Forum of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Forum of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Thematic plan of training sessions

SP 12-95 Instructions for the design of objects of internal affairs bodies (police) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


on the design of objects of internal affairs bodies (police) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Date of introduction 1995-07-01


1 DEVELOPED by the State Special Design and Survey Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (GSPI Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia).

INTRODUCED by the Construction Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

2 AGREED BY the Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Main Directorate for Ensuring Public Order (GUOOP), the Investigative Committee (IC), the Expert Forensic Center (ECC), the Main Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (MCSN), the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation (GUUR), the Main Directorate of the State Automobile Inspectorate (GUGAI), Main Directorate for Economic Crimes (GUEP), Main Directorate of the State Fire Service (GUGPS), Construction Department (US), Main Department of Internal Affairs in Transport (GUVDT) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

3 ADOPTED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by the protocol of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated February 12, 1995 No. 1-95

4 APPROVED by letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated May 16, 1995 No. 4-13/167

5 INSTEAD OF VSN 12-93/Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

1 area of ​​use

The norms of this instruction must be observed when developing projects for the construction, reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment of buildings, premises and structures of internal affairs bodies (police);

City, district departments (departments, branches) of internal affairs (police) of cities (districts, districts in cities); line departments (departments, departments) of internal affairs in transport*;

* City, district, linear internal affairs bodies are hereinafter referred to as “city district internal affairs bodies”.

specialized police institutions - isolators for temporary detention of detainees and persons in custody (IVS); special reception centers for persons administratively arrested; reception centers for persons detained for vagrancy and begging; reception centers for minors; medical sobering stations; registration and examination divisions of the State Automobile Inspectorate.

SNiP 2.02.02-85 "Foundation of hydraulic structures."

SNiP 2.04.01-85 "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings."

SNiP 2.04.03-85 "Sewerage. External networks and structures."

SNiP 2.04.05-95* "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning."

SNiP 2.04.08-87 "Gas supply."

SNiP 2.07.01-89* "Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements."

SNiP 2.08.02-89* "Public buildings and structures."

SNiP 2.11.01-85* "Warehouse buildings."

SNiP 3.04.01-87 "Insulating and finishing coatings."

SNiP 3.04.03-85 "Protection of building structures and structures from corrosion."

SNiP 3.05.01-85 "Internal sanitary systems."

SNiP 3.05.06-85 "Electrical devices."

SNiP 3.05.02-88* "Gas supply."

SNiP II-4.79 "Natural and artificial lighting."

SNiP II-12-77 "Protection from noise."

VSN 01-89 Ministry of Autotrans "Car servicing enterprise."

VSN 59-88 State Committee for Architecture. "Electrical equipment of residential and public buildings."

VSN 62-91* "Designing a living environment taking into account the needs of the disabled and low-mobility groups of the population."

RD 78.143-92 Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. "Security alarm systems and complexes. Elements of technical strengthening of objects."

RD 78.145-93 Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. "Systems and complexes of security, fire and security-fire alarm systems. Rules for the production and acceptance of work."

RD 34.21.122-87 Ministry of Energy of the USSR. "Instructions for the installation of lightning protection of buildings and structures."

GOST 464-79 "Groundings for fixed installations of wired communications, radio relay stations, radio broadcasting nodes of wired broadcasting and antennas of collective television reception systems. Resistance standards."

PPB 01-93 "Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation."

A manual for the design of civil airfields in the development of SNiP 2.05.08-85 Part VII "Helicopter stations, heliports and landing sites for helicopters."

3 General provisions

3.1 When designing objects of internal affairs bodies (police), the requirements of the relevant chapters of SNiP and other regulatory documents on architecture and construction in force in the Russian Federation should be observed.

3.2 In the designed buildings of internal affairs bodies (police), in accordance with the requirements of current regulatory documents, state standards and instructional materials on engineering and technical measures for civil defense, built-in civil defense protective structures should be provided, the composition and capacity of which is determined by design assignments.

In peacetime, built-in protective structures should be used for premises determined by design assignments.

3.3 The height of the above-ground floors of internal affairs bodies (police) buildings should, as a rule, be 3.3 m from the floor to the ceiling of the overlying floor.

3.4 When designing objects of internal affairs bodies (police), measures should be taken to protect them from pogrom actions and attacks by riotous crowds and attacks with the aim of seizing weapons.

3.5 When designing facilities of internal affairs bodies (police), the fire safety requirements of current building codes and regulations in relation to public buildings should be taken into account. Separately located buildings and premises for production and storage purposes must comply with the fire safety requirements of the relevant design standards, depending on their functional purpose.

When designing garage buildings, the requirements of VSN 01-89 should be taken into account.

3.6 The premises of internal affairs bodies (police) must be provided with primary fire extinguishing means in accordance with the standards set out in the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation PPB 01-93.

3.7 Fire alarms in buildings of internal affairs bodies (police) and automatic fire extinguishing in buildings of specialized police institutions should be provided in accordance with:
with the List of buildings and premises of enterprises of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia that must be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing means and automatic fire alarms;
recommendations for equipping temporary detention centers with automatic fire alarms;
with the fire safety requirements of current building codes and regulations, depending on the functional purpose of the buildings and the requirements of these standards.

3.8 Buildings of internal affairs bodies (police) must be at least II degree of fire resistance.

3.9 Natural lighting must be provided in all rooms with constant occupancy, as well as in the rest room of the duty outfit, the room for heating and eating food and the equipment room.

Buildings of city, district, linear internal affairs bodies

4 Indicators of staffing levels, composition and capacity indicators of buildings of city, district, linear internal affairs bodies

4.1 The number of staff of junior and senior staff of city district internal affairs agencies should be taken in accordance with the design assignment.

For preliminary calculations, the staffing levels of junior and senior staff, depending on the size of the population served, should be taken according to Table 1.

Table 1

Name Number of junior commanding and supervisory personnel based on the size of the population served, thousand people.
Up to 50 St. 50 to 100 St. 100 to 150 St. 150 to 200 St. 200 to 250 over 250
Department of Internal Affairs in cities without district division, districts in cities - - - - - St. 600
Departments of internal affairs in cities without regional division (districts, districts in cities) - St. 75 to 150 St. 150 to 300 St. 300 to 450 St. 450 to 600 -
Departments of internal affairs of the city (district). District police departments Up to 75 St. 75 up to 150 - - - -

4.2 In the departments (departments) of internal affairs of cities (districts, districts in cities), territorial police departments (departments) may be formed (when servicing territories with a population of up to 50 thousand inhabitants or more).

4.3 Linear internal affairs bodies are created with the following staffing levels of junior command and control personnel, people:
linear branches up to 150
linear departments of St. 150 to 400
linear controls St. 400

4.4 When designing objects of city district authorities of internal affairs, the required number of motor vehicles and service dogs is determined by design assignments.

4.5 The composition and capacity indicators of buildings of city district internal affairs bodies for preliminary calculations should be taken according to Table 2.

table 2

Name of buildings
Unit change Building capacity
75 St.
150 St.
300 St. 300
up to 450 St.
450 to 600 St. 600

City, district internal affairs bodies with buildings (premises): people.
temporary detention centers (IVS) places up to
25 St. 25 to 50 St. 50 to 75 St.
100 St.
medical sobering-up station bed St. 20
up to 30 St. 30 to 40 St. 40 to 60
Linear internal affairs bodies with buildings (premises): people. up to 75 St. 75 to 150 St. 150 to 250 St. 250 to 400 St. 400
temporary detention centers (temporary detention centers) of St. 15 to 25 St. 25 to 40 St. 40 to 50
reception center for persons detained for vagrancy and
begging for places up to 25 St. 25 to 100 St. 100 to 150


1 Temporary detention centers for detainees and persons in custody and escort police departments, as a rule, are located in separate buildings and, in cases of placement in a complex of internal affairs buildings, they should be connected by a passage or blocked with the building of the city district internal affairs agency.

2 The design of the crossings must comply with the requirements of SNiP 2.08.02-89*; in places where the crossings adjoin buildings, vestibules must be provided with a shut-off lattice metal partition and a door equipped with an electromechanical lock.

5 Requirements for land plots and placement of buildings

5.1 The building of city and district internal affairs bodies should, as a rule, be located in public centers of cities, districts, towns and rural settlements.

5.2 Buildings and premises of linear internal affairs bodies are located near, on the territory of or directly at railway stations, sea and river stations, ports and airports.

5.3 When choosing land plots for the location of buildings and structures of city district authorities of internal affairs, it is necessary to provide for their convenient transport connection with main streets, as well as maximum proximity to utility networks for connection.

5.4 The complex of buildings of city district internal affairs bodies should be located on a single territory.

5.5 The dimensions of land plots of city district authorities of internal affairs located in a separate administrative building should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01-89, as for department buildings.

5.6 The areas of land plots of city and district internal affairs bodies located in conjunction with the buildings of specialized police institutions for preliminary calculations should be taken according to Table 3.

Table 3

Objects Land area, hectares,

Up to 75
up to 150 St. 150
up to 450 St. 300
up to 450 St. 450
up to 600 St.
Buildings of city and district internal affairs bodies in complex with specialized police agencies up to 1.1
St. 1.1 to 1.8
St. 1.8 to 2.3 St. 2.3 to 2.7 St. 2.7 to 2.9 St. 2.9


The indicated areas do not include land plots for organizing parking for vehicles arriving for technical inspection and registration, the dimensions of which are determined by design assignments.

5.7 The area of ​​land plots of buildings of linear internal affairs bodies for preliminary calculations should be taken in accordance with Table 4.

