Re-enactment from Mikhalkov, we are warriors too. Reading competition "We talk about war in poetry"

The hall is festively decorated.

The song "Victory Day" is played (music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by V. Kharitonov).

Children enter the hall with carnations in their hands. They follow the leading child around the hall and stand in a semicircle.


For everything that we have now,
For every happy hour we have,
Because the sun shines on us,
Thanks to the valiant soldiers,
That they once defended the world!
(L. Nekrasova)


I know from my dad...
I know from my grandfather...
On the ninth of May victory came to us.
The entire Soviet people expected that day,
That day became the most joyful holiday.
(M. Lapisova)

The song “Victory Day” sounds again, the children follow the leading child around the hall, lay flowers near the central wall near the eternal flame, then sit on the chairs.

Presenter. Children! Today we have gathered in this festively decorated hall to celebrate the biggest holiday of our people - Victory Day.

On May 9, 1945, the war against German fascism ended. We remember with gratitude our soldiers who defended the world in a fierce battle. We owe it to all our defenders that we now live under a peaceful, clear sky. Eternal glory to them!

There was also a peaceful sky in June 1941. Children went to kindergartens, schools, sang and danced. (Children depict pre-war times)

Then the theme of invasion from the 7th symphony by D. Shestakovich sounds and to it children with black cloth depict the arrival of fascism - the force of evil.

Leading. On the dance floor for forty-first year. On June 22, 1941, enemy planes violated the border of our Motherland and began dropping bombs on villages and cities. So a war came to our land, the most terrible of which has never been seen before.

At the end, to the sounds of “Holy War” by A. Alexandrov, the children “turn around”, the child reads:

Summer night, at dawn,
Hitler gave the troops an order
And he sent German soldiers
Against all Soviet people
This means - against us.

Presenter. The war scattered young guys - some to become tankers, some to become telephone operators, some to become scouts. Not only men, but women fought in the war. They were nurses, doctors, orderlies, intelligence officers, and signalmen. Many soldiers were saved from death by gentle, kind female hands.

Music sounds, children come out and stage S. Mikhalkov’s poem “We are warriors too.” They are distributed throughout the hall, put on costume elements, take the necessary attributes.

Signalman(the child sits on a chair, pretending to be a signalman, with headphones on his head, and a telephone in his hands).

Hello, Jupiter? I am Diamond
I can hardly hear you at all
We occupied the village with a fight.
And how are you? Hello! Hello!

Nurse(a girl, she has a scarf with a red cross on her head, a bag with medicines on her side, she is bandaging a wounded man sitting on a chair, he is groaning).


The guns roar
bullets whistle.
A soldier was wounded by a shell fragment.
Sister whispers:


"Come on, I'll support you,
I will bandage your wound!"

Sailor(looks at the sky through binoculars).

There's an airplane on the horizon.
On course - full speed ahead!
Get ready for battle, crew!
Set aside - our fighter.

(Children dance the “Apple” dance)

Machine gunner.

So I climbed into the attic,
Perhaps there is an enemy lurking here.

Two pilot look at the map in the open tablet.

1st pilot.

The infantry is here, and the tanks are here -
The flight to the target is seven minutes.

2nd Pilot.

The combat order is clear.
The enemy will not leave us.

(The game “Snipers” is played, and then the song “Victory” is performed).


I remember how on a memorable evening,
Your handkerchief fell from your shoulders.
As I saw off and promised,
Save the blue handkerchief.

(Girls perform a dance with handkerchiefs to the song “Blue Handkerchief” (music by G. Peterbursky, lyrics by M Maksimov).

Presenter. The war went on, but life went on. And there were moments of silence during the war. The soldiers rested, sat by the fire, cleaned their clothes, wrote letters home to their family and friends.

They wrote that they would return home victorious.

(The music of the song “There is a girl in position...” is playing. Letters - triangles - are moving around the hall on strings).

A boy comes out into the center of the hall. In their hands they hold a letter from the front, folded into a triangle. He unfolds it and reads it.


Hello, dear Maxim!
Hello, my beloved son!
I'm writing from the front line,
Tomorrow morning - back into battle!
We will drive out the fascists.
Take care, son, mother.

Forget sadness and sadness -
I will return victorious!
I will finally hug you.
Your father.

Boy Soldier, reads the “front letter”.

My dear family!
Tomorrow I'm going into battle again
For your Fatherland, for Russia,
That I got into a lot of trouble.
I will gather my courage, strength,
I will beat the Germans without mercy,
So that nothing threatens you,
So that you can study and live!

A girl near the central wall rocks a crib with a doll and reads a letter to herself. (Sketch.)

Boy soldier.

