SP 126.13330 geodetic work in construction. SP126.13330.2012 Geodetic work in construction

The set of rules applies to the performance of geodetic work, monitoring the accuracy of the geometric parameters of constructed structures, monitoring their displacement and deformability

As of 04/17/2019, it is no longer valid, has lost force - by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology No. 831 dated 04/17/2019, the order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated 03/30/2015 No. 365 was declared invalid.
Valid from 01/01/2013 to 04/17/2019 - no longer in force due to entry into force SP 126.13330.2017 from 04/25/2018, but continues to be valid because included in the List of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the approved requirements is ensured. by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated March 30, 2015 No. 365.

Replaced by:
SP 126.13330.2017 Geodetic work in construction

Document approved:
Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, Order No. 635/1 dated December 29, 2011
Effective date: 01/01/2013

Publications: Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, 2012

Table of contents.
1 area of ​​use
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 General provisions
5 Geodetic alignment basis for construction
6 Layout work during construction
7 Geodetic control of the accuracy of geometric parameters of the alignment work of erected structures. Types, methods and objects of control at production stages. As-built documentation
8 Monitoring of displacement and deformability of erected building structures
9 As-built and control survey of underground networks
Appendix A (mandatory) List of regulatory documents
Appendix B (mandatory) Terms and definitions
Appendix B (for reference) The main functions of the developer (customer) to ensure the implementation of geodetic work during construction
Appendix D (for reference) Composition and content of projects for geodetic work (PPGR) developed by the developer
Appendix D (mandatory) Certificate of acceptance of the geodetic alignment basis for construction (standard). Certificate of acceptance and transfer of the results of geodetic work during the construction of buildings and structures (standard)
Appendix E (mandatory) Calculation of error when choosing methods and measuring instruments under normal conditions
Appendix G.1 (informative) List of technical characteristics of underground and above-ground utilities displayed during as-built surveys
Appendix G.2 (for reference) Samples of as-built drawings. Catalog of coordinates of common collector route points
Appendix G.3 (for reference) Sample of as-built drawing of water supply system
Appendix G.4 (for reference) Sample of as-built drawing of a gas pipeline
Appendix G.5 (for reference) Sample as-built drawing of an electrical cable
Appendix G.6 (for reference) Sample of as-built drawing of electrocorrosion protection
Appendix G.7 (for reference) Sample of an as-built drawing of an electrical cable for external lighting
Appendix G.8 (for reference) Sample as-built drawing of a general sewer
Appendix G.9 (for reference) Sample of as-built sewer drawing
Appendix G.10 (for reference) Sample of the as-built drawing of the drain
Appendix G.11 (for reference) As-built drawing of the heating network and drainage
Appendix G.12 (for reference) As-built drawing of the telephone sewer system
Appendix G.13 (for reference) As-built drawing of HDD pipes
Appendix G.14 (for reference) As-built surveys of building structures
Appendix I (informative) Technique for high-precision leveling with short sighting beams
Appendix K (informative) Types and designs of signs for securing the main and main alignment axes, depth benchmarks
Appendix L (informative) Typical diagram of a geodetic basis for monitoring the deformation of buildings
Appendix M (informative) Monitoring of buildings and structures during operation

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SP 126.13330.2012


Updated edition

SNiP 3.01.03-84

Moscow 2012


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by Federal Law No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002 “On Technical Regulation”, and the development rules are established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for developing and approving sets of rules” dated November 19, 2008 No. .

Rulebook Details

1 CONTRACTORS - Tektoplan LLC, State Unitary Enterprise Mosgorgeotrest, MGUGiK (MIIGAiK), OJSC GSPI

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction”

3 PREPARED for approval by the Department of Architecture, Construction and Urban Development Policy

4 APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) dated December 29, 2011 No. 635/1 and put into effect on January 1, 2013.

5 REGISTERED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). Revision of SP 126.13330.2011 “SNiP 3.01.03-84 Geodetic work in construction”

Information about changes to this set of rules is published in the annually published information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) on the Internet.

1 area of ​​use. 4

3 Terms and definitions. 4

4 General provisions. 5

5 Geodetic alignment basis for construction. 6

6 Layout work during the construction process. 9

7 Geodetic control of the accuracy of geometric parameters of the alignment work of erected structures. Types, methods and objects of control at production stages. Executive documentation. 12

8 Monitoring of displacement and deformability of erected building structures. 14

9 As-built and control survey of underground networks. 20

Appendix A (mandatory). List of normative documents. 22

Appendix B (mandatory). Terms and Definitions. 22

Appendix B (for reference). The main functions of the developer (customer) to ensure the implementation of geodetic work during construction. 24

Appendix D (for reference). The composition and content of geodetic work projects (PPGR) developed by the developer. 25

Appendix D (mandatory). Certificate of acceptance of geodetic alignment basis for construction (standard). Certificate of acceptance and transfer of the results of geodetic work during the construction of buildings and structures (standard) 25

Appendix E (informative). Calculation of error when choosing methods and measuring instruments under normal conditions, GOST 21778. 27

Appendix G.1 (for reference). List of technical characteristics of underground and above-ground utilities displayed during as-built surveys. 27

Appendix G.2 (for reference). Catalog of coordinates of common collector route points. thirty

Appendix G.3 (for reference). Sample of as-built drawing of water supply system. 32

Appendix G.4 (for reference). Sample of as-built drawing of a gas pipeline. 35

Appendix G.5 (for reference). Sample as-built drawing of an electrical cable. 37

Appendix G.6 (for reference). Sample of as-built drawing of electrocorrosion protection.. 39

Appendix G.7 (for reference). Sample of as-built drawing of outdoor lighting electrical cable. 41

Appendix G.8 (for reference). Sample as-built drawing of a general sewer. 43

Appendix G.9 (for reference). Sample of an executive drawing of a sewer system. 50

Appendix G.10 (for reference). Sample of an as-built drawing of a drain. 53

Appendix G.11 (for reference). Sample of as-built drawing of heating system and drainage. 55

Appendix G.12 (for reference). Sample of as-built drawing of telephone sewer system. 57

Appendix G.13 (for reference). Executive drawing of HDD pipes. 59

Appendix G.14 (for reference). As-built surveys of building structures, GOST R 51872. 62

Appendix I (for reference). Method of high-precision geometric leveling with short sighting beams. 65

Appendix K (for reference). Types and designs of signs for securing the main and main alignment axes, depth benchmarks... 67

Appendix L (for reference). Typical diagram of a geodetic basis for monitoring the deformation of buildings. 71

Appendix M (for reference). Monitoring of buildings and structures during operation. 72

Bibliography. 73

SP 126.13330.2012



Geodetic works in building

Date of introduction 2013-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This set of rules applies to the performance of geodetic work, monitoring the accuracy of the geometric parameters of erected structures, monitoring their displacement and deformability.

When constructing linear structures, power lines, communications, pipelines and other technical infrastructure facilities, as well as roads, railways, tunnels, hydraulic structures, the requirements of current regulatory documents must be taken into account.

In relation to military infrastructure facilities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, facilities for the production, processing, storage of radioactive and explosive substances and materials, facilities for the storage and destruction of chemical weapons and explosive means, other facilities for which requirements are established related to ensuring nuclear and radioactive safety in areas of nuclear energy use, the requirements established by government customers, federal executive authorities authorized in the field of safety of these facilities, and government contracts (agreements) must be additionally observed.

The requirements of the set of rules may also apply to buildings and structures, the construction of which, in accordance with the legislation on urban planning activities, can be carried out without a construction permit, as well as to individual housing construction projects erected by developers (individuals) on their own, including with the involvement of hired workers. workers on the land plots they own SP 48.13330.

When calculating the accuracy of measurements for the installation of technological equipment, monitoring the immobility and deformability of erected structures during the work process, it is necessary to comply with additional requirements stipulated by the design documentation SNiP 12-03 Part 1. SNiP 12-04 Part 2.

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

In this set of rules, the following terms with corresponding definitions are used, given in Appendix B.

Note - When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards and classifiers in the public information system on the official website of the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization on the Internet or according to the annually published information index “National Standards”, which is published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published in the current year. If the reference document is replaced (changed), then when using this set of rules you should be guided by the replaced (changed) document. If the reference document is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given applies to the part that does not affect this reference.

4 General provisions

4.1 Geodetic work in construction should be carried out to the extent and with the required accuracy, ensuring the placement of objects under construction in accordance with the draft master construction plans, compliance of the geometric parameters laid down in the design documentation with the requirements of codes of practice and state standards of the Russian Federation.

