How to learn chess. Chess Lessons for Beginners: Free Videos for Homeschooling

Teaching chess online today is a powerful alternative to face-to-face classes. There are many benefits to this type of training. First of all, no time is wasted on the road to the chess section, which is not always close to home. The only place you need to get to on time is your computer! Moreover, the student is absolutely not tied to the place of employment. At home, at work or attrip - learning to play chess will take place in any place suitable for you! In addition, students will have easy access to the information received in the classroom in a form convenient for them. Everything that has been passed can be re-read and reviewed both on a laptop, sitting on the couch at home, and on a tablet or any other device, being in public transport or while traveling.After all, paper lovers can simply print out a summary of the lesson!

Teaching chess online also means you don't need inventory at all. No pens, no notebooks, no boards with figures! All you need to have in class is a willingness to learn and a desire to improve!


Chess for beginners This is one of my main areas of work.It is enough to type in Google " chess for beginners video”, and on the first page of the issue you will find my YouTube training channel. For such a category of students as “beginner”, a special approach is needed. After all, it is not so easy for a beginner to understand where to start their training. What information to study? Where to take it from? And most importantly - in what order should I do it? For a speedy, and most importantly, positive result of all your efforts, you need chess coach- a mentor who will help you understand everything.

Teaching chess from scratch- It's hard and time consuming.If you do not have enough time to study with a coach, but have a great desire to learn how to play, my instructional video in the "Video Lessons" section will help you master the basics of the ancient game.


Teaching children chess online- almost the only opportunity to introduce a child to the ancient game for those families who live in small towns, in which there are no chess sections at all. Chess has a strong influence on any person who is fond of it, and especially on children who are at the stage of personality formation and development in general.

The ancient game perfectly develops both long-term and RAM, analytical thinking, the ability to concentrate, as well as to predict and predict events. Such important qualities as determination, desire for victory, emotional stability, strong will, perseverance are brought up. The enormous benefits of chess is an undeniable fact. Should we be surprised at the good performance of a child at school who is engaged in them?


Chess coach= quick and effective result.After all, as in any other business, a beginner needs a mentor who will help you achieve your goal in the shortest possible time.To date, frequent queries among Internet users are: chess training», « chess lessons". As a result, you find many websites that offer coaching services. How to understand that coach Ivanov is more suitable for you than coach Petrov? You should talk with the teacher, see how the lesson goes, whether the coach is interested in the success of his ward.In a word, whether the person is competent in his field.That is why I always conduct the first lesson for FREE, so that you can decide whether it is worth continuing our further cooperation.

I also draw the attention of chess lovers to the fact that in addition to coaching, I provide services such as:

  • Sparring partner (popular among those who want to play a specific type of position or opening variation);
  • Video on demand (popular among those who do not want to pore over literature for a long time and tediously 🙂; pgn-files, of course, are attached)
  • Analysis of a game/opening variation (also popular among chess players of the above category🙂; analysis is done in pgn format)


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Chess is an exciting board game that has a long history.

Before you learn how to play chess, you need to find out what benefits this game can have for a person.

Chess is not for you Dota» and not " World of tanks» where you need to sit relaxed and not think, chess is a board game that requires mental reflection.

Most of us have seen this game, but few of us were interested in how to play it and what is the use of it.

The board game itself has long lost its popularity among young people, and to attract children and teenagers to this species entertainment is difficult, especially in the era of computer games.

In our opinion, some young people can be attracted to this game by explaining to them the benefits of chess for the brain.

So, what does chess develop in children and adults?

  1. Chess develops logical thinking;
  2. Chess develops intelligence.

1. Chess develops logical thinking

Chess develops logic, as during the game you can find a more profitable solution for certain actions in the future. You, unlike the rest, will learn to be able to calculate all your further actions 7-8 steps ahead.

Logical thinking will allow you to find a causal relationship in everything and find the essence of things. All this will help you to be far-sighted and pragmatic for politics, economics and any other important activity for society.

2. Chess develops intelligence

The board game allows you to focus very clearly on any thing, this skill is very useful for any job and task.

Any action forces the player to remember their moves and the location of the pieces, and such a process develops the memory that is needed successful people.

Learning to play chess

Some readers are already motivated to learn how to play chess well and quickly from scratch? For such people we will try to teach chess.

You can learn to play chess different ways, you can go to chess sections or you can learn to play on your own.

