The concept of the innovation process in personnel work. Personnel and labor organization in the innovation sector - abstract

The basis of any organization and its main wealth are people. Man has become the most expensive resource. Many organizations, wanting to emphasize their weight and scope, do not talk about the size of their production capacity, production or sales volume, financial potential, etc., but about the number of employees in the organization. A good organization strives to make the most effective use of the potential of its employees, creating all conditions for the fullest performance of employees at work and for the intensive development of their potential.

Every organization that wants to survive in a highly competitive environment must constantly look for ways to improve its operations. In such a situation, attention should be paid to the rational use of all types of resources at the company’s disposal. The key to the success of an organization is its staff with their skills, abilities, qualifications and ideas. Constant development of personnel and the search for new approaches to managing them are necessary attributes for the successful functioning of an organization.

Thus, the purpose of my work is to study innovations in working with personnel.

Innovation is an innovation, an innovation that has become the subject of development and implementation. What are innovations in HR at the moment? First of all, this is an innovative approach to the personnel themselves. The staff is no longer seen as a gray mass; each employee is seen as an individual. The market requires this approach.

The main secret of proper personnel management is a certain independence. Psychologists have introduced the term “reflection” specifically to understand this. In other words, you need not only to do the work, but also to create a report to yourself about its completion. In order to have a clear conscience before your superiors, you need to be honest with yourself. It is this type of management that brings the greatest results, because it appeals to the human motives within everyone. By the way, reflection in writing is useful, since any oral task does not bring the expected results. There is a risk that the employee will simply ignore it. But a written report about what has been done, what could have been done, and what needs special encouragement (bonuses, bonuses) forces you to carry out unnecessary self-control. Such management methods are used in many progressive companies.

In order to improve the work of personnel, it is necessary to combine several border sciences. Psychology, sociology, medicine, philosophy will be useful. In order to make the overall effort more fruitful, it is advisable to resort to a type of self-analysis called proactive cognitive modeling. The essence of this method is that each employee himself creates a model of his behavior based on the potentially greatest value for the company. If, in his opinion, he needs to change his type of activity, let him indicate this. If he is capable of more, let him say that too.

The vision of each employee as an individual gives impetus to such areas in the work of HR managers as the development of an effective personnel certification system, the creation of a system for motivating employees, managing an employee’s business career, etc. But the most important thing is to create a special innovative atmosphere in the company.

The level of innovation climate is assessed similarly to innovation potential, which characterizes the ability of an enterprise to achieve its innovation goals with the available financial, personnel, scientific, technical, organizational, managerial, information, methodological and marketing resources. The values ​​of the enterprise’s innovation climate will range from 1 to 3:

3 – the state of this parameter of the external environment has a positive effect on innovation activity, which makes it possible to fully use the existing innovative potential. This condition is seen as an opportunity for the enterprise;

2 – the state of this parameter is unreliable – there is no threat yet, but monitoring of its dynamics is required;

1 – the state of this component of the external environment negatively affects innovation potential. This condition is defined as a threat to the organization.

Thus, determining the level of innovative development of an enterprise, based on an assessment of the innovative climate and potential of the organization, is the basis for developing a further innovation strategy.

There is also a very important feature. All modern organizations have one common feature: the need to restructure the personnel management system depending on the requirements of the market.

At enterprises of the Soviet economy there was no personnel management service, but only a personnel department. This unit was mainly involved in maintaining personnel records. Insufficient attention was paid to personnel policy issues. The concept of personnel development, promotion, and career building was practically absent. In spite of this, protectionism flourished.

Of course, one cannot say that personnel management in an organization has now reached an ideal state, but in general the approach to this type of management has changed noticeably.

In my opinion, the following directions for introducing innovations in personnel work can be identified:

1. Personnel development, business career management.

Today, most organizations have taken on the basic responsibility of training their employees. Many have created permanent personnel training centers or established strong and long-term relationships with various training organizations.

Personnel training is viewed as a continuous process that has a direct impact on the achievement of organizational goals. The training cycle begins with identifying needs, which consists of identifying the discrepancy between the required level of employee qualifications and their actual competence.

Based on the needs, an employee training budget is formed. In addition, it is necessary to formulate criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the training provided. Since the organization's training costs are viewed as an investment in the skills of its employees, the organization expects a return from them in the form of improved performance. Both an integral assessment of training and an assessment of the effectiveness of each program separately are used.

The development and implementation of training programs can be carried out both by the organization itself and by specialized companies.

2. Formation of corporate culture.

Human interaction is the mechanism by which culture is transmitted in an organization. Culture is a set of basic hypotheses and values. To create and strengthen corporate culture, management can and should work in the following areas:

Creation of a value system;

Development of a behavioral strategy for managers;

Personnel Management;


How effectively does the leader link together the values ​​that guide different management systems?

Conflict Management;

Formation of subcultures.

Some departments may choose to live in accordance with their traditions and values, this is quite acceptable, as long as this does not completely reject the corporate culture as such.

Forming a corporate culture is a complex and multifaceted process. A weak corporate culture can not only reduce the innovative spirit of employees, but also lead to a serious drop in the company's profit growth rate. A strong corporate culture can do two things: it can also become a serious obstacle to all changes that try to penetrate the company, resulting in the company becoming a rather closed system. On the other hand, a strong corporate culture can become the main weapon in the fight against competitors.

3. Use of computer technologies in personnel management.

Recently, various software products have become increasingly popular, which enable companies to keep personnel records in all its many aspects. This is very convenient, as it facilitates all types of calculations (turnover, salaries, etc.), in addition, it greatly facilitates the exchange of reporting data between the management personnel of companies.

People constitute the basis of an organization, its essence and its main wealth. However, from a management perspective, it is impossible to talk about a person in general, since all people are different. People behave differently, they have different abilities, different attitudes to their work, to the organization, to their responsibilities; people have different needs, their motives for activity can differ significantly. Finally, people perceive the reality of the people around them and themselves in this environment differently. All this suggests that managing a person in an organization is extremely complex, but at the same time extremely responsible and important for the fate of the organization.

A manager needs to know how to solve problems and how to skillfully and appropriately use appropriate technologies and personnel management methods. And if skill implies practical mastery of the relevant skills, then appropriateness is understood as the adequacy of the method used to the situation in the organization.

The development and commercial implementation of new technical ideas and the introduction of innovations require a high creative spirit, initiative and dedication of each employee and the entire team as a whole.

The priority of product quality issues and ensuring its competitiveness have increased the importance of a creative approach to work and high professionalism in management. This encourages us to look for new forms of management, develop the potential abilities of personnel, increase their qualification level, and ensure high motivation for the work process. Human resource management is one of the most important activities of many organizations and is considered the main criterion for their economic success, even ahead of the technical process in importance. You can have advanced, modern technology, but lack of personnel qualifications will ruin it.

Thus, a key component of business is managing and motivating staff.


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Ministry of Education and Science

Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education


Penza State University

Department of Sociology and Personnel Management

G.B. Kosharnaya

L.V. Mamaeva



Publishing house

Penza State University

Penza 2006


BBK 65.050.9 (2 Ros) i 7

The training manual contains characteristics of the process of scientific and technical innovation in personnel work. The problems of innovative labor management are considered, the basic concepts of innovative processes in personnel work are explored: development, progress, regression, stagnation, crisis, stabilization of personnel work. A classification of innovations (innovations) and their development in personnel work is given; the concept of innovative activity is analyzed, economic and social efficiency in personnel work is determined.

The textbook was prepared at the Department of Sociology and Personnel Management and is intended for full-time and part-time students of the specialty “Human Resources Management” studying the course “Innovative Management”.

For each topic there are test questions for repetition, assignments, a list of references that should be used in preparation for practical classes, as well as essay topics intended to prepare students.

Compiled by: Kosharnaya G.B., Mamaeva L.V.


Topic 1. Innovative management in personnel work.…………………4

Topic 2. Innovation in organizations…………………………………………21

Topic 3. Subjects and organizational structures of innovation processes (activities)……………………………………………………39

Topic 4. Development and implementation of innovations in personnel work……….52

Topic 5. Management of innovation processes in enterprises and organizations………………………………………………………………………………….80

Topic 6. Legal regulation of innovation activities..………103



Innovative personnel management is the border area between innovative management and personnel management. In personnel work, the object of innovative management is the processes of renewal and development, the needs and parameters of personnel and personnel systems of enterprises and other socio-economic structures; The subject of innovation management is the innovative components of personnel and labor services of enterprises, institutions and organizations.

Innovative labor management is qualitatively different from the previously dominant technocratic management principles. It is based on an emphasis on maintaining intensive horizontal interactions in the organization, on intensifying creative activity, and on combining the efforts of various groups of personnel.

Innovative strategies of enterprises and innovations in management were determined by the struggle for consumers in conditions of intense competition. In this struggle, priority in the development of new technologies is given to enterprises and organizations that employ highly qualified personnel who have innovative potential and are able to quickly master new technology, develop new production systems that are adequate to the most rational modes of its operation in a socio-psychological environment with economic and moral incentives , encouraging enterprise personnel to fully realize their labor potential.

