Works about summer for preschoolers. Essay about summer

Stories about summer nature, stories about insects, stories about flowers in summer .

In a living room

The newborn beetle spent too much time crawling, flying and fussing around as it celebrated its first day of life. By evening he was so tired that he could not move his legs or antennae.

He was lying in the middle yellow flower. The flower was not a cup, but a cake and all of narrow petals, soft, soft! He smelled like honey. And he was still warm: the sun heated him so much.

And it was already falling over the hill. And the sky, which was blue, as if forget-me-nots were blooming on it, only forget-me-nots, became red, as if poppies were blooming there.

The newborn beetle looked at this huge fiery sky, and he suddenly became scared. Here he is so small, small, but he lies in plain sight. I wish I could hide in a dark crevice somewhere! But he was so tired that he could not move either his paws or his antennae.

The first star lit up in the sky. The newborn beetle perked up. He wanted to fly. Fly straight there and circle around this sparkling star. But she was so far away!

Suddenly he felt that the flower was moving under him. The beetle grabbed onto it with its paws tighter.

“Maybe he, the flower, wanted to fly?” - thought the beetle. Then he saw that around, on all sides, growing yellow walls. And they get higher and higher.

And the sky is getting narrower and narrower. Only the star still sparkles. And now she has become smaller. It flashed and went out. And it became dark, very dark and cramped.

“How did the flower suddenly become a crack?” - thought the newborn beetle, falling asleep.

On the second morning of its life, the beetle woke up at the bottom of a dark bag. I tried to climb up the soft wall. But he failed. The paws slid and fell between the smooth narrow leaves. And he fell to the bottom of the bag again. And again I tried to climb up. And he fell again.

Soon he was completely exhausted. He sat sadly at the bottom of a closed flower. And I thought that I would never see the sun again.

Suddenly he felt the flower move. And immediately a light broke through above. Broke through a crack that wasn't there before. And now it was getting wider and wider. And the yellow walls suddenly quietly lowered. Now the flower has become a cake again!

And then the beetle saw the sun! It rose behind the forest. And when his beam fell on the beetle, the beetle immediately became stronger and cheerful.

- I'm flying! - he shouted to the sun. He spread his wings on the edge of the flower. And he flew off, not knowing where.

N. Pavlova

Let there be a Nightingale and a Beetle

The Nightingale sang in the garden. His song was beautiful. He knew that people loved his song and therefore looked with pride at blooming garden, to the bright blue sky, to the little Girl who was sitting in the garden and listening to his song.

And next to the Nightingale flew a large horned Beetle. He flew and buzzed. The Nightingale interrupted his song and said with annoyance to the Beetle:

- Stop your buzzing. You don't let me sing. No one needs your buzzing, and in general, it would be better if you, Bug, did not exist at all.

The beetle answered with dignity:

- No, Nightingale, without me, Bug, the world is also impossible, just as without you, Nightingale.

- That's wisdom! - Nightingale laughed. - So people need you too? Let's ask the Girl, she will tell you who people need and who they don't need.

The Nightingale and the Beetle flew to the Girl and asked:

- Tell me, Girl, who should be left in the world - the Nightingale or the Beetle?

“Let there be a Nightingale and a Beetle,” answered the Girl. — And after thinking, she added: “How can you do without the Beetle?”

V. Sukhomlinsky

Butterfly and mosquito

One day a butterfly flew onto the roof of a barnyard and sat on a perch there. Then a mosquito saw her and hid right there, in the crack of the fence. I saw it and got angry.

A mosquito flew up to the butterfly, sat down next to it and said:

- Why did you come here? This yard is my domain!

But the butterfly was not confused:

- Well, I didn’t fly into the yard, we’re on the roof.

- No food! Otherwise I'll break your neck! - the mosquito screamed. And the butterfly laughed in response:

- If only you have enough strength...

- I'll show you! I will pierce your skin with my sting and suck out all the blood.

- I don’t believe you! - the butterfly said deliberately to anger the mosquito.

- Well, prove it...

And the mosquito flew to the calf, which was standing nearby on a leash. He sat on his ear and launched a sting.

And then the calf began to itch with its hind leg and crushed the mosquito, which did not have time to free its sting from the thick fur.