But, since you have found this article, it is more profitable for you to learn how to play on your own and without spending money.

Chess Rules

In a chess game, each player moves his piece one move at a time.

The player with the pieces always starts first. white color.

The goal of the game is to checkmate the enemy king.

A check is an attack on the king with any enemy piece.

Checkmate is an attack on the king in which the player cannot save the king from being attacked.

Some chessboards have numbers vertically and letters horizontally opposite all the black and white squares.

These numbers and letters are used for the convenience of moving figures around the playing field.

IN board game TWO parties (players) take part, each of which has:

  • EIGHT pawns;
  • TWO rooks (in the corners of the board);
  • TWO knights (near the rook);
  • TWO elephants (near the horses);
  • ONE queen (in the center of the board);
  • ONE king (in the center of the board).

All pieces have the ability to destroy enemy pieces in order to get to the king.

Let's go through each figure briefly.

Pawn - the simplest figure that can walk one field and only forward along the cells (vertically).

A pawn cannot move horizontally, backwards, or jump over other pieces.

Rook - a figure that can move in straight lines forward, backward, left and right for absolutely any cellular distance.

The rook cannot jump over other pieces.

Horse - a specific figure that can move the letter "G" in any direction.

The knight moves two squares forward or backward, as well as one square to the right or left.

This piece can jump over all other pieces.

Elephant - walks along a diagonal plane in any direction of the playing board.

Queen - a very powerful figure that can move almost anywhere.

The queen can move away from herself horizontally, vertically and diagonally (like a bishop and a rook).

King - the main piece that moves in any direction to any adjacent square.


If any pawn reaches the extreme horizontal, then according to the rules, the pawn is promoted to another piece, but not to the king.

There is a special move in chess called castling, and this move involves the action of two pieces at the same time.

With the help of castling, the king piece can move towards the rook piece. The rook, in turn, can move over the king and stand next to it.

According to the rules, players can castling only once.

That's it quick guide and methods of teaching chess.

Win and teach.

Our step-by-step instruction help you learn the game of chess easily.

It's never too late to learn how to play chess - the most popular game in the world! Learning the rules of chess is easy:

Step 1. How to install the board

Before the game, the board is positioned so that in the lower right corner in front of each player there is a white field.

Step 2. How the pieces move

Each of the 6 pieces moves differently. Pieces cannot jump over other pieces (with the exception of the knight) or enter a square where a piece of the same color is already standing. However, they can take the place of an opponent's piece, which is considered captured. Pieces are usually placed to threaten opponent's pieces with a capture (to stand on the square where the captured piece stood, replacing it), to defend their own pieces that are threatened with a capture, or to control important squares on the board.

How to move the king in chess

The king is the most important piece, but also one of the weakest. The king can only move one square in any direction: up, down, sideways and diagonally. The king can never stand on an attacked square (where an opponent's piece can take it). When the king is attacked by another piece, it is called "check".

How to move the queen in chess

The queen is the strongest piece. It can move in a straight line in any direction - forward, backward, sideways, or diagonally across any number of squares - but it cannot jump over other pieces. If the queen or any other piece captures the opponent's piece, the turn ends. Watch as the white queen captures the black one, forcing the black king to move.

How to move the rook in chess

The rook can move any number of squares, but only forward, backward and sideways (not diagonally). Rooks are especially strong when they protect each other and work together!

How to move the bishop in chess

The elephant can move in a straight line to any number of squares, but only diagonally. During the game, each bishop always moves to squares of the same color (white or black). Elephants work well together as they cover weak sides each other.

How to move a knight in chess

Knights move differently than other pieces - two squares in one direction and then one square at an angle of 90 degrees, the letter "G". The knight is the only piece that can jump over other pieces.

How to move a pawn in chess

A pawn is an unusual piece, it moves and captures in different ways: a pawn can only move forward, and capture only diagonally. A pawn can only move one square per move, except on the very first move, when it can move forward one or two squares. A pawn can only capture diagonally one square in front of it. A pawn cannot move or take back. If another piece is directly in front of the pawn, the pawn cannot move forward and cannot capture that piece.

Step 3: Learn the Special Rules of Chess

There are a few special rules in chess that may seem illogical at first. They were invented to make the game more fun and interesting.

How to promote a pawn in chess

The pawn has one remarkable feature - if it reaches the opposite side of the board, it can become any other piece (this is called "pawn promotion").