Wait for me and I will come back.
Just wait a lot
Wait when they make you sad
Yellow rains,
Wait for the snow to blow
Wait for it to be hot
Wait when others are not waiting,
Forgetting yesterday.
(K. Simonov).

Girl. I'll definitely wait!

The song “I'll be back, said the soldier” is played.

Presenter. Our soldiers were distinguished by unparalleled courage and heroism. And what were their grandchildren like? They are so dexterous and savvy! ( The game “Hoist the Banner” is played.

Presenter. Our army defeated the Nazis, liberated native land and other lands. During the battle in Berlin, two of our soldiers managed to climb onto the roof of the Reichstag and planted a red banner there. This meant the victory of our country in the Great Patriotic War.


And above our capital,
Piercing right through the blue,
Like a messenger of glory, a free bird,
The banner of victory flew...

(The Victory Dance is performed to the sketch of Scriabin. At the end, 2 boys carry out the Victory flag).

Leading. The path to victory was a very long one, 1418 days and nights.

May there never be war
Trouble will not touch us anymore!
On Victory Day all songs are sung,
Fireworks sparkle in honor of the Victory!

(Children take the plumes and perform movements with the plumes to the music “Victory Day”).


On a joyful, spring and wonderful day,
Our song is about the Motherland, about the world . (singing “Sunny Circle”)

(for children of senior preschool age)

Two children come out into the middle of the hall:

1. The day is bright in the morning, wonderful,

It blossomed all over with flowers,

I hear the sound of songs

The holiday has come to my city!

2. Today is a holiday - Victory Day!

Happy holiday - Spring Day.

All the streets are dressed in flowers,

And sonorous songs are heard.

Dance composition with balls and scarves

3. I know from my father, I know from my grandfather -

On the ninth of May Victory came to us,

All the people were waiting for that day,

That day became the most joyful!

4. Let the Victory fireworks thunder,

The world is warmed by this light,

To our great-grandfathers and grandfathers...

All: We wish everyone many more years!!!

Children sit down

Many years ago - on June 22, 1941, Hitler's troops attacked our Motherland. And not only the Army, the whole people, the whole country stood up to defend our Motherland.

5 . Today we chant

A bright holiday for the whole country.

People remember this date

They definitely should.

6. How victory came to our region

Over the fascist horde.

My great-grandfather at that time

He was like a young dad.

7. He dreamed of a peaceful life

But the enemy attacked the earth,

Everyone who could fight in battle

They picked up a machine gun.

Children stand in groups

Ved. The snow was spinning

And our city was bombed.

There was a brutal war then,

The defenders of the fascists won,

So that every winter becomes peaceful.

Song "Victory will come"

children sit down

Ved. 67 years have passed since the bright holiday of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, but the greatness of the feat of our people does not fade.

That's how it was...

Twenty second of June

At exactly four o'clock

Kyiv was bombed

We were told

That the war has begun.

F-ma “Get up, huge country...”

Get up, huge country,

Stand up for mortal combat

With fascist dark power

With the damned horde.

May the rage be noble

Boils like a wave

There is a people's war going on,

Holy war.

8. (boy) Goodbye, cities and houses

The long road is calling us.

Young, brave guys

At dawn we set off on a hike.

9. There is a battle for every city,

There is a battle going on for the street

People help the front

Honest, valiant work.

Ved. Both young and old rose to defend the country. Many went to the front straight from school. The war scattered young guys - some to become anti-aircraft gunners, some to become telephone operators, some to become scouts...

Staging of a poem by S. Mikhalkov.

"We are warriors too"

Signalman(sitting on a chair, headphones on his head, microphone or phone in his hands)

Hello, "Jupiter"? I am “Diamond”.

I can hardly hear you at all

We occupied the village with a fight,

And how are you? Hello! Hello!

Nurse(bandages the wounded man, he groans)

Why are you roaring like a bear?

It’s a trifle to be patient,

And your wound is so light,

That it will heal for sure.

Sailor(looks into the distance through binoculars)

There's a plane on the horizon!

Full speed ahead!

Prepare for battle crew!

Set aside - our fighter!

Two pilots look at a map.

1st The infantry is here, and the tanks are here,

Fly to the target in 7 minutes.

2nd The battle order is clear,

The enemy will not leave us.

Scout(walks near the central wall, holding a machine gun)

So I climbed into the attic.

Perhaps the enemy is hiding here?

We are cleaning the house behind the house...


10. There were battles with the damned enemy,

Moving east,

Evenings at the dugouts

We whiled away the evening.

11. Those who are with a machine gun in the morning,

I was in battle with a machine gun,

In the evening to the sound of an accordion

They sing a quiet song.

f-ma "In the dugout"

12. Boy

Mom, dear, dear!

You are a fair wind to the ship

I would only like to be next to you.