4.2 The geodetic work performed at the construction site includes:

a) creation of a geodetic alignment basis for construction, including the construction of a alignment network of the construction site for setting out the main or main alignment axes of buildings and structures, main and off-site linear structures, as well as for the installation of technological equipment;

b) breakdown of on-site (except for main) linear structures or parts thereof, temporary buildings (structures);

c) creation of an internal alignment network of a building (structure) on the initial and installation horizons and a alignment network for the installation of technological equipment, if this is provided for in the geodetic work project or in the work execution project, as well as the production of detailed alignment work;

d) geodetic control of the accuracy of geometric parameters of buildings (structures) and as-built surveys with the preparation of as-built geodetic documentation SP 70.13330;

e) geodetic measurements of deformation of foundations, structures of buildings (structures) and their parts, if provided for in the design documentation, are established by designer supervision or state supervisory authorities (SP 20.13330).

Methods and requirements for the accuracy of geodetic measurements of deformations of the foundations of buildings (structures) should be adopted in accordance with GOST 24846.

4.3 The main functions of the developer in providing geodetic work are given in SP 48.13330.

4.4 Geodetic work is an integral part of the technological process of construction production and should be carried out according to the project and a unified schedule for a given construction site, linked to the timing of general construction, installation and special work.

4.5 During the construction of large and complex objects, as well as high-rise buildings, projects for the production of geodetic work (PPGR) should be developed in the manner established for the development of projects for the production of work in full or incomplete volumes.

4.6 The PPGR must be developed using the decisions made in the project for organizing geodetic work (POGR), which is part of the construction organization project (COP).

4.7 PPGR must be developed in full or in part, SP 48.13330.

4.8 Before the start of geodetic work at the construction site, the working drawings used for alignment work must be checked in terms of mutual coordination of dimensions, coordinates and marks (heights) and approved for production by the technical supervision of the customer.

4.9 Geodetic work should be carried out with measuring instruments of the required accuracy.

4.10 After accepting the geodetic alignment base from the developer (customer), the corresponding act should be drawn up (see Appendix E).

The customer (developer) can check the accuracy of the as-built geodetic diagrams. For this purpose, the person carrying out the construction must preserve, until the completion of acceptance, the signs fixed in kind, fixing the location of the alignment axes and installation landmarks.

4.11 Geodetic work should be carried out with measuring instruments of the required accuracy.

Geodetic work during the construction of linear structures, installation of crane tracks, and vertical planning should be carried out primarily with laser devices.

Geodetic instruments must be checked and adjusted. The organization of verification should be carried out in accordance with the rules and frequency of verification, regulated in accordance with the requirements of GKINT (GNTA) 17-195-99 and can be specified according to the instructions of the manufacturers of devices GOST 7502.

4.12 Participants in construction - persons carrying out construction, developer (customer), designer - must exercise construction control provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities in order to assess the compliance of construction and installation works, erected structures and engineering support systems for a building, structure, with the requirements technical regulations and design documentation.

Control is carried out mainly selectively according to an alternative or quantitative criterion GOST 23616. The person conducting the control performs a complete input control to inspect the geodetic alignment base.

4.13 After acceptance of the geodetic alignment base, the corresponding act should be drawn up with the developer (customer) (see Appendix D).

The customer (developer) can check the reliability of as-built geodetic schemes. For this purpose, the person carrying out the construction must preserve, until the completion of acceptance, the signs fixed in kind, fixing the location of the alignment axes and installation landmarks.

5 Geodetic alignment basis for construction

5.1 A geodetic alignment base on a construction site or near a construction site should be created in the form of a network of geodetic points fixed with signs in places that ensure their safety for the entire construction period, taking into account convenience, determining the position of the building (structure) on the ground and ensuring the implementation of further constructions and measurements in construction process with the required accuracy.

5.2 A geodetic alignment basis for construction should be created with reference to the points of state geodetic networks available in the construction area or to points of networks that have coordinates and marks in the coordinate systems of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (MSK-SRF).

5.3 A geodetic alignment basis for construction should be created taking into account:

design and existing placement of buildings (structures) and utility networks at the construction site;

ensuring the safety and stability of signs fixing the points of the alignment base;

geological, temperature, dynamic processes and other influences in the construction area that may have an adverse effect on the safety and stability of the location of the points;

use of the created geodetic alignment base during the operation of the constructed facility, its expansion and reconstruction.

5.4 Work on constructing a geodetic alignment base for construction should be carried out in accordance with the instructions of the PPGR, drawn up on the basis of the general plan and construction plan of the construction site.

As a result of the calculation of geodetic alignment work, alignment drawings, catalogs of coordinates and marks of starting points and catalogs (statements) of design and actual coordinates and marks, drawings of geodetic signs, and an explanatory note must be drawn up.

The development of a project (drawing) of a geodetic alignment basis for construction should be carried out in the order and time frame corresponding to the accepted design stages and construction queues.

The geodetic alignment drawing should be drawn up on the scale of the general plan of the construction site.

5.5 The construction of a geodetic alignment base for construction should be carried out using triangulation, polygonometry, linear-angular constructions, satellite determination of coordinates in the MSK-SRF systems and other methods that ensure accuracy in accordance with Table 1.

5.6 A construction site alignment network is created to map out the main or main alignment axes of a building (structure), as well as, if necessary, to construct an external alignment network of a building (structure), perform executive surveys, and monitor precipitation and other deformations.

An external alignment network of a building (structure) is created to transfer into reality and consolidate the design parameters of the building (structure), carry out detailed alignment work and as-built surveys.

5.7 The planned alignment network of the construction site should be created in the form of:

a) red or other development control lines;

b) construction mesh, usually with side dimensions of 50; 100; 200 m and other types of geodetic networks.

Schemes of alignment networks, types and designs of signs, including deep markers of the construction site are given in Appendix K.

5.8 The external alignment network of a building (structure) should be created in the form of a geodetic network, the points of which fix on the ground the main (main) alignment axes, as well as the corners of the building (structure), formed by the intersection of the main alignment axes.

To lay the routes of roads, overhead and underground communications, the alignment network must be created in the form of lines parallel to the routes with their location in places where their long-term safety is ensured.

5.9 Leveling networks of the construction site and the external alignment network of the building (structure) must be created in the form of leveling runs based on at least two benchmarks of the geodetic network.

As a rule, points of leveling and planned alignment networks should be combined.

5.10 When performing survey work using GLONASS/GPS instrumentation systems, network base points should be located in those places where the use of satellite technologies and measurement methods ensures standardized accuracy (see Tables 1 and 2).

5.11 The construction of a geodetic base for construction should be carried out using methods that meet the location accuracy (in plan and height) necessary for construction and installation work using points, signs and benchmarks of networks and established during the period of survey work in accordance with.

Table 1

Characteristics of construction projects

Values ​​of root-mean-square errors in constructing a construction site alignment network

Maximum error of the relative position of adjacent points of the geodetic network of flat rectangular coordinates in the MSK-SRF system, X;Y, mm

Density of reference geodetic network points in a built-up (unbuilt-up) area

Angular measurements, s

Linear measurements

Determination of excess per 1 km of travel, (marks of adjacent benchmarks), mm

1 Enterprises and groups of buildings (structures) on areas of more than 1 km 2; detached buildings (structures) with a built-up area of ​​more than 100 thousand m2

or (2 + 10 ppm)*

2 Enterprises and groups of buildings (structures) on areas less than 1 km 2; detached buildings (structures) with a built-up area from 10 to 100 thousand m2

3 Separate buildings (structures) with a built-up area of ​​less than 10 thousand m2; roads, utility networks within built-up areas

4 (16); for networks and roads, points should be located at least every 100 m, parallel to the axes of the routes and at sharp break points of the routes

4 Roads, utility networks outside built-up areas; earthworks, including vertical planning

For networks and roads - the same as in 3; for earthworks and vertical planning - according to the PPGR and the earthwork cartogram

* Corresponds to (2 mm + 10 S-6), where S- measured distance between points, mm.

5.12 The accuracy of constructing the alignment network of a construction site for locating buildings and structures should be taken according to the criteria given in Table 1, the alignment network of the building (structure), including the establishment of the main or main alignment axes and landmarks according to Table 2.

5.13 The fixation of geodetic alignment points for construction should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the PPGR, approved in the prescribed manner.

5.14 Places for laying geodetic signs must be indicated on the general plans, construction plans of the PIC, as well as on the PPGR drawings.

