What sector of the economy does the judicial system belong to? Legal professions by economic sector and field of activity


The need to study the economics of education is associated with fundamental changes as a market economy develops in Russia. We are talking, firstly, about a radical reconstruction of property relations and the entire system of production relations, both on the scale of the entire economy and in the education sector. Secondly, this is connected with the task of transforming the education sector into a priority sector of state policy and the life of society. The main guarantor of successful socio-economic development is educational and intellectual potential. Thirdly, this is due to the need to overcome the crisis through deep reform of the entire education system and the creation of a new economic mechanism for managing educational institutions.

The entire system of economic education in pedagogical universities needs deep transformations, taking into account the emergence of a market economy, the penetration of market relations into the education system, the emergence of a market for educational services and the transition to a new economic mechanism for managing educational institutions. The need for teachers of economic disciplines in schools, vocational schools and technical schools is growing.

Today, a specialist and, above all, a manager in the field of education must be able not only to clearly and clearly economically analyze his work and its results, but also to competently manage the labor process in an educational institution.

Education as a system and sector of the economy

Education as a priority sector of the economy

Economic function of education. Education is one of the factors of economic and social progress of society; it ensures the reproduction and development of the human resources potential of society. Vocational education at any level should ensure that students receive a profession and special qualifications.

The essence of economic education.

Active influence on the development of the country's productive forces, increasing the efficiency of social labor, preparing young people for professional activities in accordance with society's need for labor. Reproduction is a constant repetition and continuous renewal of social production. Any reproduction represents the unity of three interrelated processes of reproduction of the national product (material and intangible goods); relevant economic relations; total labor force.

Labor power or a person’s ability to work is the totality of his physical and spiritual abilities, the use of which provides society with the creation of necessary benefits. Education refers to the sphere of human activity where a worker’s ability to work is reproduced, general educational and special knowledge is acquired, and socio-psychological attitudes towards work are formed. Education is the “preparatory workshop” of the country’s economy. The main goal of education is to meet people's needs for educational services. Education covers a specific branch of the national economy, which satisfies the needs of society for educational services, is engaged in the training of personnel, the formation of their knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for work.

Along with material production, there is also intangible production, including spiritual production. The structure of spiritual production includes important parts:

science as the accumulation and updating of knowledge about nature, society, man himself and his creation of an artificial world, identifying the patterns of structure and dynamics of the surrounding world, methods of using these patterns in the interests of man;

education as a system that ensures the transfer of scientific knowledge, skills and abilities to younger generations and the entire population, satisfying their needs for educational services and vocational training, as well as developing appropriate aesthetic skills and moral rules of behavior in society;

books and media that promote the dissemination and renewal of spiritual values;

culture as a system of institutions (libraries, museums, theaters, etc.) that ensure the dissemination of knowledge about spiritual and material values;

morality as a system of ethical norms that regulate the behavior of people and evaluate their actions;

ideology as a worldview of people, religious views that reflect the goals and motives of human activity.

Industry aspect of education.

When applied to education, the term industry is continuously associated with the scientific field. A sector of the national economy is understood as a qualitatively homogeneous set of enterprises, institutions and other economic units characterized by common working conditions (production) of professional personnel performing functions in the system of social production, products and services produced. Education as an industry is a system of educational institutions, organizations and enterprises primarily engaged in educational activities aimed at meeting the diverse needs of the population for these services and training qualified workers.

Elements of the economics of education are, first of all, productive forces and production relations in the field of education.

Subsystems - economics of preschool education, secondary schools, vocational education, higher schools and postgraduate education.

The educational sector has the greatest unifying properties. It refers to the social sphere of a single national economic complex, which covers the entire economic body of the country.

The special role of the education sector is as follows:

The specific place of education in the system of social division of labor. This is the only industry that satisfies the needs of the population in educational services, specializes in the reproduction of the main productive force of society - qualified workers in all sectors of material and non-material production, as well as for various types of non-productive activities.

The level of education of the population is one of the main indicators of the well-being of the people of the country. The level of education is reflected using the human development index, which is characterized by three criteria: a) average life expectancy; b) level of education; c) per capita income.

In 1991, the USSR was in 33rd place in the world, in 1996 Russia was in 57th place. Each year of study extends life by several years, since smart, knowledgeable people are healthier than their peers. Poorly educated people are more prone to depression, they have a greater incidence of diseases of the century: cardiovascular, mental, an increased risk of early mortality is associated with smoking cheap cigarettes, poor nutrition, alcohol, obesity, heavy physical activity.

