Description of Canada in English. Canada - Canada (2), oral topic in English with translation

Canada (2)

Canada is located on the north of Northern America, washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Pacific Ocean in the west, and the Arctic Ocean in the north and in the northeast by the Baffin Bay and the Davis Strait, which separate it from Greenland, In the south and in the north Canada borders on the USA. It is a land of vast distances and rich natural resources. Canada became a self-governing dominion in 1867 while retaining ties to the British crown. Canada's territory is the world's second largest country, surpassed in size only by Russia. It includes many islands, notably the Canadian Arctic Islands, also called Arctic Archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. Economically and technologically the nation has developed in parallel with the US, its neighbor to the south. The total area is about 10 million sq km. Canada is slightly larger than the US. It is an important manufacturer, and its major cities, such as Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary and Winnipeg are centers of commerce and industry.

The climate of Canada varies from temperate in the south to subarctic and arctic in the north. The highest Canadian point is Mount Logan 5,959 m. The population of Canada is about 32 million people. There are two state languages: English and French. English is spoken by 60% of the population; French is spoken by 23% of people.

Most of Canada's inhabitants live in the southern part of the country and vast areas of the north are sparsely inhabited. The country is divided into ten provinces (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan) and three territories (Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory, Nunavut Territory).The third territory called Nunavut, to be carved from the present Northwest Territories, was created in 1999.
The name Canada is derived from an Iroquoian term meaning "village".

Among the great rivers of Canada there are the Saint Lawrence River, draining the Great Lakes and emptying into the Gulf of Saint Lawrence; the Ottawa and the Saguenay rivers, the principal affluents of the Saint Lawrence River; the Saint John River, emptying into the Bay of Fundy.

The government type is confederation with parliamentary democracy. The capital of Canada is Ottawa.

Canada became independent from the United Kingdom on July, 1, 1867. Legal system is based on the English common law, except in Quebec, where civil law system based on the French law prevails.

The racial and ethnic makeup of the Canadian people is diversified. About 35 percent of the population is composed of people of the British origin. People of the French origin total about 25 percent of the population. The vast majority of French-speaking Canadians reside in Quebec, where they make up about three-fourths of the population; large numbers also live in Ontario and New Brunswick.

French-speaking Canadians maintain their language, culture, and traditions, and the federal government follows the policy of a bilingual and bicultural nation. During the 1970s and 1980s the proportion of Asians among the Canadian population increased, and today those who count their ancestry as wholly Asian make up 8 to 10 percent of the population. More than two-thirds of the Asian immigrants live in Ontario or British Columbia. The remainder of the population is composed of people of various ethnic groups, such as German, Italian, Ukrainian, Netherlands Dutch, Scandinavian, Polish, Hungarian, Greek, and Native American. Blacks have never been constituted\a major segment of the Canadian population. Indigenous people make up nearly 2 percent of Canada's inhabitants.

The largest religious community in Canada is Roman Catholic. Nearly half of Canadians who are Roman Catholic live in Quebec. Of the Protestant denominations in Canada the largest is the United Church of Canada, followed by the Anglican Church of Canada. Other important Protestant groups are the Baptist, Presbyterian and Lutheran. Nearly 2 percent of the population are Orthodox. Muslim and Jewish adherents each number about 1 percent. A substantial number of Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs have been brought to the country in recent years by immigration. Nearly 13 percent of Canadians claim no religion.

Canada (2)

Canada is located in the northern part of North America, washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Arctic Ocean in the north and northeast, Baffin Bay and Davis Strait, which separate it from the island of Greenland* Canada is bordered in the south and north by from the USA. Canada is a land of vast distances and rich natural resources. Canada became a self-governing dominion in 1867, while maintaining ties to the British Crown.

Canada is the second largest country in the world, second in size only to Russia. Its territory includes many islands, especially the Canadian Arctic Islands, also called the Arctic Archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. Economically and technologically, the nation developed in parallel with the United States, its southern neighbor.

