Dow work plan for the year. Annual planning in dow

Author Lyapina Vera Valerievna, teacher primary school MBOU secondary school No. 47 Samara city district
Target fostering a sense of gratitude for those who died during the Great Patriotic War and the surviving veterans;
- To form a civic position and a sense of responsibility for their homeland, a sense of patriotism;
- To develop the communicative qualities of the younger generation, the desire to know the history of their small homeland in the period 1941-1945;
- To cultivate love for the Motherland, interest, careful respect for the historical memory of the people, a sense of pride in their country on the example of the heroic deeds of people in war time to cultivate respect for the older generation.
Description of work The material is intended for students elementary school and middle management. Primary school teachers and class teachers middle management can be used in history lessons and extracurricular activities.

Event progress

1 presenter
It was July fortieth
Berlin shone like a summer ...
Adolf said a word to the military,
More precisely, he ordered them
Plan to develop an attack
On the USSR. But unfortunately
Nobody objected to him.
And in December of the same year
The plan was signed... And the war
Alas, not every nation
As they say, it was visible ...

2 leading
On the site of the Russian sunny capital,
Adolf wanted to enjoy the landscape, -
So that the lake splashed for centuries ...
He thought the idea was great
did not believe that this would not happen,
That Russia has a strong hand
Moscow is wise, will be able to defend itself
From every enemy, his horde,
And a flurry of winds will cover their tracks
For everything, for all the coming centuries!
Such Rus' is mighty, great!
3 leading
But Adolf did not expect this!
And he believed in battle luck,
Gathered a large horde, fire,
Attack Rus' suddenly, ordered!
Troops sent... The dawn was scarlet...

4 leading
As the infantry went forward behind the tanks,
As the sky was torn apart by planes,
They bombed villages, cities with anger ...
A deadly misfortune came to Rus' ...

Having started a perfidious war against the USSR, Adolf Hitler, as the main fascist of Germany, turned to his soldiers with the words: "Soldier! You have no heart and nerves, they are not needed in the war. Destroy pity and compassion in yourself - kill every Russian, Soviet, do not stop if in front of you is an old man or a woman, a girl or a boy, kill! By doing this you will save yourself from death, secure the future of your family, and become famous forever "

Scary. Monstrous. It turns out that Hitler did not even have signs of morality at all. He was an enemy not only of the Russians, but also of humanity, an enemy of life itself.
At dawn on June 22, 1941, the regular troops of the German army attacked our border units on the front from the Baltic to the Black Sea and were held back by them during the first half of the day. Enemy aircraft attacked a number of our airfields and settlements. We shot down 65 enemy aircraft!
1 presenter
Fighting continued everywhere
The Germans tried to occupy Minsk
Both Lvov and Lutsk bathed in dreams
Already in the Danube to rest
By the Black Sea they wanted
Success seemed close to them
But the goals were not available -
The people of Rus' are invincible!

Although the Red Army was
Harder to resist pressure

German troops ... But still a thug
The enemy is everywhere - by the rivers and mountains!
Rented villages, cities ...
2 leading
But the authorities of the Union firmly knew:
There will be no trace of the enemy
In native Moscow! And retreating
Soviet troops fought
For the life of the country, and without hiding,
How much they value their lives.
With a beautiful, young dream!
And every battle for the Soviet troops
was an important battle for the country,
For the life of children, children's dreams,
For mother, father and wife!
In battles sometimes retreated
Soldiers of the Kremlin army...
With a great oath they whispered:
"Forgive us, Russian land..."
"We will return, we will overcome the enemy,
We will crush his troops!"
Russia believed the soldiers
As it has been in all ages!
Rus' remembers the holiness of all heritage,
And this holiness is not dead!
And every fight was the way to victory,
And Moscow was waiting for such an hour!
3 leading
Moscow in danger
The enemy threatened the capital ...
And all the people rose to the defense!
He believed, knew that the enemy would be defeated,
As in the past, he was beaten here more than once!

Every nation has a country
She is dearer to him than anything.
And our Rus' is given to us by fate,
Moscow is our favorite - one,
And we cannot give it to our enemies!
And there will be an enemy, we believed, defeated!
The sons of Russia will go into mortal combat!
The hour of victory will sound like an alarm!
The whole world will be surprised by the defeat of the Germans,
All feats will glorify the fighting!

On November 7, 1941, the traditional parade of the Red Army troops took place on the Red Square of Moscow, dedicated to the 24th anniversary of the Great October Revolution. Here I.V. Stalin delivered a fiery speech in which he wished all the soldiers of the Red Army to be inspired by the courageous image of our great ancestors Alexander Nevsky,

Dmitry Donskoy,

Kozma Minin, Dmitry Pozharsky,

Alexandra Suvorova,

Mikhail Kutuzov!

To the solemn sounds of a military march, the soldiers of the Red Army, the participants in the parade on Red Square in Moscow, went to the front. On this day in Moscow, as well as throughout the country, the great song "The Holy War" (V. Lebedev-Kumach and A. Aleksandrov) sounded especially solemn and inspiring.
And now it will sound.
The song is "Holy War"
On all fronts of the struggle against the fascist invaders, the soldiers of the Red Army showed extraordinary courage and heroism, which mankind admired.
1 presenter
The world cannot forget the groans of concentration camps:
There, the unfortunate were turned into slaves.
There they poisoned children and under the tango in people
Smiling, the Nazis fired.
There, from the cries of people, the sky froze ...
There the earth turned gray during executions ...
And the fascists were sweet victims torn groan,
Even the sun turned pale with fear.

