Tarot fortune telling “The purpose of man. Personal tarot card by date of birth

The layout helps you better understand yourself, evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, and find (or evaluate) your place in life. If you doubt whether you have chosen the right profession. If you are thinking about changing your job and don’t yet know what is best to continue to develop in, what to focus on. If you are looking for yourself. This schedule is for you:

Positions 1,2,3,4 seem to grow from the center as positions 5,6,7,8 converge in the center. This allows you to see more clearly those things that distract you from your “I” and those things that bring you back to a better understanding of yourself.

Positions of cards in the layout:

  1. Current situation.
  2. The reason why everything goes wrong/successfully?
  3. Your strengths.
  4. Your weaknesses.
  5. How to combine strengths and weaknesses to find your place in life?
  6. What should you do to find it?
  7. Where/When can you find it?
  8. Who will help you find him?
  9. What is your true place in life?


  1. 8 cups- Current situation.
  2. Hermit– The reason why everything is unsuccessful/successful?
  3. 4 swords pp– Your strengths.
  4. 3 of pentacles– Your weaknesses.
  5. Ace of cups pp– How to combine strengths and weaknesses to find your place in life?
  6. Power pp– What should you do to find him?
  7. Moon pp– Where/When can you find him?
  8. 6 of pentacles-Who will help you find him?
  9. 7 swords– What is your true place in life?

8 of Cups with the Hermit on good terms (Water - Earth), but in neutral ones with 7 swords (Water - Air), so I read the 1st card positively. 8 of Cups - the name of the card is the lord of missed success. Even in a positive sense, it speaks of dismissal, a decrease in living standards.

It suggests that the son now finds himself in a difficult situation. He either lost his job or is ready to give up the job he has. In any case, now he is in some apathy and has emotionally tried to distance himself from the situation.

The Hermit is in a positive relationship with the 8 of Cups, so I also read him in a positive way. Based on this card, I would say that the son prefers to stay apart from the work team, does not let anyone get close to him, does not build relationships, and perhaps even behaves with some arrogance. This led to the situation that the 8 of Cups shows.

Strengths - 4 swords pp strengthens the 9th card (Air-Air) and in a negative relationship with the 4th (Air-Earth) + the card is reversed, which I usually interpret as blocking the energy of the card by the person himself. I would say that his strength is that he is simply forced to do something and is motivated to do it. He will not be able to get around this problem; he will have to solve it, invest energy, time, achieve an understanding of the situation and its resolution. However, judging by the inversion of the card, he is trying to delay the moment of decision and resists using this motivation for action.

Weaknesses of the 3 of Pentacles in a negative relationship with the 4 of Swords. It seems that the son has no desire to improve his skills, perhaps this is due to the fact that he believes that there is no adequate payment for his work, but as a result he loses the pleasure of work and respect for himself as a professional.

How to combine your strengths and weaknesses? The Ace of Cups came up. He is in a negative relationship with the 6th card. (Fire-Water) + the card is turned upside down, which means it is blocked. In order to overcome your weaknesses and take advantage of your strengths, you need to voluntarily give up something, sacrifice. Perhaps you need to give up your previous standard of living, tighten your belt until you can improve your work situation. In this case, motivation will arise (the strong side) and the apathy of the weak will be overcome. Judging by the inversion of the card, the son is still resisting this and is postponing the decision.

What to do to find a good job? – Power reversed. In a negative relationship with the previous card, but in a positive relationship with the central one (destination!) + the card is inverted. Based on this card, I would say that he still needs to make an effort. You need to overcome yourself and get down to business. You may even have to spend money on courses or other additional training, and make an investment in yourself. There is no other way to change the situation. Judging by the fact that the card is upside down, he doesn’t want this yet, he is resisting with all his might the need to show will and perseverance.

Where and when can he find a job? – Moon inverted in a positive relationship with the 8th card (Water - Earth) + the card is reversed. This map does not answer the question of where and when. While he is not yet ready to solve this situation, he needs to solve his internal problems.

Who will help? 6 of pentacles. In a positive relationship with the 7th card and in a negative relationship with the 9th.
He will be assisted in overcoming the internal crisis. This will be a generous person who loves to provide patronage, but it will not be possible to find your destiny through this person. You'll have to look for it yourself.