Kazakh fairy tale

Ant measure

Many centuries ago, a sage lived in this world. He knew the language of birds, animals and all other creatures.

One day that sage set off on the road. Halfway there he stopped to give his horse a rest. A man sits and sees that an ant is dragging a grain. He took the ant and placed it in his palm.

“Tell me, ant, where are you taking this grain?” he asks.

“Into the anthill,” the ant answered him.

- Why do you need it?

“I’ll leave it in reserve,” says the ant.

- And have you stored a lot of grain? - the sage became interested.

The ant told the man that he had been working all summer, preparing for winter, and therefore faced it without fear.

The sage looked at the ant from all sides and was surprised:

- Why is your head so big?

- I talk a little and think a lot.

- Why are your waist so thin?

- I don't overeat.

— How many grains do you eat in a year?

- One grain

- And you are content with this?

“If I ate more, what would the other ants eat?” There must be moderation in everything.

The sage liked the ant's intelligence and insight, and he decided to test it. He put one grain in a box and put an ant in it. The box was placed in a dry, protected place.

- I'll be back in a year. Food for the year is provided for you, lie down and don’t worry about anything,” he told the ant.

The sage wanted to make sure that the ant would be able to manage the food supply left for him.

Exactly a year later he returned to the ant. I found some boxes left in a secluded place. I opened it to see if the ant was alive. The ant turned out to be safe and sound. Next to him lay half a grain. The sage was amazed.

“Hey, ant,” he turned to his captive. “You said that you eat one grain per year.” Why did you leave half the grain? Why are you saving it?

The ant replied:

“You’re right, I said that I eat one grain a year.” But you left me locked in a box. I couldn't get out. If you had forgotten about your promise to return in a year and free me, then I would have remained in my prison for a long time. If I ate the whole grain, I would doom myself to starvation. I thought about this and curbed my appetite.

The sage was amazed at the ant’s patience and moderation, his ability to be content with little. He regretted that he had committed violence - that he had caused suffering to an intelligent and worthy creature.

“I did wrong, forgive me,” he said to the ant and let him go.

Since then, the sage taught people moderation and patience.

Kazakh fairy tale


One ant, leaving his anthill, began to make friends with bees, beetles and other living creatures, of which there were a great variety in the area.

One day, while going out to look for food, an ant found a grain on the road. He groaned and puffed, but he couldn’t move the grain. The ant rushed to ask for help from his winged friends. The first bee he came across was flying from flower to flower, collecting nectar.

“Bee, bee, I found a grain, but I can’t lift it alone, please help me,” the ant asks her.

“Don’t you see that I don’t sit idle either!” - said the bee and flew away.

The ant had no choice but to move on. He came across a beetle.

- A beetle, a beetle! - he began and, telling about his find, began to ask for help.

“Do I really have to quit my job for you?” - the beetle got angry and, buzzing, flew away.

Having lost hope in his friends, the saddened ant wandered back and soon came across his anthill. Seeing how sad he was, the ants asked him:

-What are you sad about?

The lonely ant answered them:

“It turns out that I myself am to blame for my orphanhood!”

The ants calmed him down, picked him up and carried the grain. Here our ant joined them.

“It’s not for nothing that they say: “An old friend is better than two new ones,” said one wise ant then.

Kazakh fairy tale

Where is her home?

A butterfly sat on a flower, and the flower bent down. The butterfly swayed along with the flower to the left, then to the right. A butterfly swings on a flower, like on a swing. She either lowers her long, thin, curved proboscis inside the flower or takes it out.

Ten stamens lined up in a circle. Pollen from the stamens showers the butterfly on all sides, and this causes the butterfly's head, abdomen, and legs to turn yellow.

There are different flowers. The butterfly loves flowers with petals open in all directions so that it can sit on the flower and see what is happening around it. And there are some flowers that have porches and a roof. You sit on the porch, you have to stick your head under the roof, but your wings remain outside. It’s good for the bee: it’s small - everything fits under the roof. You can't see it from the outside, you can only hear the flower buzzing.

