The ancestor of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was the executioner of the family of the last tsar, Nikolai Romanov. As two drops of water

blagin_anton c Why is Dmitry Medvedev very similar to Nicholas II, the last Russian Tsar?

Russian poet Evgeniy Gusev explains this striking resemblance current Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D.A.Medvedeva and the king Nicholas II phenomenon reincarnation!

Evgeniy Gusev cites their external similarity as the first proof:“People have long noticed the external similarity between Tsar Nicholas II and Dmitry Medvedev.”

Argument two: when reincarnation takes place, a person in his new life displays very similar qualities that he showed the last time.

Regarding the similarities in the qualities and actions of Tsar Nicholas II and Dmitry Medvedev, it is already possible to create a whole table:

1. leaders of a country with the same name - Russia.

2. The police were with both of them.

3. In both cases, the prison population increases.

4. both violate the Testaments of Christ.

5. with both, values ​​flow abroad.

6. The army under Nicholas II was divided into red and white, typhus was rampant - health was at an extremely low level; under Medvedev, the army was divided into those who remained and those who were dismissed, and 60% of conscripts were unfit for service for health reasons (the annual US almanac on the state of the world, “The World Factbook - 2011”).

7. under Nicholas II, the army and the royal secret police were well paid; under Medvedev, the army and police begin to receive salaries several orders of magnitude higher than all other professions.

8. under Nicholas II, Russia lost Port Arthur, half of the territory of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands; and at the end of Medvedev’s presidency, our country gave Norway a shelf in the Barents Sea.

9. with both, there is an increase in the growth of vices: theft, drug addiction, drunkenness, prostitution...

10. Both issued yellow coins of 10 ruble denominations and with a double-headed eagle.

The last royal golden chervonets Nicholas 2 (10 ruble coin) was minted and put into circulation in 1911.

Last not a golden "chervonets"YES. Medvedev was released in 2011. It is noteworthy that the issue of modern Russian coins was carried out withdouble headed eaglePROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT, which ruled Russia from March 2 (15) to October 25 (November 7), 1917.

11. The people did not like the tsar, and the people have the same feeling towards Medvedev.

Evgeny Gusev: “What can such an obvious similarity say? Will there be any options? Are they possible? And such a case is not one, not two..., there are many of them...”

They say that history is cyclical and all people are alike: celebrities are special people and, as it turned out, they have doubles. Some have already become part of history, others are ordinary people living today.

Louis XII/Vladimir Putin?

Louis XII was called the Father of the People. Ruled France from 1498 until his death. Louis pursued an active foreign policy: he tried to take the Italian states of Milan and Naples under French control.

Vladimir Putin/Caesar?

Gaius Julius Caesar is one of the greatest commanders and statesmen of all time.

Nicholas II/Dmitry Medvedev?

Nicholas II - Emperor of All Russia, Tsar of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland. Colonel, held the ranks of admiral of the fleet and field marshal of the British army. The last Russian emperor.

Ramzan Kadyrov/Plato?

Plato is an ancient Greek philosopher, student of Socrates, teacher of Aristotle. In particular, in the dialogue
“The State” gives a concept about the idea of ​​good as the highest object of knowledge. In the dialogue about the soul, he often contrasted the soul and the body as two dissimilar entities.

Nikolay Naumov / Maxim Reshetnikov (acting head of the Kama region)?

Nikolai Naumov is an actor, originally from Perm. He became famous thanks to his role as Kolyan in the TV series “Real Boys”.

Boris Yeltsin/Alexey Navalny?

Boris Yeltsin - reformer, first president of Russia. In the 90s, he led the resistance during the August putsch, when members of the State Emergency Committee tried to overthrow Gorbachev and seize power. He was able to take control of the situation and stop the putsch.

Boris Yeltsin/Donald Trump?

Yeltsin took an active part in the process of the collapse of the USSR and the creation of Russia. Known as the first president of the Russian Federation, who later voluntarily resigned from his post.

Barack Obama/Xiao Ziguo

Chinese actor Xiao Ziguo is famous for his resemblance to the former US President. Thanks to this similarity, Xiao Ziguo became popular on the Internet and underwent several plastic surgeries to consolidate his success. Now he fears that his popularity has waned.

Gennady Zyuganov/Yuri Kuklachev?

Yuri Kuklachev is a clownery artist. He was the first in the USSR to engage in circus work with cats. Creator and director of the Cat Theater.