2 leading
Stalingrad was a stronghold on the Volga,
And the Volga washed him,
"Not a step back! Not a step back!"-
Fatherland ordered him.
And our Stalingrad surprised the world with itself,
It was golden in the sun!
"No step back!" - he told the soldiers.
They defeated the Nazis!

The fascists were driven from native land The Red Army continued to delight with new victories over German fascism. The victorious May 1945 came. Soviet troops fought stubborn offensive battles on the territory of Germany itself.
3 leading
And here is the Reichstag! Soldier Hero
Looked victoriously at the columns.
He walked from the Volga and was glad
What is in the sky - scarlet banners!
Friends wrote on the wall
And on the columns straight, obliquely:
"Come to Berlin!", "End the war!",

"Petrov", "Ivanushkin", "Matrosov"!
And the soldier began to pick up the chalk
And began to write holy words,
What kind of heart did he have, -
Wrote on behalf of Russia!
Great, wise line
All those words of a soldier were:

4 leading
Remembering event stories
I write the words descending from the pen:
World War II ended
War with evil with the Victory of good!
But there are things for all the people in the world,
So that the world of goodness flourishes richer, -
Do everything so that death on the planet
And our difficult age did not know the whole life!
Years melt into eternity
Wounds heal with time
Only sad under the sun
Warriors of the fallen barrows...

June 22 is a day saturated with pain, hope, heroism. This date is familiar even to a child, because it was on this day that the second World War, which claimed thousands of lives, took loved ones, left an eternal mark in our hearts and souls. This day has become not only a reminder of what happened, but a huge part of history that does not let you forget. The script will help you plan an event dedicated to this day. Emotional, sensitive, heartfelt script will not let you forget about the exploits of the past days. The scenario is well suited for a small city holiday and even for older students.

In preparing for this memorable day, it is important not to forget about the details. First of all, it is important to decide on the venue. Choose a venue, set up a stage, decorate it in accordance with the event. Decide on music and time of day. Also, do not forget about the weather conditions, which can be quite unpredictable. You can also place several outlets with memorable souvenirs. To do this, you can attract local craftsmen, as their author's fakes will be more interesting and symbolic. Characters: Presenter, Presenter, musical groups, performers, invited guests, Mayor of the city (if we are talking about a school, then the director). Music sounds. Leaders appear on the stage. Presenter: June 22, exactly at 4 o'clock, Kyiv was bombed, We were told that the War had begun. This day has become a reminder to the world of those horrific events that began on that fateful morning. You should never forget about the heroism, the feat of those great people who fought not for medals, but for their country. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome! We start our event dedicated to the day memory and sorrow. Host: War is merciless, war is bloodthirsty, War breaks hearts, War leaves scars and grief, Nobody needs war... Today, it is worth honoring the memory of those who fell for our Great country, and saluting those who are still alive. June 22, 1941, was the most short night in the history of our country, a night saturated with courage and pain. Presenter: The Great Patriotic War claimed millions of lives. Tens of thousands of families have lost loved ones. Thousands were permanently disabled. In total, including the soldiers, during all the time of these tragic events, about 27 million of our compatriots died. Children, old people, women, soldiers gave their lives so that you and I could live under this clear sky. Moderator: — About 18 million people were tortured to death in concentration camps alone; - Every month, about 52,000 people died from hunger and cold in the rear; - 1710 cities were destroyed. Presenter: Remember, never forget, The past days, and the exploits of the experienced, So many lives were taken by the war, On earth and in souls, pain and wounds. It is hard to imagine what horror the soldiers had to go through, young boys who had just finished school. These people have become an example, the pride of the people. Their exploits inspired poets, writers and artists. They say that the song helped the soldiers in battle, raising their spirits. Presenter: The Mayor of our city decided to share this day with us today (he rises to the stage. After the Mayor's speech, the presenters return. Presenter: The worst thing is that children took part in the events of the past days. Defenseless, very tiny little men who managed to say goodbye to childhood, who took up arms in order to protect what they held most dear to them Narrator: Today, the children are safe, but they also decided to pay tribute to those who defended our country. (Children of different ages come on stage and read. It will be more interesting and better if they are dressed in old-fashioned soldier uniforms) Host: They say fallen heroes, Lines, particles of the soul, Letters that arrived from the front, Letters that are always alive. Host: Every news from the front, every note, every letter was a ray of hope or a harbinger of trouble. And how many letters did not reach the addressees, or came with many years of delay. Host: We must honor all these courageous people who never returned home with a moment of silence. Host: They say that in those war years, Despite the ferocity of the war, They danced to the guitar, bayan, Our warriors, grandfathers, sons. Presenter: Few people know, but about 80 thousand officers during the war were women. In general, at different times of these terrible events, from 600 thousand to 1 million representatives of the weaker sex fought on the front line, if it is appropriate to call them that. Host: All German soldiers were afraid of Russian snipers, as they shot without a miss. The sisters of the Red Cross, on themselves, pulled out the wounded, covering them from bullets with their bodies. And how many enemy planes our pilots were able to shoot down, how many they could endure and survive, only God knows. (The song "The Ballad of Military Pilots - Night Witches in the Sky" is performed) Presenter: So few of them are left among us, But, nevertheless, we are alive, we are proud of them, the world owes you, the whole country, We strive to be like you. Friends. Unfortunately, every year there are fewer and fewer Veterans, but these heroes, like their deeds, are eternal! Now, on this stage, I am pleased to invite those who fought for our country. Leading: Not many people know that during the Great Patriotic War, side by side with people, dogs also fought. About 60 thousand dogs were involved in hostilities. They delivered battle reports. Approximately 700 thousand seriously wounded, they managed to pull out of the battlefield. With the help of sapper dogs, 303 cities were cleared of mines and about 4 million units of enemy mines were neutralized. Presenter: Dogs protected from the cold and guarded the territory. In some cities, monuments were erected in honor of these four-legged heroes. Host: Even with such help, unfortunately, not many managed to return from the war, but many had families. And now, on this stage, I would like to invite grandchildren, great-grandchildren, children, great heroes of our city. (Relatives of non-returning heroes rise to the stage. It is important that each of them hold a portrait of their mother, father, grandfather, grandmother in their hands. To begin with, it is better that they talk a little about their heroic ancestors, and then read on) Presenter: As already mentioned today, the song has saved me many times. One of the popular songs of those years was the well-known "Katyusha", and our event would not have been possible without it. Leading : Tomorrow I'll die, mom. You lived 50 years, and I only 24. I want to live. After all, I did so little! I want to live in order to smash the hated fascists. They mocked me, but I didn't say anything. I know that my friends, the partisans, will avenge my death. They will destroy the invaders. Don't cry mom. I'm dying knowing that I gave everything to win. It's not scary to die for the people. Tell the girls: let them go partisan, boldly smash the occupiers. Our victory is not far off! This note was written by the partisan Porshneva on November 29, 1941. She was not afraid of death, she believed in victory, in her people, in her country. Presenter: In our hearts forever, forever, We are grateful for the Victory, That morning the war began, Our soldiers fell for peace. So let's not forget friends, That day, that hour, that eternal moment, For which everyone fought then, For life, for peace, thank you! Moderator: Thank you for spending this time with us. Host: No one is forgotten! In the heart forever!