Sometimes tiny, squirmy thrips crawl between the petals in the flowers. There are so many of them that wherever a butterfly lowers its proboscis, it bumps into them everywhere. And you can’t get away from these thrips, because in the flower they are the rightful owners - this is their home. Where is the butterfly's home?

Hot. Midges swarm in the sunbeam. A whole cloud of midges. The butterfly does not go around them. She flies straight towards the cloud. Cuts right through it. And now behind the butterfly there is a whole train of midges. The midges fly after the butterfly, trying to catch up with it, but in vain. Butterflies fly faster than midges.

Having flown across a wide road, the butterfly finds itself above a narrow path leading into the bushes. There's shade here. It's not so hot here. A butterfly flies over the path between the bushes. The bushes above the path are closing closer and closer. And lower and lower the butterfly has to fly. Now the branches above have already completely closed and covered the sky. And suddenly the butterfly, with all its might, stumbles upon some thin sticky barrier. Her wings beat spasmodically against the web. The web becomes shiny, sparkling with scales that fall from the butterfly’s wings. And the wings become completely transparent, like glass.

Above the butterfly in the right corner, a huge cross spider. He is waiting. Waiting for the butterfly to become completely confused. But the butterfly suddenly frees its wings from the web and hangs on its two hind legs. One more jerk and she flies into the air. Her hind legs remain on the web.

Glade. There are many yellow flowers in the clearing. Butterflies fly over the flowers. There are a lot of them too. They sit on one flower, then on another. Having sat on a flower, butterflies untwist their proboscis, which is curled into a spiral when flying. Unwind and lower into the flower. Butterflies drink nectar and transfer pollen from flower to flower. There are many flowers in the meadow. They have all opened their petals, they have all stretched out their stamens, they are all waiting for butterflies.

Spruce, pine, birch. No, that's not what it's all about. And here is the field. And there is cabbage in the field. Large, tight, cracked with juice. A person would pick such a head of cabbage and take it to the children. But the butterfly doesn’t like this head of cabbage for her children. It is not sweet enough, not juicy enough for butterfly children. A butterfly flies from one head of cabbage to another and tastes the cabbage with its front paws. The butterfly's front legs sense taste. And they don’t just feel, but feel in the most subtle way. The taste of a butterfly is developed two hundred, three hundred times stronger than that of a human. The butterfly will fly over the field for a long time, and it will take a long time to choose the sweetest, most delicious cabbage. And when it chooses, it will sit on the lower green leaf and lay yellow, large, ribbed eggs.

The wind rustled through the trees. The leaves are green, and the rustling is soft, barely audible. But there are two dry leaves on the branch. Like dry paper. But they are so small and also torn. So you won’t make the same noise here. Yes, these are not leaves. These are the dried wings of a dead butterfly.

The butterfly died right on the branch, clinging to it with its paws. So she sits there tight. Dead. A strong wind blew the branch and tore off the butterfly. There's a butterfly in the air again! She's flying again! Only now there are winged seeds in the air next to her. These seeds have wings as lifeless as those of a dead butterfly.

The butterfly did not have a home. Every hollow tree, every convenient twig, every silken blade of grass, every fragrant flower was home for her. And why does this butterfly need a home if it only lives for sixteen days? And if in sixteen days you need to know the world.

According to N. Romanova

How Heaven was going to visit Earth

Heaven never came to visit Earth, but it wanted it so bad. From above it looked at the seas, rivers, fields, meadows, forests, people: he liked all this very much. The sky noticed that people looked at it quite often, but did not know whether they liked it.

The Sky began to preen itself in order to please the Earth and its inhabitants. She sewed herself a blue dress, decorated it with lace from the Clouds, put on a solar hoop instead of a crown, and girded herself with a seven-colored Rainbow instead of a belt.

- Oh, what a beautiful sky today! - people admired, - they would have looked at it without looking up. I wish I could turn into birds and fly in such a sky!

Heaven was happy and began to try even harder. She sewed herself a black one velvet dress, scattered silver Stars across her skirt, pinned the yellow-eyed Moon on her chest, and placed a clear Moon on her head. Admire the sky quiet rivers, night birds, fireflies turned on their lights to get a better look at it. The night sky was regal, solemn. The stars in the darkness twinkled and beckoned, the yellow Moon winked with one eye, illuminating the lunar path on the river, and the Moon, the son of the Moon, danced with pride for the Sky.