5.15 The customer is obliged to create a geodetic alignment basis for construction and, no less than 10 days before the start of construction and installation work, hand over to the contractor step by step the technical documentation for it and the base points assigned to the construction site, including:

a) construction site alignment signs;

b) plan (axial) signs of the external alignment network of a building (structure), numbering at least four for each axis, including signs defining the intersection points of the main alignment axes of all corners of the building (structure); the number of alignment axes secured by axial signs should be determined taking into account the configuration and dimensions of the building (structure). The main alignment axes that determine the dimensions of the building (structure), and axes in places of expansion (expansion) joints, the main axes of hydraulic and complex engineering structures should be fixed on the ground;

c) planned (axial) signs of linear structures defining the axis, beginning, end of the route, wells (chambers) fixed on straight sections of at least 0.5 km and at turning angles and sharp turns of the route;

d) leveling benchmarks along the borders and inside the built-up area for each building (structure), at least one, along the axes of utility networks at least every 0.5 km;

e) catalogs of coordinates, heights and outlines of all points of the geodetic alignment base in the MSK-SRF system.

5.16 Acceptance of the geodetic alignment base for construction should be documented in an act (in accordance with Appendix E).

5.17 The accepted signs of the geodetic alignment base during the construction process must be monitored (safety and stability) and checked instrumentally at least twice a year (in the spring and autumn-winter periods).

6 Layout work during construction

6.1 Layout work during the construction process must ensure that the points of the geodetic alignment base are carried out in situ with a given accuracy of the axes and marks of benchmarks, which determine, in accordance with the design documentation, the position in plan and height of parts and structural elements of buildings (structures) and routes of roads, overhead and underground communications.

6.2 Alignment work to build a foundation for construction should be carried out primarily using coordinate methods so that all the main points of intersection of axes, alignment marks for securing the axes of buildings, structures and routes have coordinates in the axial system of the main construction object (buildings, structures, routes) and MSK-SRF .

6.3 The accuracy of alignment work during the construction process should be taken based on the data in Table 2.

In cases of construction according to design documentation containing tolerances for the manufacture and erection of building structures (structures) not provided for by state standards, norms and rules, the required accuracy of alignment work should be determined by special calculations according to the conditions laid down in the design documentation.

If two or more similar buildings (structures) are connected by a single technological line or structurally, the calculation of the accuracy of alignment work should be performed as for one building (structure).

6.4 Layout work for the installation of technological equipment and building structures must be carried out with precision, ensuring compliance with the tolerances provided for by regulatory documents, state standards, as well as design documentation.

6.5 Immediately before carrying out the alignment work, the contractor must check the constancy of the position of the signs of the external alignment network of the building (structure) and the signs defining the location of road routes, overhead and underground communications by repeated measurements of network elements. The number of measurements is determined based on the results of measurements and external inspection of signs and benchmarks.

6.6 When laying the foundations of buildings (structures), as well as laying utility networks, the alignment axes should be transferred to cast-off devices or to other devices for temporarily securing the axes. The type of wear of devices and their locations should be linked to construction plans and indicated on the sign placement diagram in the PPR.

6.7 Alignment axes and installation (indicative) marks should be drawn from the signs of the internal alignment networks of the building (structure). The number of alignment axes, installation marks, beacons, their locations, and method of fastening must correspond to the project for geodetic work.

6.8 The internal alignment network of a building (structure) must be created in the form of a network of geodetic points on the initial and installation horizons of the building (structure). A diagram of the internal distribution network of the building at the initial horizon is given in Appendix K.

Types, diagrams, accuracy, methods of fixing points of the internal alignment network of a building (structure) should be given in projects for organizing geodetic work or in projects for carrying out geodetic work.

6.9 The creation of an internal alignment network of a building (structure) on the initial horizon should be carried out with reference to the points of the external alignment network, and on the installation horizon - to the points of the internal alignment network of the initial horizon.

6.10 The correctness of the staking work must be checked by laying out control geodetic passages (in directions that do not coincide with those adopted during the staking) with an accuracy no lower than during the staking.

Limit (permissible) deviations δ should be determined by the formula

δ = tm,

Where: t- value equal to 2; 2.5; 3; indicated when developing a project for geodetic work;

m- root mean square error, taken according to Table 2.

6.11 Transfer of points of the planned internal alignment network of a building (structure) from the original to the installation horizon should be carried out using inclined, vertical design (projection) methods or using GLONASS/GPS instrument and instrumental complexes, depending on the height of the building (structure) and its design features.

6.12 The accuracy of transferring points of the planned internal alignment network of a building (structure) from the original to the installation horizon should be controlled by comparing the distances and angles between the corresponding points of the original and installation horizons.

6.13 Altitude breakdown of the position of building (structure) structures, as well as transfer of marks from the original horizon to the installation horizon, as a rule, should be carried out using the method of geometric leveling or other methods that ensure appropriate accuracy, from the benchmarks of the building (structure) alignment network. The number of benchmarks on the original horizon from which marks are transferred must be at least three.

6.14 When carrying out work to transfer the elevations of the axle alignment points from the original horizon to the installation ones, the benchmark marks and the axle alignment points on the initial horizon of the building (structure) should be taken unchanged regardless of the foundation settlement. Deviations from this requirement are permitted if there are special justifications in the design documentation.

6.15 Elevations transferred to the installation horizon must be within the deviations determined according to Table 2.

As a rule, the average value of the transferred elevations is taken as the elevation of the installation horizon.

6.16 The results of measurements and constructions when creating an internal alignment network on the original and installation horizons should be recorded by drawing up diagrams of the location of signs that fix axes, marks and landmarks.

6.17 When transferring individual parts of a building (structure) from one construction and installation organization to another, the signs necessary for subsequent geodetic work, securing the axes, marks, landmarks and materials of as-built surveys must be transferred according to the act in accordance with Appendix D.

table 2

Type of work

Values ​​of root-mean-square errors in measurements

Maximum error of the relative position of the overall axes of buildings and structures, sections of road routes and communications within 1 km, mm (after equalization of networks and passages)

Linear measurements

Angle measurements, s

Determination of benchmark marks, root-mean-square boundary value per 1 km of double stroke, mm

In terms of, mm

Height, mm

1 Realization of the dimensions of buildings, structures of road routes, underground and overground communications from points of state geodetic networks, networks and passages having coordinates and marks in the coordinate systems of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (MSK-SRF)

1/5000 or ± (2 + 2 ppm)*

2 Determination of the relative position of adjacent axes, elevations at the leveling station

3 Transferring points vertically using a stepwise method to height N

4 Transfer of marks by step method to height N**

5 Marking of installation guidelines when installing metal structures,** mm

6 Marking of reference marks for installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures in sections (up to 30 m) of the length of the house, structure,** mm

7 Accuracy of determining marks on the installation horizon of a section (up to 30 m) of the length of a house, structure, mm

8 Accuracy of determining the position of road axes in plan (road axes, drainage structures, ditches, slopes, etc.) from the design position, mm

9 Accuracy of determining transverse and longitudinal slopes of roads from the design value, mm

The same, from the design value, %

10 Accuracy of staking out signs in the development of excavations, vertical planning, dredging of embankments, trenches, embankments deviations from the design assignments of layouts:

in plan, mm

in height, mm

* 2 mm ± 2 S∙10 -6, where S- length of the measured line, mm.

** If other accuracy is not specified in the projects - GOST 21778.

*** At H> 240 m accuracy is determined by special calculation.

The accuracy of measurements of lines of elevation angles (marks) and setting out of the axes (dimensions) of buildings and structures, as well as the axes of road and communications routes, are indicated when performing work at points of the internal geodetic basis in urban areas. When working in an undeveloped area, the measurement accuracy must be indicated in the PPGR.

7 Geodetic control of the accuracy of geometric parameters of the alignment work of erected structures. Types, methods and objects of control at production stages. As-built documentation

7.1 During the construction of buildings (structures), laying roads and above-ground and underground utilities, the construction and installation organization (general contractor, subcontractor) should monitor the accuracy of the geometric parameters of buildings (structures), which is a mandatory component of production quality control SP 70.13330.

7.2 Geodetic control of the accuracy of the geometric parameters of alignment work is carried out, as a rule, by double measurements. If the measurement results coincide or differ by the amount of root-mean-square errors (see Tables 1 and 2), the requirements of 6.10 draw up the corresponding schemes and work acceptance certificates (see Appendix D).

