War and peace of General Troshev. What legacy did the deceased Hero of the Russian Federation leave (9 photos)

Eight years ago on this day, all news broadcasts began with the same message. Early in the morning of September 14, 2008, a Boeing 737 plane crashed during landing in Perm, killing everyone on board. Any plane crash of this magnitude is a great grief, but that tragedy caused a special resonance. Many people were shocked by the news that among the passengers was the legendary Gennady Troshev, flying to a sambo tournament and the opening of a children's sports school. Death famous people, especially under such circumstances, a priori attracts increased attention. But then the reason was not only that this man’s name was on everyone’s lips.

Many people knew, loved and respected Gennady Troshev closely for his deeds and actions. He was a versatile person, but it so happened that his main services to the country were closely related to the army and war. And even his father’s behest could not change anything in his fate. As if providence was preparing him to play an important role in the history of Russia at a turning point in its history.

Gennady Nikolaevich was born into the family of a combat pilot who graduated from the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War in Berlin. After the Victory Nikolay Troshev at the age of only 43, he fell under Khrushchev's large-scale reduction of the Soviet Armed Forces. In just a few years, more than three million soldiers and officers lost their shoulder straps. Out of frustration, the father then said to his son: “Don’t let your foot in the army!” And at first he obeyed. The future Hero of Russia entered college to become an architect, but soon realized that the desire for military service was much stronger than the will of his parent. As a result, he left the civilian university and submitted documents to the Kazan Higher Tank Command School. Thus began his long, difficult and eventful military service.

War on the land of childhood

An almost mystical predestination can be found in various circumstances of this person’s life. He was born in 1947 in the “capital” of the recently ended war - Berlin. And straight from there, as a newborn, he ended up with his parents in the city of the future war - Grozny (many sources even write that he was born there). It was in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic that Gennady Troshev spent his childhood, which subsequently played a big role in the fate of the inhabitants of this long-suffering corner of Russia.

At the command post in the Kadar zone during the fighting in Chechnya. Photo:

Seven years of General Troshev’s life were closely connected with the fighting in Chechnya. From 1995 to 2002, he brought order there in several different positions. He began as commander of the 58th Army and ended as commander of the entire North Caucasus Military District. But no matter who he was listed on the papers, his principles and strategy did not change. Historians and people who knew General Troshev closely highlight several key points in his approach to resolving the conflict, which had a great impact on the outcome of events in the republic. Firstly, he consciously went to this war, although for him, who grew up in Chechnya, it was not easy.

“Of course, it’s a shame. Of course, it’s hard to fight on your own land, Russian soil. Moreover, where he was born and raised,” he once admitted to a journalist, sighing heavily.

Unlike some colleagues, the general was not afraid of the enormous responsibility. For example, at one time first deputy commander-in-chief ground forces Eduard Vorobyov he simply did not want to take command of the operation in Chechnya. He cited her unpreparedness and filed a letter of resignation. There were other refuseniks.

“Not everyone even took on this matter, because you need to understand that at that time everything in the army was very difficult,” says daughter of a military leader Natalya Belokobylskaya, who is the president of the General Troshev Foundation for Patriotic Education of Youth. “And it seems to me that one of my father’s main merits is that he was, in principle, able to form and prepare combat-ready forces to fight the enemy.” We didn’t see the whole picture then, but now we understand that we were fighting in Chechnya against a global evil—terrorism.”

In the hospital with wounded servicemen. Photo: General Troshev Foundation for Patriotic Education of Youth

Victory without weapons

The most important point was the strategy of Gennady Troshev in Chechnya. On the one hand, he was opposed to any truce with the bandits, which would give them the opportunity to lick their wounds and then continue to rob, take hostages and kill.

“Any stop to the war is a half-measure and a crime,” said the general. “Only by completely destroying and dispersing the gangs will we be able to live and work in peace.”

And the experience of prisoners in 1996 Khasavyurt agreements clearly proved the truth of these words. In subsequent years, religious extremism spread in Chechnya, which resulted in an attack by international gangs on Dagestan and the resumption of large-scale hostilities.