This industry prepares professional workers for itself - teaching staff.

Work in the field of education has become one of the most widespread types of human activity. In terms of the number of people employed, the education sector exceeds any other sector of the national economy.

5.9 million workers work in educational institutions of the Russian Federation, and about 50 million people are covered by training and education. 18.5 million are employed in industry, 6.8 million in construction, 10.5 million in agriculture and forestry, and 5.4 million in transport.

Features of educational services.

Employees of educational institutions satisfy the needs of members of society for unique economic benefits, which are called “educational services.” They represent a system of knowledge, information, skills and abilities that are used to meet the various educational needs of the individual, society, and state. Educational services ensure the realization of students' cognitive interests, satisfy the individual's needs for spiritual and intellectual development, and create conditions for self-determination and self-realization of the individual.

These services are expressed in the training of potential and current workers, the formation and development of their ability to work, specialization and professionalization and the growth of a qualified workforce. Thus, educational services are the product of educational institutions, and not the knowledge, skills and abilities of graduates.

Educational services are embodied in a material product (programs, textbooks, teaching aids, etc.); they serve only as a means of materialization and a material carrier of these services as spiritual values.

In the conditions of scientific and technological revolution, the leading place is not so much skills and dexterity, but a solid knowledge base and creative abilities. The economics of education can be seen as the economics of developing creative human abilities.

Educational services differ from material production products in the following way: educational services are not a material, but a social value. They differ from other intangible services by their special use value - the ability to satisfy a person’s needs in his spiritual, intellectual development and in the acquisition of a particular specialty.

Firstly, the production of educational services acts in the form of consumer production, in the sphere of activity and does not leave a tangible visible product. These services are not tangible; they do not constitute a consumer. The process of actual consumption of educational services acts, along with food, as a process of producing a person’s ability to work in the appropriate physical and spiritual quality.

Secondly, educational services are inseparable from the teaching staff. If a product of material form exists independently of its manufacturer, then the educational service is inseparable from the person providing the service.

Thirdly, the intangibility and inseparability of educational services is associated with the impossibility of their storage and transportation, the dispersal and locality of educational institutions and the market for these services.

Fourthly, these features make it difficult for the consumer to assess the consumer properties of the services provided.

Educational services in the learning process do not take on an independent existence separately from the performer - the teacher. Like material goods, these services have a use value that is created by specific labor. A service is defined as a useful effect of one or another use value of a product or labor. V. Hugo wrote that a schoolteacher and a carriage maker, and a weaver, and a blacksmith, in the work in which he helps God, he creates the future.

Each country runs its own economy. It is thanks to industry that the budget is replenished, the necessary goods, products, and raw materials are manufactured. The degree of development of the state largely depends on the efficiency of the national economy. The higher it is developed, the greater the economic potential of the country and, accordingly, the standard of living of its citizens. Sectors of the national economy are managed by special bodies. Often strategically important enterprises are controlled by the state.

The concept of an economic sector

All enterprises, factories, institutions that produce products or services of the same type constitute a certain industry. Very often, sectors of the economy closely interact with each other. They use materials, raw materials, and equipment from other areas of industry in their production. All sectors of the national economy can be divided into two groups. The first includes the mining industry. It is engaged in the extraction of minerals and other types of raw materials. This also includes seafood production. The second category is the manufacturing industry. This type is engaged in the processing of all kinds of raw materials and materials. The main sectors of the national economy are industry itself, agriculture, construction, and the transport system. They, in turn, are divided into other subtypes.

Economic zones of Russia

The country's territory has an uneven distribution of mineral reserves. That is why the Russian economic sectors form two large economic zones: Eastern and Western. The first unites Siberia and the Far East and is characterized by considerable reserves of resources. The Western part predominates here and does not have such a raw material base. Therefore, the economic sectors here are mainly manufacturing. 2/3 of all industrial areas are concentrated in this region.

Sectors of the national economy. Classification

Depending on the purpose of the product, industry is divided into groups “A” and “B”. The first is engaged in the production of means of production, the second - consumer products. There are also production and economic sectors that belong to the production sector:

All services and services to the population constitute the non-productive sphere:

  • healthcare;
  • education;
  • public utilities;
  • art, culture;
  • finance, pensions;
  • science, etc.

