Dima Bilan - biography, family and personal life of the singer. Personal life of the “night hooligan”: Dima Bilan and his family secrets

Dima Bilan is a popular Russian singer. he got his finest hour at Eurovision. Dmitry participated in this project as many as 2 times. The first time he managed to get 2nd place, but the second time he deserved to win. Since then, the whole world has known about him.

Dima Bilan and Lena Kuletskaya

Bilan has always been popular with women, but after he became famous, the girls staged a real hunt for an enviable groom.

Few managed to win the heart of Dima. The singer's first long-term relationship was an affair with model Lena Kuletskaya. The country found out about their connection only after the singer's victory at Eurovision, but they began to meet long before this event. Many have already talked about the upcoming wedding, to which Dima gave Elena a ring. Many thought it was an engagement.

Lena Kuletskaya

But soon the relationship of the lovers was upset and they parted. Despite the separation, the former lovers managed to remain friends. But Dima did not survive the break for long. Soon the whole country was talking about his new darling - model Yuliana Krylova.

The couple met on the set of the singer's video, Yuliana was a model invited to the role. But their romance did not last long. Now the artist answers questions about his personal life that he is free. But is it really so?

Dima Bilan and Yuliana

Maybe Bilan is trying not to deviate from the style of women's favorite. Maybe his heart is already taken? Most recently, the singer was seen in the campaign of the charming model Leyla. But still Dmitry denies all sorts of novels. And at 31, the musician is already ready for family life, it remains only to find a favorite.

Dmitry Bilan is a famous film actor and singer who successfully presented Russian Federation for Eurovision.

This is an example of a person who knows how to set seemingly impossible goals for himself and achieve their fulfillment.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dima Bilan?

A large army of fans wants to know when their idol was born, how much he weighs and how much he has grown. Dima Bilan's height, weight, age can be clarified on this website, where only reliable information is collected.

Dmitry was born in 1981, so his age is currently 35 full years. According to his zodiac sign, the guy is a stubborn and persistent Capricorn, who is able to achieve anything with the help of incredible hard work. According to eastern horoscope, Dmitry is a bright and shocking Rooster who never tires of amaze and impress everyone.

The guy's height was above average, he was one meter eighty centimeters. But Bilan small size shoes for men – only 43.

The famous singer’s weight is not stable and is currently 75 kilograms. However, most recently Dima Bilan lost 8 kg in 2016, the reasons for this phenomenon turned out to be prosaic. Fans, by the way, never ceased to cite the main reasons as an unsuccessful love affair with Pelageya, stress at work and constant mental stress. Everything turned out to be simpler, Dima began to be bothered by gastritis, so he became interested in proper nutrition - a raw food diet.

Biography of Dima Bilan

Viktor Nikolaevich Bilan was born in December 1981. He was born in Karachay-Cherkessia autonomous region. Later, the family and little Vityusha left for Kabardino-Balkaria.

The boy began to understand music early, so his parents sent him to a music school. Victor mastered not the piano, but the old-fashioned accordion. The gifted boy was quickly noticed and began to be sent to various music competitions. Victor regularly took prizes in them.

Vitya went to school a year earlier with his older sister. He studied well and delighted his classmates with impromptu concerts.

After graduating from school, the guy entered the Gnesinka, where he studied vocals for three years.

The biography of Dima Bilan is simply unique. So, after graduating from college, he changed his name to the name of his grandfather, whom he loved passionately and boundlessly, and that’s how Vitya became Dima.

Dmitry actively collaborated with producer Yuri Aizenshpis, who advised him to take a pseudonym, helped him participate in the New Wave, and even released the first album of the aspiring singer in 2003.

Later, several more albums were released and became sales leaders. Dmitry began to receive awards one after another: “Golden Gramophone”, “Singer of the Year”, “Performer of the Year”, “Best Composition” and “Best Album”.

The guy was able to record an English-language album and became the official ambassador of Sochi 2014.

Dima’s new hits constantly appear on high-rating and successful TV channels. They move into the TOP 10 every day.

The following horizons are opening up in Bilan’s career; he takes an active part in the “New Wave” and “Eurovision” song competitions. I participated in the last competition twice and finally took first place.

Since 2016, the guy has been acting as a mentor for the adult and children's music show “The Voice”. Soon, Dmitry is trying to make a dizzying acting career, starring in “Star Holidays,” “Theater of the Absurd,” and “Hero.”

