimed at rehabilitation, prevention and treatment. Includes well-chosen exercises and proper breathing.

Indications for use

  1. Recommended for all healthy children in order to enhance the activity of all systems and organs, metabolic processes, and increase the body's adaptation to various factors.
  2. Forms correct posture.
  3. Children with temporary or permanent health problems (damages to the cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory, musculoskeletal systems of the body).

In addition to the main goals, exercise therapy also has an educational and disciplinary function. In exercise therapy classes for children, the child gets to know himself in the world around him and gains some hygiene skills. Physical education is also important for better adaptation at school, increases resistance to stress, improves academic performance and emotional well-being in schoolchildren, and reduces sensitivity to allergens. Exercise therapy has some contraindications, and therefore requires prior consultation with a specialist.

Activities with babies

When a child is born, his body has not yet fully formed, so all his movements are twitching with his arms and legs. So that his body could develop even then, they came up with gymnastic exercises for kids. This is done so that the child’s body develops already during this period. These exercises are done not only for sick children, but also for healthy ones, so that the pathology is not discovered later.

How does this gymnastics help the child’s body?

When we move, the muscle mass receives more blood, that is, more of everything that is in it. Metabolism works better as more energy is expended and more is consumed by the body. Due to accelerated metabolism, our organs, for example, kidneys, stomach, liver, begin to develop better because they work more actively. The child's immunity is strengthened. The nervous system receives a good stimulus for development. The musculoskeletal system is strengthened, the vestibular system is strengthened, muscles and bones are better bonded. The child begins to sleep more soundly, which is also a plus, since he wakes up less at night. In general, therapeutic gymnastics was developed so that the child learns to move faster, at least begins to do simple moves. Regular exercise will also improve his posture and prevent muscle hypertrophy.

How to do gymnastics correctly?

You need to start exercising when the child is already a month old, and end each session with a massage - this helps the muscles relax. If your child is not feeling well, you should stop teaching!

If your child is distracted by something else, start doing another exercise, he may not like it, and at the end distract him with something interesting. Gymnastics should be carried out two hours after or two hours before eating and swimming, after ventilating the room, but the temperature should not be lower than 20 degrees. The total time of gymnastics should not be less than 15 minutes; the process should be accompanied by approving words and positive emotions.

Types of exercises

Exercise therapy exercises for children have many types, the most common of them are listed below. The most popular are those aimed at:

  1. The baby lies with his stomach up, his arms crossed on his chest. First we raise one hand, then the second, then both, throwing them behind our heads. The child lies on his back, bend his legs and bring them together, repeat the exercise up to 3 times, then hold the legs and turn the pelvis to the sides.
  2. We train rolls from back to tummy and vice versa. To do this, we pull the baby’s hand, through which the revolution will be carried out, upward, and teach him this exercise. To teach a child to crawl, you need two people to hold his limbs and take turns moving them. When the baby is more than 4 months old, he is lifted by the back and taught to sit down with the help of the child's hands.

Gymnastics is not done in the following cases:

  • the baby is sick with the flu;
  • heart problems;
  • mucosal disorder;
  • stomach problems;
  • lung problems;
  • acute inflammatory and purulent processes.

Conclusion: gymnastics should be carried out in any case after consultation with a doctor, but do not forget that parents should be involved in the development of the child.

The use of exercise therapy for cerebral palsy

Exercise therapy for children with cerebral palsy can improve:

  • coordination;
  • balance;
  • strength;
  • flexibility;
  • endurance;
  • pain management;
  • position;
  • general health.

A combination of exercises, muscle relaxation techniques and special equipment is used to improve movement. The extent to which physical therapy can improve a child's specific problems depends on the severity of the condition. Exercises for cerebral palsy are aimed at treating high or low muscle tone. High muscle tone causes stiffness and spasticity, while low muscle tone causes too much flexibility and weakness. Flexibility exercises and massages are often used for children with spastic cerebral palsy. Strength training exercises are used to increase muscle tone in children with athetoid cerebral palsy.

Specific exercises are also used to help with walking, posture, transitional movements, and sensory issues such as touch and balance. The situation is improved with exercises performed while sitting, kneeling and standing.

Therapists use various means for mobility to make physical training more effective. Bindings, casters, splints and shoe inserts are types of orthopedic equipment that help a child walk and joints move.

Physical therapy also often includes the following tools:

  • ball exercises;
  • resistance bands;
  • free weights;
  • swimming pools;
  • hot and cold packs;
  • electrical muscle stimulation.

In some cases, electrical stimulation is used to improve gait and upper limb function. Physiotherapists must tailor treatment to different stages of development. The most important stages are when the child is in preschool and early school age. Children in the early stages of development learn and experience many things through play, making it an important aspect of early therapy. Babies with CP are often reluctant to touch their face or practice certain movements necessary for learning and physical development.

Procedures for flat feet

Play complexes are perfect for carrying out exercise therapy for flat feet in children. Young children can draw using their toes. You can also pick up toys from the floor. You can come up with exercises for children yourself. It is best to alternate them, increase the duration of the lesson, and repeat them after a short period of time. For children who have already started school, it is recommended to increase the load. Increase repetitions of exercises to twenty.

Activities for a school-age child

Perform a set of exercises from a sitting position on a chair:

  • grab a small object with your toes and try to lift it;
  • grab the ball with your feet and lift it to the maximum possible height;
  • bring your heels together and spread them apart, while you need to touch the floor with your toes;
  • drag your feet along the floor or roll a stick along the floor.

While standing, do the following:

  • climb onto the gymnastic wall and distribute your body weight to the center of the foot;
  • squat on your toes, arms should be directed to the sides;
  • walk on a stick or ribbed board;
  • massage your feet using a mat with arch supports;
  • roll from toes to heels, keeping your back straight;
  • walk with your toes on an inclined board.

As part of exercise therapy, these exercises must be performed frequently. You cannot stop exercising when small improvements appear; you need to consolidate the results. To achieve clear progress in treatment, the efforts of not only the child himself, but also his parents are needed.

Back problems

Doctors recommend starting exercise therapy for children with postural disorders from two to three months. Exercise therapy will help tone your back muscles and correct irregular shape spine. Constant exercise will help your child keep his back straight.