Topic 1. Innovative personnel management.

      Concept, principles, tasks, methods and functions of innovative management in personnel work.

      Functioning of personnel systems: innovative development, progress, regression, stagnation, crisis, stabilization.

1.1 Innovation management- the process of innovation management to meet the long-term needs of the market, covering design, technological, material, organizational and personnel preparation of production, the introduction of innovations, analysis of the results obtained and making adjustments to these types of activities. The scientific discipline “innovation management” is a set of principles, methods and forms of management of innovation processes, innovation activities, organizational structures and their personnel engaged in these activities.

Like any other area of ​​management, it is characterized by: setting goals and choosing a strategy; four stages of the cycle - planning, defining conditions and organizing, executing, leading.

The main attention in innovation management is given production innovation strategies and measures aimed at its implementation. The development of innovations becomes a priority direction of the company's strategy, as it determines all other directions of its development.

The implementation of innovation management in general involves:

    development of plans and programs for innovation activities;

    monitoring the progress of innovation development and implementation;

    reviewing innovation projects;

    carrying out a unified innovation policy: coordinating activities in this area in production departments;

    providing finance and material resources for innovation programs;

    provision of innovative activities with qualified personnel;

    creation of temporary task forces for comprehensive solutions to innovative problems.

The choice of strategy is the key to the success of innovation. An organization may find itself in crisis if it fails to anticipate and respond to changing circumstances in a timely manner. The choice of strategy is the most important component of the innovation management cycle.

Innovative management in personnel work (innovative personnel management - ICM) represents a border area of ​​knowledge between innovation management, personnel management and personnel management.

Innovative personnel management is the most important component part of personnel management and includes organizational and managerial forms and methods for updating and developing the personnel component of the social and economic systems of the country, region, industry and organization.

Innovative management in personnel work is based on the provisions personnel management, aimed at the development and effective use of the organization’s human resources potential. In personnel management, there are several levels of management: operational (where personnel work dominates); tactical (personnel management dominates); strategic (where human resource management dominates); political level of corporation management (development and control over the implementation of personnel policy). Innovative personnel management is highlighted at all specified levels of management.

Innovative management in personnel work is directly related to innovation and personnel marketing- a scientific concept and based on it a comprehensive system of organization, management and analysis of innovations related to the search and selection of personnel, ultimately focused on the renewal and effective functioning of the organization’s personnel potential.

Innovative management in personnel work(ICM) reveals the content and features of innovation management in one of the most complex areas from a socio-psychological perspective - the personnel sector. Taking into account the specifics of its object when studying it, on the one hand, it is impossible to do without some general concepts and provisions relating to the state and development of socio-economic systems, and on the other hand, the use of the conceptual apparatus of innovation, economics and sociology of labor, conflictology and other sciences is required .

The object of innovative management in personnel work are the processes of renewal and development, innovative properties, needs and parameters of personnel and personnel systems of enterprises, organizations and other socio-economic structures; subject - innovative components (departments, sectors, groups, specialists) of personnel and labor services of enterprises, organizations and other structures.

The main goal of innovative management in personnel work in the organization - ensuring the effective scale and pace of updating its personnel system in accordance with the current and future interests and goals of the organization, modern patterns of personnel development, requirements and standards of the state, market and trade unions for the level of human resource development. The main and main goal of innovative personnel management is to build an effective system of innovative personnel management within the state, region, industry, organization for the formation and effective functioning of innovative-active personnel potential.

Considering innovative personnel management from a general perspective in the time aspect, as well as in the conditions of transition, including the crisis state of the Russian economy, we can distinguish strategic and tactical goals.

Strategic goal- creation, on the basis of the gradual deployment of a market economy, of the innovative potential of the labor market and the market of educational and professional services, an effective multi-level system of innovative personnel management within the state, region, organization for the formation and effective functioning of a qualitatively new, innovatively active personnel potential.

Tactical goal (period of crisis and stabilization)- preservation of the best (elite), innovatively active part of the personnel potential of the country, region, enterprise through the implementation of appropriate anti-crisis innovation and personnel measures, including the restructuring of the professional qualification structure of personnel, as well as the consistent release of personnel ballast.

All functions of innovative personnel management can be combined into two groups:

a) functions for the implementation of personnel innovations as an object of management: organizing and conducting scientific and analytical work in the field of human resource development, identifying and solving new personnel problems of the organization (together with research organizations); assessing the effectiveness of personnel innovations; development of forecasts, concepts, innovation and personnel policies, plans, programs and projects for personnel innovations; their financial and resource support; organizing personnel innovations and monitoring their implementation; personnel motivation;

b) functions in the areas and areas of personnel management: organization of continuous education of personnel (training, retraining and advanced training of personnel); search and selection of personnel for new industries, personnel for new professions in short supply, elite and innovative personnel; certification and assessment of labor of personnel of innovative structures, innovative qualities of personnel; development of job development schemes, improvement of job descriptions in connection with the development of jobs, labor organization and personnel; promotion and movement of employees through career and professional career levels, organization of formation and work with the personnel reserve of management personnel; working with elite and innovative personnel; staff motivation for innovations; development of innovations in organizing the work of the personnel service itself; ensuring new standards and improving the quality of working life.

Methods of innovative management in personnel work represent a set of techniques used throughout the cycle “education - labor process - release (including dismissal)” in order to increase the efficiency of work with personnel.

In the field of personnel training, methods of innovative management in personnel work include the development and transformation of higher education into a dynamic, innovation-receptive branched system operating on the basis of state support and self-regulation in order to create the most favorable conditions and priority for the activities of the highly professional, most creative part of workers and various structures.

In the field of recruitment, use of personnel, advanced training and retraining, an important condition for the use of one or another method is strict compliance of personnel and educational policies with new directions of development of the organization.

In the field of personnel reduction, various dismissal methods are used - “open window method”, “selective reduction method”, “intimidation tactics” and others.

The structure of innovative management in personnel work can be defined as a stable unity of forms and methods of managing personnel innovations, subjects and objects of personnel innovations, as well as their relationships and holistic properties that ensure renewal, development and increased efficiency of personnel systems. From this definition it is clear that the structural analysis of innovative personnel management should be carried out comprehensively, from different positions or in different sections.

First and main cut can be presented in the form of a general functional or functional-subject structure, because the subject and object here are the personnel innovations themselves, which require analysis, assessment, forecasting, resource provision, etc.

Second cut the structure of innovative management in personnel work is its functional-target structure, covering all the goals and directions of ICM (from the organization of continuous education of personnel to the organization of the personnel services themselves).

Third cut- this is a functional-subject structure of innovative personnel management, which determines the main subject levels of innovative personnel management (federal, regional, industry, corporate).

Fourth cut- this is a set of properties of innovative personnel management that must be ensured by its structure and are inextricably linked with it. K these properties relate:

1) goal achievement (i.e. the ability of innovative personnel management, with the help of an appropriate structure, to achieve the goals that the system faces at the appropriate stage);

2) integration or integrity (i.e., the system’s ability to have a coordinated, holistic impact or response to an object - personnel innovation);

3) adaptability (i.e. the ability of innovative personnel management to internal reaction, restructuring (adaptation) and at the same time maintaining its main elements in relation to qualitatively different personnel innovations, new goals, external conditions for the functioning of personnel systems;

4) competitiveness, i.e. the ability of innovative personnel management to implement personnel innovations that ensure the competitiveness and efficiency of personnel potential;

5) regulation and self-regulation, i.e. the ability of innovative personnel management to perceive management regulatory signals from the outside and self-regulation of innovative personnel activities (connection with adaptability).

Generally Recognized Management Principles are built on the recognition of the system-forming elements of the innovation process as its continuity, but at the same time disorder and low predictability of results.

The reorganization of innovation management involves the creation of such organizational relations that would make it possible to more fully use the creative potential of the team. With all the diversity of modern concrete forms of such connections, it seems possible to single out a number of common features :

    unconditional support for innovation activities from management;

    full assistance to experimentation at all levels and in all departments of the organization;

    high level and constant improvement of communications;

    the use of complex motivational systems, including various forms and methods of material encouragement for innovation, and, in addition, a wide range of measures of socio-psychological influence on employees;

    application of a style called participation in management (employees must be involved in all phases of the innovation process and decision-making; such participation prevents staff resistance to technological and organizational innovations);

    continuity of employees enriching their knowledge.

TO basic principles innovation activities include: freedom of scientific and scientific-technical creativity, legal protection of intellectual property, integration of scientific, scientific-technical activities and education, support for competition in the fields of science and technology, concentration of resources in priority areas of scientific development, stimulation of business activity in scientific, scientific -technical and innovative activities.