Morning has come, and Heaven has a new dress again! The sunrise illuminated the snow-white clouds with pink. The sun rose higher and higher, and the sky became more and more beautiful. All the plants, animals and people who woke up along with the Sun rejoiced.

- Take us to you, Heaven! - they asked, - we loved you! Always remain as beautiful!

Birds and insects flocked skyward to admire the sky above. People rose to the Sky on airplanes, helicopters, hang gliders and balloons. They so wanted to touch the sky with their hands, to touch his pink dress!

But then black clouds began to gather. They stained all of Heaven's beautiful dress with mud. It was very upset.

- Everyone will turn their backs on me now! - thought Heaven, - we need to do something urgently.

The sky took out a huge electric lightning needle and threw it at the cloud to disperse it. The cloud, frightened, screamed so loudly that Thunder heard it and answered it, roaring menacingly. Out of fright, the Cloud began to cry, she melted before our eyes, and very soon the dirty dress of the Sky again became clean, but already blue.

The sky has made all the inhabitants of the Earth fall in love with it. Finally, it came to visit the Earth, but this was only possible on the horizon.

E. Alyabyeva

Medicinal plants of July

In ancient songs about hard times, wormwood is often mentioned. This is understandable, because you cannot find a herb that is more bitter than it. No wonder there is a saying: “It’s bitter like wormwood.”

Wormwood is one of the oldest medicinal plants. IN folk medicine it is used very widely. Wormwood tincture is a good remedy for improving digestion and expelling worms from the human body.

Common yarrow is often found in meadows and forest edges. Look at its leaf, and you will immediately understand where the name of the plant came from. Each leaf is meticulously cut into small slices, and each slice also has openwork edges.

Yarrow is one of the oldest medicinal plants. Man has long noticed this herb, which has proven useful in treating wounds, bleeding, gastrointestinal diseases, and increasing appetite.

Yarrow may be of interest to vegetable growers and gardeners: a decoction and infusion from it is used against sucking pests instead of some pesticides.

Yarrow rids cultivated plants of various pests (aphids, copperheads, thrips, and spider mites).

Yarrow is collected in July, at the time of flowering, and dried. herbaceous plant, only without roots. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from dried plants.

Go out onto the sunny lawn in the summer and you will probably come across cheerful, golden flowers of St. John's wort. Folk wisdom speaks about this healing plant: “Just as you can’t bake bread without flour, you can’t cure a person without St. John’s wort.” It is also called St. John's wort as a herb for ninety-nine diseases.

Scientists from St. John's wort have obtained a wonderful drug (imanin), with which they treat wounds, ulcers, burns, the drug also helps plants, saving them from pests (tobacco mosaic, which affects tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, tobacco).

Infusion, tincture and extract of St. John's wort have astringent and antimicrobial properties. Pharmacy tincture of St. John's wort is an excellent remedy for strengthening gums and eliminating bad breath.

The stems, leaves and flowers of St. John's wort are also used to obtain plant dyes for dyeing fabrics.

All parts of the plant contain tannins, which are used to tan leather, giving it density and elasticity.

B. Alexandrov

How Sasha was burned by nettles

The guys went out for a walk. They ran around the yard. And it’s warm and sunny in the yard! Sasha saw green grass near the fence and called everyone:

- Look how much grass has grown!

And Vera Ivanovna says:

“Don’t touch it, it’s nettle: you’ll get burned.”

Sasha didn’t listen: isn’t grass a stove? Does it burn?

He grabbed the nettle and screamed:

Oh, it hurts!

Sasha’s hand turned red and white blisters appeared on it. Vera Ivanovna had to console him. It's good that nettle blisters go away quickly.

Bobby and a ball on the sea

The sea was warm and gentle. The sun played with rays on the blue water. Bobik and Sharik decided that it was necessary to swim in such water. They considered themselves already adult dogs and went swimming alone, without adults.

“We’re not some kind of cats for them,” said Sharik, squinting in the sun, “we can go to the beach ourselves.”

“Yes,” Bobik agreed. “Cats are bad swimmers, but we dogs are real swimmers.”