The total area of ​​the territory is approximately 10 million square meters. km. Canada is slightly larger than the USA. The country is an important manufacturer, and its main cities such as Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary and Winnipeg are centers of trade and industry.

Canada's climate varies from temperate in the south to subarctic and arctic in the north. The highest point in Canada is Mount Logan - 5959 m. The population of Canada is approximately 32 million people. Canada has two official languages: English and French. English is spoken by 60% of the population, French is spoken by 23% of the population.

Most Canadians live in the southern part of the country, and the vast northern regions are virtually uninhabited. The country is divided into ten provinces (Alberta, British Columbia, Mantoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan) and three territories (Northwest Territory, Yukon Territory, Nunavut Territory). The third territory of Nunavut was created in 1999 by separating from the existing Northwest Territory.

The name Canada comes from the Iroquoian term for "village".

Among Canada's largest rivers are the St. Lawrence River, flowing from the Great Lakes and emptying into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Ottawa and the Saguenay, the main tributaries of the St. Lawrence River; The Saint John River (Saint John) flows into the Bay of Fundy.

The type of government is a confederation with parliamentary democracy. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. According to the administrative division, Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories.

Canada became independent from Great Britain on July 1, 1867. The legal system is based on English common law, except in Quebec, where the civil law system based on French law predominates.

Canada's population is racially and ethnically diverse. Approximately 35 percent of the population is of British descent. People of French descent make up approximately 25 percent of the total population. The vast majority of French-speaking Canadians live in Quebec, where they make up approximately three-quarters of the total population; many live in Ontario and New Brunswick.

French-speaking Canadians maintain their language, culture and traditions, and the federal government follows the policy of being a bilingual, bicultural nation. During the 1970s and 1980s, the number of Asians in the Canadian population increased, and today those who consider their ancestry to be entirely Asian make up between 8 and 10 percent of the total population. More than two-thirds of Asian immigrants live in Ontario or British Columbia. The rest of the population consists of people of various ethnic groups such as Germans, Italians, Ukrainians, Dutch, Scandinavians, Poles, Hungarians, Greeks and Native Americans. Blacks never
constituted a significant portion of the Canadian population- Indigenous peoples make up almost 2 percent of the total population of Canada.

The largest religious community in Canada is the Roman Catholic community. Almost half of its members live in Quebec. Of the Protestant communities in Canada, the United Church of Canada is the largest, followed by the Anglican Church of Canada. Other important Protestant communities are Baptists, Presbyterians, Lutherans. Almost 2 percent of the total population professes Orthodoxy. Muslims and Jews each account for approximately 1 percent of the total population. Immigration in recent years has brought significant numbers of Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs to the country. Almost 13 percent of Canadians say they have no religion.


1. Where is Canada located?
2. When did Canada become an independent dominion?
3. What size does Canada have?
4. What is the highest Canadian point?
5. How many people live in Canada?
6. How many people speak English?
7. How many people speak French?
8. How many provinces are there in Canada?
9. Are there indigenous people in Canada?
10. What is the largest religious community in Canada?

to wash - to wash
the Arctic Ocean - Arctic Ocean
border - border
vast - vast, huge; boundless
natural resource - natural resources
self-governing dominion - dominion under self-government
crown - crown
to surpass - surpass, exceed
notably - very, noticeably, very, strongly
neighbor - neighbor
slightly - little, slightly, slightly
commerce - commerce, trade
to vary - change (s), change (s); differ
temperate - moderate (about climate, etc.)
subarctic - subarctic
sparsely - rarely, sparsely
to inhabit - to populate, populate
to be derived from - come from
Iroquoian - Iroquois
to drain - drain water, carry out drainage
to empty into - building fall into
the Gulf of Saint Lawrence - Gulf of St. Lawrence
the Ottawa - Ottawa River
the Saguenay - Saguenay River
affluent - tributary (of a river)
confederation - confederation
to prevail - to prevail, dominate
makeup - composition, structure
to diversify - to diversify; change
to be composed of - consist of
origin - origin
majority - majority
to reside - to reside, to be
to maintain - maintain
bilingual - bilingual
to increase - increase, increase; grow
ancestry - ancestors, grandparents
indigenous - aboriginal, local, native
Roman Catholic - Roman Catholic; Catholic
the United Church of Canada - United Church of Canada
the Anglican Church of Canada - Anglican Church of Canada
the Baptist - Baptists
Presbyterian - Presbyterian (representative of Presbyterianism - a religious movement that is a type of Calvinism in English-speaking countries)
Lutheran - Lutherans
Orthodox - release, Orthodox
Muslim - Muslim
-ewish - Jew
adherent - adherent, supporter
Buddhist - Buddhist
Hindus - Hindu
Sikh - Sikh (followers of Sikhism, sect in Hinduism)
to claim - to declare, assert