Geodetic control of the accuracy of geometric parameters of buildings (structures) consists of:

a) in the instrumental verification of the general dimensions (distances between the extreme axes) of buildings and structures being erected, the compliance of the position of elements, structures and parts of buildings (structures) relative to the axes, landmark marks and marks, routes and marks of roads and engineering overhead and underground communications made in nature . The check is carried out during the installation process and after securing the structures, but before backfilling the trenches (during operational control);

b) in the executive geodetic survey of the planned and high-altitude position of elements, structures and parts of buildings (structures), permanently fixed upon completion of installation (installation, laying), as well as the actual position of underground utility networks.

Executive geodetic survey of underground utility networks should be carried out before backfilling the trenches. The list of technical characteristics of above-ground and underground utilities displayed on as-built surveys, and samples of the main as-built schemes of underground communications are given in Appendices G.1 - G.8.

7.3 Executive geodetic survey in accordance with 7.2, items a) and b), should be carried out continuous.

During continuous surveying, the actual position of mounted structures, overhead and underground communications is measured from landmarks marked for their installation, arrangement or laying.

Geometric parameters should be measured, the accuracy requirements for which are established in the regulatory, technical and design documentation for construction projects.

7.4 During selective accuracy control, geometric parameters are checked according to an established control plan (sample), consisting of a certain number of control objects (product units) and work performed.

The rules and parameters for the use of sampling control are established based on the results of statistical analysis of accuracy in accordance with GOST 23616.

7.5 For control, random samples are formed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23616.

When monitoring the accuracy of marking work and installation of elements, the sample is made from a certain number of landmarks fixed in nature or installed elements from their total number, included in the volume of construction and installation work accepted for the batch (floor, section, work area, etc.).

7.6 Types, methods and objects of control by production stages are given in Table 3.

Table 3

Type of control

Production stage

Objects of control

Control methods

1 Incoming control

Construction and installation work (when organizing work for each subsequent stage)

Landmarks of alignment axes, marks of the bottom of the pit, elements of building structures after completion of the work of the previous stage

Selective by alternative or quantitative analysis

2 Operational control

Construction and installation work (in the process of performing work at a certain stage)

Landmarks for laying out points and axes, elevations of reference planes and established landmarks. Elements of prefabricated structures during installation and temporary fastening

Selective based on quantitative or alternative characteristics or continuous

3 Acceptance control

Construction and installation work (after completion of work at a certain stage)

Landmarks of alignment axes, elevations of reference planes and installation landmarks

Selective by alternative criterion

7.7 Methods and measuring instruments are adopted in accordance with the nature of the object and the measured parameters from the condition

δxΣmet = δxmet,

Where δxΣmet- calculated total error of the adopted method and measuring instrument;

δxmet- root mean square measurement error.

Estimated measurement error δxΣmet determined (assigned) to the PPGR. An example of the calculation is given in Appendix E GOST 21778.

7.8 When choosing methods and measuring instruments, the need to ensure the most complete elimination of systematic measurement errors should be taken into account.

7.9 When preparing for measurements, free and safe access to the measurement object and the possibility of placing measuring instruments must be ensured.

Measurement areas must be cleared, marked or marked. Measuring instruments must be checked and prepared for use in accordance with the instructions for their use. They use geodetic instruments and instruments, usually designed to carry out measurements under normal conditions.

In case of significant differences from the conditions (see Appendix E), corrections must be made to the measurement results.

7.10 Measurements should be carried out in accordance with the rules for performing measurements in accordance with GOST 23616 and instructions (manuals) for the use of measuring instruments.

Conversion coefficient from the mean square measurement error and magnitude t(see 6.10) must be given in the PPGR.

7.11 As-built diagrams and drawings drawn up based on the results of as-built surveys should be used for acceptance control and preparation of as-built documentation for construction and installation work.

7.12 Graphic design of as-built surveys when using cartographic materials as a basis should be designed in accordance with. It is allowed to use conventional signs for topographic plans at a scale of 1:500, approved in the prescribed manner by regional authorities.

7.13 When accepting work to complete the construction of buildings (structures) and laying utility networks, the customer (developer) carrying out technical supervision of construction must conduct a control geodetic survey to check the compliance of the constructed buildings (structures) and utility networks with their display on the as-built drawings presented by the contractor.

7.14 All changes made to the design documentation in the prescribed manner, as well as deviations from it, if any, in the placement of buildings (structures) and utility networks should be recorded on the executive master plan.

As-built drawings must have the signatures of the performers of geodetic work, the responsible producer of work at the site, and the chief engineer. If necessary, agreements on changes made in the project and deviations should be placed on the drawings of the as-built documentation.

8 Monitoring of displacement and deformability of erected building structures

8.1 Monitoring the displacement and deformability of erected structures is an integral part of instrumental monitoring and is carried out using geodetic methods, tools and instruments during the construction of buildings and structures. Monitoring is carried out in cases provided for by the construction project for special projects.

8.2 In general, monitoring is a system of measurements (observations), recording results, analytical processing and is divided into three subsystems.

8.3 The final standardized deformation characteristic of high-rise buildings and other structures is the deviation of the top (tilt) of a high-rise building from the vertical. The main contribution to this value is made by uneven settlements of foundations. The maximum deviations of the top of high-rise buildings and structures are given in 8.8.

8.4 Due to the design features of high-rise buildings and their “flexibility” (“flexibility” of a building is the ratio of the height of the above-ground part to the width of the foundation; for high-rise buildings the coefficient is usually from one to eight), the deformations of the foundations do not completely determine the final deformation of the top of the high-rise building.

8.5 Due to the fact that the above-ground part of the building experiences wind loads, uneven solar heating and does not work as a single whole with foundations and foundations, observations of deformations must be carried out separately for each component of the system (subsystem): “base-foundation-above-ground part” "

8.6 When monitoring high-rise buildings and other structures, geodetic measurements determine the following characteristics of the “base-foundation-above-ground part” deformations of the building:

for bases and foundations:

absolute draft Sj;

average draft S cp ;

uneven settlement Δ S;

relative uneven settlement Δ S/I- the difference in vertical displacements related to the distance between them;

tilt of the foundation or the building as a whole I- the ratio of the difference in settlement of the extreme points of the foundation to the width (or length) of the foundation;

relative deflection (camber) i/L- ratio of boom deflection (bend) to length L uniquely bendable section of the foundation;

for the ground part of the building:

deviation from the vertical of building structures (axes of columns, walls, elevator shafts and other elements);

compression or shrinkage of columns and other concrete structures;

opening of cracks (when they appear), dynamics of their development.

8.7 To measure the above types of deformation (see 8.5) using geodetic methods, it is necessary to create a so-called “geodesic deformation basis” - internal and external.

The deformation base must be maintained for the entire period of construction and operation.

8.8 When calculating the accuracy of determining deformations, the following accuracy standards must be maintained:

the root-mean-square error in determining the settlement value of high-rise buildings and other structures should not exceed 1.0 mm, GOST 24846;

maximum horizontal movements of the top of high-rise buildings and structures, taking into account the roll of foundations depending on the height of the building h must not exceed:

1/500 - up to 150 m (inclusive);

1/1000 - over 150 m to 400 m;

determined by special calculation - over 400 m.

8.9 When setting up monitoring during the construction of high-rise buildings and other structures, when choosing measurement methods, the following features of high-rise construction are taken into account: temperature fluctuations, one-sided solar heating, wind load (external factors), vibration, uneven load under the influence of mobile lifting devices (man-made factors) , cramped conditions both inside and around construction and small spaces for observations due to the relatively small dimensions of the foundations, .

For measurements, you should choose the time of day when the influence of the above influence factors is excluded or minimized.

8.10 During the construction of high-rise buildings and other structures, the following measurement methods are used: geometric leveling with a short sighting beam, hydrostatic leveling.

When monitoring deviations from the vertical, the method of calculating the roll using the parameters of the most probable plane on the installation horizon and tilt-metering measurements using optical quadrants are used.

Table 4

Type of deformation


during construction

1 - 3 years after construction


construction of the foundation

every 5 floors

completion of construction

1 - 2 times per quarter

2 times per year


1 Absolute draft

2 Uneven settlement

3 Roll of foundations

4 Deflection of foundations

5 Deviation from vertical (roll):

elevator shafts

monolithic part

6 Compression or shrinkage of columns

7 Rolling of the top of building structures

8.11 Measurements of deformations of the foundations of high-rise buildings and other structures should be carried out according to the monitoring section during the construction of the PPGR. PPGR should include: design, manufacturing and installation technology of geodetic marks and (or) sedimentary marks. The location of signs (marks), the depth of their placement should be designed depending on measurement methods and taking into account the engineering and geological conditions of the foundations. The timing of measurements must be linked to the construction schedule.