We decided to take turns swimming. Sharik had a tasty bone in his bag, so he did not go swimming, but stayed to guard it.

Bobik accelerated and splashed into the sea.

- Eh, good! The sun is shining, the water is sparkling, the bottom is visible! What is this red thing? Ah, buoy! This is for those who can’t swim, for nasty cats and kittens. And I'm a great swimmer! One, two paws, one, two!

- Swimmer with brown fur, come back! Swim to the shore! — the puppy heard the stern voice of the rescuers.

- Who are you talking to, me? — the puppy was surprised. The rescue boat was picking up speed.

“Oh, something’s cramping my paws,” Bobik thought. - I’m kind of tired.

Bobik looked back and saw that he had sailed far from the shore.

- Oh, how can I get back? - the dog became sad. - No strength at all! Oh oh!

And when there was absolutely no strength left, rescuer Trezor found himself next to the drowning puppy. Rescuer Trezor pulled out Bobik, who was trembling with fear, and put him in his rescue boat. They reached the shore very quickly. Out of excitement for his friend, Sharik ate his bone. But Bobik didn’t want to eat, he was shaking, covered with a terry towel.

- Well, swimmer? Don't you want to go swimming again? - asked Trezor.

- No! I will never do this again, and tomorrow I will sign up for a swimming course at the pool.

Teddy bear and bees

One day a bear was going to eat some honey. He took the largest barrel and went to the old hollow where wild bees lived.

He stuck his paw into the hollow and disturbed the bees. The bees flew out of the hollow and rushed after the bear in a swarm. The bear got scared. He took off running. He ran to the nearest river and plopped into the water.

And the bees circled over the water and flew away into their hollow.

The bear was sad: he didn’t taste the honey, a bee bit him on the nose.

A bear is walking through the forest, crying, and an old boletus meets him.

“Why are you crying so bitterly, bear?” asks the old boletus.

“How can I not cry, poor bear: the bees bit me, but they didn’t give me any honey.”

The old boletus smiled, straightened his hat on his head and said:

- I will help your grief, bear.

You will need to say the magic words to the bees: - Bee, don’t bite the bee, Better give Misha some honey!

And then you can enjoy the honey without the bees stinging you.

Just be careful, don’t take all the honey from the bees, they need honey too.

- And the bees won’t bite me? — the bear was surprised.

“If you do everything as I said, you’ll get the job done and taste the honey!”

The bear thanked the old boletus and went to the old hollow for honey.

I did everything as the old boletus man advised. He collected honey in a barrel, walked through the forest, and sang a song:

- Oh, and sweet honey.

The old man helped me.

The bear loves honey very much

You can't miss the honey!

Summer. Short stories about summer for children 5-7 years old.

Dear colleagues, in this section we present short stories about summer for children 5-7 years old. There are a huge number of them, I have made a selection of the most convenient and understandable for children of senior preschool age.

Stories for children about summer, nature and animals in summer.

Summer in the forest.

It's good in the forest on a hot afternoon. What you won’t see here! Tall pines hung their needle-like tops. Christmas trees arch their thorny branches. A curly birch tree with fragrant leaves shows off. The gray aspen tree is trembling. A stocky oak tree spreads its carved leaves. A strawberry eye peeks out from the grass. A fragrant berry is blushing nearby.
Lily of the valley catkins swing between the long, smooth leaves. A woodpecker knocks on the trunk with its strong nose. The oriole screams. A tenacious squirrel flashed its fluffy tail. A cracking sound is heard far away in the bowl. Isn't this a bear?

On the field in summer.

Fun on the field, free on the wide one! Multi-colored fields seem to run along the hills to the blue stripe of the distant forest. The golden rye is agitated; she inhales the strengthening air. Young oats turn blue; Blooming buckwheat with red stems and white-pink, honey-colored flowers turns white. Hidden away from the road was a curly pea, and behind it a pale green strip of flax with bluish eyes. On the other side of the road, the fields turn black under the flowing steam.
The lark flutters over the rye, and the sharp-winged eagle looks vigilantly from above: he sees a noisy quail in the thick rye, he also sees a field mouse as it hurries into its hole with a grain that has fallen from a ripe ear. Hundreds of invisible grasshoppers are chattering everywhere.