Grigory Yavlinsky / Paracelsus?

Paracelsus is considered one of the founders of modern medicine: Swiss alchemist, physician, philosopher. He critically revised the ideas of ancient medicine and worked on introducing chemicals into it.

Vitaly Milonov/Richard Roxberg (Professor Moriarty)?

Richard Roxburgh is an actor, director, screenwriter and producer. In the picture, the actor plays the role of Professor Moriarty in the film about Sherlock Holmes.

Donald Trump/Vladimir Zhirinovsky?

There is no need to introduce Vladimir Zhirinovsky for a long time, and the similarity here is more behavioral than external.

Internet users claim that doubles of famous politicians can also be found among ordinary metro passengers.

It is possible, because politicians often use people similar to themselves, who after a working day can go on the subway... Doppelgängers were not so visible: Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was once caught on camera with a doppelganger: CNN showed how Nicolas Maduro went out in the morning from the hotel, but at the same time he was already on his way to the summit site.

Hillary Clinton's double also found herself in the spotlight, and she even had to comment on it. She wrote on Facebook that even if it was she who was at one of the meetings instead of Hillary, “no one will ever know about it.”

Needless to say, this practice is not new...there are no names, but it is known for certain that Hitler had several doubles. The Fuhrer was terribly afraid of death, so there is a version that he sent a double in his place to the most dangerous events.

Napoleon Bonaparte did the same: his exact copy was a certain François Robot, and this is what he was famous for.

So that's where the goat's horns come from.

The ancestor of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was the executioner of the family of the last tsar, Nikolai Romanov. Yurovsky and Mikhail Medvedev - they were the ones who led the execution of the royal family. The authority of Dmitry Medvedev is much higher than the authority of Vladimir Putin, whose ancestor was only the cook of Lenin and Stalin.

For the last 500 years, the rulers of Russia have been searching for great biographies for themselves. “Tsar” (Grand Duke) Ivan the Terrible was proud that his ancestors were the Austrian emperors and Temnik Mamai. The last Romanovs, as is known, had “Russian blood” of about 1%. Lenin was just a German intellectual, Khrushchev was a small Ukrainian: no romance.

Finally, “dear Russians” got heroes for their presidents: Boris Yeltsin was the Old Believer gravedigger of the “evil empire”, “Vladimir Putin” (the second version of his surname “Platov”) – a descendant of a dynasty of cooks of general secretaries. Dmitry Medvedev hid for a long time under the guise of a “hipster”, trying to present himself as a worthless person.

But that's not true. President Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev is a descendant of the regicide Mikhail Medvedev, Yurovsky’s deputy and the organizer of the execution of the Romanov family.

The Interpreter's blog received notes from a Tver genealogist. Of course, we cannot disclose his name for obvious reasons. This man spent several years in the archives, trying to find out the details of the execution of the royal family. The Tver genealogist provided us with a small part of his research.

Ironically, the second most important regicide of the royal family bore the surname “Kudrin”. Our informant has not yet been able to find out whether the current Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and guardian of Russian money on the part of the US Federal Reserve, Alexei Kudrin, is a relative of that person. Our genealogist believes that Kudrin is only 75% likely to be a relative of the president (and at the same time the regicide) D.A. Medvedev.

So, let's start deciphering the notes of our informant. Mikhail Medvedev (under the underground nickname Lom) was the head of the royal family's security. According to his version, Yurovsky only finished off members of the royal family and retinue with control shots. And the execution itself was organized by Medvedev, 7 Latvians from his team, 2 Hungarians and 2 Old Believers anarchists - Nikulin and Ermakov.

Unlike Yurovsky, Medvedev died calmly. Moreover, he was treated kindly by Stalin and his henchmen. With Stalin’s transition to the “Russian nationalists” in the mid-1930s, Medvedev went into the shadows, and only sometimes traveled to provincial universities with a story about how he finished off Nicholas the Bloody. But with the accession of Khrushchev, the regicide found a second life: in addition to the fact that he received a pension of 4,500 rubles, Medvedev began to be involved in the propaganda of the “thaw” - stories with physiological details about the murder of the royal family. For example, in 1959, at a meeting with law students at Moscow State University, Medvedev boasted about how the Old Believers-anarchists Nikulin and Ermakov decided to save ammunition and therefore finish off the enemies of the working people with bayonets.