I don't need anything more

Because I love you.

"Song about Mom"

Ved. Young girls rushed to the front - many were nurses, intelligence officers, even pilots. And artists and musicians helped the soldiers maintain their morale. These are the ditties they sang between battles:

13. (girl)

It doesn't suit a fighter to be upset,

Don't give me room to burn,

Even if there is a reason -

Never be discouraged

Sing some ditties!


14. My great-grandmother did not fight,

In the rear she brought Victory closer,

We had factories in the rear,

They made tanks and airplanes there for the front...

Shells were made and bullets were cast,

They made clothes, boots,

Bombs for planes, guns for soldiers,

And guns, and, of course, provisions.

Ved. Soldiers! Thank you

For childhood, for spring, for life.

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world we live in!

And even though many years have passed,

But we will never forget

Those hard-won victories.

We will forever remember our heroes!

We will honor the memory of the heroes who died for their homeland with a minute of silence.

Minute of silence .

15. Four long years

The people were waiting for victory.

Burning from fireworks

Evening sky.

16. And they go, they go, they go

Home all the way.

Soldiers are winners

Russian fighters.

Ved. We celebrate many holidays

We all dance, play and sing.

And we meet the beautiful autumn,

And we are waiting for a beautiful Christmas tree.

But there is one holiday - THE MOST IMPORTANT

And Spring brings it to us,

VICTORY DAY - solemn, glorious

The whole country celebrates it.

Fireworks thundered and songs were sung everywhere,

The square was filled with sunshine,

And fragile, all in white, like a bride,

The girls swam to the sounds of a waltz...

"Waltz with Flowers"

Ved. Our boys love to dream

They want to become military as soon as possible.

Drive ships, planes, cars

And build houses like big men.

The male shift is growing,

The garden is proud of them.

He will sing a song for you

Boy squad.

Song "Let's be soldiers"

Ved. The boys are trying their best -

They're charging!

Healthy and agile

They grow for our joy -

The pride of grandmothers and mothers!

Defenders, soldiers,

Admire them -

Brave guys.

17. We are brave sailors.

We came from swimming

And the sea hello is hot

We brought it to all the guests.

All: We are on leave today

And we want to dance.

Allow us, our guests

Dance “Apple” dance.

Dance "Apple"

Ved. Victory! Victory! Great word.

In it is the glory of the fatherland, and glory to the soldiers!

It makes anyone tremble

It lights hearts like fire.

Victory! Victory!

And volleys thunder over Moscow,

And the time has come for bright joy,

Long live the famous Russian warrior!

Let us shout to the great people:

All: HURRAY!!!

Song "Victory March"

18. We are for children in the world

We wouldn't play war.

So that in the morning at dawn

Listen to the silence of the world!

19. For flowers and twigs to grow.

May spring always bloom.

Needed by boys and girls

Only peace, not war.

20. So that there will always be mom and dad,

So that there is enough sun for everyone.

We are for a peaceful, kind sky.

All: We are for childhood without adult problems!

Ved. Final word.