For children under seven years of age, it is recommended to exercise at least three to four times a week. Exercise therapy should be performed for three months with a possible break of two months. It is recommended to constantly make the classes more difficult (once every three weeks). This is necessary to quickly obtain results. If this is not done, the child’s muscles will begin to get used to the loads, and because of this, the effectiveness of the exercises will decrease.

A set of exercises for prevention

Exercise therapy complexes for children may be as follows. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on your waist. Extend your elbows until your shoulder blades close together. Repeat five times.

Bend over with your hands behind your back. Tilts to the right and left and back and forth. Repeat six times.

Place your legs as wide as possible, place your hands on your shoulders. As you inhale, bend forward, and as you exhale, return back to the starting position.

Take the bodybar and extend it straight in front of you. As you exhale, squat down, and as you inhale, return back to the starting position. Repeat five to six times. During the exercise, you need to keep your back straight.

Main and the most important function the body is movement. Therapeutic physical education (PT) is exactly the set of exercises that will help not only normalize the activity of the musculoskeletal system, but also improve the functioning of internal organs. Exercise therapy started in time can replace long-term medication and surgical interventions.

Exercises are divided not only according to anatomical principles (for example, they can be aimed at improving the functioning of the muscles of the legs, arms, correcting posture, etc.), but also according to the degree of intensity. The range of possibilities of exercise therapy is huge: it includes applied sports exercises, therapeutic gymnastics of various types, and breathing exercises. Independent selection of a set of classes can cause significant harm to the body, because it is the development of an individual program by a specialist and medical control that are the main differences between exercise therapy and other types of physical education.

Indications for prescribing physical therapy

Exercise therapy is included in A complex approach treatment and prevention for existing problems from the following body systems:

  • Musculoskeletal (physical therapy is also indicated for coxarthrosis, poor posture, osteochondrosis, scoliosis, etc.)
  • Nervous
  • Cardiovascular
  • Respiratory
  • Digestive

As one of the most important methods of rehabilitation or health maintenance, exercise therapy is also important for:

  • Injuries
  • Chest surgery
  • During pregnancy

The effectiveness of exercise therapy

Efficiency physical therapy is no longer a secret to anyone. On the one hand, it is a good assistant in complex therapy, on the other – The best way consolidate the results of already completed treatment. In addition, exercise therapy is prescribed to prevent the development possible complications, slowing down the development of a particular disease, as well as for the purpose of general strengthening of the body. The mechanics of exercise therapy are quite simple - a set of exercises improves blood circulation in muscles under stress, has a positive effect on the growth of muscle strength, and helps restore or increase joint mobility. Breathing exercises, for its part, help relieve muscle spasms. Exercise therapy works most effectively in conjunction with massage and physiotherapy.

Exercise therapy for diseases of the musculoskeletal system

One of the most common cases of prescribing exercise therapy is situations related to injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Unfortunately, processes of impaired lymph and blood circulation in injured tissues are inevitable, moreover, they can even lead to necrosis. Such degenerative (negative) changes can cause both persistent limitation of joint mobility (contracture) and complete immobility (ankylosis). In this case, it is exercise therapy that tones the central nervous system, improves blood flow to injured tissues, promotes their healing and restoration of muscle elasticity and strength.

The course of exercise therapy for this problem is divided into three periods:

  • Immobilization (reduction of pathological reactions of the body associated with the resulting injury, strengthening the immune system, prevention of possible complications such as thromboembolism, osteoporosis, pneumonia, muscle atrophy, etc.)
  • Post-immobilization period (virtually complete restoration of lost capabilities of the musculoskeletal system)
  • Final recovery period (elimination of possible residual effects associated with the disease and consolidation of the result)

Exercise therapy for children is prescribed for the purpose of:

  • Proper development and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system: muscles, joints and bones
  • Prevention of scoliosis and flat feet and other orthopedic diseases
  • Normalizing the activity of the nervous system, combating tics and the consequences of injuries or prolonged immobility, restoring normal muscle tone
  • Maintaining and restoring the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, digestive tract, lungs
  • As part of complex therapy of diseases of internal organs and skeleton
  • Prevention of complications or relapses of diseases
  • General strengthening of the body and immune system

Indications for physical therapy include diseases of a wide variety of profiles:

  • Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system: congenital conditions, injuries, etc.
  • Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Diseases of the endocrine system, metabolic disorders
  • Violations respiratory systems s: frequent bronchitis, bronchial asthma; rehabilitation after pneumonia
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Nervous disorders

Exercise therapy for the little ones

For infants in the first year of life, physical therapy is the foundation of future healthy life. At first, sets of exercises consist mainly of passive and reflex movements, but as the baby develops, the specialist begins to add active components. It is useful to combine gymnastics for little ones with massage.

MEDSI doctors know that exercise therapy has the most beneficial effect on mental and physical state children. Exercises stimulate blood circulation and the activity of the nervous system, improve muscle tone, and normalize the baby’s sleep and mood.

Thanks to the general strengthening effect of physical therapy, the child’s body develops harmoniously. The risk of developmental delay is eliminated, the baby begins to sit up, walk and talk on time or even a little earlier than his peers.

If a child is diagnosed with rickets or has lost weight, physical therapy will prevent complications of the disease, help the skeletal system develop normally, improve appetite, and improve metabolism.

Exercise therapy for children makes them more active, positive, and resistant to diseases and stress.

Contraindications to the use of exercise therapy

  • Fever and general serious condition
  • Bleeding or hemorrhagic diathesis
  • High or low blood pressure
  • Acute disease of internal organs or exacerbation of a chronic disease
  • Hyperesthesia (particularly with rickets)
  • Extensive hernias
  • Diseases that cause increased bone fragility

There are not many contraindications to the prescription of exercise therapy; basically, they are all associated with the initial (acute) stage of the disease, injury or exacerbation of chronic disease, and the presence of indications for surgical intervention. As time passes and after the cessation of acute pain and inflammatory processes, exercise therapy can be prescribed immediately.

