Number of unfinished households in the Russian Federation. Ria rating

RIA Rating - 16 Oct. The issue of improving the living conditions of the population in Russia has not lost its relevance for many years. In many ways, a high-quality solution to the problem is hampered by high prices, which makes purchasing housing unaffordable for many Russian families. At the same time, prices on the market are determined not only by demand, but also by supply, which in turn depends on the volume of housing construction. In the country as a whole, the volume of housing construction in recent years has been at a fairly high level, although in recent years it has been declining slightly. In 2017, 79.2 million square meters of total residential area were commissioned in Russia; in 2016, 80.2 million square meters. m, and in 2015 - 85.3 million sq. m. m. In terms of one resident in Russia, about 0.5 square meters are introduced annually. meters of housing. At the same time, the value of the indicator in different regions differs significantly.

Housing commissioning per inhabitant in the regions of the Russian Federation varies in the range from 0.044 to 1.575 sq. m. m of housing per person

To assess the pace of housing construction in the regions of the Russian Federation, RIA Novosti, based on calculations by the RIA Rating agency based on Rosstat data, compiled a rating of Russian regions for housing commissioning. Regions are compared by the number of square meters of housing commissioned during the period July 2017 to June 2018, expressed per capita.

The results of the RIA Novosti study indicate that the volume of housing commissioned per resident between the leaders and outsiders differs by more than 30 times. The largest volume of housing is 1,575 sq. m. meters per person - introduced in the Leningrad region. The leaders also include the Moscow and Kaliningrad regions, where more than one square meter of housing per person was commissioned from July 2017 to June 2018, as well as the Tyumen region, where the value of the indicator is quite slightly below this level. In general, housing commissioning exceeded the all-Russian level (0.542 sq. m per person) in 29 regions.

The least amount of housing was commissioned in the period under review in the Magadan region (0.044 sq. m of housing per person). In two more regions - the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and the Murmansk Region - less than 0.1 sq. meters of housing per person.

The last ten rankings are represented mainly by the northern and Far Eastern regions of Russia. The only exception is Moscow, where the low volumes of housing commissioned per capita are due to the high population. At the same time, in terms of absolute volume of housing construction, Moscow ranks third among all regions of the Russian Federation.

At the top of the ranking are regions mainly from the European part of Russia. Thus, in the top twenty there are only three regions from the Trans-Ural part of the country - in addition to the Tyumen region, these are the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Altai Republic. We also note the 17th place located in the far north - the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. At the same time, the rather high position of the Autonomous Okrug is largely due to its low population.

The leaders in the pace of housing construction are regions with a high supply of housing for the population

The RIA Novosti study also presents data on the housing provision of the population, which also differs significantly in different regions. The value of the indicator varies from 31.8 sq. m per person in the Moscow region up to 13.9 sq. m per person in the Republic of Tyva. In the country as a whole, there is 25.2 total residential area per resident. In 47 regions, the housing supply is higher than the all-Russian level, in 37 it is lower, and in one region it corresponds to the all-Russian level.

An analysis of the results of the RIA Novosti study shows that housing construction is most active in regions where the housing supply for the population is already at a relatively high level. Among the ten leading regions in housing commissioning, nine have a higher housing supply than the national average. There are seven such regions in the second ten for housing commissioning. At the same time, among the ten regions with the smallest volumes of housing construction, the housing supply is lower than the all-Russian one.

RIA Rating is a universal rating agency of the media group MIA "Russia Today", specializing in assessing the socio-economic situation of regions of the Russian Federation, the economic condition of companies, banks, economic sectors, countries. The main activities of the agency are: creating ratings of regions of the Russian Federation, banks, enterprises, municipalities, insurance companies, securities, and other economic entities; comprehensive economic research in the financial, corporate and government sectors.

MIA "Russia Today" - an international media group whose mission is prompt, balanced and objective coverage of world events, informing the audience about different views on key events. RIA Rating, as part of MIA Rossiya Segodnya, is part of the agency’s line of information resources, which also includes: RIA News , R-Sport , RIA Real Estate , Prime , InoSMI. MIA "Russia Today" is the leader in citation among Russian media and is increasing the citation of its brands abroad. The agency also occupies a leading position in terms of citations in Russian social networks and the blogosphere.