Gas, oil, coal industry

The country's fuel and energy complex is a very important indicator of its development and economic potential. The gas industry includes gas exploration, production, transportation and use. Producing blue fuel is relatively inexpensive. For example, the cost exceeds the cost by more than 10 times. The oil industry is engaged in the search for deposits, production and delivery of oil. Natural gas is also produced along the way. The most expensive is the coal industry. Stone, mined in mines. Such sectors of the economy require significant financial investments, as well as a large amount of human resources.

Electric power industry

The fuel and energy complex also includes the production and distribution of electrical energy. It is produced at thermal power plants, nuclear and hydroelectric power plants. Thermal stations use gas, coal, fuel oil or peat for production. When they are burned, thermal energy is converted into electrical energy. Hydroelectric power stations are built on the banks of large bodies of water. The cost of the electricity they produce is much lower. If the area does not have rivers and large fuel reserves, then nuclear power plants are built. Their operation uses significantly less fuel consumption. Another undoubted advantage is maintaining a clean environment. A new word in energy is geothermal stations. They use the internal heat of the earth (located near volcanoes).


The economic sectors of many countries (including Russia) include the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. There are full-cycle metallurgy (production of cast iron, steel, rolled products) and conversion metallurgy, in which there is no cast iron. The location of this type of enterprise is influenced by the availability of raw materials and electricity. The branches of the Russian national economy that produce steel and rolled products are among the world leaders. The technology for manufacturing non-ferrous metals has a number of features. First of all, ores are mined, then they are enriched. Produces concentrate and rough metal. To give it the necessary properties and parameters, a refining operation is performed. They distinguish between the production of heavy metals (nickel, lead, tin) and light metallurgy (aluminum). Metallurgy of heavy metals is material-intensive: the production of one ton of metal requires several hundred tons of ore. Most often, such enterprises are located near sources of raw materials.

Mechanical engineering

Enterprises must take into account a number of factors: availability of raw materials and consumers, highly qualified personnel, favorable transport and geographical location. This includes the following sectors of the economy: the automobile industry, the carriage industry, the production of ships, and tractors. This category also includes instrument making, manufacturing of household appliances and electronic computers. This industry is also involved in the manufacture of parts and components.

Forestry and chemical industry enterprises

We encounter products from the timber industry every day. These include notebooks, furniture and much more. The logging sectors of the economy are engaged in the collection, processing and processing of wood. Often such enterprises are located in regions with extensive tree plantings. The woodworking industry produces wood construction parts, plywood, and furniture.

This area also includes the sawmill industry. The pulp and paper industries produce paper, cardboard, pulp, paper containers and much more. The forest chemical industry is also distinguished. It is engaged in the production of solvents, methyl alcohol, and hydrolysis production. The chemical industry includes the production of fibers, dyes, plastics, and the paint and varnish industry. This complex also includes pharmacology, production of organic synthesis substances, and household chemicals.

Agriculture branches

Agriculture is a fairly important component of the country's economy, because it provides the population with food. This category is divided into livestock farming and the cultivation of all kinds of plants (vegetables, fruits, grains and industrial crops, etc.).

Branches of agriculture that engage in animal breeding are cattle breeding (meat, dairy breeds), sheep breeding, and poultry farming. There are also farms for raising pigs, horses, fish. Beekeeping is also one of the areas of animal husbandry.

In practice, you can often hear the following expressions: “ real estate lawyer», « land lawyer», « construction lawyer" That is, a lawyer specializes not on any branches of law, but on all issues regulating certain social relations (this can be either a material object (real estate) or highly specialized areas of social relations (the use of letters of credit, currency control)). In other words, lawyers are usually considered according to the field of activity in which they understand best.

For example, a “real estate” lawyer is specialist in the following areas:

  • civil law (sections on real estate transactions);
  • tax law (appearance of value added tax and personal income tax upon sale);
  • representation in court on these issues;
  • knowledge of other aspects (settlement schemes, sale schemes through the sale of shares in the authorized capital, security basics, rules for verifying counterparties).

That is, the regulation of such relations is quite complex, multidimensional and to the employer interesting to the lawyer knew all aspects of work in one field of activity.

If we talk about the areas of activity of a lawyer in more detail, it is worth highlight the economic sphere- the most extensive and in demand today. Each industry has different requirements for lawyers. If this is production, then most of the work is related to supply contracts and disputes in this area; if the banking sector, then this is lending and deposits.