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"The scenario of the day of memory and sorrow on June 22 "In the hearts forever!""

June 22 is a day saturated with pain, hope, heroism. This date is familiar even to a child, because it was on this day that the Second World War began, claiming thousands of lives, taking away loved ones, leaving an eternal mark on our hearts and souls. This day has become not only a reminder of what happened, but a huge part of history that does not let you forget. The script will help you plan an event dedicated to this day. Emotional, sensitive, heartfelt script will not let you forget about the exploits of the past days. The scenario is well suited for a small city holiday and even for older students.

In preparing for this memorable day, it is important not to forget about the details. First of all, it is important to decide on the venue. Choose a venue, set up a stage, decorate it in accordance with the event. Decide on music and time of day. Also, do not forget about the weather conditions, which can be quite unpredictable. You can also place several outlets with memorable souvenirs. To do this, you can attract local craftsmen, as their author's fakes will be more interesting and symbolic.

Presenter, Presenter, musical groups, performers, invited guests, Mayor of the city (if we are talking about a school, then the director).

Music sounds. Leaders appear on the stage.

June 22 at exactly 4 o'clock
Kyiv was bombed
We were announced
That the war started.

This day has become a reminder to the world of those horrific events that began on that fateful morning. You should never forget about the heroism, the feat of those great people who fought not for medals, but for their country. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome! We are starting our event dedicated to the day of memory and sorrow.

War is merciless, war is bloodthirsty,
War breaks hearts
War leaves scars and grief
Nobody wants a war...

Today, it is worth honoring the memory of those who fell for our Great country, and saluting those who are still alive. June 22, 1941, was the shortest night in the history of our country, a night saturated with courage and pain.

(The first verse of the song "Dark Night" plays in the background)

The Great Patriotic War claimed millions of lives. Tens of thousands of families have lost loved ones. Thousands were permanently disabled. In total, including the soldiers, during all the time of these tragic events, about 27 million of our compatriots died. Children, old people, women, soldiers gave their lives so that you and I could live under this clear sky.

- Only in concentration camps about 18 million people were tortured;
- Every month, about 52,000 people died from hunger and cold in the rear;
- 1710 cities were destroyed.

(Other facts related to VVO can be cited)

Remember, never forget
Days past, and the exploits of the experienced,
So many lives were taken by the war
On earth and in souls, pain and wounds.

It is hard to imagine what horror the soldiers had to go through, young boys who had just finished school. These people have become an example, the pride of the people. Their exploits inspired poets, writers and artists. They say that the song helped the soldiers in battle, raising their spirits.

(The hosts leave, the performer appears on the stage and sings the front-line song “ blue scarf»)

The Mayor of our city decided to share this day with us today (he rises to the stage. After the Mayor's speech, the presenters return.

The worst thing is that children took part in the events of the past days. Defenseless, very tiny little men who managed to say goodbye to childhood, who took up arms in order to protect the most intimate thing that they had.

Today, the children are safe, but they also decided to pay tribute to those who defended our country.

(Children of different ages come on stage and readpoetry . It will be more interesting and better if they are dressed in a soldier's uniform, the old model)

Dead heroes say
Lines, particles of the soul,
Letters from the front
Letters that are always alive.

(The presenter reads out one of the letters included in the book “Dead Heroes Speak.” If you wish, you can choose a letter from the hero of your city, at the end, say a few words about the courage, heroism, spiritual strength of the person who wrote this letter)

Every news from the front, every note, every letter was a ray of hope or a harbinger of trouble. And how many letters did not reach the addressees, or came with many years of delay.