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3. Physical therapy products

4. Organization of physical therapy in preschool educational institutions




The health-saving component in the physical education of preschool children includes a system of values ​​and attitudes that form a system of hygienic skills and abilities necessary for the normal functioning of the body, as well as a system of exercises aimed at improving the skills and abilities to care for oneself, clothing, place of residence, environment. A special role in this component is given to compliance with the daily routine, diet, alternation of work and rest, which helps prevent the formation of bad habits, functional disorders of diseases, includes mental hygiene and psychoprophylaxis of the educational process, the use of health-improving factors environment and a number of specific ways to improve the health of the weakened.

Improving the system of physical education for preschool children is largely determined by the level of scientific validity of physical training methods for children of this age. It is in childhood that vitally important basic locomotor skills and abilities are formed, the foundation of motor experience is created, the ABC of movement is mastered, from the elements of which all human motor activity is subsequently formed.

According to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Disease Prevention of Children, Adolescents and Youth, over the past decades the health status of preschool children has deteriorated sharply: the number of children in the 1st health group has decreased (from 23.2 to 15.1%) and the number of children in the 2nd group has increased. with various health conditions (from 60.9 to 67.6%) and group 3 - with chronic diseases (from 15.9 to 17.3%). It is alarming that by the time children enter school, there is a tendency for chronic morbidity to increase in children.

If we take into account that the motor activity of children is both a condition and a stimulating factor for the development of intellectual, emotional and other spheres, then the need for intensive scientific development of issues of physical education of preschool children becomes obvious.

Today, preserving and strengthening children's health is one of the main strategic objectives of the country's development. It is regulated and ensured by such regulatory documents as the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Article 51), “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population”, as well as Decrees of the President of Russia “On Urgent Measures to Ensure the Health of the Population” Russian Federation”, “On approval of the main directions of state social policy to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation”, etc.

Object of study: the process of influence of physical therapy as a means of improving the health of preschool children

Subject of research: physical therapy in a preschool institution.

Research methods: theoretical; empirical; general logical; statistical.

Purpose of the study: to consider the children's health program in a preschool institution.

1. Health status of preschool children

Health psychology is only just establishing itself in Russian psychology as a new and independent field of scientific knowledge, and research on the specifics of the health psychology of preschool children is still scarce. But interest in the central problem of health psychology - the problem of a healthy personality - arose at the beginning of the twentieth century. Enormous credit for staging it and attracting attention to it belongs to V.M. Bekhterev.

The main theses on ensuring the development and health of the individual were presented by V.M. Bekhterev in a report at the Second Congress of Psychiatrists in 1905. Regarding children, in his report he said that “if the physical development of the body is weak by nature and the child from a very early age is vulnerable to a number of infectious diseases and is not provided with sufficient and proper nutrition, then the process of full flowering of the personality, its improvement will be in detained to one degree or another." He also said that the foundations of a future personality are laid in preschool age and are associated primarily with the correct and rational upbringing of a child from the first days of his life. Correctly delivered education, argued V.M. Bekhterev plays a huge role not only in the development of character, but also in strengthening his physical and mental health. His thesis that physical education contributes not only to strengthening the body, but also to the development of a person’s energy potential, his determination, perseverance, and will, today, in connection with the latest achievements of medical and psychological-pedagogical science, takes on a completely different meaning. But already in those distant years V.M. Bekhterev was able to show the scientific community that, despite favorable heredity, living conditions, mental illness can develop under the influence of negative educational conditions that have developed in early childhood. Bad examples of elders, he said, contribute to the formation of unhealthy habits in children, and if they are not promptly eliminated by appropriate pedagogical influences, then “they cause them to lose mental balance, develop obsessive states, various forms mental illness" Emphasizing the relationship between physical education and mental health, he showed how the latter is undermined by violations of hygiene rules and too pampered upbringing, which complicates the formation of the individual’s adaptive capabilities to external living conditions.

To the basic conditions for the formation of a healthy personality V.M. Bekhterev attributed:

1. The hereditary nature of man.

2. Favorable conditions for conception and development human body.

3. Favorable socio-economic living conditions.

4. Negative attitude towards alcohol.

5. Life according to the rules of hygiene (including mental hygiene).

6. Rational education.

7. Rational training.

8. Participation in social activities.

9. Focus on improving one’s personality in accordance with the interests of the human community.

A child’s attitude towards his health is the foundation on which the building of the need for a healthy lifestyle can be built. It originates and develops in the process of the child’s awareness of himself as a person and personality. Initially, this attitude manifests itself in the form of fear that appears in the child in connection with the unpleasant manipulations that adults perform on him. Everyone knows that young children are very wary and even negative towards people in white coats. As the experience of illness and the associated experience of receiving medical procedures accumulates, the feeling of fear is replaced by a feeling of anxious expectation, and in older preschoolers it is replaced by curiosity.

Of course, this is an approximate description of children’s attitude to health.

And of course, a child’s attitude to what is associated with his illness is purely individual and largely depends on the attitude of his parents to this phenomenon. They are worried - the child is worried. Parents are careless about their health, and their child will probably be just as careless.

But we considered the situation of attitudes towards health outside of the child’s illness.

And experiments have convincingly proven that a child’s attitude to health directly depends on the formation of this concept in his consciousness. Since this concept is quite complex and multifaceted, in early preschool age children are not able to master it, as we have seen, even at the level general idea. Children at this age understand what illness is, but they still cannot give the most basic characteristics of health. As a result, a small child practically does not develop any relationship with him.

In middle preschool age, children develop an idea of ​​health as “not a disease.” They talk about how they were sick, and most clearly have a negative attitude towards the disease (quite different) based on their experience. They still cannot explain what it means to feel healthy and to be healthy. Hence the attitude towards health as something abstract. In their understanding, being healthy means not getting sick. When asked what needs to be done to avoid getting sick, the vast majority of children (78% of those surveyed) answer: don’t catch a cold, don’t eat ice cream, don’t get your feet wet, etc. From these answers it follows that children at this age begin to understand health threats from external environment(cold, rain, draft), as well as from your own actions (eating very cold ice cream, getting your feet wet, etc.).

