How to smoke herring at home. The classic way to get hot smoked herring

Herring is one of the fattest fish of all seafood. Manifold useful substances contained in its meat, is not inferior in quantity to other representatives of more valuable fish species. Although its cost is much lower. Herring is equally useful in any form: salted, smoked, fried.

Beneficial features

Herring meat is rich in fatty acids, in particular omega-3. This contributes to a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, reduces the risk of cancer, and improves immunity. Eating herring regularly, you will notice an improvement in the functioning of the brain, thyroid gland, and kidneys. Nutrients, contained in herring, helps to rejuvenate the cells of the human body, strengthen bones, reduce fat cells, increase hemoglobin.

Herring is widely used in cosmetology. Based fish oil many kinds of masks are created. At dermatological diseases fish is included in health diets.

Recipe 1

Before smoking herring, it must be properly prepared.

  • Initially, you need to clean the fish from scales. Then turn the fish on its back and with a sharp knife make an incision along the entire length of the abdomen. We extract all the insides. Set aside caviar or milk separately. Throw away the rest.
  • Wash the herring carcasses well in cold water. There should be no blood stains or scales left on the fish. Dry clean herring with paper towels. Set aside the herring. Let dry.
  • Peel one onion and cut into rings. Place onion rings inside the belly of each herring. Salt each fish. Approximately 150 grams of coarse salt is needed for a kilogram of herring.
  • Spread cling film on the table. Wrap each fish as tightly as possible to block air. Arrange the packaged fish in a suitable dish and cover with a lid. Put in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  • Such salted herring is already a ready-made dish in itself. It can be eaten, pre-washed from salt, and cut into pieces.
  • Then it remains to carry out the process of hot smoking of herring. Here you need to select a method. If you are going to smoke herring outdoors, then smokehouses of any design, even the most primitive ones, will suit you.

For smoking at home (in an apartment), a smokehouse is needed, which ensures the complete tightness of the smoking chamber with its design. For example, with a hydraulic lock. It is also necessary to have a hood above the hob.

Evenly pour sawdust or a pinch of fruit trees or alder on the bottom of the smokehouse. Install the drip tray. If it is not provided for by the design of the smokehouse, we line the sawdust with foil. Fat should not get on the sawdust. Otherwise, the fish will have a bitter aftertaste of burnt fat.

Take the herring out of the refrigerator and unwrap it. Put on the grate of the smoker. The fish should lie on it freely, without touching each other. Place the grate in the smoker and close the lid. If there is a hydraulic seal, then pour water into it. There should be such an amount of water that it is located around the entire perimeter of the lid of the oil lamp.

If you're smoking outdoors, you'll need to build a fire or charcoal grill beforehand. We put the smokehouse with fish on the coals. The heat should be moderate.

For home conditions, put the smoker with fish on the stove, turn on medium heat. Do not forget to turn on the hood and keep an eye on the presence of water in the water seal. Smoke herring for about an hour.

During smoking, do not open the lid of the smoker. Otherwise, oxygen will enter the smoking chamber and the sawdust will ignite. All your hard work will go down the drain.

Recipe 2

Preparing herring for cold smoking is slightly different from preparing herring for hot smoking. Fish must be scaled and gutted. Take out all the insides. Rinse well cold water. Wash off any remaining blood and scales. Wipe clean herring with paper towels.

Mix coarse salt with pepper, spices, ground bay leaves, herbs. Some people add mustard powder. Allegedly, this contributes to the fact that the fish acquires a bright golden hue during the smoking process. This recipe will be without mustard.

Take a large dish to fit all the herring. Pour the salt mixture to the bottom so that it evenly covers the entire surface. Put the fish in a dish one side and cover with salt. The herring should be all covered with salt. We spread the second row of fish and also fall asleep with salt. So every subsequent row. Cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator. Salt for three days.

After salting, the herring must be washed and soaked to remove excess salt. To do this, the fish is kept in cold water for several hours. It is necessary during this time to periodically change the water. When the fish starts to float, this is a sure sign that it is soaked and ready for further cooking. We hang the herring in a well-ventilated area. The fish should dry out and wither. When the carcasses are winded and no longer sticky, you can start the smoking process. To prevent the herring bellies from sticking together during smoking, wooden spacers are installed in them. This is necessary so that the carcass is smoked evenly.

Matches can be used as spacers, after pinching off the head with sulfur.

