How to get rid of dry dandruff. What to do if you have dry scalp, severe itching and a lot of dandruff? Causes of the disease, methods and means of treatment, prevention

Small flake-like flakes of dry dandruff are distributed over the entire surface of the scalp or concentrated in the parietal and frontal areas. This layer that forms on the skin - a kind of crust - blocks the access of air and nutrients to the hair follicle, as a result of which it becomes depleted. The skin is itchy, and over time the hair becomes dry, brittle and begins to fall out more rapidly. Dandruff is sometimes considered an infectious disease. And some experts do not classify it as a disease at all, since it is not accompanied by inflammatory phenomena, but is simply considered the result of dry scalp, say, due to poor blood circulation.


The outer zone of the top layer of skin (epidermis) consists of flat, dead cells. They are formed this way. As soon as skin cells - keratinocytes - are born, new ones are born under them, which displace the previous ones. Thus, keratinocytes begin to gradually migrate from the deep layers of the skin to its surface. As they move forward, they change, turning from voluminous into flat, keratinized scales - corneocytes. On the surface they peel off. Renewal occurs constantly: on average, every four weeks we can observe traces of dandruff on our absolutely healthy skin. Old cells die, new ones are formed. A small amount of dead, flaking cells is a natural condition of the skin and is not dandruff. We can talk about it when the peeling becomes excessive, conspicuous, and its color changes from transparent to white.

According to experts, every third person suffers from dandruff, although many do not consider it a problem - they perceive it as a temporary inconvenience. But despite the fact that the main manifestations of the disease are localized on the scalp, dandruff is a systemic problem of the entire body.

Most cases of dandruff are associated with the activation of the fungus Pityrosporum ovale (aka Malassezia Furfur), which settles on the scalp. This yeast fungus is part of the normal microflora of the skin; almost everyone has it. When the amount of fungus is normal, then exfoliation occurs unnoticed. However, with increased work of the sebaceous glands, the presence of representatives of saprophytic microflora increases significantly, which leads to disruption of the process of normal keratinization of the skin, accelerated renewal of cells in the surface layer of the scalp and their increased exfoliation, that is, to the appearance of dandruff.

The proliferation of fungus and the appearance of dandruff are promoted by seborrhea, hormonal disorders, diseases of the endocrine system, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic infections, stress, decreased immunity, vitamin deficiency, overwork, improper hair care, and heredity.

The use of low-quality shampoos, regular drying and blow-drying of hair, hair dyeing, the use of henna, basma, styling products, poor water quality, and the wrong shampoo can also lead to too frequent renewal of scalp cells and, as a result, to the appearance of dandruff.

It is important to determine where the cause of the trouble lies, because the conventional name “dandruff” combines three different conditions: seborrheic dermatitis, oily seborrhea and dandruff itself. These diseases are very similar to each other.

Dandruff differs from seborrhea in that it can be the result of both a violation of sebum production (seborrhea, not necessarily pronounced) and infection.

In most cases, dandruff is a companion to seborrhea. This oily dandruff- in the form of layered, sticky yellowish scales, sometimes turning into yellow crusts. They exfoliate poorly and accumulate on the surface of the skin. Dry (simple) dandruff exfoliates well, easily crumbles onto the shoulders and appears as white or grayish dry scales. This dandruff is often called dry seborrhea, but this is incorrect, since the hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands characteristic of seborrhea is absent.


Despite the fact that much is already known about dandruff, the main cause of its occurrence has not yet been identified. Metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, hormonal imbalances can “trigger” the mechanism of dandruff formation... Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to exclude diseases that can cause the development of dandruff. If everything is in order with the general state of health, then the trichologist examines the condition of the hair and scalp using computer microvideo diagnostics. This method allows you to see a person’s hair from the very roots, magnified 1000 times, to assess the condition of the scalp (dry, oily, prone to dryness or oiliness, prone to seborrhea, depleted, and so on), which is important for a trichologist to make a diagnosis. Microvideo diagnostics allows you to assess the intensity of the sebaceous and sweat glands, the presence of sebaceous plugs and blockages. You can determine the condition of the hair follicle, identify empty but still living follicles, and examine the follicles.