He dubs the animated films "Trolls" and "Frozen".

Latest news 2017: Dima Bilan has cancer? He is dying?

Recently, fans of the star learned terrible news: Dima Bilan has cancer. These rumors, of course, were not confirmed. The reasons for their occurrence turned out to be the singer’s rapid weight loss in 2016 and a bald haircut, so he became bald. Calm down, this is not the result of chemotherapy!

The fact is that the guy lost weight because proper nutrition, cut his hair for a new project, and went to the hospital to have herniated discs operated on.

So ask the question: “Dima Bilan - what happened to him”? Not at all appropriate in this case.

Personal life of Dima Bilan

The personal life of Dima Bilan has always remained a secret of the singer. He does not deny that fans are not against having an affair with him. However, about cupid matters young singer Often there are only ridiculous rumors and speculations.

For a long time there were persistent rumors about a stormy romance between Dmitry and Yana Rudkovskaya, who became his new mentor. The guys do not report on these relationships, but they completely deny their existence. It is worth noting that these speculations did not disappear even after Yana married Evgeni Plushenko and gave birth to a baby. Bilan for Rudkovskaya is her favorite creative brainchild, which brings huge profits.

The guy was credited with a whirlwind romance with a colleague on the show “The Voice. Children" Pelageya, but the girl also got married and gave birth to a child from her chosen one.

When Bilan failed to find a partner among the huge number of his acquaintances and fans, he was assigned a non-traditional sexual orientation. Even his “husband” was found - Rovens Pritula, about whom nothing was known, so the rumors immediately disappeared.

Dima Bilan's family

Dima Bilan's family consists of parents and two beloved sisters.

Father - Nikolai Belan - worked as a mechanic for a long time. He graduated from a technical institute in Chelyabinsk, receiving the profession of a designer. He was a design engineer at the legendary KAMAZ plant. He loves solving mathematical problems.

Mom - Nina Dmitrievna - had nothing to do with music or cinema. She worked in greenhouses for many years and after that worked in social services.

The star idolizes his parents and often spends time with them. He really regrets that his beloved grandmother Nina, who worked in the choir all her life and saw the potential of her grandson, is not around.

The older sister, Elena, is a talented fashion designer. She is married and happily married to lawyer Zimin. She started her career washing dishes in bars.

The younger sister, Anya, lives in the USA and is learning the profession of an opera singer. By the way, journalists often attribute to the girl the role of either a daughter or a young lover. The girl was raised by Dmitry Bilan, since her parents were always busy.

Anna often appears in Dmitry’s video works and recently recorded a song as a duet with her older brother. Due to Dmitry’s busy touring schedule and the fact that Annushka has been living abroad for a long time, the guys see each other extremely rarely.

Children of Dima Bilan

Footage of babies allegedly given birth to our charming superstar by his devoted fans is constantly flashing on the Internet. Dima Bilan's children simply do not exist, not even in the near future.

However, Dima has a favorite boy, but he is not his own by blood and was not born from fans. The blond boy, whose photographs often appear on the Internet, is the godson of the famous singer Sasha. This baby is Small child Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko.

The singer dearly adores his godson and constantly posts photos and videos of him on in social networks.

Dmitry is not thinking about his own children at the moment, preferring to play with dogs in the company of children.

Dima Bilan's wife

Dima Bilan's wife, also, exists only in his dreams; the star's heart is absolutely free.

The role of Dmitry Bilan's common-law wife was attributed to the famous model Lena Kuletskaya. This relationship lasted more than one year, and fans watched with bated breath as she was presented with an engagement ring at Eurovision. Later, the couple dashed all the hopes of fans by publicly telling that they had never had any romantic or love relationships, and called everything that was happening PR.

After this, Dima Bilan was brought together with Yulianna Krylova, who appeared in a number of quite explicit works by the singer. The singer claims that there is only a strong friendship between them, but not a civil marriage.

The same words were spoken about possible love relationships with Natalya Samoletova, Yulia Sarkisova, Anna Moshkovich, Oksana Grigorieva, Yulia Volkova.

Common-law wife was called some Lyalya, whom the singer often calls the love of his life. Bilan’s sister hints that her brother has a girlfriend who is far from the world of show business and the modeling industry.