7 of swords is in:
+ neutral relationship with the 1st card (situation),
+ strengthening from the 3rd (strengths),
+ positive from the 6th (what to do?),
+ negative from the 8th (who can help?).

From this alone we can conclude that the son must cope with everything on his own, without relying on the help of the people around him, and the severity of the situation will help him in this.

As for the purpose itself, I would say that he has a predisposition to collect information, the ability to achieve his goal in roundabout ways. He sees hidden opportunities and likes to look for loopholes to realize those opportunities.

For a long time, people have sought to know their future, to understand what they will experience and what situations and people will accompany them throughout life. Modern psychology has been able to explain the secrets of the skill of fortune-tellers, including on cards: the answers to all the questions that interest us about our future are already embedded in a person’s subconscious, and fortune-telling symbols help intuition to find the correct answer. Tarot cards are such a serious tool for fortune telling about the future with the help of symbols of your subconscious, which will help solve any problems set by a person. With the help of Tarot cards, you can not only find out the future or avoid many mistakes in life, but also find answers to deep philosophical questions about life and its laws that will help you understand yourself, relationships with others and the laws of this world in which we are all We live in the present moment.

We offer an interesting method for determining your spiritual essence, based on the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot, developed by Dorothy Morrison.

To do this, you need to add together all the numbers of your birthday until you get a whole number greater than 22. If your birth number is greater than 22, then you need to add both numbers again. If your birth number is from 1 to 22, then you no longer need to add further. After this, you just need to look into the interpretation of the symbols of the Tarot cards and understand your spiritual essence and your mission in this life, in this incarnation.