Table 4

Area of ​​land plots, hectares,
per complex based on building capacity, people
up to 75 St.
up to 150 St. 150
up to 250 St. 250
up to 400 St.
Buildings of linear internal affairs bodies in complex with specialized police institutions up to 1.0 sv. 1.0 to 1.6 St. 1.6 to 2.1 St. 2.1 to 2.5 St. 2.5

5.8 The opening of a parking lot near the building of city district internal affairs bodies should be provided as for management institutions in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01-89.

5.9 On the territory of city and district internal affairs bodies, as a rule, it is necessary to place the following buildings and structures:

Internal Affairs (police) department (department, department) building, parking garage; for delayed transport; a platform for building personnel; sports ground; obstacle course; premises for keeping service dogs with a training area; Checkpoint.

The territory must be fenced around the perimeter and have, in addition to the main entrance from the checkpoint, a secondary entrance.

When the building of the department (department, department) of internal affairs (police) is located in a complex with the buildings of specialized police institutions, the latter should be blocked with the main building or connected to it by passages. The buildings of sobering-up stations and reception centers for minors are not subject to blocking and connection by passages with the main building.

5.10 The relative arrangement of buildings and structures is accepted, as a rule, in accordance with the approximate general plans of departments (departments, departments) of internal affairs in accordance with Appendices A, B, C.

5.11 On the territory of the linear internal affairs body, as a rule, the following buildings and structures should be located:

Line management building (department, department) of internal affairs in transport, parking garage; open or closed car wash; wastewater treatment plants; garbage bin; area for detained vehicles; a platform for building personnel; sports ground; checkpoint.

The territory must be fenced around the perimeter and have, in addition to the main entrance of the checkpoint, a secondary entrance.

When the building of the linear department (department, department) of internal affairs in transport is located in a complex with the buildings of specialized police institutions, the latter should be blocked with the main building or connected to it by passages.

5.12 The relative location of buildings and structures is accepted, as a rule, in accordance with the approximate general plan of the line management (department, department) of internal affairs in transport in accordance with Appendix D.

5.13 The fencing of the territory of the city council of internal affairs should be at least 3 m high. The fencing, as a rule, should be made of brick, at least 38 cm thick, or from prefabricated reinforced concrete structures and equipped with an engineering barrier on top.

5.14 On the territory of registration and examination divisions and divisions of the motor vehicle technical inspection of the State Traffic Inspectorate, as a rule, an office building, a parking garage for storing examination vehicles and mobile points for technical control of vehicles, technical inspection and registration of motor vehicles, and a parking area for vehicles should be located.

5.15 The location and type of car wash and treatment facilities for it are determined by the design assignment.

Treatment facilities for surface wastewater from parking lots and driveways for them must be provided in accordance with SNiP 2.04.03-85 and VSN 01-89.

6. Composition and area of ​​buildings

Buildings of city and district internal affairs bodies

6.1 The composition and area of ​​the premises of the building of the department (department, office) of internal affairs of the city (district, district in the city), district police station should be taken according to Table 5.

Table 5

Name of premises Area in m2 based on building capacity, person
up to 75 St. 75
up to 150 St. 150
up to 300 St. 300
up to 450 St. 4500
up to 600 St. 600
1. Chief 20 20 24 26 30 36
2. Reception 10 10 10 12 12 12
3. Deputy Chief-Chief KM 16 16 20 22 26 30
4. Deputy head-chief of the Ministry of Defense 16 16 20 22 26 30
5. Deputy head - head of the investigation department (department) 14 14 16 20 24 24
6. Deputy Head of Personnel 14 14 16 20 24 24
7. Deputy (assistant) chief for logistics support 14 14 16 20 24 24
8. Reception room for citizens 12 12 12 12 12 12
9. Chief of Staff 12 12 14 14 16 20
10. Deputy Chief of Staff - - - - - 16
11. Head of Analysis Department,
planning and control - - - - - 14
12. Senior inspector for analysis,
planning and control 12 12 12 12 12 2x12
13. Inspector for analysis and planning
and control - - - 12 12 12
14. Senior Inspector for Communications
media - - 12 12 12 12
15. Media Relations Inspector - - - 12 12 2x12
16. Head of department (senior group) of information support - - - - - 12
17. Senior inspector for accounting, registration and statistical work - 12 12 12 12 12
18. Inspector for registration and statistical work - - 12 12 12 12
19. Senior inspector for organizing the work of duty units - - - - - 12
20. Senior software engineer 12 12 12 12 12 12
21. Software engineer - - - - - 12
22. Lobby Determined by calculation, but not less than 20
23. Head of the duty department - 12 12 12 14 14
24. Shift supervisor - 12 12 12 16 16
25 Operating duty room with cabins for radio communications, teletype, fax, service 02 46 52 52 52 60 60
26. Hardware 12 12 12 14 16 22
27. Room for storing weapons, ammunition and special equipment 16 18 20 26 32 38
28. Weapon cleaning room 12 12 14 14 16 16
29. Room for storing protective and communication equipment, operational and forensic equipment 16 18 18 20 24 28
30. Office of an electronics engineer 12 12 12 12 12 12
31. Room of the investigative and operational group 12 18 24 30 2x10 2x10
32. Immediate response team room - 18 18 18 18 24
33. Premises of the duty officer for debriefing with delivered detainees:
duty officer's room
aisles, waiting area 12 12 12 14 2x20 2x20
Determined by calculation, but not less than 8
34. Rooms for administrative detainees 3x10 3x10 3x10 3x10 3x10 3x10
35. Duty squad rest room 12 15 18 18 24 24
36. Room for heating and eating 10 10 12 12 12 16
37. Lavatory 1 toilet, 1 washbasin in the airlock
38. Deputy Head of the Cabinet of Ministers - - 14 14 14 16

39. Head of department - - 12 12 12 12
40. Deputy head of department - - - - - 12
41. Head of department - - 12 12 12 12
42. Senior detective 12 12 12 12 12 12
43. Security officer 12 12 12 12 12 12
44. Junior detective 6 per 1 person, but not less than 10
45. Storage room for material evidence of criminal investigation 6 6 8 10 10 12

46. ​​Head of department - - - - 12 12
47. Deputy head of department - - - - - 12
48. Head of department - 12 12 12 - 12
49. Senior detective 12 12 12 12 12 12
50. Office of the detective 12 12 12 12 12 12
51. Junior detective 6 per 1 person, but not less than 10
52. Evidence storage room 6 6 8 10 10 12

53. Head of department - - - 12 12 12
54. Senior detective 12 12 12 12 12 12
55. Security officer 12 12 12 12 12 12
56. Junior detective 6 per 1 person, but not less than 10
57. Storage room for storing material evidence 6 6 8 8 10 10

58. Head of department - - - 12 12 12
59. Senior detective 12 12 12 12 12 12
60. Security officer 6 per 1 person, but not less than 10

61. Chief - - - - 12 12
62. Instructor 6 per person, but not less than 12
63. Dog inspector 12 12 12 12 16 16
64. Veterinary assistant's room - - - 12 12 12

65. Deputy head of the Ministry of Defense - - - 12 14 14

66. Head of department - - - - 12 12
67. Deputy head of department - - - - 12 12
68. Head of the support department - - 12 12 - -
69. Senior inspector 12 12 12 12 12 12
70. Inspector 6 per 1 person, but not less than 10
71. Commander of the PPSM battalion - - - - - 14
72. Deputy battalion commander PPSM - - - - - 12
73 Chief of Staff of the PPSM battalion - - - - - 12
74. Assistant commander of the PPSM battalion for technical parts - - - - - 12
75. Company commander PPSM - - - 12 12 12
76. Deputy company commander PPSM - - - 12 12 12
77. Platoon commander PPSM 6 per 1 person, but not less than 10
78. Room for PPSM squad commanders 6 for 1 person, but not less than 10
79. Foreman’s room In each company (separate platoon, squad), but not less than 10
80. Room for cleaning and ironing clothes 10 10 10 12 12 16
81. Dryer for clothes and shoes 6 8 8 8 12 12
82. Room for formation and separation of personnel 14 14 16 16 20 24