We must honor all these courageous people who never returned home with a moment of silence.

(A moment of silence is announced)

They say that in those war years,
Despite the ferocity of the war,
They danced to the guitar, button accordion,
Our warriors, grandfathers, sons.

(A dance group appears on the stage and dances "Smuglyanka")

Few people know, but about 80 thousand officers during the war were women. In general, at different times of these terrible events, from 600 thousand to 1 million representatives of the weaker sex fought on the front line, if it is appropriate to call them that.

All German soldiers were afraid of Russian snipers, as they shot without a miss. The sisters of the Red Cross, on themselves, pulled out the wounded, covering them from bullets with their bodies. And how many enemy planes our pilots were able to shoot down, how many they could endure and survive, only God knows.

(The song "The Ballad of Military Pilots - Night Witches in the Sky" is performed)

So few of them are left among us,
But still alive, we are proud of them,
The world owes you, the whole country,
We strive to be like you.

Friends. Unfortunately, every year there are fewer and fewer Veterans, but these heroes, like their deeds, are eternal! Now, on this stage, I am pleased to invite those who fought for our country.

(Veterans take the stage. You need to agree with them in advance what they will present to the public. These can be front-line stories, a song. Be sure to take care of flowers and gifts for them)

Not many people know that during the Great Patriotic War, dogs fought side by side with people. About 60 thousand dogs were involved in hostilities. They delivered battle reports. Approximately 700 thousand seriously wounded, they managed to pull out of the battlefield. With the help of sapper dogs, 303 cities were cleared of mines and about 4 million units of enemy mines were neutralized.

Dogs protected from the cold and guarded the territory. In some cities, monuments were erected in honor of these four-legged heroes.

Even with such help, unfortunately, not many managed to return from the war, but many had families. And now, on this stage, I would like to invite grandchildren, great-grandchildren, children, great heroes of our city.

(The relatives of the heroes who did not return rise to the stage. It is important that each of them hold in their hands a portrait of their mother, father, grandfather, grandmother. To begin with, it is better that they talk a little about their heroic ancestors, and then readverse )

As mentioned today, the song has saved many times. One of the popular songs of those years was the well-known "Katyusha", and our event would not have been possible without it.

(A musical ensemble, a group, or maybe just a performer enters the stage, and the song “Katyusha” is sung)

Leading (Reads a note from "Dead Heroes Speak", you can choose any other text from the book):
Tomorrow I'll die, mom.

You lived 50 years, and I only 24. I want to live. After all, I did so little! I want to live in order to smash the hated fascists. They mocked me, but I didn't say anything. I know that my friends, the partisans, will avenge my death. They will destroy the invaders.

Don't cry mom. I'm dying knowing that I gave everything to win. It's not scary to die for the people. Tell the girls: let them go partisan, boldly smash the occupiers.

Our victory is not far off!

This note was written by the partisan Porshneva on November 29, 1941. She was not afraid of death, she believed in victory, in her people, in her country.

In our hearts forever, forever
We are grateful for the victory
That morning the war began
For peace our soldiers fell.
So let's not forget friends
That day, that hour, that eternal moment,
What were they all fighting for?
Thank you for life and peace!

(In the background, "Farewell of the Slavyanka" begins to play)

Thank you for spending this time with us.

Nobody is forgotten! In the heart forever!

Valiullina Alsu Shamilevna

MBOU "Gymnasium 21", Kazan

primary school teacher

Objectives: To introduce children to interesting historical facts and songs about war, army, victory. Develop thinking, artistry, physical activity, the ability to emotionally perceive music. To instill a sense of love for the Motherland, a sense of pride in it.

Leading. Hello dear children and respected adults! We are glad to welcome you on the deck of our ship, which will soon set off on a trip around the world. Are you ready to travel the endless ocean of adventure?(children's answers). We have already discovered several islands, and today we have to go to the island of Heroes.

Guys, do you know what day it is today?(children's answers).

Yes, today we have a memorable date - June 22. ExactlyJune 22, 1941 year, the Great Patriotic War began. On this day, we honor the warriors-defenders of our Motherland. With courage and valor, not sparing their lives, they defended the independence of our Fatherland. Russian soldiers have always stood guard over the peace and tranquility of their people, guarding the borders of their native land.

And today, guys, we will be young defenders of the Fatherland and will stand guard over the water borders of our Heroes Island.

Each detachment, together with its leaders, makes up a team, and ahead of us are adventures, trials and various tasks that will require courage, dexterity, accuracy, accuracy, endurance, ingenuity and many other qualities of real Russian warriors.

So we're off. Full speed ahead!

Station "Pages of the History of the Fatherland"

Station manager: “Dear guys! I am very glad to welcome you to the station "Pages of the History of the Fatherland". Future wars should be not only strong, dexterous, courageous, but also literate people. You can check your knowledge of the history of the Fatherland by answering the questions of myquiz ».


