Abraham Russo is young. Abraham Russo: nationality

Abraham Russo and Morela Ferdman got married in 2005. Shortly after the wedding, the couple got married in Israel. In 2006, the couple had a daughter, Emanuella, and eight years later, a daughter, Ave Maria. Fans of the artist were sure that he and Morela were happily married, but it recently became clear that after 12 years of marriage, the couple were getting divorced.

A popular performer on the air of the program "Live" with Andrei Malakhov announced his desire to divorce Morela, who currently lives in the United States. To hear the second side of the conflict, host Andrey Malakhov went to New York, visited the Russo mansion and personally spoke with Morela.

The woman admitted that she was unpleasantly surprised when she saw her husband in the talk show studio. Morela found out about the divorce from a TV show. She admits that now she is having a rather difficult time, a woman cannot help but drink, eat, according to her, she even lost extra calories. Ferdman states that Rousseau himself is a complex person by nature. Morela claims that for a long time she did everything in order to become an ideal wife, but for several years everything went wrong. Women's wisdom did not help her, she continued to endure everything, but Abraham allegedly continued to humiliate her in the presence of her daughters.

Morela cannot believe what is happening to her husband. In her opinion, Abraham Russo is unfair to her and the children. She turned to her husband in the hope that he would realize what pain he brought to loved ones.

“I am now confused, I don’t know how to live and what to do,” Russo’s wife admitted. I don't eat, I don't sleep, I've lost weight. Call me and tell me we're not together anymore."

Morela did not hide the fact that Abraham threatened her. She showed a recording that she made during a trip in a car. The man did not hesitate to speak unpleasant words to the woman he loved. She believes that no woman deserves such treatment.

“I forgave a lot of things, endured, yielded, so that there was peace, so that the children would not hear disagreements,” Morela said. - He offended me in the presence of children, humiliated me that I was nobody, my name was nothing, I was not capable of anything. He is a tyrant, always right, I must obey him. If I have an opinion, it is wrong. I was under constant stress."

The woman admitted that she tried to be perfect for her husband so that he would come home and feel contented and happy. However, after the birth of the youngest daughter three years ago, the relationship cracked.

Now Morela wants to sell the house in New York, but the mansion is not in demand, as the whole design was thought out according to their taste. Every year, she has to pay $50,000 in taxes, as well as a large sum for the upkeep of the house.

Rousseau's wife is offended that he stopped paying attention to children. According to her, now the musician almost does not communicate with her daughters.

“He didn’t congratulate me on his birthday, he didn’t call. When a person turns away and leaves, and children are innocent angels, does he not love them, does he no longer need them? He was very close with his eldest daughter, spent a lot of time. Constantly on the phone, he said that the eldest is part of his soul. But if it's a part, are you trampling on the soul?" The woman cannot understand.

Morela said that in their house there is a temple where 300 relics of saints are collected. It was there that they baptized youngest daughter. Anna Maria. The wife of the artist suspects that he fell under bad influence. Three years ago, a friend appeared in his life. The friend had a negative impact on the artist: he began to coldly communicate with the chosen one.

Abraham's wife said that she looked after his mother when the singer was on tour and performing. In her opinion, the woman was jealous of his children and family. Moreover, Morela learned about two houses in Russia. She was surprised why her husband purchased the property without her knowledge.

“I have never deceived him in my life, I have always been honest and faithful. As after such blows, how will I believe, how will we live again. It will never be what it was, ”says the wife.
At the end of the program, Morela turned to her husband and asked her to find the strength in herself to sit down at the negotiating table and resolve the issue without scandals.

“I know that my conscience is clear before you, I was your true friend, wife, I never betrayed you, you put me in an awkward position. I have to justify myself before the people, I did not want to take out dirty linen from the family. I ask you to just humanly sit alone with yourself and think about how his children feel, think about what pain he brought us, evaluate and think about where he was to blame before us, ”concluded the wife of Abraham Russo.