Root-mean-square measurement errors depend on the type of structures, structural elements of buildings, maximum deformations of foundations and should not exceed 0.2 of the maximum deformations of foundations given in Table 5.

Processing of measurement results should include checking field journals, the so-called “second hand”, calculating deformation values, assessing the accuracy of field work, compiling statements for each measurement cycle and their graphical design.

Processing of the results should be completed by drawing up a technical report.

8.12 Instrumental geodetic monitoring of high-rise buildings and other structures during the construction process must be carried out in accordance with the customer’s technical specifications, agreed with the design organization.

8.13 The high-rise deformation base is intended for:

observations of settlements of foundations, foundations and building structures of a building or structure;

determination of compression or shrinkage of columns and concrete structures;

observations of settlements of the base and foundations during operation.

8.14 A typical high-rise geodetic basis for high-rise buildings and other structures includes:

external (initial) height base;

binding stroke;

internal basis for monitoring the deformations of the controlled structure;

control base on installation horizons;

control stations (points) for measuring deviations from the vertical (tilt measurements) and slot marks;

a typical scheme of a high-altitude geodetic basis for monitoring deformations.

8.15 It is recommended to use a bush of deep benchmarks as an external initial height base. Their number must be at least three. Benchmarks are laid to a depth of at least 1.5 m. The design of a depth benchmark is shown in Appendix K. In plan, they should be located on the line or at the corners of an equilateral triangle. The distance between adjacent benchmarks should not exceed 12 m. The cluster of benchmarks serves as the initial height base and determines its stability both during construction and during operation. Wall benchmarks installed in the basement parts of buildings and structures, the settlement of the foundations of which has practically stabilized, can be used as the initial high-rise base. These include existing wall and ground benchmarks of the state geodetic network, as well as the MSK-SRF network (in local coordinate systems of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation), the stability of which has been confirmed by long-term measurements.

8.16 The initial height base should be located:

away from driveways, underground communications, warehouses and other areas where vibrations from traffic are possible;

outside the zone of pressure distribution on foundations from a controlled building or structure being constructed;

outside the zone of influence of newly constructed buildings and structures.

In practice, the distance of the original high-rise base from the structure should be at least 150 m.

8.17 Measurements and control of the stability of the external initial height base are carried out by geometric leveling with a short sighting beam (see Appendix I) SP 22.13330; .

Table 5


Limit deformations of foundations

Errors in their measurements

Relative difference in precipitation (Δ s / L)u

Roll amount i u

Average Ŝ u (in brackets S max , u) draft, cm

1 Industrial and civil single-story and multi-story buildings with a full frame:

reinforced concrete

The same, with the installation of reinforced concrete belts or monolithic floors, as well as buildings of a monolithic structure with a full frame:


The same with the installation of reinforced concrete belts or monolithic floors

2 Buildings and structures in the structures of which forces do not arise from uneven settlements

3 Multi-storey frameless buildings with load-bearing walls made of:

large panels

large blocks or brickwork without reinforcement

The same with reinforcement, including the installation of reinforced concrete belts or monolithic floors, as well as buildings of monolithic construction

4 Construction of elevators from reinforced concrete structures:

work building and silo building of monolithic structure on one foundation slab

The same, prefabricated structure

Free-standing silo housing of monolithic construction

The same, prefabricated structure

Detached work building

5 Chimney height H, m:

H ≤ 100

100 < H ≤ 200

200< H ≤ 300

H > 300

6 Rigid structures up to 100 m high, except those specified in paragraphs 4 and 5

7 Antenna communication structures:

grounded mast trunks

the same, electrically insulated

radio towers

shortwave radio towers

towers (separate blocks)

8 Supports of overhead power lines:

intermediate straight lines

anchor and anchor-corner, intermediate corner, end, portals of open distribution devices

special transitional


1. The maximum deformation of foundations is given from the set of rules.

2. The limit values ​​of the relative deflection of buildings specified in position 3 of Table 5 are taken equal to 0.5(Δ S / L) u , and the relative bending is 0.25(Δ S / L) u .

3. When determining the relative difference in sediment (Δ S / L) u in pos. 8 of this application for L take the distance between the axes of the foundation blocks in the direction of horizontal loads, and in supports with guy wires - the distance between the axes of the compressed foundation and the anchor.

4. If the base is composed of horizontal (with a slope of no more than 0.1) soil layers maintained in thickness, the maximum and average settlement limits may be increased by 20%.

5. Limit values ​​for the rise of a foundation composed of swelling soils are allowed to be taken: maximum and average rise of 25% and a relative difference in settlement of 50% of the corresponding limit values ​​of deformations given in this table, and a relative deflection of 0.25( ΔS/ L) u .

6. For structures listed in positions 1 - 3 with foundations in the form of solid slabs, the maximum average settlement values ​​may be increased by 1.5 times.

7. Based on generalization of experience in the design, construction and operation of certain types of structures, it is allowed to accept limit values ​​of foundation deformations that differ from those indicated in this table, if the deformation parameters are justified in the design documentation.

8.18 The reference course is a connecting link in the measurement scheme between the external initial base and the internal deformation base and is used to transfer heights from the original high-rise base to the so-called “sedimentary marks” of a high-rise building or structure. The anchorage is secured with special crutches with a diameter of at least 50 mm, driven into the ground to a depth of 0.5 m.

8.19 The internal high-rise base, intended for monitoring the settlement of foundations, foundations and other building structures during the construction period, is fixed with settlement marks in the foundation floor or settlement marks on columns and monolithic structures of the above-ground part of the building (see Appendix L).

8.20 Settlement marks in foundations are installed in the lower part of load-bearing structures along the entire perimeter of the building (structure), inside it, including at corners, joints of building blocks, on both sides of the settlement or expansion joint, at the junction of longitudinal and transverse walls, on transverse walls where they intersect with the longitudinal axis, on load-bearing columns. Sedimentary marks along the perimeter are placed every 6 - 8 m, along the longitudinal and transverse axes, unless otherwise provided in the design documentation. On average, one mark is laid on the foundation slab over an area of ​​100 m2.

8.21 The specific location of sedimentary marks on the foundations of a building or structure, as well as the design of the marks, are determined in the technical specifications for monitoring and PPGR, agreed with the design organization.

Sedimentary marks on columns and other vertical monolithic structures are installed at the same level.

8.22 The high-altitude base on the installation horizons is intended to control the deviation of the constructed part from the vertical and control the compression or shrinkage of columns (walls) or concrete structures as building structures are erected. The base of the installation horizons must completely repeat the internal base, fixed with sedimentary marks on columns or a monolithic part on the lower (original) horizon. The transfer of heights from the internal base of the initial horizon to the current base of the installation horizon is carried out with 20-, 50-, 100-meter metal tapes with a tension of 10 kgf. Height transfer control can be carried out using laser tape measures (hand-held laser rangefinders).

8.23 Additionally, control stations are placed on the control installation horizons (to measure deviations from the vertical), including:

embeds for tilt measurements;

special grades for inclined design.

8.24 Metal embeds for tilt measurements measuring 200×200 mm are installed on columns along the longitudinal and transverse axes of a high-rise building. Deviations from the vertical are measured by an optical quadrant.

8.25 To measure rolls and deviations from the vertical of the above-ground part of the structure during its construction, marks are fixed along selected transverse and longitudinal axes on the outside of the building (see Appendix M). On the ground in the alignment of marks, permanent points of theodolite are fixed.

Permanent theodolite standing points should be located no closer than the height of the building and secured with special crutches with a diameter of at least 50 mm, driven into the ground to a depth of 0.5 m.

8.26 In the event of the appearance of cracks, the high-altitude geodetic base is supplemented with control stations for monitoring the opening of cracks. To determine the opening of cracks, it is recommended to attach control marks on both sides of it, the design of which allows you to measure the distance between them with an error of no more than 0.5 mm.

8.27 Monitoring of buildings and structures after completion of construction, during operation, is given in Appendix M.

9 As-built and control survey of underground networks

9.1 As-built geodetic survey of underground utility networks is carried out to draw up as-built drawings before backfilling the trench during the construction process, during major repairs and replacement of pipes.

9.2 The composition, content, design and verification of as-built drawings of the underground utility network must comply with the requirements.

9.3 As-built drawings of underground utility networks are made up of:

newly built and existing underground communications, including gas taps, removal of gas pipelines to the walls of buildings, traffic light facilities;

major repairs, relocation and reconstruction of utilities, including methods of sanitation, pneumatic punch, pulling polyethylene pipes inside the reconstructed pipelines;

laying and laying backup pipes under roads.