In older preschool age, due to increasing personal experience, the attitude towards health changes significantly. But there is a confusion of the concepts of “healthy” as big, good (that’s great!) and “healthy” as not sick. Children still correlate health with illness, but more clearly identify threats to health both from their own actions (“you can’t eat dirty fruit,” “you can’t take food with dirty hands,” etc.) and from the external environment. At a certain educational work children correlate the concept of “health” with compliance with hygiene rules. They begin to correlate physical education with health promotion and in its definition (like, in fact, adults) they put the physical component in first place. At this age, children (albeit still intuitively) begin to highlight both the mental and social components of health (“everyone there was screaming and swearing, and I got a headache”). But, despite the existing ideas about health and ways to preserve it, in general, the attitude towards it among children of senior preschool age remains quite passive. The reasons for this attitude lie in children’s lack of necessary knowledge about it, as well as their lack of awareness of the dangers of unhealthy human behavior for maintaining health.

Unhealthy behavior in some cases brings pleasure (how nice it is to eat cold ice cream, drink a whole bottle of chilled lemonade, run through a puddle, lie in bed longer, etc.), but long-term Negative consequences such actions seem distant and unlikely to the child.

Research has convincingly shown that a significant part of the self-protective behavior of children of senior preschool age is determined by their ideas about health. With targeted upbringing, training, consolidation in Everyday life hygiene rules, corresponding motivation for physical education, children’s attitude towards their health changes significantly. The formation of an attitude towards health as the greatest value in life (at a level that children can understand) becomes the basis for developing in children the need for a healthy lifestyle. In turn, the presence of this need helps to solve the most important psychological and social task - the formation in the child of a creative position in relation to his own health and the health of others.

One of the most important signs of health is the physical development of a child. Over the past 20 years, there has been an increase in the number of functional deviations in one child with age: at the age of 4, the vast majority of children have 1-3 deviations from various functional systems (cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, nervous, etc.); by the age of 6, their number in almost 50% of children increases to 4-5.

Thus, the main task of the educator and parents is to teach the child to value their health. Give an idea of ​​the factors that influence the state of his health. Monitor the child's compliance with hygiene rules. Take care of your physical and mental development children.

2. The essence and significance of physical therapy

therapeutic physical education preschool educational

Therapeutic exercise is physical exercise, i.e. muscle movements, which are a powerful biological stimulator of human vital functions. Exercises are divided into gymnastic, applied sports (walking, running, swimming, etc.), mobile and sport games. In addition, exercise therapy uses exercises of a labor nature (occupational therapy), and the use of natural factors - sun, air and water - increases the effectiveness of physical exercise and promotes hardening of the body.

Therapeutic gymnastics is the main form of exercise therapy. Therapeutic gymnastics exercises are divided into two groups: for the musculoskeletal and respiratory systems.

Musculoskeletal are divided according to the localization of the effect, or anatomical principle - for small, medium and large muscle groups; according to the degree of activity of the patient - active and passive.

Passive exercises are called exercises for an injured limb, performed with the help of a healthy limb, or with the assistance of a methodologist or exercise therapy instructor.

Active - exercises performed entirely by the patients themselves.

Exercises performed on special devices, with so-called weights, are called mechanotherapy.

Breathing exercises used in therapeutic exercises to improve the functions of external respiration are divided into two types: static, performed without movement of the arms and muscles of the shoulder girdle, and dynamic, when the breathing phases are combined with movements of the arms, shoulder girdle and body.

Physical exercises in water (bath, swimming pool, open reservoir) occupy a significant place in exercise therapy. Exercises in water are facilitated by mechanical and thermal influences aquatic environment, as a result of which many movements that are difficult to do under normal conditions are performed in water without much effort or freely due to the lightening of one’s own weight in the water and the reduction of pain or spastic phenomena in the muscles.

One of the types of therapeutic exercises is corrective exercises; it is carried out to correct certain defects of the musculoskeletal system and treat them initial forms: poor posture, curvature of the spine, flat feet. Corrective gymnastics is most successfully used during the period of body growth.

Exercise therapy uses the entire arsenal of means accumulated by physical education for the treatment and prevention of a huge number of diseases, taking into account specially methodically developed and selected sets of exercises.

Children's physical therapy studies the features of the influence of physical education means on the body of a sick child, the rate of his growth and development during pathological conditions, processes of sanogenesis, pathogenetic mechanisms, and also develops methods of physical therapy for various developmental defects, diseases and injuries in children.

Being an original method of treatment and rehabilitation of a sick child, children's physical therapy differs from other types of treatment (pharmacotherapy, diet therapy, physiotherapy, etc.) not only in the physiological nature of the means used, associated with the natural movements of the child and natural external influences, but also in its widespread use in practical work methods of therapeutic pedagogy and psychology.

Preserving the health of preschool children can be called a priority activity for the entire society, since only healthy children are able to properly assimilate the acquired knowledge and in the future are able to engage in productive and useful work.

The need to maintain health must be formed from childhood, when the body is plastic and easily susceptible to environmental influences. Children have a stronger desire to be healthy, to grow up beautiful, active, to be able to serve and behave in such a way as not to harm themselves and others. With the help of an adult, the child realizes: in order to be healthy, you need to do physical exercise every day, harden yourself, do exercises, follow a daily routine, eat healthy food, keep the environment and premises clean, and also follow the rules of hygiene.

In physical exercise classes, children receive elementary representations about the structure of one’s own body, the functions and purposes of internal organs and body systems. Through a system of special exercises and games, children become familiar with the signs of health, learn to protect themselves from germs, avoid dangerous places, and, if necessary, provide basic assistance to themselves and others. The sooner a child realizes the need for his direct involvement in the riches of physical culture, the sooner he will develop an important need that reflects a positive attitude and interest in the physical side of his life.

Throughout preschool childhood, children's health is continuously maintained in the conditions of physical education, as evidenced by the indicators of children's general physical fitness. In preschoolers from 5 to 7 years old, back strength doubles: in boys it increases from 25 to 52 kilograms, in girls from 20.4 to 43 kilograms. Speed ​​performance improves. The running time for 10 meters on the move is reduced for boys from 2.5 to 2.0 seconds, for girls from 2.6 to 2.2 seconds. General endurance indicators change. The distance covered by boys increases from 602.3 meters to 884.3 meters, girls from 454 meters to 715.3 meters.

The preservation of the health of a preschooler is influenced by various means and methods of physical education. For example, an effective means of developing speed are exercises aimed at developing the ability to quickly perform movements. Children learn exercises best at a slow pace. The teacher must ensure that the exercises are not long or monotonous. It is advisable to repeat them under different conditions with different intensities, with complications or, conversely, with reduced requirements.