Dandruff is an alarming symptom of hair disease and disorder in the body itself, so when the slightest sign It is recommended to immediately begin to combat this problem. Before you start eliminating dandruff itself as a consequence, you need to start treating the diseases that caused it.

Treatment of oily dandruff

Treatment of this type of dandruff involves the use of agents that affect seborrhea, as well as preventing the proliferation of the fungus M. Furfur. These substances include: zinc pyrithione, climbazole, ketoconozole, selenium disulfide. These agents have an antimicrobial effect - they control the number of M. furfur. It is also necessary to use agents that have a cytostatic effect (reducing the rate of cell reproduction). These include octopyrox (piroctone olamine), tar, and selenium disulfide. No less important point- the use of products that have a keratolytic effect, that is, the ability to remove the top layer of the epidermis - flakes: this is also tar, as well as sulfur, salicylic acid.

Tar, sulfur and salicylic acid exfoliate the skin well, destroy dandruff flakes and prevent cell sticking. Sulfur is called a self-separation corrector. Selenium disulfide also reduces sebum secretion (sulsen paste).

When treating dandruff, a properly selected shampoo plays an important role. The optimal one is one that combines three actions: it destroys fungus, reduces the rate of cell growth and removes dandruff flakes. You need to know how to use shampoo: keep in mind that climbazole and ketoconozole, which prevent the fungus from multiplying, are quickly washed off with water, so the product they contain must be left on the hair for several minutes. Zinc, unlike climbazole and ketoconazole, fights fungus less effectively, but it is more difficult to wash off, so it remains on the hair for a long time, providing it with treatment and protection.

The effectiveness of anti-dandruff products is largely determined by substance, that is, the ability of a substance to remain on the surface of the hair by binding to keratin. A treatment that stays on the surface of the hair for a longer period of time is more effective. Due to its high substance, the substance can remain on the hair shaft even after rinsing. For example, piroctone olamine has high substantive properties. It is well adsorbed on the surface of the hair and gives a prolonged therapeutic effect. Experiments have shown that after a single wash of the hair with shampoo containing 1% of the drug, about 20 mg of the active substance is adsorbed on the hair and scalp.

As an example of a medicinal product, we can name the “Friderm tar” shampoo - it contains, as the name suggests, tar, as well as octopirox. Head&Shoulders and Friderm Zinc shampoos contain zinc pyrithione. Nizoral shampoo includes ketoconazole and climbazole. All anti-dandruff products require regular use.

Treatment of dry dandruff

In difficult cases, treatment can begin with the use of 10 percent sulfur ointment as a keratolytic agent. An example of such a procedure:

The hair should be divided into thin strands and the ointment should be rubbed along the partings for 3-5 minutes, then rinsed off. Carry out the procedure for 8 days, and on the 9th give your hair a rest. On the 10th day, the head should be washed with freshly boiled water and medicinal shampoos containing selenium sulfide, zinc pyrithione, tar, ketoconazole. The next day, the hair can be treated with a fresh solution of boric acid (2 teaspoons of boric acid dissolved in 150 grams of hot water). The solution is shaken, rubbed into the scalp, and damp hair is tied with a scarf for the whole night - three days in a row. Then rest for 7 days, on the 10th day they wash their hair and repeat the treatment cycle 2-3 times.

Shampoo containing selenium disulfide is used as a remedy with a cytostatic effect to treat dry dandruff. It is advisable that the shampoo include at least one of the following components: zinc, selenium, sulfur or tar. They slow down the rate of cell division in the scalp and “remove” scales from the skin, making dandruff easily washed off.

The use of shampoo, which contains salicylic acid, which helps remove scales, in combination with vegetable oils- tea tree or black poplar oil. In general, oil treatment is a suitable method in the case of dry dandruff. You can resort to trichological massage with hot oil. Thanks to the active ingredients and the temperature of the oil, moisturizing substances penetrate deep into the hair, giving it silkiness and moisturizing it from the inside.

The most useful herbal supplements are burdock, nettle, sage, and rosemary.