At the same time, Gennady Troshev was always ready to negotiate with the enemy in order to avoid human losses. The military leader understood well that many of the residents of the republic who took up arms were simply brainwashed. Radical and other forces from abroad were actively involved in this. That is why in 1999 he began a dialogue with the Chechen mufti Akhmad Kadyrov, who previously declared jihad against the Russian military, but then changed his position to pro-Russian. Thanks to this, the second largest and most important city in Chechnya, Gudermes, was soon liberated from the bandits without a fight. Everyone also knows what an important role Kadyrov later played in establishing peace in Chechnya.

Gennady Troshev was always ready to negotiate in order to avoid human losses. Photo: General Troshev Foundation for Patriotic Education of Youth

And Gennady Nikolaevich is given credit for the fact that in many ways it was his efforts that led to a turning point in the information war against federal troops. Moreover, these attacks were not only from enemy “trenches”, but also from behind.

“Politicians brought the situation in Chechnya to the point of bloodshed, and the military had to clean up everything,” continues Natalya Belokobylskaya. “And for this, many later called them murderers.” This was partly due to the closed nature of the army, because no one gave any interviews. People didn’t understand what was happening and didn’t trust anyone. And Gennady Nikolaevich was able to convey the necessary information, correctly place the accents and reduce the intensity.”

It is interesting that during all these events the general carefully kept diaries, which later formed the basis of his books. There are three of them: “My war. Chechen diary of a trench general", "Chechen relapse. Notes of the commander" and "Chechen break".

Gennady Troshev signs his book about the Chechen war for the soldiers. Photo: General Troshev Foundation for Patriotic Education of Youth

Hero, Cossack and just a family man

The merits of Gennady Troshev were recognized at the very high level. In 1999, for the counter-terrorism operation in Chechnya and Dagestan, he received the gold star of the Hero of Russia. At the end of 2002, he was appointed commander of the troops of the Siberian Military District, but due to his convictions, he publicly refused this position, after which he was sent to the reserve. But soon a new and also very important page in his life began.

President Boris Yeltsin presents Gennady Troshev with the Hero of Russia medal. December 1999. Photo: General Troshev Foundation for Patriotic Education of Youth

In February 2003, he became an adviser to the Russian President on Cossack issues. And this was not just an honorary position, which is often given to retired managers for past services. The fact is that Gennady Troshev was a hereditary Terek Cossack and always dreamed of making his contribution to the revival and unification of the entire Russian Cossacks. And he succeeded in this too. His great merit is considered to be the adoption in 2005 of the federal law “On public service Russian Cossacks,” something his predecessor failed to do for a whole decade. Knowledgeable people they say that in the process of this work Gennady Troshev spent a lot of nerves and made many enemies.

He also paid great attention to working with youth. He supported children's sports and was actively involved in the creation of Cossack cadet corps. As a result, even almost all of Gennady Troshev’s grandchildren also joined the cadets.

Meeting with students of the Yakut Cadet Corps. Photo: General Troshev Foundation for Patriotic Education of Youth

"My eldest daughter At first I didn’t want to enter the cadet corps,” says Natalya Belokobylskaya. “But in the year of her father’s death, she herself told me that she would go there because her grandfather wanted it that way.” Then she pulled her middle-aged daughter towards her, and after that they settled down together on her youngest son. They said stop sitting near my mother’s skirt. So everyone became cadets. It’s hard to say where they will go next, but I would really like there to be continuers of military affairs. After all, everyone in our family served: both men and women.”

The young Troshev family. Photo: General Troshev Foundation for Patriotic Education of Youth

According to her, Gennady Troshev was always very worried about the military, about the entire army and would probably be happy about the changes taking place in it. But at the same time, she says that her father was not a rude soldier, as the military is often called.

“I have three children, and he personally came to pick each one up from the maternity hospital,” recalls Natalya Belokobylskaya. “I was even surprised by such a reverent and attentive attitude, because he is still a man, an officer.” In general, he was very caring not only with his family. He was keenly interested in the affairs of the children of his friends, acquaintances, colleagues, and could call and ask how they were doing. I don’t even know how he managed to do it all, but that was his character. He was also a very cheerful, pleasant and non-offensive person. We all miss him very much."