Abraham Russo is a famous Russian artist, a popular singer of Syrian origin, the winner of many Russian competitions. Many who love Russian pop music know his songs, because at one time the artist was insanely popular and was able to record duets with the most famous stars of Russia, including Kristina Orbakaite.

His life, like his work, is insanely interesting, because over the years the singer has traveled a lot around the world, and today he speaks as many as thirteen languages! Who else among modern artists can boast of such boshkovity. At the same time, Abraham is a favorite of women, and one of the most famous singers Russian stage with oriental roots.

Height, weight, age. How old is Abraham Russo

Perhaps today the artist is not as popular as 10 years ago, he has not released his own songs for two years, but the fact that many of his fans still love their idol and listen to his old hits is an indisputable fact. The singer at one time was able to win the hearts of millions of women all over Russia with his mysterious timbre and ornate pronunciation, his dark curls and brown eyes literally conquered hearts.

Even today, despite the fact that Abraham does not appear on television so often, his fans are actively searching search engines for everything connected with him, even height, weight, age. It is not difficult to find out how old Abraham Russo is, today the singer is 48 years old, and his height is 187 cm. His nationality is Jewish, but if you touch the singer’s life closer, it will immediately become clear that Abraham is a real person of the world.

Biography and personal life of Abraham Russo

The singer was born in Syria in 1969. His childhood was very difficult, as his father died when the boy had just started first grade. After the death of her father, the family moved to France, where she lived for several years. Then it became very difficult with finances and the mother gave Abraham to a closed boarding house for boys in Lebanon, where they moved. After Rousseau was at home again, in order to somehow brighten up the difficult childhood of the children, the mother gave the boy to sing. As it turned out, Abraham had a remarkable talent, everyone recognized this, prophesying a rich and well-fed future for him.

At the age of 16, the guy began to earn his first money with his voice. He sang in bars and restaurants, entertaining the audience with songs in several languages, and thus earned money to help his mother. After the guy saw the first earned, albeit small, money, he decided that he could earn money by singing, and he would definitely become a singer. The young man was very fearless, and in his younger years he traveled a lot, was able to succeed in Eastern countries, in Europe and even North America, where he performed a lot, mainly in expensive restaurants. Once a guy sang in an elite club on the island of Cyprus and the owner of the institution, who was Russian, heard him. The man invited the guy to try his luck in Russia, and said that he would produce him, since such talents on the Russian stage would be very useful.

Abraham came to Russia, signed a contract, and began to prepare his first album for recording. Then he first sang a duet with Kristina Orbakaite, and this song instantly became a hit, lifting Abraham to the top of the charts of music channels. After this song, the whole country found out about Russo, and he immediately “drew” a tour schedule, and a lot of corporate events. Six months later, in a duet with Christina, they released a second song, which also became insanely popular, after which Abraham himself began to release his own solo songs, which immediately took the first lines in the lists of popular Russian music.

The biography and personal life of Abraham Russo were wildly successful. He climbed to the top, met a beautiful woman, fell in love, earned a lot of money when one day an assassination attempt was made on him, and the man almost died! In 2006, his car was shot, Abraham himself received many injuries, and almost died, only a miracle, but more precisely, faith to God, saved him. The story of the assassination is shrouded in mystery, Abraham does not like to discuss this topic, and does not admit why he was almost killed, but many say that this is due to his religion and Islamists.

Family and children of Abraham Russo

The singer's father was a military man, served in the French legion, and his mother worked as a nurse. So they once met when he was in the hospital. They had three children, but it so happened that they grew up without a father, since the man died very young. The future singer always understood what he was deprived of, so he always thought that if he had a family, he would be a good father. He himself always wanted to have a family and children.

Abraham Russo has long been accused of not appreciating his family, having mistresses, and generally being a tyrant. She talked about it on Russian shows his wife. After the assassination attempt, the singer admitted that he had changed his point of view, and realized where he was wrong. He believes that this is how God punished him for his lifestyle. Today, the couple seems to have reconciled, and live in peace and love.