Of particular importance in the process of preserving the health of preschoolers are playful motor tasks, outdoor sports games, sports entertainment, which are always interesting to children; they have a great emotional charge, are distinguished by the variability of their constituent components, and make it possible to quickly solve motor problems. Children learn to come up with motor content for the proposed plot, independently enrich and develop play actions, and create new ones. storylines, new forms of movement. This eliminates the habit of mechanical repetition of exercises and activates within accessible limits creative activity on independent comprehension and successful application of familiar movements in non-standard conditions. Gradually, collective creativity organized by adults becomes independent activity children.

On modern stage development of education, there are several concepts of the physical development of preschool children aimed at preserving their health. The philosophy of a particular program is based on a certain view of the authors on the child, on the patterns of his development, and, consequently, on the creation of conditions that contribute to the formation of personality, protect his identity and reveal creative potential every pupil. The development of children's motor activity should take place in the form of their involvement in physical education as a natural component of universal human culture.

T.N. Doronova, a candidate of pedagogical sciences, in her “Rainbow” program, pays attention to the education and development of kindergarten children; the main component she gave preference to is the most important subject of education - physical education. A person’s health depends on how work with children in physical education is organized. A child in preschool should feel muscular joy and love movement; this will help him carry the need for movement throughout his life, join in sports and a healthy lifestyle. T.N. Doronova reveals the means and forms of physical education. These are hygienic factors, hygiene of the nervous system, physical exercise. Preventive, developmental, therapeutic, rehabilitation orientation in the selection of physical exercises.

Program of the group of authors under the leadership of L.A. Wenger “Development”, which contains two theoretical provisions. Theory A.V. Zaporozhets about the very value of the preschool period of development, the transition from a utilitarian understanding of preschool childhood to a humanistic understanding. And the concept of L.A. Wenger on the development of abilities, which are understood as universal actions of orientation in the environment with the help of figurative means of solving problems specific to a preschooler. This program does not contain tasks for the physical development of the child.

V.T. Kudryavtsev - doctor psychological sciences, B.B. Egorov - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences identified the idea of ​​a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach to the issue of physical education of preschoolers, and developmental pedagogy of health improvement arose in 2000. Their Program and Methodological Manual reflects two lines of health-improving and developmental work. They criticize the established approach to the physical education and health work of preschoolers and talk about the need for a radical revision of existing methods of physical education in preschool institutions and schools. V.T. Kudryavtsev and B.B. Egorov point out a number of contradictions that exist at the present stage.

The general goal of this program and methodological material is to form the motor sphere and create psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of children's health based on their creative activity.

In the program “Fundamentals of Preschool Children’s Safety” by V.A. Ananyev, the author sets the tasks of developing children’s physical activity; they need to be taught to take care of their health and the health of others, develop personal hygiene skills, give knowledge about healthy food, orient children towards a healthy lifestyle, give basic knowledge of what an infectious disease is and what needs to be done to avoid contracting it. Ways to solve problems: classes, games - classes, visual activities, walks, hygiene procedures, hardening activities, games, sporting events, holidays, conversations, reading literature, using emotionally attractive forms. Working with parents aimed at improving the health of children and developing their physical activity.

In addition to the programs, we analyzed methodological manuals on the problem under study. They are quite widely represented in pedagogical theory. The most valuable, in our opinion, are manuals that present several means of improving children's health in a kindergarten, containing detailed characteristics of non-traditional methods of healing. Such manuals include the works of Yu.F. Zmanovsky and his colleagues, methodological recommendations of A.I. Barkan, L.I. Latokhina, B.V. Shevrygina, N.V. Tsybulya, T.D. Fershalova and others.

So, an analysis of the content of modern programs for preschool institutions to preserve the health of children allows us to draw conclusions that, despite the differences in concepts, approaches, methods and means of solving the problem of improving the health of preschool children, in the content of each program the authors recognize the problem of preserving the health of children as a priority and it is given paramount importance. The programs encourage not only teachers to be active in the work, but also children and parents themselves.

We can identify general tasks of preserving the health of children that are characteristic of all analyzed programs for preschool institutions:

1. Teach children to determine their condition and sensations.

2. Form an active life position.

3. Form ideas about your body and organism.

4. Learn to strengthen and maintain your health.

5. Understand the need and role of movements in physical development.

6. Teach safety rules when performing physical exercises and various types activities.

7. Be able to provide basic assistance in case of injuries.

8. Form ideas about what is useful and what is harmful to the body.

Principles of physical therapy:

· The principle of individuality - control over the general condition of the child, over the dosage of exercises;

· The principle of systematicity - selection of special exercises and the sequence of their implementation;

· The principle of duration - the use of physical exercises that contribute to the restoration of dysfunctions is possible only under the condition of long and persistent repetition of the exercises;

· The principle of variety and novelty - I update the selection and use of physical exercises after 2-3 weeks;

· The principle of moderation - the duration of classes is 25-30 minutes in combination with fractional physical activity;

· The principle of cyclicity - I alternate physical activity with rest and relaxation exercises.

The new concept of health confirms its social essence, which consists in the distribution of responsibility for health protection between society, the individual and medical workers. Health as a social problem covers a complex of medical-biological, psychological, physical education, health and social sciences. In this regard, it is natural that preschool education In recent years, people have also turned their attention to this problem, because the well-being of any society directly depends on the health of children. If today 80% of preschool children have any disorders in the physical, mental and somatic spheres, by the time they graduate from school their number increases to 90% or more (according to the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), then accordingly the entire adult population of society is under threat, since the weakening health of the younger generation exponentially threatens the health of subsequent generations.

The need for a healthy lifestyle must be formed from childhood, when the body is plastic and easily susceptible to environmental influences. Children have a stronger desire to be healthy, to grow up beautiful, active, to be able to serve and behave in such a way as not to harm themselves and others. With the help of an adult, the child realizes: in order to be healthy, you need to do physical exercise every day, harden yourself, do exercises, follow a daily routine, eat healthy food, keep the environment and premises clean, and also follow the rules of hygiene.