1) This fortress, having a small garrison and limited ammunition, heroically took the blow of the enemy in June-July 1941, for which it was subsequently awarded the honorary title - a hero-fortress. Name this fortress.(Brest)

2) This famous pilot, captain, Hero Soviet Union, died at the beginning of the war in 1941. He directed his wrecked and blazing aircraft at a cluster of German tanks and cars that exploded along with the plane.(Nikolai Frantsevich Gastello)

3) A memorial was erected on Lake Ladoga in the city of St. Petersburg, reminiscent of the harsh years of besieged Leningrad. What was the name of the place on which this monument stands during the blockade?(The road of life)

4) In Bulgaria there is a monument to the Russian soldier-liberator. The prototype of this famous sculpture was the Soviet soldier Alexei Skurlatov. What is the popular name for this monument?(Alyosha)

5) In 2000, in honor of the 55th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, another large monument dedicated to the memory of the soldiers who died defending the Motherland was opened in Moscow. Name this famous memorial.(Poklonnaya Gora)

6) The Order of Nakhimov was established during the Great Patriotic War in 1944. They were awarded to the officers of the Soviet Army for high merit. To what branch of the army should an officer belong to be awarded this award?(Navy)

7) This marshal of the Soviet Union commanded the Don Front during Battle of Stalingrad. In 1945 he commanded the Victory Parade on Red Square. Who are we talking about?(K.K. Rokossovsky)

8) What was the name of the marshal, four times hero of the Soviet Union, who was entrusted with an important mission - on behalf of the Supreme High Command to accept the surrender of Nazi Germany.( Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov)

9) This medal was given with the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union". Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov was awarded this medal four times. What was her name?("Gold Star" or "Star of Victory")

10) They know about the storming of the Reichstag not only from the course of history, but also from the films "The Last Storm" and "Liberation". The troops of the 3rd shock army ran into the furious resistance of the garrison numbering more than 1 thousand people. But the Soviet Army was not going to give in and on May 2 surrounded and captured this building. Name those who hoisted the Banner of Victory over its main dome.(Sergeant M.A. Egorov and junior sergeant M.V. Kantaria)

savvy - best friend

Station manager: “Dear guys! You have entered the realm of ingenuity. You are well aware that the enemy can be defeated not only by force, military equipment, but also by intelligence, ingenuity, and logical thinking.

For example, this military trick was used during the capture of Berlin in 1945. At the same time, the attacking soldiers were given the order: “Do not turn around!”. The offensive was a huge success, since this brilliant technique, without harming the enemy, made him helpless. What was this cunning trick?(Powerful searchlights blinded the enemy)

Now let's play a little. I will speak the beginningproverbs, and you - together all together in chorus its end:

Die yourself, but save your comrade...

Know how to be a soldier to become... a general.

Fear will not take the skilful, brave, and the enemy ... will not beat.

A skilled fighter is everywhere ... well done.

To have good luck in battle, know your ... task well.

From military science, the mind and ... hands are getting stronger.

To be lucky in the war, you need to know the military ... craft.

Station "Strength and Agility"

Station manager: “Dear guys! You have reached the station "Strength and Agility". These qualities are of great importance in the physical training of the future defender of the Fatherland. The Russian land has always been famous for its heroes. You all are well aware of Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich. At this station you will have to demonstrate your physical fitness.

Within 7 minutes, the guys perform a variety of exercises for strength and dexterity (for example, tug of war, crawling in a plastunsky way, etc.)

Station "Guess and draw"

In 5 minutes, the teams need to guess the riddle and all together draw its answer on the board with chalk.


1. I will scream, I will rumble,

I will fly under the sky.(Helicopter)

2. At sea, in rivers and lakes

I swim, agile, fast.

Among the warships

Known for its ease.(boat)

3. Steam locomotive without wheels!

This is such a miracle locomotive!

Hasn't he gone crazy?

Went straight to the sea!(Steamboat)

4. Under water, an iron whale,

The whale does not sleep day and night.

Day and night underwater

Protects your peace.(Submarine)

5. This bird has no wings,

But you can't help but wonder:

Only the bird will dissolve the tail -

And rise to the stars.(Rocket)

6. He buzzes and draws with chalk,

He paints in white

blue on paper

Over my head...

He draws, he sings,

What is this?(Airplane)

7. Overtaking night and day,

A deer runs around the earth.

Hitting the stars with a horn,

He chose the path in the sky.

Hear the sound of his hooves

He is the pathfinder of the universe.(Satellite)

Station "Hard in learning - easy in battle"

Station manager: “Dear guys! You have arrived at the station "Training hard, fighting easy". A soldier must always be ready to go into action on alert. Now our fellows will demonstrate the ability to put on a uniform in 7 minutes and throw a grenade for accuracy ”(a ball is used instead of a grenade).

Station "Cyphermen" (on the rebus board)

Station manager: “Dear guys! You have arrived at the "Cyphermen" station. You need to guess the rebus in which the proverb is encrypted.(There is safety in numbers)

Station "Songs of the War Years"

Station manager: “Guys, what else do you think helped the people win?(children's answers). Yes, indeed, with a song it is easier to endure adversity. And during the war, composers composed many songs that cheered up the people with a cheerful and mischievous joke, and mourned for relatives and loved ones. Songs helped endure hunger and cold in the name of Victory. The songs of the war years helped the people to survive and win.”

Years passed, the war was left far behind... But the songs of the war years still sound today, touching our hearts.

Yesterday each team was given the task to stage their favorite military song.

1st detachment - "Blue handkerchief"

2 squad - "Three tankers"

3rd detachment - "In the dugout"

4 squad - "Smuglyanka"

Leading . Dear guys, look, you can already see an amazing island - the island of Heroes, which we will open today. In the meantime, we are still sailing towards it, I propose to sing together the main “victory” song - “Victory Day”. Does anyone remember who wrote the lyrics and music for it?( poet Vladimir Kharitonov and composer David Tukhmanov for the 30th anniversary of the great date.)