The photos of Dima Bilan before and after plastic surgery that are presented on the site are true. The singer turned to plastic surgeons several times.

He underwent rhinoplasty due to problems with the nasal septum, which did not allow enough air to pass through. The guy even started having problems with vocals. And the reason was a childhood injury, when Bilan broke his nose while showing tricks to a classmate.

What he did other types plastic surgery, Dmitry Bilan denies. Yes and spectacular young man there's no need for braces, and the cute wrinkles around the eyes don't spoil it at all appearance.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dima Bilan

Dima Bilan’s Instagram and Wikipedia, of course, exist, as well as profiles on social networks.

On their pages, fans of Dmitry’s work can read last news about his life. Ask about creative plans for the future and discuss past concerts.

On Wikipedia you can find out the biographical information of the singer, as well as find out information about his personal life. On Instagram, photos and videos related to the star’s projects, his hopes and aspirations are constantly changing. A lot of pictures are dedicated to the singer’s parents and sisters, and especially the youngest.

Celebrates his birthday. Today he turned 37 years old! In honor of the holiday, the site will tell you the story of the development of the creative career and personal life of the famous singer.

Dima has been drawn to art since childhood

At birth the boy's name was Victor Belan. His hometown is Ust-Dzheguta, which is located in the Karachay-Cherkess region autonomous region. Already while studying at school, the future artist felt an interest in musical creativity. He began learning to play the accordion and regularly took part in various music competitions.

Higher education the guy decided to study in the capital of Russia, where he easily entered the Music College named after. Gnessins and began to study classical vocals. Belan received his second diploma at GITIS, where he graduated from the acting department.

His professional musical career began in 2000, when the presentation of the debut composition “Autumn” took place. After three years of fruitful work, Dima Bilan’s first collection, called “I am a night hooligan,” was presented to the audience. Since that time, the popularity of the young artist began to grow rapidly. Each new composition became a real hit, which was heard on the air of all radio stations.

Success at the Eurovision Song Contest

Already in 2006, the singer was awarded the honor of representing his homeland at the Eurovision music competition. Having brilliantly performed the song “Never Let You Go” on stage, Dima Bilan took an honorable second place.

Two years later he again appeared on the stage of this international music competition. This time he performed the song “Believe”, which helped the artist win this prestigious competition. Another interesting fact is that Bilan became the first Russian performer who managed to take a winning place at Eurovision.

Universal love

After such a resounding success, Dima Bilan's popularity increased even more. To date, the artist has recorded and presented 11 studio albums, the last of which appeared this year. Bilan actively shoots videos for his compositions, and he already has more than fifty clips to his credit. Many of the artist’s works occupy worthy places not only in Russian, but also in foreign music charts.

Listeners rated the most highly such compositions as “I Just Love You”, “You Should Be Nearby”, “The Impossible is Possible”, “Dreamers”, “On the Shore of the Sky” and “Catch My Colorful Dreams”. Dima often works in duets with other popular artists. His repertoire includes compositions performed together with Yulia Volkova, Anita Tsoi, Sergei Lazarev and Nikki Jamal.

Dima Bilan finds time not only for music, but also for cinema. He has already performed several episodic roles in new films and is now working on the set of his next project. Bilan can be seen in such films as “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”, “The Golden Key”, “Theater of the Absurd” and “Hero”. The premiere of the film “Midshipmen IV” is planned for 2019, in which Dima will play one of the roles.

Currently, Bilan is one of the most popular and highly paid Russian pop artists. His fees run into the thousands of dollars, and he earned more than $6 million last year.

Personal life of Dima Bilan

The artist is extremely reluctant to share information about his personal life. Therefore, almost nothing is known about Dima Bilan’s lovers. At various times, the performer's companions were girls such as Anastasia Vinokur, Elena Kuletskaya, Anna Moshkovich and Yulia Volkova. None of these relationships ended in an official wedding ceremony. Today's birthday boy has no children.

Dima Bilan continues to regularly present his works, which makes his fans immensely happy. In addition, the artist has also become a businessman, because not so long ago Dima opened his own hotel, the development of which he is actively working on.

The personal life of Dima Bilan has haunted his fans for many years. They want to know all her details, especially if he has a girlfriend.

But the singer carefully hides any details about his relationship from the eyes of strangers. Because of this Bilan is credited with numerous affairs with stage colleagues and models. and wards of the “Voice” competition. But despite these numerous rumors, Dmitry is in no hurry to comment on his personal life or refute the information.