It is necessary to distinguish between dandruff as a disease and dandruff as a phenomenon of dry scalp due to insufficient blood circulation. In the second case, the scales are not so abundant and appear mainly during combing. This skin condition can be easily corrected. It happens that regular head massage is enough to get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon.

Dry dandruff can also be caused by a lack of moisture in the epidermis. In this case, it is enough to restore the water balance in the body so that the scalp stops being dry - drink more simple clean water at room temperature (mineral, spring).

An old and proven remedy like tar soap can help get rid of dandruff. It does, however, have a sharp, unpleasant odor, which explains the unpopularity of this effective remedy.

For a more effective effect of keratolytic agents for the treatment of both dry and oily dandruff, physiotherapeutic methods are used - cryotherapy (massage with liquid nitrogen) and d*arsonvalization of the scalp using a special comb electrode. Cryomassage has proven itself especially well: strong cold activates metabolic processes in the cells of the scalp and at the same time eliminates excess cellular deposits - the skin is renewed.


The main thing in the success of treatment is healthy image life. Don’t get carried away with fatty, spicy, salty and sweet foods, forget about alcohol, but remember about vitamins (for dandruff and seborrhea, a complex of B vitamins, vitamins A, C, E, H, U is recommended) and microelements (calcium, copper, zinc ). You should especially monitor the body's supply of B vitamins and include seafood (fish, oysters, cod liver), fresh vegetables (cabbage, tomatoes, carrots) and nuts (walnuts, peanuts) in your diet. Vitamin PP is also necessary for the scalp; it is found in cheese, dates, peanuts, tomatoes, and liver. We need to strengthen our immunity. If your body is generally healthy, this will have a beneficial effect on your scalp and hair.

Pay attention to what water you wash your hair with. Hard water not only leads to dandruff, but also contributes to increased hair loss, making it brittle and tangled. Hard water can be softened by adding a drop of vinegar to it, or even washing your hair with distilled water.

Dandruff is one of the most common diseases nervous system. Therefore, at the first sign of it, pay attention to your lifestyle. Stress should be avoided - this can provoke activation of the sebaceous glands. The cause of dandruff can be, for example, insomnia. Healthy, full sleep, rest and the absence of stressful situations prevent not only hair diseases, but also many skin diseases.


To prevent unpleasant “snowfall”, you can use preventive shampoos, but not more than once every two weeks: they can harm the microflora of the scalp, making it dry and susceptible to any misfortunes. It’s even better to use essential oils, which not only have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the hair, but also help fight dandruff. At the same time, rosemary, eucalyptus, and tea tree oils help fight a predisposition to oily dandruff, and cedar, cypress, lavender and chamomile help fight dry dandruff.

To prevent dandruff, trichologists advise periodically rubbing castor oil into the scalp and giving a light massage for 10-15 minutes when washing your hair. This improves blood circulation and promotes deeper penetration of nutrients. You can wash your hair 1-2 times a month with a decoction of nettle, burdock root or coltsfoot flowers.

It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene - change brushes and combs, monitor the cleanliness of hats. After all, in the fall and winter, the problem of dandruff worsens not only because we wear hats, and our hair quickly becomes oily, and the scalp stops breathing. Dandruff also appears in the cold season because the hat may not have been washed since last winter.

It would be good to pay attention to what you use to style your hair: if you have oily hair, the amount of product should be kept to a minimum; if you have dry hair, choose dense creams and waxes. And it is better to limit all manipulations with hair associated with exposure to aggressive chemicals. (hair dyeing, perm).

2101 06/05/2019 6 min.

Dry dandruff is a painful condition of the scalp. Gradually, the functioning of the sebaceous glands in the scalp decreases due to various disorders. Some lesions do not receive sufficient nutrition, particles peel off and an unpleasant coating appears on the hair. For excessive peeling of keratinized cells, many remedies are used. All of them are individual and should be selected according to skin type and other characteristics. What to do in such cases?

