Fairy tales in English with translation. Russian fairy tales in English How to compose a fairy tale in English

Fairy tales can be good material. This is primarily due to the fact that fairy tales are interesting and educational. Moreover, we know the translation of many fairy tales from childhood and we don’t need to take a dictionary to translate them.

Fairy tale in English - The tortoise and the hare

The hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. “I have never yet been beaten,” he said, “when I put out my full speed. I challenge anyone here to race with me."

The tortoise said quietly, “I accept your challenge.” “That is a good joke,” said the hare. "I could dance around you all the way."

“Keep your boasting until you’ve been beaten,” answered the tortoise. "Shall we race?" So a course was fixed and a start was made. The hare darted almost out of sight at once, but soon stopped and, to show his contempt for the tortoise, lay down to have a nap. The tortoise plodded on and plodded on, and when the hare awoke from his nap, he saw the tortoise nearing the finish line, and he could not catch up in time to save the race. Plodding wins the race.

Translation of a fairy tale into Russian - The Tortoise and the Hare

The hare once boasted that he was faster than all the animals. “No one has ever beaten me before,” he said, “when I was at full speed. I challenge anyone to compete with me."

The turtle said quietly, “I accept the challenge.” “It’s a good joke,” said the hare. "I'll dance around you the whole race."

“Bragging before you get beaten,” the turtle replied. “Are we going to compete?” So, the race was agreed upon and the start was given. The hare immediately disappeared over the horizon, but soon stopped and, to show contempt for the tortoise, lay down to take a nap. The tortoise went on and on, and when the hare woke up, he saw that the tortoise was near the finish line and he was no longer there in time to save the race. Slow and hard won the race.

Below is a short literary translation of this fairy tale-fable:

The tortoise and the hare were arguing which of them was faster. They appointed a time and place for the competition and went their separate ways. But the hare, relying on its natural agility, did not try to run, but lay down near the road and fell asleep. But the turtle understood that it was moving slowly, and therefore ran without a break.

So she overtook the sleeping hare and received the winning reward.

Thus, this fairy tale shows that patience and work will grind everything down.

Below are Russian fairy tales in English with translation into Russian:

  1. Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka (ALYONUSHKA)
  3. The turnip with translation
  4. Kolobok (The bun) with translation
  5. Three little pigs
  6. THE GOLDEN FISH (goldfish)
  7. Teremok (The wooden house) with translation
  8. Goldilocks and the three bears

You can download all the above fairy tales in English in one document.

Learning English in childhood is not only a complex and quite labor-intensive process, but also a process subject to change. Today, experts insist on a comprehensive presentation of linguistic aspects, selecting the best points from various methods, manuals and techniques. In the modern variety of educational materials, fairy tales in English for children still remain relevant.

A fairy tale is a whole linguistic layer, including not only the lexical and grammatical, but also the cultural aspect. Reading and analyzing genre texts fairy tale, you can fully understand not only the linguistic features, but also the English traditions and subtleties of mentality. That is why fairy tales in English can be offered for study not only to schoolchildren and preschoolers, but also to adult students.

English fairy tales: interest, outlook, benefit

The inclusion of fairy tales in the curriculum remains relevant for most modern methods. Their use is absolutely justified due to the following advantages:

  • Engagement and motivation. Children are more interested in studying material presented in the form of a fairy tale, thanks to which they themselves strive to read and understand the text.
  • Erudition and horizons. By reading English children's fairy tales, the child simultaneously studies the characteristics and traditions of other peoples and countries, learns to distinguish and feel the nuances of different languages, which allows him to develop linguistic inclinations and replenish his knowledge.
  • Studying several aspects of language at once. Fairy tales for children in English allow you to master grammar and vocabulary in an unobtrusive form, study tense forms and sentence construction, and expand your vocabulary.
  • Development of perseverance and concentration. Children are ready to spend much more time studying and translating an interesting story than on a boring text that requires the same processing.

Russian fairy tales translated into English: is it worth using?