1. Mage
You have a very important goal. You are here to solve other people's problems, restore broken relationships, and turn situations around for everyone's benefit. There's no need to feel overwhelmed, really. Just take each task one at a time and know that your efforts will make the world a better place.
2. High Priestess
Communication, connection is the main direction of the High Priestess’s activity. This means a direct connection between two worlds - the spiritual and the physical (earthly). Know that you are the conduit through which information is exchanged, and your job is to help others stay in balance between these two areas.
3. Empress
You were born to provide friendly support to your neighbors and to take care of them. You must support people's pursuit of their goals, help them grow their dreams, and help them turn their dreams into reality. In doing so, you must be guided by a feeling of selfless love. Remember that this kind of love is never obligatory or binding. Instead, it simply flows like a river—eternal, endless, and all-encompassing.
4. Emperor
Your main occupation is distributing advice and guiding others on the right path. Therefore, before giving advice, try to consider the situation from all sides. If you have to criticize, then let that criticism be constructive and with good intentions. In other words, your job is to make the journey of life easier for others.
5. Hierophant
Hierophant means an unconditional explorer: you must find options, opportunities and new perspectives for those who themselves are not able to discern them. It is, without a doubt, an easy job. However, you should know that it plays an important role in the structure of the universe
6. Lovers
Your mission relates to the sphere of relationships - intimate and otherwise. Your job is to help others understand the value of stable relationships, the importance of honoring commitments, fair play, and making sure that people live up to these principles. The other side of your mission is to discover relationships that cause harm and suffering to people and show them options for ending them.
7. Chariot
The Chariot signifies the unconditional initiator and originator - its mission appears as completion. In this case, your job is to help other people start and finish things they start—even in situations that seem impossible. By demonstrating the need to always finish what you start, you will not only help them understand that nothing is unattainable, but also give them the courage to constantly move forward along their chosen path in life.
8. Strength
Strength has nothing to do with brute force, it is in the realm of human belief. Strength helps you stand up for your beliefs, regardless of whether they are right or wrong. However, keep in mind that your job is not only to help others fight for their principles, but also to show them when their beliefs are wrong, give them the courage to admit it and help them get on the right path.
9. Hermit
The Hermit shows that you are the guardian of the Universal Light. But this work is not easy. Your mission will be not only to instill in other people a sense of self-confidence and self-worth, but also to convince them to unleash their light - talents, abilities, etc., so that they can shine for the rest of the world. Know that by doing your job well, you will not only help those around you feel valued, but you will make the whole world a little better.
10. Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune is in constant motion, so you often feel like you are spinning on a merry-go-round. In this case, your job is to help those around you get through the daily ups and downs more easily. Be happy when they get to the top. Encourage them when they are down. And always remind them of the spinning wheel - because once you reach the bottom, there is nowhere else to go but up.
11. Justice
You have an innate sense of fair play. In this case, you will have to tell others when they are going too far, or when they need to step back and do some soul-searching. But that's not all. It is also important to encourage those who lack the courage to stand up for themselves. Only then will people wake up and get their share of justice, which they undoubtedly deserve.
12. Hanged Man
The Hanged Man represents the balance between the earthly world and the spiritual world. This means that it is up to you to make sure that other people are convinced of the importance of these worlds. When there is too much of one or the other, life turns into continuous difficulties. Your help in establishing inner balance will not only make life easier for those around you, but will also give you a sense of satisfaction that you have never experienced before.
13. Death
Your mission on this map does not carry anything tragic. You'll have to tell others when it's time to stop, when it's time to start over, and when it's time to bring fresh ideas to the table. On a universal scale, this is a very important work, because without your help, both the spiritual world and the earthly world will literally cease to exist.
14. Moderation
Patience, moderation and simplicity are the key words of the Spiritual Essence described by the Temperance card. In our fast-changing world, your mission takes on special importance: you will have to actively search for ways to help other people understand that you cannot rest on your laurels, because there is always the next peak. It is also extremely important to show them that a simple life, devoid of social and material pitfalls, makes life's journey much easier.
15. Devil
Your mission on this card involves teaching others to take only the good from life, and explaining that they deserve it. To complete such a task often requires great effort, since human nature tends to be lazy and relaxed with great happiness and comfort. In this case, it is up to you to prove that the Universe offers only what is necessary, and to refuse its help means that next time you will not receive a new gift.
16. Tower
You must become an initiator and a starter. It's your job to come up with new ideas and demonstrate new opportunities, even if they aren't popular. Know that it is often necessary to shake up those who sink and fall into laziness and swamp, because changes - which are rarely pleasant - are always inevitable, and without them humanity will stop in its development. Therefore, your task is of utmost importance.
17. Star
The star performs one of the most important spiritual tasks: to give hope. Keep in mind that it is your responsibility to help others learn to love themselves and not be ashamed. If you manage to do this hard work, people will understand that there are no unattainable personal goals, no matter how incredible they may seem at first glance.
18. Moon
You need to make people aware of the changes happening around them. Help them take off their rose-colored glasses and then present them with the facts. Only then will they be able to see the world in its true light. And only then will they live the life destined for them, for which they were born.
19. Sun
The Sun is a very lucky card - it makes your mission easy, fun and not burdensome. You need to convince others that the Universe and God are smiling on them, that success is inevitable. And in this case, all you need to do is reach out, take your luck and enjoy the happiness you deserve.
20. Court
It's your job to help others look at both sides of the coin and make decisions based entirely on facts. Since it is human nature to follow the voice of the heart rather than the mind, this is by no means an easy task. And although your work will be difficult, know that it is very important, because thanks to your efforts, those around you will learn to make firm decisions that will help them cope with the hardships of life with dignity and make their path easier.
21. Peace
Completing your task is extremely simple - you just need to demonstrate to others that they are in the best position to have everything they want. All you need to do for this is just ask. At the same time, you must explain that all requests must be very specific. The Universe distinguishes only black and white colors, and can only provide an exact copy of what is asked of it.
22. Jester
Your Spiritual Essence irresistibly strives for knowledge. And you have to constantly absorb it. Explore, study the reality around you and share your discoveries with others. Know that those who have learned something from you will, in turn, also share with you the information you need.

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Numerology allows us to determine a person’s inclinations and abilities - both social and creative. Taking into account the meaning of the Destiny number will help you make the right choice in life.

Determining the value of the Destiny number

I propose to start with the practice of calculation, which indicates the purpose of a person. You need to add the sum of the digits of the day, month and date of birth, and then reduce the resulting sum to one digit using theosophical addition method.

For example, a person’s date of birth is 05/11/1965. We add: 1+1+5+1+9+6+5, we get 28, then 2+8 will be 10. Zero is not taken into account in this method, which means that in the end we get 1.