83. Head of department - - - - 14 14
84. Deputy head of the investigation department - - - - 12 12
85. Head of the inquiry department - - 12 12 12 12
86. Senior investigator 12 12 12 12 12 12
87. Interrogator 12 12 12 12 12 12
88. Witness room 12 12 16 2x12 2x12 2x12
89. Storage room for material evidence of inquiry 6 8 8 10 10 10
Department (department, group) for organizing the work of local police inspectors
90. Head of department - - - - 12 12
91. Deputy head of department - - - - - 12
92. Head of department - - 12 12 12 12
93. Room for local police inspectors 4 for 1 person, but not less than 10
Department (department, group) for the prevention of juvenile delinquency
94. Head of department - - - - - 12
95. Deputy head of department - - - - - 12
96. Head of department - - 12 12 12 12
97. Senior Inspector 12 12 12 12 12 12
98. Inspector 6 per 1 person, but not less than 12
99 Children's room with toilet and washbasin 12 12 16 18 18 18
Department (department, group) of the traffic police
100. Head of department - - - 12 12 12
101. Reception - - - 8 8 8
102. Deputy head of department - - - - 12 12
103. Head of department 12 12 12 12 12 12
104. Senior state traffic inspector 6 per 1 person, but not less than 12
105. State traffic inspector 6 per 1 person, but not less than 10
106. Inspector for administrative practice 6 per 1 person, but not less than 12
107 Archive at the office of the inspector for administrative practice 6 6 6 8 8 10
108. Propaganda inspector 6 per 1 person, but not less than 12
109. Investigation inspector 6 per 1 person, but not less than 12
110. Passport officer’s room 6 for 1 person, but not less than 12
111. Room of senior traffic police inspectors 6 for 1 person, but not less than 10
112. Room of traffic police inspectors 6 for 1 person, but not less than 10
113. Dryer for clothes and shoes 8 8 8 10 10 10
114. Briefing room 12 12 14 14 20 26
115. Dressing room with space for cleaning and ironing clothes 0.6 m per person, but not less than 10
116. Storage room for operational-technical, special equipment and special products 8 10 10 12 12 14
Department (department, group) for licensing and permitting work and control over private detective and security activities
117. Head of department - - - - - 12
118. Deputy head of department - - - - - 12
119. Head of department - - 12 12 12 12
120. Senior inspector for licensing and permitting work 6 per 1 person, but not less than 12
121. Inspector for licensing and permitting work 6 per 1 person, but not less than 12
Department (department, group) for the implementation of administrative legislation
122. Head of department - - - - - 12
123. Deputy head of department - - - - - 12
124. Head of department - - - 12 12 12
125. Senior inspector for administrative practice 6 per 1 person, but not less than 12
126. Inspector for administrative practice 6 per 1 person, but not less than 12
Civil Defense Service
127. Senior Inspector - - - 12 12 12
128. Inspector 12 12 12 - - -
129. Deputy head of department - - - - - 12
130. Head of department - - 12 12 12 12
131. Senior investigator 12 12 12 12 12 12
132. Investigator 12 12 12 12 12 12
133. Junior investigators’ room 6 for 1 person, but not less than 12
134. Clerk secretary 10 10 10 12 12 12
135. Voice recording center - 10 10 12 12 12
136. Rooms for witnesses 12 12 2x8 2x10 2x12 2x12
137. Storage room for storing material evidence 6 8 10 10 12 12

Forensic forensic department (department, group)
138. Head of department - - - - 15 15
139. Deputy head of department - - - - 12 12
140. Head of department (group) 12 12 12 12 3x12 3x12
141 Secretary-Clerk's Room - - - 8 14 16
142. Secretary-typist (reception) - - 8 8 8 10
143 Room (pantry) for storing material evidence 6 8 10 12 14 2x10
144 Room of the duty expert 8 8 8 10 12 12
145. Forensic expert (forensic laboratory) 20 2x15 3x20 4x20 15 15
146. Employees of the organizational and methodological direction of work - - - 10+14 12+16 16+24
147 Room for the formation, introduction and use of forensic accounting 6 6 12 16 2x12 2x16
148 Room for working with victims and witnesses when drawing up a composite portrait - - 10 14 2x10 2x14
149 Photo lab:
filming pavilion - - 20 30 30 30
negative No. 1 10 10 12 10 10 12
negative No. 2 - - - 12 12 12
positive No. 1 10 10 12 15 15 15
positive No. 2 - - - 15 15 15
operational photography - - 12 12 15 15
color photography - - - 20 20 20
150. Video laboratory - - 10 20 20 20
151. Room (shooting range) for experimental shooting of firearms 10 10 10 15 2x10 2x15
152. Fingerprint laboratory - - - 10 14 20
153. Trace laboratory - - - 10 14 20
154. Ballistic laboratory:
instrumentation room
weapons collection
bullet-gilzoteka -
- -
- -
- 10
- 10
12 14
155 Laboratory of handwriting, document research:
card index -
- -
- -
- 12
8 18
10 24
156. Physics laboratory:
instrumentation room
pantry -
- -
- -
- -
- 20
6 24
157. Chemical laboratory:
instrumentation room
pantry -
- -
- -
- 18
6 20
6 24
158. Food research laboratory:
instrumentation room
pantry -
- -
- -
- -
- 20
6 24
159. Biological laboratory:
hardware and instrumentation -
- -
- -
- -
- 20
20 24
evidence examination room - - - - 15 15
room for medical and forensic support for identifying unidentified corpses - - - 2x15 2x15 2x15
office - - - - 8 8
160. Automotive laboratory:
pantry -
- -
- -
- 12
10 12
10 18
161. Fire-technical laboratory:
instrumentation room
pantry -
- -
- -
- 8
6 10
6 12
162. Explosive laboratory:
explosion chamber -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- 18
163. Videophonoscopic laboratory:
instrumentation room
cabinet -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- 18
Passport and Visa Service
164. Head of service (as head of department) - - - - - 12
165. Deputy head of service - - - - - 12
166. Head of service (as head of department) - 12 12 12 12 -
167. Head of the passport office 12 12 12 12 12 12
168. Reception for citizens with waiting places Determined by calculation, but not less than 15
169. Passport inspectors 6 per person, but not less than 12
170. Senior inspector PVS 12 12 12 12 12 12
171. PVS inspectors 6 per person, but not less than 12
172. Address and reference service - - 10 12 12 12
173. Storage room for archival documentation 6 6 8 8 10 10
Correctional Works Inspectorate
174. Head of Inspectorate - - - 12 12 12
175. Senior inspector 6 per 1 person, but not less than 12
176. Inspector's office 6 for 1 person, but not less than 12
State Supervision Inspectorate
177. Head of Inspectorate - - - - - 12
178. Senior inspector - - 6 per person,
but not less than 12
179. Inspector 6 per 1 person, but not less than 12

180. Head of department - - - - - 12
180. Deputy head of department - - - - - 12
182. Head of department - - 12 12 12 12
183. Senior inspector 12 12 12 12 12 12
184. Inspector 6 per 1 person, but not less than 12
185. Senior psychologist - - 12 12 12 12
186. Psychologist - - 6 per person,
but not less than 12
187. Storage room for personal files 6 6 8 8 10 10

Financial part
188. Chief - - 12 12 12 12
189. Sub-inspector 12 12 - - - -
190. Accountants' room - - 6 per person,
but not less than 10
191. Treasurer's room 8 8 8 8 8

192. Head of department - - - 12 12 12
193. Senior engineer of operational communications and special equipment - - 12 12 12 12
194. Engineer of operational communications and special equipment 12 12 12 12 12 12
195 Operator room for working with video recordings 12 12 12 18 18 18
196. Copying equipment premises 8 8 8 12 12 12
197. Workshop for repair of communications, alarm and operational equipment 12 12 12 12 14 14

198. Senior inspector - - 12 12 12 12
199. Inspector and junior inspector 6 per 1 person, but not less than 10
200. Head of motor vehicle fleet Entered if there are 100 vehicles. or more, area 12
201. Junior inspector for motor transport (located in the garage) 8 8 8 12 12 12
Health center
202. Doctor's office - - 12 12 12 12
203. Paramedic's office 12 12 12 12 12 12
204. Procedural 10 10 10 10 10 10

Legal group
205. Senior legal adviser - - - 12 12 12
206. Legal adviser 12 12 12 12 12 12
Second special department (group)
207. Senior inspector - - - 12 12 12
208. Inspector - - - - 12 12
209. Employees' workroom 10 10 20 20 24 30
210. Head of the secretariat 12 12 12 14 16 16
211. Room of secretaries-typists 6 for 1 person, but not less than 10

212. Meeting room 0.9 per person, calculated at 75% of the staffing level
213. Working room at the meeting room 12 12 12 12 16 16
214. Psychological relief room 24 24 24 30 36 36
215. Service class Determined by design assignment, but not less than 1.8 per student
216. Library for personnel 12 12 16 22 22 28
217. Computer room 24 24 24 30 30 36
218. Building commandant's room 8 8 8 8 8 8
219. Property storage room 12 12 12 18 24 24
220. ATS room 12 12 18 18 24 24
221. Battery with acid 10+6 10+6 10+6 12+8 16+10 16+10
222. Cleaning equipment storage room On each floor, 0.8 per 100 m
total area
223. Toilets with washbasins in the vestibule:
men's 1 washbasin, 1 toilet, 1 urinal for 50 people.
women's 1 washbasin, 1 toilet for 30 people, hygienic shower when the number of working women is more than 14


2 Depending on the conditions of the operational situation and the volume of work performed, changes may be made to the staffing of divisions of city and regional internal affairs bodies, which in each specific case should be specified in the design assignment.

3 The presence and area of ​​premises of a backup diesel power plant should be provided in accordance with design assignments, based on the technical conditions of electrical networks.

4 The availability and area of ​​premises for confidential communications are determined by the design assignment, based on the type and quantity of equipment installed.

5 When designing city and regional internal affairs bodies, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the work and interests of the units carrying out operational investigative activities.

6 In structural units of the internal affairs department (department), with a staffing level of 15 units or more, the position of deputy head of the department can be introduced (established by the design assignment), with a premises area of ​​12 m2.
7 In the departments (departments) of internal affairs of cities and districts, territorial departments (branches) of internal affairs (police) may be formed; the composition of the units and the number of junior and senior staff of such departments (branches) is established by the design assignment. For these objects, the area of ​​the premises and their composition during design are adopted accordingly by the structural unit according to Table 5.

8 On all floors of buildings of city and regional internal affairs bodies, as a rule, halls are provided, with an area determined by calculation, for additional lighting of the corridor and for rest of citizens waiting to be received.

9 Premises for temporary residence (up to three families) of employees and members of their families, as well as other persons participating in criminal proceedings, in case of possible persecution by criminal elements in the buildings of city and regional internal affairs bodies are established by design assignment.

10 The need for an immediate response team room for all capacity categories of city and regional internal affairs bodies and an investigative team room in police departments with a capacity of up to 75 people should be provided in accordance with the design assignment.