Canada occupies the northern part of the North American continent and some islands. It borders on the USA.

The country is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Arctic Ocean and its seas in the north. The Canadian north remains one of the least settled and least exploited parts of the world. About 2 percent of the Canadian territory is covered by glacier ice.

The eastern parts of the country are mainly valleys and plains. The western territories are occupied by the Cordilleras. They stretch from the American border to the Arctic Ocean. The Cordillera region is composed of numerous mountain groups: the Rocky Mountains, the Coast Mountains and others.

The main Canadian islands are Newfoundland, Victorian Island, Baffin Island and others. There are a lot of rivers and lakes in Canada. Among them there are the Great Bear Lake, the Great Slave Lake and the Great Lakes District. The largest rivers are the Nelson, the Ottawa, the Mackenzie and the Yukon.

The population of Canada is about 25 million people. It is mainly concentrated in large cities. The economically significant area of ​​the country is its western part. Canada is rich in mineral resources, such as non-ferrous metals, uranium, oil, natural gas and coal. It is also exceptionally rich in forests and fur-bearing animals. All these factors led Canada to the position of a highly-developed country.


Canada occupies the northern part of the North American continent and some islands. It borders the USA.

The country is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, the Atlantic Ocean in the east and the Arctic Ocean and its seas in the north. The Canadian north is still one of the least populated and least exploited parts of the world. About 2 percent of Canada's territory is covered by glaciers.

The eastern part of the country is mainly valleys and plains. The western territories are occupied by the Cordilleras. They stretch from the American border to the Arctic Ocean. The Cordillera region consists of numerous groups of mountains: the Rocky Mountains, the Coastal Mountains and others.

The main Canadian islands are Newfoundland, Victoria, Baffin Island and others. There are many rivers and lakes in Canada. These include Great Bear Lake, Great Slave Lake and the Great Lakes region. The largest rivers are Nelson, Ottawa, Mackenzie and Yukon.

Canada's population is about 25 million people. It is mainly concentrated in large cities. The economically significant territory of the country is its western part. Canada is rich in mineral resources such as non-ferrous metals, uranium, oil, natural gas and coal. In addition, it is exceptionally rich in forests and fur-bearing animals. All these factors have led Canada to the position of a highly developed country.


Canada is located on the north of Northern America, washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Pacific Ocean in the west, and the Arctic Ocean in the north and in the northeast by the Baffin Bay and the Davis Strait, which separate it from Greenland, In the south and in the north Canada borders on the USA. It is a land of vast distances and rich natural resources. Canada became a self-governing dominion in 1867 while retaining ties to the British crown. Canada's territory is the world's second largest country, surpassed in size only by Russia. It includes many islands, notably the Canadian Arctic Islands, also called Arctic Archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. Economically and technologically the nation has developed in parallel with the US, its neighbor to the south. The total area is about 10 million sq km. Canada is slightly larger than the US. It is an important manufacturer, and its major cities, such as Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary and Winnipeg are centers of commerce and industry.

The climate of Canada varies from temperate in the south to subarctic and arctic in the north. The highest Canadian point is Mount Logan 5,959 m. The population of Canada is about 32 million people. There are two state languages: English and French. English is spoken by 60% of the population; French is spoken by 23% of people.