Daughter of Abraham Russo - Emanuella Russo

The daughter of Abraham Russo - Emanuella Russo was born in America in 2006. During the assassination attempt on the artist, his only and beloved wife was pregnant, they lived in Russia and were expecting the birth of a girl.

After the attack, the artist could not recover for a long time, and realized that he needed to hide his wife and future daughter from prying eyes so that the attackers would not hurt them. The singer immediately sent his wife to the United States, where they all live together today. The singer's eldest daughter is 12 today, she is very similar to her mother and dreams of becoming a singer in the future. The girl is engaged in singing at home, learns foreign languages ​​and several times came with her father to Russia.

Daughter of Abraham Russo - Ave Maria Russo

The daughter of Abraham Russo - Ave Maria Russo was born in 2014. Just as Abraham himself once received a “divine” name from his mother, the couple decided to name their second daughter as such the most beautiful name- Ave Maria.

Today, the artist has returned to religion, he believes that God saved him from imminent death, so he goes to church and takes children to sacred places. Parents instill love and faith in their daughters. The little daughter of the singer is 4 years old today, the girl is very obedient and helps her mother with the housework.

Abraham Russo's wife - Morela Russo

Abraham Russo's wife, Morela Russo, is 13 years younger than her husband. When they met, Abraham fell in love at first sight. Morela is an American, but together with Abraham she moved to Russia, and lived here for a long time while her husband performed and toured. They had a very beautiful wedding, and a gorgeous wedding. The marriage was registered in Moscow, but the newlyweds got married in Israel, on the holy land. Morela lived in Russia for only a year, and then again left for her homeland, where today she is raising two children and taking care of the house.

Recently, the singer's wife came to Russia. Where she participated in a TV show, she talked about how difficult the marriage with Abraham is and that they plan to divorce. However, the divorce did not follow, apparently, the couple reconciled.

Instagram and Wikipedia Abraham Russo

During the years of the singer's popularity, his concerts and trips did not stop. He earned millions by selling his CDs, and also, based on his religious beliefs, performed in battlefields, for example, in the Caucasus. Then he became a national hero of South Ossetia.

After the assassination attempt, the singer went to America and lived abroad for three years. Until he fully recovered, and then returned to Russia and continued to tour. Although the artist has fewer concerts, you can still find out about his work on the Internet. Today you can learn about the life of the singer from Instagram and Wikipedia Abraham Russo. The article was found on

The owner of a surprisingly gentle and at the same time strong voice, Avraam Russo (Avraam Russo) became popular with the Russian listener thanks to a joint song with Russian performer Kristina Orbakaite. Today the singer has four Golden Gramophone statuettes and a number of other awards. Lyrical compositions brought him recognition and love of the public.

Childhood and youth

Abraham Zhanovich Ipdzhyan (that's the real name of the singer) was born on July 21, 1969. This joyful and long-awaited event happened in an ordinary family, which at that time lived in Syria. The boy's father was a French legionnaire and a veteran of World War II, and his mother worked as a nurse in a local hospital. Parents tried to give their children the best, so they had to work hard.

As for the nationality of Abraham Russo, he himself prefers to call himself a “man of the world”, but the blood of a different nation flows in his veins, among his ancestors were:

  • Turks;
  • French people;
  • Greeks;
  • Italians;
  • Armenians.

The popular artist has an older brother. When little Abraham was 7 years old, a terrible tragedy happened in the family, the head of the family died. Mom had to pack her things, take the children and move to permanent residence in Paris, and a little later move to Lebanon. There the boy was sent to study at the monastery. It was in it that the young man learned to sing, as they often participated in religious events.

In addition to vocal abilities, the young man had an ability for languages, he quickly grasped new dialects. To date, he is fluent in many languages, namely:

  • Russian;
  • Arab;
  • Spanish;
  • Turkish;
  • Hebrew;
  • English;
  • French;
  • Armenian.