Gennady Troshev was a very cheerful person. Photo: General Troshev Foundation for Patriotic Education of Youth

There were many cities in the fate of Gennady Troshev, but last years lives were connected with Krasnodar. His father learned to defeat the Nazis at a local flight school, and he and his family moved to Kuban due to the start of the second Chechen campaign in 1999. According to Natalya Belokobylskaya, at that moment my father didn’t even have his own apartment, but they gave him housing in Krasnodar. Later, the family acquired a house, not far from which there is a small cemetery and a church. Hearing its bell ringing, for some reason Gennady Troshev always said to his relatives: “You hear, that’s where you’ll bury me.” That is why, after the death of the head of the family, his widow Larisa had no doubts about the burial place, although they were offered different options. The relatives of Hero of Russia Gennady Troshev are glad that they can quickly reach his grave at any time, and remember him every time they hear the bell ringing.

There were legends about General Troshev. Thus, he could stay awake for days, sharing with his subordinates all the hardships of military life (the soldiers lovingly called him “father”). He personally flew over the combat area in a helicopter, and in the battle for Argun he gave commands from the air, from the window. Somehow, in the fog, the helicopter almost ran into a high-voltage line, and only the skill of the pilot Alexander Dzyuba, who had flown through Afghanistan, saved the commander’s life. Another time, the general’s helicopter was shot down and landed right in the cemetery. But no one was hurt.

Troshev tried, where he could, to avoid bloodshed. The Vostok group often managed to take populated areas without a fight. For the operation in Dagestan and the courage shown during military operations in Chechnya, the general was awarded the title of Hero of Russia. The award was presented personally by President Boris Yeltsin.

Unlike his other colleagues, Gennady Troshev was always open to the press and wrote several books about the events in Chechnya, the most famous of which is “My War. Chechen diary of a trench general" (2001).

In December 2002, Troshev received a new appointment - to head the Siberian Military District. And this after so many years of life and career were given to the Caucasus! The general resigned. In February 2003, he took the position of presidential adviser, overseeing Cossack issues. It was rumored that all this was not just like that. They say that the general was seriously guilty: his name was associated with the death of the legendary sixth company of 90 special forces who stood in the way of a two-thousand-strong group of militants trying to break through to the Argun Gorge area. But this is just speculation, there are no direct facts...

Graduated from the Kazan Higher Command Tank School (1969), the Military Academy of Armored Forces (1976), and the Military Academy of the General Staff (1988).

Served in tank troops in various positions. Since 1994 - commander of the 42nd Vladikavkaz Army Corps in the North Caucasus Military District.

1995-1997 - Commander of the 58th Army of the North Caucasus Military District. During the First Chechen war- Commander of the United Group of Forces of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in Chechnya. Lieutenant General (decree of May 5, 1995).

In 1997, he was appointed deputy commander of the North Caucasus Military District (NCMD).

In August 1999, he led a group of federal forces that repelled a militant attack on Dagestan. With the beginning of the Second Chechen War, he was commander of the Vostok group of the United Federal Forces in the North Caucasus.

Since January 2000 - First Deputy Commander of the Joint Group of Federal Forces in the North Caucasus. Colonel General (February 2000).

In April - June 2000 - commander of the United Group of Federal Forces in the North Caucasus.

In May 2000 - December 2002 - commander of the troops of the North Caucasus Military District of the North Caucasus Military District.

Best of the day

In March 2001, he supported Yuri Budanov, who was accused of murder and rape, during the trial Chechen girl Elsa Kungaeva.

Since February 2003 - Advisor to the President Russian Federation(dealt with Cossack issues).

Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 2nd class (2008).

He died in a plane crash of an Aeroflot-Nord Boeing 737-500 within the city of Perm, where Gennady Troshev was flying to a sambo tournament, at 3:11 am (Moscow time) on September 14, 2008. He was buried in the village of Severny, near Krasnodar.