Leading. You know, guys, I see that when you go to serve in the army, you will be as brave, strong and dexterous as you showed yourself in today's voyage. Well done!

And now, team captains, let's finally open our amazing island - the island of Heroes. Today, all of you have earned the title of true defenders of the Fatherland.

Guys, all of you are awarded medals "For Courage" and memorable prizes. You were very brave in our journey, I wish you new discoveries in the ocean of adventure. Well done! See you again.

June 22 is a day saturated with pain, hope, heroism. This date is familiar even to a child, because it was on this day that the Second World War began, claiming thousands of lives, taking away loved ones, leaving an eternal mark on our hearts and souls. This day has become not only a reminder of what happened, but a huge part of history that does not let you forget. The script will help you plan an event dedicated to this day. Emotional, sensitive, heartfelt script will not let you forget about the exploits of the past days. The scenario is well suited for a small city holiday and even for older students.

In preparing for this memorable day, it is important not to forget about the details. First of all, it is important to decide on the venue. Choose a venue, set up a stage, decorate it in accordance with the event. Decide on music and time of day. Also, do not forget about the weather conditions, which can be quite unpredictable. You can also place several outlets with memorable souvenirs. To do this, you can attract local craftsmen, as their author's fakes will be more interesting and symbolic. Characters: Presenter, Presenter, musical groups, performers, invited guests, Mayor of the city (if we are talking about a school, then the director). Music sounds. Leaders appear on the stage. Presenter: June 22, exactly at 4 o'clock, Kyiv was bombed, We were told that the War had begun. This day has become a reminder to the world of those horrific events that began on that fateful morning. You should never forget about the heroism, the feat of those great people who fought not for medals, but for their country. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome! We are starting our event dedicated to the day of memory and sorrow. Host: War is merciless, war is bloodthirsty, War breaks hearts, War leaves scars and grief, Nobody needs war... Today, it is worth honoring the memory of those who fell for our Great country, and saluting those who are still alive. June 22, 1941, was the shortest night in the history of our country, a night saturated with courage and pain. Presenter: The Great Patriotic War claimed millions of lives. Tens of thousands of families have lost loved ones. Thousands were permanently disabled. In total, including the soldiers, during all the time of these tragic events, about 27 million of our compatriots died. Children, old people, women, soldiers gave their lives so that you and I could live under this clear sky. Moderator: — About 18 million people were tortured to death in concentration camps alone; - Every month, about 52,000 people died from hunger and cold in the rear; - 1710 cities were destroyed. Presenter: Remember, never forget, The past days, and the exploits of the experienced, So many lives were taken by the war, On earth and in souls, pain and wounds. It is hard to imagine what horror the soldiers had to go through, young boys who had just finished school. These people have become an example, the pride of the people. Their exploits inspired poets, writers and artists. They say that the song helped the soldiers in battle, raising their spirits. Presenter: The Mayor of our city decided to share this day with us today (he rises to the stage. After the Mayor's speech, the presenters return. Presenter: The worst thing is that children took part in the events of the past days. Defenseless, very tiny little men who managed to say goodbye to childhood, who took up arms in order to protect what they held most dear to them Narrator: Today, the children are safe, but they also decided to pay tribute to those who defended our country. (Children of different ages come on stage and read. It will be more interesting and better if they are dressed in old-fashioned soldier uniforms) Presenter: The dead heroes speak, With lines, particles of the soul, Letters that have arrived from the front, Letters that are always alive. Host: Every news from the front, every note, every letter was a ray of hope or a harbinger of trouble. And how many letters did not reach the addressees, or came with many years of delay. Host: We must honor all these courageous people who never returned home with a moment of silence. Host: They say that in those war years, Despite the ferocity of the war, They danced to the guitar, bayan, Our warriors, grandfathers, sons. Presenter: Few people know, but about 80 thousand officers during the war were women. In general, at different times of these terrible events, from 600 thousand to 1 million representatives of the weaker sex fought on the front line, if it is appropriate to call them that. Host: All German soldiers were afraid of Russian snipers, as they shot without a miss. The sisters of the Red Cross, on themselves, pulled out the wounded, covering them from bullets with their bodies. And how many enemy planes our pilots were able to shoot down, how many they could endure and survive, only God knows. (The song "The Ballad of Military Pilots - Night Witches in the Sky" is performed) Presenter: So few of them are left among us, But, nevertheless, we are alive, we are proud of them, the world owes you, the whole country, We strive to be like you. Friends. Unfortunately, every year there are fewer and fewer Veterans, but these heroes, like their deeds, are eternal! Now, on this stage, I am pleased to invite those who fought for our country. Leading: Not many people know that during the Great Patriotic War, dogs fought side by side with people. About 60 thousand dogs were involved in hostilities. They delivered battle reports. Approximately 700 thousand seriously wounded, they managed to pull out of the battlefield. With the help of sapper dogs, 303 cities were cleared of mines and about 4 million units of enemy mines were neutralized. Presenter: Dogs protected from the cold and guarded the territory. In some cities, monuments were erected in honor of these four-legged heroes. Host: Even with such help, unfortunately, not many managed to return from the war, but many had families. And now, on this stage, I would like to invite grandchildren, great-grandchildren, children, great heroes of our city. (Relatives of non-returning heroes rise to the stage. It is important that each of them hold a portrait of their mother, father, grandfather, grandmother in their hands. To begin with, it is better that they talk a little about their heroic ancestors, and then read on) Presenter: As already mentioned today, the song has saved me many times. One of the popular songs of those years was the well-known "Katyusha", and our event would not have been possible without it. Leading : Tomorrow I'll die, mom. You lived 50 years, and I only 24. I want to live. After all, I did so little! I want to live in order to smash the hated fascists. They mocked me, but I didn't say anything. I know that my friends, the partisans, will avenge my death. They will destroy the invaders. Don't cry mom. I'm dying knowing that I gave everything to win. It's not scary to die for the people. Tell the girls: let them go partisan, boldly smash the occupiers. Our victory is not far off! This note was written by the partisan Porshneva on November 29, 1941. She was not afraid of death, she believed in victory, in her people, in her country. Presenter: In our hearts forever, forever, We are grateful for the Victory, That morning the war began, Our soldiers fell for peace. So let's not forget friends, That day, that hour, that eternal moment, For which everyone fought then, For life, for peace, thank you! Moderator: Thank you for spending this time with us. Host: No one is forgotten! In the heart forever!