3. Organization of physical therapy in preschool educational institutions

To ensure effective work on physical education in a preschool institution, specially equipped physical education halls and playgrounds are needed. In standard designs of kindergartens and commissioned buildings for preschoolers, many features of a child’s rapidly growing body that are very important for favorable life activities are not taken into account. In the preschool years, there is a significant increase in speed-strength qualities, endurance, flexibility and dexterity, many motor skills and abilities are formed, but the base (gyms and places for independent physical exercise) in which this occurs acts as a limiting factor that does not allow to fully ensure the development of the psychophysical and morphofunctional potential inherent in the child by nature. The available premises in most kindergartens for both music classes and physical exercises only meet the requirements of children under 3 years of age. In this regard, it is necessary to find effective ways to solve this problem.

Ideally everyone kindergarten should be equipped with sports halls with appropriate devices for the implementation of the motor capabilities of children of senior preschool age (6-7 years). Obviously, the solution to this issue cannot be only extensive in nature (expanding areas for physical exercise). The intensive path of development is currently the most acceptable for the budget sector of education. However, in the current economic conditions, it is not suitable for all preschool institutions in Russia. Therefore, the task of the administrative, economic and pedagogical teams of preschool educational institutions is to saturate the space of the gym with inexpensive, non-standard, multifunctional equipment and inventory that meets hygienic, anatomical, physiological, mental, aesthetic, ergonomic and other requirements.

One of the directions for solving this problem is the creation of simple simulators, training and training devices.

It is advisable to carry out physical therapy exercises in a small group with children who are similar in level of psychomotor development and with similar diseases, trying to maintain this composition of the group for the entire period of stay in a hospital or sanatorium. A special lesson is held in a physical therapy room that has the necessary aids and equipment for exercises with young children. A very good educational technique that significantly increases the emotional level of classes is dressing children in special sports suits and slippers.

In the introductory part of the lesson, depending on the level of development of walking skills, either walking in a “flock” or formations of the simplest type are introduced: children walk in a circle, holding hands, in pairs, in a column. In the main part, in addition to active exercises that correspond to therapeutic objectives, general developmental ones are introduced, in combination with exercises for training and developing basic movements: throwing, jumping, climbing, running. The inclusion of these exercises is carried out sequentially, over several sessions - so that in each of them 1 - 2 motor skills are consolidated and trained.

Almost everything is carried out at the preschool educational institution existing forms physical therapy: morning hygienic gymnastics, which includes the mandatory inclusion of one or two special exercises; classes (leading form), independent classes (under the supervision of a doctor, teachers and parents), which also include 3 - 4 special exercises; walks; health running; gaming activities. Each course of exercise therapy begins with mandatory testing of the strength endurance of the back and abdominal muscles in case of poor posture and plantography for flat feet. The general supervision of the work of an instructor in physical therapy in a preschool educational institution is carried out by an orthopedic doctor and a pediatrician, who record the annual dynamics of changes in the child’s posture in the child’s development chart. Based on the tested indicators, the orthopedic doctor and exercise therapy instructor make recommendations to the physical education instructor, swimming instructor, and exclude exercises that are contraindicated for the child. An exercise therapy instructor, together with an orthopedic doctor, has developed a set of physical exercises and activities for children of all age groups, taking into account the children’s diagnoses.

Taking into account the developmental characteristics of children attending preschool educational institutions, the following types of physical education classes are conducted:

Regular type

With elements of sports games

With elements of psycho-gymnastics

Plot - game

Physical education - educational.

To improve correctional work, preschool specialists have introduced a new health-saving form of classes - fitballs are used in exercise therapy, physical education, and logarithmics classes.

When developing a motor regimen in a preschool educational institution, the individual characteristics of the physical development of children and their diagnoses are taken into account. Along with the listed types of physical activity, specialists use in their work:

Physical exercises (daily, as needed, depending on the type and content of the lesson)

Hygienic gymnastics after a nap (using corrective paths and non-standard equipment)

Health week (2 times a year)

Physical education activities (2 times a month outdoors together with peers of groups 1-2)

Physical education and sports holidays (2 times a year in the open air with the involvement of parents).

The preschool educational institution places great importance on therapeutic and health-improving work, which is built in three areas:

1. Intense. Prevention prepares the child for the most unfavorable time of the season. Hardening procedures are carried out.

2. Restorative. A system of protective measures is used to prevent ARVI; herbal medicine and aromatherapy are carried out in groups.

3. Rehabilitation. Classes on the prevention of flat feet, musculoskeletal disorders, massage, physiotherapy.

As prescribed and recommended by an orthopedist, children with musculoskeletal disorders receive physiotherapeutic procedures in combination with massage. The nurse performs the following types of massage: restorative massage, as well as massage of the back, upper and lower limbs, taking into account the diagnosis of children.

Teachers pay special attention to the organization of children in class: on the backs of chairs there are massagers to prevent poor posture, and mats are placed on the floor - exercise equipment to prevent flat feet. During classes, specialists skillfully alternate different types activities, preventing children from becoming tired.

Specific features of the development of children with musculoskeletal disorders are motor difficulties; speech disorders. Children with musculoskeletal disorders have increased fatigue, quickly become lethargic, passive, irritable, and lose interest in the work they do. The teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution helps to ensure an individual approach to each child based on the psychological and pedagogical study of children, deals with the prevention and overcoming of deviations in the intellectual and personal development child.

4. Physical therapy products

Exercise therapy exercises have a therapeutic effect only with proper, regular, long-term use of physical exercises. For these purposes, a methodology for conducting classes, indications and contraindications for their use, taking into account effectiveness, and hygienic requirements for training places have been developed.

Physical exercise should not increase pain, since pain reflexively causes vasospasm and stiffness of movement. Exercises that cause pain should be carried out after preliminary relaxation of the muscles, at the moment of exhalation, in optimal starting positions. From the first days of classes, the patient should be taught proper breathing and the ability to relax muscles. Relaxation is more easily achieved after vigorous muscle tension. With unilateral lesions of the limbs, relaxation training begins with a healthy limb. Musical accompaniment of classes increases their effectiveness.

The main means of exercise therapy are physical exercises and natural factors. There are many physical exercises, and they affect the body in different ways.

Physical exercises in exercise therapy are divided into three groups: gymnastics, applied sports and games.