"My war. Chechen diary of a trench general" (2001)

"Chechen relapse" (2003)

"Chechen Break" (2008)


Hero of the Russian Federation (1999) - for the anti-terrorist operation in Dagestan and Chechnya

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (June 23, 2008) - for great contribution to ensuring the activities of the President of the Russian Federation and many years of public service

Order of Military Merit (1995)

Order of Friendship of Peoples (1994)

Order "For Service to the Motherland in Armed Forces USSR" III degree (1990)

Order of Leon (Abkhazia)

Order named after Akhmat Kadyrov (Chechnya, 2007)

Honorary citizen of the cities: Prokhladny (2000) and Nalchik (2002) of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Makhachkala (2000) of the Republic of Dagestan, Shali (2001) of the Chechen Republic.

Perpetuation of memory

Krasnoznamennaya Street in Grozny has been renamed Gennady Troshev Street.

The Star of the Hero of Russia (duplicate) and personal belongings of General Troshev will be kept in the cadet school in the Yakut village of Chernyshevsky, the opening of which was attended by the general on September 1, 2008. After the plane crash, the school was named after Troshev.

The 1st Dagestan Cadet Corps is named after Troshev.

In Smolensk new street named after General Troshev.

In Kuban, the Kropotkin Cossack Cadet Corps was named after General Troshev.

In the Volgograd region, the Samolshinskaya cadet boarding school is named after General Troshev G.N.

It was named after Colonel General Gennady Troshev, who died in the fall of 2008 as a result of the crash of a Boeing 737 airliner in Perm. high school in Nalchik, where he studied from 1958 to 1965. The decision to perpetuate the memory of Hero of Russia, veteran of the Chechen war Troshev, was made by the local government council after the corresponding initiative was taken by the administration of school No. 11, where a museum of the colonel general was opened several years ago, Interfax reports. The city authorities also renamed Shkolnaya Street, located next to educational institution, in General Troshev Street. In addition, it was decided to install a memorial plaque at house No. 136 on Ivanova Street. As the press service of the Nalchik administration noted, it was in this house that Troshev lived.

On the facade of the headquarters building of the North Caucasus Military District in Rostov-on-Don there is a memorial plaque to Colonel General Gennady Troshev, in addition, one of the streets of the Leventsovsky district, which is being built on the western outskirts of Rostov-on-Don, is named after him.

A large ocean-going freezer trawler in Primorye, equipped with modern technological equipment, will be named after General Gennady Troshev, who died in a plane crash in Perm.

Boeing-737. There were 88 people on board the crashed airliner: 82 passengers and 6 crew members. None of them managed to survive.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin expressed condolences to the families and friends of the victims. “The government commission will make every effort to investigate the circumstances of the plane crash and provide assistance to the families of the victims,” Putin emphasized.

Numerous condolences come to Russia from abroad. In particular, during telephone conversations with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, words of sympathy and support were conveyed by the Presidents of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, Armenia Serzh Sargsyan and Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, Chinese President Hu Jintao, the official representative of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, the head of the Estonian Foreign Ministry and other world leaders, public and religious figures.

The Governor of the Perm Territory Oleg Chirkunov instructed the Ministry of Finance of the region to allocate from the reserve fund of the regional government to the ministry social development 8.8 million rubles to provide financial assistance to the closest relatives and families of those killed in the plane crash. “The amount of payment for each deceased will be 100 thousand rubles,” said RIA Novosti’s interlocutor.

Relatives of those killed in the plane crash will be paid compensation of 12 thousand rubles (12 minimum wages) and, in accordance with the 2008 amendments to the Air Code, Aeroflot will pay another compensation - up to 2 million rubles for each person killed in the crash.

A street in Grozny will be named after one of the passengers, Colonel General Gennady Troshev, said Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov.

The former commander of the North Caucasus Military District, Hero of Russia, Colonel General Gennady Troshev was heading to the city of Krasnokamsk for a sambo tournament: Troshev was a member of the board of trustees of the Federation of this type of wrestling. According to media reports, the general, at the request of the Federation, interrupted his vacation in order to be in time for the opening of the tournament in memory of Vasily Shvai. Besides, Perm region- his father's homeland.