Basic principles innovation management can be logically divided into four groups, having

1) valeological(preventive, anti-crisis, socially environmentally friendly),

2) communicative(informational, cultural, socially reactive),

3) synergistic(innovative, heuristic, search, probabilistic),

4) sociocratic(person-centered, client-based, solidarity) nature.

Some of the basic principles of the systems approach in relation to innovation are modified as follows:

a) the most important principle – primacy the whole in relation to its parts. For an innovation system as an integrity (the essential characteristic of which is novelty), its parts are old, modern and new. It is the unity of the old, modern and new that is primary in relation to each of these elements (including the new) and ensures the optimal functioning of the innovation complex as a whole;

b) principle non-additivity(the irreducibility of the properties of a system to the sum of the properties of its constituent elements) in relation to innovation is manifested in the non-identity of the characteristics of the old, modern and new, as parts of an innovative object, its dominant characteristics as an integrity.;

c) principle synergy(the unidirectionality of the actions of the system elements enhances the efficiency of the functioning of the entire system) necessitates the need to find a balance of the goals of the old, modern and new in a single innovation complex while maintaining the essential difference (novelty);

d) principle emergence(incomplete coincidence of the goals of the system with the goals of its components) when implementing an innovative project (innovation) requires the construction of a tree of goals (hierarchy of parameters) for the system as a whole and each of its component parts;

e) when designing and implementing innovative systems, the principle should be taken into account multiplicativity, meaning that the effects of the functioning of components in the system have the property of multiplication rather than addition;

f) principle structure suggests that the optimal structure of innovation should have a minimum number of components; at the same time, these components must fully perform the given functions and maintain the dominant properties of the innovation system, i.e. those that provide its novelty;

g) in this case, the structure of systemic innovation should be mobile, i.e. easily adaptable to changing requirements and goals, which follows from the principle of adaptability;

h) effective innovative design assumes, as a prerequisite, the implementation of the principle alternatives, according to which it is necessary to develop several interchangeable innovative versions;

i) finally, the principle continuity in relation to innovative activity, it requires providing opportunities for the productive existence of the old in the corresponding innovation space and, conversely, the effective functioning of the new in the conditions of the persisting old (with the obligatory mediating influence of the modern).

To summarize, it should be noted that innovation management is a management activity focused on obtaining a new positive quality of various properties (for example, informational, organizational, management itself) as a result of the development and implementation of extraordinary management decisions. Its main task is to manage innovation processes at any level through their qualitative and quantitative changes as a result of the application of adequate methods of organization and management.

2.1 Personnel innovation involves two interconnected beginnings or blocks. These include the introduction of new elements, forms and methods into the personnel system and the withdrawal of outdated elements, forms and methods from the personnel system.

The concepts of progress, regression, stagnation, crisis and stabilization of personnel systems are very important for understanding the nature, content and characteristics of personnel innovations, as well as the current state of the Russian personnel system.

Consideration of these concepts is also necessary in order to better understand the reasons for innovations in the personnel sector, the role of personnel development in the fate of any socio-economic systems and structures (be it personnel of a country, region, ministry, organization). All these systems and their personnel at different times can experience different states (from complete well-being to crisis), knowledge of which is necessary to make the right decisions for each state, develop appropriate strategies, tactics, methods of development and renewal of personnel.

1. Process innovative development has two main components - the implementation of innovative projects and the development of innovative potential (Diagram 1).

Currently, such concepts as sustainable growth and globalization have become widespread in relation to social development. However, they cannot serve as universal characteristics of a new stage of social, economic, political and other processes. More precisely, the essence of the current stage is reflected by the category “innovative development”.

One of the definitions of the conceptual apparatus that determines the essence and mechanisms of innovative development is the category "innovation", by which we mean implemented innovation regardless of the scope of application. It is important to note that, by analogy with the concept of “organization” innovation also refers to the process of implementing an innovation.

In a broad sense, innovation is synonymous with the successful development of social, economic, educational, managerial and other spheres on the basis of various innovations. Based on this, innovative development should be understood primarily as a chain of implemented innovations. It is more successful when it covers more than one narrow area of ​​innovation, but also includes areas that influence the overall result (management, marketing, personnel training, finance, and others). In addition, any innovative development is not only the main innovation process, but also the development of a system of factors and conditions necessary for its implementation, that is, innovative potential. Innovative development is complex.

The main concept of innovative management in personnel work is the concept "personnel system" (KS)- the central and most complexly organized subsystem (core) of a socio-economic system (in our case, an organization), including its labor potential (its quantitative, qualitative and structural parameters), the interaction of its various components - personnel, as well as the goals, norms and mechanisms of their functioning and development.

Development of personnel and personnel systems- this is their quantitative and qualitative irreversible progressive change/transformation (increasing the level, updating), transition to a new state with new goals, functions, professional qualification and communication parameters, structure, relationships, subject and management methods. The development of the personnel system includes the transformation of the personnel themselves, the subjects (departments, services) of personnel management, the forms and methods of working with personnel, and such a transformation that includes both the progressive side (for example, training of personnel in new professions) and the regressive side (for example, the dismissal of personnel obsolete professions that are not subject to retraining).

There are several types of development of personnel systems:

1. Evolutionary development of personnel and personnel systems- this is their gradual change and renewal through local and standard personnel innovations of an evolutionary type. An example here is the consistent replacement of a larger number of workers of retirement age with a smaller number of new, more efficient and qualified ones.

2. Radically intensive development and renewal of personnel and personnel systems- their radical transformation (updating, raising the level) in a relatively short time through radical personnel innovations (including personnel reforms). These processes are characterized by deep qualitative progressive changes in the level, creative potential, professional and qualification structure, goals, functions and methods of personnel systems.

Personnel innovations and the development of personnel systems are not an end in themselves, but stem from the objective needs of updating socio-economic structures in the context of growing knowledge intensity, intellectual intensity and innovativeness of modern production.

Considering the general issues of personnel innovation in the personnel management system, it is necessary to establish what is different development management from managing the normal functioning of personnel and personnel systems.

Functioning of the personnel system- sustainable, repeating activities of personnel of the established number and structure according to established (unchangeable) norms and rules, characterized by simple reproduction or reproduction of the personnel component, goals and methods of personnel management in the same quality.

In saying this, one cannot think that the functioning of personnel systems and the methods that ensure it are something secondary to the tasks of personnel development. Ensuring the normal functioning of personnel is the most important condition for the normal (stable) functioning of the entire organization. Methods that ensure the normal functioning of personnel include: methods of rational use of existing personnel potential, ensuring its stability and proportionality, balancing personnel with the goals of the organization, ensuring crisis-free and conflict-free personnel.

Thus, the laws of the normal functioning of socio-economic and personnel systems are their stability, reproducibility in unchanged quality, structure, functions, forms and methods, crisis-free, stability, rhythm, low conflict, and easy predictability.

It is obvious that, in contrast to the functioning development of personnel and personnel systems means their serious change, renewal, transition to a new level and quality using methods of innovation and personnel management.

2. Concept "progress" Dahl V. defines it as mental and moral movement forward; the power of education, enlightenment.

Scientific and technical progress(Scientific-technological progress) - in Soviet economic science it is considered as the use of advanced achievements of science and technology, technology in the economy, in production in order to increase the efficiency and quality of production processes, to better meet people's needs. At the organizational level, scientific and technological progress is realized in the form of innovation.

Closely related to this concept is the concept scientific and technological revolution– STR - (Scientific-technical revolution), which is a set of qualitative changes in technology, technology and production organization, occurring under the influence of major scientific achievements and discoveries and having a certain impact on the socio-economic conditions of public life. Scientific and technological revolution presupposes the transformation of science into the direct productive force of society.

Scientific and technological progress determines all aspects of the functioning of an enterprise. Therefore, one of the main tasks is the development of scientific and technological policy, which is a complex process covering all structural links that determine scientific and technological progress. Successful implementation of scientific and technical policy in decisive areas of enterprise development is possible only through the introduction of innovations.

Under innovative progress one should understand the development process based on the active creation of new or improved types of products (technologies) using scientific research, development, development work or other scientific and technical achievements.

Progress of the personnel system- this is its transition to more advanced and effective forms, goals, structure and methods based on the constant search, development and implementation of personnel innovations -

3. Concept regression(from Latin regressus - reverse movement) - in a broad sense - processes of degradation, lowering the levels of development of an organization, have signs of stagnation, a return to obsolete forms and structures. It is the opposite of progress and represents a certain type of development, which is characterized by a transition from higher to lower, loss of the ability to perform certain functions; includes moments of stagnation.

Regression of the personnel system- this is its stagnation, a decrease in the previously achieved level, the ability to provide new tasks of activity, degradation of personnel, a return to obsolete personnel and methods of personnel work.