9.4 When performing as-built surveys of underground utility networks, the following are subject to determination:

planned and altitude positions of all turning angles, places of change in communication slopes, pipe diameters, places of connection of branches, intersections with other communications, as well as other visible points and points on straight sections at least every 50 m;

on the heating network - cameras, inspection hatches, compensators, fixed supports. Depending on the stage of construction of the heating network, the channel cross-section, pipe diameter, channel bottom or channel top marks, pipe top marks, ground pavilions above the chambers are determined;

on water pipelines, water pipelines, pressure sewerage, gas pipelines and other pressure pipe linings - wells, carpets, control pipes, pressure regulators, hydraulic valves, emergency outlets, water dispensers, hydrants. Determine the marks of the top of the pipes, the shells of the wells (if installed), the bottom of the well, the top and bottom of the chamber, as well as the diameters of the pipes and their purpose;

on gravity sewerage, drainage (storm drainage), drainage: wells, gratings, storm drains, chambers. Determine the marks of pipe trays and well shells (if installed), the bottom of the well, the top and bottom of the chamber, as well as the diameters of the pipes;

when shooting communications located on the surface of the earth, along a building, bridge, fence, overpass, etc. - supporting elements of the route;

There are wells on the telephone sewer. The marks of the shells, the top of the pipes, the bottom, and the height of the well neck are determined;

on cable networks - the number of cables or pipes, angles of rotation, locations of exits to the walls of buildings, supports, their number, chambers and hatches;

on collectors - cameras, inspection hatches, rotation angles, places for changing sections. Defines the cross section of the channel and the marks of the bottom or top of the channel;

on electrical protection against corrosion - the number of cables or pipes, rotation angles, contact devices, anode grounding, chokes, electrical protective installations and their dimensions, points of the anode grounding loop;

when surveying closed passages built using the method of horizontal directional drilling (HDD) - carried out during control pulling of the probe;

when inspecting and surveying wells, the heights of the well necks are determined and the results are displayed in the outline.

9.5 All underground structures intersecting or running parallel to the construction, exposed by a trench, are subject to mandatory surveying. Simultaneously with the survey of the specified elements of engineering communications, a survey of current changes within the boundaries of the site allocated for construction is carried out.

9.6 The planned position of all underground communications and related structures is determined by:

in a built-up area - from fixed points of capital construction, from points of the reference geodetic network and points of permanent survey justification;

in undeveloped areas - from points of the geodetic reference network and survey justification points.

9.7 When surveying wells, chambers and collectors, measurements are taken of the internal and external dimensions of the structure and its structural elements, the location of pipes and fittings is determined with reference to a plumb line passing through the center of the well cover. In this case, the following must be established: purpose, design of wells, chambers, collectors, distribution cabinets and kiosks, pipe diameters. Characteristics of existing reinforcement, internal dimensions of wells and other structural elements of underground structures.

9.8 The as-built drawing must include a catalog of coordinates of characteristic points of the underground utility network, compiled in the system of coordinates and heights of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

9.9 For gas and heating networks, the location of the joints relative to the hatches of wells and chambers is recorded, indicating the type of joint.

9.10 When surveying elements of underground utility lines, a mandatory condition is control measurement of the distances between them. The maximum errors in determining the elements of the underground utility network in plan should not exceed 0.2 m.

9.11 The altitude position of underground utilities is determined before backfilling the trench (pit) by technical leveling in accordance with the requirements. The height position of the elements of the utility network in the passage collector is determined from the leveling passage laid inside it.

9.12 Leveling determines the height of the floor and top of the collector, the top and bottom of cable ducts in packages (blocks), the top of armored cables, the top of pipelines, the ground surface (trench edge) in characteristic places, the angles of rotation and points of change in slopes of underground utilities, manhole shells and all other points captured in the plan. In sewerage (fecal and storm), drainage and other gravity pipelines, pipe trays are leveled. In addition, the height of the elements of all existing utilities exposed in trenches during construction is determined.

9.13 The as-built drawing of closed passages using horizontal directional drilling must be accompanied by a drilling protocol.

9.14 The correct display of the underground utility network on the as-built drawing is checked based on the results of a control geodetic survey (CGS).

CGS is carried out by an organization authorized by the local government.

9.15 The correctness of as-built drawings is checked by:

comparison of coordinates and heights of identical points with KGS data;

comparison of the position of points obtained by graphic references to solid contours and marks on the as-built drawing with the KGS data;

determining the compliance of survey methods and techniques used in drawing up the drawing with accepted standards - diagram, length and accuracy of theodolite and leveling traverses, length of alignments and intersections, presence and permissibility of triangles, errors with a triangle side of up to 0.5 m in situ (on a scale of 1:500 - 1 mm is the side of the error triangle), binding only to capital buildings.

During field control the following is carried out:

measurements between reference points of characteristic points;

binding shocks and chamber corners, and also determine the marks of the bottom of the chamber and wells, the dimensions of sections for channels and collectors, the number, diameters and material of pipelines;

number of cables, holes, pipes and dimensions and connections of engineering equipment: clips, cases, etc.

9.16 If there are discrepancies in the plan-elevation position, the as-built drawing is returned to the representative of the construction organization for correction.

9.17 The as-built drawing received by the geodetic fund must be drawn up in full accordance with the standard as-built drawing without corrections or erasures, and also have a stamp of verification for compliance with the data of the control geodetic survey and the project, stamps of the construction and operating organizations.

9.18 As-built drawings of underground utility networks that have passed inspection are submitted to the geodetic fund.

Appendix A


List of regulatory documents

Example. Select measuring instruments to control the distance between the axes on the installation horizon ( S= 6000 mm ± 1 mm).

1 Determine the maximum measurement error (see table 2). To control the measurement accuracy of alignment work, the coefficient in the formula δxmet = k∙Δx is taken equal to k= 0.2. In this calculation δxmet= 0.2×3 = 0.6 mm.

2 To perform measurements, metal tape measures made according to classes 3 and higher, accuracy ≤ ±1 mm, reflectorless DistoPro rangefinders, laser tape measures, or a total station, measurement accuracy ≤ ±1.5 mm can be used.

The following should be considered normal conditions for measurements and operation of geodetic instruments:

ambient temperature 20 °C (293 K);

atmospheric pressure 760 mm Hg. Art. (101.3 kPa);

relative air humidity 60%;

relative speed of movement of the external environment 0 m/s.

When performing measurements under conditions different from normal, you should, if necessary (for high-precision measurements), record the actual values ​​to make corrections to the measurement results. Calculation of corrections for introducing their values ​​into measurement results is carried out in accordance with GOST 26.433.0.

Appendix G.1


List of technical characteristics of underground and above-ground utilities displayed during as-built surveys

When drawing up executive geodetic documentation for erected above-ground and underground (before filling the trenches) structures, the following technical characteristics must be recorded: for the water supply:

purpose (household, drinking, industrial);

by sewer:

network characteristics (pressure, gravity);

purpose (household, industrial, rainwater);

pipe material and diameter (internal for gravity and external for pressure networks);

via heating network:

type of gasket (duct or non-duct);

channel type (pass, semi-pass, non-pass);

material and internal dimensions of the channel;

number and outer diameter of pipes;

via gas pipeline:

outer diameter and material of pipes;

gas pressure (low, medium, high);

via cable networks:

voltage of electrical cables (high-voltage 6 kV and above, low-voltage), direction (numbers of transformer substations) for high-voltage cables, installation conditions (in sewers, in collectors, armored cable), ownership of communication cables;

number of holes in the telephone sewer;

material and dimensions of distribution points, transformer substations, telephone cabinets and boxes;

for underground drainage:

pipe material and outer diameter;

cross-section of gallery drains, blind collectors (according to additional instructions from the customer).

In wells (pits), the purpose of the incoming utilities, the diameter and material of the pipes, the material and type of channels, the number of cables (as well as pipes for cable ducting), the direction of flow in gravity pipelines, directions to adjacent wells (chambers) and inputs to buildings (structures) with drawing up a diagram.

On the as-built drawings, the dimensions of wells (chambers) should be reflected on the plan scale, if the area of ​​the wells (chambers) in reality is at least 4 m2 when surveyed on a scale of 1:500 and 9 m2 on a scale of 1:1000.

The planned position of the gaskets placed in wells (chambers) of the specified dimensions is determined relative to the projection of the center of the hatch.

The height position of communications is determined with the accuracy regulated by Table 2. Leveling of underground structures includes determining the heights of the shells (the top of the cast iron ring of the well hatch), the ground or paving near the well, as well as the heights of pipes, cables, channels located in the well (measurements from the shell with a reading up to 1 cm).