Perhaps this is a PR move to increase his popularity, or perhaps he believes that if details about his life become known, he will become less interesting to his fans. While the singer remains silent, there is information in the press about his most high-profile novels.

Almost a wife

When Dmitry was about 20 years old, he set out to conquer Moscow. Dima became a student at the Gnesensky School, and then a student at GITIS. At the same time, he met Anastasia Vinokur, the daughter of the famous comedian. At the time they met, she was 18 years old.

Perhaps for them it was first love. Few doubted the sincerity of their feelings and it was getting closer to the wedding. But this event was not destined to happen. The couple separated. The reason for this decision is still unknown. There is an opinion that Anastasia’s father was against marriage with the singer, but he denies this in every possible way.

Dima Bilan had another serious relationship that could have ended in marriage with model Elena Kuletskaya.

The relationship between this couple lasted quite a long time, and after Bilan’s performance at the Eurovision Song Contest, journalists noticed a ring on the model’s finger.

Immediately information appeared in the press that Bilan would soon tie the knot. But time passed, and there was no news about the wedding. It turned out that the young people decided to separate.

There were several reasons for this. Firstly, for Bilan and Elena, career came first, and they each achieved success in their own field. Secondly, their relationship was easy and devoid of responsibility, which did not strengthen it.

Over time, romantic relationships developed into friendships. Now Elena is happily married to another man, but remembers her relationship with the singer with warmth.

A few more novels

After breaking up with Elena Kuletskaya, there were several contenders for the heart of Dima Bilan. The relationship with them did not last long and did not end with a wedding. Immediately after breaking up with Kuletskaya, the singer had an affair with another model.

The girl's name was Yullianna. They met on the set of a video. The singer's friends still remember this passionate romance between Dmitry and Yullianna. But soon the passion subsided and the couple separated.

Then they talked about the star’s romance with another model. But there are very few details about him. This time, the singer’s sister spoke to reporters. She asked not to interfere in the couple’s personal life, since the girl does not like excessive attention to herself. This relationship also ended in nothing.

There was a period in Dmitry's life when he lost his head from love. He was ready to devote his entire life to his beloved and sacrifice a lot for her. It is known that the girl was an artist and her name was Lyalya.

Dmitry was in love. He tried to spend every minute with his beloved and even missed rehearsals. But Lyalya did not appreciate his sacrifices. One fine day she just packed her things and left without saying goodbye.. Afterwards, they met with Dmitry at one of the resorts, relaxed together, but did not resume their relationship.

Romantic relationships with colleagues

Devoting all his time to work, it is not surprising that the singer had several affairs with his stage colleagues. It is known about their romantic relationship with Yulia Volkova, a former member of the Tatu group.

Interesting notes:

Yulia herself spoke about a short-term romance that began during the Eurovision qualifying round. But it was difficult for two creative people to find a common language. Moreover, both artists had strong and independent characters. As a result, the couple broke up after several months of dating.

Information has repeatedly appeared about Dima Bilan’s affair with singer Pelageya. Perhaps the relationship arose during the “Voice” competition, where both artists were judges. Pelageya spoke very well of the singer in all interviews and more than once said that he was a very interesting man. What happened between them remains a mystery to fans.

Dima and Ksenia?

After the release of Dmitry Bilan’s video “Girl Don’t Cry,” only the lazy did not talk about the possible romance of the singer and model Ksenia Sukhinova. The girl starred in several of the singer’s videos, but the last one was the most frank.

Dmitry and Ksenia have a long-term relationship. They met more than 7 years ago. Then she also took part in the filming of one of the singer’s videos. And then there was also a wave of gossip about a possible romance. There were no comments on this matter.

And this year, filming in Ksenia’s video gave rise to a new wave of rumors. Some fans consider them an ideal couple and are waiting for a logical conclusion, while others think that the girl is not suitable for the singer. The couple remains stubbornly silent regarding their relationship. And it seems that rumors do not cause them the slightest concern.

Photos of the artist with girls

Lena Kuletskaya is a famous personality, a model popular all over the world, TV presenter and just beautiful girl. The “Ideal Couple” program on the “Domashny” channel, the “Cinderella” project, “Shopaholics” on MTV - Elena was invited to host all these programs. You shouldn’t ignore the Trendy program, where the supermodel became a “fashion agent.”