Innovation that has reached a certain critical level can result in the formation of new institutional models of behavior that will turn out to be more adaptive than the old ones. If innovations break through all the filtering mechanisms and gain widespread public acceptance, the diffusion phase begins. Here you can observe several options for further development or, conversely, regression innovation :

a) so-called “compensation” can occur when initial innovative changes cause negative feedbacks that tend to reduce the significance of innovations, or even completely destroy them through counter-reforms;

b) “excessive compensation” can also occur, when the resistance to the introduced innovation is so great that the compensatory mechanism reacts too strongly and, as it were, “overwhelms”, i.e. not only preserves the existing state of affairs (status quo), but also finally changes this structure in the direction opposite to what was intended by the innovators. This is the so-called “boomerang effect”;

c) changes caused by the introduction of innovation can be limited to a given local area (production, science, technology, etc.) without any consequences for other spheres of social life;

d) there are situations when initial innovations in a certain area lead to random transformations of a limited number of components in related social subsystems; this gives the existing social space a chaotic character; some modifications occur in its various fragments, but ultimately it remains in its original form;

e) finally, the most important option for the development of innovation is to systematically enhance changes due to the action of positive feedback, or “second cybernetics” (“snowball”); here, initial innovative changes entail a chain of successive shifts in other components of the megasystem without the direct participation of the initiators of innovation, up to its complete transformation - when, with an invention, for example in the field of technology, the very way of life of millions of people radically changes.

4. Stagnation(from Latin stagno - making me motionless) is stagnation in any area of ​​activity. The lack of need for innovation leads to stagnation of scientific and technical developments. One of the main reasons for innovation stagnation is the lack of an innovative culture in society. Stagnation of the personnel system involves a slowdown in its functioning and development that does not correspond to the goals and needs of the system in a given period of time.

Innovation activity turns out to be more successful, the higher the need for new things among employees. In modern science, it is recognized as obvious that any system for which stability is predominant ultimately comes to stagnation and collapses.

Therefore, we can conclude that without innovation there will be a turn from development and progress to stagnation in the field of innovation. In addition, at present we can state the fact of stagnation in the field of innovation. However, as world experience shows, there is no alternative to the innovative path of development.

That is why in the 21st century. The most important condition for the progress of economic development is an effective innovation policy, since the dynamic economic development of many countries in the world has finally become based solely on innovation, the consequences of which have become strategically important. All over the world, innovative activity is considered today as one of the main conditions for the modernization of various fields of activity.

5. The concepts of “crisis”, “regression” and “stagnation” differ in their qualitative content. Exact meaning of the word a crisis(crisis) – “turning point”, that is, a rapid, abrupt change in the state or course of a process.

Personnel system crisis can be defined as a deep disorder and disorientation of its most significant goals, functions, structure, forms and methods of functioning and development, resulting in the loss or threat of loss of key personnel.

The change itself (as opposed to stagnation, stagnation and regression) can be anything - from good to bad or from bad to good. It becomes a crisis when it happens quickly, abruptly. For example, the dismissal of a person from work is a crisis (since in connection with the position held there was a certain social status and salary; in connection with the dismissal of the employee, these indicators become insignificant). However, an employee’s transition to another, higher-paying job is also a crisis.

The different types of crises are shown below in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Types of crises.

The opposite of crisis is lysis. This is also a change in the state or course of the process - but not abruptly, but gradually, smoothly (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Types of transitions of crisis and lysis types.

In philosophical categories, the concept of “crisis” is a qualitative change, a qualitative leap; in contrast, “lysis” is a quantitative change that does not affect quality. Based on this, it seems that in relation to innovation and innovative activity it is possible to use both the concept of “crisis” and the concept of “lysis”.

The concept of “crisis” reflects not actions in interaction, but counteractions. Reaction, as a state of one of the parties to interaction, indicates either excessive action associated with a strong desire to satisfy needs, or insufficient action associated with the lack of means to help satisfy needs.

The concept of “crisis” also reflects the loss of unity in the interaction of individuals, i.e. the process of increasing differences between interacting individuals prevails over the opposite process of increasing unity. The loss of unity in interaction is a crisis.

6. Stabilization(from Latin stabilis - stable) - this is strengthening, bringing into a constant stable state or maintaining this state, as well as the very state of stability, constancy.

Stabilization of the personnel system- bringing personnel, goals, functions, structure, forms and methods of personnel systems into a constant stable state, ensuring: a) normal functioning and development of the system (when creating a new personnel system or after large-scale innovations in personnel systems); b) the functioning of the CS at the level of the minimum standards acceptable for the sustainable operation of the organization (when the personnel system emerges from the crisis).

Innovative management is a stabilizer of turning points and a damper of disturbances. For innovation management, a crisis is a subject of study, and life safety, in particular in pre-crisis, crisis and post-crisis situations, is the goal of activity. Innovation is the basis for success in stabilization.

The end result of introducing an innovation, leading to a change in personnel work as an object of management and obtaining an economic, social or other type of effect.
Innovative activities in personnel work significantly change the content of the functions performed by the organization. As a result of the innovation activities carried out, changes occur: new functions are assigned to functional units, new goals are set, adjustments are made to the composition of the work and functions of individual employees, the content of work (and sometimes its nature) in the workplace changes, the costs of performing functions decrease or increase . In turn, functional activities provide resources for the implementation of innovative activities: financial, material, human.
Thus, when carrying out innovative activities to establish a personnel assessment system at the enterprise, positive changes occurred in the work of functional departments: managers began to plan and evaluate the activities of subordinates, subordinates began to realize the importance of their work for the development of the enterprise, the first negative attitude towards the assessment system was replaced by an understanding of its necessity and importance.
Positive changes in functional activities provided the company with the opportunity to win a larger market share, make greater profits, showed the staff that the new does not pose a threat to them, and formed a group of people in the team who are aware of the need to develop the organization based on innovation. The next stage of innovative activity in the field of personnel management will be provided with greater financial resources, personnel more loyal to changes and employees ready to participate in innovative activities. Thus, the interaction of traditional and innovative activities takes place in a spiral, qualitatively changing from one turn to another.
In a modern organization that implements innovative development principles, all ordinary personnel management functions are adjusted to innovative activities (Table 7.16).
A personnel manager working in an innovative organization should pay special attention to choosing the optimal operating mode. Periods of high brain activity depend on the excellent qualities of each employee. Since creative and intellectual activity come to the fore in innovative activities, such factors should be taken with due seriousness, providing the opportunity for individual innovator specialists to start their day later/earlier, have a flexible work schedule or a compressed work week.
A significant difference between innovative approaches to personnel management and traditional ones is also expressed in the employee selection system. Innovative activity places additional demands on a potential employee. In addition to standard methods for assessing an employee’s potential, they resort to a qualitative assessment, which includes taking into account the creative qualities of the individual, publications and patents. In the process of personnel selection, the personnel management service of an innovative organization has to resort, in addition to traditional methods, to a system of tests, psychological examinations and creative competitions.
Taking into account the peculiarities of work in an innovative organization and the personal characteristics of innovating specialists, the problem of personnel adaptation requires increased attention. The HR manager must create all the conditions for a newly arrived specialist to feel comfortable in the team. Not-
The focus of innovations in personnel work in a traditional and innovative organization Personnel management function In a traditional organization In an innovative organization Labor organization High specialization of personnel functions and tasks, control over execution and discipline Distribution of group, team work. Selection of the optimal mode of operation Selection of personnel Mainly made on the basis of standards of behavior and technical qualifications Made mainly on the basis of the potential abilities of the candidate Adaptation of personnel The main task is to adapt the employee to the requirements of the workplace, standards of behavior The main task is to adapt the employee to the innovative climate in organizations Motivation and incentives Based on fair rewards for actual achievements and merits. Material incentives are used more often. It consists of creating conditions for maintaining and developing the innovative potential of personnel. Great importance is attached to non-material incentives Personnel assessment Assessment in accordance with detailed instructions, standards of behavior Assessment of the potential capabilities of staff and the results of participation in innovative activities Career management and professional advancement Predominantly vertical promotion Development of a system of horizontal movements Personnel training Training is aimed at ensuring that the knowledge, skills and abilities of employees correspond to the requirements of the workplace Training is aimed at the comprehensive long-term development of personnel Release of personnel Management does not undertake reductions until the organization is too weak Management plans in advance for possible reductions Organizational culture Subordination of individual interests to the common cause with the help of power, firmness and personal example of the leader Acceptance of existing values ​​in the organization as one’s own
There are rare cases when the creative potential of an employee of an innovative organization who experiences difficulties with adaptation tends to zero. On the contrary, as soon as such an employee becomes part of the organization, his labor productivity increases significantly. In traditional organizations, the role of adaptation is not so great.
In an innovative organization, the role of motivation and stimulation of personnel increases, which poses additional problems for the personnel management service: employees can be influenced mainly indirectly, replacing traditional administration with the implementation of leadership styles that involve participation, recognition of the personal merits of specific specialists, publicity of performance results, provision of information for self-esteem. The role of material motivation is reduced, and the need for self-realization, universal recognition, success and self-development for a specialist engaged in innovative activities comes to the fore. However, the role of money should not be underestimated.
In innovative organizations, the so-called “promotion ladders” or “double career ladders” have recently become widespread, which suggest the possibility of alternative promotion either along the administrative ladder or along the scientific ladder, based on the abilities and wishes of the staff. Within one organization, an employee has two more planes of movement: within traditional and within innovative activities. Options for such moves may be taking a leadership position in your department, participating in a project as a participant or manager, moving to another project (more interesting and significant) in a new status, etc.
The content of training in an innovative organization is focused on developing the innovative potential of staff. Along with traditional training models - subject-oriented, when the emphasis is on ensuring the employee successfully masters educational and practical material, and activity-oriented, when training is aimed at meeting the current needs of the enterprise - a model focused on the acquisition of knowledge is used and skills of an innovative and advanced nature.
Special requirements for employees of an innovative organization lead to the fact that a large number of psychologically incompatible creative people who do not want to adhere to the rigid framework of the imposed organizational culture have to work in one team. This leads to a greater number of conflicts compared to traditional organizations. Conflict management is also the most important function of the personnel management service in an innovative organization.
The formation and development of the organizational culture of an innovative organization lies in the formation of an innovative climate, or “innovative spirit,” which includes personnel orientation towards change, openness, sociability, and receptivity to innovation. For example, the basis of the corporate culture of the ZM company is “... respect for the dignity of people, the value of the individual, encouraging initiative and unleashing creative potential, providing everyone with equal opportunities for development...”.
The role of the organization's managers, personnel management services, work teams of functional departments, and temporary working groups from among the members of the work team determines their importance in the innovative activities of the organization. The content and significance of this role is presented in Table. 7.17.
Table 7.17
The role of subjects of personnel management in innovation activities
organizations1 Stage of innovative activity Subjects and
objects of personnel management The role of subjects and objects of personnel management in innovation activities Identification / awareness of the need for innovation Leaders of the organization Plays a leading role
Accumulate and analyze information about the state of the external and internal environment of the organization Develop a strategy for the development of the enterprise Make a decision on the need for innovation PM Service Collect and analyze information about the state of human resources and the possibility of its participation in innovation processes in the organization
Monitors job satisfaction Analyzes the attractiveness of the enterprise for the region's workforce Labor teams Identify and inform managers about shortcomings in the workplace Put forward rationalization proposals Temporary work groups Do not participate
1 Polovinko D.S., Makarova V.E. Personnel management in an innovative organization. - Omsk: Izl-vo Om. state University, 2006. Stage of innovation activity Subjects and
objects of personnel management The role of subjects and objects of personnel management in innovation activities Development of innovation Managers Determine the purpose and possible effect of introducing innovation
Monitor, review and make adjustments to the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group Management Service Develops and conducts activities aimed at creating an innovative climate in the team
Develop PM technologies in accordance with the essence and requirements of innovation Work teams Submit proposals to managers or members of a temporary working group Temporary working groups Play a leading role
They put forward ideas, conduct their critical analysis, develop each step of this stage Implementation/
innovation Managers Play a leadership role
Organizes the process of implementation and implementation of the innovation program The PM Service Plays a leading role
Provides methodological assistance to managers in organizing the process of implementation and implementation of innovation through PM technologies that meet the requirements of innovation Labor teams Implement innovation Temporary working groups Monitor the process of implementation and implementation of the innovation program, make the necessary adjustments Assess the effectiveness of innovation Managers Play a leading role
Consider the achieved effect from the introduction of innovation, draw a conclusion on the success of the innovation Management Service Participate in assessing the effect from the introduction of innovation Work teams Do not participate Temporary working groups Assess the effectiveness of the innovation