Project description:
Patriotic project “We will remember the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers forever!”
The project is designed for three academic years.
This date is moving further and further away from us - May 9, 1945. Our children are not fully imbued with that time, those impressions and experiences. It is necessary to systematize children’s knowledge about the celebration of Victory Day, to fully tell about the suffering of young soldiers who later became heroes, to correctly convey the essence of what happened during the Second World War and to evoke in the little soul a feeling of pride, compassion, reverence, and patriotism. The first stage includes the selection of literature on the topic, booklets and postcards; design of the screen: “No one is forgotten - nothing is forgotten! ; a selection of proverbs and sayings about the courage, courage and perseverance of warriors; making folders: Poems, songs, stories about the war; a selection of family and military material (front-line letters, photographs of the war years or people who defended our Motherland, both on the “front lines” and in the “rear”, orders, medals, stories about great-grandfathers, relatives, etc.) for posting him in the mini-museum of the preschool educational institution. Children are “war correspondents” who collect information for the war museum. Main stage: conducting an integrated lesson on the theme “Great Victory Day”; manual labor (from paper) “Airplanes”; Application on the theme “Victory Banner”; reading stories and poems about the war; drawing on the theme “Holiday fireworks”. (Exhibition of children's drawings); conversation about the streets of Moscow, named after the heroes of the Second World War; conversation: “Siege of Leningrad”; writing stories on the topic: “Who would I like to serve in the Army”; listening to songs about war: “Holy War” lyrics. V. Lebedev-Kumacha, “Victory Day” by D. Tukhmanov, M. Blanter “Katyusha”, V. Alkin “Farewell of a Slav”; watching a video on military topics; sports festival: “We are defenders of the Fatherland! "; meeting with a WWII veteran. Final stage: 1. Release of a wall newspaper: “We are proud of our veterans!”.2. Decoration of a mini-museum for Victory Day. 3. Participation in the drawing competition “Children of Russia - for Peace” 4. Concert for younger preschoolers, theatrical production “We are warriors too.” S. Mikhalkova.5. Performance at the city festival of children's theater groups We play "Hopscotch" with the literary and musical composition "Peace is always needed."
Theatrical production “Peace is always needed”
(children stand in front of the curtain on both sides of the stage; the screensaver on the screen is “70 years since the Victory Day”)
1 Today will be a day of remembrance
And my heart is tight from lofty words.
Today will be a day of reminders
About the feat and valor of the fathers.
2 About the wonderful Victory Day
Let's tell our story.
How our grandfathers fought
For the whole world and for all of us!
(screen saver " summer landscape"Children in summer clothes come onto the stage: a mother and child are reading a book, a boy is sitting on a cube fishing in the center, children with a counselor are playing with a globe ball, special effects, the ball flies away)
3 The brightest, summerest day of the year,
The longest day on Earth is the twenty-second.
The children were sleeping, apples were ripening in the garden.
We remember
Let's remember this again.
4 It was the usual hot summer
Grandma told me about this.
Everyone was relaxing: some with their mother at the dacha,
Who sunbathed and fished on the river.
The children played in the children's camp,
We have not seen grief and troubles for the time being...
5 Suddenly there was a roar (phonogram of an explosion, the ball flies away, the children run away in different directions)
and everything went dark
It was like a huge bird took off.
Shells are exploding, fire is blazing.
A fiery enemy is attacking the country.
The native land groaned in pain.
We learned a terrible word - war!
phonogram of the song "Holy War" children take places for the skit)
Screensaver "Motherland"
Get up, people!
Hearing the cry of the Earth,
The Dins have gone to the front
Soldiers bravely went into battle
For every city and for you and me!
They wanted to take revenge quickly
For the elderly, for the women, for the children!
(children reciters go behind the curtain, girls come out to dance “Blue Handkerchief”)
Screensaver "Soldiers go to the front"
1 girl.
Oh, war, what have you done, you vile one?
Our yards have become quiet.
Our boys raised their heads.
They have grown up for the time being
2 girl.
They barely loomed on the threshold
And the soldiers went after the soldier
Goodbye. Boys!
Boys, try to go back.
(dance performed)
(participants in the scene come out) Screensaver………
1To defend the Fatherland, the people bravely went into battle,
People did not spare their lives for their dear Fatherland!
2It was not only the soldiers at the front who fought.
Anyone who can hold a rifle.
Senior schoolchildren, uncles and aunts
They themselves went to fight for the country.
Dramatization of the poem “We are warriors too” by S. Mikhalkov.
Signalman (sitting on a chair, headphones on his head, microphone or telephone in his hands)
Hello! "Jupiter"? I am “Diamond”!
I can hardly hear you at all
We occupied the village with a fight.
And how are you? Hello! Hello!
2 Nurses (bandaging a wounded man sitting on a chair):
1 The guns are roaring, (sitting on a chair)
bullets whistle.
2 A soldier was wounded by a shell fragment. (carries a soldier on himself)
1"Come on, I'll support you (gets up from the chair and helps bring the wounded fighter to a sitting position.)
I will bandage your wound!" -
2 Why are you roaring like a bear?
It’s a trifle to be patient,
And your wound is so light,
Which will heal for sure!
Sailor (looks through binoculars):
There's a plane on the horizon!
Full speed ahead!
Prepare for battle crew!
Set aside - our fighter!
(Mayer and the pilot look at the map)
The infantry is here and the tanks are here
Seven minutes to fly to the target!
The combat order is clear
The enemy will not leave us!
Scout: (walks with a machine gun near the central wall)
So I climbed into the attic,
Perhaps the enemy is hiding here?
We are cleaning the house behind the house...
We will find the enemy everywhere!
(a wounded soldier who was being bandaged approaches Mayer)
Fighter. Allow me to report...
Platoon on the right bank
Alive and healthy against the enemy!
The lieutenant is just asking
Throw some light there.
And after the fire
Let's get up and stretch our legs.
Major: For the Motherland! Attack, forward! (takes the banner)
(Participants in the performance run across the stage and run behind the curtain)
(the lights on the stage go out, the participants of the “At a Rest” scene come out in the background) Screensaver “Forest Dugout”

1Behind are tens of kilometers,
Traveled along the route today,
The guys are all visibly exhausted,
Their legs look like lead.
2Shells explode in the distance,
Drowning out the songs of bird trills,
All the soldiers are glad for the respite,
They sat down on the green grass.
(soldiers sit around the fire reading poetry; at the end, a boy with an accordion begins to sing)
Here at war, we are happy with every line
And every news from our dear lands.
Received letters crumpled leaves
We especially cherish them on the days of fighting.