Lena Kuletskaya was born on August 7, 1982 in Ukraine in the city of Kharkov. Her father, Alexander Kuletsky, was a military man, so throughout her childhood Elena and her sister were under strict control, and the family was on the road. Dad tried to raise modest, decent, responsible daughters. However, the methods of influence were quite strict. If girls did not do their homework well, they could be punished for their lack of diligence. My father established a strict dress code regarding hairstyles, wardrobe, and appearance. No frivolities!

16 years after the birth of the future model, the whole family, headed by the father, moves to Moscow. There, the girl entered to study law at Moscow State University. In the student environment, Elena blossomed and made friends.

Lucky case

After studying for the first year, she began working as a fashion model at exhibitions. At one of these events she was noticed and offered cooperation. The model passed the casting and went to the city of her dreams - Paris. Lena Kuletskaya’s plans were to work in the capital of France for 3 summer months while the holidays lasted. However, the incredible world of fashion drew me into its glamorous networks, and the trip was delayed. While living in France, the model studied French and English language, now she knows them perfectly. According to the girl, she even swears in French. However, the student did not give up her studies. Having promised her strict father to get an education, Elena, despite all the hardships, graduated in absentia from Moscow State University with honors.

Lena's active development in the modeling business began in Paris. But my father intervened again; he was against such a career. After some time, dad let his beloved daughter go and became a part of this industry himself, helping as best he could in organizational matters. Later, Alexander Kuletsky opened a modeling agency called Mademoiselle.


Having become an adult, Lena Kuletskaya began to rapidly climb the career ladder. She was offered cooperation by many world-respected brands and agencies. Among the partners of the model are the following companies:

  • IMG Models;
  • Photogen Model Agency;
  • Louisa Models;
  • Group Model Management.

One of the English jewelry companies made Elena the face of their company. From this moment on, Lena Kuletskaya’s photo becomes a regular in tabloids, glamor publications, news feeds, and advertising brochures.

Active participation in advertising videos of such large brands as Nina Richi, Mary Kay, Helena Rubinstein, Etam, brought the model even more popularity and fans. The news about the supermodel reached Russia. The domestic division of the food giant Orbit invited Kuletskaya to star in a video about chewing gum. After such an experience, her inner circle nicknamed the model with the cute nickname “Nibbler.”

A television

Model Lena Kuletskaya is an active participant in television projects. Her career as a TV presenter brought her no less fame. On the MTV channel, the catwalk star appeared as a specially invited fashion expert. The TV project “Cinderella” turned out to be interesting, about transforming girls into real princesses, in which the already famous model Kuletskaya acted as one of the jury members. In the spring of 2014, the show “The Ideal Couple” was launched, where Lena was the host. The essence of this program was this: a team of specialists led by a model helped couples improve their clothing style.

Later, Lena Kuletskaya decided to try herself in dancing. Together with her partner Zhenya Pazenko, she became a participant in “Dancing with the Stars.” The supermodel makes decent money. According to her, she never really needed money. She bought an apartment in Paris and a house in Panama with her own money. Approximate income is 200,000 euros.

Personal life of Lena Kuletskaya

The news about the model’s relationship with the sought-after woman became scandalous and sensational. Russian singer Dima Bilan. According to them, they met in the French capital when both were at the airport. Back then, no one realized that an unexpected meeting could become a long-term relationship. This happened in 2006. The singer promised the model a wedding, which was supposed to take place in 2008 after the Eurovision Song Contest. Bilan won the music competition, but did not keep his promise. The couple broke up.

Later it turned out that the relationship between Dima and Elena was fictitious. 3 years after the breakup, he himself told everyone that they “met” only for the sake of PR. In the episode of the program “Let Them Talk” ex-husband Rudkovskoy said that he paid 30,000 euros so that Kuletskaya would become Bilan’s other half.

But the model and TV presenter says something completely different. According to her, their relationship was filled with love, romance and tenderness. But since the feelings were very vivid, at some point they burned out.

Afterwards, Lena had a French lover, but she hid his identity from the intrusive press. Kuletskaya was also spotted with actor Mickey Rourke. It turned out it was just a regular shoot for a magazine.