11 In the lobby of the main entrance of the building of the city and regional internal affairs body, in accordance with the design assignment, a workplace for a guard who performs access control and security functions is equipped. The layout of the workplace must exclude the possibility of visual control and shelling of the guard from the street.

6.2 Canteens or buffets in buildings of city and regional internal affairs bodies should be designed in accordance with the design assignment, in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.08.02-89*. Based on local conditions, the number of seats in canteens or buffets is established by the design assignment; as a rule, it should be taken on the basis of serving 75% of the regular number of personnel in 4 seats, while the area of ​​one seat should be at least 1.4 m2.

6.3 The composition and area of ​​the garage premises and the number of motor vehicles are established by design assignments.

As part of the garage premises, it is additionally necessary to provide premises for forensic units for city and regional internal affairs bodies with a capacity, person:
from 150 to 300 - 1 box, 1 mechanical workshop 15 m
St. 300 to 600 - 2 boxes, 1 mechanical workshop 18 m
St. 600 - 3 boxes, 1 mechanical workshop 20 m

The planning solutions for the boxes must ensure the placement of a mobile forensic laboratory based on a minibus and a vehicle of any type (with the exception of non-standard dimensions and urban electric transport) without towed devices.

6.4 In the buildings of departments (departments) of city and regional internal affairs bodies, as a rule, shooting ranges are located.

The composition and area of ​​the premises should be established by design assignment in accordance with the requirements of the guidelines for the design of structures for shooting sports.

6.5 On the territory of the city and district internal affairs body, as a rule, provision is made for the placement of a separate gym and storage facilities. The composition and area of ​​the premises should be established by design assignment.

6.6 When placing departments (departments) of the traffic police in a separate building or in the case of blocking the building of the traffic police with the buildings of registration and examination departments and the automobile technical inspection of the traffic police and diagnostic stations of the traffic police (in cities, regions where they exist), it is necessary to provide for the premises of a duty station.

6.7 A landing pad for helicopters may be located on the protected territory of the city and district internal affairs bodies or on the roof of one of the service buildings. The design of the landing site should be carried out in accordance with Part VII "Helicopter stations, heliports and landing sites for helicopters". Manuals for the design of civil airfields (in development of SNiP 2.05.08-85). The need for a landing pad for helicopters is determined by the design assignment.

Premises of registration and examination departments and the traffic police technical inspection

6.8 The premises of registration and examination departments and departments of the automobile technical inspection of the State Traffic Inspectorate, as a rule, should be located together in a separate building.

6.9 The composition and area of ​​registration and examination units and units of the traffic police vehicle technical inspection, as a rule, should be taken according to Table 6.

Table 6

Premises Units measured Square
1. Reception m 24
2. Head of department - 20
3. Room of state traffic inspectors for vehicle registration - No men. 10
4. State traffic inspectors for search - Not me. 12
5. State traffic inspectors for examination work - Not men. 12
6. Senior state traffic inspector - 12
7. State traffic inspectors and assistants to state traffic inspectors - 6 per 1 person,
but not me. 12
8. Examination hall for 20 seats - 36
9. Passport officers for registration - Not men. 12
10. Passportists for examination work - Not men. 10
11. Archive storage room - 2x16
12. Teletype room - 6
13. License plate file room - 12
14. License plate storage room - 20
15. Storage room for strict reporting forms - 8
16. Premises for placing a set of equipment for the production of driver’s licenses - 14
17. Room for issuing registration plates, certificates and recording the results of technical inspections - 12
18. Toilets with washbasins in airlocks:
men's pcs. 1 toilet and 1 urinal for 50 people
women's - 1 toilet for 30 people


1 The number of premises of registration and examination departments and departments of the automobile technical inspection of the State Traffic Inspectorate is determined by the design assignment.

2 It is allowed to place registration and examination units and units of the traffic police automobile technical inspection within and on the premises of the traffic police diagnostic stations to conduct technical inspections of vehicles with a capacity of over 10 thousand checks.

Buildings of linear internal affairs bodies in transport

6.10 The composition and area of ​​the premises of the building of linear departments (departments, departments) of internal affairs in transport should be taken according to Table 7.

Table 7

Name of premises Area in m with building capacity, person
up to 75 over 75
up to 150 over 150
up to 200 St. 250
up to 400 St.
1. Chief 20 24 26 30 36
2. Reception 10 10 12 12 12
3. Deputy head - head of the KM 16 20 22 26 30
4. Deputy head - head of the Ministry of Defense 16 20 22 26 30
5. Deputy head - head of the investigation department (department) 14 16 20 24 24
6. Deputy Head of Personnel 14 16 20 24 24
7. Deputy (assistant) chief for logistics support 14 16 20 24 24
8. Reception room for citizens 12 12 12 12 12
9. Chief of Staff 12 14 14 16 20
10. Deputy Chief of Staff - - - - 16
11. Head of department (group) of analysis, control planning - - - - 14
12. Senior inspector for analysis, planning and control 12 12 12 12 12
13. Inspector for analysis, planning and control - - - 12 12
14. Senior inspector for media relations - - 12 12 12
15. Media Relations Inspector - - - 12 12
16. Head of department (senior group) of information support - - - - 12
17. Senior inspector for accounting, registration and statistical work - 12 12 12 12
18. Inspector for accounting, registration and statistical work - - 12 12 12
19. Senior inspector for organizing the work of duty units - - - - 12
20. Senior software engineer 12 12 12 12 12
21. Software engineer - - - - 12
22. The lobby is determined by the calculation, but not less than 20
23. Head of the duty department - - 12 12 14
24. Shift supervisor - - - - 12
25. Hall of operational duty officers with booths for radio communications, teletype, fax communications 46 52 52 52 52
26. Hardware 10 12 12 14 16
27. Room for storing weapons, ammunition and special equipment 16 18 20 26 32
28. Weapon cleaning room 10 12 14 14 16
29. Room for storing protective and communication equipment, operational and forensic equipment 12 18 18 20 24
30. Office of an electronics engineer 12 12 12 12 12
31. Room of the investigative and operational group 12 18 24 30 2x20
32. The room of the person on duty for dismantling those delivered and detained:
duty room 12 12 12 14 2x10
aisles, waiting space is determined by calculation, but not less than 8
33. Rooms for administrative detainees 3x10 3x10 3x10 3x10 3x10
34. Duty squad rest room 12 12 18 18 18
35. Room for heating and eating 10 10 12 12 16
36. Lavatory with washbasin in the airlock 1 toilet
37. Deputy Head of the Cabinet of Ministers - - 14 14 14
Department (department, group) of criminal investigation
38. Head of department - - - 12 12
39. Deputy head of department - - - - 12
40. Head of department - 12 12 12 12
41. Office of the senior detective 12 12 12 12 12
42. Office of the detective 12 12 12 12 12
43. Evidence storage room 6 8 10 10 12
Department (department, group) for economic crimes
44. Head of department - - - 12 12
45. Deputy head of department - - - - 12
46. ​​Head of department - 12 12 - 12
47. Senior detective 12 12 12 12 12
48. Office of the detective 12 12 12 12 12
49. Office of a junior detective 6 for 1 person, but not less than 10
50. Evidence storage room 6 8 8 10 12
Department (department, group) for combating criminal attacks on cargo
51. Head of department - - - - 12
52. Deputy head of department - - - - 12
53. Head of department - - 12 12 12
54. Senior detective 12 12 12 12 12
55. Security officer 12 12 12 12 12
56. Evidence storage room 6 8 8 10 12
Drug trafficking department (group)
57. Head of department - - - 12 12
58. Senior detective 12 12 12 12 12
59. Security officer 12 12 12 12 12
60. Junior detective 6 per 1 person, but not less than 10
61. Storage room for storing material evidence 6 8 8 10 10
Organized Crime Unit
62. Head of department - 12 12 12 12
63. Deputy head of department - 12 12 12 12
64. Senior detective 12 12 12 12 12
65. Security officer 6 per 1 person, but not less than 10
Operational detective unit
66. Head of department - - - 12 12
67. Senior detective 12 12 12 - -
68. Security officer 6 per 1 person, but not less than 10
Service dog breeding division
69. Head of department - - - 12 12
70. Instructor - - 12 12 12
71. Dog inspector room 6 for 1 person, but not less than 10
72. Veterinary assistant's room - - - 12 12
73. Deputy head of the Ministry of Defense - - - - 14
Department (department, group) for ensuring public order
74. Head of department - - - - 12
75. Deputy head of department - - - - 12
76. Head of department - 12 12 12 -
77. Senior Inspector 12 12 12 12 12
78. Inspector 6 per 1 person, but not less than 10
79 Company commander PPSM - - - 12 12
80. Deputy company commander PPSM - - - 12 12
81 Platoon commander PPSM - - - 6 per 1 person, but not less than 10
82 Room for PPSM squad commanders 6 for 1 person, but not less than 10
83 Foreman’s room in each company (separate platoon), at least 10
84 Clothes and shoe dryer 8 8 8 12 12
85. Room for cleaning and ironing clothes 10 10 10 12 12
86. Room for construction and divorce 12 14 16 20 20
Department (department, group) of inquiry
87. Head of department - - - - 14
88. Deputy head of department - - - - 12
89. Head of department - - 14 14 12
90. Senior investigator 12 12 12 12 12
91. Interrogator 12 12 12 12 12
92. Witness room 12 12 16 2x12 2x12
93. Evidence storage room 8 10 10 10 10
Inspection department (department)
94. Head of department - - - - 12
95. Deputy head of department - - - - 12
96. Head of department - - 12 12 12
97. Senior inspection inspector 12 12 12 12 12
98. Screening inspector 12 12 12 12 12
99. Storage room for seized material evidence 6 8 8 8 10
Department (department, group) for the prevention of juvenile delinquency
100. Head of department - - - - 12
101. Deputy head of department - - - - 12
102. Head of department - 12 12 12 12
103. Senior inspector 12 12 12 12 12
104. Inspector 6 per 1 person, but not less than 12
105. Children's room with toilet and washbasin 12 18 18 18 18
Permit system service
106. Senior inspector 12 12 12 12 12
107. Inspector’s room 6 for 1 person, but not less than 12
Administrative Practice Service
108. Senior inspector 12 12 12 12 12
109. Inspector’s room 6 for 1 person, but not less than 12
Civil Defense Service
110. Senior inspector - - - 12 12
111. Inspector's room 12 12 - - -
Investigation department (department, group)
112. Deputy head of department - - - - 12
113. Head of department - - 12 12 12
114. Senior investigator 12 12 12 12 12
115. Investigator 12 12 12 12 12
116. Junior investigator 6 per 1 person, but not less than 12
117. Voice recording center room 10 10 10 10 12
118. Witness rooms 12 12 2x8 2x12 2x12
119. Clerk secretary 10 10 12 12 12
120. Evidence storage room 8 8 10 10 12
Forensic forensic department (department)
121. Head of department (group) - - 12 12 12
122. Forensic expert (forensic laboratory) 20 20 3x15 3x20 -
123. Evidence storage room 6 6 6 10 14
124. Physics laboratory:
weight -
- -
- -
- -
- 16
125. Chemical laboratory:
cabinet -
- -
- -
- -
- 18
126. Room of the expert chemist, physicist (physical and chemical laboratory):
instrumentation room
weight -
- -
- -
- -
10 18
127. Trace laboratory - - - - 10
128 Ballistic Laboratory:
weapons collection -
- -
- -
- -
- 10
129. Room (shooting range) for experimental shooting of firearms 10 10 10 10 -
130. Fingerprint laboratory - - - - 14
131. Laboratory for document research - - - - 18
132. Photo lab:
filming pavilion
negative No. 1
negative No. 2
positive #1
positive No. 2
operational photography -
- -
- 20
- 30
12 30
133. Room of forensic records, card files, collections and reference and information funds 6 6 6 12 14
134. Mechanical workshop - - - 16 16
135. Secretary-typist - - - - 10
Inspectorate (group) of state supervision
136. Head of Inspectorate - - - 12 12
137. Senior Inspector - - 12 12 12
138. Inspector 6 per 1 person, but not less than 12
Personnel department (department, group)
139. Deputy head of department - - - 12 12
140. Head of department - - 12 12 12
141. Senior inspector 12 12 12 12 12
142. Inspector 6 per 1 person, but not less than 12
143. Psychologist’s room 6 for 1 person, but not less than 12
144. Room for storing personal files and filing cabinets 10 10 12 12 14
Financial part
145. Head of financial department - - 12 12 12
146. Inspector 12 12 - - -
147. Accountants room 6 for 1 person, but not less than 10
148. Treasurer's room 8 8 8 8 8
Technical department (group)
149. Head of department - - - 12 12
150. Senior engineer of operational communications and special equipment - - 12 12 12
151. Engineer of operational communications and special equipment 12 12 12 12 12
152. Operator room for working with video recordings 12 12 12 18 18
153. Copying equipment premises 8 8 8 12 12
154. Workshop for repair of communications, alarm and operational equipment 8 12 12 12 14
Support and Maintenance Group
155. Senior inspector - - 12 12 12
156. Inspector and junior inspector 6 per 1 person, but not less than 10
157. The head of a motor vehicle fleet is introduced if there are 100 vehicles. and more, not less than 12
158. Junior inspector for motor transport (located in the garage) 8 8 8 12 12
Health center
159. Doctor's office - 12 12 12 12
160. Paramedic's office 12 12 12 12 12
161. Procedural 10 10 10 10 10
Legal group
162. Senior legal adviser - - - 12 12
163. Legal adviser 12 12 12 12 12
164. Head of the secretariat - - 12 12 12
165. Room for secretaries-typists 6 for 1 person, but not less than 10
166. Meeting room 0.9 per person, calculated at 75% of the staffing level
167. Working room in the meeting room 12 12 12 12 12
168. Psychological relief room 24 24 24 30 36
169. Service class Determined by design assignment, but not less than 1.6 per student
170. Library for personnel 12 12 16 22 22
171. Computer room 18 24 24 30 30
172. Building commandant's room 8 8 8 8 8
173. Storeroom of property of a linear body 8 12 12 18 24
174. ATS room 12 12 18 18 24
175. Battery with acid 8+6 10+6 10+6 12+8 16+10
176. Cleaning equipment storage room On each floor, 0.8 per 100 m of total area
177. Toilets with washbasins in airlocks:
men's 1 toilet, 1 urinal for 50 people.
women's 1 toilet for 30 people, 1 hygienic shower for the number of working women
more than 14