Let's highlight main sectors of the economy:

Producing goods (material goods):

  • industry (electric power, fuel industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical industries, mechanical engineering and metalworking, etc.);
  • Agriculture;
  • forestry;
  • construction, etc.

Providing services (non-manufacturing industries):

  • banking activities;
  • trade;
  • domestic services,
  • transport;
  • tourism;
  • leisure;
  • Department of Housing and Utilities;
  • pension provision;
  • scientific activity;
  • public education, etc.

Each industry has a different attractiveness for lawyers, depending on where there is better material and social security, more prospects for career growth, opportunities for self-realization, where the working conditions are more comfortable, where the work is more interesting. All these requirements are individual for each person.

But if we talk about material support, it is logical to assume that it may be higher in those sectors of the economy that are the most profitable - the oil and gas industry, for example. Although specific market players and the level of the position held are also of great importance. It is up to the lawyer to decide which branch of the economy to go into - it all depends on his

Definition 1

Industry is a collection of similar types of economic activities. The industry unites enterprises that produce homogeneous products, such as food products, agricultural machinery, household chemicals, textiles, and metallurgical products.

The farm is divided into two main parts– industry and agriculture, which in turn are divided into other industries and sub-sectors.

Industry , as a rule, is a leading industry in most economies of the world, since for successful farming, it is necessary to have certain climatic conditions for growing crops or raising animals. For industry, such conditions are not mandatory.

Definition 2

Exists production sector- a set of enterprises that produce goods to meet the needs of the population, and the non-productive sphere - a set of industries that provide a variety of services to the population.

Various industry , in turn, can be combined into groups of industries; in economics, the determining factors with which a classification can be created are the general properties of a product or service. Let's take an example of a set of producers of bread, cakes, buns, bagels and bagels that can be combined into the bakery industry, which, in turn, is part of the food industry.

The flour milling industry includes enterprises engaged in the production of bakery, confectionery, pasta and other products that contain flour.

Picture 1.

Other industries are built on the same principle. It is also possible to group industries into broader groups, an example is shown in the illustration below.

Figure 2.

Industry classification is based on this principle, that is, the grouping of similar types of economic activities.

Classification of industrial groups of industries

By combining different groups of industries in this way, we end up with several largest groups of industries, which are called sectors of the economy.

These include:

  1. Agriculture;
  2. Extractive industry;
  3. Manufacturing industry;
  4. Electricity and gas;
  5. Construction.

Now let's look at each group separately.

Agriculture, fishing and forestry combines all the sectors that deal with production or extraction of raw materials of animal or plant origin. Agriculture, in turn, is divided into livestock farming (sheep farming, poultry farming, beekeeping) and agriculture (cultivation of the land and cultivation of vegetable and fruit crops, cereals).

Mining industry unites all enterprises directly involved in the extraction of certain valuable resources from the bowels of the earth. It includes oil producers, gas producers, developers of deposits of other valuable resources, enterprises extracting sand from a quarry, diamonds, peat, and various ores.

Sometimes these two groups merge into the primary manufacturing sector, since they provide the raw materials for most other industries.

Manufacturing industry, in turn, unites all industries associated with the processing of already extracted natural resources for the production of some material product.

Electricity, gas and water supply are also involved in processing extracted raw materials, but are classified as a separate group because they are associated with the creation and development of lines for transmitting these raw materials over distances to end consumers.

Construction unites all manufacturers of buildings and structures of both large and small architectural forms. In essence, this is also the processing of already mined raw materials, but due to the special nature of production, it stands out as a separate group.

Non-production sectors

To the non-production sphere include sectors of the economy that directly serve the population (service sector) or ensure the existence of society as a whole (management, science, art, vocational education, army and law enforcement):

  • trade;
  • hotel and restaurant business;
  • transport and communications;
  • education;
  • medicine;
  • finance;
  • public service.

Trade unites all firms whose activities are based on the sale or resale of manufactured products, and there are two types - wholesale (sale of intermediate goods or goods in large quantities) and retail (sale of consumer goods to the final consumer).

Hotel and restaurant business restaurants unites producers of goods such as “vacation on the islands in the Atlantic Ocean” or “romantic dinner by candlelight,” which include many components; the peculiarity of this group is that the consumer receives both goods and services at the same time.