They keep the warmth of their home,
Accompanying the fighter in his destiny.
Oh, the feeling of envy! How familiar it is to us,
When the letter doesn't come to you.

In the morning there is another attack,
But she will remember him.
The melody of the song flows
In the forest near the front.
The song “In the Dugout” is performed
(children line up for the final scene with flowers in their hands) Screensaver “Victory Day, joy, fireworks.)
Phonogram Song “Victory Day”
Forever inscribed in the chronicle of victories
Great feat of our people,
The memory of those distant years is priceless,
And now it has been carefully polished over the years.
Today is a holiday - Victory Day!
Happy bright spring day.
All the streets are dressed in flowers,
And sonorous songs are heard.
1st child.
Victory! Victory! Victory!
The news spreads across the country,
The end of trials and tribulations
The end of a long war.
Mayer: For the sake of happiness and life in the world, For the sake of the soldiers who fell then, Let there be no war on the planet
Children (in chorus). Never! Never! Never! (moves to the side and a small girl comes out)
Screensaver: Summer landscape
I want the birds to sing
So that the streams ring in the spring,
To have blue skies
So that the river turns silver,
For the butterfly to frolic
And there was dew on the berries.
I want the sun to warm
And the birch tree turned green,
And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog.
For the squirrel to jump,
So that the rainbow sparkles,
So that cheerful, warm rain pours in the summer.
I want everyone to laugh
So that dreams always come true,
so that children have joyful dreams.
May it be a good morning,
So that mom doesn't be sad
So that there is no war in the world!
(the leader of the group comes out and takes the baby by the hand; all the other children come up to them and sing the song “Song about that War”)
"5. Participation in the “Immortal Regiment” parade - laying flowers at the monument: “Unknown Soldier”

Ekaterina Schwab

The song “Victory Day” is played.

Same entrance for preparatory and senior group built in 2 columns, children preparatory group They lead the veterans along the Walk of Fame, escort them to their chairs, and then the children go to their places.

Hello warriors, hello spectators,

Grandfathers, grandmothers, guests, parents!

And a special bow to veterans!

It is dedicated to the glorious holiday!

Today we celebrate Victory Day, which brought happiness and peace to the earth. Guests of honor came to us. Let's welcome them.

Everyone applauds the veterans

This day is special, desired,

The sun is shining brightly above.

Victory Day is a long-awaited holiday,

Celebrated in our country.

But it is especially dear to veterans

Tears of joy and pain in their eyes,

There is no way to heal mental wounds,

And the flowers in their hands tremble.

song "Heirs of Victory"

After the song, the children give flowers to the veterans.

Leading. Our country Russia is big and beautiful. For every person, it begins with the parental home. In whatever corner of it, wherever you were born, you can proudly say: “This is my Motherland! My Russia!

1. Russia is like a word from a song.

Birch young foliage.

There are forests, fields and rivers all around,

Expanse, Russian soul.

2. I love you, my Russia,

For the clear light of your eyes,

Dance “I look into the blue lakes”

Everything breathed such silence,

It seemed that the whole Earth was still sleeping

Who knew that between peace and war,

Only about five minutes left.

Enemy planes violated the border of our Motherland and began dropping bombs on villages and cities. The radio notified the entire nation about the outbreak of war. Everyone rose to defend the Fatherland.

The video clip “Holy War” with the presenter reading a poem in the background.

Get up people! Hearing the cry of the earth.

The soldiers of the Motherland have gone to the front.

Bravely and bravely they rushed into battle,

Fight for the Motherland, for you and me!

They wanted to take revenge on the enemy quickly

For the elderly, women, children!

Ved. - Everyone mobilized their forces on the path to victory. The soldiers went into mortal combat and fought without sparing their lives.

The war scattered young guys - some to become radio operators, some to become anti-aircraft gunners,

who should be scouts (boys wear caps)

1st girl:

Oh, war, what vile thing have you done?

Our yards have become quiet,

Our boys raised their heads

They have matured for the time being.

2nd girl:

They barely loomed on the threshold

And the soldiers went after the soldier.

Goodbye dear boys,

Try to go back.

3rd girl:

All the guys in our class almost immediately went to the front. I, like many of our girls, became a nurse in a field hospital.

(boys and nurse come out)

Dramatization of S. Mikhalkov’s poem “We are warriors too.”

Children of the older group.

Hello, Jupiter? I am Diamond

I can hardly hear you at all

We occupied the village with a fight.

And how are you? Hello! Hello!

Nurse (bandaging a wounded man):

Why are you roaring like a bear?