In 2013, cameraman Stanislav Romanovsky proposed marriage to Lena Kuletskaya. The wedding took place in the beloved and most romantic city of Paris a year after the proposal. Another three years passed, and the happy couple had a child. On May 15, a girl, Nika, was born, weighing 3.8 kg. The supermodel gave birth at the Lapino hospital. On Instagram, she shared her impressions of the clinic and the doctor. Elena said that the birth began during Eurovision and lasted 12 hours, everything went without a caesarean section, she praised the doctor for his good work.

Now the famous model, TV presenter and happy mother runs an Instagram page. Her account has 176 thousand subscribers. There she shares photos from her life, videos with her daughter, and events from the fashion world.

Dima Bilan's ex-girlfriend, model Elena Kuletskaya, became a mother. On August 25, her daughter Alexandra was born. The baby was born in the Lapino hospital near Moscow. 36-year-old Elena and her husband, director of photography Stanislav Romanovsky, already have an eldest daughter, Nika.

️ ... We + Sasha ... ️

In Lapino, Elena now lives in a comfortable double room. Daughter Sashenka is next to her mother all the time. Elena’s husband can also be close to his wife and child. There is a sofa in the room for him.

Interestingly, the news of a second pregnancy was shocking for Kuletskaya

Her eldest daughter, Nika, just recently turned two years old. For a long time, the model did not talk about her “ interesting position» subscribers. Only when it was no longer possible to hide the pregnancy did she decide to announce that she would become a mother again.

The model's pregnancy went well

During her second pregnancy, the girl gained 20 kilograms. In the last month, her weight was more than 80 kilograms, and the model does not like it. The girl admitted that this was due to her good appetite and sedentary lifestyle. After giving birth, she hopes to get back into shape, but for now all her worries are devoted to her daughters.

Daughter of Elena Kuletskaya

In the past, Kuletskaya had serious problems that lasted four years. They were a very beautiful, spectacular couple. It was Elena that Bilan promised to marry if he won Eurovision. True, he did not keep his word. After breaking up they friendly relations do not support. In 2014, Kuletskaya got married, and tries not to remember past romances.

Let us remember that Dima Bilan himself not so long ago announced that until he turns forty. He is not sure that he is now able to take on such responsibility and teach the child something.

Dima Bilan and his personal life have haunted his army of loyal fans, as well as hundreds of annoying paparazzi, for years in a row. What connects Dima Bilan and Anna Moshkovich? Does the artist have a wife and children? Or a star of the domestic pop scene - gay, gay? And how does Bilan, with such a hectic personal life and busy touring schedule, manage to act in films and even take 1st place at Eurovision? So, who exactly is this “night hooligan”? Let’s find out in this article.

Personal life of Dima Bilan - his wife and children

Lena Kuletskaya, Yulia Sarkisova, Anna Moshkovich - all of them were predicted by popular rumor to take the place of the wife of Dima Bilan, one of the most eligible bachelors of domestic show business. But - alas! Each time, information about the upcoming wedding celebration (or a wedding that had already taken place) was not confirmed. Model Lena Kuletskaya had the greatest chance of becoming Bilan’s wife, according to journalists who follow the celebrity’s personal life. A stunning blonde with an angelic appearance - she is simply made for love!

Lena Kuletskaya, alleged wife of Dima Bilan

It is not surprising that Bilan could not resist the beauty of Lena Kuletskaya. The young people dated for several years and appeared together at various events. The singer even presented his beloved with a ring during one of the concerts! This unequivocal gift gave rise to numerous conversations about the imminent wedding of the “night hooligan” and the “blond angel.” Even evil tongues that attributed a stormy affair with Mickey Rourke to the performer’s bride, it seemed, could not interfere with the happiness of the lovers.

Lena Kuletskaya and Dima Bilan

Lena Kuletskaya and Dima Bilan

In the video for the song “It Was Love,” the heroes Kuletskaya and Bilan begin a romantic relationship, but fate separates them. The video became prophetic - soon one of the most beautiful couples in domestic show business ceased to exist. Although, many wondered: maybe all this was just a PR stunt to hide the famous artist’s homosexuality?

Today Lena Kuletskaya is a happy married woman. What about Dima Bilan? – The performer still never ceases to intrigue his fans, giving rise to more and more rumors about his personal life. Dima Bilan’s Instagram is replete with photos with spectacular “colleagues.” Ksenia Sobchak, Lera Kudryavtseva, Pelageya, Sasha Savelyeva... this list can be continued endlessly. But there is no talk of a permanent girlfriend and love relationships.