Transport, warehouses and communications unite all manufacturers involved in the movement of material in space (transport) and time (warehouses). Communication also transmits and processes information. It should be noted that this industry is strategic, that is, it is fundamentally important both for the state and for ordinary citizens; if it stops functioning, life in the country will actually stop.

Education unites all producers involved in the development and dissemination of knowledge (literacy, vocabulary) or skills (piano playing, dance or visual arts) of the population.

Medical industry includes all manufacturers and government agencies that provide services to preserve the health of citizens (hospitals, clinics, dental and cosmetology offices).

Finance unite all manufacturers offering financial services (banks, pawnshops, credit unions, currency exchanges).

Civil service includes all producers involved in ensuring the functioning of the state apparatus.

Sometimes these groups unite into even larger supergroups - the material production sector and the service sector.

Some service industries (trade, catering) are sometimes added to the production sector, since they deal with material objects.

Note 1

It must be emphasized that all sectors of the economy are very important, since the disappearance of at least one of them will irreversibly lead to a crisis in the economy, and significant efforts will be required to eliminate its consequences. For example, if for some reason the agricultural sector in the country ceases to function, then the food industry will also be shaken, which will cause a shortage of food products, rising prices for them and, as a result, the well-being of citizens will significantly decrease.

To prevent such phenomena from occurring, the state pursues a certain policy to protect the national producer and issues legislative acts whose purpose is to maintain an economic balance between industries.

Sectors of the economy

Spheres of the economy are divided into specialized industries. Industry - a group of qualitatively homogeneous economic units (enterprises, organizations, institutions), characterized by special production conditions in the system of social division of labor, homogeneous products and performing a common (specific) function in the national economy.

For example, the sphere of material production includes industries in which the means of production and consumer goods necessary for the life and development of society are created. The remaining types of activities, in the process of which material goods are not created, form in their totality the non-productive sphere of activity.

The sphere of material production includes 14 sectors of the national economy: industry, forestry, transport and communications, trade and public catering, information and computing services, agriculture, fisheries, construction, procurement, real estate operations, general commercial activities to ensure the functioning of market, logistics and sales, geology and subsoil exploration, geodetic and hydrometeorological services; other types of activities in the sphere of material production.

The non-production sphere includes 9 sectors of the national economy and types of activity: housing and communal services; healthcare; physical culture and social welfare; Culture and art; finance, credit, insurance, pensions; public education; governing body; non-production types of consumer services for the population; science and scientific service; public associations.

The sectoral division of the economy is the result of a historical process, the development of the social division of labor.

Each of the specialized industries, in turn, is divided into complex industries and types of production. The industry, for example, includes more than 15 large industries such as electric power, fuel industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical industries, mechanical engineering and metalworking, forestry, pulp and paper industry, construction materials industry, light and food industries and others industry.

Specialized industries are characterized by varying degrees of differentiation of production. The development of society and the economy, the further deepening of the specialization of production leads to the formation of new industries and types of production. Along with specialization and differentiation, there are processes of cooperation and integration of production, leading to the development of stable production links between industries, to the creation of mixed production and inter-industry complexes.


Agriculture - a branch of the economy aimed at providing the population with food (food, food) and obtaining raw materials for a number of industries. The industry is one of the most important, represented in almost all countries. Global agriculture employs about 1.1 billion economically active people (EAP).

The problems of agriculture are directly or indirectly related to such sciences as agronomy, animal husbandry, land reclamation, crop production, forestry, etc.

The role of agriculture in the economy.

The role of agriculture in the economy of a country or region shows its structure and level of development. The share of people employed in agriculture among the economically active population, as well as the share of agriculture in the structure of GDP, are used as indicators of the role of agriculture. These indicators are quite high in most developing countries, where more than half of the EAN is employed in agriculture. Agriculture there follows an extensive development path, that is, an increase in production is achieved by expanding the acreage, increasing the number of livestock, and increasing the number of people employed in agriculture. In countries whose economies are agricultural, the rates of mechanization, chemicalization, land reclamation, etc. are low.

The agriculture of the developed countries of Europe and North America, which have entered the post-industrial stage, has reached the highest level. Agriculture employs 2-6% of the EAN there. In these countries, the “green revolution” occurred back in the middle of the 20th century; agriculture is characterized by a science-based organization, increased productivity, the use of new technologies, agricultural machinery systems, pesticides and mineral fertilizers, the use of genetic engineering and biotechnology, robotics and electronics, that is develops along an intensive path.