Causes of dry dandruff

There are many negative factors influencing intense skin exfoliation on the scalp:

  • stressful situations;
  • lack of diet and inactive lifestyle;
  • disruption of the body's immune system;
  • frequent infectious and chronic diseases;
  • problems with the endocrine and digestive system;
  • heredity;
  • climate change;
  • uncontrolled use of medications or sensitivity to individual components;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • lack of normal scalp care;
  • improper hygiene.

Dry dandruff causes serious discomfort and affects the quality of life. This disease occurs in almost 25% of people from general population planets. The peculiarity of dandruff is that it can occur on both dry and normal scalp.

Dry hair

The scalp renewal process takes about 4 weeks. But if there are some disturbances in metabolism, this process intensifies. Many detached scales appear. The intensity of renewal can be so high that dry skin particles strew the hair. Creates an untidy appearance.

Dry dandruff

As it progresses, pink spots appear on the head. Usually in such lesions the skin peels more, and hair stops growing. An unpleasant symptom appears - itching. It usually occurs immediately after washing your hair and persists for a long period. Gradually, the hair roots become depleted from lack of blood circulation and nutrition, and the hair breaks off.

In most cases, the appearance of dry dandruff is not associated with serious diseases of the scalp, but fungi can be the cause of such a deviation. Shampoo alone is not enough to restore normal functioning of the glands. Here you will need a whole range of medicinal cosmetic preparations. They should contain vitamins and substances that help moisturize the skin and increase blood circulation.

Scalp nourishing products


Maximum drugs are divided into three categories:

  • medicinal (special shampoos, creams);
  • cosmetics (rinses, essential oils, masks, balms);
  • folk recipes (herbs, decoctions, ordinary products).

To enhance the effect and completely get rid of the problem of dry dandruff in a neglected state, it is recommended to use all of the above groups of products.

Sometimes homemade products are enough to restore normal function. Their regular use gives positive result, which is stored on long time.

Essential oils

There are many essential oils that can relieve dry dandruff and help regenerate hair cells. But without proper use, the result will be zero. Not all cosmetics can be enriched with natural esters, and many oils are not intended for the treatment of dandruff.

Adding essential oil to shampoo is not recommended, although many girls do it. The shampoo is intended for the initial treatment of hair from dirt, dust, sebum and dead cells. Regular store-bought shampoo does not contain restorative formulas. It must be washed off thoroughly. After rinsing, esters do not linger on the hair, so adding them will not have any effect. Sometimes potent essential oils penetrate deep into the skin. If the shampoo is not rinsed off sufficiently, esters can carry the chemical components of the shampoo into the capillaries - surface ones active substances, dyes, aromatic components, preservatives and other chemicals.

Essential oils

Aroma combing

with essential oil is one of the current methods. Direct application of esters improves hair structure and appearance and makes the surface smooth and shiny. Chemical composition ether enriches it with vitamins as much as possible and provides access to oxygen.

Combing hair with essential oil

The technology of using essential oil for combing is available to everyone. It is enough to apply 3-5 drops of oil to the comb and slowly move it along the entire length. Essential oil should not get on the hair roots. Combing with ethers is enough to do twice a week several times a day and after washing your hair.

It is taken into account that constant combing and applying small amounts of oils lead to rapid production of fat. You will need to wash your hair at least twice a week.

The comb should not have metal teeth; it is better to use a wooden comb without varnish or a brush. After use, it is better to rinse the comb in water to avoid contaminating the teeth with sebum. If you comb your hair in the evening, it is better to choose soothing oils. For the morning, tonic components are suitable - citrus or mint.

You should not use essential oils if you are hypersensitive to individual components. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to exclude allergies or individual intolerances. Sometimes some esters cause severe headaches.

Application features are described below different types oils:

  1. Dry, damaged and brittle hair: ylang, orange, patchouli, rose oil, sandalwood, incense.
  2. Split ends: chamomile, geranium, rosewood.
  3. Dyed hair: orange, grapefruit, lavender.
  4. Hair loss: rosemary, pine essential oils, mint, bey.

All these essential oils effectively combat hair problems and eliminate dry dandruff.