Photo from Dima Bilan's Instagram

Dima Bilan never tires of leading curious paparazzi by the nose, proving that it is not for nothing that he is called the sex symbol of domestic show business. For this, he even starred in a very explicit BDSM photo shoot.

Dima Bilan in a BDSM photo shoot

As for Dima Bilan’s children, so far the ubiquitous paparazzi have not been able to “unearth” anything interesting. A certain Anna Belan, whose name appears every now and then on the personal Instagram of the “night hooligan,” turned out to be... the singer’s younger sister. The girl lives in the United States and does not hide her intentions to follow in the footsteps of her famous brother.

Dima Bilan's sister, whom the paparazzi mistook for her daughter

Although, the pop star still has a son... a godfather. This is Alexander, the son of Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya. The singer gets along well with the boy. This can be clearly seen from the numerous photos of the artist with his little godson, which Dima Bilan posts on his pages on social networks.

Dima Bilan with his godson

The singer has not yet thought about his own children, preferring... dog barking to children's laughter. In one of his interviews, he shared his dream of owning a Weimaraner dog.

Dima Bilan's wedding: the whole truth about the scandalous photo

“Dima Bilan got married in Sevastopol! The chosen one of the famous performer is Yulia Sarkisova!” The media were full of such headlines, wanting to be the first heralds of this sensational news. However, significant event turned out to be only part of the script for the singer’s future video. And Yulia Sarkisova is a girl who is happily married to her husband, the famous entrepreneur Nikolai Sarkisov. Moreover, the couple has three children.

False wedding of Dima Bilan

However, these are fake wedding photos plus the rather intimate selfies of the Bilan-Sarkisova couple caused a lot of noise among social network users.

Dima Bilan with his “bride”

Is Dima Bilan gay?

Another contender to be called the artist’s other half is the Baltic model Rowens Pritula. One Lithuanian publication reported that the couple in love often spends time together. And after a joint trip to Amsterdam, Rovens got a treasured engagement ring on his finger. It was also reported that the wedding of Dima Bilan and Rowens Pritula will take place in Germany. But it seems we have been fooled again. And the rumors that Dima Bilan is gay still remain rumors.

Rowens Pritula

Dima Bilan and Anna Moshkovich: husband and wife?

A certain Anna Moshkovich is a mystery girl whom no one has seen, but who, nevertheless, managed to ring Bilan himself! In any case, this is how some media reported information quite recently. Dima Bilan and Anna Moshkovich are a married couple! What a sensation!... However, this news turned out to be another successful PR move by the team of the famous artist. So, the photo from Dima Bilan’s wedding is a well-orchestrated prank.

Photos from Dima Bilan’s “wedding”

Photos from Dima Bilan’s “wedding”

In fact, the singer is still absolutely free. He travels a lot, creates, shoots new videos, voices animated characters... What can I say! “The Night Hooligan” even managed to star in a big movie! Although, secretly, he still dreams of meeting the one and only... In any case, that’s what Dima himself says in his interviews.

« She, first of all, must be faithful, as well as dynamic, bright, always remain a mystery for me, which I would like to solve and solve further, throughout my life! I think the ideal girl is the one who can understand me, my profession , to be a part of my life, to realize that I will always need to be shared with the stage»

From singers to actors: Dima Bilan’s film “Hero”

When you have achieved so much on the musical Olympus, you want to try your hand at something else. Dima Bilan, having collected a huge collection of domestic and international awards as a singer, swung at the "most important of the arts" - cinema. The debut of a pop artist on the big screen was serious historical film"Hero", which takes place in Russia during the First World War. Dima’s character – captain Andrei Dolmatov – fights, loves, suffers. Whether the famous singer managed to convey the full depth and tragedy of his hero is to be judged by film critics and viewers. One thing is certain: the military uniform suits Dima Bilan very well.

Dima Bilan in the film "Hero"

Poster for the film “Hero” with Dima Bilan

The trailer for the new film by Dima Bilan "Hero" makes it clear: the picture will make the viewer empathize with the main character from the first frame to the final credits. And the pop celebrity's partners on the set were such masters as Alexander Baluev and Alexander Adebashyan.