Similar progressive changes are also occurring in industrial countries, but the level of intensification in them is still much lower, and the share of people employed in agriculture is higher than in post-industrial ones.

At the same time, in developed countries there is a crisis of food overproduction, and in agricultural countries, on the contrary, one of the most pressing problems is the food problem (the problem of malnutrition and hunger).

Industry and regional characteristics.

As a branch of the economy, agriculture has the following main features:

The economic process of reproduction is intertwined with the natural process of growth and development of living organisms, developing on the basis of biological laws;

The cyclical process of natural growth and development of plants and animals has determined the seasonality of agricultural work.

Unlike industry, the technological process in agriculture is closely related to nature, where land acts as the main means of production.

FAO experts note that 78% of the earth's surface experiences serious natural limitations for the development of agriculture, 13% of areas are characterized by low productivity, 6% average and 3% high. Currently, about 11% of all land is plowed, another 24% is used for pasture. Features of the agro-resource situation and agricultural specialization vary significantly by region. There are several thermal zones, each of which is characterized by a unique set of crop and livestock sectors:

Cold belt occupies vast areas in northern Eurasia and North America. Agriculture here is limited by lack of heat and permafrost. Plant growing here is possible only in closed ground conditions, and reindeer husbandry develops on low-productive pastures.

Cool Belt covers large areas of Eurasia and North America, as well as a narrow strip in the southern Andes in South America. Insignificant heat resources limit the range of crops that can be grown here (early ripening crops - gray grain, vegetables, some root crops, early potatoes). Agriculture is local in nature.

Temperate zone in the southern hemisphere it is represented in Patagonia, on the coast of Chile, the islands of Tasmania and New Zealand, and in the northern hemisphere it occupies almost all of Europe (except for the southern peninsulas), southern Siberia and the Far East, Mongolia, Tibet, northeastern China, southern Canada, north eastern states of the USA. This is a belt of mass farming. Almost all territories suitable for the relief are occupied by arable land; its specific area reaches 60-70%. There is a wide range of crops grown here: wheat, barley, rye, oats, flax, potatoes, vegetables, root crops, and forage grasses. In the southern part of the belt, corn, sunflowers, rice, grapes, fruit and fruit trees grow. Pastures are limited in area; they dominate in the mountains and arid zones, where transhumance and camel breeding are developed.

Warm belt corresponds to the subtropical geographical zone and is represented on all continents except Antarctica: it covers the Mediterranean, most of the United States, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, southern Africa and Australia, and Southern China. Two crops are grown here per year: in winter - temperate crops (cereals, vegetables), in summer - tropical annuals (cotton) or perennials (olive tree, citrus fruits, tea, walnuts, figs, etc.). Low-productive pastures that are heavily degraded by uncontrolled grazing dominate here.

Hot belt occupies vast areas of Africa, South America, northern and central Australia, the Malay Archipelago, the Arabian Peninsula, and South Asia. Coffee and chocolate trees, date palms, sweet potatoes, cassava, etc. are grown. In the subarid zones there are huge pastures with poor vegetation.

Structure of agriculture.

Agriculture is part of the agro-industrial complex and includes the following main sectors:

-Crop production. The industry is divided into sub-sectors according to the type of plants grown: grain crops (wheat, barley, rye, oats, etc.); grain legumes (peas, beans, etc.); forage crops (forage grasses, silage crops, forage root crops, forage melons); industrial crops: a) food crops (sugar cane, sugar beets, hops, starch crops, medicinal plants); b) textile crops (cotton, flax, jute, hemp); c) rubber plants (Hevea); vegetable and melon crops: a) potatoes, b) leafy crops (cabbage, lettuce, spinach, etc.); c) fruit crops (tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini, squash, eggplant, pepper); d) bulbous crops (onions and garlic); e) root vegetables (carrots, beets, parsnips, etc.); f) melons (watermelon, melon, etc.); citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit, tangerine, etc.); tonic crops (narcotic crops, tea, coffee, cocoa); oilseeds and essential oil crops: a) oilseeds (sunflower, castor bean, mustard, rapeseed, sesame, camelina (plant), hemp, flax, coconut palm, oil palm, olive tree); b) essential oil crops (coriander, anise, cumin, etc.); hop growing; viticulture; gardening; grassland farming - obtaining suitable pastures and feed for livestock.