The fame of the Medvedev-Bolshevik family began with the elder brother of the future regicide - Alexander. He joined the underground RSDLP back in 1910, and in 1918 he headed the Bryansk Cheka. Mikhail was at first a left Socialist Revolutionary. From 1909 to 1912, i.e. from the age of 18 to 21, he controlled the “roof” in the Baku industries. There, he was paid tribute by a certain director of the Nobel oil office named Yurgens, the great-grandfather of the current adviser to President Medvedev, Igor Yurgens.

According to official data, Medvedev joined the RSDLP in 1911, according to unofficial data - only in 1914. But the great-great-grandfather of President Medvedev did not lose the profile of his activity: having gone over to the Bolsheviks, he was still involved in protecting businesses in Baku, as well as in the Black Sea region (in particular, he took the cash register of one bank in Yalta in 1915; the extraction amounted to 43 thousand rubles) . In successful months, Medvedev’s combat group extorted 12-15 thousand rubles in tribute from merchants. 2/3 of the money went to the top, the rest were commissions from the opposition.

After 1918, the fate of Medvedev-Kudrin turned out well. His son Mikhail wrote to the CPSU Central Committee in 1964 (the year of his father’s death):

“Comrade M.M. Medvedev addressed a letter to the Central Committee of the CPSU. - son of M.A., a member of the CPSU since 1911, who died in January 1964. Medvedev.

To the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Comrade. N.S. Khrushchev from Mikhail Mikhailovich Medvedev, editor of the Nauka publishing house of the USSR Academy of Sciences, son of a personal pensioner of union importance, member of the CPSU since 1911, Colonel Mikhail Alexandrovich Medvedev (1891-1964).

Dear Nikita Sergeevich! Having somewhat recovered from the grief that befell our family, I am now able to express my sincere gratitude to you for your attention to the memory of my father, who was buried by your order with military honors at the Novodevichy cemetery on January 15, 1964.

I am authorized by my father to fulfill his three dying wishes:

1. Dying, dad asked to congratulate you on April 17, 1964, on your 70th birthday, to wish you good health and to personally give you on his behalf as a gift a historical relic of our family - a Browning system pistol No. 389965, from which my father used on the night of July 17, 1918, he shot the last Russian Tsar “Nicholas the Second” (citizen N.A. Romanov) and his family in Yekaterinburg; and also convey to you the pope’s memories of the liquidation of the Romanov dynasty, which reigned in Russia for more than 300 years.

All documents confirming his father’s participation in the destruction of the Romanovs are stored in his personal file as a personal pensioner of union significance - book No. 28017-s - in the Ministry of Social Security of the RSFSR in Moscow.

I am writing to you in advance in the hope that comrades from your Secretariat in the CPSU Central Committee will help me make an appropriate wooden box of the required dimensions for the joint storage of a historical pistol, two clips, 70 cartridges for it and the text of memoirs about the last days of the Romanovs in Yekaterinburg (now the city of Yekaterinburg). Sverdlovsk).

My father expressed the wish that his party card No. 00213416 (given by me through the party organization Elektropromremont to the Sverdlovsk United Republican Committee of the CPSU of Moscow) would be stored in one box along with the pistol and memories. In addition, I will print photographic portraits of my father taken in 1918, 1921, 1933 and 1954.

2. Dying, dad asked me to give (with your consent) as a gift to the leader of the Cuban people, Comrade Fidel Castro Rus, his 1919 partisan military weapon - an American-made Colt pistol, with which my father went at the head of a partisan detachment to the rear of Kolchak along the Northern Ural. The partisans were armed with captured American weapons (Lewis machine guns, Colt pistols, as well as grenades, Winchesters) and at rest in the swampy swamps, when they cleaned their weapons by the fire, they dreamed of the time when the Revolution would spread to the American continent and, perhaps, , their weapons will still serve those brave guys who will establish socialism in America.

My father was lucky enough to live to see the birth of the first socialist country on the American continent. He always spoke with delight about Fidel and his young bearded men - they reminded him of his military youth, when the Russian guys, who also had no time to shave, after another battle, cut off by a ring of enemies from the whole world, dreamed of a World Revolution.