1 Number of offices of senior detectives, senior investigators, senior experts, detectives, investigators, experts, etc. positions of structural units are determined by the design assignment.

2 Criminal investigation and combating criminal attacks on cargo units can be combined into an operational investigative department.

3 The position of deputy head of a department of a structural unit of a linear internal affairs body in transport is introduced with a staffing level of 15 units. and more (set by design assignment, office area 12 m2).

4 On all floors, except the first, it is necessary to provide halls (the area is determined by calculation) for additional lighting of the corridor and for rest of citizens waiting to be received.

5 The presence and area of ​​premises of a backup diesel power plant should be provided in accordance with design assignments, based on the technical conditions of electrical networks.

6 The availability and area of ​​premises for confidential communications are determined by design assignments, based on the type and quantity of equipment installed.

6.11 On the territory of the line department (department) of internal affairs in transport, as a rule, the following are additionally provided: a gym, a shooting range, a psychological training zone, a room for bulletproof storage, a weapons warehouse, a warehouse for storing technical equipment, a warehouse for storing uniforms. The composition of these buildings and structures should be established by design assignments.

6.12 Canteens or buffets in buildings of linear internal affairs bodies in transport should be designed in accordance with the design assignment in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.08.02-89*.

The number of seats in canteens or buffets, as a rule, should be taken at the rate of serving up to 75% of the regular number of personnel in 4 seats, while the area of ​​one seat should be less than 1.4 m2.

6.13 The composition and area of ​​the garage premises and the number of motor vehicles should be taken in accordance with the design assignment.

7 Requirements for the location and equipment of premises

7.1 The duty stations of city district police departments of internal affairs should be located on the first floors of buildings and adjacent to the main entrance lobbies.

The premises of the passport service and traffic police are, as a rule, located on the first floors of buildings of city and regional internal affairs bodies. The premises of the passport service and traffic police should be isolated from the premises of other services and, as a rule, they are provided with separate entrances for citizens.

The expert forensic unit is located, as a rule, on the ground and ground floors of buildings of city government agencies of internal affairs in an isolated block, while the premises for experimental shooting of firearms and the explosion chamber should be located in the ground floor or basement.

The premises of the second special department (group) are located on the middle floors, as a rule, at the ends of the building of the city regional internal affairs agencies with windows overlooking the guarded courtyard. The work room should have a vestibule; the entrance door from the vestibule should be equipped with a folding window. Doors at the entrances are installed with reinforced construction, which do not differ in appearance from the doors of other rooms.

7.2 On all window openings of service and auxiliary premises of rooms for administrative detainees and garages, metal grilles made of round steel with a diameter of at least 12 mm and transverse strips with a cross-section of at least 60x5 mm must be installed on the outside. The dimensions of the grid cells should be 70x200 mm. Anchors for fastening gratings are embedded in the wall masonry to a depth of at least 150 mm.

In every room with permanent occupancy, with the exception of rooms for administrative detainees, it is necessary to provide one opening grille in the window openings in case of forced evacuation of people.

In addition to metal bars, in addition, metal folding shutters with loopholes measuring 70x200 mm are installed on all window openings on the inside of the duty rooms and garages. The additional number of windows on the first floor of the building equipped with metal folding shutters is determined by the design assignment.

7.3 At the entrances to the buildings of the city district internal affairs bodies, external doors of reinforced construction are installed, made of sheet steel 6 mm thick, sheathed on both sides with wooden slats and equipped with optical viewing eyes. At the entrances, it is necessary to provide a call to the operational duty officer, an intercom and locking device with output to the operational duty officer’s console, a television camera with output to a video control device in the operational duty officer’s room.

The opening angle of the door leaf at the main entrance to the building of the city council of internal affairs must be set by a limiter based on the simultaneous passage of no more than one person into the lobby, and it is necessary to provide for the possibility of fully opening the doors.

In addition to external doors, metal lattice opening doors must also be installed on the inside. Reinforced exterior doors and lattice doors must be equipped with secure locks.

At the entrances to basement and technical floors, as well as technical undergrounds and attics, doors, hatches and manholes of reinforced construction are installed.

7.4 Reinforced internal doors should be installed at entrances leading from the lobby to the stairwell and to common corridors. On the vestibule side, in addition to reinforced doors, metal folding doors are installed.

In staircases on all floors except the first, regular doors and additionally metal lattice folding doors should be installed.

7.5 Internal doors of reinforced construction are installed at the entrances to the duty room, the storage room for weapons, ammunition and special equipment, the storage room for protective equipment, communications, operational and forensic equipment, the room for cleaning weapons, the equipment room, the archive, the accounting department with a cash register, the secretariat, the automatic telephone exchange, a forensic expert's room, evidence storage rooms, and a communications equipment repair shop.