Many familiar mothers prophesied a great future for Abraham. Excellent vocal abilities, charming appearance and incredible charisma quickly made him popular not only in European countries, but also in the Middle East, as well as in distant North America.

First success

The creative biography of Abraham Russo began when young man turned sixteen years old. It was during this period that he, along with his comrades, organized a musical group and began performing in restaurants. At the very beginning, money was sorely lacking, but the artist's popularity grew, and with it came the demand.

In addition to performances, the young man took opera singing lessons in order to develop his vocals as much as possible. Soon the young performer had his first serious tour, he went to Aleppo with concerts. In the same period, he decided to take a pseudonym for himself, from that moment he became Abraham Russo. After that, he traveled to other countries with his program, this list includes:

  • Dubai;
  • Sweden;
  • Greece;
  • France.

During a vacation in Cyprus, where the aspiring artist was visiting his older brother, he was noticed by Russian businessman Telman Ismailov. He invited the singer to try his hand at Moscow. Abraham did not hesitate for a long time, he wanted to conquer Russia. From that moment on, an incredible take-off took place in his creative career.

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At first, the singer performed his songs in the Prague restaurant, which was owned by Ismailov, and later the famous producer Iosif Prigozhin drew attention to the talented artist. It was he who invited him to work together.

Immediately after signing a contract with the Knoxmusic studio, Abraham recorded several compositions, the most popular were:

  • "Far, far away";
  • "Angel of Love";
  • "Engagement".

In the same period, the young artist begins to collaborate with the popular musician Didula, who also worked in the team of Joseph Prigogine. This tandem released two singles that simply blew up the Russian stage, they were hits:

  • "Leila";
  • Arabica.

Almost immediately, Russo released a studio album called Toning. And then, to the delight of numerous fans, he gave the first solo concert, which was held with a standing ovation in the main concert hall of the country - the Olympic. It was visited by more than 17 thousand people. It was on it that the artist first appeared on stage with Alla Pugacheva's daughter Kristina Orbakaite. They sang a joint song "Just to love you."

During this time, Abraham managed to become a citizen Russian Federation and become a full-fledged singer. By the end of 2006, he had toured many countries with a tour, and the number of records sold exceeded 10 million.

The story of the assassination

In 2006, news appeared in the press that an attempt had been made on a famous pop singer. The criminals, armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles, fired at the star's car, moreover, this happened in the very center of the capital, not far from the artist's house. As a result, Rousseau was seriously injured, he was hospitalized. But doctors gave disappointing forecasts.

Fortunately, he was able to survive, however, there was a threat of amputation of the leg, but the doctors were able to save her. But Abraham had to learn to walk again.

It is worth noting that the attempt on Abraham Russo was not the only one, two years before that, unknown persons had already attacked him. The bandits kidnapped him, took him to a deserted place, beat him there, and then left. Then the reason for the kidnapping was unresolved financial issues, allegedly the artist could not agree with his sponsors. As for the reason for the second case of the attack, they have not yet been clarified.

But there were rumors in the press that the producers did not share the star performer, and there was also a version that Ismailov was taking revenge on him, as if the businessman had not forgiven him for leaving.

The investigation repeatedly summoned all the suspects, including Prigozhin, for interrogation, but could not get the truth. Rousseau himself repeatedly accused the former producer of theft, called him a bandit. Joseph wrote a statement on the protection of his honor and dignity, the court granted his request and ordered Abraham to pay a fine.

Actually, after that, the popular artist considered the situation in the country unsafe and left Russia with his family. Many fans thought that the singer just ran away. But he himself admitted that he wanted peace at that moment, since he needed serious treatment, and his wife was in a position at that time.

In the US, Russo's career somehow did not work out, despite the fact that he almost immediately began working with the famous American composer Joe Black, who was nominated ten times for the prestigious Grammy Award. In the same period, the artist tried his hand at a new role, he began to write music in the style of Gospel inspirational, which translates as "Inspirational music".

triumphant return

Abroad, the Syrian artist could not become popular, he could not achieve such success as in Russia, so he decided to return to Moscow. The return occurred in 2010, after he established a relationship with former producer Prigogine. However, they did not cooperate anymore.