Dad died in the early morning of January 13, 1964 - the morning of the day when Fidel Castro flew to Moscow on vacation. Their names were found only on the page of Pravda dated January 15 (number attached), where the obituary of my father, Mikhail Aleksandrovich Medvedev (Kudrin), was posted, signed by the wife of Felix Dzerzhinsky, the son of Stepan Shaumyan, an old security officer from the personal security of V.I. Lenin - Sergei Uralov and other comrades of the pope in the Revolution and Civil War. After the funeral, my mother became seriously ill, in addition, I was burdened with the worries of obtaining a pension for my father and many other formalities - I was unable to fulfill my father’s wishes while Fidel Castro was visiting the Soviet Union. But I think that you will advise me how best to do this practically.

3. Dying, my father advised me to turn to you and ask me to save my mother, Zinaida Mikhailovna Medvedeva, along with half of my father’s pension, half of the food ration from Branch No. 2 of the Medical Nutrition Canteen (which is in Bolshoy Komsomolsky Lane).

So that my father’s last request does not seem strange and inappropriate to you, I will try to understand the essence of the matter. Let me start with the fact that my father, as a prisoner of tsarism, a political exile, a revolutionary with underground experience (a member of the CPSU since 1911) and the head of the illegal Bolshevik Union of Sailors of the Caspian Merchant Fleet (1913-1914) in Baku, had the opportunity back in 1953 year to go on a personal pension and receive food rations. But my father, as a true soldier of the Leninist guard, considered it unacceptable to sit in the dacha without participating in socialist construction. Despite his health being undermined by the Tsarist prison and the Civil War, he remained in service and worked until his retirement in the fall of 1962. He spoke with contempt about the dodgers who, while working, did not hesitate to receive a personal pension and food rations from the medical nutrition canteen. Even after retiring, he considered it unacceptable according to normal standards to demand rations for himself, although he, as an old revolutionary, had every right to do so. We managed to persuade my father, a man of stern convictions, only when my mother’s illnesses made medical nutrition necessary to continue her life.

In April 1963, dad sent a request for food rations to the Administrator of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR (with all the necessary documents and certificates attached from the 2nd clinic of the Fourth Main Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Health), and at the end of December we were informed by phone (father was already in the Country Hospital with a second cerebral hemorrhage), that from December 26, 1963, dad was assigned to Branch No. 2 of the Medical Nutrition Canteen on Bolshoi Komsomolsky Lane.

After 18 days, the father died. Mom was again left without therapeutic nutrition. For now, she was saved by the fact that she was kept on medical nutrition for almost two months at the Country Hospital in Kuntsevo. It's hard to guess what will happen next.

True to my father’s precepts, I do not ask for any benefits or discounts for my mother. But, perhaps, it is in your power - if this does not contradict basic government regulations - to keep your mother half the ration for the full state price of food in order to prolong the life of the mother, who steadfastly endured all the hardships of her father’s far from easy life path (they were married since January 1917 years to the day of my father's death).

4. Finally, I must consult with you regarding the remaining honorary weapon of the pope, about which my father did not have time to make any orders: the agony began, speech was lost, and he could no longer tell me anything.

We are talking about two pistols - “Nagan” and “Mauser”. Judging by the certificates of honor preserved in the pope’s papers, the father was awarded the Nagan system pistol No. 12030 on December 18, 1927 by the Crimean Central Executive Committee of Workers, Peasants, Red Army and Red Navy Deputies. On the handle of the Nagant there is a silver plate with the inscription: “Comrade. M.A. Medvedev for the fight against counter-revolution from the Crimean Central Executive Committee on the 10th anniversary of the Cheka - OGPU."

My father was awarded the Mauser system pistol No. 173410 by OGPU order No. 1180 of December 20, 1932, also for the fight against counter-revolution. Since during these years my father, as can be seen from the manuscript of his memoirs, particularly distinguished himself in the fight against smugglers, counterfeiters, bandits in the Crimea, Siberia and the Far East, then perhaps it would be logical to transfer these weapons for storage to the Museum of Border Troops?

I ask for your decision on all the issues I have raised, also about the day and hour of our meeting with you, when I can personally convey to you my father’s memories and congratulate you on your 70th birthday - notify me by letter, or by phone numbers indicated on the first page of my letters.

With good wishes for your health and vigor, sincerely yours (Mikhail Medvedev), editor of the historical editorial office of the Nauka Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

P. S. I am enclosing “Pravda” No. 15 (16601) dated January 15, 1964, a peripheral issue, where there is an obituary about my father with a brief summary of his life path. M."

At the same time, in 1964, the son of security officer Mikhail Medvedev persuaded another son of a Bolshevik (anarchist Old Believer) - Nikulin - to record his testimony on the radio. At the same time, it was believed that Nikulin was allegedly only a witness to the post-mortem identification of the bodies of the Romanov family:

“Well, I remember, in 1936, I was still little, and Yakov Mikhailovich Yurovsky came to us and wrote something... I remember that he and my dad clarified something, sometimes, as I remember, they argued... He was the first to shoot at Nikolai... my father said that he shot, and Yurovsky said that he shot..."

In the same 1964, Mikhail Mikhailovich Medvedev persuaded another regicide, Radzinsky, to record his memoirs on a tape recorder.

“One man went down into the water with ropes and dragged the corpses out of the water. Nikolai was pulled out first. The water was so cold that the faces of the corpses were red-cheeked, as if they were alive... A truck got stuck in a quagmire, and we could barely get the car out... And then a thought flashed through our minds, which we carried out... We decided that there was no better place to find... We'll do this right now they dug up the quagmire... doused the corpses with sulfuric acid... disfigured them... There was a railway nearby... They brought rotten sleepers to disguise the grave. Only part of those shot were buried in the quagmire, the rest were burned... They definitely burned Nikolai - I remember... And Botkin... and, in my opinion, Alexei...”

These audiotapes are still in the KGB archives. Our informant says that these recordings were deciphered in the 1970s by Duvakin, associate professor of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. In the early 1980s, KGB chief Andropov liked to listen to the confessions of the regicides in the evenings.

A researcher of the genealogy of the Medvedev family told us that the current president, Dmitry Medvedev, is a cousin of the regicide Mikhail Medvedev-Kudrin: the president’s grandfather Afanasy Fedorovich was the nephew of the regicide.

The Interpreter’s Blog is not completely sure, but from the stories of our informants it follows that Dmitry Anatolyevich became the heir to THOSE “Browning” and “Mauser”. Rumor has it that from Andropov he also received films of the stories of the regicides, as well as the skull of the last Tsar Nicholas Romanov, who had already been buried several times by the last patriarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The Interpreter's blog predicts that Tandem plans to install a descendant of Georgy Malenkov - his grandson Vyacheslav Volodin, the current head of the Russian government apparatus, as the next president of Russia. At the inauguration, he will be given the attributes of Russian power: audio recordings of the regicides Medvedev, Nikulin, Radzinsky and Ermakov, as well as pistols and the skull of Nikolai Romanov.


Russian poet Evgeniy Gusev explains this striking resemblance current Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D.A.Medvedeva and the king Nicholas II phenomenon reincarnation!

Evgeniy Gusev cites their external similarity as the first proof:“People have long noticed the external similarity between Tsar Nicholas II and Dmitry Medvedev.”

Argument two: when reincarnation takes place, a person in his new life displays very similar qualities that he showed the last time.

Regarding the similarities in the qualities and actions of Tsar Nicholas II and Dmitry Medvedev, it is already possible to create a whole table:

1. leaders of a country with the same name - Russia.

2. The police were with both of them.

3. In both cases, the prison population increases.

4. both violate the Testaments of Christ.

5. in both cases, values ​​flow abroad.

6. The army under Nicholas II was divided into red and white, typhus was rampant - health was at an extremely low level; under Medvedev, the army was divided into those who remained and those who were dismissed, and 60% of conscripts were unfit for service for health reasons (the annual US almanac on the state of the world, “The World Factbook - 2011”).

7. under Nicholas II, the army and the royal secret police were well paid; under Medvedev, the army and police begin to receive salaries several orders of magnitude higher than all other professions.

8. under Nicholas II, Russia lost Port Arthur, half of the territory of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands; and at the end of Medvedev’s presidency, our country gave Norway a shelf in the Barents Sea.

9. with both, there is an increase in the growth of vices: theft, drug addiction, drunkenness, prostitution...

10. Both issued yellow coins of 10 ruble denominations and with a double-headed eagle.

The last royal golden chervonets Nicholas 2 (10 ruble coin) was minted and put into circulation in 1911.

Last not a golden "chervonets"YES. Medvedev was released in 2011. It is noteworthy that the issue of modern Russian coins was carried out withdouble headed eaglePROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT, which ruled Russia from March 2 (15) to October 25 (November 7), 1917.