A pawn can be promoted to any piece. There is a misconception that a pawn can only promote to one of the previously captured pieces. This is wrong. As a rule, a pawn is promoted to a queen. Only pawns can transform into other pieces.

How to take on the pass

The last rule regarding pawns is called "". A pawn that has just advanced two squares in one move from its original position may be captured by an opponent's pawn occupying a square on the same rank and on an adjacent file, as if the last move of the captured pawn was only one square that it passed.

Such a capture is possible only on the move following the two-square advance, and is not possible afterwards. Study the example to better understand this unusual but important rule.

How to castling

Another special chess rule is called. Castling allows you to do two important things in one move: secure (if possible) your king and get your rook out of the corner, bringing it into play. When castling, a player moves his king two squares towards the rook, then that rook moves to the square the king just crossed (see example). Castling can only be done if the following conditions are met:

  • before castling, the king never moved
  • before castling, the corresponding rook never moved
  • there must be no other pieces between the king and the rook
  • the king cannot be in check or cross a square attacked by an opponent's piece

Please note that when castling to the kingside, the king is closer to the edge of the board. This move is called "castling short". Castling to the other flank, across the square where the queen was, is called "castling long". In both short and long castling, the king only moves two squares.

Step 4. Who goes first

The white chess player always moves first. To decide who will play white, chess players usually flip a coin or one of them guesses the color of the pawn hidden in the opponent's hand. Then white moves, then black, then again white, then black, and so on in turn until the end of the game. Being able to move first is a small advantage that gives White the opportunity to attack immediately.

Step 5. Recall how to win a game of chess

A game of chess can end in several ways: checkmate, draw, surrender, defeat by time...

How to checkmate in chess

The goal of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king. A checkmate occurs when the king is in check and cannot get away from it. There are three ways to defend against a check:

  • retreat to another square (not castling!),
  • block a check with another piece
  • or take a piece that attacked the king.

If the king cannot avoid checkmate, the game is over. Usually the king is not taken or removed from the board, the game is simply declared over.

When the game ends in a draw

Sometimes a chess game ends not in a victory, but in a draw. There are 5 reasons why a game can end in a draw:

  • " " appears on the board if the player who is to move has no possible moves and his king is not in check

When moving the queen to c7, Black is not in check, but he cannot make a move either. There is a stalemate on the board and the game ends in a draw.

  • Players can simply agree to a draw and stop playing.
  • There are not enough pieces on the board to checkmate (e.g. king and bishop against king).
  • A player declares a draw if the same position on the board is repeated three times (not necessarily three times in a row).
  • The last 50 moves were completed by each player with no pawn advances and no captures.

Step 6: Learn Basic Strategy Techniques

There are four simple things that every chess player should know:

Protect your king

Move your king to a corner of the board, where he is usually in less danger. Don't postpone castling. Generally, you should castle as early as possible. Remember, it doesn't matter how close you are to checkmating your opponent's king as long as your king is checkmated first!

Don't give away figures

Don't lose your pieces just like that! Each figure is valuable. You cannot win the game without pieces to checkmate. Exists simple system, with which most players determine the relative value of each piece:

  • Pawn - basic unit - 1 point
  • Horse is worth 3 points
  • Elephant is worth 3 points
  • Rook is worth 5 points
  • The queen is worth 9 points
  • The king is priceless

These points do not affect the outcome of the game in any way - it is only a system that you can use to make decisions during the game. It helps you understand when it's best to capture an opponent's piece, exchange pieces, or make another move.

Control the center of the chessboard

You need to try to control the center of the board with your pieces and pawns. If you control the center, you will have more room to maneuver your pieces and make it harder for your opponent to find good squares for his pieces. In the example above, White, trying to control the squares in the center, makes strong moves, while Black makes weak ones.

Use all your shapes

In the example above, White has used all his pieces! Your pieces are useless as long as they are on the first rank. Try to develop all your pieces in such a way as to gather more strength to attack the enemy king. In a game with a worthy opponent, attacking the king with one or two pieces will not work.

Step 7 Practice Playing As Much as You Can

To improve in chess, the most important thing for you is to play! Whether you play at home with friends or family or online, you need to play a lot to get better. It's easy to find opponents online these days!

How to play chess variants

Although most people play chess by the standard rules, some people like to play chess with modified rules. They are called "variants of chess". Each option has its own rules.

  • Chess-960: in chess-960 (Fischer chess), the initial arrangement of pieces is chosen randomly. The pawns are placed as in regular chess, and the rest of the pieces behind them are placed randomly.
  • king of the hill: in this variant of chess, you can achieve victory by occupying one of the squares in the center of the chessboard, the so-called "top of the mountain" with your king.
  • Swedish chess: This game is played in pairs. When one of the players takes an opponent's piece, it can be used by his partner. For example, if I play white and my partner, playing black, takes the white knight from his opponent, then by any of my future moves I can put him on any free square of the board.
  • Crazyhouse: Very interesting game, where you can use the pieces taken from the opponent. For example, if I play white and capture a black pawn, it turns into a white pawn, which I can put on the board as my piece with any of my future moves.
  • Up to three checks: In this game, the one who first gives three checks to the opponent's king wins.

Enjoy these amazing chess variations.

How to play chess-960

How to play by the rules of chess tournaments

Many tournaments use a set of common, similar rules. These rules do not apply to games played at home or online, but you may still want to use them.

  • Touched - go- If a chess player touches his piece, he must make a move with this piece, if possible. If a chess player touches an opponent's piece, he must take it. A chess player who wants to touch a piece in order to correct it must first declare his intention by saying "correct".
  • chess clock- Most tournaments use a chess clock, which allows you to set the time per game, not per move. Both opponents receive same time for the whole party and independently decide how to spend it. Having made a move, the chess player presses a button or lever that starts the opponent's clock. If a player has run out of time and the opponent declares it, the player who made the delay loses the game (if the opponent has enough pieces to checkmate, otherwise a draw is awarded).

Frequently Asked Questions about Chess (FAQ)

This amount of information may surprise you a little. That is why we provide answers to the most frequently asked questions that are usually faced by people who are just starting their journey into the world of chess. We hope you find them useful!

How can I improve in chess?

Knowing the rules and fundamentals of strategy is only the beginning: chess is so complex that a lifetime is not enough to master everything! To improve, you need to do three things:

  1. play a lot- just keep playing! Play as often as possible. Learn from every game won or lost.
  2. Learn chess lessons- if you really want to make progress quickly, you should take a few lessons online. Here you can find .
  3. Enjoy- Don't be discouraged if you can't win all the games in a row. Everyone loses - even world champions. If you enjoy the game and know how to learn from losing games, you will love chess forever!

What is the strongest first move in chess?

Although there is no generally accepted strongest move in chess, it is important to fight for the center of the board from the very beginning. For this reason, most chess players make the first move of one of the central pawns (from the king or from the queen) two squares forward: 1. d4 or 1. e4. Others prefer 1. c4 or 1. Nf3. Most of the other moves are not so good. Bobby Fischer believed the best move king's pawn 1. e4.

Which color goes first?

The player with the white pieces always goes first.

Can a pawn move backwards?

The pawn cannot move backward. Having reached the opposite edge of the board, it can turn into another piece (for example, a queen). The piece you've turned a pawn into can, of course, move backwards.

Is it possible to move more than one piece at a time?

During your turn, you can only move one piece, but there is one exception! When you castle, you move the king and rook in one move.

What is the most important piece in chess?

The king is the most important chess piece. If you lose the king, you lose the game. However, the most powerful chess piece is the queen.

When was chess invented?

The origin of chess is not completely known. According to the most common version, chess originated in India almost two thousand years ago from other similar games. Modern chess has been known since the 15th century, when the game became popular in Europe.

What was the longest game in the history of chess?

The longest tournament game (by number of moves) in the history of chess was played by Ivan Nikolic and Goran Arsović in Belgrade, Serbia in 1989.

What is chess notation?

The notation was invented so that it was possible to analyze the played chess games. Thanks to her, we have the opportunity to record all the moves of the game and play it as many times as we like. It is only necessary to correctly record your own moves and the moves of your opponent.

Chess notation will allow you to store all your games...

Each square has coordinates, and each piece is denoted by a capital letter (K ​​- knight, C - bishop, Q - queen, L - rook and Kr - king).

What is the purpose of chess?

Chess is a game between two opponents on opposite sides of the board, lined with 64 squares of light and dark colors. Each player has 16 pieces: 1 king, 1 queen, 2 rooks, 2 bishops, 2 knights and 8 pawns.

A board, two chess players and 32 pieces is all you need to start a game.

The goal of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king. Checkmate is a situation where the king is threatened by an opponent's piece (the king is in check) and he cannot avoid this threat.