In the first half of 2018, 29.3 million square meters were put into operation in Russia. m of residential real estate (+ 3.7% compared to the same period last year).

For the first time in history, over a fairly long period (over six months), the volume of housing commissioned by the population (this article includes both dacha construction and houses in the “private sector” within cities and in their suburbs) exceeded the volume of industrial housing construction (15.3 million sq. m versus 13.7 million sq. m). The conclusion that private houses will become the most popular place of residence for Russians in the foreseeable future seems hasty for now. There are two reasons for this statistical collision in 2018.

Firstly, the standard development cycle is 3 years, and the first half of 2015 marked the peak of the last crisis in the market. The number of new buildings, the construction and implementation of which began then, is noticeably less than the volume of construction projects launched in 2013-2014.

Secondly, during the 2nd quarter of this year, many developers were primarily engaged in obtaining permits for new projects and new buildings in order to have time to launch them before the legislation was tightened. In order for the actually completed construction work to be reflected in the statistics, it is necessary to carry out a whole series of actions not only at the construction site, but in the executive authorities, and this is often done by exactly the same employees who are involved in obtaining new permits.

In the situation that developed in May-June, many developers chose to “invest in their future” and somewhat postpone the paperwork for already constructed buildings. This hypothesis is confirmed by the fact that in May and June of this year the monthly dynamics of housing commissioning was negative (-18% and -13%, respectively). Typically, during these months this figure almost always increases, not only due to market conditions, but also due to seasonal factors.

Leading in terms of commissioning volume in the first half of 2018 Moscow region (3.9 million sq. m), Leningrad region (1.7 million sq. m) and Krasnodar region (1.5 million sq. m). Compared to the first half of last year, the top three have changed. St. Petersburg dropped out of it, where a year ago, in January-June, 1.63 million sq. m. m, and this year only 0.96 million sq. m (41% less). The share of the 10 largest regions in input volume is stable. A year ago, the top 10 subjects of the Federation commissioned 13.6 million sq. m. m. (they accounted for 48% of the countrywide commissioning), this year 13.4 million sq. m. (46%). The only change in the top ten was that the Novosibirsk region, which occupied 10th place in the first half of 2017, was replaced by the Tyumen region (where 65% more housing was commissioned than a year ago).

Maximum increase in input volume recorded in Crimea and Sevastopol (more than 2 times in annual terms (but statistics for these regions are still characterized by unstable dynamics and it is often difficult to separate the features of statistics from real market trends), as well as in the Komi Republic (also recorded there more than double growth). The most noticeable drop in commissioning was in Bryansk (-84% compared to the 1st half of 2017), Kemerovo (-50%) and Amur regions (-45%). Interestingly, fourth in this anti-rating is St. -Petersburg (-41%).

There is a noticeable decline among large markets also recorded in the Krasnodar Territory (-31%), Bashkiria (-14%) and Moscow (-13%). Among large regions, the housing construction indicator grew most strongly in the Tyumen (+65%), Moscow (+33%) and Leningrad regions (+16%). An increase in the volume of housing commissioning in the last two regions was recorded against the backdrop of a fall in sales in new buildings in these regions (for example, in the suburbs of Moscow, the number of preschool education institutions in January-May 2018 decreased by 5%, and in the vicinity of the northern capital by 20%).

In terms of federal districts, the most noticeable growth recorded in the Ural and North Caucasus Federal Districts (+17% and +16%, respectively). Input decreased the most in the Southern Federal District (by 7%). Achieving the housing commissioning targets for this year (88 million rubles) seems quite possible. A 4% increase in commissioning in the first half of the year (despite the unfavorable environment), due to the cyclical nature of the market, allows us to be optimistic about the prospects for achieving overall growth by the end of the year by 10% (at the end of 2017, 80 million sq. m of housing were built).