It’s nothing, all that’s left is to rub it,

And your wound is so light,

That it will heal for sure.

Sailor (looks at the sky through binoculars):

There's a plane on the horizon

Full speed ahead!

Prepare for battle crew!

Leave us alone, our fighter.

Pilots: (Looking at the map)

1. The infantry is here, and the tanks are here.

The flight to the target is seven minutes.

2. The combat order is clear

The enemy will not leave us!

Scout: (walks near the central wall with a machine gun)

So I climbed into the attic

Perhaps the enemy is hiding here?

Cleaning the house behind the house

All together: We will find the enemy everywhere!

Presenter: In rare hours of rest, the soldiers wrote letters to their family and friends back home.

And at home they waited, waited for any news from their sons, fathers, husbands. And these were military triangles. They flew home sometimes for a very long time, but everyone was waiting for them, waiting

Music is playing

2 boys come out, holding a letter in their hands:

1. Boy:

"My dear brothers and sisters,

Tomorrow I'm going into battle again

For your Fatherland, for Russia,

That I got into a lot of trouble.

I will gather my courage, strength,

I will beat the Germans without mercy,

So that nothing threatens you,

So that you can study and live."

2nd boy:

"Wait for me and I will come back,

Just wait a lot

Wait when they make you sad

Yellow rains.

Wait for the snow to blow

Wait for it to be hot

Wait when others are not waiting,

Forgetting yesterday"

(K. Simonov)

Presenter. There were also moments of rest at the front. You could sit by the fire and sing your favorite song. The accordion player took the accordion, and in the light of the fire a sincere song about home, about loved ones and relatives sounded.

Dance "Blue Handkerchief"

Presenter. But respites are short-lived. Time and time again, soldiers went into battle to defend their homeland and their home. Intelligence was a difficult and dangerous business in war. How many tanks and planes are there in the enemy division, where are they heading? The scout must carefully and unnoticed make his way through the forest, swamp, minefield... He needs, at all costs, to obtain an envelope with important information and urgently deliver it to headquarters

Game – attraction “Dangerous Intelligence”

Obstacle course - a report to a veteran.

Presenter: And our valiant sailors fought at sea. The Nazis sought to seize our seaports. After all, during the war, ships of our allies – the Americans and the British – passed through them, carrying food and weapons. Hitler's submarines, warships and planes tried to sink transport ships, but the sailors repelled the attacks! So let’s dedicate our sailor’s dance to our valiant sailors!

1. Under the Russian banner,

Under the banner of the fathers

They're coming, the squads are coming

Brave sailors.

2. The country is proud of them:

They are brave. Stay strong!

We will grow up like this

Like our sailors!

Dance “White cap” preparatory group

The Nazis really wanted to end the war with a quick victory. German troops bombed our cities and landed from planes, shot at them with tanks and cannons. The Nazis sent more and more soldiers and military equipment into battle. But the Soviet soldiers had courage, perseverance, and courage.

Song “At the village of Kryukovo”

Sounds like "Moonlight Sonata"

The path to Victory was difficult, the battle to the death was cruel,

But the Nazis miscalculated, the people were not broken by the war!

Let's remember everyone by name, let's remember our heroes

It's not the dead who need this - the living need it!

Let us remember the proudly fallen soldiers in this struggle,

Our sacred duty is to never forget about the war!

Ved: During the war, 25 million people died, 25 million soldiers did not return home

Through the centuries, through the years,

About those who will never come again!

A minute of silence is declared in honor of those who died during the Great Patriotic War.

Minute of silence -

the metronome sounds - everyone stands up

Presenter: And then the day came when the end of the war was announced on the radio. The country rejoiced! They sang and danced in the streets, strangers hugged each other, many cried with joy.

Children: st gr

1. Everything is different today

Not the same as always

Everyone goes outside

Everyone sings and shouts “Hurray!”

2. Everywhere is noisy and interesting

Everywhere is fun and crowded

The drums are beating loudly

They are dancing and singing everywhere!

Children get up to dance (senior group)

Everyone in Russia knows this song,

And it is often performed on holidays.

Her soldiers in the trenches sang,

And the gun was named after her.

Dance "Katyusha" senior group

Girl preg. gr:

1. And again a holiday - Victory Day,

But this morning grandfather is sad.

I hear: Grandfather sighs -

Remembers the friends of the victims.

What are you thinking about, my grandfather?

I don't wait long for his answer.

My grandfather, a fearless commander.

He says to me: “Let there be peace!”

2. The sun is shining, it smells like bread,

The forest is noisy, the river, the grass.

It's good under peaceful skies

Hear kind words!

3. Good in winter and summer,

On an autumn and spring day

Enjoy the bright light

Resonant peaceful silence.