The answer here is clear: of course, it’s worth it. And first of all, due to stronger motivation: many children are incredibly interested in reading Russian folk tales familiar to them from childhood in English. In addition, the inclusion of Russian texts translated into English helps to effectively develop the following skills:

  • Language intuition. By reading famous Russian fairy tales in English, children more easily grasp the meaning and grasp the meaning of unfamiliar words and expressions.
  • Lexicon. When, while reading, a child intuitively understands English words and expressions, he remembers them much faster - the secret lies in deep cognitive interest.
  • Erudition. Translating a fairy tale from Russian into English helps you take a fresh look at familiar phenomena and traditions, and feel the difference in the formation of idioms and phraseological units in different languages.

Russian fairy tales in English can be offered for study in two versions: immediately with translation for beginners or in an already translated version without the original for children with more advanced language training.

An example of a Russian fairy tale with translation

Fox and Crane

Once upon a time, the Fox and the Crane were close friends. One day the Fox invited the Crane to dinner and said to him:

Come, my friend! Come, dear! I will treat you from the bottom of my heart!

The Crane came to the Fox for lunch. The fox prepared semolina porridge and spread it on the plate. He serves it on the table and treats the guest.

Help yourself to a delicious lunch, kumanek. I prepared this myself!

The crane tapped and tapped with its beak, knocking and knocking, but couldn’t pick up a single crumb of food. And the Fox licked the plate until she had eaten all the porridge.

When the porridge was over, the Fox said:

Don't be offended, my friend. There is nothing more to treat you with.

And thank you for that, dear,” answers the Crane. - Now it’s your turn to come visit me.

The next day the Fox came, and the Crane prepared okroshka, poured it into a tall jug with a narrow neck, and served it to the Fox:

Treat yourself to a delicious lunch, dear godfather. Really, I have nothing more to offer you.

The fox circles around the jug, licks it and sniffs it, but couldn’t even get a drop of the soup. My head won't fit into the jug.

Meanwhile, the Crane swallowed all the soup with its long beak. When he had eaten everything, he said to the Fox:

Don't be offended, dear. There is nothing more to treat you with.

The fox was very angry, because she wanted to eat for the week ahead. And so she left, slurping unsaltedly.

As it comes back, so will it respond! And since then, the Fox and the Crane are no longer friends.

The Fox and The Crane

It was long, long ago when the Fox and the Crane were close friends. One fine day the Fox invited the Crane to dinner with her and said to him:

“Come, buddy! Come, my dear! I’ll treat you heartily!”

And so the Crane came to the Fox for the dinner party. The Fox had cooked semolina for the dinner and smeared it over the plate. Then she served it and treated her guest.

“Help yourself to tasty dinner, my dear godfather. That was me who cooked it!”

The Crane went peck-peck with his beak, knocked and knocked but couldn’t pick even a bit of fare. The Fox kept licking the cereal until she had eaten it all.

When there's no cereal at all, the Fox said,

“Don’t feel offended, buddy. There’s nothing more to treat you.”

“And thanks hereon, dear,” the Crane said, “now it’s your turn to visit me.”

Next day the Fox came, and the Crane made okroshka and poured in into a tall pitcher with a narrow neck and treated the fox.

“Help yourself to tasty dinner, my dear godmother. Honestly, there’s nothing more to entertain you.”

The Fox spinned around the pitcher and licked it and sniffed it but couldn’t extract even a drop of the soup. Her head wouldn't fit the pitcher at all.

Meanwhile the Crane sucked the soup with his long bill. When everything had been eaten, he said to the Fox,

“Don’t feel offended, dear. There’s nothing more to treat you.”

The Fox got very angry as she hoped to be full up for the whole week along. So she left empty-handed.

And that was a tit for tat! So, the Fox and the Crane hadn’t been friends anymore since then.