After calculating the Destiny number using the proposed method, you should understand your spiritual qualities in detail in order to follow your true path. This will be helped by analyzing the characteristics of possible numerical values.

What do the obtained figures indicate?

So, let's move on to considering the features of the meanings of numbers from 1 to 9. The methodology for calculating characteristics is based on a general synthesis of numerological analysis and esoteric correspondences.

Meaning of number 1

Your purpose is constant development, self-improvement in different directions. Over time, having learned the truth of life's path, you can become a teacher for those who are at a crossroads. As a rule, during their lives a few can move from one direction to another, but those who can flawlessly understand all the subtleties and intricacies of fate can, over time, create their own system of spiritual values, which will be passed on to students or interested people.

Meaning of number 2

Your purpose is to be a peacemaker, helping people who have fallen into one of the extremes of life. Your wisdom and ability to find a middle ground will allow you to find the key to the heart of every person to help him get rid of doubts and mental anguish. Your strength is to act as a sage who does not insist on anything straightforwardly, but gives a person the opportunity to lean towards the side of good.

Meaning of number 3

Your mission is to find the best spiritual mentors and teachers, whose knowledge you can convey to those who need it. This is the path of the student who surpasses his teacher. It is very important that you do not doubt your abilities, continuing to constantly do what your soul tells you. Resistance to obstacles will strengthen your will and move to a higher spiritual level.

Meaning of number 4

Your purpose is to serve the community. Creating your own school or participating in the development of any spiritual direction will bear fruit. You constantly need to be surrounded by like-minded people and engage in creative processes. It is very important that plans do not remain just theory, but go into practice and real activity for the benefit of others.

Meaning of number 5

Your destiny lies in the path of a spiritual hermit who learns the truth and wisdom of life through personal experience. By developing the strong-willed qualities and superpowers of your body, you will eventually learn to use your gift for the benefit of others. Beware of despondency and disappointment, otherwise progress along the spiritual path will stop. Always try to realize that the hardships and difficulties you have experienced only strengthen your spirit, helping you overcome your own fears.

Meaning of number 6

Your purpose is to be a follower, to bring the acquired knowledge to people. By mastering important information layers, you can easily cope with conveying sacred knowledge in an accessible form. But absolute sincerity and kindness can provoke betrayals among those you trust most. Therefore, it is very important that on your life path you choose those people who pursue spiritual, rather than mercantile, goals, then the Higher Powers will contribute to all your endeavors.

Meaning of number 7

Your purpose is to provoke people, giving them the opportunity to make their choice. This is a difficult path that you will have to go through to the end, but those who are truly ready to follow you through life will remain with you. Your willpower has enormous potential, so you need to constantly improve and reach new heights. Superiority over others can cause pride; try to initially fight this quality, transforming it into increasing your spiritual level.

Meaning of number 8

Your purpose is to fight for justice by helping people achieve their goals. Using your gift, you can easily convince people to take the path of true moral values. But while you are busy with others, you can forget about your loved ones, so you need to try to devote more time to your family. It is very important that you find the strength to continue what you have started, despite obstacles and contradictions with society. Your path is a constant struggle against lawlessness and immorality, as well as helping those who are ready for personal transformation.

Meaning of number 9

Your purpose is to become a spiritual mentor to those who are weaker than you. Using your experience, you can help those who are ready to develop, but do not know what to do for this. Public speaking will allow you to convey your true values ​​to a large number of people. You need to develop your speaking skills to realize your potential and help as many “lost souls” as possible.

So, after analyzing the information received, you will be able to understand what your purpose is, and this will allow you to follow your true path. An individual numerological analysis of the matrix will allow you to find out much more information about the possibilities of social and spiritual application of your innate inclinations.

We have all wondered at least once in our lives why we live and what is the meaning of our lives. This is a philosophical and complex question, but Tarot cards can lift the curtain a little on this mystery. With their help, you can determine the ray of mission - the energy of your destiny, under which this or that person was born on earth. In this energy, [...]

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Surely each of us sooner or later begins to ask the question: “What is my purpose in life?” Someone sincerely believes that his activity is his purpose, while others are tormented by doubts and the person thinks all his adult life that he is not doing what he should do according to the laws of the Universe.