Peace is the most important word in the world!

Our planet really needs peace!

Adults need peace!

Children need peace!

All together: Everyone needs peace!

Dance “Give a Smile to the World” preg.

Presenter: Dear friends, dear guests, our dear grandparents, our holiday has come to an end! Happy Victory Day! Once again we congratulate everyone on the Victory Day! Peace and goodness to you, and may there be no more war!

Presentation “I want there to be no more war”

Children walk around the circle in pairs, then line up in a column in the middle, each pair bows and leaves.

The main material was taken from the magazine "Musical Palette", revised for the children of their kindergarten for 2013, photos from the Victory Day matinee for 2011

Scenario of the holiday for the 70th anniversary of Victory Day “Let us bow to those great years” for older children preschool age

Author: Olga Ivanovna Marchenko, music director of MBODU No. 13 of the Shcherbinovsky district, Shabelskoye village

Target. Introducing children to the historical past of our country.
1. To develop children’s knowledge about the Great Patriotic War.
2. Develop interest in the history of your homeland and a sense of patriotism.
3. Cultivate pride in children during the war years, love for the Motherland, their people.
Description of material: Dear colleagues, I propose the development of a holiday for children of senior preschool age, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. The holiday scenario will be of interest to music directors, educators, and preschool teachers for holding festive events.

The progress of the holiday

The children enter the hall to the music.
They stand in a semicircle.
Children take turns:
- Let there never be war! Let the cities sleep peacefully,
- Don’t let the siren’s piercing howl sound over my head.
- Let no one burst a shell, let no one shoot a machine gun.
- Let our forests be filled only with the voices of birds and children.
- Let the years pass peacefully.
Together: Let there never be war!!!

Presenter 1: Hello, dear guests! The long-awaited holiday has arrived. Today is a joyful day for people all over the world. 70 years ago, the bloodiest war in human history ended - World War II - the Great Patriotic War! We remember with gratitude our warrior-defenders who defended the world in a fierce battle. We owe it to all our defenders, today's veterans, and those who are not with us, that we now live under a peaceful sky. Eternal glory to them!

1 child: We are celebrating today glorious holiday the whole country.
People should definitely remember this date.
2nd child: All the streets are dressed in flowers, and sonorous songs can be heard:
Today is a holiday - Victory Day, a happy, bright day of spring!
3rd child: People took a deep breath: - End of the war! End of the war!
And multi-colored fireworks sparkled for a long time in the heights!
4th child: Victory! Victory! Victory! The news is spreading across the country.
The end of trials and tribulations, the end of the long war.

Presenter 2. In the distant past, children and adults dreamed of a bright and peaceful future.
June...the sunset was approaching evening
And the sea overflowed into the white night.
And the children's ringing laughter was heard
Those who do not know, those who do not know grief.
Dance "Colorful Game"

Presenter 2. But their dreams were not destined to come true: an event occurred that brought misfortune and grief to all the peoples inhabiting our big country.
On June 22, 1941, enemy planes violated the border of our Motherland and began dropping bombs on villages and cities.
The words that people heard on the radio that distant summer morning will not
never forgotten. They hit everyone with sharp pain right in the heart:
Audio recording of Levitan's voice about the beginning of the war.
Audio recording “Holy War”

Presenter 1: Wars and officers of various branches of the military took part in battles and battles for our Motherland. What types of troops do you know in the army? (sailors, pilots, etc.)

Children go out and take attributes for the scene of S. Mikhalkov’s poem “We are warriors too”
Signalman(the child is sitting on a chair, headphones on his head, a microphone or phone in his hands).
Hello, Jupiter? I am Diamond
I can hardly hear you at all
We occupied the village with a fight.
And how are you? Hello! Hello!
Nurse(bandages a wounded man sitting on a chair, he groans).
Why are you roaring like a bear?
It's just a matter of patience.
And your wound is so light,
That it will heal for sure.
Sailor(looks at the sky through binoculars).
There's an airplane on the horizon.
On course - full speed ahead!
Get ready for battle, crew!
Set aside - our fighter.
Pilots(two pilots look at the map on the tablet).
1 pilot.
The infantry is here, and the tanks are here,
The flight to the target is seven minutes.
2 pilot.
The combat order is clear.
The enemy will not leave us.
Machine gunner (walks along the central wall, holding a machine gun).
So I climbed into the attic.
Perhaps the enemy is hiding here?
We clean the house behind the house.
Together. We will find the enemy everywhere.

Presenter 2. Competition "Guess military equipment».