Personnel innovations are targeted activities for the introduction of personnel innovations aimed at increasing the level and ability of personnel to solve the problems of effective functioning and development of socio-economic structures (organizations and their divisions) in a competitive environment in the markets of goods, labor and educational (vocational and qualification) services .

Personnel innovations are one of the types of innovations and are used in the personnel work of enterprises, institutions and organizations. They are the main component of innovative management in personnel work; they represent a complex process of creating, disseminating and using innovations and simply innovations that have practical interest in the work of the organization’s personnel services.

Personnel innovations can be classified according to the following criteria:

  • a) by phases of workers’ participation in the professional educational and labor process (cycle):
    • 1. Vocational and educational innovations, i.e. innovations in professional training in universities, colleges, and other training centers. This area of ​​innovation is dealt with by innovation and educational management.
    • 2. Innovations related to the search and selection of personnel, i.e. with the formation of new and effective human resources. This subgroup includes new methods of searching for personnel on the labor market and within the enterprise. These innovations are the subject of innovation and personnel marketing.
    • 3. Personnel innovations in the labor process. This subgroup includes new methods of working with personnel during the development of new technology and types of labor, personnel certification, new distribution of labor functions and powers in the existing personnel structure, methods for promoting and relocating workers, developing new job characteristics and instructions, improving work with elite personnel .
    • 4. Innovations related to retraining and advanced training of personnel. This group includes personnel innovations in the forms and methods of retraining and advanced training of personnel, improving methods for determining the need in this area, new methods of including personnel in the labor process after retraining and advanced training, the creation of new structures here, and others.
    • 5. Innovations in the field of personnel reduction and elimination of personnel deadlock. This includes improving methods for determining the discrepancy between personnel and the required level, creating data banks on personnel ballast, improving methods of working with personnel ballast, and reducing and dismissing personnel. At the same time, personnel ballast is understood as the least productive and least promising part of the personnel potential in the sphere of labor, which in its professional and qualification qualities lags behind the needs for the development (change) of scientific, production, administrative and other activities, as well as an excess of personnel in an enterprise, in an organization for compared with the needs for them at each given stage;
  • b) on the objects of innovation and innovative management in personnel work:
    • 1. Personnel innovations in relation to individual employees (for example, working with elite specialists and innovators - they constitute the personnel elite); This is elite management.
    • 2. Innovations in the personnel systems of scientific, scientific-educational and innovation structures and their divisions (this is like personnel innovations “squared” - new in innovation structures).
    • 3. Personnel innovations related to the provision (personnel support) of targeted scientific and scientific-technical programs and projects (recruitment and training of personnel for the development and implementation of a program or project).
    • 4. Personnel innovations in existing enterprises and organizations. Personnel activities in newly created and reconstructed organizations.
    • 5. Personnel innovations on an industry, region, and country scale
    • 6. Innovations in the work of personnel services.
  • c) according to the degree of radicality, scale and pace of implementation, one should distinguish:
    • 1. Personnel innovations of an evolutionary and modifying nature associated with the gradual and partial updating of personnel systems;
    • 2. Personnel innovations of a radical (reformist) nature, aimed at a radical and large-scale renewal of personnel.
    • 3. Systemic and large-scale personnel innovations (personnel reforms are large-scale personnel innovations aimed at radically changing (updating) personnel potential in accordance with qualitatively new goals and objectives for the development of socio-economic systems and structures).
    • 4. Local, partial personnel innovations.
    • 5. Express innovations in personnel work, carried out in a short time (usually associated with an extreme situation in personnel work, the personnel system).
  • d) in relation to elements of mechanization of personnel management:
    • 1. Innovations in the field of personnel development assessment.
    • 2. Innovations in the field of forecasting and programming of personnel development.
    • 3. Innovations in the field of financial and resource support for personnel development.
    • 4. Innovations in the field of motivation for personnel development.

When talking about personnel innovations, it is important to keep in mind that not every such innovation is positive, progressive and effective.

Pseudo (in Greek false, imaginary) - means false, imaginary personnel innovations that not only do not bring benefits, but are also harmful to personnel and other systems of organizations.

Pseudo-innovations in personnel are innovations in personnel and personnel systems generated by subjectivism, which do not ensure a real increase in their level and efficiency (or do not set this as their goal) and are carried out with the aim of either artificially updating outdated methods of personnel work (innovative imitation), or hiding other actually existing ones. and methods that suit the pseudo-innovator (innovative speculation), or discredit the progressive course towards personnel renewal, blocking progressive innovations and introducing obsolete or cutting-edge premature innovations (innovative discrediting).

Closely related to the concept of personnel innovation is the concept of “managerial innovation,” which can be defined as any organized decision, system, procedure or management method that differs significantly from established practice and is used for the first time in a given organization. It is necessary to take into account that novelty correlates with management practice in a given organization.

The time interval during which they are implemented is taken as the time for the implementation of personnel innovations.

Motivation for personnel innovations - in personnel work - a system of economic, moral and social levers and incentives, a mechanism for their interaction, in which the performer is interested in both his own and personnel innovations introduced into the organization.

Management of innovations in personnel work - ensuring the effective scale and pace of renewal in personnel work in accordance with the current and future goals of the organization, modern patterns of development of scientific and technological progress, requirements and standards of the state and trade unions in the social field, and market development.