Gymnastic exercises. Consist of combined movements. With their help, you can influence various systems of the body and individual muscle groups, joints, developing and restoring muscle strength, speed, coordination, etc. All exercises are divided into general developmental (general strengthening), special and breathing (static and dynamic).

General strengthening exercises. Used to heal and strengthen the body, increase physical performance and psycho-emotional tone, activate blood circulation and breathing. These exercises facilitate the therapeutic effect of special ones.

Therapeutic exercise helps to improve the functioning of the central nervous system, respiratory organs, blood circulation, has a hardening effect on the body - trains thermoregulatory mechanisms, increases the body's resistance in premature infants. Thus, children who participated in physical therapy are 2-3 times less likely to suffer from an acute respiratory infection than children who did not engage in it. And if they do get sick, the disease is relatively mild, without complications. Such children are less likely to be diagnosed with hernias (umbilical, inguinal-scrotal).

Also means of physical therapy are massage and hardening.

In the definition given by V. Dahl in “ Explanatory dictionary living Great Russian language" provides an interpretation of hardening in relation to humans. V. Dahl believed that hardening a person means “accustoming him to all hardships, needs, bad weather, and raising him in severity.”

The famous Russian physiologist Academician I.R. Tarkhanov, the author of the book “On the hardening of the human body” published in 1899, defining the essence of hardening, wrote: “Russian speech resorts to the word “hardening” or “hardening” when applied to the body by analogy with the phenomena observed on iron, steel, their hardening, giving them greater hardness and durability.”

The famous Russian pediatrician, an active supporter of hardening G.N. Speransky, considered hardening as cultivating in the body the ability to quickly and correctly adapt to changing external conditions.

Any improvement is a long-term training. Consequently, hardening is a kind of training of the body’s defenses, preparing them for timely mobilization.

Hardening does not cure, but prevents illness, and this is its most important preventive role. A hardened person easily tolerates not only heat and cold, but also sudden changes in external temperature, which can weaken the body’s defenses.

The main thing is that hardening is acceptable for any person, i.e. It can be practiced by people of any age, regardless of the degree of physical development. Hardening increases the performance and endurance of the body. Tempering procedures normalize the state of the emotional sphere, make a person more restrained and balanced, they give vigor and improve mood. According to yogis, hardening leads to the merging of the body with nature.

Hardening will bring positive result only if the strength and duration of the hardening procedures are increased gradually. You should not start hardening immediately by wiping with snow or swimming in an ice hole. Such hardening can be harmful to health.

The transition from less strong influences to stronger ones should be carried out gradually, taking into account the state of the body and the nature of its responses to the applied influence. This is especially important to consider when hardening children and the elderly, as well as people suffering from chronic diseases of the heart, lungs and gastrointestinal tract.

At the beginning of the use of hardening procedures, the body experiences a certain response from the respiratory, cardiovascular and central nervous systems. As this procedure is repeated several times, the body's reaction to it gradually weakens, and its further use no longer has a hardening effect. Then it is necessary to change the strength and duration of the impact of hardening procedures on the body.

Basic hardening methods.

Air hardening:

An important and exclusive feature of air procedures as a hardening agent is that they are available to people of all ages and can be widely used not only healthy people, but also suffering from certain diseases. Moreover, for a number of diseases (neurasthenia, hypertension, angina), these procedures are prescribed as a remedy. This type of hardening must begin with developing the habit of fresh air. Great importance Take walks to improve your health.

The hardening effect of air on the body helps to increase the tone of the nervous and endocrine systems. Under the influence of air baths, digestion processes improve, the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems improves, and the morphological composition of the blood changes (the number of red blood cells and the level of hemoglobin increases). Staying in the fresh air improves the overall well-being of the body, influencing the emotional state, causing a feeling of vigor and freshness.

The hardening effect of air on the body is the result of the complex influence of a number of physical factors: temperature, humidity, direction and speed of movement. In addition, especially on the seashore, a person is influenced by the chemical composition of the air, which is saturated with salts contained in sea water.

According to temperature sensations, the following types of air baths are distinguished: hot (over 30C°), warm (over 22C°), indifferent (21-22C°), cool (17-21C°), moderately cold (13-17C°), cold ( 4-13С°), very cold (below 4С°).

It must be borne in mind that the irritating effect of air has an effect on skin receptors the more sharply the more difference skin and air temperatures.

Cool and moderately cold air baths have a more pronounced effect. By taking increasingly cooler air baths for the purpose of hardening, we thereby train the body to cope with low environmental temperatures by activating compensatory mechanisms that ensure thermoregulatory processes. As a result of hardening, first of all, the mobility of vascular reactions is trained, acting as a protective barrier that protects the body from sudden changes in external temperature.

Warm baths, while not providing hardening, nevertheless have a positive effect on the body, improving oxidative processes.

Air humidity in combination with fluctuations in its temperature can have different effects on the body's thermoregulation processes. From relative humidity air depends on the intensity of moisture evaporation from the surface of the skin and lungs. In dry air a person can easily tolerate significantly more high temperature than in wet conditions. Dry air causes the body to lose moisture.

Air mobility (wind) is also important when taking air baths. The wind affects the hardening organism due to its strength and speed, and its direction also matters. It, by helping to enhance heat transfer by the body, increases the cooling power of the air.

Air procedures for the purpose of hardening can be used either in the form of a clothed person staying in the open air (walks, sports activities), or in the form of air baths, in which a short-term effect of air of a certain temperature occurs on the naked surface of the human body.

Outdoor walks:

They are held at any time of the year, regardless of the weather. The duration of walks is set individually for each person depending on their state of health and age. An increase in walking time should be carried out gradually, taking into account both the listed factors and the degree of fitness of the body, as well as air temperature.

It is advisable to combine time in the air with active movements: in winter - skating, skiing, and in summer - playing ball and other outdoor games.

Air baths.

They prepare the body for subsequent hardening procedures, for example, hardening with water.

The dosage of air baths is carried out in two ways: a gradual decrease in air temperature and an increase in the duration of the procedure at the same temperature.

You should start taking air baths in a room, regardless of the time of year, at a temperature not lower than 15-16 ° C, and only after some time you can move to the open air. They are taken in a well-ventilated area. Having exposed your body, you should remain in this state at the beginning of the hardening course for no more than 3-5 minutes (further increasing the time). When taking cool and especially cold baths, it is recommended to perform active movements: gymnastic exercises, walking, running in place.