A fable bird is flying,
And the people are sitting inside,
He talks to each other. (Airplane)

On Mount Hill
Black old ladies are sitting
If they gasp-
People are going deaf. (Guns)

Soars up without acceleration,
Reminds me of a dragonfly
Takes flight
Our Russian... (Helicopter)

The turtle crawls
Steel shirt.
The enemy is in the ravine,
And she is where the enemy is. (Tank)

Iron whale underwater
The whale does not sleep day or night.
That whale has no time for dreams,
He is also on duty at night. (Submarine)

Presenter 1. Once upon a time Russian soldiers
Stopped to rest
Putting the machine guns on the ground,
To shake off some dust.
I know their living heroes
Great Russian military,
Before the merry battle,
With harmony, dancing, young people.

Dance "Sun"

Presenter 2. The wind will carry away my song,
To help you in battle.
Remember: the girl believes and waits
And to your love and to your victory!

The love of women saved the soldiers in this difficult, terrible time. Like a piece of their home, the men kept photographs of their wives and mothers and their letters in their overcoats. How much love, how much hope there was in these letters! They were so necessary for the soldier. It is no coincidence that the girl Katyusha from the song, which everyone now knows - both adults and children - became a symbol of fidelity and hope.

Song "Katyusha"

Presenter 1: Difficult, hungry and cold war years are called dashing, evil years of war. It was hard for all our people, but it was especially hard for young children.

Presenter 2: Many children were left orphans, their fathers died in the war, others lost their parents during bombings, others lost not only their relatives, but also their home. Children - weak, helpless, found themselves face to face with a cruel, merciless, evil force fascism.

Dramatization “Oh, Mishka, how scared I am!”

Presenter: She consoled the tattered bear
Girl in a mutilated hut:
Girl:“Don’t cry, don’t cry... I was malnourished myself,
I left you half a cracker...
Presenter:... The shells flew and exploded,
Black earth mixed with blood...
Girl: There was a family, there was a home... Now they remain
All alone in the world - you and I..."
Presenter:... And behind the village the grove was smoking,
Struck by monstrous fire,
And Death flew around like an angry bird,
An unexpected misfortune came to the house...
Girl:“Do you hear, Mish, I’m strong, I don’t cry,
And they will give me a machine gun at the front.
I will take revenge for hiding my tears,
Because our pines are burning..."
Presenter: But in the silence the bullets whistled loudly,
An ominous reflection flashed in the window...
And the girl ran out of the house:
Girl:“Oh, Mishka, Mishka, how scared I am!..”
Presenter:... Silence. Not a voice is heard.
The country is celebrating victory today,
And how many of them, girls and boys,
Orphaned by a vile war?!

Children go out and read poetry

1. To the children who survived that war,
You need to bow to the ground!
In the field, in occupation, in captivity,
They held out, they survived, they made it!

2. Children who have grown up without childhood,
Children deprived of war
You didn’t eat enough at that time,
But they are honest before their country.

3. You were freezing in unheated apartments,
In the ghetto they also died in ovens.
It was uncomfortable, scary, damp,
But they carried it on weak shoulders
I carry an excessive, holy burden,
May the hour of peace come sooner.

4. Pure before the Motherland and God!
On this day, both sad and bright,
We must bow from the heart
We are living and unlived children
That great and righteous war!
Peace to you, health, longevity,
Kindness, warmth!
And even if nowhere in the whole world
Childhood will not be taken away by war again!

Song "Tell Me Grandpa"
Child. For the native country people
They gave their lives.
We will never forget
Those who fell in valiant battle.

Child. The fire is burning at the obelisk,
Birches are sad in silence.
And we bowed low, low -
An unknown soldier is sleeping here.

Presenter 1. The memory of generations is unquenchable.
And the memory of those whom we honor so sacredly
Come on people stand up for a moment
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

A minute of silence to the music “Cranes” (lyrics by R. Gamzatov, music by Y. Frenkel)

Presenter 1: A minute of silence is announced
Presenter 2. The Great War lasted for four and a half years. Patriotic War. People had to go through difficult trials. But our soldiers fought bravely in battle. The enemy was broken! The soldiers liberated not only our Fatherland, but also many European countries from fascist invaders. They reached Berlin and hoisted a red flag on the Reichstag. The spring of 1945 has arrived - the spring of the long-awaited Victory.

Child: The sun is shining on Victory Day
And it will always shine for us.
Our grandfathers were in fierce battles
They managed to defeat the enemy.

Song "Victory Day"

Presenter 1: On May 9, festive fireworks will go off in the hero cities and in many other cities of our country. Now we will play and also arrange fireworks in our hall.
Game "Salute"
All children present are given flags of three colors. Any polka music is playing, children are dancing impromptu, moving scattered throughout the hall. Three presenters hold flags of one of three colors in their hands and stop at different ends of the hall. The music stops.
The presenter says:“Light the fireworks, get ready quickly!”
Children run up to the leader who has a flag of the same color.