The main objectives of innovation management in personnel work are:

  • · creation of innovative potential of the labor market and educational services market;
  • · creation of an effective multi-level system of innovative personnel management within the state, region, industry, or individual organization for the formation and effective functioning of a qualitatively new personnel potential;
  • · preservation of the elite part of the country’s personnel potential through the implementation of innovative personnel activities.

Personnel innovations are quite specific; they differ from technical innovations. Personnel innovations are aimed at developing the organization as a whole, its divisions and individual employees to improve the efficiency of its functioning in accordance with the goals of the organization.

    How is innovative management defined in HR work? What are its main goals and objectives?

    Consider the basic principles and methods of innovative management in personnel work.

    What functions does innovative personnel management perform?

    Conceptual apparatus of innovative management in personnel work. Define the concepts: innovative progress, regression, stabilization.

    How is the process of innovative development characterized?

    Define “crisis” from a professional point of view.

    What is innovation stagnation?

Topics of reports and abstracts

    History of the development of innovative management in personnel work.

    Russia is a space of innovation.

    The current state of development of innovations in personnel work.

    Science and innovative progress.

    Scientific and technological revolution and scientific and technological progress in the light of innovative personnel management


    Vishnyakov Ya., Gebhardt P., Kirsanov K. Innovative management // Russian Economic Journal. - 1993. - No. 10.

    Goncharova N.P. Science and innovative progress of industry //

    The meaning of the concepts “crisis” and “lysis” //

    Innovation management. Textbook / Ed. S. D. Ilyenkova, - M.: Unity, 1997

    Innovative management in personnel work //

    Innovation management //

    Koshkin L.I., Khachaturov A.E., Bulatov I.S. Management at an industrial enterprise. Ch. 5 Innovation management, 2000 //

    Mostovaya I.V., Dzybov K.M. Innovative management in modern production (Development of social technologies). - Rostov-on-Don: Rostov University Publishing House, 1998.

    Not a “breakthrough”, but a systematic, comprehensive work // Republic of Bashkortostan. – 2005. – May 27.

    Nikolaev A. Innovative development and innovative culture // Problems of management theory and practice. – 2001. - No. 5.

    Poskryakov A.A. Innovation culture //

    Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary //

    Results of fundamental research //

    Strebkov A.I. Social crisis and conflict. Sat. materials of the conference “Social crisis and social catastrophe. – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Philosophical Society, 2002.

    Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by Vladimir Dahl // www. rubricon. com

    Personnel Management. Innovation management //

    Encyclopedia. Regression. Stagnation. Stabilization //

Topic 2. Innovation in organizations.

2.1 The concept of innovation, their classification and specificity.

2.2 Personnel innovations: concept and characteristics.

2.3 Innovative potential of employees and its development.

2.4 Personnel activities and personnel reforms.

2.1 The term “innovation” first appeared in the scientific research of cultural scientists back in the 19th century and literally meant the introduction of some elements of one culture into another.

The main provisions of the theory of innovation were expressed back in the 1930s by the famous economist J. Schumpeter. At that time, innovation was not yet talked about, but new combinations of changes in development were discussed, which he defined as changes with the aim of introducing and using new types of consumer goods, new production and transportation means, markets and forms of organization in industry. He interprets innovation as a new scientific and organizational combination of production factors, motivated by the entrepreneurial spirit.

In the period from 30-60 years. XX century the issue of innovation remained outside the mainstream of economic theory and its application in practice.

In Russia, innovation as a tool and method of socio-economic development was first discussed in the late 70s and early 80s of the 20th century. The first works were of a social nature. Among the Western European researchers who developed this theory, it should be noted G. Mensch, H. Freeman, J. Van Dyne, A. Klyanknecht. In Soviet economic literature, the analysis of innovation theory was most fully reflected in the works of S.P. Aukucioneka.

In the 80-90s. research into innovation has intensified. The term “innovation” began to be actively used in the transition economy of Russia, both independently and to designate a number of related concepts, such as “innovation activity”, “innovation process”, “innovative solution” and others.

There are more than a hundred definitions of the concept of innovation in the scientific literature. Various authors, mostly foreign (N. Monchev, I. Perlaki, V.D. Hartman, E. Mansfield, R. Foster, B. Twist, I. Schumpeter, E. Rogers and others) interpret this concept depending on the object and the subject of your research.

Morozov Yu.P. Innovation means the profitable use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products, organizational, technical and socio-economic decisions of a production, financial or other nature. Huchek M. considers innovation as the introduction of something new (things, novelties, reforms).

Zavlin P.N., Kazantsev A.K., Mindeli L.E. They believe that innovation is the use in one or another area of ​​society of the results of intellectual (scientific and technical) activity aimed at improving the process of activity or its results. Fatkhutdinov R.A. understands innovation as the end result of introducing an innovation with the aim of changing the object of management and obtaining an economic, social, scientific and technical effect.

In accordance with the “Frascati Guidelines” (the document was adopted by the OECD in 1993 in the Italian city of Frascati), innovation is defined as the final result of innovative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced on the market, a new or improved technological process used in practical activities, or in a new approach to social services.

The official Russian terms in the field of innovation are the terms used in various legal acts. For example, “The Concept of Innovation Policy of the Russian Federation for 1998-2000” innovation (innovation) is defined as the final result of innovation activity, realized in the form of a new or improved product sold on the market, a new or improved technological process used in practical activities . The draft federal law “On Innovation Activities and State Policy in the Russian Federation” contains a similar definition.

Currently, there is no generally accepted terminology in the field of innovation. The key concepts are STP (scientific and technological progress), innovation, novelty and innovation. In practice, the concepts of innovation, innovation and innovation are often identified, although there are some differences between them (Table 1).

Innovation there may be a new order, a new method, an invention. Innovation means that the innovation is used (it is an innovation that is involved in dynamics and has developed to a certain extent). From the moment it is accepted for distribution, an innovation acquires a new quality and becomes innovation. The period of time from the origin of an idea, the creation and dissemination of an innovation to its use is usually called innovation life cycle.

The main property of innovation is novelty. It is assessed according to various parameters and depends on the type of innovation. The dissemination of innovations, as well as their creation, is an integral part of the innovation process (IP).

Innovation– is a formalized result of fundamental, applied research, development and experimental work in any field of activity to improve its efficiency.

Innovations can be formalized in the form of: discoveries, patents, trademarks, innovation proposals, documentation for a new or improved product, technology, management or production process, organizational, production or other structure, know-how, concepts, scientific approaches or principles, document ( standard, recommendations, methodology, instructions), results of marketing research and in other forms.

Innovation- this is the final result of introducing an innovation with the aim of changing the control object and obtaining economic, social, environmental, scientific, technical or other type of effect. It is unlawful to include the development of an innovation, its creation, implementation and diffusion in the concept of “innovation”. These stages relate to innovation as a process, the result of which can be innovation or innovation (or to the process of creating an innovation).

Innovation is new research and development, the introduction of new forms of labor organization, management and production technology.

Table 1. Innovations, innovations, innovations: characteristics.


A certain novelty, close to the concept of “invention”; a specific result of the development of a new scientific idea, in the form of a sample of new technology, a structural material for the production of any product, differing from previously used qualitative characteristics that make it possible to increase production efficiency (can be presented in the form of scientific, technical or other documentation, i.e. in the form of information describing technological, organizational, managerial and other processes and phenomena of an intangible nature, if it can effectively influence the results of material production).


    the process of introduction, dissemination and use of innovations in order to directly satisfy public needs for products, services, and processes of a higher quality level;

    this is a purposeful change that introduces new relatively stable elements into the implementation environment (organization, population, society, etc.) (innovations act as a form of controlled development);

This is the process of bringing an invention or discovery to the stage of practical use, when it begins to have an economic effect;

This is a process that characterizes the transition of a system from one state to another due to the introduction of individual innovations.


    This is a socio-technical-economic process that, through the practical use of ideas and inventions, leads to the creation of products and technologies that are better in their properties, and if the innovation is focused on economic benefit, profit, its appearance on the market can bring additional income;

    this is the commercial use of the results of creative activity aimed at the development, creation and distribution of new competitive types of products, technologies, forms and methods of management, the basis of which is intellectual property;

    this is the final result of innovative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced on the market, a new or improved technological process used in practical activities, or in a new approach to social services;

    this is the transformation of a potential scientific and technological progress into a real one, embodied in new products and technologies;

This is the profitable use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products and services, organizational, technical and socio-economic decisions of a production, financial, commercial, administrative and other nature.

There are three types of innovation functions: reproductive (earning profit from innovation and its use), investment (using profit as capital), stimulating (profit as an incentive for introducing new innovations).

The term “innovation” is closely related to the concepts of “invention” and “discovery”. An invention means new devices, mechanisms, tools created by man. Discovery refers to the process of obtaining previously unknown data or observing a previously unknown phenomenon. Unlike innovation, a discovery is made, as a rule, at a fundamental level and is not intended to make a profit.