In terms of housing commissioning per capita Among the regions of the Russian Federation, the Leningrad and Moscow regions are leaders. In them, per capita over the past 12 months (from July 2017 to June 2018) 1.60 and 1.33 square meters were introduced. m. Also among the leading regions in terms of relative indicators of construction activity are Tyumen (1.16 sq. m), Kaliningrad (1.03 sq. m), Lipetsk (0.86 sq. m), Belgorod (0.84 sq. m.) m), Kaluga (0.83 sq. m), Tambov (0.81 sq. m) regions, as well as Chechnya (0.83 sq. m). Only in the above 9 regions is more than 0.8 sq. m per 1 resident (i.e., the volume of construction in them corresponds to the guideline of 120 million square meters of annual housing commissioning mentioned in the “May Decrees”). Achieving the goal of “building 0.8 sq. m per inhabitant per year” is not such an easy task also due to very noticeable interregional disparities. In a number of regions, including subjects of the Federation, whose capitals are cities with a population of over a million, the per capita input rate is below 0.5 sq. m. m per 1 resident (for example, in the Perm region the shower input is 0.47 sq. m., in the Volgograd region (0.29 sq. m.), and less than in the Omsk region (0.21 sq. m.) is built only in Murmansk and Magadan regions.


Table 1. Key indicators for housing construction by region of the Russian Federation in 2017-2018.

Federal District Region Dynamics of commissioning volume in the 1st half of 2018 compared to the 1st half of 2017 Housing commissioned in the 1st half of 2017, thousand sq. m. m Housing commissioned in the 1st half of 2018, thousand sq. m. m Share of housing built by the population from the total volume of commissioning (based on the results of the 1st half of 2018), % Volume of housing per capita commissioned in the 2nd half of 2017 - 1st half of 2018, sq. m per 1 resident
Central Federal District Moscow region 33% 2950 3929 52% 1,33
Northwestern Federal District Leningrad region 16% 1465 1703 32% 1,60
Southern Federal District Krasnodar region -31% 2182 1501 46% 0,74
Volga Federal District Republic of Tatarstan 12% 1093 1223 45% 0,65
Southern Federal District Rostov region 1% 1062 1077 61% 0,56
Northwestern Federal District Saint Petersburg -41% 1636 961 13% 0,54
Volga Federal District Republic of Bashkortostan -14% 1016 870 73% 0,57
Ural Federal District Sverdlovsk region 7% 712 764 62% 0,50
Central Federal District Moscow -13% 828 723 21% 0,27
Ural Federal District Tyumen region 65% 425 702 54% 1,16
Siberian Federal District Novosibirsk region 1% 617 625 55% 0,63
Volga Federal District Samara Region 3% 545 564 71% 0,55
Ural Federal District Chelyabinsk region 4% 533 553 59% 0,41
Volga Federal District Nizhny Novgorod Region -2% 552 542 56% 0,40
Central Federal District Belgorod region 1% 450 453 94% 0,84
Siberian Federal District Krasnoyarsk region 10% 408 449 44% 0,38
North Caucasus Federal District Stavropol region 50% 281 420 48% 0,36
Northwestern Federal District Kaliningrad region 34% 309 416 36% 1,03
Volga Federal District Orenburg region 26% 320 402 64% 0,49
Southern Federal District Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol 227% 122 399 48% 0,55
Volga Federal District Saratov region 2% 386 395 58% 0,49
Siberian Federal District Altai region 68% 236 395 38% 0,33
Volga Federal District Perm region 45% 267 387 58% 0,46
Central Federal District Lipetsk region -19% 473 385 78% 0,86
North Caucasus Federal District The Republic of Dagestan -18% 457 376 65% 0,61
Central Federal District Ryazan Oblast 4% 352 367 41% 0,65
Central Federal District Voronezh region -10% 400 360 56% 0,71
Central Federal District Yaroslavl region 15% 299 344 63% 0,63