Hall (room) of the operational duty officer

7.6 The hall (room) of the operational duty officer is intended for the work of the operational duty officer; it must, as a rule, be located on the side of the courtyard of the internal affairs body. It houses the required number of communication consoles and information display devices. Patterned metal grilles are installed on interior windows and openings. Glazing of windows and openings must be durable and shockproof. To allow the duty officer to communicate with citizens, a small window and an intercom are installed in the opening on the lobby side.

7.7 The hall (room) must have sufficient wall area to accommodate maps and other means of displaying information. The planning solutions for this room should provide an overview of the lobby and the main entrance to the building through a wide glazed window, visual control of the door to the room for storing weapons, ammunition, and special equipment.

The placement of the workplaces of the operational duty officer and his assistant must exclude the possibility of them being fired through the doorway of the main entrance and through the window opening in the main entrance lobby.

7.8 The hall (room) is located relative to other premises in such a way that the movement of employees through it is minimal.

7.9 In the hall (room) of the operational duty officer of the city railway authority of internal affairs there are: an automated workstation (AWS) of the operational duty officer, an automated workstation of the assistant on duty, work chairs, chairs, an iron cabinet, stationery cabinets, a table for drinking utensils, a typist’s table, topographic maps. A decoratively disguised trap is equipped under the operational duty officer's workstation for resetting, if necessary, the keys to the weapons room. The design of the trap must prevent its dismantling without special tools.

7.10 In the hall (room) of the operational duty department of internal affairs of the city, which does not have a regional division, there are cabins for the radio operator of service “02” and a teletype. The cabins are separated by glazed screens 1.5 m high.

7.11 In the hall (room) of the operational duty department of the city regional internal affairs agency, cabins for a radio operator, fax and teletype should be provided. The cabins are separated by glazed screens 1.5 m high. In the hall (room) of the operational duty department of internal affairs of a city that does not have a district division, an additional cabin of service “02” should be provided.

Room for storing weapons, ammunition and special equipment

7.12 The room for storing weapons, ammunition and special equipment is located adjacent to the room (hall) of the operational duty officer. The door to the room for storing weapons, ammunition and special equipment must be covered with sheet steel and equipped with reliable locks. The layout of a weapons storage room, as a rule, should exclude viewing and the possibility of shooting at its door from the main entrance lobby.

7.13 In the weapon storage room, the installation of window openings (with the exception of the window for issuing weapons) in the external and internal walls is not allowed.

To issue weapons and ammunition, a window measuring 18x24 cm should be installed at a height of 110 cm from the floor level, opening into the room for cleaning weapons. The window door should be covered with steel on both sides and equipped with a reliable lock.

7.14 In the room for storing weapons, ammunition and special equipment, storage cabinets are installed:

Combat and training assault rifles, sniper and sporting rifles, special carbines. The cabinet is equipped with fittings and sockets convenient for placing and removing weapons, as well as sockets for machine gun bayonets;

Service weapons, ammunition for PM (PSM) pistols (at the rate of 1 two-door cabinet for 90-100 pistols or 60 pistols and 4-6 machine guns);

Combat ammunition, combat and small-caliber cartridges;

Seized, voluntarily surrendered and found weapons;

Weapons recognized as material evidence;

Weapons accepted for temporary storage;

Special means.

7.15 The internal walls of the weapon room, as a rule, should be made of brick with a thickness of at least 380 mm. The internal surfaces of the walls are less

Russian Federation Resolution of the Ministry of Construction of Russia

Amendment No. 1 SP 12-131-95 Occupational safety in construction (not valid in the Russian Federation)

set bookmark

set bookmark



Clause 5. "Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part two. Adopted by the State Duma on December 22, 1995."

Clause 78. “Safety rules for the operation of water supply and sewerage facilities. Approved by the Ministry of Housing and Utilities of the RSFSR in 1987.”

Clause 79. “Rules for safe work in green farming. Approved by Roszhilkomunsoyuz in 1990.”

Clause 95. "GOST 50849-96. Safety belts. General technical conditions. Approved by the Ministry of Construction of Russia in 1995";

supplement the List with the following regulations:

Clause 97. "Safety rules and industrial sanitation in the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures and products. M.: Stroyizdat, 1987."

Paragraph 98. “Unified safety rules for blasting operations. - M.: OBT, 1992.”

Clause 99. "OST 36 100. 3. 08-86. SSBT. Steel building structures. Manufacturing. Safety requirements. Approved by the USSR Ministry of Installation and Special Construction in 1986."

Clause 100. “Rules on labor protection in the housing sector. Approved by the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR in 1987.”

Clause 101. “Rules on safety precautions and industrial sanitation during the construction and repair of city roads, work at asphalt plants and production bases of road organizations. Approved by the Ministry of Housing and Utilities of the RSFSR in 1976.”

Clause 102. “Safety rules for repair and construction work. Approved by the Ministry of Housing and Utilities of the RSFSR in 1996.”

Clause 103. “Safety rules for electrical installation and adjustment work. Approved by the USSR Ministry of Installation and Special Construction in 1990.”

Clause 104. “Safety rules for the operation of laundries and baths. Approved by the Ministry of Housing and Utilities of the RSFSR in 1975.”


training on labor protection for executives and
specialists from organizations, enterprises and construction institutions,
building materials industry and
housing and communal services


The main goal of this training program on labor protection is to study by managers and specialists of organizations and enterprises the rules and regulations of new legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation containing labor protection requirements, as well as to consolidate knowledge of existing regulatory and technical acts on labor safety.

The course is designed for 40 hours, more than half of which are allocated to the “General Course”, which includes issues that are common to all organizations, and the other half is allocated to a special course, which includes occupational safety issues related to construction and installation work, manufacturing building materials and structures, as well as the operation of housing and communal services.

The program was developed in accordance with Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 9, 1996 No. 18, which provides for training in labor protection based on standard programs developed and approved by federal executive authorities.

Organizations and enterprises, based on this Model Program, draw up their programs taking into account work related to the specialization of this organization.




Number of training hours


1. Legal issues of labor protection

2. Main directions of state policy in the field of labor protection

3. Organization of work on labor protection at enterprises

4. Organization of construction sites, production workshops and workplaces

5. Rules for the design and operation of construction machines, production equipment, technological equipment and tools

6. Safety requirements for the design and operation of sanitary and industrial buildings and structures

7. Requirements for the use of protective equipment for workers

8. Safety requirements for transport and loading and unloading operations

9. Safety requirements for hot work (welding and gas flame)


10. Safety requirements for civil works

10.1. Preparatory work

10.2. Excavation

10.3. Concrete and reinforced concrete works

10.4. Installation work

10.5. Stone work

10.6. Finishing work

10.7. Carpentry and joinery work

10.8. Roofing

10.9. Waterproofing works

11. Safety requirements for special work

11.1. Installation of process equipment and pipelines

11.2. Electrical installation and adjustment work

11.3. Sanitary work

11.4. Testing of equipment and pipelines

11.5. Anti-corrosion and thermal insulation works

11.6. Construction of artificial foundations and drilling operations

11.7. Underground work

12. Safety requirements for the production of building materials, structures and products

12.1. Extraction and processing of non-metallic building materials and processing of natural stone

12.2. Production of cement and asbestos cement products

12.3. Production of glass and glass products

12.4. Production of thermal insulation materials and products

12.5. Manufacturing of roofing and waterproofing materials and products

12.6. Production of building ceramics, clay and silicate bricks

12.7. Production of concrete and reinforced concrete parts and products

12.8. Production of sanitary products

12.9. Manufacturing of metal structures

12.10. Manufacturing of wooden structures and products

13. Safety requirements for the operation of housing and communal services facilities

13.1. Housing facilities

13.2. Water supply and sewerage facilities

13.3. City road facilities

13.4. Green facilities

13.5. Cleaning of urban areas and bath and laundry facilities

A. General course

Topic 1. Legal issues of labor protection

Labor protection concept. Labor protection as an object of civil and labor law. Rights and guarantees of workers to safe and harmless working conditions. Responsibilities of employers to ensure labor protection at enterprises. Responsibilities of employees to comply with the requirements of norms, rules and instructions on labor protection. Restrictions on heavy work with harmful and dangerous working conditions, as well as benefits and compensation for work in these conditions. Restrictions on the use of labor by women and youth. Responsibility of employers for harm caused to the health of workers due to industrial injury. Responsibility of managers and employees of enterprises and organizations for violations of laws and other regulations containing labor protection requirements.

Topic 2. Main directions of state policy
in the field of labor protection

Development of joint actions on labor protection of executive authorities, associations of employers and trade unions when concluding general and sectoral tariff agreements. Responsibility of the parties for their implementation. State regulatory requirements for labor protection. State supervisory authorities for labor protection. Their functions and rights. Public control over compliance with the rights and interests in the field of labor protection of employees of enterprises and organizations. Investigation and recording of industrial accidents and incidents. State supervision of investigations. Compulsory social insurance against accidents at work.

Topic 3. Organization of work on labor protection at enterprises

Functional responsibilities for labor protection of managers and specialists in organizations and enterprises. Resolving issues on labor protection in collective agreements, developing joint actions of work collectives and employers for their implementation in committees (commissions) on labor protection. Activities of authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection. The labor protection service at enterprises, its structure, number, functions and main tasks. Planning of occupational safety measures. The procedure for developing instructions on labor protection, issuing orders and regulations on labor protection issues. Instruction on labor protection, types of instruction, procedure for conducting and registration. Organization of training and testing of knowledge on labor protection for various categories of workers. Organization of preliminary and periodic medical examinations. Organization of safe performance of work with increased danger, for which a permit must be issued. Procedure for certification of workplaces based on working conditions.