There are many ways to discover your purpose in life. And one of the most common is numerology. With the help of this science, you can find out your destination by date of birth, even without the involvement of qualified numerologists.

Psychological portrait on Tarot

A simple way to calculate the life number, which will tell a person about his life goals and indicate the right path for him to fully fulfill his destiny given to him by the Universe.

I immediately wanted to say: don’t be scared by cards like the Hangman, Death, Devil, Tower - there are no bad signs, each of the Tarot cards has positive and negative sides. It is only important to choose the key to this or that card in order to use its energy without harming yourself.

It is important! When calculating the purpose of a child’s life, be careful with the interpretation, because relying on only one of the tasks of the child’s life path can harm the child by omitting his other skills and abilities given by the Universe. To find out the purpose of children, you need to analyze the entire psychotype of a person by date of birth by contacting an experienced numerologist. In addition, most people do not work in those areas that are destined for them by the Universe, but at the same time they cope excellently with fulfilling their life tasks. After all, the personality of each individual is multifaceted and unique, so you should not fit it into one purpose given to him by the Forces from Above. But it’s still worth evaluating and recognizing one of the sides of your “life mission.” Shall we get started?

Calculating your life purpose

  1. We write down our date of birth in the following format: day, month and year. For example, December 23, 1987. If you were born from the 23rd to the 31st, then subtract the number 22 from it. Based on the indicated date of birth, 23-22 = 1.
  2. We write down the numbers of the month in which we were born. In our situation - 12.
  3. We add all the numbers of the year together - 1 9 8 7 = 25. If the total number turns out to be more than 22, then you need to subtract 22. In our case, 25-22=3.
  4. Next we add up all the resulting digital values ​​- 1 12 3 = 16. It is by this number that you can find out the purpose of a person by the specified date of birth.
  5. If the final number is greater than 22, then subtract 22. For example, 12/12/1992=12 12 21=45-22=23. If the sum again turns out to be greater than 22, then again subtracts 22 - 23-22 = 1.

So, the purpose of a person who was born on December 23, 1987 is 16. Now let's look at what each number means.

What is destined for you by fate?

The interpretation of the method of determining life purpose by date of birth consists of 22 digits. Let's consider each of them separately.

Digit 1

Life purpose – Mage. The purpose of your life is to convey important information to others, help with wise advice and create harmony and beauty through words. A dialogue with such a person leaves an indelible mark on people’s souls, since they will be able to touch with words the secrets and pains of their souls. Such an individual should perceive himself as anyone and work on self-development.

People of this type are often engaged in journalistic and translation activities, and become sensational writers, psychologists and esotericists. They are taught numerology and astrology.

Digit 2

Number two corresponds to the Tarot card - The High Priestess. Life purpose according to the date of birth, which in total gave the number 2, is knowledge of the inner world, self-development and work with large amounts of information. The attention of holders of a two should be directed to matters related to the natural sciences, natural history, as well as the protection of the animal world. The desire to understand other people and help those who have lost their way in life to find their purpose.

The professions of ecologists, psychologists, doctors, teachers of secret sciences, analysts and diagnosticians are suitable for such people.

Digit 3

Life card - Empress. A person who received the number 3 from the calculation needs to pay attention to areas of activity related to beauty, culture and art. A woman with a C in her date of birth needs to reveal her feminine side, and representatives of the stronger sex need to learn to understand fragile creatures.

Preferred professions: stylist, interior designer, artist, jewelry maker, art critic, preschool teacher. And such people also make good, sensitive and attentive parents.

Digit 4

The life number corresponds to the Emperor card. Such individuals must follow their professional destiny and leave their mark in this matter. It is important for such individuals to learn how to manage a household not only within their family, but also in life. Teaching the professionalism of other people is the task of a person who received the number 4 by date of birth. Representatives of the stronger sex should pay attention to the manifestation of masculinity in solving problem situations, and women should not take a dominant position in the family, get married and maintain harmony and harmony in relationships with other half.

The following professions are intended for such people: running a business, personnel management, and working in the military sphere.