For some, chess will seem like a complex game that is almost impossible to understand. Of course, you can’t call it easy, but learn simple rules and make an effort - and everything will become easier. But how many positive emotions you get.

How to learn to play chess - chess pieces

Learning to play chess begins with learning the pieces. You should remember their names, how they look and walk.

  • King. This is the most significant figure in the game, but at the same time quite weak. If the king is checkmated, the game ends automatically. The king moves only to one adjacent cell. Your goal is the opponent's king, if you drive him into a hopeless situation and declare checkmate, then the game is won.
  • Queen. Otherwise, it is also called the queen, this is one of the strongest pieces on the board. The queen walks as she pleases: back, forward, sideways, diagonally, etc.
  • Rook. Her strength is almost equal to the queen. She walks the same way, but except diagonally.
  • Horse. He has a very peculiar walk across the field. For memorization, they compare with the letter “G”, as an example, 2 cells forward and 1 to the side, or 2 cells back and 1 to the side.
  • Elephant. This piece is only allowed to move diagonally. It should be remembered that the elephant cannot walk on cells that differ from its color. If you play with white pieces, then in white cells, and vice versa.,
  • Pawn. On the chessboard, she is considered the weakest. She moves one square forward. The ability to go through two cells is only in the original position. The pawn has one advantage, if it reaches the end of the board, it becomes any piece, except naturally the king.

Each game has its own nuances, and experienced players know about them. What about those who are just starting out? Here are some tips for a beginner:

How to learn to play chess - rules

Like any other game, chess has its own rules that you should learn before starting.
But first you need to understand what its essence is. Each player has 16 pieces, they are divided into colors: white and black. The main task is to checkmate the opponent's king, the secondary one is to protect your own. To do this, you destroy the opponent's pieces. If you attacked the opponent's king, and he cannot escape the attack, this is a check. If the opponent's king cannot escape and defend, it is checkmate. The game has been played in your favor.

Basic rules of chess:

  • White starts the game.
  • If you touched a figure, then you must leave it.
  • They take turns.

Most importantly, enjoy the process!

Chess, as an exciting hobby, is suitable for both children and adults. This exciting intellectual game perfectly develops logic, memory and thinking. You can learn to play chess from scratch on your own. This will help the tutorial and video tutorials. They make it clear where the king stands and how to arrange the initial position. Training takes place in an accessible form, at a time suitable for the player. Having learned all the chess rules, you can begin to participate in official competitions. They are often satisfied with a chess club or club where fans of these intellectual battles gather. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. First, let's look at the rules of chess for beginners.

All the rules in 5 minutes - video

Purpose of the game

Many of our readers ask how to learn to play chess in short term. The answer is obvious. The main thing is to understand the essence and the main goal - to checkmate the opponent's king. This situation means that the king on the board has nowhere to retreat - there are no free cells in the zone of his movement, nor other shelters. Checkmate means the capture of the enemy's army and, accordingly, the victory over the opponent, who ends the game with his defeat.

In addition, novice chess players will have to learn:

  • How to arrange;
  • What position does the king take on the board and how to defend it correctly;
  • Successful chess move;
  • The role of the pawn in chess.

The popularization of these table battles in our country and around the world is engaged in international organization FIDE. It holds amateur competitions, including for beginners, which allow you to get not only a small cash prize, but also invaluable experience in this intellectual battle with a real opponent. Regular practice will allow you to find the right way out even from seemingly hopeless situations, learn how to masterfully checkmate, win and lose with dignity

How to set up the board and arrange units?

All actions take place on a board consisting of 64 black and white squares. Two armies will stand on it, carefully thought-out moves will be made in order to checkmate the enemy. The first thing novice players need to learn is how to arrange everything correctly. Any tutorial will tell you about this.

The set-up begins with the correct setting of the board - you need to make sure that White has a white square in the lower right corner.

Each player will have to arrange his army, which consists of:

  • 2 rooks;
  • 2 elephants;
  • 2 horses;
  • His Majesty with the Queen (Queen);
  • 8 pawns.

The placement rules are pretty simple. On the extreme cells in the first row are rooks, horses and bishops are placed behind them. The central cells of the first row are for the main figures. The queen is provided with a cage of the same color as him, he loves his own color! Where the king stands is next to the queen. In the second row of the board, pawns are placed in front of them, playing the role of privates of your table army. It is they who will have to make the first move, expose themselves to a blow, protecting the king. This arrangement of figures is considered classical.