Topic 4. Organization of construction sites, production
workshops and workplaces

Classification of hazardous areas arising during work performance; their sizes; procedure for placing temporary buildings and roads, taking into account hazardous areas. Safety requirements for the construction of fencing at construction sites, work sites and hazardous areas on their territory. Safety requirements for access roads, roads, driveways, lighting of sites and workplaces. Safety requirements for storing materials, structures and products at production (construction) sites and workplaces. Requirements for the organization of workplaces, placement of machinery and equipment. Requirements for the air of the working area, provision of natural and forced ventilation. Ensuring fire safety. Lighting standards for construction sites and workplaces.

Topic 5. Rules for the design and operation of construction machines,
production equipment, technological
equipment and tools

Responsibility of legal entities and individuals for maintaining technical means, machines, equipment, equipment in good condition and their safe use during work. Rules for the safe operation of lifting machines, mechanisms, construction hoists. Safety requirements for the operation of cars, tractors and other mobile machines. Safety requirements for the operation of conveyors, storage bins, ball mills and other stationary equipment. Safety requirements for the operation of pressure vessels. Requirements for organizing the safe operation of electrical installations. Safety requirements for the operation of in-plant transport. Safety requirements for the operation of scaffolding equipment. Safety requirements for the operation of manual electric and pneumatic machines. Safety requirements for maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment.

Topic 6. Safety requirements for sanitary facilities
and industrial buildings and structures

Loads and impacts, dimensions of passages and driveways, area standards per person, requirements for ventilation and lighting, ensuring electrical safety and fire safety. The procedure for technical inspection, current and major repairs of buildings and structures. Standards for providing workers with sanitary facilities. The procedure for commissioning industrial buildings and structures.

Topic 7. Protective equipment for workers: classification, requirements,
procedure for issuance and application

Protective equipment for workers - general requirements and classification. The procedure for providing workers with special clothing, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment for workers. Means to prevent a person from falling from a height. Requirements for protective devices and safety belts. Protective helmets and hand protection. Types and order of application. Signal colors and safety signs.

Topic 8. Safety requirements for transport production
and loading and unloading operations

General safety requirements for transport and loading and unloading operations. Additional requirements for transporting cargo by road, rail, water and air transport. Safety requirements for transporting people by road. Safety requirements for the transportation of dangerous and oversized cargo, their loading and unloading. Safety requirements for unloading bulk cargo.

Topic 9. Safety requirements for the production of fire weapons
welding and gas-flame works

The procedure for carrying out hot work in conditions of fire hazard. General safety requirements for manual arc welding, as well as gas-flame work. Safety measures when performing work in hard-to-reach places and closed containers.

B. Special course

Topic 10. Safety requirements during production
civil works:

Topic 10.1. Preparatory work

Safety requirements for dismantling existing buildings and structures, site planning, installation of drainage systems, and relocation of communications. Safety requirements for the construction of temporary roads, fences, laying temporary power and water supply networks.

Topic 10.2. Excavation

The procedure for obtaining permission to carry out excavation work in populated areas. General safety requirements when developing excavations and pits. Maximum steepness of excavation slopes for various soils. The procedure for securing the walls of excavations and trenches when excavating soil in unstable soils. Safety requirements for filling embankments and backfilling cavities and pits. Safety requirements for mechanized soil development with various types of machines. The procedure for limiting mechanized soil development near underground and overhead power lines and other communications. Safety requirements for blasting frozen and rocky soils.

Topic 10.3. Concrete and reinforced concrete works

General safety requirements when performing various stages of concrete and reinforced concrete work: preparation and installation of reinforcement, installation of formwork, laying and maintaining concrete, removal of formwork. The procedure for performing work when removing floor formwork. Safety requirements for electrical heating of concrete in winter. Safety requirements for pre-tensioning reinforcement. Safety requirements for mechanical processing and breaking of reinforced concrete and concrete structures. Requirements for protection from vibration and the harmful effects of cement on the skin.

Topic 10.4. Installation work

General requirements for the installation of structures and equipment, including: slinging, moving by crane, pointing and installation into the design position, temporary fastening and unslinging. Requirements for technological equipment, additional safety requirements for the installation of certain types of structures and equipment. Safety requirements for the production of large-scale assembly on the construction site. Additional safety requirements when using non-traditional installation methods: block, sliding method, etc. Additional safety requirements when performing installation in cramped conditions, as well as near power lines. Safety requirements for dismantling structures. Restrictions on work in strong winds and poor visibility.

Topic 10.5. Stone work

General safety requirements for laying walls of buildings and structures, including requirements for supplying bricks with a crane, when using protective canopies, scaffolding devices, fencing devices and safety belts. Additional safety requirements when laying chimneys, as well as performing work in winter. Requirements for limiting the height of a free-standing wall. Safety requirements when dismantling masonry.

Topic 10.6. Finishing work

Requirements for finishing materials, procedure for using imported materials. Requirements for scaffolding means and power tools. Requirements for limiting the combination of finishing and hot works. Safety requirements when working in closed, unventilated rooms and containers. Hygiene requirements for workers.

Topic 10.7. Carpentry and joinery work

Safety requirements when carrying lumber and wooden structures and products, using hand and mechanized tools and equipment. Additional safety requirements when performing work at height, as well as in winter. Ensuring fire safety.

Topic 10.8. Roofing

General safety requirements for roofing work, including: safety measures associated with working at heights, inclined planes, and fragile roofing. Restrictions on work during poor visibility and strong winds. Safety measures when storing and supplying materials. Establishment of hazardous zones at work sites.

Topic 10.9. Waterproofing works

Safety requirements for installing adhesive insulation on bitumen mastic, including: requirements for materials; safety measures when cooking bitumen, supplying bitumen to the work site; performing work in closed containers; use of special clothing. Safety requirements for the use of gas burners for the installation of adhesive waterproofing with a fused layer.

Topic 11. Safety requirements for special work:

Topic 11.1. Installation of process equipment and pipelines

General safety requirements for installation of process equipment and pipelines. Additional safety requirements when performing work in an operating enterprise. Additional safety requirements when working on overpasses and in trenches. Safety requirements when using the block installation method.

Topic 11.2. Electrical installation and adjustment work

General safety requirements for electrical installation work in various conditions: at heights, in wells and collectors, near existing electrical installations. Safety requirements for the installation of overhead power lines, installation of batteries, installation of power and lighting networks and other types of electrical installation work. Safety requirements when setting up equipment, testing equipment with a product.

Topic 11.3. Sanitary work

Safety requirements for the installation of workpieces, as well as the installation of ventilation systems, sewerage and water supply. Additional safety requirements when welding galvanized pipes, as well as performing welding work in hard-to-reach and unventilated places. Safety requirements for the use of acids.

Topic 11.4. Testing of equipment and pipelines

The procedure for preparing equipment and pipelines for testing. General safety requirements that should be followed when conducting hydraulic testing of equipment and pipelines. Additional safety requirements to be observed when conducting pneumatic tests. Limitations on the use of pneumatic tests.

Topic 11.5. Anti-corrosion and thermal insulation works

General safety requirements for the installation of paint, self-leveling, mastic, putty, pasting, lining, vinyl plastic and other anti-corrosion coatings. Requirements for preventing exposure of workers to harmful substances, as well as fire safety requirements during anti-corrosion work. General requirements for thermal insulation work. Additional safety requirements when working in confined spaces and hard-to-reach places.

Topic 11.6. Construction of artificial foundations and drilling operations

General safety requirements for drilling operations and installation of artificial foundations of buildings and structures in the presence of underground communications, foundations and other structures. Safety requirements for driving and cutting piles. Additional safety requirements when using special methods for constructing artificial foundations, including: “wall in the ground” and “drop well”.

Topic 11.7. Underground work

General safety requirements for underground work, including: regulations for rescue and emergency operations, face fastening passport, mine ventilation, drainage, soil haulage and delivery of materials. Requirements for underground workers, working hours. The procedure for carrying out blasting operations. Safety requirements that take into account the technology of constructing various underground structures, including: subways, railway and road tunnels, mines and near-share structures, city sewers, etc.

Topic 12. Safety requirements for the production of building materials, manufacturing structures and products:

Topic 12.1. Extraction and processing of non-metallic building materials and processing of natural stone

General safety requirements when organizing open-pit mining of raw materials. Safety requirements for the use of road construction machines in quarries. Safety requirements for the development of raw materials using hydromechanized methods. General safety requirements when organizing underground mining of raw materials. Safety requirements for blasting operations. Safety requirements for transportation, crushing, grinding, sorting and sifting of materials. Safety requirements for sawing and processing natural stone on machines and manually. The use of thermal jet tools and the method of ultrasonic stone processing.

Topic 12.2. Production of cement and asbestos-cement products

Safety requirements for sludge preparation and drying of cement raw materials. Safety requirements for firing raw materials in rotary and shaft kilns. Requirements for the design and operation of dust and gas collection systems. Additional safety requirements for unloading, transporting and storing asbestos. Safety requirements for preparing asbestos-cement mass and forming products. Safety requirements for the production of corrugated asbestos-cement sheets and flat pressed sheets. Safety requirements for the operation of automatic loading and unloading rolling pins, lines for assembling insulated asbestos-cement slabs.