In wells (chambers) the following are subject to leveling:

the bottom of the tray is in gravity networks;

the bottom of the incoming pipe - in differential wells, additionally;

the bottom of the well, the bottom of the incoming and outgoing pipes - in settling wells;

top of pipes - in pressure pipelines;

top bottom of channels (collectors) - in collector channels;

the place where the cable intersects with the walls of the well, the top and bottom of the package (block) for cable ducting in cable networks.

Surveying of underground utility points in straight sections should be carried out, as a rule, at intervals of 20, 30 and 50 m (according to the instructions of the PPGR).

The depth of laying of well-free gaskets is determined at the angles of rotation, at points of sharp break in the relief, but at least every 10 m on the survey scale.

Depending on the saturation of underground and above-ground communications structures, it is allowed to draw up combined plans depicting on one sheet a plan of the situation, relief and underground (above-ground) structures, plans of individual underground above-ground structures, groups of them, etc. The need to draw up combined or separate plans of underground (above-ground) structures must be installed according to the customer's specifications.

As a result of performing as-built surveys of underground and above-ground structures, the following must be additionally submitted:

journals of detailed inspection of above-ground and underground structures;

technical leveling journals;

sketches of supports and wells (chambers) during their detailed examination;

plans for above-ground and underground structures agreed with operating organizations;

catalogs of coordinates of exits, rotation angles and other points of underground structures.

Appendix G.2


Catalog of coordinates of common collector route points

Figure G.2, sheet 1

Figure G.2, sheet 2

Appendix G.3


Sample as-built drawing of a water supply system

Situation plan scale 1:2000

Figure G.3, sheet 1

Figure G.3, sheet 2

Figure G.3, sheet 3

Appendix G.4


Sample as-built drawing of a gas pipeline

Figure G.4, sheet 1

Figure G.4, sheet 2

Appendix G.5


Sample as-built drawing of an electrical cable

Figure G.5, sheet 1

Figure J. 5, sheet 2

Appendix G.6


Sample of as-built drawing of electrocorrosion protection

Figure G.6, sheet 1

Figure G. 6, sheet 2

Appendix G.7


Sample of as-built drawing of outdoor lighting electrical cable

Figure J. 7, sheet 1

Figure J. 7, sheet 2

Appendix G.8


Sample as-built drawing of a general sewer

Figure G.8, sheet 1

Figure G.8, sheet 2

Figure G.8, sheet 3

Figure G.8, sheet 4

Figure G.8, sheet 5

Appendix G.9


Sample as-built sewer drawing

Figure J.9, sheet 1

Figure J.9, sheet 2

Figure J.9, sheet 3

Appendix G.10


Sample as-built drawing of a drain

Figure G.10, sheet 1

Figure G.10, sheet 2

Appendix G.11


Sample of as-built drawing of heating network and drainage

Figure J.11, sheet 1

Figure J.11, sheet 2

Appendix G.12


Sample as-built drawing of a telephone sewer system

Figure J.12, sheet 1

Figure J.12, sheet 2

Appendix G.13


Executive drawing of HDD pipes

Figure J.13, sheet 1

Figure J.13, sheet 2

Figure J.13, sheet 3

Figure J.13, sheet 4

Appendix G.14


As-built surveys of building structures,GOST R 51872

Designation of the actual surface elevation (D)

Note - Examples of indicating actual deviations of the axes of elements from the alignment axes. On the plan, in front of the numerical values ​​of the deviations, the letter “B” is placed in a rectangular frame for the upper section or “H” for the lower section of the element.

a) the size from the edge of the monolithic grillage to the axis;

c) the actual size from the edge of the monolithic grillage to the axis according to the results of the as-built survey.

a) size from the edge of the wall panels to the axis;

c) the actual size from the edge of the wall panels to the axis according to the results of the as-built survey.

Note - Examples of indicating actual distances on the plan based on the results of as-built surveys.

Figure J.14, sheet 1

Examples of writing actual deviations of element surfaces from vertical.

Examples of writing actual surface deviations.

Examples of indications of actual deviations of panels in the lower sections and floor slabs from the highest point of the installation horizon:

a) numbers at the edges - the amount of displacement of the plane of the walls, in the lower section, from the reference (alignment) marks.

The numbers in the middle indicate the deviation of the wall plane from the vertical.

The direction of the displacement (deviation) is indicated by the side where the number is written.

Recorded in blue;

b) the numbers show the installation location of the slats and the deviation of the floor slab marks from the highest mark and from the installation horizon, taken as “0”.

Recorded in red;

c) after dismantling (reinstalling) panels or other elements, re-shooting is carried out. The results of repeated shooting fit into the original scheme, crossing out the previous results.

Recorded in black.

Figure J.14, sheet 2

Appendix I


Technique for high-precision geometric leveling with short sighting beams

High-precision geometric leveling with short sighting beams ( S≤ 25 m) is carried out from the middle.

The maximum value of shoulder inequality should not exceed the values ​​​​given in Table 1 of this set of rules.

In this case, the angle i should be no more than 5". Angle value i should be determined before starting the measurement cycle and after performing the cycle on a special stationary stand equipped in a room on the lower horizon.

Geometric leveling in all measurement cycles is performed according to the same scheme. For this purpose, the installation location of the level is marked with paint.

In addition, the following requirements are observed in each measurement cycle:

When leveling, the same tools and slats are used;

The slats must be numbered and installed on the same marks or benchmarks on which they were installed in previous measurement cycles.

High-precision geometric leveling with short sighting beams is performed using levels with a contact level or with a self-aligning line of sight. In addition to high-precision levels such as N-0.5, NI004, NI02, high-precision geometric leveling with short sighting beams can be performed with precision levels, including digital ones, with an optical micrometer and a telescope magnification of at least 25 - 30 times, for example, 3N2KL (Russia), B1 (SOKKIA), PL1 (SOKKIA), Dini 12 (Trimble), etc.

Measurement program for the deep benchmark cluster: taking readings

sequentially each of the benchmarks I, II, III, IV. The reception of measurements ends with a repeated count to the initial reference I, which is performed to control the stability of the instrument during the measurement process and is not included in processing. Then the measurement process is repeated at a different instrument horizon. To measure the horizon of the instrument, a precision leveling stand is used (see Figure I.1).

1 - bar; 2 - load-bearing plate; 3 - screw;
4 - support plate; 5 - bushing; b - screw; 7 - nut

Figure I.1- Precision leveling stand

The anchor leveling course from the benchmark bush to the nearest mark of the sedimentary network is laid at two tool levels using standard slats with an Invar strip 1.75 - 3.0 m long.

Leveling along sediment marks in the floor is carried out using standard slats with an Invar strip 1.75 - 3.0 m long.

Leveling according to sedimentary marks on columns is carried out on the same lines, for which sedimentary marks are set to the same horizon with an error of 2.5 mm.

In this case, setting the sighting axis of the level telescope to a given horizon is done using a precision leveling stand.

When leveling with 3-6 meter sighting beams, it is recommended to use one staff.

High-precision leveling using sedimentary marks on columns is carried out using two instrument horizons. Observations at the station are carried out using the combination method. The observation program at the station entering one direction (for levels with a self-aligning line of sight) must comply with Table I.1.

Table I.1



The sequence of work at the station (for the odd numbered station) should be as follows;

a) the leveling stand is centered with a plumb line under the marking point corresponding to the equality of the sighting rays;

b) bring the level into working position using the installation level, while the telescope is aimed at the rear staff;

c) using a precision stand, the sighting axis of the level is brought to the working horizon;

d) set the drum to count 50;

e) bring the level pipe to the main scale of the rear rack;

f) by rotating the drum, accurately point the bisector at the nearest stroke of the main scale, make a count of 3 along the rack and drum;

g) point the pipe at the main scale of the front rack, count P;

i) when the pipe is positioned on the front rail, using the leveling screws, the level is again brought to the zero point and the P reading is made on the main scale of the front rail.

When moving from forward to reverse motion, the racks are swapped, i.e. An even rack is placed in place of an odd one and vice versa.

In the process of observing readings on the micrometer drum, a reading of up to 0.1 division is taken, and an excess of up to 0.1 mm. The results of observations are recorded in a journal.

When working at the station, the tolerances specified in Table I.2 must be applied.