Most of Canada's inhabitants live in the southern part of the country and vast areas of the north are sparsely inhabited. The country is divided into ten provinces (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan) and three territories (Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory, Nunavut Territory).The third territory called Nunavut, to be carved from the present Northwest Territories, was created in 1999.
The name Canada is derived from an Iroquoian term meaning "village".

Among the great rivers of Canada there are the Saint Lawrence River, draining the Great Lakes and emptying into the Gulf of Saint Lawrence; the Ottawa and the Saguenay rivers, the principal affluents of the Saint Lawrence River; the Saint John River, emptying into the Bay of Fundy.

The government type is confederation with parliamentary democracy. The capital of Canada is Ottawa.

Canada became independent from the United Kingdom on July, 1, 1867. Legal system is based on the English common law, except in Quebec, where civil law system based on the French law prevails.

The racial and ethnic makeup of the Canadian people is diversified. About 35 percent of the population is composed of people of the British origin. People of the French origin total about 25 percent of the population. The vast majority of French-speaking Canadians reside in Quebec, where they make up about three-fourths of the population; large numbers also live in Ontario and New Brunswick.

French-speaking Canadians maintain their language, culture, and traditions, and the federal government follows the policy of a bilingual and bicultural nation. During the 1970s and 1980s the proportion of Asians among the Canadian population increased, and today those who count their ancestry as wholly Asian make up 8 to 10 percent of the population. More than two-thirds of the Asian immigrants live in Ontario or British Columbia. The remainder of the population is composed of people of various ethnic groups, such as German, Italian, Ukrainian, Netherlands Dutch, Scandinavian, Polish, Hungarian, Greek, and Native American. Blacks have never been constituted\a major segment of the Canadian population. Indigenous people make up nearly 2 percent of Canada's inhabitants.

The largest religious community in Canada is Roman Catholic. Nearly half of Canadians who are Roman Catholic live in Quebec. Of the Protestant denominations in Canada the largest is the United Church of Canada, followed by the Anglican Church of Canada. Other important Protestant groups are the Baptist, Presbyterian and Lutheran. Nearly 2 percent of the population are Orthodox. Muslim and Jewish adherents each number about 1 percent. A substantial number of Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs have been brought to the country in recent years by immigration. Nearly 13 percent of Canadians claim no religion.

Text translation: Canada - Canada (2)

Canada is located in the northern part of North America, washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Arctic Ocean in the north and northeast, Baffin Bay and Davis Strait, which separate it from the island of Greenland* Canada is bordered in the south and north by from the USA. Canada is a land of vast distances and rich natural resources. Canada became a self-governing dominion in 1867, while maintaining ties to the British Crown.

Canada is the second largest country in the world, second in size only to Russia. Its territory includes many islands, especially the Canadian Arctic Islands, also called the Arctic Archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. Economically and technologically, the nation developed in parallel with the United States, its southern neighbor.

The total area of ​​the territory is approximately 10 million square meters. km. Canada is slightly larger than the USA. The country is an important manufacturer, and its main cities such as Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary and Winnipeg are centers of trade and industry.

Canada's climate varies from temperate in the south to subarctic and arctic in the north. The highest point in Canada is Mount Logan - 5959 m. The population of Canada is approximately 32 million people. Canada has two official languages: English and French. English is spoken by 60% of the population, French is spoken by 23% of the population.

Most Canadians live in the southern part of the country, and the vast northern regions are virtually uninhabited. The country is divided into ten provinces (Alberta, British Columbia, Mantoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan) and three territories (Northwest Territory, Yukon Territory, Nunavut Territory). The third territory of Nunavut was created in 1999 by separating from the existing Northwest Territory.

The name Canada comes from the Iroquoian term for "village".

Among Canada's largest rivers are the St. Lawrence River, flowing from the Great Lakes and emptying into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Ottawa and the Saguenay, the main tributaries of the St. Lawrence River; The Saint John River (Saint John) flows into the Bay of Fundy.