In the smoking chamber, lay the herring on the grate with the bellies up. This will ensure the safety of valuable fish juice. It won't leak. The design of the smokehouse should provide smoke at a temperature of 25-28 degrees. The first 8 hours the smoke supply must be continuous. In the following time, if there is no possibility for an uninterrupted supply of smoke, smoking can be stopped for the night.

Recipe 3

This is the most fast way smoking herring. It is also called "Scottish" hot smoked herring. Clean and gut the fish. Remove all entrails and rinse under running water.

Prepare a brine for salting herring. Stir in one liter of strong black tea 8 tablespoons of salt. Put the fish in a deep bowl and pour over the brine. The fish should be completely submerged in the brine. Soak the herring in brine for 20 minutes.

After this time, remove the fish from the brine and wipe it with paper towels. Set the herring aside. Cut one lemon into half circles. Stuff the belly of each herring with slices of lemon and broken bay leaf. Tie each carcass with twine. This will prevent the stuffed fish from falling apart when smoked. Place the herring on the oven rack.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Stir "liquid smoke" in water and pour onto a baking sheet. Place it on the bottom of the oven. Place the grill with the fish in the oven. Set it over a baking sheet. Smoke 20 minutes. After the specified time, turn off the oven and leave the herring to languish in it for another 20 minutes.

For information on how to cook hot smoked herring at home, see the following video.

It is very difficult to pass by smoked herring or mackerel in the store. Only now, even children know how harmful these products are to the body, because not smoke is used for it, but preservatives and flavorings. Try to cook your own fish. So, let's learn how to make smoked herring at home with liquid smoke, tea leaves and onion peel. The recipe that we will share with you today has already been tested several times. Smoked herring at home, conditions - very tasty and fragrant. And yes, you don't need a smoker. The whole secret is in a special marinade, but let's talk about everything in order.

By the way, if you want to make it to the festive table, it is quite possible to try the option with smoked herring. Surprise your guests!

Choosing products

When buying fresh-frozen herring, pay attention to its appearance. The fish must be even: breaks, damage and stains are not allowed. A subtle characteristic aroma should also be present. At home, it does not need to be lowered into water, and even more so sent to the microwave. Put on the lowest shelf of the refrigerator and wait until the herring is defrosted.

For the marinade, you will need onion peel, black tea, salt and spices. But the main role vented to liquid smoke. It is thanks to him that the fish will acquire a characteristic smoked aroma and taste.

There is a lot of controversy about liquid smoke. Someone considers it a poison, while someone adds it to almost all dishes, including cereals and soups. There is liquid smoke natural and synthetic. During the production of the first, sawdust of trees is burned, and the smoke emitted at this time is passed through a container of water. The resulting liquid goes through several degrees of purification, is left for some time to "ripen" and goes on sale.

Synthetically produced liquid smoke is a mixture of water and chemical substances. It is clear that the first is not so harmful, so it is recommended to purchase it. Although it should be noted that even natural liquid smoke should be used very rarely and only in accordance with the instructions for use.

Herring, like smoked, at home

You can cook according to this recipe not only herring. Mackerel is very tasty, and if you need more a budget option, you can make, for example, herring.


  • herring - 2 pcs (about 1 kg);
  • onion peel - a large handful;
  • tea granules - table. spoon;
  • salt - 3 table. l;
  • sugar - 1.5 table. l;
  • a few peas of allspice;
  • liquid smoke - 100 ml;
  • water - 1 l.

Smoked herring at home: step by step recipe with photo

Start with the marinade. It will need all the components, except for the fish.

Put into a saucepan onion peel and tea.

Pour in water and bring to a boil over high heat. Boil for 5 minutes covered. Strain.

Advice! Do not use white utensils during cooking, it may stain.

Add liquid smoke along with salt, sugar and pepper to the resulting broth, mix.

Rinse and dry the herring (f.4). Clear the insides, remove the head.
Cut into pieces.

Place in a marinating bowl.

Pour in the marinade.

Herring is a very popular fish, it is tasty and healthy, and is most often consumed in salted form. But its preparation can be diversified and add spice to the usual taste. Smoked herring can be cooked at home or outdoors in a portable smokehouse.

Smoked herring is served with a side dish, vegetables and as an independent dish.

  • Servings: 2
  • Preparation time: 2 minutes
  • Cooking time: 1 minute

Recipe for smoked herring

First of all, the fish must be cleaned and washed. To do this, cut the bottom of the carcass and remove all the insides, including caviar and milk. Remove scales. Place under running water and rinse well.

  1. Rub the prepared fish with salt and leave in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
  2. After rinse - you need to get rid of excess salt. Dry with paper towel.
  3. Alder sawdust soak in water for three minutes.
  4. Cover the bottom of the smoker with a thin layer.
  5. Put the herring on the grate so that there is space between the carcasses - this will allow them to smoke evenly.
  6. Cover with a lid, light a fire. Duration of smoking - 30 minutes.
  7. Remove from heat and leave in place for another half hour.

Allow to cool completely before serving, or serve warm.

The classic way can be diversified and borrow ideas from foreign cuisine. So, in Finland, such fish is smoked in a mixture of sawdust and peat for 12 hours, and the Scottish recipe suggests soaking carcasses for half an hour in freshly brewed black tea before smoking.

Herring smoked "with smoke" at home

If you don't have a smoker, but have fresh fish and want to smoke it, you can use a conventional oven.

This recipe requires the following ingredients:

  • Herring - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Water - 1 l.
  • Liquid smoke - 50 ml.
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Dried dill - 1 tsp
  • Bay leaf - 5 pcs.
  • Peppercorns - 0.5 tsp
  1. Rub the carcasses with salt on all sides.
  2. Chop the onion and garlic and stuff the fish. Put the pepper in there.
  3. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  4. Pour water, liquid smoke, dill and bay leaf into a deep baking sheet.
  5. Wipe the fish to remove excess salt.
  6. Place a baking sheet in the oven, above the grate with the fish. Carcasses do not need to be stacked close, there should be some free space between them.

Preheat the oven to 220 ° C, smoking should last 30 minutes. After turning off the fire, do not take out the herring immediately, it should reach readiness and be saturated with the aromas of spices for about 20 minutes.

Herring is a tasty, healthy, affordable fish delicacy. The use of fatty fish has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, the possibility of disease is reduced diabetes. Herring fat does not add excess weight. Antioxidants in its composition prevent aging of the body, maintain skin and hair in good condition. It is not just healthy, but tasty and high-calorie product. Herring on our table is a traditional cold appetizer.

Salted and smoked herring is sold in the store, but real gourmets prefer to cook it with their own hands. It is not difficult. There are many recipes for cold and hot smoking at home.

Smoked herring being prepared different ways. Liquid smoke is used, cooking on smoldering sawdust, with lemon and so on. It is important to properly prepare the product for this process. To do this, the fish must be well cleaned of scales, gutted through an incision on the abdomen, washed well.

Hot smoked herring - a classic recipe

For cooking we need:

  • hot smoked smokehouse
  • wood chips or large sawdust
  • 3-4 large fish
  • 2 tbsp salt with a slide
  • ground black pepper

Work progress:

We clean the fish, wash it, rub the back and in the abdomen with salt and pepper. We wrap each carcass in a damp cloth and put it in the refrigerator for salting for 3-4 hours. After that, we wash off the excess salt, wipe each fish with a paper towel and let it dry for several minutes. Then the process is transferred to the open air, where a smokehouse is installed.

Pour wood chips at the bottom of it, moisten it with water. We place the fish on the grill from above and cover tightly with a lid. Carcasses should not touch, smoke should circulate freely between them. We kindle a strong fire, smoke herring on it for half an hour. Then we remove the smokehouse from the heat and let the product soak in smoke for some more time until it cools completely.

Scottish smoked herring

The peculiarity of the preparation of fish is that it is butchered along the ridge. The abdomen does not rupture. Soak the carcasses in a solution of black tea with salt for 20-30 minutes (depending on the size of the fish). Then we dry them the same amount in the open air. Pour oak sawdust into the smokehouse, which should slowly smolder. The whole process will take about 7-8 hours.

Thus, it is possible to smoke herring in the oven of a home stove and in a smokehouse in a summer cottage.

Cold smoked herring

This method involves keeping the fish in a smokehouse for a long time at 27-30 C. Prepare the herring as follows:

  • Clean and wash carcasses.
  • Salt them in a saturated saline solution for half an hour. The solution is ready for use when an egg or potato does not sink in it. This saline solution is called brine. The ratio of water and salt is approximately 5:1.
  • The fish taken out of it are dried in a suspended state for 50-60 minutes.
  • Then they are placed in a smokehouse for 10-17 hours. The last 30 minutes of smoking can raise the temperature to 35 ºС.

Cold smoked herring is a traditional dish in Holland. There, in honor of this fish, they arrange whole holidays.

Cold smoked herring with Provence herbs

For salting is taken:

  • 100 g salt
  • ground pepper - 5 g
  • herbs - 2 teaspoons

Next, each of the four carcasses is rubbed with this mixture. Moreover, we do not gut the fish first. We wrap each carcass in cling film and keep it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Then we wash the fish and smoke it in a cold way for 6-8 hours on beech or alder chips.

Herring smoked with liquid smoke

You will need:

  • 2 medium sized herrings
  • half an onion
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 5 bay leaves
  • a few pieces of black peppercorns
  • 1-2 g dried dill
  • liter of water
  • 50 ml liquid smoke

Work progress:

Rub the fish with salt inside and out. We put pre-chopped onions, garlic and peppercorns into the abdomen. Keep the fish at room temperature for half an hour. During this time, the oven will have time to warm up. Pour water, liquid smoke into a baking sheet with high edges, put dill and bay leaf. You can add a little mustard, but this is not for everybody. We put the fish on a wire rack (if there is a lot of salt, we clean off the excess), put it on a baking sheet with water. The fish must not touch the water. Cooking temperature - 220 ºС, time - 30 minutes. The herring should warm up evenly from above and below. After that, turn off the oven and let the product cool right there. During this time, the aromas of spices and smoke will be absorbed.

Enjoy your meal!

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Herring is considered one of the most environmentally friendly pure species fish. Therefore, it is very popular among lovers of fish dishes. Smoked herring is obtained with a pleasant aftertaste and aroma. Read below how to smoke herring at home, how to prepare it, its benefits and harms, and how many calories are in 100 g of the product.

Cold smoked herring turns out to be just as tasty as hot smoked herring, the calories of which are almost the same.

First of all, herring is a source of useful elements:

  • amino acids that help the human body to function properly;
  • vitamins (A, PP, B);
  • trace elements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron);
  • minerals;
  • fats that reduce the risk of blood clots, diseases of cardio-vascular system and lower cholesterol levels.

Interesting to know! Energy value cold and hot smoked herring does not harm dieters, thanks to the beneficial elements contained in the fish. Therefore, such a product can be safely included in the diet if you are on a diet.

The amount of nutrients in herring:

in the product
Calorie content (kcal)246
Fat (g)19.5
Carbs (g)-
Water (g)61.3
Ash (g)1.5
Vitamin A, RE (mcg)30
Vitamin B1, thiamine (mg)0.03
Vitamin B2, riboflavin (mg)0.3
Vitamin B5, pantothenic (mg)0.9
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine (mg)0.4
Vitamin B9, folates (mcg)18
Vitamin B12, cobalamin (mcg)10
Vitamin C, ascorbic (mg)2.7
Vitamin D, calciferol (mcg)30
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE (mg)1.2
Vitamin PP, NE (mg)3.9
Niacin (mg)3.9
Potassium, K (mg)310
Calcium, Ca (mg)60
Magnesium, Mg (mg)30
Sodium, Na (mg)100
Sulfur, S (mg)190
Phosphorus, Ph (mg)280
Chlorine, Cl (mg)165
Iron, Fe (mg)1
Iodine, I (µg)40
Cobalt, Co (µg)40
Manganese, Mn (mg)0.12
Copper, Cu (µg)170
Molybdenum, Mo (µg)4
Nickel, Ni (µg)8
Fluorine, F (µg)380
Chromium, Cr (µg)55
Zinc, Zn (mg)0.9

The calorie content of a delicacy prepared in different ways varies. The calorie content of cold smoked herring is 225 kcal.

And the calorie content of hot smoked herring is 215 kcal. The content of substances is the same, the difference is only in the percentage of water in 100 g of the finished dish.

Preparing herring for smoking

The benefits and harms of smoked herring primarily depend on proper preparation carcasses and only then from the smoking process. Therefore, in order for the delicacy to turn out right color, tasty and fragrant, you must:

  1. Clean the fish from the husk. If the carcass is large, cut off the head; for a small one, this is not necessary.
  2. Gut. Set aside caviar or milk - they can be smoked separately.
  3. To remove any remaining blood and husks, rinse fish fillet water.
  4. Now let's get wet with a napkin and let the herring ventilate in the fresh air.
  5. Rub the salt mixture on the inside and outside of the fish carcass. To salt herring for hot smoking, 75 g of coarse salt per 1 kg of fish is enough. Add black pepper to the salt, and put in the belly onion cut into rings.
  6. Wrap in cling film and send to a cold place for up to 4 hours.

After the time has elapsed, start the smoking process.

Interesting! The recipe for salting herring for smoking at home is different, but the final result does not change from this. Just at various additives it tastes like different spices.

How to smoke a herring in the oven

Cold-smoked herring at home without a smokehouse can always be cooked in the oven. For this:

  1. Remove the entrails thoroughly and rinse under running water.
  2. Stuff the belly with garlic and onion skins.
  3. Rub the salt mixture on the inside and outside of the carcass. Add spices to taste if desired.
  4. Leave the fish to salt for 25 minutes. During this time, the oven will just warm up.
  5. Pour liquid smoke (50 ml) onto a baking sheet and send the fish meat to be smoked together with the baking sheet.

Suitable oven temperature is 180 degrees. After 40 minutes, the delicacy will be ready.

Cooking hot smoked herring

Connoisseurs of fish delicacies often prefer hot smoked herring at home. Especially since it takes a little time to cook.

Scottish hot smoked herring

Hot smoked herring can be prepared according to a recipe popular in Scotland:

  • Cut the carcass along the ridge. At the same time, do not steam the belly.
  • Prepare a solution of strong tea (1 l) and coarse salt (125 g).
  • Put the flattened herring in the resulting liquid and soak for up to 5 minutes, while the lid can be lifted.
  • Put oak chips or sawdust from fruit trees in the smoker.
  • Place fish carcasses on the grate and send to smoke for 8-9 hours.

Smoked herring at home without liquid smoke is also very tasty and quite fragrant.

Finnish hot smoked herring recipe

Correctly selected recipes will help to smoke herring at home tasty and quickly. To cook in Finnish you need:

  1. Gut the herring, remove the scales and carefully remove the ridge so as not to damage the fish meat.

    Important! It is better to get the ridge after the carcass is dried.

  2. Rub the fish with salt and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.
  3. After taking the product out of the cold, dry it in a draft for up to 3 hours.

The peculiarity of this recipe is that sawdust is mixed with peat. The delicacy will be ready in 13 hours.

Lemon herring recipe

Another delicious recipe hot smoked herring at home in a smokehouse with a combination of lemon. The dish turns out with an interesting aftertaste, but in order for the finished product to turn out just like that, it is necessary:

  1. Cut off the head, remove the giblets and rinse with cold water.
  2. Cut the washed lemon into circles and pull out the seeds (if this is not done, then the finished product will turn out to be bitter aftertaste).
  3. Cut the fish along the belly and stuff with lemon and bay leaf.
  4. Tie the carcass with a thread, soak in a salt mixture and put it in a cold place.
  5. After 3 hours, remove the herring, remove excess salt and hang to dry for 30 minutes.

For the smokehouse, prepare alder sawdust and start the smoking process. If there is a small smokehouse, then a small amount of fish will fit in it and such a product is prepared for up to 4 hours. And more carcasses will fit in a large smokehouse, respectively, the smoke treatment time will increase by 2 hours.

Healthy! To make the delicacy tasty and fragrant, after smoking, dry the product in the fresh air. After 1-2 hours you can serve.

Recipe for hot smoked herring with cinnamon and soy sauce

To cook smoked herring according to this recipe, do the following:

  1. Add sugar (100 g), salt (150 g) to water (2 l) and mix thoroughly.
  2. Pour into the resulting liquid soy sauce(150 ml), lemon juice (200 ml) and dry white wine (250 ml).
  3. Throw garlic (3 cloves) and seasonings to taste (cinnamon, basil, coriander, black pepper and bay leaf).
  4. While the marinade is infused, prepare the carcasses - cut off the fins, head, pull out the insides and rinse thoroughly.

    Healthy! It is not necessary to gut herring weighing up to 300 g.

  5. Immerse the prepared fish in brine, cover the container with a lid and put it in a cold place all night.
  6. Remove the carcasses in the morning and let them rest at room temperature for 40 minutes.
  7. After, hang the fish wrapped in gauze by the tail in a draft until completely dry.

After 60 minutes, proceed to the treatment with hot smoke.

Herring smoking with the addition of liquid smoke and onion peel

Sometimes you want to pamper your family with a smoked delicacy, but a smokehouse is not always at hand. So liquid smoke comes to the rescue.