How do chess pieces move?

Once you learn how to correctly place the pieces on the chessboard, you can move on to learning the rules for their movement. So:

King moves one cell, but in any direction. This is necessary in order to prevent checkmate after receiving a check from the opponent.

Queen moves in any direction right amount cells. It is considered the most valuable piece on the board.

Elephant moves diagonally to any number of cells. The black bishop moves on the black squares, and the white bishop, respectively, on the white ones.

Horse walks with the letter "G" on 3 cells. Its main feature is that it can jump over any obstacles, which is not allowed even for a queen. This ability of the horse is very valuable.

Rook can move in a straight line, vertically or horizontally - that is, either forward or backward, but by any number of cells.

How does he walk pawn in the chess army even novice players know - one, maximum - 2 cells and only forward. Representatives of the enemy army, they attack only diagonally. If the pawn reaches the opposite edge of the board, it gets the right to promote - to become a knight, bishop, rook or queen, and get more opportunities for movement. Compliance with all of the above movements require chess rules, which clearly spell out how chess pieces move in all types of matches, from classic to bullet.

The easiest way to learn how chess pieces move is in pictures. These are the basics of chess literacy, which is taught to children. Having remembered how white and black should stand and move around the board, you can proceed to the study of special opportunities, there are only two of them - taking on the aisle and castling.

Taking on the pass

An aisle capture concerns a special pawn move. If the opponent has moved a pawn two squares, thereby leveling it with yours, which has the opposite color, then you have every right to remove it from the board. Your pawn will take its place. The only caveat is that you need to do it right away.


The king and rook take part in castling, but on the condition that they have not yet moved around the board, and in this moment there are no other participants in the battle between them. The essence of this is that they change places with each other - the king takes 2 steps towards it, and the rook jumps over it. Important rule all castlings - none of the cells participating in them should be under attack by the enemy.


A draw is called a stalemate. Its essence is that one of the participants has no more moves, but at the same time the checkmate is not set. In this case, the game ends.

In addition, the game ends in a draw if the positions of the pieces in the battle are repeated three times or the players have very little material on the board that is not enough to checkmate the opponent.

End of the game, checkmate

We already figured out where to start, now it's time to find out how to finish it right. A victory is considered a checkmate to the opponent. Attempts to drive him into a "trap" - this is the essence of the chess game. If the king is under attack, he is declared a check, which means that he has the right to make a saving move or close from the check.

Checkmate is the capitulation of the entire chess army, which was unable to protect its commander in chief, and he fell into the nets set up by the enemy. The faster it is delivered, the higher the qualification of the participant is considered. The victory in the tournaments is confirmed by the arbitrators, who closely follow the course of the battle and do not allow a single impossible move.

Chess variants

We figured out how to learn to play chess, now let's move on to different versions of these intellectual game battles.


The classic game has certain time limits. The duration of the party is at least an hour. This is how much time is given to the players to think about the movements and win the opponent. Most often, control is set for an hour and a half, during which players need to make 40 moves. The following options are possible:

  • 30 minutes before the end of the table battle;
  • Plus 20 minutes for each coup made, etc.

If a checkmate is not delivered before the end of the maximum time of the game, a draw is declared.


In this version, all the rules of the classics apply, but the time control is significantly tightened. Each player is given time from 10 to 60 seconds to think. For each move made by the party members, not minutes, but seconds are added.


Blitz chess also has a time limit. Players are given no more than 5 minutes to think about each move. It is the most popular chess game in sports competitions. It passes quite quickly, requiring the players to concentrate and concentrate on the playing field.

Chess - 960 (Fischer)

The rules for this option are standard. They differ from the classics mainly in the initial position on the extreme horizontals. The layout is performed randomly, selected from 960 possible ones. All other rules will be similar to the classic version. This applies to:

  • Castling;
  • Takes on the pass;
  • Nobody's confessions;
  • Shah and mat.

The main difference is the variety of options for starting the game. The game then proceeds according to the standard rules with a time limit.

The value of the figures

The rules of chess must be strictly observed. It is recommended to play without fanaticism, that is, without needlessly risking pieces. Every pawn on the board counts. After all, if there are no fighters left in your army, then with whom will you go on the attack in order to checkmate. However, mistakes in the game cannot be avoided and sometimes you have to sacrifice representatives of the game army. Which of them to give away is up to you, below we will give a table with their value:

  • Queen - 9 points;
  • Rook - 5 points;
  • Bishop and Horse - 3 points each;
  • Pawn - 1 point.