The type of government is a confederation with parliamentary democracy. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. According to the administrative division, Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories.

Canada became independent from Great Britain on July 1, 1867. The legal system is based on English common law, except in Quebec, where the civil law system based on French law predominates.

Canada's population is racially and ethnically diverse. Approximately 35 percent of the population is of British descent. People of French descent make up approximately 25 percent of the total population. The vast majority of French-speaking Canadians live in Quebec, where they make up approximately three-quarters of the total population; many live in Ontario and New Brunswick.

French-speaking Canadians maintain their language, culture and traditions, and the federal government follows the policy of being a bilingual, bicultural nation. During the 1970s and 1980s, the number of Asians in the Canadian population increased, and today those who consider their ancestry to be entirely Asian make up between 8 and 10 percent of the total population. More than two-thirds of Asian immigrants live in Ontario or British Columbia. The rest of the population consists of people of various ethnic groups such as Germans, Italians, Ukrainians, Dutch, Scandinavians, Poles, Hungarians, Greeks and Native Americans. Blacks never
constituted a significant portion of the Canadian population- Indigenous peoples make up almost 2 percent of the total population of Canada.

The largest religious community in Canada is the Roman Catholic community. Almost half of its members live in Quebec. Of the Protestant communities in Canada, the United Church of Canada is the largest, followed by the Anglican Church of Canada. Other important Protestant communities are Baptists, Presbyterians, Lutherans. Almost 2 percent of the total population professes Orthodoxy. Muslims and Jews each account for approximately 1 percent of the total population. Immigration in recent years has brought significant numbers of Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs to the country. Almost 13 percent of Canadians say they have no religion.

Canada is the world’s second largest country by total area. It is located in North America and borders with the USA. The country also shares sea borders with Denmark and France. It consists of 10 provinces and 3 territories. Canada is a developed country, one of the wealthiest in the world. It is well-known for its cultural and ethnic diversity, as well as for numerous national parks and historic sites. The country is bilingual: English and French are officially accepted languages. The capital of the country is Ottawa, but the largest city is Toronto. Other prominent cities are Montreal, Calgary, Quebec and Vancouver. Every year millions of tourists visit Canada to explore its sights. A must-see list contains Niagara Falls, the Rocky Mountains, the Great Lakes, the CN Tower, Banff National Park, Whistler, Churchill, Nova Scotia and many other interesting places.

Some of the most significant natural attractions in Canada are situated right on the border with the USA. Niagara Falls in Ontario is perhaps the first sight that people picture when thinking of Canada. This place receives more than 12 million visitors a year. It is not only one waterfall; it’s a collective name for three waterfalls at the border of Canada and the USA. The largest one, called ‘Horseshoe Falls’ is located on Canadian side. That’s why some people call it ‘Canadian Falls’. The Rocky Mountains are on the list of Canadian top attractions. It’s a major mountain range in western North America. The Canadian segment of this range is more commonly called the Canadian Rockies. The highest peaks are Mount Robson and Mount Columbia. The area of ​​the range is protected by parks. The Great Lakes are a series of interconnected freshwater lakes at the Canadian-US border. There are 5 lakes which connect to the Atlantic Ocean through the seaway. The largest of them, Lake Superior, is considered to be the largest continental lake in the world.

The tallest free standing structure of Western Hemisphere is also located in Canada. It's the CN Tower in downtown Toronto. It’s a signature icon of the city’s skyline and a symbol of the country. Tourists are attracted to this tower to get a bird’s eye view of Toronto. Banff National Park is one of the most famous attractive tourist destinations in Alberta, the province of Canada. It’s not only a national treasure, but one of the parks in the Canadian Rockies. Visitors can hike, ski, camp, fish, ride a bike and simply relax there. The well-known Lake Louise is also within the park’s border. Tourists, who are in fond of winter sports, will appreciate the resort town of Whistler . It’s one of the best ski destinations in the world. The scenic view of the area becomes even more spectacular thanks to two mountains: Whistler and Blackcomb. Churchill in Manitoba draws huge crowds of visitors every year. It’s a small town on the Hudson Bay shores, which is known as the Polar Bear Capital and Beluga Whale Capital. It is also one of the best spots to catch a glimpse of Aurora Borealis. Nova Scotia is rather attractive for tourists. Almost located halfway between the Equator and the North Pole, it is the second-smallest province in Canada. It includes Cape Breton Island and more than 3,000 islets. Nova Scotia has many ethnic museums and heritage centers. It is also home to two national parks: Kejimkujik and Cape Breton Highlands. One of its frequently visited sites is the iconic Peggy’s Cove Lighthouse.