Already in October, the pop artist gave a solo concert at the Crocus City Hall, moreover, tickets were sold out in a matter of hours. But the subsequent tour around the country made the singer understand that he had already been forgotten. Some concerts from the list had to be cancelled.

Popularity and demand for Abraham Russo returned after recording a new hit. He performed the song "Through Love" in a duet with famous singer Ivanna. Almost immediately, he presented new compositions to the audience, among them the most sensational were:

  • "Daughter of the East";
  • "Marina";
  • "Gentle Sinful";
  • "Unloved".

Later, he performed a joint single with Rada Rai. A song called "Not Saved" for some time occupied a leading position in the Russian charts.

In 2016, the premiere of the video clip "No, it's impossible" took place, in which he starred with the Russian performer Sogdiana. During the filming process, a tragic incident almost happened, heavy scenery almost fell on the artists, they managed to push them away literally a second before the props fell.

The composition became the title track in the singer's new album. It was already the sixth disc in Abraham's discography. The artist also presented new singles, which instantly became popular:

  • "Crying night";
  • "My feelings are lace."

In the piggy bank of a famous artist a large number of all kinds of awards. He has repeatedly become a nominee for prestigious music awards.

Personal life

Abraham Russo has always been very popular with women fair half. Due to the origin, the appearance of the singer really deserves admiration. Eastern roots made themselves felt. In one of the interviews, the man admitted that he had his first love at the age of ten. This was the daughter of a Lebanese clergyman, she was 7 years older than him. The young lovers even had their first kiss.

Before moving to the capital, the artist was also a member of serious relationship with a girl from Tunisia. But she did not want to go to Russia with him, so they had to leave. He worried about this for a long time, as he really had strong feelings for her.

The singer met his true love in New York when he gave concerts there. Morel Ferdman, that's the name of his wife, helped him get comfortable in the city and join the local party. She also introduced him to many Hollywood actors, actresses and other stars. In 2005, the lovers legalized the relationship. The wedding took place in the Butyrsky registry office. And a year later, when the couple rested in Israel, they got married. In the same period, the newlyweds had a daughter, Emanuela Russo.

Abraham Russo and his wife were in America at that time. Later, the artist again became a father, the second daughter, Ave Maria, appeared in 2014. Photos of the happy family can be viewed on the singer's official page in social network instagram. He also has accounts on VKontakte, Twitter and Facebook.

On his page you can find out details from his biography, personal life, listen to songs and watch video clips. The artist shares information about the date of upcoming concerts. Numerous fans have created fan clubs where you can also learn a lot interesting facts about the work of a pop performer.

Of the hobbies of the famous singer, sports can be distinguished, he is fond of fitness and football. Tennis and hockey also help him keep fit.

Abraham Russo, present full name Abraham Zhanovich Ipdzhyan (b. 1969) is a Russian singer from Syria with a unique combination of a clear and surprisingly strong voice. In addition to voice data, nature generously rewarded him with an artistic appearance: blue eyes, slim, tall, black luxurious curls. On the stage he performs in the genres of pop and pop-folk. Repeatedly participated in the festivals "Song of the Year", four times became the owner of the "Golden Gramophone" award.

Birth and family

Abraham was born on July 21, 1969 in the Syrian city of Aleppo. Despite the fact that the singer was born in Syria, his father and mother were Armenians from Turkey.

Father Jean Ipjyan, born in 1904, his homeland is Antep in southern Turkey. In addition to Armenian, Greek blood also flowed in Jean's veins. At the age of ten, he survived the genocide. His father (Abraham's grandfather) worked as a principal at Antep College. I learned about the impending massacre already on the eve of the events, I only managed to distribute the children to the Kurdish neighbors and asked them to save them. So little Jean ended up in Syria and lost his brothers and sisters around the world. At the age of seventeen, he went to serve in the Syrian army, then for almost a quarter of a century he was a French legionnaire. Participated in World War II.