Homemade masks

Using masks at home allows you not only to save on expensive beauty salons, but also to quickly improve your hair health. Common inexpensive herbs and homemade products give amazing results and provide long-term relief from dry dandruff. The most powerful masks are those made with burdock oil, castor oil or calendula. These recipes were used for many years by our ancestors, when there were no modern cosmetic preparations.

Burdock mask

Burr oil - . To enhance the effect, you can add egg yolk or lemon juice to it. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and rubbed into the hair roots. It is advisable to wear a mask for at least an hour. The head should be tightly wrapped with a bag and a towel. When heated, the active substances are absorbed several times faster. This mask is made before each hair wash. All components should be thoroughly washed off with warm water.

Burr oil

Aloe juice and honey

This toning and restorative mask will stop the intense exfoliation process while maintaining long-lasting results. Making a mask is very simple. It is better to take the juice of an old plant and dark buckwheat liquid honey. After thorough mixing, add castor oil and apply the mask to the roots of the hair, then distribute it over the entire head. The hair is wrapped for 20 minutes.

Sea buckthorn oil

To prepare a mask from this plant, you can also use fresh berries. The berries are finely ground and filled with sea buckthorn oil. The product is applied evenly along the entire length of the hair using massage movements. After rinsing, the hair must be rinsed with acidic water. To do this, use vinegar with water or lemon juice.

Sea ​​buckthorn

Shampoos and creams

Special shampoos and creams for treating hair against dry dandruff can be bought not only in pharmacies, but also in specialized stores. There are well-known and effective brands, the systematic use of which eliminates flaking of the scalp for a long time. Usually have a triple effect. After rinsing off the shampoo, you can apply a special cream.

The most popular cream is “Sulsena”. It not only eliminates visible hair problems, but also enhances their growth. To use a paste-like substance, it is better to follow the instructions. Before using any medicated shampoo or cream, you should consult a trichologist.


It is recommended to refuse. High levels of ammonia harm the scalp. If your hair lends itself to permanent dyeing, then you should switch to natural dyes - walnut shells, onion skins, henna or basma. They do not dry out the scalp and maintain the natural vitamin balance. Avoid constant use of a hairdryer, as dry air will dry out the skin and cause increased detachment of particles.

For dry skin, it is recommended to wash your hair no more than once a week. It is not recommended to expose your hair to active sunlight, salt water and wind. This has a detrimental effect on the regeneration of hair follicles. You should also choose a comb for yourself. It should not be too hard or soft. For dry dandruff, it is better to use a massage brush. You can use toothed combs to catch the top exfoliated layer and dandruff will appear again.

It may take more than one week to completely restore the stratum corneum and eliminate dry dandruff. If the condition of the scalp worsens despite numerous procedures, you should urgently consult a dermatologist and get tested.


For more details about the causes and methods of treating dry dandruff, watch the video


Dandruff and dry scalp are a fairly common problem. With proper treatment you can. To do this, you can use both pharmacy and homemade masks and essential oils.

Which, as you know, can be cured on your own. So, as described above, this is flaky, dying skin, and seborrhea is a rather complex disease, the cause of which is the malfunction of the sebaceous glands. Seborrhea can also appear on other parts of the body.

Symptoms - how to get ahead?

In fact, dandruff is a special syndrome that is characterized by increased scaly detachment of skin particles.

If it does not disappear after a few weeks of starting treatment, the person:

  • itching and irritation may begin;
  • red spots will appear;
  • Large scales will fall out.

What does it look like? Photo

Dandruff is a very noticeable flaking, keratinized part of the epidermis. which can be dry or oily.

The scales can have different shapes (layered, rough, leaf-shaped) and colors (yellowish, whitish).

The photo shows what dandruff, dryness and redness of the scalp looks like in children and adults.

How does it manifest itself and what are the causes of the disease?

The main cause of dandruff in humans is considered to be disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

  • Problems can arise due to pathologies in metabolism, disorders of the functional state of the pancreas and thyroid gland, stomach problems, and can also be a consequence of infection by a pathogenic fungus.
  • An important factor in the development of dandruff is also called hereditary predisposition, frequent stress, poor nutrition, dry hair and lack of vitamins.
  • The next cause of dandruff in a person is the use of unsuitable cosmetics, abuse of aggressive, low-quality hair dyes, persistent varnish, as well as regular drying of the hair after washing with a hairdryer.