Topic 12.3. Production of glass and glass products

Safety requirements for storage, as well as preparation of raw materials and batches in compound workshops. Safety requirements for glass melting, as well as the production of sheet and profile glass in various ways. Safety requirements for the production of high-quality tableware and glass products (glass containers). Safety requirements for cutting glass, processing products on machines and with acids. Safety requirements for the production of fiberglass and special products.

Topic 12.4. Production of thermal insulation materials and products

Safety requirements for the preparation and supply of synthetic binders to production. Safety requirements for the operation of bitumen digesters, cupola furnaces and bath furnaces. Safety requirements for servicing centrifuges, heat treatment and cooling chambers. Safety requirements for carpet cutting, stitching and packaging of mineral wool boards and mats.

Topic 12.5. Manufacturing of roofing and waterproofing materials and products

Fire safety requirements for storage and processing areas of bitumen and liquid fuel. Safety requirements for the preparation and processing of raw materials on dust drums, rag grinders, and pulpers. Safety requirements for the operation of cardboard machines, drying drums and roofing felt units. Safety requirements for the operation of equipment for adhesive pastes, pouring machines, installations for the production and cutting of blocks of polystyrene foam, syringe machines and rotary-pulsation devices.

Topic 12.6. Production of building ceramics, clay and silicate bricks

Safety requirements for the preparation of charge and raw material mass. Safety requirements for the operation of magnetic and electromagnetic separators, filter presses and spar washers. Safety requirements for servicing mixers and stirrers. Safety requirements for servicing plastic and semi-dry pressing presses, vertical pipe, toggle, hydraulic, fractional and other types of presses. Safety requirements for the operation of special equipment for the production of sanitary ceramic products, ceramic tiles and bricks, when servicing dryers and ovens. Safety requirements for autoclave processing of silicate products and bricks.

Topic 12.7. Production of concrete and reinforced concrete parts and products

Safety requirements for the preparation of concrete and mortars using a mechanized method. Safety requirements for storing and procuring reinforcement on machine tools, in the manufacture of reinforcement cages using arc and resistance electric welding. Safety requirements for assembling and dismantling forms, cleaning and lubricating them. Safety requirements when laying concrete mixture in forms, cassette installations. Safety requirements for thermal and humidity treatment of products in chambers and autoclaves. Safety requirements for finishing products and testing their strength.

Topic 12.8. Production of sanitary products

Safety requirements for preparing the charge, making molds and foundry cores. Safety requirements for melting and pouring metal, pouring molds, cleaning and trimming castings. Additional safety measures for centrifugal casting of sewer pipes, injection molding and die casting of shaped parts. Safety requirements for machining metal and performing mechanical assembly work on cast iron radiators. Safety requirements for stamping steel baths and parts, in the manufacture of steel panel radiators. Safety requirements for painting products with enamels and applying metal coatings.

Topic 12.9. Manufacturing of metal structures

Safety requirements for mechanical processing of metal products on machines. Safety requirements for welding work. Safety requirements for mechanical assembly work. Safety requirements for painting and applying protective coatings.

Topic 12.10. Manufacturing of wooden structures and products

Safety requirements for wood drying and antiseptic treatment. Safety requirements for industrial methods of processing wooden structures and products. Safety requirements for the manufacture of glued structures. Fire safety requirements at woodworking enterprises.

Topic 13. Safety requirements for the operation of housing and communal services:

Topic 13.1. Housing facilities

Safety requirements for the operation of boiler installations and heating points. Safety requirements for the operation of elevators. Safety requirements for the operation of electrical installations, indoor electrical networks and electrical equipment. Safety requirements for sanitary cleaning of households and cleaning areas. Safety requirements when performing repair and construction work. Fire safety of residential and public buildings.

Topic 13.2. Water supply and sewerage facilities

Safety requirements for the operation of pumping stations and water intake structures. Safety requirements when performing work in wells, sewers and other underground structures. Safety requirements for the operation of water treatment facilities. Safety requirements for the operation of wastewater treatment facilities. Safety requirements for the construction and operation of warehouses for storing highly toxic substances and chlorine consumption systems. Fire protection of water supply and sewerage facilities.

Topic 13.3. City road facilities

Safety requirements for road widening and installation of curb stones. Safety requirements for the construction, repair and operation of storm sewers. Safety requirements for repairing road surfaces and marking roadways. Safety requirements when cleaning city roads in summer and winter. Requirements for ensuring road safety.

Topic 13.4. Green facilities

Safety requirements for planting, mowing lawns, and trimming bushes. Safety requirements when carrying out logging operations in forested areas and parks. Safety requirements for planting trees, forming crowns, and felling old trees in populated areas. Safety requirements when working with pesticides and mineral fertilizers.

Topic 13.5. Cleaning of urban areas and bath and laundry facilities

Safety requirements for waste collection devices in residential areas and on the territory of industrial enterprises. Safety requirements for landfills and waste treatment plants. Safety requirements for storing materials with hazardous and harmful properties. Safety requirements for the operation of compressor units, steam-water supply and sewerage systems at bathing and laundry facilities. Safety requirements for equipment repair."

The text of the document is verified according to:
official publication
"Collection of changes to regulatory
documents approved by the Ministry of Construction
Russia in 1996."/Ministry of Construction of Russia -
M.: State Unitary Enterprise TsPP, 1997

SP - sets of rules for construction - SP 1. SP 1. 2- 9. 5 Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. CODE OF RULES INSTRUCTIONS for the design of objects of internal affairs bodies (police) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Date of introduction 1. 99. Preface. 1 DEVELOPED by the State Special Design and Survey Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (GSPI Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia). INTRODUCED by the Construction Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. AGREED BY the Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Main Directorate for Ensuring Public Order (GUOOP), the Investigative Committee (IC), the Expert Forensic Center (ECC), the Main Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (MCSN), the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation (GUUR), the Main Directorate of the State Automobile Inspectorate (GUGAI), Main Directorate for Economic Crimes (GUEP), Main Directorate of the State Fire Service (GUGPS), Construction Department (US), Main Department of Internal Affairs in Transport (GUVDT) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

ACCEPTED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by the protocol of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 1. APPROVED by the letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 1. INSTEAD OF VSN 1. 2-9. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 1 area of ​​use. The norms of this instruction must be observed when developing projects for the construction, reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment of buildings, premises and structures of internal affairs bodies (police); city, district departments (departments, offices) of internal affairs (police) of cities (districts, districts in cities); line departments (departments, offices) of internal affairs in transport *; _______________* City, district, linear internal affairs bodies are hereinafter referred to as “city district internal affairs bodies”. IVS); special reception centers for persons administratively arrested; reception centers for persons detained for vagrancy and begging; reception centers for minors; medical sobering stations; registration and examination divisions of the State Automobile Inspectorate. Normative references.

SP 12-95. Instructions for the design of internal affairs bodies' facilities for holding suspects and accused persons of internal affairs bodies.

Foundation of hydraulic structures." Sni. P 2. 0. 4. 0. Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings.”SNi. P 2. 0. 4. 0. 3- 8. Sewerage. External networks and structures.”SNi. P 2. 0. 4. 0. 5- 9.

02/12/1995. Date of revision: Adopting authority. The norms of this instruction must be observed when developing projects for the construction, reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment of buildings, premises and structures of internal affairs bodies. SP 12-95. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. SET OF RULES. INSTRUCTIONS. on the design of internal organs objects. Affairs (police) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Date of introduction. SP 12-95. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. SET OF RULES. INSTRUCTION 3.1 When designing objects of internal affairs bodies (police) should be observed. SP 12-95 Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia CODE OF RULES INSTRUCTIONS for the design of objects of internal affairs bodies (police) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Date of introduction 1995-07-01 Preface 1 DEVELOPED by the State Special Design and Survey Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning.”SNi. P 2. 0. 4. 0. 8- 8. Gas supply.”SNi.

P 2. 0. 7. 0. 1- 8. Urban planning.

Planning and development of urban and rural settlements.”SNi. P 2. 0. 8. 0. 2- 8. Public buildings and structures.”SNi. P 2. 1. 1. 0. 1- 8. Warehouse buildings.”SNi.

P 3. 0. 4. 0. 1- 8. Insulating and finishing coatings.”SNi. P 3. 0. 4. 0. 3- 8.

Protection of building structures and structures from corrosion.”SNi. P 3. 0. 5. 0. 1- 8. Internal sanitary systems.”SNi. P 3. 0. 5. 0. 6-8. Electrical devices.”SNi.

P 3. 0. 5. 0. 2- 8. Gas supply.”SNi. P II- 4. 7. 9 “Natural and artificial lighting.” SNi.

P II- 1. 2- 7. 7 “Protection from noise.” VSN 0. Ministry of Automobile Transport “Car maintenance enterprise.” VSN 5. State Committee for Architecture. “Electrical equipment of residential and public buildings.” VSN 6. Design of the living environment taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and low-mobility groups of the population." RD 7. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. "Security alarm systems and complexes.

Elements of technical strengthening of objects.” RD 7. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. “Systems and complexes of security, fire and security-fire alarm systems. Rules for the production and acceptance of work." RD 3. Ministry of Energy of the USSR. "Instructions for the installation of lightning protection of buildings and structures." GOST 4. Grounding for stationary wire communication installations, radio relay stations, wire broadcast radio broadcasting units and antennas for collective television reception systems. Resistance standards."PPB 0.

Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation.” A manual for the design of civil airfields in the development of SNi. P 2. 0. 5. 0. 8- 8. Part VII “Helicopter stations, heliports and landing sites for helicopters.”