Choosing fairy tales for effective learning English

When choosing English fairy tales for children for classes, you need to focus on the following criteria:

  1. Age-appropriate complexity of texts. Today they are usually divided into several groups - adapted fairy tales in English for beginners with translation, fairy tales of elementary, intermediate and advanced levels of complexity. When choosing a text, it is necessary to take into account both the age and level of preparation of students.
  2. Moderate volume. A long text of a fairy tale can frighten children; too short one can seem light and boring to an older student. The golden mean in volume is no less important.
  3. . An interesting plot, the presence of morality, the opportunity for discussion - all this is necessary to hold the child’s attention and involve him in an active dialogue that promotes the development of oral speech.

Today, in addition to ordinary fairy tales presented in the form of texts, it is recommended to include animated storytellers in the language teaching program, watch videos and listen to audio fairy tales. A variety of genre material not only increases interest in English, but also helps to develop all language skills at once - reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension.

Teaching English through fairy tales: important nuances

Fairy tales for children in English can be both an effective means of learning the language and an additional and interesting, but not always useful, load. In order for learning to follow the first scenario, when offering a fairy tale, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • There's no rush. A child can read a fairy tale as long as he needs to understand the content. To do this, it is important to create a calm environment that promotes concentration.
  • Mandatory removal of barriers. If the text of the fairy tale talks about realities that have no analogues in the native country, or there are any idioms or sayings, it is extremely important to explain their meaning in detail. This approach promotes better understanding and memorization, as well as deepening into the language environment.
  • Indispensable repetition. English fairy tales should be reread at least once - this helps not only to understand the content more deeply, but also to pay attention to the nuances of grammar.
  • Monitoring understanding of content. Guiding questions about the plot of the fairy tale, the translation of new words and expressions are the best way to make sure that children have really mastered the text.
  • Mandatory analysis of what you read. In addition to leading questions, it is equally important to discuss the moral of the fairy tale, the author’s, and people’s message. Through dialogue, children learn to express their opinions and develop English speech.

Another important aspect in the study of fairy tales is the variety of material. You should not use only fairy tales and children's stories in English with translation: video fairy tales, authentic texts, and audio recordings will help keep students' interest longer.

Examples of fairy tales for English lessons

The list of English folk tales is very wide, and finding texts suitable for study in it is not so difficult. Below are short tales with translations and possible questions for monitoring and analyzing the story read.

Fairy tale No. 1

The Ant and the Grasshopper

One summer’s day a Grasshopper was hopping about in the field, singing and chirping to its heart’s content. An Ant passed by, carrying with great effort an ear of corn he was taking to his home.

"Why not come and have a chat with me," the Grasshopper said, "instead of fussing all day long?" “I am busy saving up food for the winter,” the Ant said, “and that would be better for you to do the same.” "Why bother about cold?" the Grasshopper answered; “we have got a lot of food at present.”

But the Ant went on its supply. When the winter came the Grasshopper got very cold and hungry while it kept watching the ants replete with corn and grain from the stores they had collected and saved in the summer.

Then the Grasshopper understood…

Ant and Grasshopper

One summer day, the Grasshopper was jumping around the field, singing songs and having fun with all his heart. An Ant passed by, laboriously dragging an ear of corn to his home.

Why not come and chat with me, asked the Grasshopper, - instead of fussing around all day?

“I’m preparing supplies for the winter,” answered the Ant. - And I advise you to do the same.

Why worry about cold weather? - answered the Grasshopper. - After all, now we have so much food.

However, the ant continued to stockpile. And when winter came, the frozen, hungry Grasshopper watched as the ants were fed thanks to the grain from the storehouses that they had been collecting all summer.

And only then did the Grasshopper understand everything...


Fairy tale No. 2

The Lion and the Mouse

Once a Lion decided to have a rest. While he’d been asleep a little Mouse started to run up and down upon him. The Lion woke up because of that, put his huge paw upon the Mouse and opened his awful mouth to swallow him.

“I beg your pardon, my King!” the little Mouse cried, “Forgive me please.” I shall never do it again and I shall never forget how kind you were to me. And who knows, maybe one day I’ll do you a favor in turn?”

The Lion found the idea of ​​the Mouse being able to help him so funny, that he let him go.