After appropriate preliminary preparation, you can proceed to taking air baths in the open air. They should be taken in places protected from direct sunlight and strong winds. It is necessary to start taking air baths in the open air at an indifferent air temperature, i.e. 20-22° C. The first air bath should last no more than 15 minutes, each subsequent one should be 10-15 minutes longer.

Only seasoned people can take cold baths. Their duration is no more than 1-2 minutes, with a gradual increase to 8-10 minutes.

Taking air baths in the open air should begin no earlier than 1.5 - 2 hours after meals and finish hardening 30 minutes before meals.

An important condition for the effectiveness of outdoor hardening is wearing clothing appropriate to weather conditions. Clothing should allow free air circulation.

Sun hardening.

Solar infrared rays have a pronounced thermal effect on the body. They contribute to the formation of additional heat in the body. As a result, the activity of the sweat glands increases and the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin increases: subcutaneous vessels expand and skin hyperemia occurs, blood flow increases, and this improves blood circulation of air baths in all tissues of the body. Infrared irradiation enhances the effect of UV radiation on the body. UV rays have a predominantly chemical effect. UV irradiation has a great biological effect: it promotes the formation of vitamin D in the body, which has a pronounced antirachitic effect; accelerates metabolic processes; under its influence, highly active products of protein metabolism are formed - biogenic stimulants. UV rays help improve blood composition and have a bactericidal effect, thereby increasing the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases; they have a tonic effect on almost all body functions.

Different children's skin has varying degrees of sensitivity to sun exposure. This is due to the thickness of the stratum corneum, the degree of blood supply to the skin and its ability to pigment.


Sunbathing for the purpose of hardening should be taken very carefully, otherwise instead of benefit it will cause harm (burns, heat and sunstroke). It is best to sunbathe in the morning, when the air is especially clean and it is not too hot, and also in the late afternoon, when the sun is setting. Best time for tanning: in the middle zone - 9-13 and 16-18 hours; in the south - 8-11 and 17-19 hours. The first sunbathing should be taken at an air temperature of at least 18°. Their duration should not exceed 5 minutes (then add 3-5 minutes, gradually increasing to an hour). Air baths cannot be slept during sunbathing! The head should be covered with something like a Panama hat, and the eyes with dark glasses.

Hardening with water.

A powerful product that has a pronounced cooling effect, since its heat capacity and thermal conductivity are many times greater than air. At the same temperature, water seems colder to us than air. An indicator of the influence of water hardening procedures is the skin reaction. If at the beginning of the procedure it turns pale for a short time and then turns red, this indicates a positive effect, therefore, the physiological mechanisms of thermoregulation cope with the cooling. If the skin reaction is weak, there is no paleness or redness, this means insufficient exposure. It is necessary to slightly lower the water temperature or increase the duration of the procedure. Sudden paleness of the skin, a feeling of extreme cold, chills and trembling indicate hypothermia. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the cold load, increase the water temperature or shorten the procedure time.

Rubdown - First stage hardening with water. It is carried out with a towel, sponge or simply a hand moistened with water. Rubbing is carried out sequentially: neck, chest, back, then wipe them dry and rub with a towel until red. After this, they wipe their feet and also rub them. The entire procedure is completed within five minutes.

Pouring is the next stage of hardening. For the first douches, it is advisable to use water with a temperature of about + 30°C, subsequently reducing it to + 15°C and below. After dousing, the body is vigorously rubbed with a towel.

A shower is an even more effective water procedure. At the beginning of hardening, the water temperature should be about +30-32°C and the duration should not be more than a minute. In the future, you can gradually reduce the temperature and increase the duration to 2 minutes, including rubbing the body. With a good degree of hardening, you can take a contrast shower, alternating 2-3 times water at 35-40°C with water at 13-20°C for 3 minutes. Regular use of these water procedures causes a feeling of freshness, vigor, and increased performance.

When swimming, air, water and sunlight have a complex effect on the body. You can start swimming at a water temperature of 18-20°C and an air temperature of 14-15°C.

For hardening, it is recommended to use local water procedures along with general ones. The most common ones are foot washing and gargling. cold water, since this hardens the parts of the body that are most vulnerable to cooling. Washing the feet is carried out throughout the year before going to bed with water at a temperature of 26-28°C at first, and then reducing it to 12-15°C. After washing, the feet are thoroughly rubbed until reddened. Gargling is done every day in the morning and evening. Initially, water is used at a temperature of 23-25°C, gradually every week it decreases by 1-2°C and is brought to 5-10°C.

In recent years, winter swimming has attracted more and more attention. Winter bathing and swimming affect almost all body functions. “Walruses” noticeably improve the functioning of their lungs and heart, gas exchange increases, and their thermoregulation system improves. Winter swimming lessons should be started only after preliminary hardening training. Swimming in an ice hole usually begins with a short warm-up, which includes gymnastic exercises and light running. Staying in water lasts no more than 30-40 seconds. (for long-term practitioners - 90 seconds). They must swim in a cap. After leaving the water, vigorous movements are performed, the body is wiped dry with a towel and self-massage is performed.

The founder of the Russian massage system, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor I.M. Sarkizov-Serazini (1887 - 1964) wrote: “Not a single nation, both in the distant past and in the present, can, cannot attribute to itself alone the honor of the discovery and development of massage techniques. It would be wrong to say that massage was invented by the Chinese, Indians, and Greeks.” According to philologists, the word “massage” is French, it comes from the verb “masser” - to rub, which, in turn, is borrowed from Arabic: in Arabic “mass” - touch, gently press. Other authors believe that the word “massage” comes from the Greek “masso”, which means “to squeeze with hands”, others - from the Latin “massa” - “sticking to the fingers”, and fourth - from the Hebrew “mashen” - to feel. As for the essence of the matter, the word “massage” reflects it very accurately: after all, among the numerous techniques from the arsenal of massage therapists the main role is given to smooth kneading, rubbing soft fabric(muscles, subcutaneous tissue).

So, nature itself suggested to man that if he is bruised, sore spot stroke, rub, massage, it will become easier. Such stroking and rubbing were probably the first types of massage.

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