Dandruff is not an independent disease; it is a common manifestation of certain disorders. arising in the body. Often it indicates the presence of diseases: psoriasis, pityriasis versicolor or seborrhea.

Irritation appears on the head, which is usually accompanied by itching. With deeper damage, extensive dark red spots may appear, and a yellowish crust of dandruff particles may form.

  1. Dandruff and red spots can occur due to illness or after improper care of the scalp and hair.
  2. If you have dandruff and red spots on your head, it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible. This may be a symptom of a fairly serious disease (dermatitis, psoriasis, allergic reaction, lichens and fungi). You can learn more about red spots on the scalp by clicking here
  3. With dandruff and severe itching, seborrheic dermatitis is suspected. There are many reasons for its appearance - from improper hair care to health problems. But the most important reason is called insufficient functioning of the sebaceous glands. Treatment of itching and dandruff of the scalp is a very specific task, which is why we advise you to read.
  4. Dandruff and dry scalp can occur due to exposure to cosmetic products.

In the section above, we talked about the causes of dandruff, but if you are interested in the symptoms of itchy scalp, then read.

What to do for dry scalp and dandruff?


You can cure dandruff and dry scalp not only folk remedies, but also medications, which are sold in stores and pharmacies.

Among the entire range, doctors highlight the following products:

In addition, you can additionally use creams, gels and masks with antibacterial and antifungal components that will not contribute to the development of fungus. It is best if a trichologist selects such products using a trial method, taking into account the condition of the hair and scalp, and, if necessary, prescribes vitamins.

When treating oily dandruff, the focus is on reducing the proliferation of harmful microorganisms and renewing the epidermis.

Folk remedies

Treating dry scalp at home using folk remedies is also effective. Natural paints of natural origin have a good effect in combating dandruff:

  1. walnut shell;
  2. onion peel;
  3. Basma.

Let's consider effective ways struggle with folk remedies:


Additional methods of treating dandruff manifestations are the following physical procedures:

  1. Cryomassage using liquid nitrogen.
  2. Mesotherapy is the introduction of microelements and vitamins into the hair follicles.
  3. Darsonval– the use of ozone produced by electrical discharge.
  4. Ozone therapy– oxygen penetrates the skin and dries it well.

Proper hair care

  1. Before washing, hair should be carefully combed with a soft brush.
  2. It is necessary to adhere to the recommendations given in the instructions for any cosmetic product.
  3. If after 1-2 weeks the shampoo has not shown its effectiveness, it must be changed.
  4. Avoid scratching or scratching the scalp as this will worsen the appearance of dandruff.
  5. The water temperature for washing hair should be no more than 370C, since hot water increases the productivity of the sebaceous glands, and cold water will not wet your hair properly.
  6. The shampoo must be shaken before application so that the medicinal components are well distributed throughout the mass.
  7. It is applied with light, massage movements, after which it spreads throughout all the hair, periodically massaging the scalp.
  8. Rinse off the shampoo with warm water, after which it is recommended to rinse with cool water - this will help narrow the pores and close the hair scales.

Dandruff on the head appears mainly when a person lacks vitamins. This problem has several manifestations: just like hair, dandruff can be dry and oily. If we talk about how to get rid of dry dandruff, then treatment should begin with a review of the diet and with the correct selection of hair care products - shampoos, conditioners, conditioners, and so on.

Dry dandruff can be located over the entire surface of the scalp, or it can be concentrated only in certain parts of it: the traditional “risk zones” are the forehead, crown and temples. Particles of dry dandruff are usually small. They are easily separated from the upper layers of the skin. Sometimes there are so many of them that it seems as if your head is covered with dust. It is dry dandruff that constantly falls from the hair, falling on the shoulders, chest and neck. People sometimes call it “lime” for this reason, and this is one of the symptoms of dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp, and the appearance of such dandruff is associated with insufficient intensive work sebaceous glands on the scalp.