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"The scenario of the day of memory and sorrow on June 22 "In the hearts forever!""

June 22 is a day saturated with pain, hope, heroism. This date is familiar even to a child, because it was on this day that the Second World War began, claiming thousands of lives, taking away loved ones, leaving an eternal mark on our hearts and souls. This day has become not only a reminder of what happened, but a huge part of history that does not let you forget. The script will help you plan an event dedicated to this day. Emotional, sensitive, heartfelt script will not let you forget about the exploits of the past days. The scenario is well suited for a small city holiday and even for older students.

In preparing for this memorable day, it is important not to forget about the details. First of all, it is important to decide on the venue. Choose a venue, set up a stage, decorate it in accordance with the event. Decide on music and time of day. Also, do not forget about the weather conditions, which can be quite unpredictable. You can also place several outlets with memorable souvenirs. To do this, you can attract local craftsmen, as their author's fakes will be more interesting and symbolic.

Presenter, Presenter, musical groups, performers, invited guests, Mayor of the city (if we are talking about a school, then the director).

Music sounds. Leaders appear on the stage.

June 22 at exactly 4 o'clock
Kyiv was bombed
We were announced
That the war started.

This day has become a reminder to the world of those horrific events that began on that fateful morning. You should never forget about the heroism, the feat of those great people who fought not for medals, but for their country. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome! We are starting our event dedicated to the day of memory and sorrow.

War is merciless, war is bloodthirsty,
War breaks hearts
War leaves scars and grief
Nobody wants a war...

Today, it is worth honoring the memory of those who fell for our Great country, and saluting those who are still alive. June 22, 1941, was the shortest night in the history of our country, a night saturated with courage and pain.

(The first verse of the song "Dark Night" plays in the background)

The Great Patriotic War claimed millions of lives. Tens of thousands of families have lost loved ones. Thousands were permanently disabled. In total, including the soldiers, during all the time of these tragic events, about 27 million of our compatriots died. Children, old people, women, soldiers gave their lives so that you and I could live under this clear sky.

- Only in concentration camps about 18 million people were tortured;
- Every month, about 52,000 people died from hunger and cold in the rear;
- 1710 cities were destroyed.

(Other facts related to VVO can be cited)

Remember, never forget
Days past, and the exploits of the experienced,
So many lives were taken by the war
On earth and in souls, pain and wounds.

It is hard to imagine what horror the soldiers had to go through, young boys who had just finished school. These people have become an example, the pride of the people. Their exploits inspired poets, writers and artists. They say that the song helped the soldiers in battle, raising their spirits.

(The hosts leave, the performer appears on the stage and sings the front-line song "Blue Handkerchief")

The Mayor of our city decided to share this day with us today (he rises to the stage. After the Mayor's speech, the presenters return.

The worst thing is that children took part in the events of the past days. Defenseless, very tiny little men who managed to say goodbye to childhood, who took up arms in order to protect the most intimate thing that they had.

Today, the children are safe, but they also decided to pay tribute to those who defended our country.

(Children of different ages come on stage and readpoetry . It will be more interesting and better if they are dressed in a soldier's uniform, the old model)

Dead heroes say
Lines, particles of the soul,
Letters from the front
Letters that are always alive.

(The presenter reads out one of the letters included in the book “Dead Heroes Speak.” If you wish, you can choose a letter from the hero of your city, at the end, say a few words about the courage, heroism, spiritual strength of the person who wrote this letter)

Every news from the front, every note, every letter was a ray of hope or a harbinger of trouble. And how many letters did not reach the addressees, or came with many years of delay.

We must honor all these courageous people who never returned home with a moment of silence.

(A moment of silence is announced)

They say that in those war years,
Despite the ferocity of the war,
They danced to the guitar, button accordion,
Our warriors, grandfathers, sons.

(A dance group appears on the stage and dances "Smuglyanka")

Few people know, but about 80 thousand officers during the war were women. In general, at different times of these terrible events, from 600 thousand to 1 million representatives of the weaker sex fought on the front line, if it is appropriate to call them that.

All German soldiers were afraid of Russian snipers, as they shot without a miss. The sisters of the Red Cross, on themselves, pulled out the wounded, covering them from bullets with their bodies. And how many enemy planes our pilots were able to shoot down, how many they could endure and survive, only God knows.