11. The people did not like the tsar, and the people have the same feeling towards Medvedev.

Evgeny Gusev: “What can such an obvious similarity say? Will there be any options? Are they possible? And such a case is not one, not two..., there are many of them...”

It has long been noted that the current President of Russia is exactly like Nicholas II. Moreover, judging by numerous rumors leaked to the media, Dmitry Medvedev likes to be compared to the last Russian Tsar, whose portrait allegedly hangs in one of his offices.

What exactly flatters Medvedev so much? The fact that the reign of Nicholas II led to the complete collapse of the Russian Empire and a bloody civil war?! Or his more than dubious personal qualities, which indicated a complete inability to govern such a country as Russia (we will not indulge in touching his “too human” qualities, as is customary today).

General Dragomirov’s deadly sarcasm statement about Nicholas II has been preserved: “He is fit to sit on the throne, but he is not capable of standing at the head of Russia.”

Minister of Foreign Affairs N.P. Durnovo believed that Nikolai “has the secondary education of a guards colonel from a good family” - and this, you see, is not enough for a person at the helm of a huge empire.

The famous lawyer Koni is no less categorical: “His view of himself, as God’s providential anointed one, sometimes caused in him surges of such self-confidence that he dismissed as nothing all the advice and warnings of those few honest people who were still found in his environment... Cowardice and betrayal ran like a red thread through his entire life, throughout his entire reign, and in this, and not in a lack of intelligence and will, we must look for some of the reasons why both ended for him... Lack of heart and the associated absence self-esteem, as a result of which, amid the humiliation and misfortune of everyone close to him, he continues to drag out his miserable life, unable to die with honor.”

This was written a year before the shooting in the basement of Ipatiev’s house. It may be objected that Koni, strictly speaking, communicated little, if at all, with Nikolai, and knows him poorly, taking his word for slander and slander...

Well, here is the evidence of those who were with Nicholas for quite a long time and had the opportunity to get to know the personality of the autocrat well.

Minister of Internal Affairs Svyatopolk-Mirsky: “The Tsar cannot be trusted, for what he approves today, tomorrow he refuses.” The same Svyatopolk-Mirsky believed that “all the misfortunes that happened are based on the character of the sovereign.”

Minister of Internal Affairs I. L. Goremykin, Mirsky’s predecessor, warned when transferring cases to him: “Remember one thing: never trust him, he is the most false person in the world.”

However, Nikolai himself admitted: “I always agree with everyone on everything, and then I do it my own way.”

General A. A. Mosolov, head of the office of the Ministry of the Court in 1900–1917: “He dismissed persons who had served with him for a long time with extraordinary ease. It was enough for him to start slandering, without even citing any factual data, for him to agree to the dismissal of such a person. The tsar never sought to establish for himself who was right, who was wrong, where the truth was and where the slander was... The tsar was least inclined to defend one of his associates or to establish for what reasons the slander was brought to his attention, the tsar.”

By the way, Svyatopolk-Mirsky, in full accordance with Goremykin’s warnings, became the victim of another vile trick of Nikolai. In 1905, the tsar allowed Mirsky to negotiate with the leaders of the zemstvo movement and said that he agreed to them holding their congress... but already during this conversation he was preparing a draft rescript for the resignation of the minister for “compliance” in negotiations with the opposition.

“Wretchedness of thought and painfulness of the soul” - these are the words of Durnovo.

“An insignificant and therefore insensitive emperor. Loud phrases, honesty and nobility exist only for show, so to speak, for royal exits, but inside the soul there is petty deceit, childish cunning, timid deceit” - this is Witte.

General Wrangel (the same one): “The Tsar had neither precisely defined vices nor clearly defined qualities. He was indifferent. He didn’t love anything or anyone.”

A little-known, but extremely significant fact is cited in his book by the famous modern historian Alexander Bushkov: at one time, the Russian police confiscated a copy of the book “The Complete Collection of Speeches of Emperor Nicholas II for the Years 1894-1906”! The fact is that individually, the speeches and resolutions of the autocrat still looked good on documents, but when collected together in large numbers, they looked so stupid and made such an unfavorable impression that they had to be urgently withdrawn from circulation.

Nicholas II had 23 years for the cowardly and weak-willed drowning of Russia in the rot of an already decaying autocracy. Dmitry Medvedev does not have such a deadline. However, Russia is no longer the same. And the enemy does not sleep. And the human qualities of the current Russian president are such that in order to become the same “saint”, five or six years will be enough for him...