Morning rays.

The red sun floated into the sky and began to send its golden rays everywhere - waking up the earth.
The first ray flew and hit the lark. The lark started, flew out of the nest, rose high, high and sang its silver song: “Oh, how good it is in the fresh morning air! How good! How fun!”
The second beam hit the bunny. The bunny twitched his ears and hopped merrily across the dewy meadow: he ran to get some juicy grass for breakfast.
The third beam hit the chicken coop. The rooster flapped his wings and sang: ku-ka-re-ku! The chickens flew away from their infestations, clucked, and began to rake away the rubbish and look for worms. The fourth beam hit the hive. A bee crawled out of its wax cell, sat on the window, spread its wings and - zoom-zoom-zoom! - flew off to collect honey from fragrant flowers.
The fifth ray hit the nursery, on the little lazy man’s bed: it hit him right in the eyes, and he turned on the other side and fell asleep again.

My Russia

Since this summer, I have become forever and wholeheartedly attached to Central Russia. I don’t know a country that has such enormous lyrical power and such touchingly picturesque - with all its sadness, tranquility and spaciousness - as central Russia. The magnitude of this love is difficult to measure. Everyone knows this for themselves. You love every blade of grass, drooping from the dew or warmed by the sun, every mug of water from the summer well, every tree above the lake, its leaves fluttering in the calm, every rooster crow, every cloud floating across the pale and high sky. And if I sometimes want to live to be one hundred and twenty years old, as grandfather Nechipor predicted, it is only because one life is not enough to fully experience all the charm and all the healing power of our Central Ural nature.

Thunderstorm in the forest

Tolstoy Alexey Nikolaevich
But what is it? The wind suddenly came and rushed by; the air trembled all around: was it thunder? You are coming out of the ravine... what is that lead stripe in the sky? Is the heat getting thicker? Is there a cloud coming? But then lightning flashed faintly... Eh, yes, it’s a thunderstorm! The sun is still shining brightly all around: you can still hunt. But the cloud is growing; its front edge is extended by the sleeve, tilted by the arch. The grass, the bushes, everything suddenly went dark... Hurry! over there, it seems, you can see the hay barn... quickly... You ran, entered...
How is the rain? What are lightning? Here and there, through the thatched roof, water dripped onto the fragrant hay... But then the sun began to shine again. The storm has passed; Are you getting off. My God, how cheerfully everything sparkles around, how fresh and liquid the air is, how it smells of strawberries and mushrooms!..

Summer morning.

Iris Review
Summer is the time when nature wakes up early. Summer morning is amazing. Light clouds are floating high in the sky, the air is clean and fresh, it is filled with the aromas of herbs. The forest river sheds the haze of fog. A golden ray of the sun skillfully makes its way through the dense foliage, illuminating the forest. A nimble dragonfly, moving from place to place, looks carefully, as if looking for something.

It's nice to wander through the summer forest. Among the trees, the tallest are pine trees. Spruce trees are also not small, but they do not know how to stretch their tops so high towards the sun. You step softly on the emerald moss. What is there in the forest: mushrooms and berries, mosquitoes and grasshoppers, mountains and slopes. Summer forest- This is nature's storehouse.

And here is the first meeting - a large, prickly hedgehog. Seeing people, he gets lost, stands on a forest path, probably wondering where he should go next?

Every year I look forward to summer. Not only because the long holidays are coming. Summer is a time of travel and adventure. A chance to see and learn a lot of new things. Have fun chatting and playing with friends. Get bright

Essay One day of vacation (summer)

It was a warm July morning. The sun was shining brightly. Birds were chirping outside the window. Nature said that the day would be beautiful.

Essay Summer night (with the words quiet, wilderness, night, midnight, owl, reeds, rye, trembling)

What is a summer night? This bright stars in the sky, which can be seen in all their glory only in the wilderness. Summer night- this is a warm breeze that gets tangled in the hair and plays with it quietly, and they, in turn, enjoy the affectionate embrace.

Essay Why I Love Summer

Summer is a wonderful time of year, isn't it? Nature shows its wonders in full force, dressing everyone around in green (and many other) outfits. Animals are in full control of the streets, fulfilling their roles and tasks.