The subject and object of innovation management are innovations, which can be classified according to various criteria.

Depending on technological parameters, innovations are divided into:

    product innovation, they include the use of new materials and components; obtaining fundamentally new products.

    process innovation mean new methods of organizing production (new technologies). Process innovations can be associated with the creation of new organizational structures within an enterprise (firm).

Based on the type of novelty for the market, innovations are divided into:

    new to the industry in the world;

    new to the industry in the country;

    new for this enterprises (groups of enterprises).

By place in the system (in an enterprise, in a company) we can distinguish:

    innovation at the entrance enterprises (changes in the selection and use of raw materials, materials, machinery and equipment, information and others);

    innovation at the exit enterprises (products, services, technologies, information, etc.);

    innovation system structure enterprises (managerial, production, technological).

Depending on the depth of changes introduced, innovations are distinguished (based on innovative potential):

    radical (basic), which include the creation of fundamentally new types of products, technologies, new management methods;

    improving (modified), which lead to an improvement or addition to the original designs, principles, forms - this is the most common type of innovation;

    combinatorial (innovations with predictable risk), which are ideas of a relatively high degree of novelty, which, as a rule, are not radical in nature.

Based on the principle of their relationship to their predecessor, innovations are:

    substituting which involve the complete replacement of an obsolete product with a new one and thereby ensuring more efficient performance of the corresponding functions;

    canceling that exclude the performance of any operation or the release of any product, but do not offer anything in return;

    returnable, which imply a return to some initial state in the event of failure or non-compliance of the innovation with the new conditions of application;

    opening who create products or products that have no comparable analogues or functional predecessors

By volume of application there are:

    point innovation ;

    systemic innovation ;

    strategic innovation

According to the degree of effectiveness of innovations, they are distinguished:

    efficiency production;

    efficiency management;

    improvement working conditions and others.

According to social consequences, innovations can be found:

    causing social costs;

    new types of monotonous labor;

    harmful working conditions, etc.

According to the features of the mechanism for their implementation, innovations are divided into:

    single(per object) ;

    diffuse(for many objects) ;

    completed and unfinished;

    successful and unsuccessful

Highlight productive Innovations are innovations that change an existing solution, improve some of its characteristics, or offer a solution to a previously unsolved problem.

According to the characteristics of the innovation process, innovations are:

    intra-organizational, when the developer, designer, manufacturer, user, organizer of innovation are in the same structure ;

    interorganizational when all three roles are distributed among organizations specializing in performing individual stages of the process

Innovations are classified according to the source of initiative:

    direct social order(portable, borrowed) ;

    as a result of invention(own, independent)

The Scientific Research Institute for System Research (RNIISI) has developed an expanded classification of innovations taking into account the areas of activity of the enterprise. Technological innovations are distinguished on this basis; production; economic; trading; social; in the field of management.

The following features can be highlighted social innovation compared to logistics:

    their closer connection with specific social relations and the business environment;

    wide scope of application, because technical innovations are often accompanied by the necessary managerial and economic innovations, while social innovations themselves do not require new technical equipment;

    strong dependence of the use of innovation on group or personal qualities;

    their implementation is characterized by less visibility of the benefits and complexity of calculating efficiency;

    during implementation there is no manufacturing stage (it is combined with design), which speeds up the innovation process;

Of the variety of social innovations, the most important in the innovation process are innovation of human activity, since they are directly related to the role of a leader and innovator.

2.2 At the present stage of development, the role of innovation has increased significantly. Innovation (from innovation – innovation, innovation) is understood as “investment in innovation” as a result of the practical development of a new product, process or service. Closely related to this concept is the concept innovation(from Latin novation - change, renewal) is some kind of innovation that did not exist before: a new discovery, phenomenon, invention or a new method of satisfying social needs.

The Human Resource Management Glossary defines innovation as innovation in the field of engineering, technology, labor organization or management, based on the use of scientific achievements and advanced experience.

HR innovations- targeted activities for the introduction of personnel innovations, aimed at increasing the level and ability of personnel to solve the problems of effective functioning and development of socio-economic structures (organizations and their divisions) in conditions of competition in the markets of goods, labor and educational (vocational and qualification) services.

Personnel innovations are one of the types of innovations and are used in the personnel work of enterprises, institutions and organizations. They are the main component of innovative management in personnel work; they represent a complex process of creating, disseminating and using innovations and simply innovations that have practical interest in the work of the organization’s personnel services.

Personnel innovations can be classified according to the following criteria:

a) by phases of workers’ participation in the professional educational and labor process (cycle):

    Vocational and educational innovations, i.e. innovations in professional training in universities, colleges, and other training centers. This area of ​​innovation is dealt with by innovation and educational management.

    Innovations related to personnel search and selection, i.e. with the formation of new and effective human resources. This subgroup includes new methods of searching for personnel on the labor market and within the enterprise. These innovations are the subject of innovation and personnel marketing.

    Personnel innovations in the labor process. This subgroup includes new methods of working with personnel during the development of new technology and types of labor, personnel certification, new distribution of labor functions and powers in the existing personnel structure, methods for promoting and relocating workers, developing new job characteristics and instructions, improving work with elite personnel .

    Innovations related to retraining and advanced training of personnel. This group includes personnel innovations in the forms and methods of retraining and advanced training of personnel, improving methods for determining the need in this area, new methods of including personnel in the labor process after retraining and advanced training, the creation of new structures here, and others.

    Innovations in the field of personnel reduction and elimination of personnel ballast. This includes improving methods for determining the discrepancy between personnel and the required level, creating data banks on personnel ballast, improving methods of working with personnel ballast, and reducing and dismissing personnel. At the same time, under personnel ballast is understood as the least productive and least promising part of the human resources potential in the world of work, which in its professional and qualification qualities lags behind the needs for the development (change) of scientific, production, administrative and other activities, as well as an excess of personnel in an enterprise or organization compared to the needs for them at each given stage;

b) on the objects of innovation and innovative management in personnel work:

    Personnel innovations in relation to individual employees(for example, working with elite specialists and innovators - they make up personnel elite); This is elite management.

    Innovations in personnel systems of scientific, scientific-educational and innovative structures and their divisions(this is like personnel innovations “squared” - new in innovation structures).

    HR related innovations with provision (personnel support) of targeted scientific and scientific-technical programs and projects (recruitment and training of personnel for the development and implementation of a program or project).

    HR innovations in existing enterprises and organizations. Personnel activities in newly created and reconstructed organizations.

    Personnel innovations on an industry, region, and country scale

    Innovations in the work of personnel services.

c) according to the degree of radicality, scale and pace of implementation, one should distinguish:

    Personnel innovations of an evolutionary and modifying nature related to the gradual and partial updating of personnel systems;

    HR innovations radical (reformist) nature aimed at radical and large-scale personnel renewal.

    Systemic and large-scale personnel innovations ( personnel reforms- these are large-scale personnel innovations aimed at radically changing (updating) human resources in accordance with qualitatively new goals and objectives for the development of socio-economic systems and structures).

    Local, partial personnel innovations.

    Express innovations in personnel work, carried out in a short time (usually associated with an extreme situation in personnel work, the personnel system).

d) in relation to elements of mechanization of personnel management:

    Innovations in the field of personnel development assessment.

    Innovations in the field of forecasting and programming of personnel development.

    Innovations in the field of financial and resource support for personnel development.

    Innovations in the field of motivation for personnel development.

When talking about personnel innovations, it is important to keep in mind that not every such innovation is positive, progressive and effective.

Pseudo(in Greek false, imaginary) - means false, imaginary personnel innovations that not only do not bring benefits, but are also harmful to personnel and other systems of organizations.

Pseudo-innovations in personnel- these are innovations in personnel and personnel systems generated by subjectivism, which do not ensure a real increase in their level and efficiency (or do not set this as their goal) and are carried out with the goal of either artificially updating outdated methods of personnel work (innovative imitation), or hiding other actually operating ones that suit the pseudo-innovator methods (innovative speculation), or discredit the progressive course towards personnel renewal, blocking progressive innovations and introducing obsolete or cutting-edge premature innovations (innovative discrediting).

The concept of “personnel innovation” is closely related to the concept "managerial innovation", which can be defined as any organized decision, system, procedure or method of management that is significantly different from established practice and is new to the organization. It is necessary to take into account that novelty correlates with management practice in a given organization.

Behind time to implement personnel innovations the time interval during which they are implemented is accepted.

Motivating HR Innovation- in personnel work - a system of economic, moral and social levers and incentives, a mechanism for their interaction, in which the performer is interested in both his own and personnel innovations introduced into the organization.

Management of innovations in HR work- ensuring the effective scale and pace of renewal in personnel work in accordance with the current and future goals of the organization, modern patterns of development of scientific and technological progress, requirements and standards of the state and trade unions in the social field, market development. The main objectives of innovation management in personnel work are:

    creating the innovative potential of the labor market and the educational services market;

    creation of an effective multi-level system of innovative personnel management within the state, region, industry, or individual organization for the formation and effective functioning of a qualitatively new personnel potential;

    preservation of the elite part of the country’s personnel potential through the implementation of innovative personnel activities.