Central Federal District Kaluga region -7% 357 332 39% 0,83
Volga Federal District Udmurt republic -16% 369 311 45% 0,40
Siberian Federal District Irkutsk region -2% 314 308 71% 0,40
Volga Federal District Ulyanovsk region -8% 322 297 80% 0,76
Central Federal District Tula region 63% 181 296 60% 0,54
Southern Federal District Volgograd region 7% 248 266 61% 0,29
Central Federal District Tambov Region 1% 253 256 85% 0,81
Northwestern Federal District Vologda Region 17% 214 251 61% 0,49
Volga Federal District Kirov region 23% 205 251 57% 0,46
Siberian Federal District Tomsk region 35% 182 246 36% 0,51
Volga Federal District Penza region -15% 286 242 62% 0,63
Central Federal District Vladimir region 3% 230 238 73% 0,51
Far Eastern Federal District Primorsky Krai 84% 129 237 44% 0,27
Far Eastern Federal District The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 16% 193 224 29% 0,69
Central Federal District Kursk region 6% 209 221 60% 0,53
Volga Federal District Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia 36% 158 215 21% 0,54
North Caucasus Federal District Chechen Republic 167% 79 211 94% 0,83
Southern Federal District Astrakhan region 10% 187 205 78% 0,48
Siberian Federal District Kemerovo region -50% 386 193 69% 0,29
Central Federal District Smolensk region -13% 219 191 68% 0,48
Siberian Federal District Omsk region -16% 207 173 39% 0,21
Ural Federal District Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug -10% 189 171 31% 0,48
Northwestern Federal District Arkhangelsk region and Nenets Autonomous Okrug 28% 121 155 50% 0,38
Central Federal District Ivanovo region 37% 113 155 54% 0,33
Volga Federal District The Republic of Mordovia 80% 79 143 47% 0,49
Volga Federal District Mari El Republic -26% 191 141 38% 0,61
Northwestern Federal District Komi Republic 225% 42 137 47% 0,32
Central Federal District Tver region -3% 134 130 42% 0,45
North Caucasus Federal District Republic of North Ossetia - Alania 41% 87 123 17% 0,32
North Caucasus Federal District Kabardino-Balkarian Republic 6% 113 120 74% 0,50
Far Eastern Federal District Khabarovsk region 24% 96 119 51% 0,22
Northwestern Federal District Novgorod region 151% 47 118 73% 0,49
Central Federal District Oryol Region 0% 113 113 37% 0,36
Siberian Federal District The Republic of Buryatia 42% 76 108 59% 0,30
Ural Federal District Kurgan region 23% 85 104 76% 0,34
Northwestern Federal District Pskov region 91% 52 99 75% 0,38
Far Eastern Federal District Sakhalin region -38% 158 98 64% 0,58
Southern Federal District Republic of Adygea 168% 35 94 45% 0,67
Central Federal District Kostroma region -21% 114 90 73% 0,44
Siberian Federal District The Republic of Khakassia 80% 49 89 74% 0,51
Northwestern Federal District Republic of Karelia -7% 85 79 54% 0,31
Siberian Federal District Altai Republic 46% 53 78 90% 0,71
North Caucasus Federal District The Republic of Ingushetia -26% 79 59 95% 0,48
Siberian Federal District Transbaikal region -26% 68 50 82% 0,22
North Caucasus Federal District Karachay-Cherkess Republic -34% 70 47 100% 0,39
Southern Federal District Republic of Kalmykia 48% 28 41 71% 0,38
Ural Federal District Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug -12% 46 41 47% 0,43
Central Federal District Bryansk region -84% 213 35 67% 0,31
Siberian Federal District Tyva Republic -20% 32 26 97% 0,30
Far Eastern Federal District Amur region -43% 43 25 51% 0,20
Far Eastern Federal District Kamchatka Krai 22% 17 21 96% 0,22
Northwestern Federal District Murmansk region -1% 17 17 100% 0,08
Far Eastern Federal District Jewish Autonomous Region -16% 15 12 100% 0,29
Far Eastern Federal District Magadan region and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 12% 3 3 100% 0,06