There is also oily dandruff: it is quite large and heavy flakes, soaked in the secretion of the sebaceous glands. In any case, the phenomenon of dandruff indicates certain malfunctions in the body. In addition to the lack of vitamins and useful substances, its cause can be hormonal imbalance, an excess of fatty and high-calorie foods, a stressful situation, chronic overwork and lack of sleep, as well as alcohol abuse.

Restoring water balance as a method of treating dry dandruff

Since you are serious about getting rid of dry dandruff, adjust your daily diet. Try to consume fried and fatty foods as little as possible, minimize the amount confectionery like candies and sweet pastries. Apply fish fat: hair masks based on it and internal use of capsules literally within a month will help you bring your head into divine shape. Eat more products, which contain:

  1. vitamin A - beef, veal and pork liver, low-fat cottage cheese, carrots, parsley, spinach, sorrel, fish oil, pumpkin, tomatoes, prunes.
  2. vitamin B1 – again liver, bran, sunflower seeds, sprouted wheat grains.
  3. vitamin B2 - brewer's and baker's yeast, almonds, chicken eggs, peanuts, buckwheat and oatmeal, cocoa, veal.
  4. vitamin B6, as well as all other B vitamins for hair - potatoes, red, molasses, bananas, cabbage.

Try to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean drinking water per day to normalize the water balance in the body: your skin is sorely lacking moisture, which could lead to dandruff.

Wash your hair with special anti-dandruff shampoos, and before each wash, comb your hair thoroughly with a comb, otherwise, after the hygiene procedure, your hair will still look faded and dull.

Folk remedies for dry dandruff

The hair healing process can be accelerated by some effective folk remedies - for example, many people know how beneficial onions are for hair growth, but they can also be an excellent cure for dandruff. Even if you have very little free time, and you can only make healing masks once a week, this will still be an additional powerful blow to dry dandruff. So don’t spare any effort on the beauty of your hair.

Mask of yolks with lemon. Yolks of two fresh chicken eggs carefully separate from the proteins. Combine them with juice squeezed from half a lemon. The mask will be more nutritious if you add a teaspoon of burdock or castor oil to it. The mixture is applied to the hair, a plastic cap is put on top and the head is wrapped in a terry towel. After half an hour, the mask can be washed off with warm water. Regularity – once every 2 days.

Mask from olive oil with sea buckthorn. A glass of sea buckthorn berries is rubbed through a sieve and combined with 1/3 cup of olive oil. The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath to a temperature of 38-40 degrees Celsius. The mask should be applied to the hair while warm and rubbed into the scalp. Leave it under a terry towel for 0.5 to 1 hour, and then wash it off with warm water and anti-dandruff shampoo. Regularity – 2-3 times a week.

Masks made from fermented milk products. In the fight against dry dandruff, kefir, whey, yogurt, and thin low-fat sour cream (if necessary, it can be diluted a little with water) will help well. They are simply distributed over the scalp and along the entire length of the hair, to the very ends. Leave for about half an hour, then rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water. Keep in mind that after using masks made from fermented milk products or chicken eggs, the specific smell of these products may remain on your hair.

During normal operation of the sebaceous glands of the epithelium of the scalp, dead cells are constantly sloughed off and replaced with new ones.

This is a continuous cyclical process. In about 3-4 weeks healthy person the entire horny epithelium of the scalp is renewed.

Dandruff and dry scalp are a symptom of a malfunction of the sebaceous glands, in which there is increased exfoliation of the scales of the epithelium of the scalp.

Visually, dandruff is a large accumulation of small white or gray scales in the scalp area.

The scales can fall freely onto the shoulders and create cosmetic discomfort for a person.

Dandruff is especially noticeable on dark-colored clothing.

In this case, dry dandruff is accompanied by such phenomena as: tightness of the scalp, severe itching and burning.

Dandruff can be divided into two types.

  1. Dry. The sebaceous glands lack nutrients and therefore cannot retain moisture, the skin dries out, cracks, dirt gets into the cracks and provokes the formation of dry dandruff, which easily falls off on the collar and shoulders.
  2. Fat. The sebaceous glands work very intensively; there is excess oil on the surface of the scalp, which serves as an excellent habitat for seborrheic fungus. It begins to multiply intensively, which leads to the formation of oily dandruff. It sticks to the hair in large flakes and creates cosmetic discomfort.

How to distinguish dandruff from dry scalp?

Some experts believe that dry scalp provokes the appearance of dandruff and these two concepts are the same, others believe that these are different pathologies associated with the scalp; today there is no consensus on whether these are one disease or two different ones.

Signs of dry dandruff:

Signs of dry scalp:

When found large quantity dandruff, you should definitely visit a trichologist to determine the cause of the malfunction of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. Otherwise, the problem will increase and can lead to disastrous consequences (partial or complete baldness).


The main cause of dandruff is improper functioning of the sebaceous glands., which could be triggered by the following actions.

If the problem is on initial stage development (you feel dry scalp, slight tension and beginning peeling), you can try to eliminate it without resorting to special cosmetics and medications.

  1. Sleeping mode. To restore strength, the body requires constant quality rest - sleep. Which should last at least 7-8 hours a day.
  2. Water balance. On average, to maintain normal operation of all internal organs, a person needs to drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters clean water per day.
  3. Balanced diet. Completely eliminate processed foods and sweets. Develop a diet rich in vitamins: A, E, PP, group B, iron, zinc and selenium. They not only have a beneficial effect on the scalp, but also stimulate rapid hair growth.
  4. Proper care. Choose gentle, mild shampoos for the head that are suitable for your hair type, preferably on a natural basis. Wash your hair no more than three times a week. Dry your hair naturally and do not use styling products.
  5. Self-massage. IN evening time, daily, carry out self-massage of the scalp. You can apply special oils, you can simply massage your head for 15-20 minutes with your fingertips.
  6. Humidifier. In the cold season, when the air is heated using radiators or air conditioning, it is advisable to install an air humidifier in the room.

Complex treatment with drugs

If the above methods do not give a positive result, then the problem is more serious and requires special treatment. You still have dry scalp and dandruff, what should you do?

Identify the cause of dandruff and help eliminate it as soon as possible short term, only a trichologist can help.

Independent experiments with medications can give the opposite result and complicate the course of the disease.

For serious treatment, an integrated approach is used.

  1. Medicines. Special tablets containing: zinc, disulfide, ketoconazole, sulfur, birch tar and others destroy seborrheic fungus, thereby stopping the process of dandruff formation.
  2. Anti-dandruff ointments:
    • Sulfuric.
    • Zinc.
    • Salicylic.
    • "Sulsena"
  3. Gels. For example, Hydrolat 10 Gel is very popular; when used daily according to the instructions, it normalizes the amount of seborrheic fungus and stops the formation of dandruff.
  4. Shampoos:
    • Cosmetic: Head & Shoulders, Alerana, Horsepower, tar shampoo and others.
    • Medicinal: Nizoral, Sulsena, Sebozol, Fitoval and others.

Assign drug treatment should, exclusively by a trichologist, after examining the patient. Under his supervision, a special treatment regimen is developed, which may vary depending on the condition of the patient’s scalp.

Traditional methods

If you have a small amount of dandruff, you can try using only traditional methods, together with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

If the condition of the scalp is neglected, it is best to consult with a specialist and find out which traditional methods will enhance the effect of the prescribed medications.

Prevention of occurrence

  1. To care for your hair, use only your own comb and towel. Do not wear hairpins or elastic bands after other people.

    In hairdressing salons, ensure that all devices that come into contact with hair undergo the required disinfection.

  2. You should wash your hair a maximum of two or three times a week, not more often. Use natural-based shampoos suitable for a specific hair type.
  3. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Walks in the fresh air, sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, feasible daily physical activity.
  4. Balanced diet. Increase your consumption of dairy products, raw fruits and vegetables, fish and nuts.
  5. In spring, include in the diet vitamin complex aimed at strengthening the body.
  6. Avoid stressful situations.

With the right integrated approach To solve the problem, dry scalp and dandruff can be neutralized in a very short time. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle will certainly reflect a healthy shine on your curls.