Points do not affect the result. They only make it clear to the player what he loses by giving material to his opponent, and what he gains when he takes it. Descriptions of all participants in the table battle were given above.

Notation - notation of a chess game

Notation is a scheme of conventional signs designed to record a chess game, which even novice players should know. This is necessary in order to learn:

  • Independently record game parties;
  • Read and understand specialized literature;
  • Play blind
  • Analyze already played games in order to analyze them and work on mistakes.

A detailed description of each game on a piece of paper will allow you to analyze your victories and defeats. There are several types of chess notation. The most commonly used is algebraic. The photos below will help you figure it out. On them you can see that the board consists of 64 cells, each of which has its own symbol.

Each character has its own designation:

  • Kr (K) - king;
  • Ф (Q) - queen;
  • R (R) - rook;
  • K (N) - horse;
  • C (C) - elephant;
  • P (p) is a pawn.
  • + - check;
  • ++ - double check;
  • # - mat;
  • X - capture of a figure;
  • 0-0 - castling;
  • !! - great move
  • ?? - gross error, etc.

Even novice chess players should know the basic terms of recording a game game. They will allow you to independently develop successful strategies that guarantee victory in the game.

Tournament Rules

Even amateur tournaments have certain rules for conducting. At first glance, they are quite simple, but they require players to be careful and vigilant. The judges are responsible for their observance. This is prescribed by the instructions for holding tournaments.

Touched - go

This is one of the main rules. If a player touches a piece with his hand, he must move with it. If he touches an opponent's piece, he must take it. If a player touched two of his pieces at once, then he must move the one he touched first.

Clocks and Timers

Almost all options for battles involve fixing the time for the players to think about the movements of the characters. For this, mechanical clocks and electronic rules are used. General rules their uses are:

  • Press the clock after the completion of each move with the hand with which it was made;
  • Keep track of the opponent's time, avoiding his delay, which actually means his loss;
  • Check the time limit before the start of the game.

These are the basic rules of how to play with time control.

The section of chess for adults and children gives some advice to novice grandmasters. Following them will ensure you a successful game and will allow you to become a real ace in this sport. Below we list the main ones:

  • Consider every move of the opponent;
  • Develop your own plan of how to checkmate your opponent;
  • Know the value of your pieces.

Some points should be paid special attention. Here they are:

Protect your king

Even with the correct placement on the board, the safety of the king can be in jeopardy. Therefore, always think carefully about his defense, not allowing the opponent to checkmate. But at the same time, don't let yourself sit back and watch your pieces eat.

A competent grandmaster not only keeps his commander-in-chief under protection, but also develops a blow to the opponent.

Control the center of the chessboard

You need to keep under control at least 4 central cells. This is where the main game positions are located. The pieces at the edges of the playing field are less involved in the game battle and therefore they are less agile. The game cannot be pulled out by pawns alone. Therefore, it is necessary, without delay, to alternately introduce the main forces into the necessary zones, with which you will checkmate and checkmate your partner.

History of chess, when were they invented

If you are serious about getting into chess, you need to know the history of this ancient game that became an Olympic sport. It appeared more than 2 thousand years ago, presumably in India. The progenitor of modern gaming battles was the ancient military chaturanga. From India at the beginning of the first centuries AD. it began to spread around the world, first appearing in Central Asia and soon gaining popularity in the Far and Middle East. At the beginning of the Middle Ages, the chaturanga, which began to be called shatranj, ended up in Moorish Asia, and in the middle of the 15th century it became popular in Europe. It was then that the first instruction for conducting table battles and the requirements for its observance appeared.

The first tournament was held in 1575. It happened at the court of the Spanish king. His subjects took part in the battle against guests from Italy. After that, international tournaments for this board game began to be held everywhere. In 1836 the first magazine was published. All European countries, including Russian empire circles of amateur chess players began to form. In the 19th century, a chess clock appeared and table battles received a time limit. From that moment to the present day, it has reached almost unchanged. Both adults and children began to get involved in it. Amateur and professional tournaments began to be held everywhere. A huge number of people began to follow the holding of table battles. Soon professional grandmasters appeared and the games were included in the Olympic program. They began to be called a passive sport.