Personnel innovations are quite specific; they differ from technical innovations. Personnel innovations are aimed at developing the organization as a whole, its divisions and individual employees to improve the efficiency of its functioning in accordance with the goals of the organization.

2.3 Any innovative development is not only the main innovation process, but also the development of a system of factors and conditions necessary for its implementation, i.e. innovation potential.

Often, indicators related to scientific, technical, production and technological, personnel or other components of the overall potential of an enterprise or organization are often given as characteristics of innovative potential. In such cases, the actual innovative potential of the enterprise is not isolated, not measured and, as a result, is not purposefully developed.

Diagram 2 shows the overall potential of an enterprise or organization and its main components - production and technological, scientific and technical, financial and economic, personnel and innovation potential itself, which represents, as it were, the core of the entire potential, organically entering into every part of it.

Diagram 3 shows the structure of innovation potential. It is based on the innovative infrastructure of the enterprise together with innovative capabilities that are created through other components of potential. Innovation potential is a set of different types of resources necessary to carry out innovation activities.

Innovation potential- a set of material, financial, intellectual, labor and other resources attracted for the implementation of innovative activities. This potential should be considered at all levels (federal, regional, sectoral, local). It can also be assessed at the level of an individual organization and even an individual. It should be noted that we are talking about activities of teams or individuals where heuristic solutions are just as appropriate and necessary as other types of creativity.

To create and implement innovations in personnel work, HR workers and managers must have a certain creative potential and use it in their work, in addition, they must in every possible way develop and maintain this potential among the organization’s employees.

The central problem of the psychology of innovation is the problem of theoretical and experimental substantiation of the mechanisms, forms and methods of psychological emancipation creative potential of the individual And ensuring psychological comfort for productive innovation activities. Innovation activity turns out to be more successful, the higher the need for new things among employees.

Innovation Consciousness, can be defined as consciousness, including goals, motives, orientations, attitudes aimed at implementing a structural, functional, institutional, normative transformation of any object with the aim of its modernization or complete replacement. Innovative consciousness acts as a regulator of innovative behavior (this applies to innovating subjects). Innovative thinking, which generates new knowledge, directly depends on the level of professionalism of the innovator, his ability to systematically obtain new information, psychological and active focus not on adaptation, but on development, on the search for something new.

Innovative potential of the organization's personnel represents the ability of personnel to positively and critically perceive new information, to increase general and professional knowledge, to put forward new competitive ideas, to find solutions to non-standard problems, new methods for solving traditional problems, to use knowledge for prediction, and the practical materialization of innovations.

Integral assessment of the innovative potential of personnel organization is determined by:

    attitude of staff to upcoming and ongoing changes;

    the attitude of managers towards innovation and their ability to work in changed conditions;

    the state of the processes of democratization of management and information support for innovation;

    the level of professional and economic training of personnel;

    the state of the socio-psychological climate of the workforce;

    degree of satisfaction with new conditions, content and remuneration.

Innovation in an organization requires innovation in personnel, which should contribute to the formation of a modern type of employee, possessing a whole group of qualities, including an innovative nature.

First group these qualities, characterizing innovative readiness person to work, includes: intellectual development and speed of mastering knowledge; professional competence, the need to keep up with life; creative, proactive approach to work, ingenuity and versatility; ability to develop programs to improve product quality, increase productivity, and reduce costs; the desire to rationalize the labor process, but knowing when to stop; ability for self-education and self-development.

Second group characterizes innovative and motivational qualities of an employee: independence and internal nature of motives for work, initiative, work without prodding, a high sense of duty; work despite obstacles; the desire to actually test your ability to solve problems; a critical mind and a high degree of curiosity; energy and work efficiency; the belief that there will be good pay for a job well done; the desire to do a job better than expected (feeling of superiority at work).

Third group characterizes innovative attitude to work: focus on high standards of labor quality; creative attitude to work; confidence and consistency in implementing innovations; readiness for unexpected decisions and new attitudes; flexibility and sensitivity to all changes in production.

Fourth group requirements characterizes universal and personal qualities of an innovative worker: knowledge of your weaknesses and strengths; desire to constantly gain experience; presence of healthy ambitions and desire for professional growth; desire to exchange ideas and experiences. Based on this portrait of an employee with high innovative qualities, it is possible to formulate an innovative portrait of the team of a workshop, brigade, plant, company and develop corresponding personnel innovations.

Employee's innovative potential- the ability to perceive new information, increase one’s professional knowledge, put forward new competitive ideas, find solutions to non-standard problems and new ways to solve standard problems.

One of the most important tasks for increasing the efficiency of innovation activity is the task of forming creative groups, consisting of highly qualified specialists who, at the same time, would have the necessary and sufficient psychological qualities for effective productive work.

The diversity of functions performed by an innovation team requires the presence of at least three categories of employee-partners .

The first group includes idea generators capable of showing creative initiative and putting forward original ideas.

The second group consists innovators-managers, capable of managing innovation as a process. They are the ones who must make decisions under conditions of uncertainty, take financial and entrepreneurial risks, and be able to overcome organizational and psychological difficulties.

The third, largest group in the innovation team consists of skilled workers(“periphery”), providing the so-called support system. It is this group that is engaged in information support, analysis of the external environment and internal capabilities, and carries out practical implementation innovation.

2.4 Personnel management at the enterprise is carried out by the personnel department. Personnel department– a set of specialized structures, divisions, together with the officials employed in them, designed to manage personnel within the framework of the chosen personnel policy. According to foreign literature and expert estimates, the total number of personnel management employees is approximately 1.0 - 1.2% of the total number of employees. Currently, it is becoming increasingly important to search for optimal options for orienting personnel to intensive work efforts.

Personnel work- activities of government bodies, management bodies of individual organizations, personnel services and officials aimed at implementing personnel policy. The areas of personnel work are:

    formation of a personnel management system and its strategy;

    HR planning, recruitment, selection and reception of personnel;

    business assessment, career guidance and personnel adaptation;

    training, career management and personnel promotion;

    motivation, labor organization and ensuring the safety of personnel;

    creating a normal psychological environment in the team and other areas of activity.

HR activities extend to the organization's personnel. Personnel - the main (staff) composition of qualified employees of organizations and institutions.

Personnel reform– large-scale personnel innovation aimed at radically changing (updating) human resources in accordance with qualitatively new goals and objectives for the development of socio-economic systems and structures.

The need for personnel reforms may arise as a result of a sharp change in production technology and products, changes in the external environment (actions of competitors, decisions of government bodies, development of scientific and technological progress). Determining its need requires constant collection and analysis of information.

Personnel reform is always characterized by the presence of objective and subjective prerequisites.

Objective prerequisites are connected: with qualitative changes in political, socio-economic and technical and technological conditions and needs for the development of society, region, organization; with the necessary resources available for reform.

Subjective premises personnel reform is associated with: the persistent inability of the current personnel system (the personnel itself and personnel management) to solve qualitatively new problems of reform and development of social, production, economic and other systems; with the presence of subjective positive prerequisites for the implementation of personnel reform (the presence of individuals and groups capable of implementing the reform); with the understanding of the majority of personnel of the need for its implementation.

Personnel reform involves the development of appropriate strategic and tactical goals, priorities, a reform plan (events, stages, results, determination of the composition of performers, necessary resources), its normative, methodological and motivational support.

Evaluation criteria personnel reform at different phases of its implementation are: the level of financial costs and the level of return on invested capital; degree of risk and uncertainty; speed of dissemination of information about reform innovations; compliance of the reform with existing norms and values; the possibility of implementing the reform piecemeal and returning to previous practices; the impact of the reform on interpersonal relationships.

Stages of personnel reform are the following:

    identifying the need for personnel reform;

    collecting information on personnel innovations that are part of the personnel reform;

    preliminary analysis of the personnel reform model;

    making decisions on personnel reform;

    introduction (implementation) of personnel reform.

Implementation of personnel reform involves overcoming obstacles in its course, which are expressed in the contradiction of goals, motives of activity, interests of participants in the innovation and personnel process, in resistance to the new, in the emergence of various bureaucratic barriers to personnel reform, in the unsatisfactory work of the developers of personnel reform and specialists organizing the process of its implementation .

The effect of introducing personnel reform can manifest itself after a certain, sometimes very significant, period of time. Moreover, the magnitude of the effect largely depends on the organization of the implementation process. A fairly well-developed implementation mechanism is needed, which should be built in accordance with the fact that any organization is a tool for achieving consciously set goals with a hierarchically organized management system, division of functions and their specialization in certain types of work. Hence, the phases of development and implementation of activities Personnel reforms are implemented sequentially by various organizational units. Their result is the creation of a new holistic mechanism for personnel management.