Essay Summer Rain

Rain is always the same, it doesn't change, but we look at it differently. Autumn rain brings sadness and thoughts, winter rain brings slush and swell, spring rain brings joy and thunder.

Today I will talk about my experience when I went to the sea for the first time. It was beautiful, bright, unforgettable. For those interested, read on.

Essay How I want to spend my summer

Holidays. This word evokes so many positive emotions, memories and new plans. We always look forward to them and cross out the remaining days on the calendar with a smile.

The last month of spring ends - May, and at the same time the next academic year. The long-awaited summer holidays are coming, where you can take a break from long classes and endless homework.

Essay Where would I like to go in the summer and why? 5th grade (at sea, to the village, to Paris)

I am looking forward summer holidays. I really want to use them to visit my grandmother in the village. Last summer I spent almost three months with her.

Essay What do I expect from summer reasoning

Summer is the most wonderful time of the year. What do I expect from summer? First of all, I look forward to summer, like all those who study at school, college, and university, I look forward to the long-awaited summer holidays.

Essay My summer holidays

The long-awaited summer has arrived. Three months of rest. My parents decided to spend it not at the dacha, but to take me to the sea. So that I tan and improve my health. Because I can't handle heat well

Essay Summer is a little life

Summer is a special time. You can forget about school for three whole months. What to do in the summer and how to spend time profitably. Only in summer can you begin to harden your body. To do this, swim in a river, in a pond, under a shower with cool water or in a pool

Every summer is filled with exciting events and pleasant memories. Last summer, my dad and I went to visit his brother. This trip was a real summer adventure

Essay Summer Country Nights

Summer village nights. Every person who is lucky enough to spend a night in the village at least once in his life will never forget these magical memories.

Summer is a wonderful time. I always look forward to this time of year, because in the summer it’s warm, you can walk longer, because it gets dark later. I love summer because at this time of year I have fun: I play with friends, go with my family to swim at the sea and relax

Essay on the most boring day of the holidays

Everyone says that the most boring days during the holidays are when it rains. But I don't agree with this. For me, the most boring day was the hottest one. When the stuffiness was unbearable

Like any child, I always look forward to summer. Life flies by quickly in summer, but you remember it more than anything else. My best day was the first time I visited the capital's amusement park

This summer I went to camp. The voucher was given to my mother at work. When I found out that I was going to the camp, I was very happy. I immediately started thinking about what I would need at camp. I decided that I would take a couple of toy cars

Essay How I spent my summer holidays

All schoolchildren love summer holidays: both those who do not really like school, and even excellent students

Summer is my favorite time of the year. Because every day of the summer holidays is filled vivid impressions, new events, interesting acquaintances.

This summer has been absolutely wonderful. I spent almost all my time at my grandmother’s dacha. She has a German Shepherd named Bars in her yard. Even though the dog is a guard dog, it turned out to be very kind towards me.

Summer is my favorite time of the year, a wonderful time full of joy and fun! I always spend warm summer days with benefit and pleasure.

Essay on the topic Park in summer or summer in the park

The long-awaited summer has arrived - the city has become stuffy, dusty and very hot. However, every town, even the smallest one, has its oases. These are parks and squares. When you run into such a place from the scorching sun, it’s as if you find yourself in another world.

One summer, as always, I was walking with a neighboring boy, Vaska, on the outskirts of the village not far from my grandmother’s house. We have our own small house there, built by us from branches and unnecessary boards. And suddenly I heard squeaking sounds somewhere not far away.

Every year, in the summer, I go to the village to visit my grandmother. I spend the whole summer there. It's very good there. I have many friends there. And most of all I love spending time with my horse

Probably, each of us has certain memories that involuntarily make us think about something, reflect, or simply make us smile. This is exactly how I associate summer

What could be more beautiful than a summer walk in the forest? After all, many artists, poets and poems dedicate their paintings to this. Only at this time of year the forest is beautiful in its own way and it seems that it has its own secret.

Just recently, the sun shone so brightly that you had to close your eyes while walking around the city. More and more often, a cold breeze makes you shiver from the unpleasant feeling of autumn on your shoulders

I spent this summer in my hometown. Every morning I woke up at 8, or even 9 o'clock in the morning. After breakfast, the boys and I played football and other games in the yard for a long time, or simply ran races.