Company information

CIAN – leader of the Russian online real estate market. The group includes sites CIAN.RU, EMLS.RU.

According to LiveInternet, the total monthly audience of projects is 10.5 million unique users.

Information on the pace of housing development, demolition of residential buildings, housing supply and accidents in residential premises is recorded in house statistics. Analysis of information allows us to determine the level of development of the segment, the growth rate of construction and dynamics over the years. Thanks to this, experts make appropriate forecasts for the future.

Statistics of houses in Russia

In recent years, housing construction has been actively developing in the Russian Federation. However, the housing supply is inferior to that of developed countries. In Russia, the main type is a separate apartment. In 2017, their number increased by 1.13 million units. Total area – 78.6 million square meters. m.

According to statistics, the number of private houses in Russia increased by 241.1 thousand units. Total area – 32.7 million square meters. m. The figure is 2.8% higher than in 2016.

Statistics on the commissioning of individual residential buildings in the Moscow region demonstrate an increase in indicators. In 2015 alone, the number of individual houses commissioned increased 2.2 times – from 9.5 to 21 thousand units. During the year, 11.5 thousand houses were built, with an area of ​​1.5 million square meters. m.

Statistics on the number of houses in Russia built by individual developers:

In 2015, the total area of ​​residential premises increased by 8.3%. According to statistics, apartment buildings account for 63% of the total area - about 1.496 million buildings.

The housing stock of the Russian Federation at the end of 2016 amounted to 3.663 billion square meters. m. On average, per resident of the country there are 24.6 square meters. m., and in Moscow – 19.5 sq. m. Dynamics by year (Rosstat data):

In 2015, on average, apartment buildings with 15 floors were built. Has the number of floors of residential buildings changed slightly in 2017? According to statistics, 16-story buildings were mainly erected.

Building statistics show that residential construction is dominated by buildings 13–17 storeys high. They account for 27% of housing under construction.

The tallest buildings are being built in Moscow. The average number of storeys is 21.3 (August 2017). Next comes:

  1. Ryazan region (19.1).
  2. St. Petersburg (19.1).
  3. Sverdlovsk region (18.7).

In 2017–2020 In Moscow, 5,177 houses were included in the demolition. More than 350 thousand apartments will be demolished in administrative districts.

The list of houses can be found at –

Wooden and sleeper houses

About 80% of houses on the planet are wooden. The leading countries are the USA, Canada, Western Europe, and the Scandinavian countries. In Japan, the share of construction of wooden buildings is about 50%.

Statistics for multi-apartment residential buildings in Finland show that about 35% of buildings are made of wood or with a wooden base. Wooden house construction provides a high level of thermal efficiency and environmental friendliness of buildings.

In Belarus, the Woodplace company has been building wooden houses for 17 years. On average, you can order a house made of wood for 10 thousand dollars.

House statistics in Russia in recent years have shown low growth in wooden housing construction. The main peak was in 2011. The total area of ​​the constructed houses was 228 thousand square meters. m.

The largest share falls on the Northwestern Federal District (61%). Low-rise construction from wood raw materials is concentrated in the Leningrad region. Next comes the Siberian Federal District (23%). About 90% of wooden house construction is carried out in the Republic of Buryatia.

According to forecasts, mass construction of multi-apartment buildings made of wood with 3–4 floors will begin in the Russian Federation. The construction of such buildings takes much less money than other building materials. Moreover, the construction period for wooden houses made of timber and logs is minimal.

Constructing buildings from sleepers is also an economical option due to the low cost of the material. It is relatively warm and soundproof. Sleeping houses warm up quickly in winter and retain heat well. In summer, buildings remain cool.

The only negative is creosote. This is a strong poison that is harmful to human health. However, according to statistics, not everyone suffers from severe sleeper injuries. But there is a high probability of the formation of cancer cells - lungs. Residents face constant headaches, liver disease, chronic skin diseases, and allergies.

An alternative to apartment buildings and buildings made from sleepers is to build houses from laminated veneer lumber. Thanks to modern technologies and affordable prices, you can solve your housing problem in a short time.

More details about the technology of building construction and the cost of work.

Problems with bedbugs

Since ancient times, people have been fighting bedbugs. Over the past decades, bed bugs have become increasingly common in homes. Statistics data:

  1. Australia – Insect numbers have increased by 4,500% since the turn of the century.
  2. USA - in 2005–2007. about 80% of apartments were infested with bedbugs.
  3. Switzerland (Zurich) - in 2010, more than 50% of premises were infested with insects.

The statistics of bedbug infestation in Moscow houses increases every year. In 2005, almost 1% of the total volume of insect extermination work was related to bedbugs. In 2009, the figure rose to 5.2%. Disinfecting apartments is the only way to get rid of bedbugs.

Prices and sales volumes

In most regions, there has been a decline in apartment prices for the third year now. In the 4th quarter of 2017, the average cost of sq. m. decreased by 3.4%. Price growth was observed only in St. Petersburg (+4.2%), the Republic of Tyva (+29%) and the Irkutsk region (+2.7%). There was a significant drop in prices in the following regions:

  1. Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 10.9%.
  2. Moscow – 7.3%.
  3. Komi Republic – 5.8%.