Canada is the second largest country in the world after Russia. Canada is a land of vast distances and rich natural beauty. Canada has the longest coastline. Seventy-five percent of Canada's coastline is in the Arctic Ocean, with the rest in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Although most of Canada is forested, it also has many lakes, mountains, prairies and sparsely populated arctic regions. Canada is known for its vast, unspoiled landscape and its multicultural heritage.

Canada - general information

Canada is the second largest country in the world after Russia. Canada is a land of vast distances and rich natural beauty. Canada has the longest coastline. Seventy-five percent of Canada’s coastline is on the Arctic ocean, with the remainder on the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Although most of Canada consists of forests, it also has many lakes, mountains, prairies and sparsely populated arctic areas. Canada is known for its vast, untouched landscape, and its multicultural heritage.

Canada is only 150 years old, but it is the most livable country

Despite the fact that Canada has become a country only 150 years ago, it has earned respect on the international stage and is considered to be one of the wealthiest, least corrupt and most livable country on earth.

Despite only becoming a country 150 years ago, Canada has earned respect on the international stage and is considered one of the richest, least corrupt and most livable countries on earth.


Canada has the population of about 34 million, most of them living within 200 km of the US-Canada border. Large areas further north are quite sparsely populated and some are nearly uninhabited wilderness.

Canada is home to approximately 34 million people, most of whom live within 200 km of the US-Canada border. Large areas of the north are quite sparsely populated, and some are almost uninhabited wildernesses.


Queen Elizabeth remains the nominal head of state. Canada is a constitutional monarchy, but the roles of the Queen and her representatives are largely ceremonial. The Canadian parliament is based on the British Westminster system, with a lower House of Commons, and an upper Senate. The head of government is the Prime Minister. Each province has its own government.

Queen Elizabeth remains the nominal head of state. Canada is a constitutional monarchy, but the role of the Queen and her representatives is largely ceremonial. The Canadian Parliament is based on the British Westminster system, with a lower House of Commons and an upper Senate. The head of government is the prime minister. Each province has its own government.


English and French are two official languages ​​in Canada. Over 20% of Canadians (mostly in Quebec) speak French as a first language.
Although many immigrants and Canada’s native peoples can speak their own languages. All services are required by law to be available in both official languages.
Canada is very much a multicultural country, especially in the main cities. Immigrants have come from all over the world, and many cities have whole districts dominated by specific immigrant groups, such as Chinatown, Little Italy and so on.

English and French are the two official languages ​​in Canada. More than 20% of Canadians (mostly in Quebec) speak French as their native language. Although many immigrants and indigenous peoples of Canada can speak their own languages. All services are required by law to be available in both official languages.
Canada is a very diverse country, especially in its main cities. Immigrants came from all over the world, and many cities have entire neighborhoods that are dominated by specific immigrant groups, such as Chinatown, Little Italy, and so on.

Capital of Canada

There are many beautiful modern cities in Canada, each of them is special and attractive to tourists. Ottawa is a Canada’s capital, this city has many national government monuments like Parliament Hill, many major museums like the National Gallery, cool urban districts like the ByWard Market, and great old architecture.

Canada has many beautiful modern cities, each of which is special and attractive to tourists. Ottawa is the capital of Canada. This city has many national government monuments such as Parliament Hill, many major museums such as the National Gallery, cool city neighborhoods such as Byward Market and period architecture.