Number 5

Life card - High Priest. Delivering wise knowledge, justice and patience are the main character traits of the people over whom the Priest stands. Obtaining knowledge and passing it on to others is the true purpose of a person with an A in his date of birth.

The Universe directs such people to engage with historical facts, philosophy, social studies of aspects of life and scientific activities. But most often, a person with the number 5 in his date of birth finds himself in teaching.

Number 6

Life Tarot card - Lovers. Such people choose with their hearts, are guided by intuition and independently make the right decisions. Do not divide people into social, racial and material strata: each of us deserves to be loved, happy and successful.

Such a person is destined to become a good doctor, an actor's troupe worker, a good family man.

Number 7

The card encrypted in this number is the Chariot. The desire to change the world through their own success, professionalism and recognition is the true goal of people who received a seven by date of birth. Learn not to remain in the shadow of other people, show your “I” and do not be afraid to make attempts to change the world around you. Be reasonable, but don't let people manipulate you. Learn to say no to situations that interfere with achieving your goals.

The following professions are suitable for such people:

  • businessman;
  • driver;
  • conducting transport affairs;
  • military and business management in this area.

Number 8

Life card – Justice. The karat itself dictates the life of the individual with an eight in the task. A deep understanding of the importance of justice, upholding the rights of humans and other living beings and protecting those who truly need it. Such people should not miss situations that infringe on the rights of others. Don't bury your head in the sand like an ostrich when the person next to you suffers from dishonesty. Be supportive of those in need, perhaps someone’s life or fate depends on your help. If you spread goodness and kindness, you will receive the same in return. Bad deeds will bring misfortune.

The Universe directs people with an eight in their total date of birth into the following types of activities: advocacy, bailiffs, animal rights activists, human rights activists. Also suitable are professions related to record keeping, or those professions that require accuracy and attentiveness.

Number 9

Life purpose – Hermit. Spiritual self-improvement, regular work on oneself, learning wisdom and experience is the task of Hermit people. Such individuals should learn not from their own mistakes, but from the mistakes of others, adopting their bitter experience and teaching the wisdom of other people.

How to find out your destination by date of birth? 9 human characters. Astrology by date of birth

My purpose. How to find out by date of birth?

Date of birth and purpose of a person. Part 1

Your calling in life. How to define it.

Hermit individuals find themselves in the role of teacher, esotericist, philosopher, scientist, historian, social worker, dealing with the elderly and lonely people.

Number 10

The Wheel of Fortune is a Tarot card showing the life purpose of people with a ten in the task. Learn to manage your finances correctly. Find something in between the spiritual and physical sides of the human body. The life goals of an individual are to achieve good material well-being for his family, and then to provide material assistance to those in need. Learn to behave honestly, be careful when gambling, know how to stop in a timely manner.

The universe is predicted to work in the financial sector, as well as areas related to the reincarnation of the soul.

Number 11

Life card - Strength. The goal in life is to take care of the body in terms of the physical aspect and achieve sincere feelings of love. Give preference to active spending of your free time, maintain physical fitness and share your experience with others. Do not suppress your strength, courage, courage, leadership. Stop being afraid to show off your strengths and skills.

Such individuals can work in law enforcement agencies and military institutions, reach heights in sports, and enjoy massage.

Number 12

The Tarot card responsible for the fate of people with the number 12 in the problem is the Hangman. The goal in life is to control your emotional state and experiences. Learn to cope with fears and uncertainty. Look at problems from different angles, look for ways out of them. Such people are not recommended to “look into the glass” and, even more so, to look towards drugs and other psychotropic drugs. Moreover, get rid of bad habits and guide other people on the path of a healthy lifestyle.

A person with the number 12 in the problem shows himself well as a scientist, psychologist, philosopher and art critic.

Number 13

The Death Card is destined by the Universe for people who fall into this category. The desire for harmony in the soul, regardless of external factors, is the task of life. The development of altruism and selfless help should become a life credo.

A person becomes a good doctor, nurse, veterinarian, social worker, rescuer, firefighter, stuntman or emergency worker.

Number 14

Moderation - this is what people who received the number 14 in the problem should strive for. Find a middle ground in everything you deal with. Look for compromises, take the necessary actions in order to solve the problem as quickly and “painlessly” as possible.