However, the Russian stage star’s co-stars were no worse. The main character and love of the whole life of the hero Dima Bilan was played by a young, promising actress Svetlana Ivanova, familiar to the audience from the films “House of the Sun”, “Legend No. 17”. Also, a talented actress Yulia Peresild starred in the film - the same female sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko from the Battle for Sevastopol.

Who knows - whether the romantic relationship of the main characters with the Stop! Cut!” Or are we waiting for a new wave of rumors about the next novel by the performer of the hits "On the Shore of the Sky" and "Night Hooligan"?

Dima Bilan's 1st place at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008: watch in good quality

Our hero was easily able to refute the well-known proverb that you cannot enter the same river twice. The singer performed at Eurovision for Russia two times! Moreover, twice – successfully! More precisely, once successfully, and twice triumphantly. In 2006, the young star with the composition "Never Let you go" takes 2nd place, losing only to the outrageous Finnish rockers Lordi. That beautiful, gentle production with a porcelain ballerina emerging from a white piano was remembered by all of Europe. And the hit, which suddenly became popular in dozens of countries, was not sung except by a person with a complete lack of hearing.

Two years later, the performer again decides to storm the impregnable peak of the most popular song contest in Europe. Dima easily overtakes his competitors in the national selection and again enters the big stage of Eurovision. This time he dials the largest number points in the final vote. And the number of people who want to watch good quality the video of Dima Bilan's 1st place at Eurovision 2008 on the most popular video hosting site YouTube has already exceeded 2 million people.

Dima Bilan's Instagram: all about his personal life and new girlfriend

With the advent of Instagram, celebrity fans have a unique opportunity to watch the lives of their idols almost online. Dima Bilan was no exception. Now he daily pleases a large army of fans with new shots of himself in leading role. His Instagram is one of the most popular in RuNet. The singer has more than a million subscribers. All of them can find out every day what the singer eats, where he goes, and with whom he likes to spend time. By the way, on the celebrity’s Instagram page today you can see a photo of another mysterious blonde who kept Dima company during his recent vacation in America. The pop singer himself introduces her as his old friend from Gnesinka.

Dima Bilan's new girlfriend?

Dima Bilan and possibly his new girlfriend

But is this really so?... Most Instagram users are confident that the pop star is having another affair. The personal life of Dima Bilan is again under the scrutiny of millions of prying eyes.

“Mom,” the star said laconically, without hiding a happy smile. This, in fact, is all that Kuletskaya decided to tell about the wonderful event. The model does not reveal the gender of the baby, as well as his age and growth. She'll probably do it a little later. A bouquet of the freshest white roses lies on the chest of a new mother. Obviously, Elena was one of the first to be congratulated by her husband and happy father of the child, Stanislav Romanovsky. Well, now the young parents are accepting congratulations from friends and colleagues, StarHit reports.

“Super, wonderful day, congratulations, be healthy!”, “Lenochka, congratulations! Happiness to you and the baby”, “Today is family day, good health you and your baby,” these are the wishes left to the young mother by her subscribers.

The baby appeared in one of the clinics near Moscow. Elena thought for a long time which maternity hospital to choose. The couple considered options in France, the USA and Russia. But Elena decided that she could not give birth away from her family, and therefore chose a prestigious clinic in Russia.

Interestingly, a couple of months ago Elena was not eager to announce her pregnancy. After the top model appeared on Andrei Malakhov’s “Let Them Talk” program, many could not help but notice the girl’s slightly rounded shape, as well as the fact that even Kuletskaya’s face had become rounder. All this alerted vigilant fans, who immediately began to speculate about the possible interesting position of the celebrity.

However, Kuletskaya herself was in no hurry to either confirm or refute the rumors. But soon Elena stopped hiding her pregnancy and began posing with pleasure for glossy magazines. Despite the fact that many star mothers literally from the first months of expecting a baby begin to buy all the necessary things, Kuletskaya was in no hurry to acquire a dowry for the baby. Apparently, right now, when the TV presenter and the newborn child are in the maternity hospital, the celebrity’s husband Stanislav Romanovsky is hastily acquiring everything necessary for the heir. After all, it was he who promised to take on all the troubles.

During pregnancy, Elena felt quite well and led a busy and active life. The model traveled with her husband around France, took part in photo shoots and managed to appear on television in various talk shows.

Let us remember that Elena and Stanislav got married at the end of the summer of 2014. A beautiful and romantic wedding took place in the south of France, in the Provence region.