Abraham as a child with his mother

Mother Maria Russo, born in 1929, was born in the ancient Armenian city of Tigranakert. In her pedigree, in addition to Armenian roots, there are also Italian ones. She was still a little girl when the family moved to Syria. From a young age, she worked as a nurse at Saint Louis Hospital. It was there that she and Jean first saw each other. However, the family did not form immediately; at the time of their acquaintance, both were married. Many years later, their second meeting happened by chance, by this time both Maria and Jean were widowed. Despite big difference aged, they got married.

Two sons were born in the marriage - the eldest John and the youngest Abraham. In 1975, dad passed away, Abraham was only six years old then. Together with their brother and mother, they left for France, since their father served under the flag of this country for many years.

Childhood and youth

After living in France for two years, the family moved to Lebanon. On my mother's initiative, Abraham was sent to study at a monastery, it was there that he became a religious person, faith saved him more than once in the most difficult life situations.

Abraham began to sing with early childhood, and, if there was an opportunity to prove himself in some kind of creative competition, he would definitely take part in it. In addition to the voice, nature rewarded him with another talent. The guy turned out to be a polyglot, he easily managed to learn foreign languages. To master the skills of a new speech, six months is enough for him. Now the singer is fluent in Hebrew, English, Russian, French, Turkish, Armenian, Arabic and Spanish.

Abraham earned his first money by singing in Lebanese restaurants and cafes. He was paid six dollars for his performance. But then he and his friends were ready to work even for free, if only they were noticed and appreciated. Although the money was also not superfluous, they lived together with their mother, the older brother had married by that time and moved to Cyprus.

creative way

Gradually, Rousseau's career developed, he earned enough to take private lessons in opera singing. So over time he became a professional singer and gave his first serious concerts in his homeland - in the Syrian city of Aleppo. Then he went to his brother in Cyprus, from there to Dubai, Sweden, France, Greece, and everywhere he managed to conclude one lucrative contract after another. The singer came up with a pseudonym for himself - he changed his name a little and took his mother's maiden name.

In 1995, he met businessman-restaurateur Telman Ismailov, who invited Russo to Moscow. About Russia, Abraham had no idea what kind of country it was, what kind of people lived in it. The only person the singer knew in Russia was the director of the Visa Concord company, Ashot Mkrtchyan. He met Abraham in Moscow, when in 1996, after considering all the pros and cons, he nevertheless decided to conquer the Russian capital.

Russo began performing at Telman Ismailov's Prague restaurant in Moscow, where in 1999 producer Iosif Prigogine spotted him. From this acquaintance in the biography of the singer began a new creative period. Songs for him were written by composer Viktor Drobysh, Ismailov invested in promotion new star a tidy sum, and Prigozhin became the producer, Russo signed a contract with his studio Knox Music.

Hits came out one after another:

  • "In the name of love";
  • "Far, far away";
  • "Engagement";
  • "I know";
  • "Angel of Love";
  • "Not mine".

In 2000, they began recording their debut album. He saw the light in 2001 under the name "Amor". Then three more albums were released:

  • 2002 - "Tonight";
  • 2003 - "Just to love";
  • 2006 - "Engagement".

Abraham with Kristina Orbakaite

Creative duets brought Abraham wide popularity and audience love:

  • With another ward of Joseph Prigozhin, the Belarusian performer and musician Didula Russo recorded two songs "Arabica" and "Leila", which for a long time kept in the Russian charts.
  • With the singer Kristina Orbakaite, he sang two compositions “Love that no longer exists” and “Just love you”, thanks to which the name of Abraham became on a par with the most elite Russian pop singers.