Table I.2

Appendix K


Types and designs of signs for securing the main and main alignment axes, depth benchmarks

Figure K, sheet 1

Figure K, sheet 2

Schemes of construction site and building distribution networks

- points of the construction site distribution network; - points of state
geodetic network; - construction site; - designed buildings

Figure K, sheet 3

Building layouts

- into a reference point combined with the axial sign; - temporary axial mark, design
which is given in the mandatory Appendix K: - permanent axial marks,
the designs of which are given in Appendix K;
- axial sign on the building; - points of the construction site distribution network;
- points of the geodetic network

Figure K, sheet 4

Appendix L


Typical diagram of a geodetic basis for monitoring the deformation of buildings

1 - external initial height base; 2 - binding stroke; 3 - internal deformation network;
4 - control deformation network; 5 - deep reference; 6 - sediment mark in the floor;
7 - sedimentary mark on the column (wall)

Figure L, sheet 1

a) Flat stamp

b) Semicircular stamp

c) Mark for measuring rolls and deviations from the vertical (if inclined)

Figure L, sheet 2

Appendix M


Monitoring of buildings and structures during operation

M.1 During the period of operation, monitoring of buildings and structures is carried out mainly using automated systems based on video measurements or motorized electronic total stations.

The range of automated systems should include real-time measurement of the following geometric parameters of deformations: tilt and uneven settlement of the foundation of buildings and structures; deviations from the vertical and vibrations of the top of a building and structure; torsion of the top of a building and structure.

M.2 To measure inclinations and uneven settlements of the foundation of buildings and structures, a stationary video-hydrostatic system is used, to measure deviation from the vertical, vibrations and torsion of the top of a building - a video measuring system for measuring vibrations and planned displacements of the top of buildings and structures and a stationary automated deformation monitoring system based on reverse plumb lines.

M.3 Automated monitoring systems must provide the following accuracy for measuring deformations depending on the height of the building:

the slope of the foundation of the building and structure is 1:100000;

deviation from the vertical of the top of the building and structure 1:50000;

vibrations of the top of buildings and structures 1:50000;

torsion of the top of buildings and structures 1:50000.

The speed of obtaining final results in an automated monitoring system should be no more than 1 minute.

All information in the automated monitoring system should be displayed on the monitor and be visual.

The measuring sensors included in the automated monitoring system must determine deformation parameters by direct direct measurements and be included in the register of measuring instruments of Rostechregulirovanie and have metrological certificates.

The time between failures of measuring sensors of automated monitoring systems must be at least 25,000 hours.

M.4 When limit values ​​of deformation are reached, the automated monitoring system should generate an alarm signal.

To control the slopes of the foundation, measuring points must be installed (reinforced concrete pillars measuring 300×300×300 mm, rigidly connected to the foundation of the building), which must be located along the main axes of the building to measure longitudinal and transverse slopes. At least five measuring points must be installed along each of the axes. The heads of the video-hydrostatic system, connected by hoses filled with a special liquid, are installed at the measuring points.

Measuring sensors (video sensors) for measuring deviation from the vertical, vibrations and torsion of the top of a building and structure must be installed on measuring points (reinforced concrete pillars with dimensions of 400 × 400 × 1000 mm, rigidly connected to the foundation of the building) located diagonally of the building. There must be at least two measuring sensors (video sensors).

M.5 In the upper part of the building, sight marks must be installed on the same vertical with measuring sensors (video sensors). Direct visibility must be ensured between the measuring sensors (video sensors) and the sight marks. For this purpose, staircase openings, elevator shafts, openings in ceilings, etc. can be used. The diameter of the through hole to ensure direct visibility must be at least 500 mm. It is allowed to build a system for observing deviations from the vertical using a step-by-step method with a step equal to the height of the fire compartments (for example, 15 floors, 30 floors, etc.).

All measuring sensors must be protected by casings (for vandal protection purposes).

All measuring points must be provided with a 12 V DC power supply.

Measuring points must be connected to the central (control) point via a four-core twisted pair cable.

The central (control) point must be equipped with a computer of at least Pentium-4, a controller for inputting a video signal into the computer and a printer for documenting information.

Automated monitoring systems must be capable of internal metrological calibration without dismantling the measuring sensors.

Replacing measuring sensors of an automated monitoring system in the event of failure should not lead to the loss of original data.

Installation and commissioning of automated systems at the facility is carried out according to approved design documentation. Acceptance of the automated system into operation is carried out in accordance with.


Keywords: geodetic work, geometric parameters, design documentation, executive geodetic documentation, construction production, construction site, building structures, alignment work, alignment base, alignment axes, central axes, initial horizon, installation horizon, as-built surveys, as-built diagrams, ensuring accuracy, accuracy control, planned network, high-altitude network, electronic total station, satellite receivers, geodetic signs, geodetic work project, monitoring of deformability and displacement of building structures, high-altitude deformation base, settlement, tilt of buildings, structures, automated deformability control system, uneven settlement

The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by Federal Law No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002 “On Technical Regulation”, and the development rules are established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for developing and approving sets of rules” dated November 19, 2008 No. 858.

4 APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) dated December 29, 2011 N 635/1 and put into effect on January 1, 2013.

5 REGISTERED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). Revision of SP 126.13330.2011 "SNiP 3.01.03-84 Geodetic work in construction"

Information about changes to this set of rules is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) on the Internet.

This set of rules applies to the performance of geodetic work, monitoring the accuracy of the geometric parameters of erected structures, monitoring their displacement and deformability.

When constructing linear structures, power lines, communications, pipelines and other technical infrastructure facilities, as well as roads, railways, tunnels, hydraulic structures, the requirements of current regulatory documents must be taken into account.

In relation to military infrastructure facilities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, facilities for the production, processing, storage of radioactive and explosive substances and materials, facilities for the storage and destruction of chemical weapons and explosive means, other facilities for which requirements are established related to ensuring nuclear and radioactive safety in areas of nuclear energy use, the requirements established by government customers, federal executive authorities authorized in the field of safety of these facilities, and government contracts (agreements) must be additionally observed.

The requirements of the set of rules may also apply to buildings and structures, the construction of which, in accordance with the legislation on urban planning activities, can be carried out without a construction permit, as well as to individual housing construction projects erected by developers (individuals) on their own, including with the involvement of hired workers. workers on land plots owned by them SP 48.13330.

When calculating the accuracy of measurements for the installation of technological equipment, monitoring the immobility and deformability of erected structures during the work process, it is necessary to comply with additional requirements stipulated by the design documentation SNiP 12-03 Part 1. SNiP 12-04 Part 2.

Note - When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards and classifiers in the public information system on the official website of the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which is published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published in the current year. If the reference document is replaced (changed), then when using this set of rules you should be guided by the replaced (changed) document. If the reference document is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given applies to the part that does not affect this reference.

4.1 Geodetic work in construction should be carried out to the extent and with the required accuracy, ensuring the placement of objects under construction in accordance with the draft master construction plans, compliance of the geometric parameters laid down in the design documentation with the requirements of codes of practice and state standards of the Russian Federation.

A) creation of a geodetic alignment basis for construction, which includes the construction of a alignment network of the construction site for setting out the main or main alignment axes of buildings and structures, main and off-site linear structures, as well as for the installation of technological equipment;

C) creation of an internal alignment network of a building (structure) on the initial and installation horizons and a alignment network for the installation of technological equipment, if this is provided for in the project for geodetic work or in the project for the execution of work, as well as the production of detailed alignment work;

D) geodetic control of the accuracy of geometric parameters of buildings (structures) and as-built surveys with the preparation of as-built geodetic documentation SP 70.13330;

E) geodetic measurements of deformation of foundations, structures of buildings (structures) and their parts, if provided for in the design documentation, are established by designer supervision or state supervisory authorities (SP 20.13330).

4.4 Geodetic work is an integral part of the technological process of construction production and should be carried out according to the project and a unified schedule for a given construction site, linked to the timing of general construction, installation and special work.

4.5 During the construction of large and complex objects, as well as high-rise buildings, projects for the production of geodetic work (PPGR) should be developed in the manner established for the development of projects for the production of work in full or incomplete volumes.

4.6 The PPGR must be developed using the decisions made in the project for organizing geodetic work (POGR), which is part of the construction organization project (COP).

4.8 Before the start of geodetic work at the construction site, the working drawings used for alignment work must be checked in terms of mutual coordination of dimensions, coordinates and marks (heights) and approved for production by the technical supervision of the customer.

Geodetic work during the construction of linear structures, installation of crane tracks, and vertical planning should be carried out primarily with laser devices.

The customer (developer) can check the accuracy of the as-built geodetic diagrams. For this purpose, the person carrying out the construction must preserve, until the completion of acceptance, the signs fixed in kind, fixing the location of the alignment axes and installation landmarks.