Summer in the village means fresh air, blue sky, the fragrant smell of the forest, a variety of delicious berries and mushrooms. I'm looking forward to the hot summer days to experience the unforgettable atmosphere of being close to nature.

Essay Summer at sea (trip to the sea)

This summer, the whole family will go on vacation to the Black Sea again, as every year we try to adhere to this tradition. I'm looking forward to this magical time

Hooray! It's summer. This is the most favorite time of the year, as you really look forward to it. I was really looking forward to these holidays, as in the summer there is an opportunity to relax and gain new strength for the next school year

I like Indian summer. Autumn has arrived, it's rainy and cold. Sad. And then it turns out that they will give you another piece of summer. It becomes warm and beautiful. The leaves have already turned yellow.

The weather in summer is very warm and sunny. You can go to the river, to the outdoor pool and swim there

> Tales about Summer and about Summer

Summer is rightfully considered one of the most wonderful times of the year. After all, it is in the summer that nature reveals itself in all its glory - flowers bloom, trees rustle, green grass grows, berries and mushrooms ripen, warm summer rains fall. Summer was valued by our ancestors for its fertility. That is why tales about summer are of great importance, as in folklore, and in Russian literature in general.

As you know, all fairy tales are endowed with an instructive message. And tales about summer for preschoolers are no exception. So, in the fairy tale “” it is said that belonging to a noble and rich family does not make a person wiser and more pious, and that a girl from a poor family can be wiser than any rich man.

    A crane met a fox: “What, fox, can you fly?” -No I do not know how to. - Sit on me, I’ll teach you. The fox sat on the crane. The crane carried her away high, high. -What, fox, do you see the ground? -I can barely see: the ground looks like sheepskin! The crane shook her off. The fox fell on a soft place, on a hay pile. Crane...

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  • Once a peasant was walking through the forest. Either he was a forester, or something else, or he just went out for a walk. Suddenly he meets a devil in the forest. The devil goes straight to him: “Guess how old I am, you’ll get three bags of money.” The peasant thought that the money would be very useful to him, and even three whole bags. If only he could live! ...

    It happened: Lapland sorcerers got into the habit of stealing our cattle, and sometimes people. They will kidnap people and force them to work as laborers for themselves. One day a man was sowing in a field. Suddenly he hears a loud noise, a roar. He looked back and saw: a tornado was coming straight towards him. Instantly the man found himself in a dusty cloud, dust filled his mouth, ...

    Having finished creating the world, God asked man: - What should I make longer - summer or winter? The man replied: “Ask my friends the horse and the bull.” Let it be as they say. The god of the horse was the first to ask: “Would you like winter to be longer than summer or summer to be longer than winter?” “I would like to,” replied...

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  • There is no such expanse in the forest as there is in the field; but it’s good to wear it on a hot afternoon. And what can you see in the forest! Tall, reddish pines hung their needle-like tops, and green fir trees arched their thorny branches. A white, curly birch tree with fragrant leaves flaunts; the gray aspen trembles; and stocky...

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    Once upon a time there was a king Berendey, he had three sons, the youngest was called Ivan. And the king had a magnificent garden; There grew in that garden an apple tree with golden apples. Someone began to visit the royal garden and steal golden apples. The king felt sorry for his garden. He sends guards there. No guards can track the thief. ...

    Far away, in the thirtieth state, he lived - there was a king and a queen; they had no children. The king traveled through foreign lands, to distant sides, and did not go home for a long time; At that time, the queen gave birth to a son, Ivan, a prince, but the king doesn’t even know about it. He began to make his way to his state, began to drive up...

    Once upon a time there lived a peasant Ivan, and he had a wife, Marya. Ivan and Marya lived in love and harmony, but they had no children. So they grew old alone. They greatly lamented their misfortune and were consoled only by looking at other people’s children. There’s nothing to do! So, apparently, they were destined. One day when...

  • Do you know how many months there are in a year? Twelve. What are their names? January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. As soon as one month ends, another begins immediately. And it has never happened before that February came before January left, and May overtook...