Sometime later the Lion was captured by hunters. They tied him to a tree and they went away for a while searching for a wagon to carry him on.

Just then the little Mouse happened to pass by, and the Lion in trouble. At once he ran up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes that tied the King. "Wasn't I really right?" the little Mouse said, being very proud of his role of the Lion’s saviour.

Lion and Mouse

One day Leo decided to rest. While he was sleeping, the little Mouse began to run back and forth across him. This woke the Lion, he grabbed the Mouse with his huge paw and opened his terrible mouth to swallow him.

Forgive me, my King! - shouted the Mouse. Please forgive me! I will never do that again and I will never forget how kind you were to me. And who knows, maybe someday I will do you a favor in return?

The idea that the Mouse could help him seemed so funny to Lev that he let him go.

A little later, the Lion was caught by hunters. They tied him to a tree and walked away briefly to find a wagon to take him away.

Just at this time, the Mouse ran past and saw the Lion in trouble. He immediately rushed towards him and quickly chewed through the ropes entangling the King of Beasts.

Well, was I wrong? - asked the Mouse, proud that he became the savior of the Lion.


Fairy tale No. 3

The golden goose

Once upon a time there lived a man and his wife who were happy to own a goose that laid a golden egg daily. In spite of their luck, however, they soon stopped being satisfied with their fortune and wanted even more.

They imagined that if the goose can lay golden eggs, it must be made of gold inside. So they thought that if they could get all that precious metal at once, they would get very rich immediately. Then the couple decided to kill the bird.

However, when they cut the goose open, they were shocked to find that its innards were just like any other goose has got!

golden goose

Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife who were lucky enough to have a goose that laid golden eggs every day. Despite this luck, one day they felt dissatisfied with their condition and wanted more.

They imagined that if a goose could lay golden eggs, then it was made of gold inside. And if you get all the precious metal at once, you can immediately become very rich. And then the couple decided to kill the bird.

However, when they cut the bird open, they were horrified to see that its insides were exactly the same as those of any other goose!

Fairy tales in English will help teach children more successfully, because... The process of memorizing new material will be easy and fun for them. You should not treat fairy tales and adults with disdain - if you have just started learning English, then simple and uncomplicated fairy tale texts are what you need now.

Ugly duckling

Let's read and find out how the tale of the ugly duckling looks in English. We will divide it into parts to make the text more readable and easier to compare with the Russian translation. Each column of text in the picture corresponds to a cell of text with a translation in the table, so it will be easier for you to compare the Russian translation with its English original.

Tip: Before reading a fairy tale, read the dictionary that is located at the end of each fairy tale. Thus, it will be easier and simpler for you to perceive the English text the first time you read it.

Ugly duckling - ugly duckling

One day, near an old farm, there lived a family of ducks, and the mother duck was sitting on a nest with new eggs. One fine morning the eggs hatched and six cheerful ducklings emerged. But one egg was larger than the others, and it did not crack. Mother Duck couldn't remember laying that last egg. The little prisoner was knocking inside the shell. A strange-looking duckling with gray feathers instead of yellow was looking at the excited mother.

The little duckling was very sad because he thought that he was the ugliest among all his brothers and sisters. They didn't want to play with him and teased the poor ugly duckling. One day he saw his reflection in the mirror and cried: “Nobody loves me. I'm so ugly." He decided to leave the house and go into the forest.

Finally, spring has come. One day, a duckling saw a beautiful female swan in a pond and fell in love with her. But then he remembered how everyone laughed at him and, feeling ashamed, he bowed his head. When he saw his reflection in the water, he was amazed. He was no longer an ugly duckling, but had turned into a beautiful young swan! Now he knew why he was so different from his brothers and sisters. “They were ducklings, and I was a little swan!” - he said to himself.

He married a beautiful female swan and lived happily ever after.

Please note: the same fairy tales for children in English may have different variations, however, the essence and main plot remain unchanged. Some fairy tales are full of details that either appeared during translation into different languages, or were filled with them in different interpretations. Other tales, on the contrary, are shortened and many details are missed.

The ugly duckling became a beautiful swan - the ugly duckling became a beautiful swan.

Words from a fairy tale

  • Duck - duck.
  • Duckling - duckling.
  • Clutch – a nest with eggs.
  • To hatch - hatch (from an egg).
  • To recall - to remember.
  • Prisoner - prisoner, prisoner.
  • To peck - to peck.
  • Shell - shell.
  • Feather - feather.
  • To worry - to worry.
  • Ugly - ugly.
  • To tease - to mock.
  • Reflection - reflection.
  • Swan - swan.
  • Shame - shame.
  • To astonish - to surprise.


When studying fairy tales for children in English, you simply cannot ignore such a beautiful and romantic fairy tale as “Cinderella”. This is one of the most beautiful fairy tales about how true love will overcome all obstacles, and modesty and sincerity always receive good in return. In some interpretations of the fairy tale, Cinderella’s name is Ella - the same name was given to her by the creators of the most beautiful fairy tale film of 2015 about Cinderella.

Cinderella story, part 1 – Cinderella story, part 1

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful girl named Cinderella. She lived with an evil stepmother and two stepsisters. They treated Cinderella very badly. One day they were invited to a big ball at the royal palace. But Cinderella's stepmother did not allow her to go. Cinderella was forced to sew new dresses for the ball for her stepmother and her sisters and curl their hair. Then they went to the ball, leaving Cinderella alone at home.

Cinderella was very sad and began to cry. Suddenly the godmother appeared. She waved her magic wand and changed Cinderella's old clothes into a beautiful new outfit! Then the godmother touched Cinderella's feet with her magic wand. And voila! Cinderella wore beautiful glass slippers! Before disappearing, the godmother said: “Cinderella, this magic will only last until midnight! You should be home by this time!”

When Cinderella entered the palace, everyone was amazed at her beauty. No one, not even her stepmother and stepsisters, recognized her in new clothes and shoes. The handsome prince saw her and fell in love with Cinderella.

Cinderella story, part 2 – Cinderella story, part 2

He asked her to dance. Dancing with the prince, Cinderella was so happy that she almost forgot what her godmother had told her. And at the last moment she remembered her godmother’s words and hurried home. One of her glass slippers fell off, but she did not return for it.

The prince fell in love with Cinderella and wanted to know who this beautiful girl was, but he didn't even know her name. He found the glass slipper that had fallen off Cinderella as she ran home. The prince said: “I will find her. The girl who fits this shoe will be the one I marry!”

All the women in the kingdom tried to put on the shoe, but it did not fit any of them. Cinderella's stepsisters also tried to squeeze their feet into the glass slipper, but the servant was afraid that the slipper would crack. Cinderella's stepmother did not allow her to try on the shoe, but the prince saw her and said: “Let her try it on too!” The shoe fit perfectly. The prince recognized Cinderella from the ball. He married Cinderella and they lived happily ever after.

Words from a fairy tale

Let's see what words you can come across when rereading children's fairy tales in English.

  • Wicked - evil.
  • Stepmother - stepmother.
  • Stepsister - half-sister.
  • To treat - to treat.
  • To curl - curl.
  • Gown - outfit.
  • Fairy godmother - godmother.
  • To appear - to appear.
  • To wave - wave.
  • Magic wand - magic wand.
  • To touch - touch.
  • Slippers - shoes.
  • Palace - palace.
  • To struck - to strike.
  • To rush - hurry.
  • To fall in love - to fall in love.
  • To find out - to find out.
  • Kingdom - kingdom.
  • To squeeze - squeeze in.
  • To recognize - to recognize.

The three little pigs

Everyone knows this instructive tale very well from childhood - it is the tale of the three little pigs. Its moral is that work and diligence are always rewarded; in this case, in the fairy tale, all the piglets survived only because the third little pig worked hard and spent time building a house out of bricks. The third little pig knew and foresaw what dangers might arise, and his foresight saved the lives of all the piglets.

The three little pigs, part 1 – The three little pigs, part 1

Once upon a time there lived three little pigs. One pig built a house out of straw, while the other one built a house out of sticks. They built their houses very quickly and then sang and danced all day because they were lazy. The third little pig worked hard and built a house of bricks.

The big scary wolf saw two little piglets as they danced and played and thought: “Which of them will be juicy and tender meat!” He chased the two piglets, and they began to run away and hid in their houses. The big bad wolf approached the first house, took a breath and blew and blew the house away in a matter of minutes. The frightened little piglets ran to the second house, built of sticks.

The big scary wolf approached this house, inhaled, blew, and blew the house away in seconds. Now the two little pigs were scared to death and ran to the third little pig's house, which was built of bricks.

The three little pigs, part 2 – The three little pigs, part 2

Words from a fairy tale

  • Pig - piglet.
  • Straw - straw.
  • Stick – stick.
  • Brick - brick.
  • Quickly - quickly.
  • Lazy - lazy.
  • Juicy - juicy.
  • Tender – gentle.
  • Meal - food.
  • To chase - to pursue.
  • To be frightened - to be scared.
  • To be terrified - to be completely terrified, scared to death.
  • To huff - to inhale; intimidate.
  • To puff - to blow.
  • Hardly - barely.
  • To blow - to blow away.
  • Safe - safe.
  • Chimney - chimney.
  • To boil - to boil.
  • Pot - cauldron.
  • To feel sorry - to regret.

Watch the tale of the three little pigs in English:

This fairy tale in English for young children. After reading this fairy tale to your child, you and he will remember 10 words on the topic “Danger.” In this case, this danger is represented by a dragon spewing fire. Pay attention to expressions 3-6. These are the so-called “verb be + adjective with preposition” constructions. These constructions are translated into Russian using a verb (sometimes the preposition remains, sometimes it disappears), so these stable constructions must be memorized along with the preposition. You don't need to learn words to understand! You can find out the translation of a word by double-clicking on it. A translation into Russian is offered for the tale.

From the section " English for children and adults«

Words to remember:

  1. dragon - dragon
  2. fire - fire
  3. be afraid of the dragon - to be afraid of the dragon
  4. be surprised because - to be surprised because
  5. be tired after - get tired after
  6. be angry with - be angry with
  7. hear (heard) - hear (heard)
  8. see (saw) - to see or understand (saw, understood)
  9. run away (ran away) - run away (ran away)
  10. hide (hid) - hide (hid)

Words to understand:

  1. Once upon a time there lived - Once upon a time there lived...
  2. breathe fire - spew fire
  3. creak - creak
  4. fierce - ferocious
  5. get dark - get dark
  6. be lit - building burn
  7. lamplighter - lamplighter
  8. hadn’t lit - didn’t light it
  9. street lamps - street lights
  10. find out (found out) - find out (found out)

English for children

The Useful Dragon

Once upon a time there lived a dragon whose name was Komodo. He could breathe fire, and all the people who lived nearby were afraid of him. When they heard him or saw him, they ran away and hid. They could always hear him because he had six feet, and wore three pairs of shoes, and each of his shoes creaked.

One day he met a little girl who wasn’t afraid of him. "Why are you so fierce?" she asked. "Why do you breathe fire when you see anybody?"

“Well,” said Komodo, “I never really thought about it.” Shall I stop it?

“Yes, please,” said the little girl whose name was Susie [‘sju:zi].

“All right,” said Komodo, “I’ll try.”

They said good-bye to each other, and Susie went home. It was beginning to get dark. Susie was surprised because all the lamps in the town were not lit. She found out that it was because of the lamplighter,whose name was Charlie.

Charlie hadn’t lit the street lamps because he was still in bed. He was tired after lighting the lamps the night before.

The mayor of the town was very angry with Charlie. “What must I do about that?” he thought.

Then Susie had an idea. She ran to Komodo’s cave, brought him to the town. Komodo breathed fire on each lamp and lit it.

How glad the people were! Now they were not afraid of the dragon. They could see he was a friendly animal. And after that Komodo came and lit the lamps every time when Charlie had his holiday.