Statistics of houses in Russia show that in January 2017 it was possible to buy 1 sq. m. m. of housing for 60,287 rubles. Then prices began to fall. Positive dynamics were observed only in April, July and November. Dynamics of housing costs by month (rubles per sq. m.):

Houses in the capital set a record number of transactions in new buildings. Over the 11 months of 2017, about 47.5 thousand were purchased in Moscow. The figure is 2 times higher than in 2014.

Minimum mortgage rates played an important role: 9.8% for new buildings, 10.02% on the secondary market.

Fires and gas explosions

Residential settings account for 70–80% of the country's total cases. Most of them occur due to the fault of people who were intoxicated or suffered from psychological illnesses. According to statistics, fires in residential buildings kill about 90% of people from the total number of fire cases. Causes of fires:

  • gas leak;
  • carelessness in handling fire;
  • electrical fault;
  • open doors in stoves or fireplaces.

Residential and public buildings suffer extensive material damage from fire. Causes of fires in public buildings:

  • careless handling of fire – 36.5%;
  • violation of rules for operating electrical equipment – ​​32.4%;
  • arson – 10.2%;
  • other reasons – 20.9%.

In recent years, they have become more frequent. In 2015, 15 cases of gas explosions in residential buildings were registered. According to statistics, the death toll was 17 people. In 2016, the number of incidents decreased, however, there were more deaths - 28 people.

The main reasons are worn-out equipment and the human factor (carelessness of workers, oversight of citizens).

Number of maternity hospitals

Statistics from maternity hospitals show that over 25 years in Russia the number of beds for pregnant women has greatly decreased. For 2014–2015 In 72 regions of Russia, 25 maternity hospitals were closed. The largest reduction in parental places (by region):

  • Bryansk - 391.
  • Volgogradskaya - 235.
  • Kemerovo - 134.
  • Tverskaya – 128.
  • Orenburgskaya - 125.

Statistics of maternity hospitals in 1990 totaled 122.7 thousand beds for women in labor. In 2015, the figure dropped to 69.5 thousand. Below are the best maternity hospitals in Russia:

Addresses of maternity hospitals by city can be found on the website

The CIAN Analytical Center analyzed the volume of supply and prices in the primary housing market in Russian cities in February 2018. The top 10 cities by number of residents account for 26% of supply on the primary market. The leader in supply volume among Russian cities (excluding Moscow and St. Petersburg) is Krasnodar (28 thousand apartments).

Apartments with the highest price per square meter in the Russian Federation are sold in the city of Sochi (108 thousand rubles / sq. m.), the minimum price level is noted in Grozny (30 thousand rubles / sq. m.). The top 10 largest cities by population account for 26% of the supply on the primary market. The top three included: Novosibirsk (11.1 thousand apartments), Yekaterinburg (16.3 thousand apartments) and Nizhny Novgorod (5.3 thousand apartments). The average price per square meter in the cities included in the top 10 is 57 thousand rubles, which is 13% more than in the Russian Federation as a whole (excluding capital regions).

The volume of supply in the primary market of Moscow and St. Petersburg is 4% less than the total for the 10 leading cities. In February 2018, the first three positions in the top 10 were: Krasnodar (28 thousand apartments), Perm (19 thousand apartments) and Rostov-on-Don (18 thousand apartments). In addition, they entered the top 10 in terms of the number of apartments sold per capita - 38.2, 18.9 and 16.6 apartments per 1000 people, respectively. In Moscow, this figure is significantly lower - 4.7 apartments per 1000 people. Such a significant concentration of apartments for sale may contribute to overstocking of the market, but the migration influx maintains demand at a high level. Among cities with a wide selection of apartments, the most affordable apartments are sold in Voronezh, where the average purchase budget was 2.2 million rubles.

The top three cities in terms of prices per square meter of housing included the following cities: Sochi (108.3 thousand rubles/sq. m.), Vladivostok (85.7 thousand rubles/sq. m.) and Sevastopol (72. 9 thousand rubles/sq. m.). The location of cities had a significant impact on the price level. Also in Vladivostok, in recent years, less housing has been built, and prices for already sold apartments are rising. The most affordable housing is being built in the city of Grozny (30.2 thousand rubles / sq. m.), because There is little demand for apartments here; buyers are more interested in private housing construction. Then come Bryansk (31.9 thousand rubles/sq. m.) and Saratov (33.7 thousand rubles/sq. m.).