(The song "The Ballad of Military Pilots - Night Witches in the Sky" is performed)

So few of them are left among us,
But still alive, we are proud of them,
The world owes you, the whole country,
We strive to be like you.

Friends. Unfortunately, every year there are fewer and fewer Veterans, but these heroes, like their deeds, are eternal! Now, on this stage, I am pleased to invite those who fought for our country.

(Veterans take the stage. You need to agree with them in advance what they will present to the public. These can be front-line stories, a song. Be sure to take care of flowers and gifts for them)

Not many people know that during the Great Patriotic War, dogs fought side by side with people. About 60 thousand dogs were involved in hostilities. They delivered battle reports. Approximately 700 thousand seriously wounded, they managed to pull out of the battlefield. With the help of sapper dogs, 303 cities were cleared of mines and about 4 million units of enemy mines were neutralized.

Dogs protected from the cold and guarded the territory. In some cities, monuments were erected in honor of these four-legged heroes.

Even with such help, unfortunately, not many managed to return from the war, but many had families. And now, on this stage, I would like to invite grandchildren, great-grandchildren, children, great heroes of our city.

(The relatives of the heroes who did not return rise to the stage. It is important that each of them hold in their hands a portrait of their mother, father, grandfather, grandmother. To begin with, it is better that they talk a little about their heroic ancestors, and then readverse )

As mentioned today, the song has saved many times. One of the popular songs of those years was the well-known "Katyusha", and our event would not have been possible without it.

(A musical ensemble, a group, or maybe just a performer enters the stage, and the song “Katyusha” is sung)

Leading (Reads a note from "Dead Heroes Speak", you can choose any other text from the book):
Tomorrow I'll die, mom.

You lived 50 years, and I only 24. I want to live. After all, I did so little! I want to live in order to smash the hated fascists. They mocked me, but I didn't say anything. I know that my friends, the partisans, will avenge my death. They will destroy the invaders.

Don't cry mom. I'm dying knowing that I gave everything to win. It's not scary to die for the people. Tell the girls: let them go partisan, boldly smash the occupiers.

Our victory is not far off!

This note was written by the partisan Porshneva on November 29, 1941. She was not afraid of death, she believed in victory, in her people, in her country.

In our hearts forever, forever
We are grateful for the victory
That morning the war began
For peace our soldiers fell.
So let's not forget friends
That day, that hour, that eternal moment,
What were they all fighting for?
Thank you for life and peace!

(In the background, "Farewell of the Slavyanka" begins to play)

Thank you for spending this time with us.

Nobody is forgotten! In the heart forever!

The first summary of the Great Patriotic War
At dawn on June 22, 1941, the regular troops of the German army attacked our border units on the front from the BALTIC to the BLACK Sea and were held back by them during the first half of the day. In the afternoon, the German troops met with the advanced units of the field troops of the Red Army. After fierce fighting, the enemy was repulsed with heavy losses. Only in the GRODNO and KRYSTYNOPOLS directions did the enemy manage to achieve minor tactical successes and occupy the towns of KALVARIYA, STOJANOW and TSEKHANOVEC (the first two at 15 km and the last at 10 km from the border).
Enemy aviation attacked a number of our airfields and settlements, but everywhere they met with a decisive rebuff from our fighters and anti-aircraft artillery, which inflicted heavy losses on the enemy. We shot down 65 enemy planes. from RIA Novosti funds

23:00 (GMT). Winston Churchill's speech on BBC radio
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill on June 22 at 23:00 GMT made a statement in connection with the aggression of Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union.
"... The Nazi regime has the worst features of communism," in particular, he said on the air of the BBC radio station. no one has been a more consistent opponent of communism than I have been in the past 25 years. I will not take back a single word I have said about it. But all this pales before the spectacle now unfolding. The past with its crimes, follies and tragedies disappears.
I see Russian soldiers standing on the threshold of their native land, guarding the fields that their fathers have cultivated since time immemorial.
I see them guarding their homes, where their mothers and wives pray - yes, for there are times when everyone prays - for the safety of their loved ones, for the return of their breadwinner, their protector and support.
I see tens of thousands of Russian villages, where the means of subsistence are torn from the ground with such difficulty, but where there are primordial human joys, where girls laugh and children play.
I see how the vile Nazi war machine is approaching all this, with its dapper, rattling Prussian officers, with its skillful agents, who have just pacified and tied hand and foot a dozen countries.
I also see a gray, well-drilled, obedient mass of ferocious Hun soldiers advancing like swarms of creeping locusts.
I see German bombers and fighters in the sky, still scarred from the wounds inflicted on them by the British, rejoicing that they have found what they think is easier and surer prey.
Behind all this noise and thunder, I see a bunch of villains who are planning, organizing and bringing this avalanche of disasters to humanity ... I must announce the decision of His Majesty's Government, and I am sure that the great dominions will agree with this decision in due time, for we should speak out immediately, without a single day of delay. I have to make a statement, but can you doubt what our policy will be?
We have only one single unchanging goal. We are determined to destroy Hitler and all traces of the Nazi regime. Nothing can turn us away from it, nothing. We will never negotiate, we will never enter into negotiations with Hitler or with any of his gang. We will fight him on land, we will fight him at sea, we will fight him in the air until, with God's help, we rid the earth of his very shadow and free the peoples from his yoke. Any person or state that fights against Nazism will receive our help. Any person or state that goes with Hitler is our enemy...
This is our policy, this is our statement. It follows from this that we will give Russia and the Russian people all the help that we can ... "