Show translation

Useful dragon (translation of a fairy tale into Russian)

There lived a dragon named Komodo. He could breathe fire and all the people who lived nearby were afraid of him. When they heard or saw him, they ran away and hid. And they always heard him, since the dragon had six legs, and therefore he wore three pairs of shoes, each of which creaked when he walked.

One day he met a girl who was not afraid of him. “Why are you so fierce?” she asked, “Why do you breathe fire when you see someone?”

“Well, actually, I just didn’t think about it. - answered the dragon, - “Why should we stop?”

“Yes, please!” said a little girl named Susie.

“Okay,” said Komodo. -"I will try."

They said goodbye and Susie went home. It was starting to get dark. Susie was surprised that the street lights were not on. She found out that this happened because of the lamplighter Charlie.

Charlie didn't turn on the lights because he was still in bed. He was very tired after work last evening when he lit the lanterns.

The mayor of the city was very angry with Charlie. "What should I do now?" - he thought.

Then Susie had an idea. She ran to Komodo Cave and brought him to the city. Komodo breathed fire onto the lanterns and lit them.

How happy the people were! Now they were no longer afraid of the dragon. They realized that the dragon was very friendly. And after that, Komodo came and lit the lanterns every time Charlie had a day off.

This entry was posted in.

Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was Jack. He lived with a dog, a cat, a donkey and a cockerel. Jack liked to watch cartoons on TV very much and very often he forgot to feed his pets. So they were sad.

When the dog was hungry he came up to Jack and said: "Bow-wow, I`m hungry, I want some meat." Jack answered: "Go away. I want to watch cartoons."

When the cat was hungry he came up to Jack and said: "Meow, I'm hungry, I want some milk." Jack answered: "Go away. I want to watch cartoons."

When the cock was hungry he came up to Jack and said: "Cock-a-doodle-doo, I`m hungry, I want some corn." Jack answered: "Go away. I want to watch cartoons."

When the donkey was hungry he came up to Jack and said: "Hee-haw, I`m hungry, I want some grass." Jack answered: "Go away. I want to watch cartoons."

One day there was a great storm at night. There roof was on fire. The dog, the cat, the cock and the donkey got up and ran to Jack's room. The dog began to bark, the cat began to mew, the donkey began to bray and the cockerel sat on Jack`s head and said: "Cock-a-doodle-doo! Get up quickly, get up quickly!"

Jack got up, opened the door and they ran out. The heavy rain stopped the fire. Everybody was happy and Jack was happy too.

He never forgets to feed his pets now. They don`t have a TV-set any more but live friendly and happily together.


Once upon a time there lived a boy named Jack. A dog, a cat, a donkey and a cockerel lived with him. Jack loved watching cartoons on TV and often forgot to feed his pets. That's why they were sad.

When the dog was hungry, she came up to Jack and said: "Woof, woof. I'm hungry, I want meat." Jack replied: "Go away. I want to watch cartoons."

When the cat was hungry, she came up to Jack and said: “Meow, meow. I’m hungry, I want milk.” Jack replied: "Go away. I want to watch cartoons."

When the cockerel was hungry, he came up to Jack and said: "Ku-ka-re-ku. I'm hungry, I want grains." Jack replied: "Go away. I want to watch cartoons."

When the donkey was hungry, he came up to Jack and said: “E-ah. I’m hungry, I want some grass.” Jack replied: "Go away. I want to watch cartoons."

One night there was a strong thunderstorm. The roof of the house caught fire. The dog, cat, cockerel and donkey ran into Jack's room. The dog began to bark, the cat began to meow, the donkey began to bray, and the cockerel sat on Jack’s head and said: “Ku-ka-re-ku! Wake up quickly, wake up quickly!”

Jack woke up, opened the door, and they all ran out into the street. Heavy rain put out the fire. Everyone was happy and Jack was happy too.

Now he never forgets to feed his pets. They no longer have a TV, but they live together and happily.

Konovalova Ksenia