Rousseau mastered the Russian language perfectly, received a passport of a Russian citizen and began touring the world. In 2006, the number of his sold discs exceeded ten million.

assassination attempt

In 2006, Russia was shocked by the news - at the very peak of his popularity, an assassination attempt was made on Abraham Russo. Unknown people shot his car from a Kalashnikov assault rifle. The singer did not reach his house in the center of Moscow, literally a hundred meters. He received three bullets, while he was able to independently leave the place of shelling and seek help. The bandits did not pursue him, but hurried to hide, throwing the machine gun along the way. As the investigation later found out, the horn of the weapon was not completely empty, which means that the death of the singer was not included in the plans of the attackers.

Rousseau was seriously wounded, lost a large amount of blood and could remain disabled for life. It turned out that this attempt was not the first. In 2004, he was dragged into an unknown car, beaten and thrown into the street. Then he escaped with multiple bruises, a broken nose and a concussion.

Abraham said that the first time the attack was caused by money issues from his sponsor. The reason for the second attempt remained unknown, the crime has not yet been solved. The investigation had working versions that this was a showdown between the producers Drobysh and Prigogine, since they both took part in the promotion of the singer, or again unresolved financial issues with Telman Ismailov. But none of the versions has official confirmation.

The situation developed in such a way that it was dangerous for the singer to stay further in Russia. As soon as he came to his senses after being wounded, he immediately moved to America with his pregnant wife, where he bought an apartment in New York six months before the incident. Mom, who also lived in Russia with her son's family, was sent by the singer to his brother in Cyprus to babysit her grandson, who was born shortly before the incident and named after his uncle Abraham.

Rousseau announced to the press that his departure should not be seen as an escape. He just needed to provide his wife with a peaceful pregnancy and birth. healthy child, and to undergo a long course of rehabilitation treatment.


In the USA, Abraham continued to engage in creative work, in collaboration with the composer Joe Black, he released the disc "Resurrection", but the singer failed to win such fame as in Russia, overseas.

In 2010, Russo decided to return to Moscow, having made an attempt to reconcile with Joseph Prigogine before that. They failed to renew their former friendship, but the producer in no way prevented the singer from coming to Russia.

Rousseau and Sogdiana

After a four-year break, on the last day of October 2010, Abraham's concert was held in the Moscow Crocus City Hall, which gathered a full house. However, a further tour of the country was a failure. Tula was the first to cancel the concert, followed by several other cities, as ticket sales were very low.

To remind himself again, the performer needed new hits and duets. The second wave of popularity was brought to him by collaborations with singers: Ivanna ("Through Love"), Rada Rai ("Not Saved"), Sogdiana ("No Impossible").

Personal life

Russo's spectacular appearance since adolescence aroused great interest in him among the fair sex. As the singer himself said, his first love was the daughter of a priest in Lebanon, who was seven years older. She taught the boy to kiss, Abraham at that time was only ten years old.

Before he moved to Russia, Rousseau was in a long and serious relationship with a girl from Tunisia. However, she refused to go with her beloved to Moscow, and the couple broke up.
His current and only wife Morella is an American of Ukrainian origin, born in 1982. The singer met her in New York when he went on tour with Christina Orbakaite.

In 2005, the wedding of Abraham and Morella took place in Moscow, and later, during a trip to Israel, the couple got married there. The wife helped the singer for short term to become his own in the American secular party, introduced him to many influential people over the ocean.

After the final relocation of the spouses to the United States on December 27, 2006, their first daughter, Emanuela Russo, was born. On August 19, 2014, their second girl, Ave Maria Russo, was born.

Despite the fact that Abraham again spends most of his time in Russia, his wife, daughters and mother are not going to leave America. They feel great in a country house near New York.


Singer Abraham Russo became a guest of the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live". The performer admitted that he was experiencing difficulties in relations with his wife Morela Ferdman. The chosen one herself prefers to refrain from public statements about the current situation.

According to Russo, he tried to save his family, but he failed. Abraham also does not think that Morela is ready to fight him over property. According to Abraham, he rewrote a luxurious house in the United States for his wife, which is estimated at about 300 million rubles.