People with Moderation in the lasso will easily master the following specialties:

  • intermediary between business partners;
  • peacemaker;
  • social worker;
  • tour guide;
  • guide to famous places;
  • watchmaker;
  • healer.

Number 15

Arcana Tarot - Devil. Such people have many life tasks:

  • control of your energy and its correct distribution;
  • getting rid of various kinds of temptations and addictions;
  • understanding the difference between forced sacrifice and the victim’s position;
  • control of bioenergy at the subconscious level and determining the role of sex in human existence.

Such people make excellent businessmen, healers, esotericists, showmen, and psychologists.

Number 16

The tower in the Tarot lasso indicates that you should be engaged in construction in life. This can be either the building of family relationships, home life, or more global construction projects, such as buildings, enterprises, institutions, etc.

Such people find their purpose in the administrative field of activity, in architecture, creating programs for electronic media, setting up information networks between branches of the same company.

Number 17

Tarot card - Star. Developing talent, both artistic and artistic, is the goal of life. Learn to be creative in anything you do. Fill the world around you with beauty.

People with the number 17 in the task achieve heights in artistic activity, art, astrology, as well as in friendship with their loved ones.

Number 18

Life card - Moon. The purpose of life is the fight against fears, uncertainty, self-development and the development of intuition and imagination. Recreate the coziness and comfort of your home and give it to other people.

Life professions: cook, psychologist, doctor, adviser, fortune teller. Fields of activity such as numerology and astrology are also suitable.

Number 19

The Sun in the Tarot lasso says that a person must bring help, warmth, calmness and faith into the souls of those around him into this world. When communicating with such a person, the interlocutor understands that not everything is as bad as it really seems. Build proper self-esteem. Don't build your life on self-centeredness and self-destruction.

Life path - politics, work in a leadership position, creativity.

Number 20

Arcana Tarot - Judgment. Life goals:

  • formation and maintenance of harmony in family relationships;
  • providing assistance of any kind in relation to family and friends;
  • studying the family tree and passing on information to children and grandchildren;
  • reconsidering life values, relying on impartiality and humanity.

People with the Court card in the lasso find themselves in historical sciences, the psychology of family relationships, family healing, advocacy, and the performance of legal and judicial duties.

Number 21

The world is the meaning of the number 21 in the problem. Learn to treat people of other races with tolerance and impartiality. Create harmony around yourself and plunge into self-development and achieving a state of complete peace.

A person with the World in the lasso finds his purpose in such areas of activity as:

  • translator;
  • travel expert;
  • expert on cultural issues of different nations;
  • technology center employee.

Number 22

Life card - Jester. Purpose – working with children, creating something new and unusual, traveling. Learn to take a leadership position and independently attempt to resolve a given situation. Don't let fear and anger overcome your soul. Such people most often work as teachers in kindergartens and preschool institutions, and are also associated with humor and travel.

Life path test

Another option for determining purpose by date of birth. This test allows you to find out online why you were born into this world. And numerology will help us with this.

Thus, people who were born on the 1st, 2nd, 11th, 12th, 21st, 22nd, 30th and 31st of any month can direct their vital energy to solving problems related to moral and moral qualities. The purpose of life is to help those in need.

Those born on the 3rd, 13th and 23rd will find themselves in professions related to order and precision. Such individuals enjoy:

  • classes in exact sciences - mathematics, physics, etc.;
  • jurisprudence;
  • cutting clothes;
  • drawing up architectural calculations.

If you were born on the 5th, 15th or 25th of any month, then your life task is to unleash your creative potential. Moreover, it can be either your talent or someone else’s. Teaching at a music institution, art school, writing literary works, working in the theater, etc.

People born on the 4th, 14th and 24th can master professions that involve routine and monotony. And for those born on the 9th, 19th and 29th, it will be easier to work in administrative bodies, solving pressing civil issues.

People with 7 in their birth number (7, 17, 27) can comprehend any field of activity, and those who have 6 in their date of birth are better off directing their energy to creating spiritual issues.

Knowing your life purpose, you can direct your energy to change your destiny for the better, the right way!

May happiness, luck and prosperity accompany you throughout your life!