The sequence of cooking smoked herring at home in onion peel and liquid smoke:

  • Separate the thawed carcass from the head, tail, giblets and rinse thoroughly with water.
  • Throw the previously washed onion peel (100 g) into a pot of water (1 liter), cover, bring to a boil and after 5 minutes drain the water through a colander.
  • Add salt (75 g), sugar (25 g) to this water, mix thoroughly and let cool.
  • Pour liquid smoke (100 ml) into the cooled liquid and place the prepared fish in the resulting marinade.
  • Cover the container with cling film and send to a cold place for 72 hours.

Good to know! For uniform salting, try to turn the carcasses every day.

After that, stretch the twine through the tail of the herring and hang it in the fresh air to dry for 3 hours.

To give more bright color fish should be rubbed vegetable oil(1 tablespoon).

Now let's move on to the smoking itself:

  • Place a grill with fish on a baking sheet (try to lay out the carcasses so that they do not touch each other).
  • Put the baking sheet in a preheated oven (200 degrees) and smoke for up to half an hour.
  • After the time has elapsed, let the fish product cool in the oven so that the carcass has time to be completely saturated with smoke.

Hot smoked herring at home in the oven is obtained with an exquisite aroma and taste.

The classic way of cold smoking

Cold smoked herring at home is very tasty, but in order to cook it properly, you need to know the rules of smoking:

  • the product should be smoked at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees;
  • cooking time for cold-smoked herring at home is several times longer than hot smoke treatment;
  • cold smoke processing requires special equipment with a smoke generator or a home-made smokehouse with a long chimney.

There is GOST cold-smoked herring No. 813-88, where specifications preparation and smoking process.

Consider the classic cold smoked herring recipe:

  1. Prepare carcasses in the same way as for hot smoke processing - gut, cut off the head, remove the husk and rinse thoroughly.
  2. It is better to salt herring for cold smoking in brine. Therefore, the next step is to prepare a strong saline solution from water (5 l) and a salt mixture (1 kg).
  3. Immerse carcasses in brine for salting. Soaking herring for cold smoking lasts from 15 to 30 minutes (it all depends on the size of the product).
  4. After the time has elapsed, remove the fish fillets and dry in the fresh air - 60 minutes.

After drying, hang the fish on hooks and send them to the smokehouse for 7-19 hours.

As you can see, there are a lot of recipes for smoking herring, so choose the most suitable one and delight your family and friends with a delicious treat. Bon appetit!

Smoking herring in a slow cooker

The latest models of multicookers are equipped with a bowl for processing products with smoke and the "Smoking" function. The process of obtaining smoked herring in a slow cooker looks like this:

  • They process the fish, removing all inedible parts: the insides, the head (you can leave the carcasses with the head, but remove the gills), fins.
  • Rinse, washing away blood clots and films.
  • Salt, rubbing salt into the surface of the carcasses from all sides. Leave for an hour, then rinse. You can rub the semi-finished products with liquid smoke to enhance the taste.
  • Prepare a multicooker for processing products with smoke. Install the bowl in the body, pour a small amount of alder sawdust moistened with water. Sawdust is covered with foil to collect dripping fat. A grate is installed, greased with refined vegetable oil.
  • Lay the carcasses of the fish, leaving gaps between them.
  • Close the lid, set the "Smoking" mode on the control panel. Choose hot or cold way. Bring to full readiness.
  • The herring is unloaded, allowed to air out.

Advice! If the multicooker is old-style, without the “Smoking” function, then after salting the fish carcasses can be sprinkled with liquid smoke, sprinkled with spices, packed in a baking sleeve, laid on the grill included in the machine. Cook in a conventional slow cooker using the "Steam" or "Bake" functions.

Smoking herring in an air grill

Air grills can also be used with or without the "Smoking" function. The "Smoking" function allows you to choose cold or hot way. Processing is carried out in accordance with the instructions.

Herring is processed and salted as described above. To enhance the taste and aroma, you can rub the surface with liquid smoke.

The lower grate is installed in the air grill, greased with refined vegetable oil and the herring carcasses are placed on it. A grate for alder shavings is installed above. The chips are placed on the grate or fixed on the lid.

The glass bowl is covered with a lid. Set the mode - 100-140 ° C and smoke for 1-2 hours, depending on the mass of carcasses and the power of the air grill. After processing the fish, open the lid, smoked meats are ventilated from excess smoke.