"Our troubles last long enough long time but we didn't talk about it. Today I spoke about it for the first time. I don't think she wants money. My goal was to keep the family together, because we have two children, and the second child is only three years old. I didn’t want to taste this bitter taste of divorce… I’m trying to keep the family together for the sake of the children,” shared Russo.

The man also said that the second half did not cheat on him. “Honestly, there are no questions for her. There are certain misunderstandings. We are from slightly different cultures. The first step is love. Over time, it fades into the background, and you begin to live differently, ”the singer believes.

Oksana Sokolova, a lawyer and friend of Morela Russo, who represents the interests of a woman in the United States, said that she was extremely surprised when she learned about the topic of the transfer involving her husband. As it turned out, the artist did not sue for divorce, but sent his wife a marriage contract - a proposal to divide the jointly acquired property. Until the chosen one of the performer signed this document.

“Morela called me tonight and said: “Please save me, I don’t know what is happening,” Sokolova said. Morela never laid claim to any property. She found herself in a difficult financial situation because the taxes on their house were so high that the house became unsaleable. It is impossible to find a buyer for it. This house was valued at a large sum, for which it was impossible to sell it, and a tax was imposed accordingly. The house has a mortgage. Little children abandoned by Abraham. I know that Morela is begging for any amount to cover her debts.”

Abraham Russo's mother, Maria Ipjyan, who for some time lived with her granddaughters in her son's house in the United States, admitted that Morela's attitude towards her had changed. According to the woman, the daughter-in-law interferes with communication with her granddaughters, and Ipjyan has not seen the girls for six months now. The artist's parent is worried about the conflict that arose in Abraham's family.

“My heart hurts because of their divorce. I do not interfere in their situation, but I do not want a divorce, especially since they have children. I don’t even know what a divorce is, because we don’t accept it that way. In the last year and a half, difficulties arose in the relationship between my son and daughter-in-law, and I immediately noticed this, because I lived with my granddaughters in their house in America. A strong tension arose between them, both were nervous, swearing constantly. And I was very worried, I hardly slept afterwards. When I wanted to say something to Morela, she perceived me as an enemy. For me, the worst thing is that Morela put me a barrier in communicating with my granddaughters, ”admitted the mother of the performer Maria Ipdzhyan.

The American lawyer of the wife of Rousseau denied the allegations against her client. According to the lawyer, Morela's house is always open to Abraham's relatives. “You are trying to turn the situation inside out,” the woman turned to the artist.

Alexander Karazhelez, Morela Russo's lawyer in Russia, expressed the client's opinion on the current situation. The man claims that Abraham could have fallen under the influence of an outsider - a confessor or adviser who is related to religion and uses the singer to achieve selfish goals. Being a believer, Rousseau even built a temple at home.

“Two hours ago I had another conversation with Morela. Her version is the following. After the birth of the second child, most likely, Abraham had a certain confessor or adviser who began to take him away from the family, Karazhelez shared. - Constant scandals, insults against him, she was cut off in communication with her friends, that is, a kind of seclusion. She is a rather patient and non-public person, so she did not share family squabbles.

Morela's spokesman added that Abraham's home was not always smooth sailing. “And with all due respect to Abraham, he did not treat his wife well. As Morela told me, it came to assault. Families are different, but I hope they will not part, ”said the artist’s wife’s lawyer. Karazhelez believes that Rousseau's proposal sent to the chosen one is the first step towards divorce. According to the marriage contract, most of the property remains with Abraham.

Presenter Andrey Malakhov asked the hero of the program if he really raised his hand to his wife.

“Lord, save me. When it was?" – said the singer.

“I want to tell the whole country that I will give exclusive interview my version of you. I invite you to my home in America, I want to show you and tell you everything. I have a lot of evidence that will confirm all my facts. I want to talk about a lot, including the scam, how I was used as a front. When he fled to America, he needed something to cover himself with. And I was that for him. He slandered many, and his sponsor, ”said the chosen one of the performer.