General Troshev was perhaps the most famous military man in Russia. He was one of the commanders Russian army in both Chechen campaigns, he rose to the rank of general, commanded a district, liberated his native Grozny from militants, became the main Cossack of the country and more than once came face to face with death.

Troshev Gennady Nikolaevich was born on March 14, 1947 in Berlin. He spent his childhood in Germany, then moved to Moscow, where he entered the Institute of Land Management Engineers. Despite the admonitions and prohibitions of his father, who punished his son “so that you don’t set foot in the army!”, Troshev submitted a report with a request to enroll him in the Kazan Tank School. In 1976 he graduated from the Military Academy of Armored Forces, and in 1988 from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces.

Troshev served in various positions in the tank forces. He was the commander of the 10th Ural-Lvov volunteer tank division in Germany, and then from 1994 to 1995 - commander of the 42nd Army Corps of the North Caucasus Military District (SKVO). In 1995, he took command of the 58th Army of the North Caucasus Military District, and also commanded the Joint Group of Forces of the Ministry of Defense in Chechnya during the first Chechen War. It was he who developed and carried out the operation to block and destroy gangs in the villages of Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi and liberate the Novolaksky district of Dagestan during the operation to clear the Kadar zone from militants.

In July 1997, Troshev took the post of deputy commander of the North Caucasus Military District; two years later - in August 1999 - he headed the group of federal forces in Dagestan, and in 2000 - the United group of federal forces in the North Caucasus.

From May 2000 to December 2002, Troshev was commander of the troops of the North Caucasus Military District. In February 2003, he was appointed Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation for coordinating the activities of the offices of the Presidential Plenipotentiary Representatives in federal districts to provide methodological guidance to the activities of Cossack societies included in the state register of Cossack societies in the Russian Federation. On March 30, 2004, after the reorganization of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, he was again confirmed as a presidential adviser.

Troshev was also co-chairman of the Board of Trustees National Trust « Public acceptance", Independent organization " Civil society"and the National Civil Committee for interaction with law enforcement, legislative and judicial bodies.

Gennady Troshev was awarded the title of Hero of Russia (1999) for the anti-terrorist operation in Dagestan and Chechnya; awarded the orders: “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR”, III degree (1990), Friendship of Peoples (1994), “For Military Merit” (1995), “Peter the Great. For strengthening the Russian state" (2003). Recipient of the Golden Badge of Honor “Public Recognition” (1999) and the badge of honor “Golden Shield of the Economy” (2004). In 2001 he was awarded the highest award of the Foundation international awards- Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker "For increasing goodness on Earth"; laureate of the awards. A.V. Suvorov (2000), named after. G.K. Zhukov - for his outstanding contribution to the development and strengthening of the defense capability of the Russian Federation (2002).

As Troshev’s relatives and colleagues noted, he deserved every award: all the years spent in the Chechen Republic, Troshev tried to deal with conflicts in the region peacefully - by negotiating with the population.

According to Gennady Alekhin, Troshev’s former press secretary, already in September the Colonel General planned to begin new job. “Literally two weeks ago we talked to him on the phone, and he said: “I’ll still be useful, now I’ll rest a little, and in September I’ll start some new work.” He didn’t say what kind of work it would be, he only said , which “most likely in government agencies,” clarified Gennady Alekhin. He emphasized that Troshev “was surprisingly energetic, not at all like a pensioner.”

In addition, he noted, journalists treated Troshev very well: “It’s not for nothing that he was called “the best newsmaker” in the journalistic community, especially on the events in the Caucasus - on the first and second Chechen campaigns. He, as they say, had authority among journalists because he always told the truth, even if it was unpleasant. His books also testify to this." Gennady Alekhin recalled that Troshev’s last book, “The Chechen Breakdown,” was published in March of this year (the first two were “My War” and “The Chechen Relapse”). “There was no talk about the next book. He said: “time will tell - maybe I’ll write something else,” he said.

The material was prepared by the editors of based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources
